Debt Rattle April 2 2021
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- This topic has 90 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
V. Arnold.
April 2, 2021 at 8:44 am #72259
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPablo Picasso Vue de Notre-Dame de Paris 1945 • Why Are ‘Experts’ Disagreeing With Each Other Over Covid Vaccine? (Ron Paul) • CDC Real-World S
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 2 2021]April 2, 2021 at 11:23 am #72260Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterSunlight Renders Coronavirus Inactive 8 Times Faster Than Predicted
Researchers have found that the coronavirus is inactivated by sunlight as much as eight times faster in experiments than predicted by current theoretical modelling, providing a glimmer of hope in turning the tide on the pandemic. UC Santa Barbara assistant professor of mechanical engineering Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz conducted an analysis of 2020 studies exploring the effects of different forms of UV radiation on the SARS-CoV-2 and found a significant discrepancy.
As with all electromagnetic radiation, UV falls on a spectrum, with longer-wave UVA reacting differently with parts of DNA and RNA than other mid-range UVB waves contained in sunlight, which kill microbes and cause sunburn in humans. Short-wave UVC radiation has previously been shown to deactivate viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, which is responsible for Covid-19, but this section of the UV spectrum is deflected away by the Earth’s ozone layer.
A July 2020 experimental study tested the power of UV light on SARS-CoV-2, contained in simulated saliva, and found the virus was inactivated in under 20 minutes. However, a theory published a month later suggested sunlight could achieve the same effect, which didn’t quite add up. This second study concluded that SARS-CoV-2 was three times more sensitive to UV radiation in sunlight than the influenza A virus. The vast majority of coronavirus particles were rendered inactive within 30 minutes of exposure to midday summer sunlight, whereas the virus could survive for days under winter sunlight.
April 2, 2021 at 11:28 am #72261Germ
ParticipantThey Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerpt, 2017 edition
“To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it—please try to believe me—unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.
This is incredible:
What in the New World order hell is this?
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) April 1, 2021
April 2, 2021 at 11:58 am #72262Germ
ParticipantMust watch:
Catching up with Knut Wittkowski, PhD
April 2, 2021 at 1:29 pm #72263Mister Roboto
ParticipantFrom the Matt Stoller article:
The answer to addressing the problem of thinned out supply chains is to recognize that hyper-efficient globalization inherently carries the downside of unpredictable shortages, geopolitical tension, and supply disruptions. And then redesign our global trading order to make it less efficient and more resilient.
Probably most people who are regulars here know this, but a lot of people don’t realize that efficiency and resiliency are always a trade-off. Efficiency tends to be popular in eras such as ours where available-energy is declining and so owners and upper-management are looking for easy ways to increase short-term profitability. But eras of declining energy-availability also make the shocks a system must periodically endure even more intense, and this effect will be magnified by taking away from resiliency by enhancing efficiency over every other priority. That’s exactly why we found ourselves not always able to buy our preferred brand (indeed, if any brand at all) of toilet paper, facial tissues, and paper towels during the “panic” phase of the onset of the pandemic.
April 2, 2021 at 1:39 pm #72264Dr. D
ParticipantJust following what will be Europe’s shortest war ever, Russia defending Crimea and taking Ukraine back, if it even wants it. (probably not)
“At this hour, more Russian military forces are massed near Ukraine’s borders than we have ever seen before.
Western military leaders say that they are concerned that the troop movements that we have witnessed in recent days may be leading up to an invasion, and if an invasion does happen it will greatly test the resolve of the Biden administration, EU leaders and NATO brass. In particular, the hawks in the Biden administration would almost certainly not be willing to just sit back and let the Russians conquer all of Ukraine. There would likely be a major response by the United States, and that could set off a chain reaction that could ultimately spark World War 3.
So what made the Russians suddenly move a massive invasion force toward Ukraine?
Well, it turns out that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky essentially signed a declaration of war against Russia on March 24th. The document that he signed is known as Decree No. 117/2021, and you won’t read anything about it in the corporate media.”
But they just won’t be happy until there’s a nuclear war, and Joe is just the weakling who will sleepwalk us into it. Hey, how are your supply chains doing?
April 2, 2021 at 1:41 pm #72265upstateNYer
Participant@Germ: thank you.
April 2, 2021 at 1:50 pm #72266zerosum
“Implementing a comprehensive campaign to defeat coronavirus would also assure that the next pandemic isn’t a disaster even worse than the current one.”
