Debt Rattle July 22 2021


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    Ilargi: “What DO the vaccines do?” The vital Q!

    They might create COV19 positives, Idk, in any case it will be extraordinarily difficult, or impossible, to find out, as data is not being gathered properly, so, no even crude, inspired, off-the-cuff, judgment is possible.

    Where is the autopsy data? Missing as well!

    (link 1 > one doc lamenting that.)

    Interesting: typing > goog any query with ‘covid’ > returns at top their mini Q-and-A, 1st line is:

    Will I test positive after Covid vaccine?


    Getting vaccinated won’t make you show up as positive on PCR tests. That’s because these tests look for copies of the genetic material of the virus as an indication that you have been infected.

    (huh ???)


    What is *actually* being injected, what is the specific content? I saw one report of a ‘saline solution mistake’ (link 2.)

    Nobody has nicked some vials and sent them off to a lab, afaik.

    Surely the likes of Dr. Yeadon or Dr. McCullough could make that happen somehow, but they… haven’t done that?

    Move sure to be condemned …. they are brave souls but not that brave.

    Rogue actors, for ex. a person posted by Swiss Civil Service to jab at one of the Centers (I know one of these guys) – can’t do it because the whole med-pharma-lab industry is controlled from the top down in a very detailed, rigorous, fashion. No lab will accept a request from Mr. X, a private person re. covid. (where I live.)

    Those dying post-vaccine: Where are the autopsies?


    Ivermectin. It’s as Aussie as Vegemite
    The path out of the pandemic is under our noses

    Ivermectin. It’s as Aussie as Vegemite

    Mr. House

    Our Platform


    Dr. D

    Pretty sure a big number are getting saline. Unf, it seems a big number are getting all variety of random things. No data to confirm or pattern it.

    Yes, “We don’t have an economic problem, we have a political will problem” –Foss
    “You can’t solve a spiritual problem with a political solution” (Rick Wiles, maybe?)

    Same as Tytler:

    That is, the only way out of your mess and bondage is Faith. Because as we see everywhere, NO ONE will do their jobs because they only fear the material and not God, have no spirit, eternal life, or fear of the afterlife. It’s ONLY when they dismiss this life and don’t care if they live or die they will have the strength to do what is normal, average, and good here, and do their jobs. That’s why the Black Hats fear it and hate God above all things.

    So although my duty is to see the truth, tell it, and keep my ship afloat, (so that I can keep lifeboat rations going that “Idiocracy” has dumped overboard while swimming drunk), really and of course the real purpose of life is a Spirit in a Material world. And this one’s so poor I don’t know why anyone would prefer it to an afterlife unless they were hard-core atheists. I mean, has nobody BEEN to the Spirit World, any psychonauting at ALL? Unless you’re dropping Scopolamine you’d be hard pressed to find ANY place in the 2nd sight worse than EVERY place in the 1st sight. I mean, unless you’re MacKenzie Scott. And supposedly that’s a far cry from heaven. No wonder in places as bad as Rome they might prefer to be burned alive than live under Nero. I know the urge.

    But that’s the FIRST thing you must have — not to make a Utopia — but to make things simply “not-bad”.

    Who tried? Like Poet, I tried every day of my life so far. No uptake. None. Starting with AIM, Wounded Knee (’76), Carter, Kissinger (need I say more), the obviousness of Reagan and Grenada, Panama, Papa CIA’s drug-running, Contras, EarthFirst/Greenpeace, nuclear, monetary, bombing serbs and aspirin factories, Giant Sucking sound, killin’ a million Iraqi children and worth it, burning Christian kids alive in Texas, passing a CLEAR duplicate of Reichstag Fire Decree, attacking ourselves, starting a World War we could never win, doubling down on SUVs-for-Jesus, Most-Wall-St.-Donated 1 month Senator as the most accommodating Wall St President, and onward!

    And through it all, Church says Bombs-fur-Jesus! It’s not IF Jesus would bomb Baghdad, but how much! No sin, no strength, no sacrifice, no magic.

