René Magritte The endearing truth 1966

Here’s the new Twitter CEO:

Every 3 months
HAHAHAHAHAHA! We told you.
Boosters in the UK will now move from 6 months to 3 months. pic.twitter.com/xJsI50PBfH— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) November 29, 2021

Far from God.
• Harsh Penalties Mulled For Resisting Compulsory Vaccination In Austria (RT)
People repeatedly snubbing Covid-19 vaccination summons in Austria after immunization becomes compulsory there might face fines of up to $8,100 or several weeks behind bars, according to a draft that was leaked to the media. Those resisting vaccination in Austria might soon face stiff punishments, according to a leaked draft of the so-called Covid-19 Vaccination Protection Act seen by the Austrian Die Presse daily. If passed, the legislation, which is set to take effect in February, would apply both to the Alpine nation’s citizens and its permanent residents.Under the bill, anyone who refused to attend a scheduled vaccination appointment would receive an official summons from local authorities. If an individual failed to show up, they would then be summoned one more time within the next four weeks.
Should the second official request be ignored as well, the person would face a fine of €3,600 ($4,061) or four weeks in prison. The fine would increase to €7,200 ($8,000) for those who had already been fined twice for violating the vaccination requirement. Exceptions are only allowed for those who cannot get a jab due to “a danger to life or health” as well as pregnant women and children up to the age of 12. The bill further says that booster shots would be compulsory. The Health Ministry is tasked with regulating intervals between vaccinations and possible vaccine combinations, according to the draft. The government would also decide who was considered “vaccinated” and whether people who have recovered from Covid-19 should be counted as “vaccinated” as well. Still, no one would be “forcibly brought” to a vaccination center or made to get a jab against their will, Die Presse reported.

Desantis: “In Florida, we will not let them lock you down. We will not let them take your job. We will not let them harm your businesses. We will not let them close your schools. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
• DeSantis Says Lockdowns Not an Option Regardless of Variant (CTH)
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis responded to the remarks from Dr. Anthony Fauci yesterday and from Joe Biden earlier today about the new Omicron variant of COVID and the possibility of lockdowns. The Governor was very specific and clear about no lockdowns when he spoke today at an event to celebrate increased salaries and bonuses for law enforcement officers in the state. Florida will continue to emphasize prevention, optional vaccinations, therapeutics and quick responsive treatment – with accessible monoclonal antibody treatments – as the state COVID mitigation protocol. So far, the approach by Florida Governor DeSantis has been effective as the state now holds one of the lowest COVID infection rates in the nation, yet the state is wide open and free from any mandates or restrictions. If people want to live in fear, they can go live somewhere else.

We’ll have something better. Just a little more expensive.
• Moderna Boss Says Vaccines Likely No Match For Omicron (F24)
Existing Covid-19 jabs will struggle against the Omicron variant and it will take months to develop a new shot that works, the head of US vaccine manufacturer Moderna has told the Financial Times. Stephane Bancel told the newspaper in an interview published Tuesday that data would be available on the effectiveness of current vaccines in the next two weeks but scientists were not optimistic.”All the scientists I’ve talked to … are like ‘this is not going to be good’,” he told the newspaper. Bancel’s warning came as G7 health ministers held emergency talks on the new variant, which is spreading around the world and prompting nations to close their borders once again or impose fresh travel restrictions.
The World Health Organization has called the risk from Omicron “very high”. . m hjhhhnhdvvcsdsdza/Bancel said researchers were concerned because 32 of 50 mutations found in the Omicron variant were on the spike protein, a part of the virus that vaccines use to bolster the immune system against Covid. He told the FT there would be a “material drop” in the effectiveness of current jabs against Omicron. Moderna has already said it is working on an Omicron-specific vaccine, as is US drugmaker Pfizer. Chief executive Bancel said his company could deliver between two billion and three billion doses in 2022 but it would be dangerous to shift all production to an Omicron-specific shot with other strains of the virus still in circulation.

