Nov 292021

Ivan Kramskoy Christ in the desert 1920



It’s time for the world to come to its senses. Maybe Omicron is a good guide for doing that. Because it shows how something that is not a threat at all, as far as anyone knows from evidence, can still be blown out of all proportions in order to manipulate behavior. Kind of a mini version of the past 2 years, a play within a play.

For the past year, we have increasingly given our trust -and money- to Pfizer et al, to save us from the terrible virus. Many millions of people have been injected with their vaccines, and they have failed spectacularly. Of course, since Pfizer, and the governments they signed production and distribution contracts with, have captured the media almost 100%, you won’t read or hear about it, but it’s there for everyone to see in this US graph:

US COVID Deaths In 2021 Have Surpassed 2020’s Total

COVID-19 has killed more people in 2021 than 2020. The virus was reported as the underlying cause of death (or a contributing cause of death) for an estimated 377,883 people in 2020, accounting for 11.3% of deaths, according to the CDC. As of Monday, more than 770,000 people have died from the coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins University data. That means over 15,000 more people have died in 2021 than last year from COVID-19 – and there’s still more than a month left. his has happened despite the fact that last year no Americans were vaccinated (now 59% of all eligible Americans have had the “life-saving” jab) and some 17% have received booster shots…


In 2020, no American was vaccinated. In 2021, 60% of them were. If the vaccines had been effective, that should have meant 60% fewer positive tests, hospitalizations, and certainly deaths, or if not 60%, at least a substantial percentage. But the opposite happened: Covid deaths went up, and not a little bit. Between mid August and mid November 2021, they increased some … 60%.

That is all you need to know. The vaccines do not work. And not just “not as advertized”, they do not work at all. Granted, there appears to be a 2-3 month window in which they suppress something in the virus, but 2-3 months is not nearly enough to be labeled a “vaccine”. And the “something” may well be just an accumulation of binding antibodies that turn against the “patient”‘s immune system, certainly when boosters are applied.

Of course the media, politics and industry claim it’s because “the unvaccinated act as reservoirs of the virus” (someone actually said that), and it’s because of Delta. But no separate vaccine was ever launched for Delta, and the boosters people get now are the same substance that they claim made boosters necessary in the first place. The Science.

Forget it all. The vaccines don’t work, and we need to move on. But we can’t. Because our “leaders” signed deals with Pfizer et al that gave the latter complete immunity from any harm caused by their vaccines, and -more importantly- made it illegal to use, promote, research, any other drugs that could have worked against Covid. And those deals still stand now that the vaccines have failed.

Robert Bridge is one of the few people who addressed this issue in The EU Is Not Revealing The Details Of Its Contracts With Vaccine Makers. Why?, which details the fruitless efforts from European parliamentarians (!) to see the contracts signed by Brussels and Pfizer et al. They failed.


Still think the vaccines work? That maybe they don’t prevent transmission or infection, but at least they prevent severe disease and hospitalization? I personally don’t see how that can be enough to threaten forced vaccination, get people boosted, have toddlers injected, but yeah, that’s just me. But prevent severe disease and hospitalization? They don’t even do that. If only.

Instead, the vaccines make people more likely to be infected, and to transmit the disease, to have severe disease, and to die. I know that’s 180º different from what you hear every single grinding day, but hey, you yourself fed your body and your life to the machine, not me.

Here’s a few tidbits. First, a Google translate:

German States With Higher Vaccination Rates Have Highest Excess Mortality

The summary of the analysis states: Excess mortality can be found in all 16 states. The number of Covid deaths reported by the RKI in the period under review consistently only represents a relatively small part of the excess mortality and above all cannot explain the critical issue: • The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality. The most direct explanation is: • Complete vaccination increases the likelihood of death.

Of course, more indirect explanations are possible: • The higher the proportion of old people, the higher the vaccination rate and excess mortality. Therefore, the vaccination rate and excess mortality also correlate. (This explanation is not very plausible, however, as the proportion of old people would have to have changed significantly between 2016-2020 on the one hand and 2021 on the other.) • Higher vaccination rates are achieved through increased stress and anxiety in the country concerned, and the latter lead to higher numbers of deaths.