    And through it all, what are all New-Age, Wiccan, gay-love friends? Oh peace! Never fight! Everyone is perfectly good! If every leader since Korea says bomb brown people, surely they must be good and have their reasons! Just this ONE time, it’s not IF you should bomb all nations world wide, but because we care, it’s how much! …And bomb all Christians too. Since “Spanish Inquisition” and a priest dun wrong generations before I was born, although I’ve never been to church and can’t name any. No strength, no sacrifice, no magic. And no responsibility anywhere or work, just blame. Sigh. I don’t think that’s “The Secret,” the “Law of Attraction,” Ms. Shirley McLoon.

    Love n’ Light n’ Beautiful Bombs, children.

    The Greenies say? “No, not today, I can’t change n’ plant a tree until EVERYBODY ELSE does. …Does whatever I tell them to.” No strength, no sacrifice, no sense.

    The Conservatives say? “Now’s not a good time for law, order, budgets, investigations, releases, whistleblowers, freedom, or peace.” No strength, no sacrifice, no tactics.

    “Mr. Gingrich, exactly how big a majority do we need to have before we can enact the things the voters sent us here for?” – Congress, 1994 (And 2010, actually)

    And the people say? “Go away, I’m busy getting poor.” …Well you’re going to be a lot MORE poor, right quick, if you don’t listen to me about government, oligarchs, law, banking, housing, pensions, and stocks. Proved regularly, then torrentially in ’01 and ’08. Zip. De nada.

    …Yeah, it’s been a long, lonely time. But really it’s all about Spirit, religion, belief. They don’t believe a durn thing, that’s why they behave as hypocrites: it merely means their minds are not synced to their actions, “mind” being a tiny film on top of what we humans do/are. Bernays can Coke/Koch are running their emotional lizard-brains underneath. But therefore they have no “Integrity,” integration. And therefore they are not whole, but broken. But working with any part other than that grease-film of your mind is a religious, spiritual activity. Therefore pointless and verboten, channeled into any activity that’s proven not to work.

    So could you say my life has been a miserable failure? Every attempt brushed aside? All efforts wasted? Every fixed house smashed again, every tree turned to toothpicks, every garden paved? Should have just admitted it and stock-traded a fat condo like so many? Winning or losing is not in our power. As someone once said, “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” “So do I. And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” JRR

    Do we do the selfish right, only for ourselves? Or are we part of a whole, where all we do must be considered in the good of the others, the land, the animals? And not just today, but for the future? That tree we’ll never sit under, that child we’ll never meet. And that’s it: are we broken and small, or have integrity and attachment to the Great Source?

    You won’t solve this politically. The change has to come from within each man, and that means spiritually. It is impossible for that to sink into humans without hardship. …So here we are. The train arrives on time again. God’s time, and God’s train. Or the cycles of I Ching and the flow of the Tao if you wish.

    What am I supposed to do? Smash the houses, shoot every buffalo, and pave the gardens myself because (everybody) else will, given the chance? Smash and pave them, the smashers instead? I don’t think so. I guess that’s why it’s important WE’RE the focus. Not “them” somewhere. Don’t look to them, they only get away with what we allow. Allow in ourselves. That’s their secret weapon on us; but it could be OUR secret weapon on THEM.

    What’s to fear? Life is short enough; it will all be over soon anyway. Day, if they don’t want y’all, take a little holiday and help books elsewhere. Same all over ‘cuz we’re going there anyway. All local, all unpaid, all part-time. Beat the rush.


    I’m getting booted off TAE as a commenter and have to keep logging in. Getting blocked as a “spammer”, as well. Probably blabbing too often here.

    No-one’s getting booted or blocked. While quite a few perhaps could blab a bit less.


    Ivermectin. It’s as Aussie as Vegemite
    The path out of the pandemic is under our noses

    Paywall?! I never link to those.

    Mister Roboto

    Unless you’re dropping Scopolamine you’d be hard pressed to find ANY place in the 2nd sight worse than EVERY place in the 1st sight.

    Well, the Lower Astral Plane is reported to be a consistently nasty place.


    Notice the ‘Five Eyes” countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, are Batshit Full-facist Cognitive Dissonance (BFCD)

    Is this a ‘feature’ or merely serendipity?

    Is there something about English speaking countries that lends itself to brain damage?

