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ParticipantThat gas chart by country isn’t so useful in some regards. I live in Mexico and Mexico has excellent bus service out to most of the little settlements out of town, not to mention excellent service between cities, with a choice of classes (up to Executive class and very nice bus interiors). For instance, the bus from San Miguel de Allende to my little community about 8 miles out of the Centro, runs every two hours and makes many stops. I still have my old Ford pickup from Colorado, but only fill it up once a month….make one trip in a week…$40/mo. In Colorado, I would have had to fill it up every week to make the 40 mile trip to Durango form the country where I lived. No bus service. Once I took a bus to the US and when we crossed to San Antonio had to change…horrified by both the stations and the buses and the problems. Third world.
ParticipantThis Mexico thing:You shouldn’t talk about Mexico when you don’t have a clue what you are talking about.It only reflects your ignorance.
I’m a single, older woman, living in the campo…fields…outside of a well known small town…been in this rented house for 8 years…alone…safe, 4 dogs, old truck, careful, but I go out on long walks with the dogs. My Mex neighbors, the campesinos know me and talk to me…house/property looks sort of trashed outside (pretty modest inside too). Safe, quiet, happy, I lived in 6 other houses before I found this and had to be speaking Spanish to find it, with the help of a Mexican friend.
I lived in 26 places in the US in my life, was raped at knifepoint in my own bed in Salt Lake in a good neighborhood; run over by a car on the sidewalk in mid day in Santa Monica; lived safely in Cairo, Egypt for 4 years, traveled the world, sometimes alone, sometimes with others, always safely.
You shouldn’t talk about Mexico when you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. It only reflects your ignorance and acceptance of US propaganda. If you are careful and thoughtful, you can live much better here than in the US and certainly as safely. If you are fool…well, that’s your problem in Mexico.
ParticipantUkrainians regrouping and being retrained in Poland…just the first few minutes of this Ritter piece will suffice
ParticipantThis battle is over, but the war has just started. The New American Order of the Deep State and the Oligarchs using the Great Reset as part of the totalitarian takeover plan has just begun. These people, the CIA, Kissinger, recruited Schwab and have been working on this since the ’70s. As Arendt points out, totalitarians have to take everything. They know no boundaries. They are consolidating and hardening per Lavrov this week: “It is being insinuated that NATO as the vanguard of the community of democracies should replace the UN in matters of international politics, or at least bring global affairs under its sway. The G7 should step in to run the global economy and from time to time invite benevolently the extras the West needs at this or that moment.” Either Russia will destroy the “decision makers” of the West, along with the Nazis, or they will take it, and China, and a grim transhuman future awaits those left to slave.
ParticipantDown here in Mexico, AMLO said children would not be vaxxed. When a judge ordered all children to be vaxxed last week, or parents to face child abuse charges, AMLO’s Health Sec went on record in public that his grandchilden would not be vaxxed, ever. His other ministers, Lopez Gatell went to bat on the same. The reason given was that the vaccine is damaging to the developing immune system in children. PAN in Chihuahua said they would not allow child vaxxes. So far, the only child vaxxes are those where the parents have insisted with ct. amparos…or in cases of comorbidities. Many of the indigenous communities in the south have kicked out people who came in to push the vax. In one case, tied the person to a tree, and fined him before pushing him out of town.
ParticipantYou should be afraid; The Dark Winter exercise that Biden referred to in his last debate with Trump was from 2002 and was a smallpox release.
But the depopulation will not come from the vaccines (I think) but the panics of the covid and whatever else and maybe the realization the vaccines are causing illness…it’s the disruption that will cause starvation; the UN says 5 billion are ready to tip into destitution with a push….That’s a long way towards the depopulation goals if they go.
David Holgrem is right…nuclear war and climate change are the unknowns…
And from ArmstrongEconomics: Biden will declare war to force the Great Reset on Russia and China…that was one of my questions…what could they do if Russia and China were outside their grasp.
I started the journey to leave the US when I watched 9/11 and the reaction of the public. It took me almost 15 years of changes to find a place outside, maybe safer, saner, as is possible…I think the globalists war to take over China and Russia will be very dangerous. The arktos interview answers many of what were my final questions…the US military means to be come the globalist’s military…that was a missing piece.