Debt Rattle October 20 2022
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- This topic has 68 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago by
October 20, 2022 at 8:25 am #118884
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPaul Gauguin Schooner and three masters 1886 • American Advisor To Ukraine’s Military Reveals War Goals (RT) • Ukraine Tries To Capture Zaporoz
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 20 2022]October 20, 2022 at 8:29 am #118885Germ
ParticipantFor anybody wanting to see the names and faces of these fucking criminals.
JUST IN – CDC panel unanimously votes to add COVID-19 mRNA shots to the recommended childhood vaccine schedule in the United
— (@disclosetv) October 19, 2022
Notice the MORONS wearing a mask on a zoom call!
October 20, 2022 at 9:07 am #118886Germ
ParticipantVAIDS !!
“COVID Rates Back Above 20% in Parts of Manhattan as Virus Rebounds”
Calling Geert …. !!!
October 20, 2022 at 9:12 am #118887Germ
ParticipantSince Dr John Campbell woke up, he’s been quite on fire.
He ridicules the public health authorities masterfully.
If it weren’t so tragic it would be laughable.Read the comment section !!!
October 20, 2022 at 9:25 am #118888V. Arnold
ParticipantThe wildlife videos were wonderful; thanks for that…
October 20, 2022 at 10:34 am #118890That Bloke
ParticipantUrsula does Ingsoc better than Orwell.
“We have increased the savings. And it is good, we achieved in September a reduction of 15 percent. We have filled our storages up to 92 percent. We did not give in to this blackmail. We made it. And I think we can be proud of that. We resisted. That is important.”
– Ursula von der Lügen, 2022“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”
– George Orwell, 1984October 20, 2022 at 11:42 am #118891Dr. D
Participant“President Biden Pledges to ‘Codify Roe’ with Bill that Goes Far beyond Roe”
51st year in a row! Yes, we care so, so much. Wake me when they do anything, or was 18,000 days not enough?
“Moderna CEO Admits COVID Is Like Seasonal Flu, only Vulnerable Need Jabs”
1) That’s why Biden said “the pandemic is over.”
2) That’s why Biden re-signed the emergency powers Covid Act.
3) All things and their opposites are true.“How an Illiquid Dollar Ruins the World”
If you follow Luongo’s theory this headline is interesting. Not headline but the next list, why,
““As Egon von Greyerz and I have said many times, the first overt signs of this danger in the cash-poor (i.e., illiquid) market reared its ‘repo head’ in September of 2019.
This [repo illiquidity] was a neon-flashing signal of long-term trouble ahead. And it had nothing to do with COVID…
Informed investors in the autumn of 2019 had sifted through all the confusing minutia and noise behind the September panic…”“Eurodollars have been floating around the world in greater force since the mid-1950s.”
That is, Europe found a loophole in the system to regain leverage over the US$ and thus US$ policy.
“But banks (and bankers) always come up with clever ways to make simple [and liquid] Eurodollar transactions complex [and illiquid], as they can easily hide all kinds of greed-satisfying and wealth-generating schemes behind such deliberate Eurodollar complexity.
Specifically, rather than foreign banks using U.S. Dollars overseas (i.e., Eurodollars) to make simple, direct loans to corporate borrowers that can be easily tracked and regulated on the asset and liability columns of offshore bank balance sheets, these same bankers have spent the last few decades getting more and more creative with the Eurodollar – which is to say, more and more toxic and out of control.”
The upshot is, if anything happens to the US, and the US Fed raises rates, the EuroDollar market breaks and causes a worldwide banking crash, forcing the Fed to reverse. Therefore, EUROPE can print and hide any amount of dollars they want and put it on the Fed’s “budget” – and they’re not even the Federal Government! And they make the Fed…and the United States…monetize it as if WE were the cause.
Ultimately, you can see, they can create EuroDollars and buy reckless (Democratic, Green, War) politicians and hammer our budget. THEN they can double-up on their own EuroDollar creation and create a “hidden” extra trillion or three and drive the de facto debt weight to 250% of US GDP. US dollar CRASH! Euro – which has mechanisms to be backed by gold – replaces the US$. Europe becomes the center of the world and regains all their lost colonies…INCLUDING the United States. …Which they have for quite a while as you see. Britain rigged the 2016 election with the Steele interference, then wrecked most of the US Presidency afterwards.