    Did Orwell and Huxley with their totalitarian blueprint novels give the English speaking countries a leg up on sophisticated psyop propaganda?

    I mean even Goebbels worshiped the English speaking Bernays.

    Instead of Béarnaise sauce, modern propaganda should be called Bernays sauce.

    The secret sauce of the subliminal modern mindfuck.

    Mr. House

    Also interesting

    madamski cafone

    “I’m not naturally funny, though working on a quip along the lines of “The people who brought you Iraqi WMDs want you to trust the people who brought you the opioid epidemic.” Any thoughts on that ‘joke’ or any others in a similar spirit you have?”

    Great premise/punchline. Sterling, imo.

    “Didn’t have a problem posting on TAE until today so … ??”

    Berfore indluging paranoia, I recommend comsidering that the internet in general is now heavily overworked by general traffic while being tasked to do increasing surveillance while trying to sell 1000 ads per website visit while running on increasingly slim profit margins while being made of Swiss cheese in terms of security from hackers and crackers.

    “His comment today was in response to a comment I made yesterday in response to his comment yesterday criticizing everyone for doing nothing to stop any of this. Just to clarify.”

    I know. And he did paint with a wide brush… but he did so on a very broad canvas. I felt it was apt. He’s tired, discouraged, and earned the right to gripe.


    I’m not feeling the tense depression y’alls describe, maybe because my relatonship with normative culture has been like this since age 18. I’ve felt like a dog without a leash loose in downtown keeping an eye out fopr the dog-catcher since I realized that sanity is highly illegal in our culture. Oh, it’s a drag, and I’m reveling in the maskless freeedom, and don’t have to report to a job, but I think it’s also because I have no belief, not one iota, that I can do anything to stop the tide.

    When the river rises, you don’t try to stop the river. You try to behave as lovingly and wisely as possible because for all you know you may be underwater in a few hours. It may be easy for me to say that as someone with few years left, but I have kids albeit grown, one with kids of his own… and I’ve been watching this tsunami cross the ocean from afar since I was young but moreso since 1999 when I climbed aboard the internet, used its amazing research abilities and soon learned that our basic paradigm was beyond help, that we’d dop nothing about fossil fuel depletion or climate disruption or Darwinian creation of super-micropbes and super-insects and on and on and on and on and on….

    It is what it is, and the first thing people want from me is what is so olften hard to find: a real live burning smile and a display of joie de vrie. As John said, a “Tet offensive” will happen. The dominoes already stacked to tumble over and just need the right catalyst, which will surely arrive: “you can’t fool all the people all of the time”. (BTW, speaking of Abe the Tyrant, I think he deserves some benefit of doubt: the man got murdered. He had one helluva bully pulpit at the time of his assassination, and might well have handled Reconstruction with sufficient aplomb for us to not live in such an ambiguously, therefore irresolvable, apartheid state.)

    I was out this AM for a car factory recall service.

    The tech laughed when I said he looked funny without a mask and said I did too. The coffee machine served coffee again. The hand sanitizer was blissfully out of hand sanitizer, praise Zeusquali and the heavenly mafia. Walking outside to kill time and keep my bones from seizing up, some youngblood walked around with a mask on… but with dicknose. As if he liked wearing a mask so long as he could breathe.

    Very few masks, period.

    Tet offensive systempunkt? Professionals like John and his wife saying, NO. Das Kovid kulturkampf is mostly employed and pressured through the traditional means: access to money. (Remember when pee tests for drug use weren’t mandatory? Forcing many happy potheads with depression issues to switch to alcohol, the worst drug on the plaenet outside tobacco?) It takes teachers and nurses and anyone hard to replace telling their workplace they will no longer comply. Labor Unionism 101. Saul Lewinsky can tell you how it’s done.

    I sold things on the phone ages ago. The trick to it all was attitude more than technique. The trick was what a mentor/employer called the ‘courage of conviction’. Display your courage of conviction, firmly, not angrily (let THEM get angry and then ask them to calm down and be civil; let THEM embarrass themselves and act like the shrieking unreasonable person they are being); and watch them start nodding in acquiescence. People with no firm opinion of their own fold when confronted with the real thing.