“Existing vaccines really are vaccines that expose our immune system to the whole spike protein and the coronavirus,” he said. “We’re vaccinating with the receptor-binding domain, it’s about a quarter of the spike protein.”
• Victoria Creates Australia’s First mRNA Vaccine (G.)
Victorian scientists have created Australia’s first mRNA vaccine, which could be adjusted to fight off aggressive new Covid-19 variants. The new vaccine was developed in Melbourne in five months by Monash University researchers, pharmaceutical manufacturer IDT Australia and the Doherty Institute. It is now subject to clinical trials and regulatory approvals. About 450 doses have been produced at the Boronia site, enabling 150 people to take part in phase one trials from January, with results expected later in 2022. However, it may take years before the vaccine is rolled out more widely, which will only occur if it passes three stages of clinical trials, and if that data is approved by Therapeutic Goods Administration. Not all drugs and treatments make it to the final stages of clinical trials.
Victoria’s innovation minister, Jaala Pulford, said it was a “significant milestone” and the first time Australia had developed an mRNA vaccine of any kind. “Australia has manufactured for trial our first Covid-19 mNRA vaccine, this is also Australia’s first mRNA product that has been manufactured,” she said on Tuesday. “We are the only place in this country that has the capacity in pharmaceutical manufacturing, but also in scientific development, to do this.” Pulford said the technology may lead to a “whole new frontier of individualised medicine” and could help scientists to develop medicine for others diseases including cancer.
Monash University professor of pharmaceutical biology Colin Pouton said the new vaccine was different to existing Covid vaccinations. “Existing vaccines really are vaccines that expose our immune system to the whole spike protein and the coronavirus,” he said. “We’re vaccinating with the receptor-binding domain, it’s about a quarter of the spike protein.”

Bit out of left field: “These batches may be Hot Lots by design.”
• Pfizer Systematic Deployment in USA (Paardekooper)
If the separate companies were deploying high toxicity batches systematically, then the patterns of deployment could be confused and clouded by mixing data for all of the companies. So, instead of combining all of the VAERS data for Moderna, and for Pfizer, I decided to separate them out. Here is the complete output for Pfizer only – showing adverse reactions for each sequential batch. Pfizer deployed about 9500 batches to the USA.
In the first cluster, we have 12 highly toxic batches all appearing in close temporal proximity – and all within a defined range of 2000 to 3000 x base toxicity. In the second cluster, we have 3 highly toxic batches appearing in close temporal proximity, and within the range of 2000-2500 x base toxicity. In the third cluster, we have 27 highly toxic batches all appearing in close temporal proximity – and all within the defined range of 1000-2000 x base toxicity.In the fourth cluster we have 21 highly toxic batches all appearing in close temporal proximity – all within the defined range of 100-1500 x base toxicity.If the production of toxic batches was an accident, we would expect their temporal appearance to be random and more scattered.
The production of large numbers of toxic batches in close temporal proximity to one another shows that such “accidents” are repeated dozens of times, sequentially !In addition to this, these clusters of toxic batches are separated by clear periods of harmless batches – then the sudden appearance of another cluster. The toxic batches are also clustered into a narrow range of toxicity, rather than having a random spread of toxicity – which is odd if these batches were accidents.Finally, the toxicity of these clusters decreases in steps, linearly over time – again, not what we would expect from the accidental production of toxic batches. These batches may be Hot Lots by design.

Video version. Made me fall asleep.

He himself will?
• Biden Reveals What New Normal Will Be (RT)
There won’t be a new lockdown if everyone gets vaccinated and takes booster shots, and masks up indoors, US President Joe Biden said in response to questions about his plans to deal with the Omicron strain of Covid-19.
Speaking to reporters at the White House on Monday, Biden said “the best protection against this variant or any of the variants out there, ones we’ve been dealing with already, is getting fully vaccinated and getting a booster shot.” Asked about the possibility of a lockdown, the US president said “there’s no need” for one, but cautioned that his administration is still reviewing the data about the latest variant of concern. He said there won’t be a new lockdown, but a push for “more widespread vaccinations, boosters, testing, and more!” A detailed strategy will be announced on Thursday.“I expect the new normal to be, everyone ends up getting vaccinated and the booster shot, so we reduce the number of people who aren’t protected to such a low degree that we’re not seeing the spread of these viruses,” he told reporters. People who are fully vaccinated “can celebrate the holidays much more safely than where we were last year,” Biden said, adding “That’s a blessing none of us should take for granted.” He also urged Americans to “wear your masks when you’re indoors in public settings around other people to protect you, to protect those around you.” Biden’s ban on travel from Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, Malawi and South Africa – imposed in response to the Omicron variant’s appearance in that region – went into effect on Monday morning.
As of Monday, just over 59% of the total US population has been fully vaccinated, and 21% of those have received a booster jab as well. The US has registered almost 777,000 deaths from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, 384,000 of them since Biden was sworn into office.