Okay, going the other way, what happens if the US$ and US Policy cuts loose the EU and Eurodollar system? Kills the LIBOR peg?
Yeah, exactly what’s happened since January 2021.
Now this Swiss guy is complaining US$ market is “illiquid”. WTF? The U.S. is the reserve currency, most accepted, with enormous debt increasing by millions per second. You couldn’t possibly BE more liquid by any definition. …But not in Europe. Because his “Dollar” illiquid is “EURO Dollar” illiquid. Them. Who have no business using our national currency, in a way. So, Europe, don’t like it? Use gold and the ruble. Problem solved. Oh, it’s because YOU created a multi-zillion trillion dollar market and it’s biting you now because you can’t print dollars?
Yeah, Euro-dollar illiquidity is “Poison” alright. It’s a poison that kills parasites, like all anti-parasite droughts are.
Last notes: Powell is saving Switzerland, sort of. But who is he not saving, that is not on his “Swap” bailout list? Santander. DeutscheBank. Any important bank in EU-Europe. THEY are going down. And we DID bail them out in ‘08 under The ‘Bernank, a Davos man. Powell’s saying “you’re a big nation and bank: bail yourself out.” Why should we dilute our currency by $10 Trillion for Europe…AGAIN? F’ it. We’ll just keep making “direct loans to corporate borrowers”…you know: the PURPOSE of banks?
“Ukraine has a nuke”
Just trying to innoculate the world against Davos’ next desperate crazy-maker. Not that they don’t. I’m sure they’ve already set it all up. But none of the power plant or chem attacks were believed either.
Harris literally clutching her pearls. Nice. Yes, big countries like say the U.S. should never invade smaller countries to the South of them, like Haiti. Not 5-10 times. That would be wrong.
“Microchip Implants to Store COVID-19 Passport Data”
Europe is still at it, and they might get it. You can see how well it’s all going in the U.S. though, with 5% uptake on the last booster. Americans: DGAF. Bless them.
“The US is aiming for forever war.”
As they are violently #AntiLogos, they are violently #AntiLogic. Tell me: how do you intend to have a “forever war” with Europe frozen, bankrupt, world markets collapsing, no guns, no planes, no bombs, no Ukrainians, and Russia killing 1,000 E. European mercenaries and day without breaking a sweat? That seems like a “Short war”.
Useless limp-wristed panty-waist Lindsay Graham already said they had to escalate and nuke Russia to NOT have a “forever war”. Ze demanded the same thing. Does anybody know what they’re doing? Jens said “If Russia wins, NATO loses” and collapses forever. That is, a war we and NATO are not parties to.
So it’s a Schrodinger’s War, we’re both in and out of, and it’s a “Longest-long/Shortest-short war” all at the same time. And you wonder why we all get exhausted and fed up with me posting “#AntiLogos” 5x a week. They are Insane. They have no Logic. There is no Truth in them. As lunatics and con men, what they say often sounds plausible, which is why you need a court of law to examine them. Or failing that, an open marketplace of ideas. Therefore #Truth is their only enemy, which would expose their flailing, unmoored psychosis. Just pay attention: they’ll tell you themselves how Insane they are. You don’t have to do a thing.
So after the Short/Long war we’re In/Not In, which we’re Winning/Losing, what happens next? Go on: explain it in great detail…
“We really need the Ukrainian Air Force to be restocked,” he continued.”
Among other #Insanity, we did this last month. To defeat – actually just to adequately challenge – Russia, Ukraine said quite accurately they need every Jet, every Tank, and every missile system in Europe. Today. Worse, they would need to be delivered on a different-gauge rail, with 100,000 men trained in NATO/West systems they have never seen. They need a couple 10,000 jet flight-hours for their pilots, and a few ten-million gallons of fuel. France and Germany just said they’re providing ZERO. The U.S. said they’d have 10 HIMARS in three YEARS.
Any questions?
“Ukraine Tries To Capture Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant (RT)”
Germany erased all their electric generation. Zap is part of the system they replaced it with: buying all their electric from Russia (and France). So without Zap, Germany and all Europe lives in caves.
Any questions?
P.S., following the journey all us environmentalists and young people have, Greta now supports nuclear power. It’s a first major step towards actually understand the system, why it exists, and what would happen if we shut it off. That’s complex. Next-level question is how on earth can it be replaced at all, ever, given the energy use by 8B people? Yet the opposite, that they DO in fact wildly promote and execute, is to KILL all 8B people and have a world “balanced at 500 million”. Carved into stone, even. This week Gates said the failure of the whole energy delivery system is a “good thing.”
