Debt Rattle November 26 2017


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    Gallica Great Paris Flood 1910   • The World’s Twin Asset Bubbles Could Collapse Under Their Own Weight (Filia) • Atlas Stumbles – Inequality And
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 26 2017]

    V. Arnold

    There will be women who read this who will object to my stance. They will say, “She doesn’t need a man to feel safe or validated or content,” but I would disagree. When she gets older she’ll need a good man, not just any man, and that’s as true today as much as it was ten years, twenty years, fifty years, one hundred years and even one thousand years ago. And it will become even more so as time goes on. Indeed, we have reached peak denial in our civilization and whether we like it or not reality is about to make a come back. The freedom that we have enjoyed in the west and the modern democracies that have sprung forth from our evolving and enlightened philosophies over the past few hundred years are not a given. Granted, they are preferable outcomes given our natural state but politically speaking they are an anomaly in the history of mankind and not the norm.

    Men and women in the U.S. are lost, confused, bewildered, and clueless regarding male/female relationships. The entire nature of that interaction has been poisoned by political correctness, and politics coming from both sides; twisted politics I might add.
    U.S. society is so sick; the entire population (with exceptions) is neurotic as hell.
    A veritable looney bin run by the inmates…
    Rant over… 😉

    V. Arnold

    To be clear: I think Marion has it exactly correct; good on him!


    tidbit from Twitter:

    #OnThisDay in 1942 the film #Casablanca premiered – Warner Brothers later threatened to sue the Marx Brothers for calling their 1948 film ‘A Night in Casablanca’, until Groucho replied that they’d sue Warner Brothers for stealing ‘Brothers’ from the Marx Brothers. Case closed.


    Also from Twitter:

    “Gender-based insults will be punishable by law. Offenders will face a deterrent fine.”

    –French President Macron

    I think he’s a pussy. And a dick.

    V. Arnold

    –French President Macron

    I think he’s a pussy. And a dick.

    LOL! Yeah! Right fucking on!
    The western political class is just pathetic; hopeless wimps, and done…………….


    For better or for worse, our languages are so loaded with words and terms that MIGHT or CAN be construed as gender-based insults, we’d all run the risk of ‘deterrent fines’. Brainless.


    “Gender-based insults will be punishable by law. Offenders will face a deterrent fine.”

    –French President Macron

    That is really funny. The worst insult that one can cast against a woman in France is “frustrée”

    I guess that insult is unisex – except that it isn’t 🙂

    Dr. D

    “At its root democracy is quite simple. It is the exercise of political power by the majority over the minority.”

    This is why the Founding Fathers feared and despised Democracy. Nor is this hyperbole: most of the Federalist Papers were dedicated to assuring the public that the new United States would be a Republic, NOT a Democracy. At all. Why? Because as the quote above shows, a perfect Democracy is where the 51% can oppress the 49% without limit and without end. A true Democracy? Revolutionary France. Do you like this man? No? Does the crowd here today say off with his head? Yes? Evidence? We don’t need evidence: the will of the people be done. And btw we’ll divide up his palatial estate or his cobbler shop among ourselves on the same premise, and if his daughter ends up in our hands, that’s the way things go.

    No. No. No. We are not a Democracy. We never want any Democracies anywhere on earth. We want the rule of Law, not of men, and if the Burning Platform can’t tell the difference, they need to sharpen their language skills.

    A Constitutional Republic, as ours is supposed to be, is where the rule of LAW is sacrosanct, and is designed specifically and especially to protect the rights of the MINORITY, believe it or not. You cannot harass the minority (4th Amendment), you cannot suppress the beliefs of the minority (1st Amendment), you cannot silence the minority (1st Amendment), corral them into ghettoes (1st Amendment), interfere in their business (Art. 1 Sec. 10) or steal their property (5th Amendment). Should any attempt be made, they have the right and the means to defend themselves by force (2nd Amendment).

    Not that anyone follows the Constitution anymore, or didn’t immediately bend it to their desires (Adams Administration) but this is the goal we are trying to uphold and NOT a rule of the 51%. Why? Our turn toward “Democracy” both in word and belief is the core reason for the shattering of U.S. political life today. Why? If Hillary gets in, a group of people believe she will trample the lives of the 40% Conservatives. And naturally, if Trump gets in, a different group believes he will trample the rights of the 40% of Progressives (20% or more don’t care either way). But how is it that ANY leader or contingent got the authority to trample ANY group? Oh right: that’s Democracy. AND the total erosion of Separation of Powers, due to a 230-year centralization and power grab. True Democracy is Facebook. It’s Twitter. It’s today’s news, having your life destroyed in seconds in the court of public opinion with no due process and no appeal.

    But that’s the theory. Please, let us all stop today and reflect on the meaning and deadly peril of true Democracy as our forefathers did. They mapped it out: we don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

    V. Arnold

    Dr. D
    They mapped it out: we don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
    Indeed they did.
    We’re far from the roots; never I fear, to return.
    Nice post Dr. D and well said.


    A Constitutional Republic, as ours is supposed to be, is where the rule of LAW is sacrosanct, and is designed specifically and especially to protect the rights of the MINORITY, believe it or not. You cannot harass the minority (4th Amendment), you cannot suppress the beliefs of the minority (1st Amendment), you cannot silence the minority (1st Amendment), corral them into ghettoes (1st Amendment), interfere in their business (Art. 1 Sec. 10) or steal their property (5th Amendment). Should any attempt be made, they have the right and the means to defend themselves by force (2nd Amendment).

    The diametric opposite of what we have in America now: a system top-packed with a distinct minority that imposes its will upon the majority with corruption and anti-Logos that usurps the national wealth and power for purposes that are not in our best interests. Like minorities in the past that have hubristically overstepped their bounds, this one will end up either metaphorically or physically with their heads on pikes. And, it should go without saying, most of the relevant “minority”, together with the majority, are being mercilessly used by the sociopaths at the top of the power pyramid as pawns. Many innocents will be be caught up in the great restructuring. Such is the ebb and flow of human civilizations. This time is not different. The US has been turned into a gigantic ghetto in which the rabbinical ilk have been supplanted with dishonest media, educational systems, politicians and judiciary. Such a mess.

    V. Arnold

    A poster on another thread called it exactly; the U.S. is a kakistocracy; led by the least competent and most corrupt.
    Fits to a T…

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