Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’m not sure which planet the author lives on but 2 & 5 are patently false. You absolutely can be forced to get vaccinations to attend school or join the military. The later doesn’t even offer a religious belief exemptions and the former it varies from place to place. You can be forced to wear pants, you can be forced to wear a mask.
At a deeper level I find this particular strain of libertarianism to be pretty bankrupt. Its not as if our leaders were imposing bans on us, or closing down businesses for personal gain or to say punish a religious or ethnic group.
The one point he makes or question he asks that seems relevant is, how long can an emergency last?
ParticipantDear lord, you people are all fucking nuts. Seriously fucking nuts. It’s like you’re all trapped in some awful Twitter feed like those morons who broke into the capital building at the behest of Orange Gargamel. You all talk about shooting and looting, I’m guessing none of you has ever actually had a loaded weapon shoved in his face.
Wow, just wow. Stop listening to conservative talk radio it has literally rotted your brains!
ParticipantThe articles and the comments, this place is becoming more a pro Russian troll farm every day.
ParticipantBasing a post from something on Zerohedge is like basing it on content from the Onion at this point. They ceased to be credible back in 12 It’s weird to me how hard you’ve picked up on the Russia didn’t do it narrative.
ParticipantWhat do you mean, “our values?”
ParticipantIlargi, based on your definition, nobody is free. All societies have rules. Anarchy and complexity are each others enemies. Now it would be morally correct and quite observant were you to tie our obedience to the complexity and alternately our fear of simplifying that our societies desperately need, but you didn’t do that.
ParticipantWho peed in your cheerios today? There is no national character trait common to all Americans except possibly the Protestant work ethic. Trump is a reflection of a lot of hate an uncertainty, fickle elites trying to keep themselves afloat and a fundamental change in our economy/ecology. He is not a reflection of who we are as a people, because we aren’t a people.
Such simplistic reduction of 300 million plus people sitting on top of the most fertile soil on the planet with a good chunk of what’s left of it’s recoverable petroleum is simplistic at best. If it makes you feel better, go for it!
ParticipantDear Diablo, you have written a nice comment. However it seems you are trading one fantasy for another. The idea that it’s us, as defined by America and Western Europe that have somehow created the problems in Syria or the Middle East. Stop bombing them you say? How will that alter the crisis that was well under way before we started?
Even leaving the US need to fight for stability (which we’ve sometimes achieved and sometimes not) Syria is definitely not our fault. Syria is an Arab love story. As in there is no love between any of the groups that have inhabited Syria and you so conveniently forget that when America had nothing to do with Syria it was run as a horrible dictatorship that tortured and killed it’s citizens routinely and with impunity. Given what is now happening I’d say that would be a return to normal, but the US did not cause the civil war in Syria, Syrians, Iraqis, Arabs did!
So now there is a civil war and all the pent up hatreds of repressed groups are being expressed in paroxysms of violence. Exactly how are we responsible? Sadly yes we have accelerated the violence by shipping weapons to rebel groups Syria. That is far different from causing it and worlds away from resolving it.
ParticipantIts amazing to me that you constantly touch upon limits but in talking about this latest human crisis it seems that your credulity can be stretched no farther. The whole point about why Europe seems not to care is that we have essentially overshot on population. Not just in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, but in Europe and to a lesser extent here as well. You can focus on bad and selfish priorities from govt but that misses both the underlying cause of and fix to the problem being faced. We have neither the military ability nor the moral capital to “fix.” these broken places. Syria isn’t broken because of the US, much to the hand wringing of our more liberal media outlets. Syria is broken because of the self imposed low expectations of the Arabs who live there. It only appeared not to be because of the iron fist imposed by dictators, which we gladly ignored for multiple decades. Africa too, is disorganized, poor and rapidly rising in population. Are you advocating that we tell the Africans how to live, and how to reproduce, or not? I for one am ok with that, but lets get your soft bigotry of low expectations right out there in the open, if that is what you are saying.
For centuries countries could pretty easily absorb waves of immigration brought on by war and famine. That phase of our evolution is over, at least until we get a new cheap energy source. So if we and by we I mean the industrialized world are to yet again shoulder the burden of absorbing millions of people from poor under-developed places; how will we pay for it? I’m guessing the answer comes in the form of cutting entitlements to those already enfranchised. I am willing to be wrong.
July 22, 2015 at 12:20 am in reply to: Interview Nicole Foss for ‘A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity’ #22623barnaby33
ParticipantA simpler life is almost as possible as less children! In that both will happen, but not willingly. I have yet to read of, or hear about a society that willingly de-complexified, ever.
ParticipantNeither good or bad, it’s a formula. It would probably be more evil if you used a more wicked font. The underlying problem you alluded to is it’s ignorant application. It being a proxy for growth at all costs, is the real underlying problem. One the one hand early in an economic cycle it provides lot’s of benefits. Later in that cycle, the costs mount, much like nuclear power.