“He added that the borders should return to where they were prior to February 24,”
Nice, Whitey, going to tell those Russians they have to be shelled by Ukrainians forevermore. Looks good from my office! You became an expert on this when? That’s the problem, the “Ukrainians” are not “Ukrainians.” There are several types of people in an artificial bag called “Ukraine”. We’re so far away we didn’t notice and so arrogant we never asked.
He promotes peace so the rabid, “blood, gore and guts, veins in my teeth” war mongers can expose themselves. Fine.
Saker himself is correct: the West lives on fabricated Drama. Russia needs to bore them to death. They have the attention span of a gerbil, so you can’t give them any “Pearl Harbor” moments. They LIVE, exist, breathe, WORSHIP Drama, stories, cartoons, fantasies, and will go bat-s—t for anything. Then the U.S. drops nukes and Bob’s yer Uncle, only the Bunker-dwellers survive. 500M surviving, neofeudal slaves achieved.
In addition, Russia themselves didn’t like the war, although they thought it necessary. Going slow has revealed the immeasurable hatred and irrational racism of the West, which openly professes to wish to genocide all Russians on their Headline News. All world leaders signed up, gleefully and unasked. People down to the 3rd Conductor in the Orchestra in Cardiff banned all Russian violinists and Tchaikovsky himself. Racist, racist, racist, war-mongering, mass-murdering genociders incarnate. Posting the Blue and Yellow Swastika flag on porches in University towns worldwide. Possibly worse than anything seen with the Jews, we’ll see. The “good and right-thinking” sort of people.
Russians slowly see and digest this, and are slowly coming around to a far deeper and more grim resolve for war, as well as abandoning Europe, which they consider their home. This may be sad, but it seems indisputable.
AntiTruth, zealots? Ursula – totally unelected and completely unsupported figurehead – is talking through her hat about replacing 100% of all Russian gas. WTF is she fooling? Germans won’t notice that Ursula sez there’s 100% gas but half the homes in Desden are out? That all the factories are closed?
…Maybe not. So far there doesn’t seem to be any limit to propaganda power — Maybe this will work too. …The Archdruid, they posted yesterday, points out that Russia collapsed the same: after Chernobyl their credibility and therefore authority took a fatal blow. People removed themselves from supporting “The System” through “quiet quitting” and not open demonstration. Then when a sparrow falls, one border guard in Germany says he won’t bother checking cars, everyone else says “Why not” and the wall falls for lack of support, NOT force of arms.
“Closing the Collapse Gap with the Soviet Union” – Dmitry Orlov.
This is exactly where we are now. The West has no credibility with the young – two generations now! – as Millennials have been screwed white by geriatric, dottering dinosaurs clutching white to the reins of power like Pelosi. Increase to Boomer stocks: unlimited; student loan forgiveness for open, provable fraud? Surely you jest. No home ownership. No marriage. No jobs. Crippling debts paid 5x the principle, never cleared. No new ideas they want, even bad ones, like Universal Health Care and Green Power. No release on simplest, totally ignored tasks, like legalizing marijuana. Minimum wage still $7 when no one on earth actually pays that low and even $15 is bankruptcy food stamp impossible.
We forget how long this had gone on, but Millennial are now 38 years old and still living in the basement in Boston and Sydney? Zoomers done worse yet and are 22? Everyone under 40 – FORTY – does not exist for this (world) government. A system run for themselves. Just Us.
And you think they’ll support the status quo when the Revolution comes?
Closing the Collapse Gap with the Soviet Union. You want that Border checked, boss, for $7.25/hour? Gig work, no overtime, no insurance? Come do it yourself.
So all it takes is for a feather to fall, which is why I’ve been so deflated this month. Timing’s right but the feather still won’t fall.
“Europe To Face Worse Gas Crisis In 2023 – Qatar (RT)”
Aaaaaand the U.S. is still illegally sitting on the Syrian Pipeline route, and still illegally murdering everyone nearby. And illegally selling the oil, AND illegally not declaring war. The U.N. LOVES it. What was that about “Big northern countries” invading “Small countries to their south”? Did I miss anything? Oh yes, I’m sure I did. Israel is illegally bombing civilian targets and airports every week. Stunning and brave. The very “Garden” of Moral Leadership. A Shining light and City on the hill.
