Debt Rattle May 12 2017


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    Robert Doisneau Le Baiser Blotto, Paris 1953   • Human Beings Are Not Efficiency Seeking Machines (Radford) • Stockman: Trump’s Tax Plan Never Ha
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 12 2017]


    If and it is a very big If, Russia did interfere with the US election so what? The US intereferes in every bodies elections and has always done so. It did in the latest French election. It did in Ukraine. It did in Brexit. All countries do. I remember the Guardian, some years ago, telling its readers to write to people, anybody, in the US, telling them who they should vote for. Trump is not a nice person but I am not sure he is the ‘bad guy’ everybody says he is. He is just a fool. Unfortunately though a fool that can activate the nuclear button. A US President has very little power. It is important that he wears a bespoke suit but in reality he is just there to distract the people from what is really happening. It has always been so.

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