I want to present a different point of view.
For a large segment of society, the pandemic is a gold mine. Just when covid 19 was being conquered, along comes, just in time, covid variants from UK, Africa, etc. that are easier to transmit, more deadly and attacking a younger portion of people.
This virus is better than the bunny that keeps going and going.
Its better to be in the wagon than pushing the wagon
Laughing all the way to the bank.
‘Quadruple Therapy with Ivermectin is effective in treating COVID-19’Shashikanth Manikappa, a specialist cardiac anaesthetist working at Monash Health in Melbourne, Australia, has strongly advised what he termed Quadruple Therapy involving four medicines — Ivermectin, Doxycycline, Zinc and Vitamin D3 — as a preventive as well as treating method.
“Quadruple Therapy includes Ivermectin 12 mg one dose, Doxycycline 100 mg once a day for four days, Zinc 50 mg once a day for four days and Vitamin D3 once a week. Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc are to be repeated every 14 days and Vitamin D3 every week with blood levels monitored. The synergistic effect of these medicine acts to prevent viral multiplication and also stop the virus from entering human cells.On the side effects, Dr. Manikappa said that Ivermectin was being used in 3.7 billion people for intestinal parasites and was found to be safe. “These are not new medicine. They are already in use for treating different ailments and are found to be safe. They can be prescribed by any doctor to control the pandemic,” he said.
The war/battle to use or not to use Quadruple Therapy includes Ivermectin continues beyond logic.
(Its more than elections that are won by the biggest pot of money)
Look here ….
White paper on Ivermectin as a potential therapy for COVID-19
A group of senior doctors with vast clinical experience met on 19th July’20 under the aegis of Academy of Advanced Medical Education. The panel looked at Ivermectin, one of the old molecule and evaluated it’s use in COVID 19 (Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019) management. After critical panel discussion, all the attending doctors came to a conclusion that Ivermectin can be a potential molecule for prophylaxis and treatment of people infected with Coronavirus, owing to its anti-viral properties coupled with effective cost, availability and good tolerability and safety.There are newer drugs on the horizon which have been recommended though with very limited experience & devoid of enough data about safety and efficacy.1 These newer options are neither easily available nor affordable.
We have revisited some of the old molecules & have found Ivermectin, originally introduced as an anthelmintic to be an effective, safe and affordable therapeutic option in Indian settings for prevention and treatment of COVID-19.2
Recent research has shown that Ivermectin possesses strong anti-viral properties.3 It has potential to convert RT-PCR negative quickly.4 It can be used across the severity of COVID-19 especially in early viremic phase.5 It can be combined with other molecules of interest, like Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, doxycycline.6 Ivermectin is affordable, easily available, and safe without any major side effects.5
This white paper is an attempt to propose Ivermectin, a strong antiviral drug as a therapeutic option in the prevention and treatment of mild, moderate and severe cases of COVID-19.
The group, at the end of the discussion, proposed the following consensus statement:
“Ivermectin in the dose of 12 mg BD alone or in combination with other therapy for 5 to 7 days may be considered as safe therapeutic option for mild moderate or severe cases of Covid-19 infection. It is cost effective especially when the other drugs are very costly & not easily available”.
April 2, 2021 at 1:52 pm #72267Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymaster“At this hour, more Russian military forces are massed near Ukraine’s borders than we have ever seen before.
We never read about the troops amassed at the other side of that border, and which the Russian troops seek to neutralize.
Russia has neither the will nor intention nor the capacity to invade Ukraine, it’s a non-story. But they will protect the Russian people in the Donbass. And that’s what NATO is looking for.
April 2, 2021 at 2:27 pm #72268zerosum
ParticipantNATO is acting like a ignored child looking for attention and wants to have the adults in the room to give it center stage. The reporting of “troop movement” demonstrate the low IQ of our media leaders, and the bias of our leaders.
Its spring time.
Its time to think about planting crops.April 2, 2021 at 2:28 pm #72269absolute galore
ParticipantJohn Day wrote yesterday:
SARS-CoV-2 is bimodal. 80% of people stop it in the nose, where it is mild. In 20% of people it gets into lungs, guts and bloodstream. It has special aggressive powers to attack blood vessel linings, which can ruin lungs, kidneys, heart and brain.