Yes, my life is fueled by raw sarcasm, the way some people live on coffee and cigarettes.
“Biden Family Got $5 Million Interest-free, Forgivable Loan from China (JTN) “
Try that with the IRS. According to them, the very naming of it is fraud. The definition of “Tax evasion”. They have a 24h hotline: Call them on the phone and ask.
October 20, 2022 at 11:46 am #118892Dr. D
Participant“The internet there is fairly open so they know how the rest of the world’s young people live , they see the world as just passing them [Iranians] by.”
WTF? They should visit the young in the United States and they’ve have a reset on how equal it is in Iran. It ain’t “Friends”, man. There’s no “90210”.
The Travel Diary: Walking the streets in one of America’s most dangerous cities
They fled to Vegas but Vegas is right behind them. Even L.A. is a deadly trash heap; the only “America” there like on T.V. is on the Movie Lot of Universal Studios.
The thing with Iran is Persians want to make their own culture and will keep it. This is unacceptable, and act of war for the Blob, the Anglo West. All cultures must be the uniculture. All others will be destroyed. Submit or die. The Persians not only won’t, can’t, are strong enough to do so, they don’t even fully understand the idea of NOT supporting and continuing their own culture. Which for “descended from the Gods” superior racists of the West is infuriating.
October 20, 2022 at 11:48 am #118893Michael Reid
ParticipantFed Defending Dollar No Matter what Crashes
October 20, 2022 at 11:52 am #118894The Markster
ParticipantBought 50 copies of RFK Jr.’s book “A Letter to Liberals” and will be mailing copies to the Portland City Council, Multnomah County Commission, Governor Kate Brown, Kaiser Permanente, the Oregon Medical Association, and the Oregon Health Authority. Voting for Jo Rae Perkins to take Wyden’s Senate seat, Jo Rae having stated unequivocally that the jab was never a vaccine, that the lockdowns and school/business/church closures were unconstitutional, and that we should get out of Ukraine.
Virtual hugs to TAE commentariat, and agreeing with V. Arnold that the wildlife stuff is wonderful. Every day a chance to fix our gaze on beauty, truth and God’s creation!
Joy! Love!
October 20, 2022 at 11:53 am #118895Germ
ParticipantA lot of folks think that the death-vaxx is a depopulation event.
Some may recall Deagel posting population numbers in 2025 .
The Deagel website has removed the data.Fortunately, it is still available.
October 20, 2022 at 12:30 pm #118896October 20, 2022 at 12:48 pm #118897Dr. D
ParticipantCmon, you can’t tell me we’re not way ahead of Iran on this. We’re #1!
October 20, 2022 at 12:52 pm #118898Dr. D
ParticipantOh, P.S. in “Closing the Collapse Gap” Eastern Europe, the USSR-client states fell.
As the U.S. is the USSR, then WEST Europe falls first, OUR client states. Precisely as they are doing. You can clock the time between Warsaw and Moscow and apply to us, or between Chernobyl and Yeltsin.
October 20, 2022 at 12:59 pm #118899That Bloke
ParticipantAnd all of a sudden, there she was, gone!
That’s two Lizzes in less than a couple of months, way to go!
October 20, 2022 at 1:09 pm #118900zerosum
ParticipantPeace ……. What better ideas do you have?” Ackman argued.
Multipolar Free World
States establish vaccine requirements for school children, not ACIP or CDC.
COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines
——–October 20, 2022 at 1:09 pm #118901oldandtired
ParticipantTruss is gone?
The head of lettuce wins.
October 20, 2022 at 1:25 pm #118902anticlimactic
ParticipantUrsula von der Leyen – Soros Puppet?
Whenever Ursula von der Leyen is mentioned I keep thinking back to her strange election. France and Germany had got together and agreed on their candidate. Suddenly their candidate was nowhere and this woman was plucked from obscurity to become president [much to the relief of the people who worked for her!] Her views strongly coincide with Soros and quite a few people think it was his doing.
October 20, 2022 at 1:32 pm #118903Germ
ParticipantDr. Theresa Tam must be the unhealthiest, and fucking ugliest, looking health official.
Oh, I know, I’m not allowed to say that – so shoot me!And we’re supposed to take health advice from that thing?!
