Forum Replies Created
Participant“Trump did get Biden to say that he doesn’t support Dems’ health care plans, nor the Green New Deal. Which is odd given that his website says he does, and Kamala Harris was one of its main voices.”
This should not surprise in the least. The campaign verbiage is there to lull the party base, which overwhelmingly supports GND and M4A. Biden has been quite explicit for donor audiences that “nothing fundamental will change”. Harris is a pure opportunist grifter who will do anything to anyone to ascend the power ladder – whether it’s a San Francisco mayor or desperate poor prisoners kept in jail to supply slave firefighting labor. Nothing either say in the context of campaigning can be used for anything but a drool bib for Joe or toilet paper for everyone else. One pays attention to what they say to their donors, not to us proles.
The Biden™ will say whatever his handlers want him to say for as long as he’s needed. Once that need lessens, he will be shuffled off – whether to a corner or from this mortal coil, who can say? The Harris regency (assuming this claque gets itself elected) will be fully functional by the time that The Biden™ has served his stand-in function.
ParticipantHuskynut wrote “I’m open to any good ideas on what we could be doing, but it feels just like a zombie movie out there, and I don’t see what can be be usefully done right now.”
I’m old and won’t survive the process of collapse (political, economic, environmental) that is working itself out before our eyes. I don’t think there’s a damned thing that can avert said collapse, whether that process completes itself in 10 or 30 years. What I do think is worthwhile and reasonable is to preserve knowledge and skill sets that will be important to the life that will come after collapse. Our future will be profoundly deindustrialized and functioning on vastly reduced energy inputs. We would be best served by preserving knowledge and skills useful in such a setting.
Any effort spent trying to reform (or even influence) official politics is futile for us in the lower 90%. Better to foster and support local initiatives that grow self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and cooperation – skills and attitudes that will serve us well no matter what our owners and masters would prefer we do.
Participant“the riots in numerous cities across the U.S. going on for months, basically because of [Trump’s] racist policies and injustices”
I think that’s a misreading of what’s happening on the ground, though it’s definitely the spin the Dems want to put on things. After all, time reset after January 20, 2017 and nothing that happened before matters.
The rebellions against police murder have been overwhelmingly in cities long controlled by the Democrat Party. The leadership of both factions (I consider both Dems and Reps to be factions of the Money Party – the ‘two-party system’ being but a prop in the spectacle) have worked hand-in-hand to militarize the police, to immiserate the working class, and make the day to day struggle for existence so difficult as to leave no time or energy for organizing against their owners and masters.
There is no hope for the working class no matter who is elected. #BITFD
“one with blood running down his sides”
Kid in the middle, 4th from the right. Not sure it’s blood, hard to see on a phone.
Could be ribbons of some sort, string?!
Yes! The cherub is riding a dolphin, and that ribbon/string/rope serve as reins. Much easier to see on a monitor.
(I’m hella presbyopic, but am relieved I’m not that presbyopic.)
Participant@V. Arnold: “one with blood running down his sides”
I have looked and looked and see no blood from any creature. Where do you see this, please?