    Face to face is still orders of magnitude more powerful than media… but everyonbe’s terrified to use it.

    Stand up on your hind legs and bark like a real dog, ok? There is no substitute for adamant determination — ask the Buddha if you don’t believe me.

    But it requires risk, that thing forbidden in today’s off-the-shelf lifestyle-by-indoctrination. You might get fired. Probably not. But if so, you’ll probably get hired back with compensatory bonus once your attorney is through with them 6 months from now.

    Lead, don’t follow. Don’t waste time “opposing”, that gets you judoed over society’s shoulder. TPTB LOVE opposition per that famous Gandhi dictum: “then they fight you, then they win.”

    Defiance is not opposition. It’s just doing what you intend to do, period. You may get in trouble, you may win and become a hero. You won’t know until you try. No guts, no glory. Same old, yadi ya, ho hum.

    And don’t forget to smile.

    madamski cafone

    “Pretty sure a big number are getting saline. Unf, it seems a big number are getting all variety of random things. No data to confirm or pattern it.”

    Makes sense. So long as the checks cash, Big Pharma’s happy.


    I’m sorry, Raul, I didn’t mean to imply you were doing the booting. Apologies!! Just having a problem today that I’ve not had in the past. Probably need to update my browser or something.

    TAE Summary

    * Votes you might wish you had made
    – Rose Perot in 1992
    – Ralph Nader in 2000
    – Ron Paul in 2012 (write in)
    – Jill Stein 2016

    * US Politics
    – Abe was a tyrant
    – Bernie was not Hillary, Donald was not Jeb
    – We need a people’s party
    – Spiritual problems can’t be solved with political solutions; The soul, not the class, must struggle
    – People need to wake up and smell the shit
    – Something wicked this way slouches toward Washington
    – Nukes and F15’s are now the foundational principles of America; The Democratic republic is dead; Now come the days of the King; May they be blessed

    * Bite first, remove corn husk later

    * There will be blood … laced with spike proteins

    * “Time to deal with the unvaxxed”; Give him a pass; It’s not him but the spike proteins in his balls that are talking.

    * The incel says “We must inject’em”
    “They hesitate, we don’t respect’em”
    He teases his fetish
    Projects his unmet wish
    A plectrum jabbed up his sweet rectum

    * Covid Daily
    – Spike protein antibodies inhibit natural antibodies
    – FDA approval will finally prove that the vaccines really are safe and effective
    – Many people have antibodies but don’t know it
    – Many existing drugs stop Covid
    – The jab doesn’t protect others or even the jabbee
    – Pfizer jab efficacy is decaying
    – One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for Ivemectin. I hold their hand and tell them “There, there. Shut up while I stick this hose down your wind pipe.”
    – Vakzinazis hide the origins of Covid
    – Most doctors prefer to treat only GMOs
    – No one knows what’s in the jab
    – Death-by-vaxx = No autopsy
    – The unvaxxed are the new lepers
    – The jab is from the same people who said Iraq had WMD’s and that opioids aren’t addictive
    – Covid is the Morning Star; The jab may blunt the spikes but the ball still packs a wallop
    Morning Star

    * Speaking English damages the brain; Hyper verbosity is a prolix fixation; Tune in, turn on, Blab less; Just smile and give’em a Vegemite sandwich

    * Ron Paul: Why have Covid vaccine deaths doubled in a week?
    Albert Bartlett: The greatest failing of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function

    madamski cafone

    “While quite a few perhaps could blab a bit less.”

    Could you be a bit more passive-aggressive? asked madamski, passive-aggressively.

    madamski cafone

    “The incel says “We must inject’em”
    “They hesitate, we don’t respect’em”
    He teases his fetish
    Projects his unmet wish
    A plectrum jabbed up his sweet rectum”

    I hopefully anticipate a rousing sea chantey next.

    madamski cafone

    “He might have answered your question in that long bit he added to the previous comment-thread just now. Not always easy to parse out what he’s trying to say.”

    Poor form. It’s like how TPTB hide the truth: they cover it with a swarm of reportage. Oh well. He owes me nothing.

    Dr. D

    Test run! 33,000 websites down. …But only Amazon, FedEx, Capital One…nobody important.