I do so hope that she takes her own advice:
Watch – and see what I’m talking about! 20, 2022 at 2:46 pm #118905Rototillerman
ParticipantLetter to ACIP 2022-10-19
Regarding adding the mRNA COVID-19 injections to the childhood vaccination schedule:
This isn’t about children’s health. This is about putting the final liability protection in place for your masters, the pharmaceutical companies. I don’t expect you to have any second thoughts about whether or not the mRNA vaccines are safe or effective; you wouldn’t be where you are, poised to put this final gift in place for Pfizer and Moderna, if you weren’t a reliable, unquestioning supporter of the vaccine grift machine. But here’s a few things to think about.
More and more people know about VAERS than ever did prior to 2020. Many of them can even quote you the number of dead to date: 31,470. Some even know that this is only a fraction of the true fatalities. They know, some of them first-hand, that these are the most dangerous vaccines ever introduced, dwarfing the cumulative harm from all other vaccines introduced to date. I’ve seen credible estimates that at least 25% of the US adult population hasn’t taken the injection; you can bet that the vast majority of that 25% regard you as their mortal enemy. They will never submit, they will never allow their children to be injected. We have seen so many examples of bad faith actions in regard to COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines coming out of public health that trust is completely destroyed:
The pharmaceutical companies won’t tell you what precisely is in it – that’s a trade secret.
They won’t accept any liability for what happens after you submit to it – that’s your problem.
They won’t disclose the terms of the contracts they have with the government – even though your taxes paid for it.
They won’t release the trial data used for approval – despite promising the “most transparent process ever” at the FDA.
The CDC rigged the safety signal algorithm (PRR) they were going to use track safety of the vaccine, and when the data coming in threatened to trigger even that watered-down algorithm they switched to a wholly opaque algorithm that they refuse to this day to share information on.
CDC have discouraged, sabotaged, and outright banned any forms of effective early treatment.
The government and social media platforms work hand in glove to ruthlessly censor any discussion of the vaccines that goes against the narrative of “Safe and Effective.”
And finally, we’ve watched as bodies such as ACIP have rubber-stamped the vaccines despite the overwhelming evidence that they are the most dangerous medical product ever produced.That’s the thing about bad faith: once you’ve seen it, you can’t ever get that trust back. Consider this: as of this writing less than 7% of the eligible population has taken the latest booster. Time is not on your side; you might think that you can censor and finesse the evidence of short-term harm, but if even only a fraction of what has been put forth in lab reports and medical papers is true about the pathology of spike protein the societal harm is going to be astronomical. And it is going to hit squarely in the medical practitioner field first and foremost. At some point the rank and file doctors and nurses are going to completely turn on you and metaphorically tear you to pieces. We’ve already seen the start of this process; consider the recent coming out of Dr. Aseem Malhotra in the U.K.
No one lives forever. Enjoy your ride in hell.
October 20, 2022 at 3:13 pm #118906phoenixvoice
ParticipantJust sent off an email to the high school district superintendent strongly requesting that Covid vaxes continue to not be mandatory for HS students.
Yesterday was a beautiful day…as I drove to the location of my piano student I enjoyed the blue sky…criss-crossed by persistent chem trails. I recalled as a child lying down on the grass in the yard of my home south of Denver, gazing up at the sky and noticing a tiny airplane, high overhead. I remember the white plume in its wake, and noticed how rapidly it dissipated into nothingness, fading back to clear blue sky. There were no chemtrails in the early ‘80s. I need to remember to point this out to my children, so that they know this, and do not believe that chemtrails are “normal” nor a requisite byproduct of air travel.
October 20, 2022 at 3:23 pm #118907phoenixvoice
ParticipantKari Lake
But when she is at a rally against mandatory vaccinations and people near the front of the stage are chanting and pulling attention from her, she pouts and speaks petulantly, like a spoiled child. She was incapable of handling the situation gracefully. I witnessed this, last year, in person — I was at the rally. But she and Katie “I don’t debate” Hobbs are the two main clowns up for AZ govenor this year. Ugh.October 20, 2022 at 3:36 pm #118908Germ
Participant@ Rototillerman – that’s a great letter, but ……..
Make it 31,471 –
I wonder how many of these sudden deaths there are that are just not heard about.
October 20, 2022 at 4:03 pm #118910Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterI was just wondering about this. Not that high for a PM, but it’s 45 years for just 45 days. She’ll surely collect another allowance for her time in Parliament too.