So necessary, the counterweight.
• Judge Halts Biden Vaccine Mandate In 10 States (RT)
A federal judge in Missouri has blocked US President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in 10 states, saying that it would need approval from Congress – which it does not have. US District Court Judge Matthew Schelp issued a preliminary injunction on Monday, blocking the White House’s order that all workers employed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) had to be vaccinated by January 4, 2022 or face losing their jobs. “The nature and breadth of the CMS mandate requires clear authorization from Congress—and Congress has provided none,” Schelp said, adding the injunction is warranted by the “vast economic and political significance” of the mandate.
Monday’s ruling means that Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Wyoming, Alaska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and New Hampshire will not be subject to the mandate while the injunction stands. The White House has the option to appeal it before the Eighth Circuit. There are three more lawsuits against the CMS vaccination mandate, involving more than half of US states. The White House says 96% of federal employees are compliant with Biden’s vaccine mandate and there are no plans to extend the deadline to vaccinate or get fired. However, the attempt to impose a mandate on private businesses with 100 or more employees was blocked by the Fifth Circuit court earlier this month.

Dave Collum @DavidBCollum: “This is fascism, not healthcare…”
• Biden Admin Delays Federal Vaccine Enforcement Until New Year (ET)
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) told some federal agencies and managers that they can wait to terminate or suspend their employees who won’t get vaccinated until the holidays are over, according to a memo that was sent by the agency on Monday. The memo was confirmed by White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday afternoon after she was questioned by reporters about the OMB delay. Earlier, OMB Deputy Director for Management Jason Miller and Office of Personnel Management Director Kiran Ahuja wrote that “no subsequent enforcement actions, beyond that education and counseling” is mandated for federal workers “who have not yet complied with the vaccination requirement until the new calendar year begins in January,” according to several news reports.
But Psaki downplayed the text of the memo, saying that “nothing has changed” regarding the deadline or the Biden administration’s approach to enforcing COVID-19 vaccine compliance among federal workers. She said that it is “inaccurate” to say that the White House has “delayed anything, or changed” its enforcement of the rule. Last week, the Biden administration announced that approximately 92 percent of federal workers have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. The rest have either not complied with the mandate or have sought religious or medical exemptions.
And a spokesperson for OMB told media outlets later on Monday that the vaccine “deadline was November 22, and we already have 96.5 percent compliance across a diverse workforce that is the largest in the United States. This is incredible progress and should serve as an example to employers across the board that vaccination requirements work.” The Office of Management and Budget and its chief spokesperson have not responded to multiple requests for comment. The deadline, the spokesperson continued, isn’t designed to “penalize anyone.” Federal agencies are “encouraged” to “continue the education and counseling period in December for the small number of employees not already in compliance,” the spokesperson told CNN.

Pure bloods?
Concrete victory conditions are essential. The concept of “return to NORMAL” can be expressed by things like: 1/ No masks. 2/ Laws against vaccine mandates. 3/ No social distancing. 4/ Laws against vaxports. Pure blood victory conditions are diametrically opposed to Karens. There can be only one winner for each. Milestones track progress towards victory. Once a victory condition is decisively met, that particular battle is over. When all are decisively accomplished, the war is finished. Stakes is number one on the list because everyone needs a reason to fight. Concrete stakes are better than vague doom and gloom. Stating stakes crystalize what happens if one side fails. “If they can make my kids wear a mask, they can make them get the shot.”
If you want to win, you need a line in the sand that you stick to. No cucking. Cucking means it was never a line in the first place. The line has to be compatible with victory conditions. If you are a go along to get along type of person, be honest with yourself. For example, if you are planning to get the shot rather than lose your job, set your victory conditions and line appropriately. Boundaries means what someone is willing to do and not do. The list of “will dos” forms a list of possible tactics. Now is the time to plan when to employ them. Finally we come to the most important part of winning a war: Knowing your enemy’s battle plan.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” –Sun Tzu, Art of War Karen’s battle plan was outlined above. Based on it, pure bloods can predict what happens after General Karen directs a logistical maneuver and when pure bloods take the offensive. The gaslighting campaign of the past two years is a successful tactic. We’ve all experienced it many times now, but look at it in the context of Karen’s battle plan. Someone mentions reality or a scientific fact around a General Karen (like Fraudci or Pants ****ter) and the next thing out of their mouth is gaslighting.
Pure bloods scramble to explain why what the General stated is bull****. More gaslighting, fear porn, and shaming follows. “But I don’t want to kill Grandma,” the pure blood stammers. It’s a poor tactic and plays right into Karen’s logistics. Gaslighting allows their battle plan to proceed because the pure bloods are distracted and defending instead of going on the offensive. Now you know what to look for and what to expect. Don’t be shocked when it happens…again. As soon as pure bloods have victory conditions and logistics and tactics to support them, they join the battle. Until then it’s a one sided battle into cattle cars.