So here is where I am. 61 years old, excellent overall health, commute to work by bicycle, no known underlying health issues, not overweight.
My take on the vaccines: I am not of the camp that they are definitely super dangerous, or part of some big plot, though I do understand the long-term affects are unknown. I don’t feel like they are necessary for everyone, and I am repulsed by developments like the Excelsior Pass and other “vaccine passports” coming down the pike–both the technologies and the ideologies.
So, as a otherwise healthy 61-year-old, do I get vaccinated because I am likely to be in that 20% where the virus attacks the organs (and still refuse to participate in vaccine passports). In other words, am I at enough risk that the vaccine is worth getting. Or am I safe with my Vitamin D regimen and possibly having some Ivermectin on hand. And has anybody here actually ordered from that India link that JD posted a while ago?
I also have a child custody situation that complicates things (child is under 12 yrs old). And I have someone at work coming around saying they are doing an “informal” survey of who has been vaccinated, and now reminding me daily I am eligible.
I am inclined to not get vaccinated due to distaste of the whole thing (I do not wear a mask outdoors in public). But if I am at some risk of messing up an organ or two with long term health repercussions, would prefer to avoid that. I can guess some of the responses, but curious what folks here would do in my situation.
April 2, 2021 at 2:37 pm #72270sumac.carol
ParticipantYippee for letting us know about the archive of traditional healing!!! This traditional knowledge, while not backed by controlled studies, is not curbed by vested interests, as is a good chunk of research on modern medicine (ie if it won’t make someone a millionaire it won’t get studied). This database will fill an important gap in our knowledge and will hopefully encourage and empower people to take back control of their own health.
April 2, 2021 at 2:41 pm #72271sumac.carol
ParticipantAbsolut galore how do you feel about the info on ivermectin? Dr. John Day kindly provided a link earlier for how to get this very cheap and effective therapy. I used it and now have added it to my covid arsenal.
April 2, 2021 at 3:06 pm #72272absolute galore
Participant@sumac.carol Yes, that’s what I was asking above, has anyone ordered from that link? Is this where you obtained yours? How long did it take? Does the product appear legit? That would be my preference over taking a vaccine.
April 2, 2021 at 3:10 pm #72273Dr. D
ParticipantSearch this site for “0.54%”, which was the actual statistics of increased survival from getting the vaccine. Posted quite some time ago, maybe three months.
Why? Well if you get smallpox you’ll die, so if you get an anti-smallpox vaccine you’ll almost certainly live. Huge numbers but not 100%
But what if the chance of dying starts out at 99.97% as the official CDC says? Then you’ve increased survival by 0.03% if it’s 100% effective. See the problem? And what did you have to do to achieve this miraculous sub 1% increase?
Subject 100% of the population to an untested, always-failed-before mRNA method that makes companies rich and ends human rights. So if ANYONE dies of the vaccine — and they’re dying by the thousands — they need to pin that number against the numbers saved.
To me it’s near a wash which is more dangerous, but since like you, at my health and weight my chance of dying is zero, the cost-benefit tradeoff doesn’t work. Even if it WERE tested, which is isn’t, DIDN’T cause side effects, which it does, and didn’t end all human rights, which is arguable.
Your child is complete immune, there are several CDC studies, best one on in-person schools where not only did no kids get it, but their PARENTS didn’t get it either. Actually, they were like 0.01% safer, but no doubt entertaining statistical noise. As Schools, Administrators, Courts, and Governments are violently anti-science, don’t expect presenting this to anyone concerning custody will do anything but prejudice them AGAINST you, because you follow CDC research and science and they don’t.
But that’s where we are.
April 2, 2021 at 3:19 pm #72274island raider
ParticipantFrom the March 8 Debt Rattle and the user ‘Maxwell Quest’:
“Here’s a link with instructions: went through the Indiamart website and dealt with the company below, using PayPal for payment:
Anil Gangwani (Director)
Kachhela Medex Private Limited
Shop No. 403, 4th Floor, Panjwani Market, Near Teen Nal Chowk, Gandhi Bagh
Nagpur – 440002, Maharashtra, India”Website is:
April 2, 2021 at 3:45 pm #72276madamski cafone
ParticipantRegarding the VAERS chart Raul showed us today, I did some checking (because you never know where things come from these days), and found the link below, shared not because I trust FactCheck per se but because it shows how much effort they put into challenging any questioning of vaccine safety. Quite the obfuscation act, ‘if you ask me:
April 2, 2021 at 3:50 pm #72277Mr. House
Participant“how much effort they put into challenging any questioning of vaccine safety. Quite the obfuscation act, ‘if you ask me”
But we already knew that, anybody who died 28 days of being tested for covid and positive was a covid death. Anybody who dies a few days after getting the vaccine, well we need to do more research on that and can’t jump to conclusions. The questions becomes why they lie and why the double standards. Something simple like they just needed an excuse that couldn’t be questioned to print money? Or something more nefarious
April 2, 2021 at 3:53 pm #72278madamski cafone
ParticipantMore on Ukraine.
