Debt Rattle January 30 2023
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- This topic has 84 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by
Dr. D.
January 30, 2023 at 7:27 pm #127728
Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantCan anyone shed some light on just where in the DNA the mRNA (or modRNA) might insert (by reverse transcriptase) itself; could it be anywhere? When sperm and egg join, what happens when the DNAs do not match due to that insertion? Would this not make those effected ‘reproductive mules’? What happens when vital proteins cannot be constructed?
Just curious.
January 30, 2023 at 8:00 pm #127729Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantHighly suggested reading before the discussion of psychopaths continues:
Kevin Dutton, “The Wisdom of Psychopaths; Lessons In Life from Saints, Spies and Serial Killers“.
From back cover:
“(psychopaths) are fearless, confident, charismatic, ruthless and focused”.
The author mentions in the book the psychopath uses rational thinking unadorned, unhindered by emotional thinking to reach their conclusions, (much like your normal medical doctor is trained to do). The psychopath also uses empathy in their interactions to achieve their desired ends. Not all psychopaths are damaged people criminally active.
A well written and balanced review of ‘psychopathy’, quite unlike the conversations these pages.January 30, 2023 at 8:03 pm #127730Formerly T-Bear
ISBN 978-0-434-02067-8January 30, 2023 at 8:22 pm #127731John Day
In response to the story, the Kremlin has vehemently denied that the “threat” ever took place. “It’s a lie. There have been no missile threats,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov retorted on behalf of Putin.“While talking about security challenges to Russia, President Putin said that if Ukraine joins NATO the potential deployment of U.S. or other NATO missiles near our borders would mean that any such missile could reach Moscow in minutes,” Peskov said.
The UK government never published the full transcript of the interview, and a summary readout at the time contained no references to any threat against Johnson by the Russian leader.
January 30, 2023 at 8:27 pm #127732D Benton Smith
ParticipantAn immortal soul who “identifies” (meaning, literally believes it is who & what they are “identifying” with)) as a short warranty squishy organic robot operated by a gooey biological brain that’s running an AI program called “Abstract Reasonable Thinking” is very VERY comparable to that fat middle-aged man on European television the other day who “identified” as a woman who could figure skate. Pathetically wrong on both counts. Neither one of those grotesque misidentifications was even remotely true, as is hilariously obvious in the video. (click here if you want to see the full awful cringeworthy display: )
An aware soul running a high quality soft robot properly can be a marvelous performance to behold, but that same robot running on it’s own . . . with no consciously aware soul at the controls, is just PURE psychopath. If for some reason it concludes that killing something is desirable then it can do so with absolutely no remorse whatsoever because “systems” do not feel remorse . . . . or any other feeling for that matter. The cerebral AI that the squishy robot is running on is not capable of knowing good from bad . . . . because IT IS A FUCKING AI, duh ! A mechanism can’t actual KNOW anything.!!
But brother, that human-body brain-based AI is just astounding in what it can do, almost beyond belief. So wondrously complex and intentionally designed that only a true God could have made it. It’s a device so sublimely capable that it almost runs itself, but it does NOT know good from bad or virtue from depravity.
Those elements, and the conscious judgment to know which one should be used (and when), are intended to be provided by YOU.
Your vaunted IQ and ability to process immeasurable troves of abstract information are vastly more hindrance than help at such times, because although brainiac level IQ can provide entrancingly enticing games and “answers” IT ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT provide judgment or evaluation of what are good games and answers rather than BAD games and answers.
In the final analysis all of that thinking is just another form of “rules based” (policy based, facts based, science based, etc etc whatever) ARTIFICIAL intelligence, and the aware choice of good over bad remains untouched right there where it always was: in YOUR consciously aware ability to know and consciously choose of your own free will which one is which for reals.
I know there are a whole bunch of you “severely gifted” (in the words of Christopher Langan) extraordinarily high IQ persons lurking and commenting here on TAE. Takes one to know one.
Well, what I’m telling you smart asses is to throttle back the love affair with abstract intellect, and up the game of simple uncomplicated AWARENESS of what is divine and good, as compared to what is diabolical and bad.