    Now whooda knood?


    I want to reach out to all at TAE, and thank Raul Ilargi and the Comment Crew for all of the great links and analysis that you have posted over the years.

    I’ve followed TAE since back when it was ToD Canada, and along with a handful of other blogs, it has been a major influence on my thinking over the last decade and more. I want to let you know what your work has meant to me, as I expect the lights to start going out across the accidental commons that is the open Internet over the coming months and years.

    When the morning comes that I launch TAE and get a 404, it will be too late to let you all know. (And too late to donate, which I have now done, insofar as I can.)

    Wishing you all the best – While I hope that ‘404 day’ never arrives, if it does I want you to know that you were heard, and that I and many others have appreciated and reflected on your words.

    madamski cafone

    For once, I’d say this was either Russian work or someone trying to make it look like Russian work. I say Russian. Trying to do all it can to keep the idjut men and women, wearing USA FLAG Depends and pretending to run the country like kids wearing towel-capes to be superheroes, from trying to start a real shooting war. Putin has no interest in wiping out 100 million people, but will if forced to.


    madamski cafone

    When I first learned there were such things as ‘voluntary incels’, and that they bragged about it albeit via self-pity, I “knew” that things were hopeless.

    Mister Roboto

    I also have a certain ability to socially shut out the noise of society. It’s shutting it out on the astral level in the past five years that I seem to be having difficulty with.


    Wishing you all the best – While I hope that ‘404 day’ never arrives, if it does I want you to know that you were heard, and that I and many others have appreciated and reflected on your words.

    Thanks Dan.


    The msm are reporting joe had a townhall meeting yesterday. Per CNN it was of course a roaring success, not-with-standing joe’s brain farts. Their not even trying to hide this anymore!

    Then someone posted a picture of joe’s townhall meeting from the back! Looks like only the front 3 rows are occupied! Likely just DNC staffers. No Joe Public! Looks a lot like hillary’s big non-crowds! You know where they only show hillary to hide the fact that there was no crowd at all!


    I can’t help but stare at those eyebrows on that tik tok vid. Could they possibly be real?


    It looks like the dems have something to hide! The orgins of covid! They just defeated a bill to reveal covid’s orgins. China joe hard at work! Actually it is Obama they are protecting, not the Chinese!

    Maxwell Quest

    Been too busy to write lately, but still find time to read a few articles, view a Vid or two, and read the comments. Anything I could possibly add is already being echoed by another. Having said that, I’ll go on to negate it…

    “Who tried? Like Poet, I tried every day of my life so far. No uptake. None.” – Dr. D

    This is despair talking, and who hasn’t felt it’s gloom now and then. Dr. D does not seem to be the type to hide his candle under a bushel; therefore, his light shines on all that come within his orbit, which is job one. Otherwise, our complaining would be like the authoritarians, because others won’t bend to our will or accept our teaching.

    Mixing metaphors now, the ripples each human life sends out are so numerous they cannot be counted, and they go out whether we see them or not, whether we intend them to or not. The ‘uptake’ is there, whether good or bad. During the life review, which arrives immediately after our transition, we will be shown every influence our life has produced, including its second and third order effects: how just one act of kindness cheered a man, who decided to say something nice to his wife, who found the courage to give up smoking, which made the children so happy that they pet the dog whose tail then wagged in delight.

    Don’t despair. The knowledge of life we accuse others of being blind to is not easily won. It is not free, but must be purchased. The price is high. Mythology is full of this teaching. The Golden Fleece is not given to any unworthy slob who just stumbles upon it. It is the result of an epic journey in which every challenge and obstacle must be vanquished before the prize is won. So, do your duty, follow your path, follow truth, always be kind to those less fortunate than yourself. And if they are teachable, but not yet ready for Calculus, teach them addition instead.

    Mister Roboto

    Words of truth, Maxwell quest.

    Mixing metaphors now, the ripples each human life sends out are so numerous they cannot be counted, and they go out whether we see them or not, whether we intend them to or not.

    That’s why I think and feel that it’s important to pray every day. Because even if my everyday actions aren’t “much of a much”, at least I’m making an effort to broadcast out some “good vibes”.