April 2, 2021 at 3:56 pm #72279madamski cafone
ParticipantKremlin for-public-consumption perspective
Horse’s mouthpiece.
April 2, 2021 at 3:56 pm #72280Mr. House
ParticipantThe answer is power. You can not talk rationally with SJWs, they will call anything you argue racist. You can not argue with Covid hysterics, they will tell you that you want to kill grandma. They aren’t open to argument, their goal is power and nothing less. Understand that and you’ll stop wondering why they lie and the double standards.
April 2, 2021 at 4:00 pm #72281cloudhidden
Participant@ absolute galore
“And has anybody here actually ordered from that India link that JD posted a while ago?”Ordered and received. Took about 6 weeks.
April 2, 2021 at 4:05 pm #72282madamski cafone
Participant@ Mr. House
“The questions becomes why they lie and why the double standards. Something simple like they just needed an excuse that couldn’t be questioned to print money? Or something more nefarious”
It needn’t be either/or. There needn’t be a ringleader. In a crowded theater on fire, it’s amazing how everybody acts in concert. Properly guided in a properly designed building, they act safely and cooperatively. Lacking those qualities, they act even more single-mindedly, all of them scrambling to get through the door even if the maimed bodies of their fellow beings are in the way, bleeding and screaming on the floor. It’s like they’re all following some plan when they’re all just trying to save their individual asses.
Power likes us to think it can be laser-focused when actually it mostly spreads and dissipates, creating corruption bubbles like those comprising the foam we’re living in. But the word “nefarious” surely applies to a large % of the motives and plans of the various players involved. Numb-skull would also apply. Clueless is probably the biggest overall point spread of that profile.
April 2, 2021 at 4:09 pm #72283Susmarie108
ParticipantI also have purchased Ivermectin from the resource mentioned above. It took less than 3 weeks. Very efficient and inexpensive. Used PayPal.
@sumac.carol – agree! The Archive of Healing is an astounding accomplishment and will be my go to for additional insight.
Based on a post of yours regarding success using nano-silver (I also dose my ancient green-eyed grey furball) – I wanted to weigh in on one more important application. It relates to John Day’s post “80% of people stop it in the nose, where it is mild. In 20% of people it gets into lungs, guts and bloodstream”.
I spray nano-silver directly in my eyes, up my nose and in my mouth daily (and more frequently if I am out). In my mind, it provides a protective “barrier” in the key areas of potential entry. I have been using nano-silver in this way from the beginning.
In addition, it will be in my trio for treatment – Ivermectin, Zinc (BioAnQ brand) and nano-silver. I don’t ever use antibiotics, so the nano-silver replaces the Doxycycline in my lineup should I be exposed or have symptoms.
April 2, 2021 at 4:11 pm #72284Susmarie108
ParticipantTyop. BioZnQ
April 2, 2021 at 4:12 pm #72285Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymasterabsolute galore,
The issue is not whether the mRNA “vaccines” are dangerous, it’s that we have no way of knowing. Very much like GOM crops, we insert a new technology into living beings without testing for long-term effects. “Nobody dropped dead within 5 minutes so it must be okay”. This has nothing to do with science.
I got some ivermectin from India here in Athens on Tuesday after it had been underway since Jan 12, 78 days. Big shout-out to Shayam Solutions who persisted where others just refunded me saying there was no way. Yours for life. Went from India to Singapore to Germany to Greece. They put so much effort into finding a way, there’s zero chance they made a profit. Kudos.
I know I’m in a bit of an odd corner of the planet, and it’s probably easier in the US, but I was impressed by these people, that’s for sure. Indiamart itself bounced my offer, and Kachhela too. These guys persisted. I owe them at least I big thank you. You rock!