[..] The correlation coefficient is +0.31. In the eyes of the two scientists this is “astonishingly high”. Especially since the sign is wrong. Actually, we expect a different relationship: the more vaccinations, the lower the mortality. After all, the intention of the “vaccination” is to protect people. Now the connection is positive: “The excess mortality increases with the increase in the vaccination rate”. This requires urgent clarification, demand the two statisticians.

Infection rates, excess mortality: the vaccines make everything worse.

Official UK Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher in Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed

In every age group over 30 in the UK, the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. Indeed, in the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated. PHE’s fruitlessly rechristened body, the UK Health Security Agency, frantically clarifies that the data ‘should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness’, a caveat which I include for the sake of accuracy. But the differences in the infection rates are drastic enough for you to draw your own conclusions.” Shriver then summarizes how that data demolishes the reason for implementing vaccine passport schemes.

“Gatekeeping of pleasure palaces promotes the wrong impression — statistically, the lie — that the unvaccinated riff-raff exiled to the pavement pose a far graver threat of communicable disease than the diners in the nearby banquette who, like you, have righteously got the shot. In truth, the double-jabbed airline passenger in 24A can be just as risky a seat-mate as the great unwashed banished from the flight.” Meanwhile, the Times reports the results of another study which “found the double-jabbed are just as likely to pass on Covid-19 as unvaccinated people.”

After Public Health England published the data, government bureaucrats begin to panic that people would use it to suggest vaccines were not that effective. Office for Statistics Regulation director Ed Humpherson called an urgent meeting with U.K. Health Security Agency during which he worried about the data having “the potential to mislead.” “We noted that these data have been used to argue that vaccines are ineffective,” Humpherson subsequently wrote.

Steve Kirsch interprets Aaron Siri’s stats:

Vaccinated Up To 9x More Likely To Be Hospitalized Than Unvaccinated

A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking. As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine. These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections.

Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination. [..] here’s the part Aaron didn’t point out that needs to be stated very clearly: The only way you can get those numbers is if vaccinated people are 9 times more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated; It is mathematically impossible to get to those numbers any other way. Period. Full stop. This is known as an “inconvenient truth.”


Not clear yet? You think these people are all lying, while your politicians, media, Pfizer and Fauci all speak the truth and nothing but the truth?

Let’s try Dr. Geert VanDen Bossche, who’s been warning for over a year about mass vaccination breeding mutations. Hello, Omicron. Geert is more pessimistic than ever. He thinks even people who were not vaccinated, or ever had Covid, are at risk from the mutations caused by the vaccines.

My Opinion On The New African Variants

The world may be taken by surprise but that doesn’t include us. It remains to be seen whether Omicron can outcompete Delta (to be confirmed). If that’s the case, we’re definitely not in good shape. In case of CoV, innate immunity protects the individual and the ‘herd’ (sterilizing immunity, no natural selection pressure, herd immunity) whereas adaptive immunity induced with leaky vaccines has exactly the opposite effect. THE big Q is whether such an immune escape variant could even resist naturally acquired Abs in people who recovered from C19 disease. I am, indeed, cautious and worried about ADE, even in the unvaccinated who recovered from C-19 disease as they may no longer be able to control viral infection. ADE would equal ‘enhanced virulence’. Difficult to predict. Mass vaccination has compressed the evolutionary trajectory of the virus from a few hundred years (?) down to one year. Hope that naturally primed individuals can deal with that speed.


There are three ways in which people can die (and/or get sick) in relation to Covid19.

1/ Die of Covid

We need to say not WITH Covid, but OF Covid. Recent Italian research indicated that only 1% of what is currently labeled a Covid death actually died from it, the rest all have comorbidities (sometimes 5,6) that make that label impossible to assign.

2/ Die of the absence of prophylactics, early treatment

As I said above, the contracts “we” signed with Pfizer et al make it illegal to use, promote, research, any other drugs that could have worked against Covid. Because if anything would work, that would endanger the Emergency Use Authorization the vaccines operate under. Covid is the only disease where people with symptoms are told to go home and not come back until they need to be put on an intubator.

Meanwhile, just about everybody in the Northern hemisphere has Vitamin D levels that are far too low for their immune systems to work properly where and when needed. There is for instance the German study that suggests Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved With [Sufficient Vitamin D]. As I said before, “I think that may be a bit much, I always conservatively said boosting vit. D levels can save the first 50%, zinc (+ quercetin) the next 25%, and then ivermectin can get you close to zero.”

