Caravaggio Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence 1600

BBC truther

And even faster with a booster.
• Omicron Spreads Faster Than Delta Within Vaccinated Individuals (ET)
A Danish study of nearly 12,000 households has discovered that Omicron spreads faster than Delta among those who are fully vaccinated, and even higher between those who have received booster shots, demonstrating strong evidence of the variant’s immune evasiveness. The Omicron variant was found to evade the immunity of vaccinated individuals at a much faster pace compared to Delta, and at a higher rate than the unvaccinated, according to the study conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Statistics Denmark, and Statens Serum Institut. “Comparing households infected with the Omicron to Delta VOC, we found an 1.17 times higher SAR for unvaccinated, 2.61 times higher for fully vaccinated and 3.66 times higher for booster-vaccinated individuals, demonstrating strong evidence of immune evasiveness of the Omicron VOC,” said the preprint of the study. SAR refers to secondary attack rate.
However, the study also discovered that unvaccinated individuals spread the virus more easily than those who are fully vaccinated, while there was reduced transmission between people who received booster shots. There were altogether 11,937 households involved in the study, out of which 2,225 already had Omicron. After one to 7 days, the team followed up with the households and found 6,397 secondary infections. The SAR was found to be 31 percent with the Omicron, and 21 percent with the Delta variant. Omicron has spread to 90 countries worldwide and has become the dominant variant in the United States. However, the strain has proven to cause mild symptoms compared to earlier variants like Delta, and results in fewer hospitalizations.
“The Omicron VOC (variant of concern) has been reported to be three to six times as infectious as previous variants, with a short doubling time, including early estimates from countries with a high vaccination coverage indicating doubling times of 1.8 days (UK), 1.6 days (Denmark), 2.4 days (Scotland) and 2.0 days (United States),” from the study. The researchers also suggested considering alternate methods for combating the infection. “Our data indicate that the non-pharmaceutical interventions that were used to control the previous variants of SARS-CoV-2 are also likely to be effective against the Omicron VOC.”
Seventy-eight percent of Danish citizens are fully vaccinated with two doses, while almost half have received a booster shot. More than 80 percent have received Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine. The effectiveness of vaccines is reduced to around 40 percent for symptoms and 80 percent for severe disease with the Omicron variant. Numbers were better with booster shots as the effectiveness was reduced only to 86 percent for symptoms and 98 percent respectively for those suffering from severe infection.