“And might Omicron represent for them some final grasp at the last straw of narrative control?”
• The Narratives Fail (Kunstler)
Does it finally look like Dr. Anthony Fauci is trying to carry out an assisted suicide of the United States? On the Sunday Morning TV chat circuit, the White House Covid-19 czar (a.k.a. The Science) declared that the new Omicron variant is “a clarion call” to get people vaccinated. Is that so, Dr. Fauci? Considering how well your “vaccines” work? And how many people have been maimed and killed by their side-effects? (More than all other vaccines combined over the past thirty years.) And how you knavishly outlawed effective and cheap early treatment protocols that would have put Covid-19 down by June of 2020 (and saved half-a-million lives). The Science also called on Sunday for the general re-masking of the public and averred to the possibility of more lockdowns ahead. And just at Christmas-time, you understand. What a nose this rascal has for politics!
Senator Ted Cruz (TX) called for the Department of Justice to prosecute The Science for lying to Congress, which The Science smugly laughed off, perhaps knowing that his world-beating, maliciously incompetent leadership in the Coronavirus saga would end up incriminating and delegitimizing the entire corrupt, Pharma-captured US public health bureaucracy, with collateral damage everywhere else in government — and therefore that no authority in the land would dare to swear him under oath in a court-of-law. Or so he may think for now.
Meanwhile, Virologist Barry Schoub, Chairman of South Africa’s Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 Vaccines, declared the new Omicron Coronavirus “mild.” Could it be that the whole hoary Covid-19 narrative is falling apart now? Could Dr. Fauci and his sleazy associates in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the WHO, the Big Pharma C-suites, the grifting university research labs, the despicable social media combine, and yet more sinister outfits such as the CIA and the WEF — might this unholy host of villains and fixers find themselves on-the-run? And might Omicron represent for them some final grasp at the last straw of narrative control?
It’s pretty clear that citizens of the liberal democracies are fed up with being pushed around, jabbed, driven out of business, lied-to, gaslighted, and deprived of their livelihoods. They increasingly can’t believe any of the bullshit issued by the medical establishment and its political hand-maidens, and why should they? The countries with the highest vaccination rates also happen to be the ones with the highest Covid cases. Countries with low vaccination rates and widespread use of early treatment with common drugs have low Covid cases. Two weeks after Japan okayed the use of Ivermectin in mid-November of this year, cases fell from a big surge down to near zero. What part of that is complicated?

Untouchable for Senators?
• Fauci Blasting ‘Dangerous Criticism’ Sets Off Rand Paul (RT)
US chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci claimed that his critics are targeting science by questioning his policies, saying it’s “dangerous.” Calling it “hubris,” Sen. Rand Paul doubled down on criticizing Fauci’s Covid-19 response. Paul (R-Kansas), Fauci’s arch-nemesis in the Senate, and other lawmakers who have questioned the veracity of his claims are “really criticizing science,” rather than the official himself, the White House medical adviser insisted during a recent interview with CBS’s Face the Nation. He also dismissed the senators’ opposition as “theater,” “nonsense” and “noise.” “Anybody who’s looking at this carefully realizes that there’s a distinct anti-science flavor to this, so if they get up and criticize science, nobody’s going to know what they’re talking about,” Fauci declared, appearing to insist that those targeting him personally were only doing so because they were afraid to face down science itself.
“If they get up there and really aim their bullets at Tony Fauci, well people can recognize that there’s a person there, so it’s easy to criticize,” the director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases argued. Responding on Twitter, Paul called out what he dubbed the “hubris” of Fauci’s comment, and claimed that Fauci has “worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity.” A trained ophthalmologist, Paul has frequently clashed with Fauci over the NIAID chief’s insistence that he represents the scientific establishment – despite apparently changing his public opinions more than once about the way the Covid-19 pandemic should be handled. The senator has repeatedly attacked Fauci on his alleged involvement in the controversial gain-of-function research of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2.
Paul’s Senate colleague Ted Cruz (R-Texas) backed up Paul on Twitter, noting that Fauci’s story regarding the National Institutes of Health’s involvement with such research seems to have changed, and no longer matches up with the NIH’s own claims regarding whether it funded such controversial work. Fauci has repeatedly denied involvement in gain-of-function research conducted in Wuhan, China – the city where the pandemic is believed to have originated. However, last month the NIH admitted it had funded certain experiments on bat coronaviruses in China through a grant provided to a company called EcoHealth Alliance, with which Fauci’s department was involved.