But zinc and ivermectin, and quercetin, and hydroxychloroquine, and 100 other repurposed drugs, have all been swept under various carpets, and the highly skilled doctors who promote prophylactic, early treatment, or treatment protocols that involve them have been banned, censored, fired, sued, etc.

When I see a graph like this one, from WHO EU, proclaiming many lives were saved by the vaccines, I have 2 questions: 1/ What data is this based on?, and 2/ How many lives were lost to the lack of prophylactics and early treatment? Wait, there’s a third question: how many lives will be lost to the vaccines?



3/ Die of vaccines

The big unknown. But not entirely. Through adverse reactions registration systems like VAERS in the US, even though they are notorious for catching only between 1% and 10% of events, we know that 100s of thousands of people have died from the vaccines, and millions have had severe adverse effects, often diminishing their lives to a shadow of what they once were. Myocarditis is just one example.

But it’s what lies ahead that is more worrisome. The spike proteins that all popular vaccines induce in your body, can last inside you for a long time, and bond with your binding antibodies, which is where an auto-immune disease starts. Your immune system may be strong enough to ward of the first 1 or 2 shots, but once you move into the booster phase, the odds turn against you.

If you get a booster shot after 6 months (or 8, or 4, or 2), your body is prepared for the spike protein attack. Unfortunately, it may well end up helping the attackers, in some form of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), a form of auto-immune.

When you get the next booster, and the next, and be sure you will be told to get it, remember the vaccines only “work” for 2-3 months, the autoimmune risk continues to increase. That is also true if there is ever a Omicron vaccine, or pill, or whatever; it’s still all spike proteins.


Do you understand yet why vaccine mandates make no sense at all, at least not from a health point of view? They only serve the interests of Pfizer, and in their wake, your politicians and media.

We have one option left only: get rid of Pfizer, the vaccines, the mandates, the entire circus. It has failed spectacularly, and lost us millions of people and productive lives. Time’s up. This is our moment.




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Home Forums It’s Time To Dump Pfizer

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  • #93976

    Ivan Kramskoy Christ in the desert 1920     It’s time for the world to come to its senses. Maybe Omicron is a good guide for doing that. Bec
    [See the full post at: It’s Time To Dump Pfizer]


    For billions of vaccinated people the “moment” when their “time is up” has moved closer.

    They can expect more life threatening illnesses during their shortened lifespans.

    The vaccinated will be more unhappy and will not be happy about it.

    Pfizer will be laughing all the way to the bank.

    Polder Dweller

    EUdraVigilance = EU VAERS System

    According to EudraVigilance the system only catches about 6% of events.


    This is a must watch:

    “Behind The Curtain with Dr. Jessica Rose”

    One smart cookie:

    Dr. Jessica Rose was born in Ontario, Canada into an academically oriented family. She pursued her Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) immediately after high school and subsequently, a Master’s in Medicine in Immunology at MUN. She was one of 5 esteemed graduates of a newly established interdisciplinary degree program pursing a master’s degree in Medicine with a focus on Immunology. She continued with her studies in Israel, having been invited to pursue a PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University. Since its completion, she has successfully completed two Post-Doctoral degrees in Molecular Biology, with a focus on Rickettsiology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Biochemistry, with a focus on Anisotropic Network modeling of ATP-Cassette-Binding Transporter molecule mechanisms at the Technion Institute of Technology.


    “Wait, there’s a third question: how many lives will be lost to the vaccines?”

    Unfortunately, I think many, many, many lives will be lost. As WES already pointed out, life-threatening illness and shortened life spans are distinctly possible. This may not be overly apparent for months or even several years, but apparent it will become.


    Nice Raul.

    My company has indicated that they will withdraw my approved exemption request unless I acknowledge their accommodation letter by tomorrow.

    They are getting a signed letter acknowledging that their accommodations are discriminatory under Title VII.

