Useful analysis. Odd that “Big Data” has not led to any improvement in economic theory or policy. The built-environment Technosphere is consuming, polluting and displacing the systems of Nature: Atmposphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Biosphere. Food production comes from sugar-carbohydrate farming at the industrial agriculture scale. Not sustainable in biological terms. The economy “story” is kept going by adding zeros to the spreadsheet, but Nature can not be played like that. If the technology collapses, the people will not know what to do. Zombie Apocalypse is perhaps the future. Restoring the Natural Capital that Humanity had at the advent of agriculture is not possible. Having left The Garden to create our own, Empire after Empire has taken too much and faced collapse. A more fragile environment struck by natural events is not resilient, so a lesser age, seemingly darker, follows. Communities have always survived. Activity shrinks to fit the real resource base. Big data does not appear to be informing the people today. The algorithms enable the butcher to put his thumb on the scale to get the price he wants. It is about “story”. Life is all for entertainment. Work is for slaves.
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