Will it matter?
• Will Twitter Become an Ocean of Suck? (Taibbi)
Jack Dorsey, the extend-o-bearded CEO who co-founded Twitter and whose fame grew with that of his increasingly powerful platform during the Trump years, resigned today. His departure is the latest plot point in a long-developing Internet tragicomedy, which has seen what was supposed to be a historically democratizing technological tool transformed into a dystopian force for censorship and control. The departure of Dorsey, the rare CEO who not only has a conscience but appears to consult it more than once every few years, is bad news for those who already had complaints about the company, which during his tenure came to occupy a central role in what’s left of American intellectual culture. Twitter under Dorsey suffered from working too well. Specifically, society responded to Donald Trump’s Tweet-driven 2016 presidential campaign as if it revealed a defect in the platform that needed fixing when actually Trump’s election was proof that Twitter was working much as intended. Our political establishment just wasn’t looking for that sort of functionality.
The original concept of Twitter was egalitarian, flattening, and iconoclastic: “To give everyone the power to create and share ideas, instantly, without barriers.” That mantra fit with then-CEO Dick Costolo’s 2010 claim that “We’re the free speech wing of the free speech party.” Prior to 2016, elite mouthpieces bragged about acting as gatekeepers to political power. Someone like then-ABC writer Mark Halperin could write boastful pieces about how a “Gang of 500” in Washington really decided the presidency. These were “campaign consultants, strategists, pollsters, pundits, and journalists who make up the modern-day political establishment,” as the New Yorker put it. When political debates were held, a handful of analysts on television told you who won. We, reporters, told you who was “electable” and who wasn’t, and people mostly listened, even if “electability” was a crock that mostly measured levels of corporate donor approval.
Then came 2016. Trump didn’t get the big Republican donor money (it went to Jeb Bush), he didn’t get the support of his party’s bureaucracy (which at various times pulled out stops to try to “derail” his candidacy for the nomination), and even conservative media locked arms against him early in the race (the National Review published an unprecedented “Conservatives Against Trump” mega-piece featuring a slew of famed mouthpieces, who aimed to forestall the “crisis for conservatism” Trump’s presence threatened). Trump throughout his political career benefited from free corporate media coverage, but by the time of his first nomination, he had universally negative editorial treatment in mainstream media and even serious detractors on stations like Fox. Once, that would have been fatal to a politician, which is why Nate Cohn could write with confidence in the New York Times that Trump had “just about no chance” to win the Republican nomination in 2016 — because, he said without embarrassment, it is “the party elites who traditionally decide nomination contests.” Such commentators didn’t figure on the power of the Internet, and especially Twitter.
Trump didn’t need the news media to amplify his message. He was expressing himself in a way that defied contextualization, on a Twitter account that essentially became the country’s most-followed media network. Between January 2015 and January 2016, Trump’s number of followers doubled, but beyond that, the average number of retweets went from 79 to 2,201, which as Politico noted, meant that his power of dissemination increased by a factor of 28 in that single year.

The stupidity level doesn’t matter. We need Russiagate.
• 27 More Russian Diplomats Expelled From US (ZH)
The United States is preparing to expel over two dozen more Russian diplomats by January, as part of ongoing tit-for-tat punitive efforts which previously saw the Russian government forbit its citizens from serving as local staff for the US Embassy in Russia, greatly reducing its ability to process visas and other actions in a timely manner. The Russian ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov revealed over the weekend in an interview that “our diplomats are being expelled” and detailed that 27 diplomats and their families are due to be expelled from American soil. “A large group of my comrades, 27 people with families, will leave us on January 30,” Antonov described according to Reuters. He said the embassy and consulates are now “facing a serious staff shortage.”
This follows two dozen Russian diplomats being told to leave in September, with the US refusing to renew their visas as is the normative practice. When that prior event happened, Amb. Antonov complained, “It has gotten to the point where the U.S. authorities cancel valid visas of spouses and children of our staff with no reasons provided. The widespread delays in renewing expired visas are also aimed at squeezing Russian diplomatic workers out of the country.” The State Department at the same time has downplayed that the moves have been retaliatory, instead framing it as but the result of an expired, unrenewed visa issue. On Monday Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov lashed out at Washington. He was cited in Russian media sources as demanding the US “must stop”… “We will definitely respond. We have already warned the US side that in order to prevent a further decline of personnel numbers here we cannot help but to respond. They must stop,” Ryabkov said.

ITALY: Demonstrators gather with the photos of their relatives killed by Covid vaccine. pic.twitter.com/EuBnVS7sGn
— Virago Spirit (@Virago_Spirit) November 29, 2021

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