    Speaking of Pfizer, I was reading thru

    MEETING DATE: 10 December 2020

    and came across this statement,

    The most commonly observed hematology laboratory changes were transient decreases in lymphocytes (<0.8 × lower limit of normal [LLN]) noted 1-3 days after Dose 1. These decreases returned to normal by the next measurement, within 6-8 days of the first dose. Most decreases in lymphocyte counts were grade 1 or 2. RNA vaccines are known to induce type I interferon, and type I interferons regulate lymphocyte recirculation and are associated with transient migration and/or redistribution of lymphocytes. This rapid rebound of lymphocytes supports that the lymphocytes were not depleted, but temporarily migrated out of the peripheral blood, and subsequently re-entered the bloodstream by the time of the next assessment.

    As we know, lymphocytes help protect your body from infection. Low numbers of lymphocytes can raise your risk of infection.

    Decreases in lymphocytes are graded 1 thru 4.

    So what about Dose #2? Couldn’t find anything, might have to wait 55 years.

    Though I did come across this from the Phase I/II results.

    No grade 1 or greater change in routine clinical laboratory values or laboratory abnormalities were observed for most participants after either of the BNT162b1 vaccinations. Of those with laboratory changes, the largest changes were decreases in the lymphocyte count after the first dose in 8.3% (1 out of 12), 45.5% (5 out of 11) and 50.0% (6 out of 12) of participants who received 10 μg, 30 μg and 100 μg BNT162b1, respectively. One participant each in the 10-μg (8.3% (1 out of 12)) and 30-μg (9.1% (1 out of 11)) groups and 4 participants in the 100-μg group (33.3% (4 out of 12)) had grade 3 decreases in the lymphocyte count. These decreases in lymphocyte count after the first dose were transient and returned to normal 6–8 days after vaccination.

    Again, what about dose #2? Here is an image of from that report. Seems like someone would have been curious enough to ask where is 1-3 day data after dose #2


    Anyway, we are all potential asymptomatic reservoirs for cov2. It’s not a big leap think that one of these vaccinated reservoirs could become symptomatic once their immune system takes a dip shortly after vaccination. For me, it puts a plausible mechanism in place to understand the apparent correlation between vaccine rollouts and new waves of infection.



    Very well-presented post. Nicely done!

    Thank you for your work.

    – Teri

    Veracious Poet

    Unfortunately, I think many, many, many lives will be lost. As WES already pointed out, life-threatening illness and shortened life spans are distinctly possible. This may not be overly apparent for months or even several years, but apparent it will become.

    Except it won’t be apparent, as testing, analysis & postmortem investigations will not be forthcoming, the “life-threatening illness and shortened life spans” will not be televised, do you really believe they will?

    Sure, there will be lots of real reality people trying to parse the situation, but Karen & Chad will always have faith in their cult-of-personality leaders…

    I don’t see anything drastically changing, hell Dr. Faucistein hasn’t been drug away in chains for his crimes against the Infinite’s children?

    Nope, that maniacal asshat is laughing at the fools on capital hill, at us too!

    Then we have the whole swath of CULT morons & idiots running western civ ~ I don’t see any magic bullets to cure mass CULT psychosis, do you?

    I truly wish there was a Light at the end of this tunnel…

    Now back to your regularly scheduled Clown World programming!

    Yes Rachel, my dad died from a heart attack @ 58, he was always a good union man, a faithful democrat…But, thank bejebus & Pfizer he got the booster! He might have suffered with OmyCronic!


    @Veracious: “Except it won’t be apparent, as testing, analysis & postmortem investigations will not be forthcoming, the “life-threatening illness and shortened life spans” will not be televised, do you really believe they will?”

    No, of course I don’t believe it will be televised. But people as a whole are not as dumb, self-centered, lazy, and vacuous as you seem to think.

    I believe that as time goes on the fallout will become apparent. Perhaps not to a small percentage of people who simply can’t change their minds, but a large percentage of people will begin to realize they’ve lost too many, know too many others who have lost too many, etc.

    I don’t believe in the omnipotence of TPTB. Do you? If so, why?

    In the beginning, there was the word …


    Interesting … perhaps ironic is a more fitting word?

    It is the hubris of man that allows us to think we can “wreck” or “save” planet earth.

    It is the hubris of man that allows us to think we can mess around with genes and win.

    It is the hubris of man that allows us to think a small cadre of people can control a global population.

    Veracious Poet

    No, of course I don’t believe it will be televised. But people as a whole are not as dumb, self-centered, lazy, and vacuous as you seem to think.