Dr. Brian Tyson had his lawyer write a letter to the pharmacy that refused to fill his ivermection prescriptions. He no longer has that problem.
• Illegal Refusal to Fill Prescriptions, Civil Rights Violations, Negligence
CVS Pharmacy #16937, NPI 1366464968
Garfield Beach CVS LLC
CVS Health Corporation
2295 N. Imperial Avenue
El Centro, California 92243-1335
Re: Illegal Refusal to Fill Prescriptions, Civil Rights Violations, NegligenceDear Managers and Owners:
It has come to my attention that your pharmacy has refused to fill valid prescriptions for ivermectin. Your pharmacy manager told one customer that the refusal was because ivermectin was not FDA-approved for use in treatment of COVID-19. This same manager told the prescribing physician that she was “not comfortable” dispensing a prescription for ivermectin to treat COVID-19 and that there was “no indication” for the prescription. The FDA does not “approve” uses at all. The FDA merely determines whether to approve or clear products for marketing and labelling of the “intended use” submitted to it. To be marketed, a product need only have a single intended use.All treatments beyond such intended use are a matter of discretionary medical practice by licensed physicians. New “off-label” uses for drugs are often discovered after the FDA approves a package insert. Off-label use is legal and widely accepted practice. A manufacturer’s label is not proscriptive, and does not prohibit use for a longer period, or in any other manner not described in the labeling. The FDA cannot and does not prohibit physicians from prescribing off-label use. Any assertion that a prescription is invalid because it is off-label is utterly devoid of basis in law or fact. It is for the professional judgment of a licensed physician – and not a pharmacist or the FDA – to determine that an off-label prescription is appropriate treatment for a patient.
Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medication approved by the FDA for use in humans. Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization’s Model List of Essential Medicines, and ivermectin oral tablets are used worldwide for treatment of certain parasitic infections. SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19) is such a parasitic infection. SARS-CoV-2 exhibits bacteriophage-like behavior as it replicates in bacterial growth medium such as are found in the human intestines. In vitro studies have shown that ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2. And Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) publishes:
“In 2015, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, in its only award for treatments of infectious diseases since six decades prior, honoured the discovery of ivermectin (IVM), a multifaceted drug deployed against some of the world’s most devastating tropical diseases. Since March 2020, when IVM was first used against a new global scourge, COVID-19, more than 20 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have tracked such inpatient and outpatient treatments. Six of seven meta-analyses of IVM treatment RCTs reporting in 2021 found notable reductions in COVID-19 fatalities, with a mean 31% relative risk of mortality vs. controls. During mass IVM treatments in Peru, excess deaths fell by a mean of 74% over 30 days in its ten states with the most extensive treatments. Reductions in deaths correlated with the extent of IVM distributions in all 25 states with p < 0.002. Sharp reductions in morbidity using IVM were also observed in two animal models, of SARS-CoV-2 and a related betacoronavirus. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARSCoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains.”3
Moreover, Dr. Brian Tyson (no relation to yours truly) is the prescribing physician for the prescriptions at issue. Dr. Tyson is a world-renowned expert on the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Tyson has testified nationally and internationally on topic, and he has successfully treated more than 6,500 COVID-19 patients. Dr. Tyson’s professional judgment to prescribe ivermectin for a patient to treat COVID-19 is completely supported by the science, the law, and his extensive experience.
Curiously, CVS had been filling ivermectin prescriptions for patients of Dr. Tyson for roughly two years, and only suddenly decided to stop. That decision is illegal, violates the civil rights of Dr. Tyson’s patients, interferes with Dr. Tyson’s ability to practice medicine, and constitutes the unlicensed and negligent practice of medicine by CVS. This letter is a courtesy request that you immediately resume the longstanding practice of filling Dr. Tyson’s prescriptions for ivermectin. Fail not at your peril, as the next letter will be a formal notice of intent to sue. Thank you.

Ladapo is fresh air.
• If You Have No Symptoms, Please Don’t Get Tested (ET)
Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued new guidance for COVID-19 tests on Jan. 4 in a bid to reduce the strain on the state’s testing centers. So many people are using the centers the availability of tests is under pressure. “We are going to scale back,” Ladapo told reporters at a press conference. “We’re coming back to something sensible.” People have been flooding Florida testing sites, leading to long lines, he said. Instead of restricting testing, however, Ladapo said he would place a new emphasis on “high-value” testing against those of “low-value” in order to give priority to tests that would “likely change outcomes” based on a positive or negative result.
For example, someone who is elderly with pre-existing medical conditions and is having symptoms he regards as high value. Someone who is otherwise healthy with no pre-existing medical issues and with no symptoms is low value, he explained. Ladapo said people need to get back to a “sense of normalcy” in society. “We need to unwind this sort of planning and living one’s life around testing,” Ladapo said. “It’s really time for people to be living; to make the decisions they want regarding vaccination; to enjoy the fact that many people have natural immunity; and to unwind this preoccupation with only COVID as determining the boundaries and constraints and possibilities of life. “And we’re going to start that in Florida.”
[..] He said that Florida has seen a rapid increase in cases and hospitalizations, but added it is not comparable to the case rise. “A substantial share, based on the data we have from some of our hospitals of the patients in hospitals with COVID, are there in the hospital with COVID rather than for COVID.” In other words, people who go to the hospital are there for other reasons and then test positive for COVID-19 because hospitals test everyone who comes for treatment, Ladapo said. The surgeon general said that federal leadership had “created a monster” in public health. “What’s happened in the country is that people have forgotten, or abandoned basic public health principles,” he said. “Instead, they have opted for things that are anti-public health.”
He said anti-public health is “taking away people’s options” and “ability to choose.” “Anti-health tends to be mandates,” he continued. “Anti-public health is losing touch with sensibility.” The Surgeon General’s office wants to educate and provide people with the ability to make “better decisions.”
“This idea that you could stop this w/vaccines was unrealistic.. Mismatch btwn policies & reality, & more ppl need to wake up to that & stop participating in this really dystopian view of public health.. It’s unhealthy, divisive & political”
—@FLSurgeonGenpic.twitter.com/R564WD0hKQ— Kulvinder Kaur MD (@dockaurG) January 5, 2022