April 2, 2021 at 4:14 pm #72286madamski cafone
Participant@ Dr. D
“Search this site for “0.54%… But that’s where we are.”
Nice analysis. Minimal hyperbole, maximum logic.
Regarding the Russia/Ukraine thing being the shortest war ever if triggered: depends on how sticky NATO feels its commitments are. Methinks it will determine if NATO is still really the USA’s toy or not, and probably if it’s still anything, period.
I wonder when more nations will start sanctioning us.
List of current sanctions against the United States of America
Country / Political union Summary of economic sanctionThe People’s Republic of China The People’s Republic of China has imposed a tariff of $60 billion U.S goods on the 24th of September, 2018 and has proposed a further $110 billion tariff on the United States of America as part of the ongoing trade war between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China.[6]
Canada Canada retaliated to the sanctions with a $16.6 billion tariff on U.S goods including steel, aluminum and other products effective on the 1st of July 2018.[7]
European Union The European Union retaliated to the sanctions with a tariff on 180 U.S goods for over $3 billion on the 22nd of June, 2018.[8][9]
Mexico Mexico retaliated to the sanctions with a tariff on U.S goods such as steel, pork, cheese apples and other goods for over $3 billion on the 5th of June, 2018.[10]
Iran Iran is preparing to announce retaliatory actions economically against the United States of America for its economic sanctions in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).[4]
Russia Russia has banned the import of U.S food related products since the 6th of August, 2014 and this sanction has been extended on the 5th of July, 2018 to last until the end of 2019.[5]
April 2, 2021 at 4:27 pm #72287upstateNYer
Participant@absolute galore: any and all of us can give you our thoughts on whether you should get a vaccination or not, but ultimately it’s about your own belief system. You already know the risks/benefits of both vaccination and covid so I think the decision boils down to analyzing two core things:
1) Which do you trust more, your own immune system or a pharmaceutical? Your chance of getting covid that results in having in one or more organs attacked is slim, but if that fear keeps following you around, you may as well get the vaccine and eliminate it.
2) If your employer or child custody situation demands a vaccine are you willing to draw a line and fight for your right not to get one? If that’s a bridge too far for you, you may as well get the vaccine and eliminate the potential battle. (your child’s risk of severe outcome is miniscule)
I have Ivermectin from India via the link at the swiss policy research site (JD). Sealed boxes, blister packed tablets. Process worked like a charm, paid via paypal, dirt cheap to purchase.
April 2, 2021 at 4:35 pm #72288madamski cafone
Participant@ absolute galore
You’re healthy. For healthy people, covid is just a cold. Let me clarify, and someone correct any ignorance on my part, pls: it almost always starts in your sinus passages: a head cold. To do this, it has to get in. If your sinuses are nice and wet (like a healthy dog’s nose), and your body fully hydrated, and you aren’t super-exhausted or malnourished or otherwise compromised (this is a bad time to drink heavily), you could snort a fistfull(*hyperbole alert) of covid and probably hardly notice it. To the extent that you did notice it, you would then be wise to immediately ramp up on all the good stuff, especially fluids and electrolytes, zinv, vitamins D&C, etc.
It’s just another bug trying to get in. The bouncers hate all such critters equally, and given the tools they need to do their job, will remove the gate-crashers with minimal bodily disturbance (sickness as in symptoms). They don’t need to know the offenders specific “rap sheets”. It doesn’t need to make covid-specific antigens. It just needs to have enough healthy robust bouncers and enough transport medium (water) and fuel (electrolytes) to provide munitions (whatever nutrients the immunse system likes) top handle the situation.
Covid has been hyped into a kind of WMD where we have to know whether we should cut the red wire or green wire when all it needs is a solid kick in the nuts.
Lipids are good too. Take some vitamin D caps and smush them open, then smear the oil inside your sinus. Whether the D does anything topically as a vitamin, the oil will drown the viruses, who crave water, who feel about oil the way we feel about sminning in concrete.
They way not to get covid is to take really good care of yourself and keep your immune system active. Expose yourself to people, dogs, trees, homeless people, and smile and laugh as much as possible. Snuggling is awesome for immune systems.