    You do realize that close to 70% of We the Sheeple have scurried down to get the jab, many now offering their children on the altars of sacrifice?

    I don’t believe in the omnipotence of TPTB. Do you? If so, why?

    Only the Infinite is omnipotent, although he extends free will to his human children on this planet of water, mud & gaseous matter…

    I do believe that if enough non-TPTB people stopped being fools & idiots that the madness could be eradicated, but I see nothing breaking the hypnosis of the masses at present.

    TPTB (really just a CULT of money, power & sociopath personalities) CONTROL:

    1> Mass communication/entertainment (thus programming beamed into the synapses)…
    2> Political machines at every level they want to…
    3> Weapons of War…
    4> Banking & Finance…
    5> Big pharma + medical institutions…
    6> Commerce, trade, energy & food production…
    7> Most important ~ The Narrative!

    Sure, they have setbacks from time-to-time (like when the Nazis became a competing entity), but THEY’ve been doing to US for generations.

    Hell, most average “people” don’t even know THEY exist!

    It is the hubris of man that allows us to think a small cadre of people can control a global population.

    1% is not “a small cadre of people”, especially given THEIR POWER (that WE gave THEM) 😐


    @Veracious: what is that ridiculously obnoxious saying that people use all the time these days? Hmmm, drives me nuts, that saying. What is it?

    I remember … “you do you.”


    Veracious Poet, don’t overlook control of 8> Food and drink.

    Whoever controls the food supply controls the people.

    The food system is increasingly falling under corporate control. Small farms and farmers are being forced out, agribusiness is taking over ever more land and their land management methods are steadily degrading and destroying soils worldwide. The FAO estimates the world has about 55 harvests left until all soils worldwide are so depleted that little will or can grow.

    The world’s seed supplies are falling into the hands of fewer and larger corporations. The number of varieties is shrinking alarmingly. Biodiversity is being lost, perhaps by design. Genetic modification makes it possible to patent plants (and animals) that were formerly in the shared commons.

    The nutritional density of a variety of fruits and vegetables has been declining for decades, and they are replaced by foodlike substances now found in the diet of millions. This promotes obesity, immune system deficiency, gastrointestinal maladies and poor mental health. (Perhaps one reason why so many people are so confused by what is being done to them.)

    The promise is that science and technology will save us, but this has not been demonstrated.

    The heavy reliance on fossil fuels to make industrial agriculture possible is its Achilles Heel. We imagine that we will have bountiful energy forever to make the corporate system run.

    Chemicals used in industrial farming cause cancers and directly kill farmers. Indirectly they kill consumers.

    And on it goes.


    A while ago we saw the results of a 7 month study done by Qatar on it’s rapidly declining vaccine protection. At 6 months protection had dropped to about 0% or slightly negative 2%. At 7 months the vaccines provided a negative 31% or 33%. I can’t remember the exact figures.

    A few days ago I read on TAE that someone stated protection drops about 40% a month. So starting with Pfizer’s 92% claim, decreasing 40% per month, gave these results.
    1st month = 92%.
    2nd month = 55%.
    3rd month = 33%.
    4th month = 20%.
    5th month = 12%.
    6th month = 7%. (Qatar = – 2%)
    7th month = 4%. (Qatar = – 31%)

    The 40% decline in protection seems to hold up pretty well for the first few months but doesn’t hold up so well as we approach the 6th and 7th months. Once we enter negative territory obviously we are not declining but rather switching to accelerating as the vaccines make it easier and easier for vaccinated people to catch covid as time goes on.

    Somewhere around month 9 or 10 we reach negative 100% (per Britain or Scotland?) where vaccinated people are twice as likely to catch covid as an unvaccinated person.

    I wonder if Qatar has done an updated on their 7 month study to say month 9 or 10?

    This would help confirm guesses of negative 100% being twice as susceptible to covid.
    Is it possible the vaccinated, without boosters, could go more than 100% negative?
    Also how fast do the boosters decline?
    Faster than 40% or slower?
    Do the boosters decline to negative territory?

    Lots of questions but no answers!

    Veracious Poet

    you do you

    Thanks for the chuckle, haven’t heard that since the 90s 😉

    John Day

    I’ve just finished catching up on comments, brothers and sisters. The rural Texas opinions on COVID and vaccine mandates, compared to those of compliant blue-city, Austin seem similar to those Noirette presented for Switzerland. Rural Yoakum is basically over COVID, though a few people still wear masks into stores.