“I don’t want to tell people what to think I want to help them think and give them the tools to do it.”
• Dr. Robert Malone, After Twitter Ban, Has ‘No Choice but to Carry On’ (ET)
Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist who has worked on the development of mRNA vaccines, reacted to recent bans handed down by Twitter and LinkedIn. “I felt compelled by my own ethics, that I needed to speak about what I was observing,” Malone told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program on Wednesday in reference to comments he’s made about vaccine mandates. “I may be one of the very few that has this depth of understanding of the technology that doesn’t have a direct financial conflict of interest,” Malone told The Epoch Times. “If I’m not allowed to speak about my concerns, whether they’re right or wrong … who is a valid person to participate in the dialogue?” Malone said due to his publicly vocal opposition to COVID-19 vaccine requirements and mandatory vaccinations in children, he and Dr. Peter McCullough—a cardiologist who recently argued that COVID-19 vaccine mandates should be repealed—have been “shut down, attacked, [and] had purposeful attacks” against their medical licenses or freedom to practice medicine.
Last week, Twitter suspended Malone’s account without warning for alleged violations of the platform’s policies around COVID-19. Malone also reiterated during Wednesday’s interview that LinkedIn suspended his account. “We have no choice but to carry on,” Malone said, adding that if he were “go back to my farm, and hang out with my wife, which is what I would far prefer to do,” he would be “abdicating the responsibility that I now hold as … one of the identified leaders of this globally.” Malone noted during the interview that during his podcast with Joe Rogan about a week ago, he made reference to a theory known as “mass formation psychosis,” also known as mass hysteria.
“I mean, it has been amazing watching it, and what it demonstrates is the lack of self-awareness by Big Tech,” he said in reference to reports of Google allegedly manipulating search results about the term. “They are caught up in the mass formation themselves, or they are intentionally manipulating” results, he added. “It’s more important to me to help people to get access to the data and learn to think for themselves and make their own opinion,” Malone also said. “I don’t want to tell people what to think I want to help them think and give them the tools to do it.”

The kits double as protection against the vaccine, which they also roll out. Modi is the vaxx man.
• Covid-19 Medicine Kits’ Distribution Begins In Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (HT)
With the help of monitoring committees, the distribution of Covid-19 medicine kits began in Varanasi on Saturday as a preventive measure to check the third wave of Covid-19, said additional chief medical officer (ACMO), Dr Sanjay Rai. District magistrate (DM) Kaushal Raj Sharma had procured a large quantity of Covid medicines for the city from the government and monitoring committees had been roped in to distribute the medicine kits, he said. “A total of 874 committees will distribute the kits in rural areas under eight primary health centers (PHCs) in developmental block areas of Varanasi. Likewise, monitoring committees of all 90 wards will distribute the Covid medicine kits in urban areas under 24 PHCs. These committees will also distribute the kits in Ramnagar and Gangapur areas,” Dr Rai said.
Apart from this, the Covid medicine kits would also be available at five other identified places, including seven Covid hospitals, railway stations, bus stands and jail in the city. Dr Rai said, “The Covid medicine kits comprise different medicines for different age group of people. The kits for children from birth to 1 year, and 1-5 years contain paracetamol drops, ORS and multivitamin drops. While for 5-12 years, it has paracetamol tablets, Ivermectin 6 mg and Vitamin B complex. Azithromycin 500, Ivermectin 12 mg, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B complex and paracetamol tablets are available for those above 12 years.” The total number of Covid-19 active cases in Varanasi increased to 46 on Saturday, with 21 more people testing positive for the virus in the district during the day.
District magistrate Kaushal Raj Sharma has appealed to the people to follow Covid protocol, including wearing face masks, sanitising hands frequently and maintaining physical distancing of two yards. Chief medical officer Dr Sandip Chaudhary said, “Vaccination will be done at 529 centers in the district on January 3. This facility will be available for people between 15 and 18 years of age.” He said that slots had been opened for a week from 8pm on Saturday and beneficiaries would be able to get vaccination from 10am. “Now, six people can be registered on the CoWin portal with one mobile number. Day/night special vaccination center at Sigra Stadium and LT College, Orderly Bazar, will also be operational from 7am to 10pm,” he added.