    Mister Roboto

    those darned kids

    “Jenny, my humanity-compass, my wife, has been feeling tremendously pressured and torn. It’s not that she doesn’t see the power dynamics and the stakes.”

    i actually thought of copying and pasting your entire post, just changing the names and details.

    may peace be upon us all.


    Will of Love = LOVE

    How to LOVE in Weaverville, CA where everything around me – the conifer forests, trees, manzanita, animals, rivers/streams/lakes, are drying and dying due to extreme relentless heat and zero rain? How not to see it, feel it – as it is in my face on every morning hike/walk, drive into town, throughout Trinity County. Fuck my polarized glasses as they clearly reveal which trees are the next victims to lay over. Today a dead deer, fox, and skunk all crushed to death on the road in a desperate attempt to get at water. At times it feels unreal because it is so real.

    Am I just gonna stop walking and living because I can’t stand to be in the world facing the destruction? Is it possible to honor my anguish, fear, and sadness yet choose not to live in it??? To be in this world and not of it?

    The only Way is LOVE.

    Whatever I am doing, I do it with LOVE.
    Whatever I am thinking/saying, I think/say it with LOVE.
    Whatever I am feeling, I feel LOVE.

    There is great LOVE in the effort to LOVE.

    madamski cafone

    “Mixing metaphors now, the ripples each human life sends out are so numerous they cannot be counted, and they go out whether we see them or not, whether we intend them to or not. The ‘uptake’ is there, whether good or bad. During the life review, which arrives immediately after our transition, we will be shown every influence our life has produced, including its second and third order effects: how just one act of kindness cheered a man, who decided to say something nice to his wife, who found the courage to give up smoking, which made the children so happy that they pet the dog whose tail then wagged in delight.”


    madamski cafone

    Wow. Try listening with Closed Captions on. The bots have no clue either:

    The reason what said this not sense make

    madamski cafone

    We mentioned satire earlier.

    The news killed satire.

    madamski cafone

    911 was an inside job, right? SO, methinks, is the controlled demolition of Biden by hios handlers:

    CNN: Fact check: Biden makes false claims about Covid-19, auto prices and other subjects at CNN town hall

    There’s also an element of damage control in this, but damage control while achieving complete destruction is the essence of controlled demolition, right?



    Om Tat Sat

    madamski cafone

    “Today a dead deer, fox, and skunk all crushed to death on the road in a desperate attempt to get at water. At times it feels unreal because it is so real.”

    This obscure music is my personal threnody for the nonhuman victims of our time:

    Owl Blindness

    Mister Roboto

    Probably no country in the developed world is being more hammered by the dreaded Delta Variant than the UK. So I looked at three separate graphs provided by Google and The New York Times for Covid new cases, deaths, and hospitalizations. The interesting thing about the graph is that you can compare what is happening now with the Delta Variant surge with what happened last autumn/ winter with the Alpha Variant that came to be known as the “British Variant” at the time.

    With the previous Alpha Variant surge, new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, all went up very dramatically. With the current Delta Variant surge, new cases are now up just as high as they were back around New Years Day, but deaths are very dramatically not up at all, and hospitalizations are up only a little bit, and ICU admissions, which this graph also tracks, are only up just the teeniest, tiniest tich. So it appears that perhaps the Delta Variant might turn out to give the people infected with it an immunity to Covid without them having to pay a terrible price in suffering in the hospital for it. Though I have no doubt the fear-porn in the UK media is currently being ratcheted past 10 all the way up to 12 right now!


    There’s this, which I thought very interesting, concerning weather manipulation.

    I grow much quieter every day-
    Such vicious things are being said.
    But now I’ll answer back and say:
    Some must survive to bury the dead.

    I would say I have experienced near heaven on earth too often to count. Then again, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. I’m a nature kid.
    Eternal life bothers me. No matter how nice something might be, going on forever sounds horrible.


    Suggestion for the name of uberlords: The Humorless.

    madamski cafone

    “I grow much quieter every day-
    Such vicious things are being said.
    But now I’ll answer back and say:
    Some must survive to bury the dead.”

    You and Emily Dickinson. Bravo.

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