April 2, 2021 at 4:38 pm #72289zerosum
Participant“Ivermectin has been used in billions of prescriptions to date, and even with high dosing there are very few side effects when used for things like scabies,” Borody told MedPage Today. “This thing in combination of the three works so well, I believe it is the way we should go.”
A Call for More Research
While ICU physicians may see ivermectin as something worth trying, others believe the evidence is still too scant.
Certain drugs are expedited by the FDA, while “other treatments which have been shown to be quite effective — like ivermectin — have not seen the light of day,” Rajter said.Currently, there are more than 30 clinical trials testing ivermectin for COVID-19. Bisoffi is investigating high doses of ivermectin for mild infection and Chaccour is also conducting a trial in Spain. A team at Johns Hopkins University is comparing ivermectin versus bicalutamide and usual care among hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Last Updated November 04, 2020
Elizabeth HlavinkaApril 2, 2021 at 4:59 pm #72290madamski cafone
Participant@ Mr. House
“You can not argue with Covid hysterics, they will tell you that you want to kill grandma.”
Which is why arguing is not your ally in such matters. A Shakuhachi Moment(tm) anecdote:
A Zen monk is arrested for murder.
The prosecutor tells him he did this horrible deed.
“Is that so?” says the monk. It is all he replies.
He is jailed.
Years later, he is released: the real murderer has confesses. Prosecutor apologizes.
“You are innocent.”
“Is that so?” replies the monk.
<end>If it isw solidarity you want, you are perhaps better off to pursue consensus with the like-minded first, and to do so not in opposition to anything but simply for what you wish. SPend an evening with 20 fellows going from restaurant to restaurant promising to all eat hearily, spend well, and tip lavishly… but no mask jive for you.
Focusing on opposition, on changing minds by proving people wrong, is a fool’s hobby. I know, because I am that fool and, as we witness here, doing this is a hobby of mine. I do it for personal reasons but, as Michael Reid guessed, my primary purpose is to get people to think outside of whatever box they’re in, or critique, praisefully when possible, the new box they’re building (in order to break out of that box; we’re matryoshka dolls, we humans).
Pulling works better than pushing with humans. We’ll follow more easily than we’ll let ourselves be pushed around. The Pied Piper comes to mind. The powers that control our structures attain their leverage by promises far more than by threats. Being shown wrong is very threatening to most people, especially today, when our fragile psyches are composed for us by cradle-to-grave social conditioning of a vast and ever-expanding nature. (Hmmm. I wonder what’s on the telly?)
People will fight fiercely to defend things they hardly believe in if admitting they’re wrong causes them enough pain. The m,ore serious the issue, the more potential pain. Therefore, the more serious the issue, the more childishly stubborn the resistance to admitting one is wrong on the issue.
Not that this stuff is easy for warm-blooded passionistas like you and I. It pisses us off when someone accuses us of just wanting to kill grandma. Here is where a smart psychopath has such an advantage. They know, and I quote one who almost was elected governor of Washing ton ten years ago or so, that “It’s amazing what people will go along with if you say it with a smile on your face.”
Hardest thing for an honest passionate person to do, to smile, warmly and sincerely, while saying, “No, I don’t want to kill grandmother.” But it’s SO powerful. “I just have to do what my conscience tells me.” <smile> I practice smiling and holding my tongue. Lately, people have asked me, “Well, what do YOU think?” Maybe I’m getting somewhere.
April 2, 2021 at 5:04 pm #72291madamski cafone
Participant“Currently, there are more than 30 clinical trials testing ivermectin for COVID-19. Bisoffi is investigating high doses of ivermectin for mild infection and Chaccour is also conducting a trial in Spain. A team at Johns Hopkins University is comparing ivermectin versus bicalutamide and usual care among hospitalized COVID-19 patients.”
They’ll have to take down the carnival tents of this covid “vaccine” medicine show and leave town before they get run out on a rail. The lies won’t hold.
April 2, 2021 at 5:34 pm #72292straightwalker
Participant@absolute galore
I have ordered successfully from India three times. I have a stash of Ivermectin & associated drugs for either prophylactic use or early treatment. Until we have better home testing kits, I will assume any fever or flu-like symptoms are covid 19. Why not? Ivermectin is completely safe and inexpensive to take just in case. Your immune system is the best defense, so, keep up your great life style, make sure that you are taking Vitamin D (5000 units daily, per Dr J.D.’s advice), and try to keep informed about progress and experience with the new vaccines. I also bought a good thermometer and a pulse oximeter (cheap) to have on hand if I start coming down with something.