“For the Moderna vaccine, the risks were even higher, reaching 16-fold after the second shot.”
• More Bad News On Covid Vaccines And Myocarditis In Men Under 40 (Berenson)
A huge new study has found the risk of serious heart problems called myocarditis in men under 40 soars with each dose of a Covid mRNA vaccine – and is sharply higher than the risk from a coronavirus infection itself. The findings call into sharp question the efforts by American colleges and universities to make their students receive booster shots before returning to school this January – especially since other studies have shown that the risk of post-vaccine myocarditis is concentrated not merely in men under 40 but in those aged 16-25. The study, which British researchers released in late December, showed that the risk of myocarditis almost doubled after the first Pfizer shot in men under 40.
Then it doubled again after the second and doubled again after the third – to almost eight times the baseline risk. For the Moderna vaccine, the risks were even higher, reaching 16-fold after the second shot. (The risk of a third Moderna shot could not be calculated because too few people received it.) Because each Moderna shot contains 100 micrograms of mRNA, while each Pfizer shot contains 30, the findings suggest strongly that the heart risks are dose-related and likely to continue to rise with each additional shot. The study also contained some evidence that post-vaccine myocarditis might be more dangerous than other forms of myocarditis. It showed a trend towards higher death rates in people hospitalized for myocarditis after vaccination compared to other myocarditis cases.
Both myocarditis and pericarditis are forms of heart inflammation that can be very serious, even deadly. In an appendix, the researchers reported that 263 Britons were hospitalized for myocarditis within four weeks of receiving a Pfizer shot; of those, 38, or 14 percent, died. Only about 9 percent of people hospitalized for myocarditis that did not follow an mRNA vaccination died.

Bit of a battle emerging between Fauci and Walensky?
• Fauci Says ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Now Includes “Up To Date” Boosters (ZH)
A few weeks ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci hinted that the federal government would soon change its definition of “fully vaccinated” to include not just the two original shots but at least one booster dose as well.But in the latest indication that Dr. Fauci has succeeded in pushing this scheme, the good doctor said Tuesday during a lecture at the National Institutes of Health that new terminology would be used in place of the “fully vaccinated” language. Instead of referring to somebody as “fully vaccinated”, they will be referred to as having their vaccinations “up to date” to reflect the notion that they have gotten their booster shots.”We’re using the terminology now ‘keeping your vaccinations up to date,’ rather than what ‘fully vaccinated’ means,” Fauci said during a National Institutes of Health lecture Tuesday. “Right now, optimal protection is with a third shot of an mRNA or a second shot of a J&J.”
This follows a decision by the CDC on Tuesday to shorten the time frame for Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID booster jab, which can now be administered within five months of the initial two-shot series, instead of six. Meanwhile, a CDC advisory panel is expected to recommend boosters for teenagers during a meeting on Wednesday. According to certain research studies, Pfizer’s vaccine provides a 25x increase in neutralizing antibodies that fight the variant while Moderna’s booster produces a 37x increase in antibodies. Meanwhile, two doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine cut hospitalizations in South Africa by 85%. “We are continuing to follow that science and it is literally evolving daily. And as that science evolves, we will continue to review the data and update our recommendations as necessary,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said at a White House briefing Dec. 15.
Fauci 2009
This was Fauci on Dec 11, 2009. Covid is the best thing that ever happened to him. The chance to fulfill a life long ambition. pic.twitter.com/e4H8Vb1LoO
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) January 5, 2022