October 20, 2022 at 4:42 pm #118911Noirette
Participantfrom a news link at top post,
The news that the Azov Battalion is now legally able to receive American aid has enraged the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which last week successfully blocked the battalion from holding a recruitment meeting in Nantes, France. “This step is hardly surprising to anyone who has been following the growing danger of Holocaust distortion in post-Communist Europe, and especially in the Baltics, Ukraine and Hungary,” said Wiesenthal Center Jerusalem…
Israel is between a rock and a hard place.
It supports Ukraine ‘against Russia’ as it must as standing with the West,
Isr. can’t negate, oppose, the powers that keep it alive as a postage-stamp mini territory, funded, armed, and falsely admired, right in the heartland of the ME, an irritation and *more* to the Arab world.
Isr. only exists because it has been supported in all ways by the Brits, the Americans, the Europeans, and those who are vassals to them.
Isr. has been given a free pass to oppress, impoverish, discriminate against, and straight-out kill off Palestinians (Arabs..) on ‘Isr’ territory; run as an apartheid State, with the supporters turning a blind eye to all that they usually condemn publically, with lame cover-ups and excuses that clarion the sacred ‘Jewish’ identity, a special victim status, the attendant right to claim exceptionalism —> the horrors of the Holocaust, etc.
When Ukr. central powers (Kiev) turned to, since at least 2014, killing off Easterners (Donbass..), ‘ethnic Russians’, Russian speakers, etc. by x forces, private (oligarch funded) armies, and gangs that are clearly Nazi-inspired, many ‘Western’ pols. publically, in MSM articles, condemned the Nazis in Ukr., what is with this ethnic hatred, Nazi symbols, gangster moves, etc.?
Of course that didn’t last long, as the aim is to attack Russia and Azov and the like are instrumentalised for that, they then can’t be “Nazis” any longer.
All this leaves Isr. insecure, dancing on two feet (say), love the UkroNazis or condemn them..
2 ex. MSM…
October 20, 2022 at 5:01 pm #118912Dora
Participant@ Germ
I’ve been following John Campbell since the beginning. This episode is a jaw dropper. From officials declaring ” we’re not sure what’s causing it but we are sure certain things should not be examined as possible causes. But we’re not sure what’s causing it.” Unbelievable.
October 20, 2022 at 6:14 pm #118913thomasjkenney
ParticipantA thought occurred: a brazen, reckless attempt to force a fire sale of EU assets
If you’re a German industrialist, facing the axe, and finally realize that the war is on you, a strategic retreat is in order. But keep this in mind. In a military retreat, do you leave your gang of howitzers and stock of shells behind intact? Do you leave them behind, intact? Do you leave to your enemy all of that functional materiel for them to use against you immediately?
Mr Check Valve…meet Mr Hydraulic Press. Anything that can be punched, munched, or scrunched should NOT be left in a useful state. Before you sign any paperwork, make sure you’ve driven to Texas and back on 1 qt of oil.
October 20, 2022 at 6:22 pm #118914phoenixvoice
ParticipantI especially enjoyed the Dr. John Campbell video when he simply paused, silent, instead of verbally and emotionally railing against PHS. My own mind came up with the rants and raves. He is calm, measured. A protest that is impeccable in its execution.
October 20, 2022 at 6:33 pm #118915Germ
ParticipantThey did it.
America has fallen.October 20, 2022 at 6:34 pm #118916Oroboros
ParticipantREGIME CHANGE in UK-tardistan!
The Curse of Nazilensky!
Everyone who gets his Cooties on them is Doomed!
That’s a “Double Tap®” for Olde England!
Trussed up like a Thanksgiving Turkey
Hey Liz, I don’t hear a heart beat, you OK?
October 20, 2022 at 7:11 pm #118917my parents said know
ParticipantA man of data- scrupulous
And hardly prone to rages-
Awakens and presents to us
A silence for the ages.October 20, 2022 at 8:11 pm #118918John Day
Participant“Biological Threats” is up. I need to go for a meditative bike ride. Picture of Jenny with an orange seedling planted in a sheltered location.
October 20, 2022 at 8:12 pm #118919John Day
Participant“Cast Thy Bread” looks at extensive Israeli biological warfare against Palestinian villages, often poisoning wells with infectious bacteria. Some of the references for this investigation are old, some private, and some from declassified Israeli state documents.