Trust in life (in the broadest sense) is healthy, not fatalistic.April 2, 2021 at 6:09 pm #72294Doc Robinson
Participantabsolute galore: “So, as a otherwise healthy 61-year-old, do I get vaccinated because I am likely to be in that 20% where the virus attacks the organs (and still refuse to participate in vaccine passports). In other words, am I at enough risk that the vaccine is worth getting.”
Keep in mind that the following number are averages for the age groups, so if you are healthier than the average American in your age group, less overweight and/or with less pre-existing conditions, then the risks to you should be less than these numbers indicate. (Disclaimer: this assessment of risks is based on CDC numbers.)
The CDC looked at the US data from Feb-Dec 2020, and came up with these estimates..
The chance of getting infected by Covid in 2020 was 25% (83.1 million infections per 332 million population).
For those who were infected by Covid in 2020, the risk of being hospitalized was (for each age group):
Age 0-4 — 1%
5-17 — 0.7%
18-49 — 2.5%
50-64 — 7%
65+ — 21%For those who are infected by Covid, the risk of dying from Covid is
Age 0-17 — 2 per 100,000 (one death per 50,000 cases)
18-49 — 50 per 100,000 (one-twentieth of a percent)
50-64 — 600 per 100,000 (around half of a percent)
65+ — 9,000 per 100,000 (9%)Putting it all together, for someone age 61 in average health and taking average preventative measures and treatments against infection, then according to the CDC, if you get a Covid infection you have a 7% chance of being hospitalized and about a half of one percent chance of dying from it.
Being in above-average health, and taking better-than-average preventative measures and treatments against infection, should reduce the above risks significantly.
Regarding the risk of organ damage from long covid, this article was posted above:
• Almost Third Of UK Covid Hospital Patients Readmitted Within 4 Months (G.)
The study referenced in this article goes into more detail about the characteristics of the patients being hospitalized:
“Compared with the general population, individuals in hospital with covid-19 were more likely to be: male, aged 50 or more, living in a deprived area, a former smoker, and overweight or obese. Individuals with covid-19 were also more likely to be comorbid than the general population, with a higher prevalence of previous admission to hospital and of all measured pre-existing conditions (most notably hypertension, major adverse cardiovascular event, respiratory disease, and diabetes).”It comes down to a personal risk/benefit assessments which would require looking at the risks of the vaccine as well as the risks of a Covid infection. For me, at my age and in my health condition, and based on the known risks of Covid, I’m not afraid enough of a Covid infection to justify taking the known and unknown risks of the vaccines (which got emergency authorization but are still unapproved). The benefits to society-at-large also seem questionable, and the overall risks to society are still unknown.
There’s something about the “first, do no harm” approach which makes me somewhat wary of processes which can turn healthy people into sick and dying people. I want to first make sure the benefits actually outweigh the risks. The benefits of Covid vaccination might turn out to be rather limited, because of the limited duration of antibody protection (6 months?) and the variants which are cropping up. Getting a Covid vaccination every 6 months will repeatedly multiply the vaccine risks to the individual.
The older and unhealthier the person already is, and the more scared they are of catching Covid, the easier it becomes for them to justify the risks of the vaccine because that person’s risks (perceived and actual) from Covid are higher. I’m not there yet. By the way, I’m not an anti-vaxxer, Within the past two years, I got preventative vaccination shots for 4 different diseases.
April 2, 2021 at 6:14 pm #72295Germ
ParticipantFrom 2019 – it’s been planned since way before Covid.
April 2, 2021 at 6:14 pm #72296Germ
ParticipantApril 2, 2021 at 6:15 pm #72297Doc Robinson
ParticipantLinks to data and quotes used in my previous comment:
Post-covid syndrome in individuals admitted to hospital with covid-19: retrospective cohort study 2, 2021 at 6:16 pm #72298Germ
ParticipantThe Netherlands has halted use of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine for people under 60 following the death of a woman who had received a shot
April 2, 2021 at 6:35 pm #72299Michael Reid
Participant@ madamski
“Covid has been hyped into a kind of WMD where we have to know whether we should cut the red wire or green wire when all it needs is a solid kick in the nuts.”
You are awesome … at times
April 2, 2021 at 7:00 pm #72300Mr. House
Participant -
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