Read this whole thing and then tell me you’re blaming the unvaccinated. Two years into a pandemic, hospital has no staff, no equipment, nada.
• ‘Falling Over In A Screaming Heap’ (G.)
One of New South Wales’ major regional hospitals had to source its own triage tent, is sending Covid tests six hours away due to a lack of space for its own diagnosis machine, and has had positive patients wait 30 hours to be transferred to a designated hospital for those with the virus. Doctors at the Tweed hospital, which is 1km from the Queensland border in northern NSW and serves a hinterland that includes Byron Bay, are even donning personal protective equipment to drive home, in their own cars, asymptomatic Covid-positive patients because taxis won’t take them. Kristin Ryan-Agnew, president of the local branch of the Nurses and Midwives Association and a senior nurse at the hospital, said local Covid cases were tripling daily, much faster than the 5o% growth in new cases reported for NSW as a whole on Wednesday.
As a result of increased presentations to Tweed’s emergency department, nurses were doing “double shifts every day” with one day off before resuming the toil. “They’re going to fall over in a screaming heap,” she said. “They will not be able to manage.” Eighteen staff, many of them senior, have resigned since December out of a roster of about 150, citing burn-out and the better conditions offered over the border. Queensland offers $1,800 a year for nurses’ education, a Covid bonus – both absent in NSW – and higher wages, Ryan-Agnew said. “They were really top-notch, really good quality staff, and they can walk up to the Gold Coast and they’ll just completely snaffle them.” As Guardian Australia reported on Wednesday, nurses at Lismore Base hospital – the destination for Tweed’s Covid patients needing treatment – are also struggling to cope with a surge in medical needs.
The Tweed hospital is buckling under spiking demand for care and a lack of trained staff and appropriate equipment. A senior manager, for instance, had to phone around themselves and then purchase the triage tent prior to Christmas after months of pleading to the health department, Ryan-Agnew said. The tent, though, remains far from adequate, with no toilet, forcing potentially Covid-positive patients – and anyone waiting for PCR testing to cross the border – to traipse through the main hospital lobby. “You can have people with heart conditions, sick kids, elderly, frail, all sitting there waiting to be seen, and you’ve got a potential Covid patient walking through the waiting room,” Ryan-Agnew said.

“People couldn’t do anything about the plague, but they could burn witches, and so they did.”
• Tomorrowland Has Fallen (Greer)
Watch the way that the people who are shrieking about the Omicron variant fixate on case numbers and go out of their way to avoid talking about how few people have been killed or made seriously ill by it. Watch the way that these same people pounce, with something that looks unsettlingly like delight, on any suggestion that some other microbe is about to spring out of hiding and kill us all. For that matter, the overreaction to the Covid-19 phenomenon is really rather odd, when you think about it. If you subtract all the people who died with rather than of Covid-19 from the statistics, it’s pretty clear that what we’ve dealt with is an ordinary respiratory epidemic like the 1958 and 1967 influenza outbreaks.
Those had comparable fatality rates, and were dealt with by throwing the available resources into protecting the old and vulnerable—not by shutting down whole economies, shredding civil rights, and shoving inadequately tested experimental drugs on entire populations. What we’ve seen over the last two years doesn’t look like a constructive response to a pandemic. It looks like the desperate gyrations of control freaks who are trying to avoid dealing with their fears by piling exorbitant demands on everyone around them. Thus I’d like to suggest that something of the sort may be involved in the love affair between the managerial aristocracy and the Covid-19 virus. I think that it’s a displacement activity. If you know much about ethology—the study of animal behavior—you already know all about displacement activities.
For those who don’t have that background, I’ll summarize. Most social species have ways to deal with aggression short of killing each other. Watch two starlings who are upset at each other. They may suddenly start preening their feathers, or draw themselves up as though about to fight, or even peck suddenly and violently at some object besides each other. Human beings do the same thing: watch an angry man scratch his head in frustration, ball up his fists on his hips, or slam a fist down on a table, rather than punch the daylights out of the person who’s angered him. Those are displacement activities. Anger isn’t the only emotion that generates displacement activities in animals, or for that matter in humans. One of the more interesting details of human collective psychology is the way that fear can drive even more elaborate displacement routines, especially when there’s nothing that can be done about the actual reason for the fear.
Consider the witch hunts that followed in the wake of the Black Death. For three and a half centuries after bubonic plague first swept through Europe, new outbreaks of the disease were a constant threat, and the medical knowledge of the time offered no effective means of prevention or cure. The result? Panic over evil witches became the displacement activity du jour, and around fifty thousand people were burnt or hanged as a result. (No, it wasn’t nine million, nor were they all women; the Neopagan movement, back in its heyday, competed heavily in the Oppression Olympics, with the usual collateral damage to mere historical fact.) People couldn’t do anything about the plague, but they could burn witches, and so they did.