‘Cast Thy Bread’: Israeli Biological Warfare During the 1948 War
“To An Athlete Dying Young”, The sudden deaths of humanity’s fittest. Nass MD reports that the CDC Advisory Committee on Vaccines will vote today, about now, on recommending COVID vaccines for children, which offers only harm, not benefit, based upon medical findings to date. It will absolve the vaccine manufacturers and their agents in government from liability, including the ongoing injuries and deaths to children and adults, which we reasonably expect. Surgeon General Ladapo says that the CDC decision will not change the stance of the state of Florida against COVID vaccination for children and men under 40 years of age, which is based on medical evidence that the vaccine-products do more harm than potential good in these population groups.
Ladapo Dismisses CDC Potentially Adding COVID Vaccine to Childhood Schedule: ‘Nothing Changes in FL’
Jessica Rose Ph.D. looks at the gain-of-function research on COVID in a Boston level-3 lab (should be level-4 for this work), which causes 80% mortality rate in “humanized” mice, which are a good model for human illness. As we have already seen, this research took the very-infectious spike protein of Omicron, and coupled it to the body of the original Wuhan virus of January 2020. We know that this is a highly fatal combination, but what she points out, of special interest, is that this new chimeric virus aggressively attacked the brains and nervous systems of the mice, contorting and paralyzing their bodies in the process.
This efficiency at crossing the blood-brain barrier to attack the brain and spinal cord is a deadly new weaponized coronavirus super-power.
The lab objects that “this is not gain-of-function research”. 20, 2022 at 8:13 pm #118920John Day
ParticipantPepe Escobar, China: Xi gets ready for the final countdown
Escobar gives an in depth explanation of the meanings contained within Xi Jinping’s 45 minute address to the Communist Party of China. Difficult times are foreseen, which hearkens back to the words of Mao Tse Tung. Escobar explains that the COVID-Zero policy is because China quietly sees COVID as an American bioweapon, or suite of related viral bioweapons. This is a view that I share, but I prefer India’s approach, treating with ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline and vitamin-D.Surplus Energy Economics looks at “The Dynamics of Global Repricing”
Real, physical economy has always closely tracked the use of fossil fuels, especially oil, but also coal and natural gas. Oil alone is an adequate surrogate.
Since 1980 there has been a divergence of financial economy from real economy, which has been more marked since 1990.
This divergence has accelerated since 2008, and must be realigned. The realignment will be taking place in a time of increasing costs of extraction of fossil fuels and declining net fuel availability, but with the most debt leveraged onto the future of any time in history. Energy will be required to pay this debt in the future, which is essentially not possible. The financial options for debt default are not directly discussed, but stagnant economy with inflation, “stagflation” is inevitable, and will continue long term. The leveraging of debt and reliance of societies upon the continued service of this debt by real economic production is worrisome for societies, as it is for indebted individuals and those depending upon retirement and investment income.
A steady decline in the ability of society to invest in industrial and infrastructure work will be a result of these changes. The loss of disposable income after necessary purchase of food and fuel by households will be another.
This amount of decline in the ability to make discretionary expenditures will be completely unprecedented in history, including the Great Depression and WW-2 period.
#242. The dynamics of global re-pricingCharles Hugh Smith casts this same trend as: Getting Rich Is One Thing, The Tricky Part Is Keeping It
“When $400 trillion in global credit-asset bubbles all pop, maybe there will only be $100 trillion in wealth sloshing around” 20, 2022 at 10:12 pm #118921Veracious Poet
ParticipantThis is exactly where we are now. The West has no credibility with the young – two generations now! – as Millennials have been screwed white by geriatric, dottering dinosaurs clutching white to the reins of power like Pelosi. Increase to Boomer stocks: unlimited; student loan forgiveness for open, provable fraud? Surely you jest. No home ownership. No marriage. No jobs. Crippling debts paid 5x the principle, never cleared. No new ideas they want, even bad ones, like Universal Health Care and Green Power. No release on simplest, totally ignored tasks, like legalizing marijuana. Minimum wage still $7 when no one on earth actually pays that low and even $15 is bankruptcy food stamp impossible.
We forget how long this had gone on, but Millennial are now 38 years old and still living in the basement in Boston and Sydney? Zoomers done worse yet and are 22? Everyone under 40 – FORTY – does not exist for this (world) government. A system run for themselves. Just Us.
And you think they’ll support the status quo when the Revolution comes?
Closing the Collapse Gap with the Soviet Union. You want that Border checked, boss, for $7.25/hour? Gig work, no overtime, no insurance? Come do it yourself.