    The burning question is whether we are in a class-war to seriously cull the human herd.
    I personally think we are. I think all of us here are herd-tagged-for-culling.
    (“Deflationista” is not in evidence today, and probably has a lot of other sites assigned. I think the low-level, mostly AI “Deflationista” got replaced by a higher-level operative most recently, much more intelligen, and more sophisticated approach to the same assigned-task.)
    I did a lot of meeting, negotiating, running around to hardware stores (100 miles apart, though) and some weeding and harvesting in the vegetable garden today. The framing of our modest co-house should commence tomorrow. There is a pile of treated lumber in the carport, nice, big heavy stuff.
    I’m sort of my own general contractor, as it turns out, which is probably good. Nobody else seems to have applied for the job.
    I’ll keep us all up on progress.
    Earnest prayers are always appreciated.


    Dr. John Day:

    Don forget to take lots of photos! And to enjoy yourself between solving unexpected challenges!

    When in doubt how to build something, use screws, not nails, so you can easily and quickly make any required changes.

    Veracious Poet

    I’m sort of my own general contractor, as it turns out, which is probably good. Nobody else seems to have applied for the job.

    Yep, noticed the same thing here…

    Seems like genuine craftsmen are in short supply, mostly what I’m finding are former Home Depot day laborers that have no attention to detail & almost impossible to trust 😐

    V. Arnold


    Dr. John Day:
    When in doubt how to build something, use screws, not nails, so you can easily and quickly make any required changes.

    …and then there is the old addage: measure twice, cut once…


    It is now accepted even by Fauci that the “vaccines” become ineffective after a few months. I would be interested in understanding why this is. I can think of two possibilities:
    1) The immune system forgets how to create the antibodies for the spike protein over time
    2) The virus mutates so that over time the spike protein antibodies don’t recognize the mutated virus
    If 1) is true then a booster might get your immune system to remember how to make the spike protein antibodies, or it might not. I haven’t heard anything about testing boosters. The default response is “If it worked once it will work again” which seems naive.
    If 2) is true then a booster is totally useless.
    In either case they can have no idea as to the effectiveness of a booster against a variant they knew nothing about a few days ago.
    If one of the good doctors here knows more about this I would be interested in a more educated explanation.


    We are all starting to see the ridiculousness

    Michael Reid

    @ Dr. John Day and WES

    Regarding screws and nails, for maximum longevity, repair ability and salvage of the wood it is best to use hot galvanized common nails. The hot galvanized nails last a long time in excess of 50 years and may be reused after extraction once straightened. The common nail has a smooth surface which facilitates extraction with a nail picker when replacing rotten wood or salvaging wood in a disassembly situation. Screws become impossible to extract once the heads rust or get paint filled and results in major wood damage and difficulty repairing. Stay away from ardox (spiral) nails as much more effort is required to extract them making the repair/maintenance work more effort.


    WES (prev thread) thx for the reports about ‘intentional communities’ in Russia.

    Watching “Cabaret”. Beauty is amoral. Discuss.

    Beauty can seduce, ensnare, and thus lead to immorality. 🙂 > .. a great movie.

    Ilargi posted: Do you understand yet why vaccine mandates make no sense at all, at least not from a health point of view? They only serve the interests of Pfizer, and in their wake, your politicians and media. We have one option left only: get rid of Pfizer, the vaccines, the mandates, the entire circus. It has failed spectacularly, and lost us millions of people and productive lives. Time’s up. This is our moment.

    Yes, absolutely. How to move forward is another question.


    I should clarify that I only use the more expensive epoxy coated green or brown colored deck screws which mostly avoids the problems of ordinary uncoated screws which can rust over time.

    And yes if using nails, the heavier hot coated galvanized round nails are better than uncoated nails.

    Spiral nails are a bitch to extract without destroying the wood it is driven into. Spiral nail heads also seem to be thinner than round nail heads making it harder to grip and extract them without bending or tearing the head off the shank of the nail. Once that happens you are in trouble if you don’t want to destroy the wood.

    Nail gun nails are the absolute worst nails to try and extract!

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