Greenpa – “obfuscation tool for the Owners” – perfect description! Just exactly what psychopaths like: make things confusing so you can’t understand what their skim is. Obfuscate comes from a Latin word, meaning “to darken, to make dark”.
Liked what another fellow had to say re Snowden’s revelations:
“When the world’s panicked potentates and powermongers squeal that people like Snowden make it more difficult for them to “protect” us, what they really mean is that people like Snowden unlock and open the doors of the cages we’re kept in.
The politicians aren’t afraid of bad actors getting in. They’re afraid of us getting out. Worse, they’re afraid that while we’re out, we’ll realize we never needed them. They fear that the final shred of the emperor’s clothes — the notion that the state is a “necessary evil” — will fall away, revealing them to us in all their nakedness as the unnecessary evil they’ve always been. And that fear is fully justified.”
Edward Snowden and the Great Removal
Cowards always flee, which is exactly what they’ll do when things start to really unravel. All of a sudden the mouthpiece economists who have been touting the elite line will find Jesus real fast.
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