Supply chains for supermarkets vs restaurants are entirely different entities.
• White House Puts Port Envoy on Podium to Discuss Supply Chain Issues (CTH)
The 60/40 supply chain for food away from home (restaurants, fast-food locales, schools, cafeterias etc.), and food at home (supermarkets and grocery stores etc.), is not something you can just fiddle around with. Supply chains are challenging on their own. However, within the various supply chains, the supply chain for U.S. food distribution is the most complex supply chain in the world. There’s nothing even close. It was created by decades of free market operators following efficiencies of scale to produce the best, most wholesome and reliable food supply chain ever created. In many ways it is our best national security advantage. The free-market distribution system would eventually overcome the problem and reestablish its efficiencies.
However, given the scale of disruption -and the fact that catch up harvests are seasonal- it was obviously taking several years. Most Americans were not aware going into the COVID mitigation effort that food consumption in the U.S. was a 60/40 proposition. Approximately 60% of all food was consumed “outside the home” (or food away from home), and 40% of all food consumed was food “inside the home” (grocery shoppers). Food ‘outside the home’ includes restaurants, fast food locales, schools, corporate cafeterias, university lunchrooms, manufacturing cafeterias, hotels, food trucks, park and amusement food sellers and many more. Many of those venues are not thought about when people evaluate the overall U.S. food delivery system; however, this network was approximately 60 percent of all food consumption on a daily basis.
The ‘food away from home‘ sector has its own supply chain. Very few restaurants and venues (cited above) purchase food products from retail grocery outlets. As a result of the coronavirus mitigation effort, the ‘food away from home’ sector was reduced by 75% of daily food delivery operations. However, people still needed to eat. That meant retail food outlets, grocers, would see sales increases of 25 to 50 percent, depending on the area. The retail consumer supply chain for manufactured and processed food products includes bulk storage to compensate for seasonality. As Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue noted in 2020, “There are over 800 commercial and public warehouses in the continental 48 states that store frozen products.”
“Here is a snapshot of the food we had in storage at the end of February 2020: over 302 million pounds of frozen butter; 1.36 billion pounds of frozen cheese; 925 million pounds of frozen chicken; over 1 billion pounds of frozen fruit; nearly 2.04 billion pounds of frozen vegetables; 491 million pounds of frozen beef; and nearly 662 million pounds of frozen pork.” This bulk food storage is how the total U.S. consumer food supply ensures consistent availability even with weather impacts. As a nation, we essentially stay one harvest ahead of demand by storing it and smoothing out any peak/valley shortfalls. There are a total of 175,642 commercial facilities involved in this supply chain across the country

Enjoy the tribunal!
• FBI To Host First Annual Jan 6 Reunion (BBee)
Special agents involved in last year’s ‘January 6th Insurrection Against Democracy™’ are set to reunite as guests of honor at an extravagant gala hosted by the FBI. The event will reportedly feature live music and entertainment, with comedian James Corden acting as master of ceremonies. Numerous celebrities and public figures are expected to be in attendance, including former FBI Director James Comey. “I’m really excited to be relevant again,” he said, excitedly rubbing his hands together. According to sources, several private citizens have questioned why taxpayer money is being used to throw a lavish party for government officials.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki addressed these concerns during her daily press briefing. “Well, first I would say, that President Biden is committed to the Build Back Better™ bill,” Psaki reasoned. “Therefore, he cares for the American people and, as such, cares deeply about how their money is utilized. So, obviously, it’s fine.” Psaki went on to applaud the FBI for all their hard work that cannot be disclosed. The event will not be open to the public.

Jon Stewart: Newsweek et al, may eat my ass.
Newsweek et al, may eat my ass. pic.twitter.com/eRoYYeNRi1
— Jon Stewart (@jonstewart) January 5, 2022

Where the elements come from

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