Sometimes you do ramble a bit, eh Doktor?
If reality wasn’t so chilling, I’d have a good laugh at your latest “dictum” 😉
You speak of Millennials & Zoomers like they have a clue ~ I can most assuredly assure you, by FAR the vast majority does not.
They are/were the dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks rabid supporters of Mr. Change You Can Believe In (typical celeb intoxication), whom to a dolt still rabidly fawn over the biggest fraud ever to occupy the Whitey House…
If they had a clue, about how “We The People” were screwed over by the NPD autocrats, the irrefutable fact that the “birth certificate” was an authenticated brazen counterfeit (and posted on the Whitey House official website for ALL to see), would have seeped into their peanut brains, eventually grokking understanding the malevolently insidious implications, leading their pathetic generation(s) that the Obama charade was a line That Shall Not Be Crossed, for the purpose of destroying *THEIR* lives.
No amount of argument can validate a phony .PDF, that was supposedly scanned from a decades old ledger, that was *CLEARLY* altered via multiple layers, then posted still in layers on a .GOV website ~ That the culprits involved failed to collapse the layers speaks *VOLUMES* about both “their” hubris, shamelessness & contempt for the intelligence of “We The People” ~ I have to say, “they” were 1000% right about the utter mentally retarded sheeple 😐
Don’t believe me, see for yourself:
For the record: I started creating documents as an engineer from 1984 – 1997 (Xerox Ventura, ACAD, Adobe et al.), then went on to be the first entrepreneur to scan legal documents (pdf) for download as part of a courthouse reporting service ~ I literally created 50k+ documents for sale that law firms et al. relied on as 100% as legally valid ~ A task we *NEVER* failed at over a 19+ year period (creating an industry that still exists to this day).
When I downloaded the BC of Mr. Change You Can Believe In from the website, opening it in Acrobat Pro, the multiple layers when analyzed told me the tale of a fabricated document ~ No amount of expounding about OCR algorithms or any other dissembling idiocy exculpates what I saw when I went layer-by-layer through that sham.
Oh, only an idiot would fail to collapse the layers for the final document presented, unless you want to create controversy and/or intentionally create confusion/chaos…
This is just one example of the total failure Millennials & Zoomers to know what time it is, of course both you & I could site hundreds, perhaps thousands, more examples just in the last 20 years 😐
Not only that, but these poor children we’re dumbed-down-to-succumb by the eduka’cion farce, presstitutes, international apparatchik pandering/deception/disinfo from the moment of conscientiousness ~ You seriously expect to these befuddled children to go after the status quo when the Revolution comes?
Then there’s the general depravity (no shame, anything goes) endemic among these “children”, a drug-addled conglomeration of beings distracted by drugs, smart phones, social media, infotainment ad nauseum 😐
That’s why I created a meme with this recent UK .MIL recruiting ad:
May The Farce Be With You!
October 20, 2022 at 10:18 pm #118922Veracious Poet
ParticipantOctober 20, 2022 at 10:38 pm #118923kultsommer
Birth certificate story is almost decade old. Sheriff Joe Arpaio was leading investigator and tough press conference presenter.
Nothing came of it.October 20, 2022 at 10:46 pm #118924Oroboros
ParticipantOctober 20, 2022 at 10:51 pm #118925aspnaz
ParticipantDr D said
This week Gates said the failure of the whole energy delivery system is a “good thing.”
Gates is being blackmailed, totally convinced since seeing Gates with Epstein. Why else would Gates mix with such a person? Any ideas are welcome, but it looks like pedophilia to me.
October 20, 2022 at 10:54 pm #118926Veracious Poet
ParticipantNothing came of it.
Just like “nothing cam of” the fraudulent 2020 (s)election charade ~ We The People (excluding a VERY small minority) are about as gullible as a country bumpkin buying snake oil from the latest con artist.
I truly feel sorry for the naive Jan. 6 victims, whom were politically skewered by the Confederation of Dunces as part & parcel of the NPD Autocrat artifice…
The West is completely & utterly doomed ~ The Fourth Turning will be the bailiwick of the BRICS consortium (short of nuclear Armageddon), with the Amerikan sheeple + Eurotards altogether obliterated & relegated to the ash heap of history.
But this process is just beginning & will not conclude in months like many a blow-hard conspir-a-addict have prophesied 😐
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