Of course all of you shall inevitably get around to doing that. Eventually. After exhausting all of the other (wrong) possibilities.
But the really smart ones will start doing it now.
The solution to our dilemma is not a brain thing. It’s a soul thing. The advice to, “Get right with God” ain’t far off the mark.
January 30, 2023 at 8:35 pm #127733Oroboros
Participant“…..(psychopaths) are fearless, confident, charismatic, ruthless and focused….”.
Psychopaths are quite useful.
They catch the eye of various ‘rulers’ and ‘leaders’ worldwide down through Time.
A total lack of empathy or remorse gets stuff done chop, chop….
They can be embarrassing and from either gender, it’s not just a ‘guy thing’.
American Psycho Killer Qu’est ce Que C’est
January 30, 2023 at 8:36 pm #127734John Day
ParticipantAndrei at The Vineyard of the Saker is bowing out within the month, shutting the blog down. He will not transfer the portal, except as a dead-repository, if somebody else curates it.
I don’t know if those who post there might want to post here. Some, like Pepe Escobar and Michael Hudson have their other venues.January 30, 2023 at 9:00 pm #127735John Day
Participant@DBS: The epiphany that came to me one night a decade ago, biking home from a Buddhist study group on the Bardo (between-lives) was that “We are all always dead, but sometimes we are also alive in bodies, and it is really-distracting“.
YMMV of course.
January 30, 2023 at 9:07 pm #127736D Benton Smith
“Really distracting”, definitely yes it is that, and also perilous, and entertaining, and probably a classroom experience essential to our spiritual growth as well.
Talk about a tough class with a steep grading curve!
January 30, 2023 at 9:20 pm #127737Germ
ParticipantA dead 2-year-old – died the day following a combo Covid AND flu shot.
What parent would expose their child to this rat juice?☠️☠️☠️
January 30, 2023 at 9:20 pm #127738Dr. D
ParticipantThere’s a saying: “It’s a different fraud all the way down.” That is, they always tell a slightly different story to the the one above. That way everybody thinks they’re the smart ones, they’re special insiders and know what’s going on, and it’s all compartmentalized. Let’s just pretend here, no attempt at accuracy or plausibility:
Level 1: There’s no Chemtrails, only idiots believe that. Those white gridded lines have always existed, don’t you remember?
Level 2: Well, there’s a few, but it’s just a secret test to save the world from AGW out of Harvard. Shhh, don’t tell.
Level 3: Well sure they’re going worldwide, but we hate the Russians and are doing weather control.
Level 4: It’s actually a population control, as we poison and weaken the people for profit and AGW. That’s why the trees suddenly are dying and the ground it flammable with aluminum powder.
Level 5: It’s a top secret project saving us not from the Russians but Dr. No. And not from Weather but it’s a conductive nanodust. If we’re attacked with missiles, our Reagan-era Star Wars plan lights up the entire atmosphere before they can hit. Too bad about the trees and people but the risk is too high.
Level 6: Same thing but it’s not the Russians it’s the Space Aliens from “V”.
Level 7: Choose your own adventure. We’re terraforming earth for better people and/or no people but an invading alien race of Eloheim headed by Galadriel. Only Tolkien knew. Bigfoot is our President in the Galactic Council run by Kay and Zed. It’s all a video game hologram inside SpaceX.
Point? Open your mind, note how we have narratives all fake, half-fake, plausible. We have them for bad guys, good guys, nationalists, internationalists. We have them that all point the same way: the Bad Thing™ is Good. I’m smarter than you are™. Only I have a ticket on the special lifeboat this Fix it up Chappie sold me. So “Do what you’re told.”
The fraud is different all the way down. Why? They could care less. They tell you whatever’s most convenient to get you to do what they want at that moment. “The truth is not in them.” Could care less if it’s true, they prefer if it isn’t. “The truth must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies.”
Pick your own. What do you tell each side about rioting?
January 30, 2023 at 9:20 pm #127739Germ
Participant“It is difficult to get a woman to understand something, when her salary depends upon her not understanding it.
This is just too funny!
January 30, 2023 at 9:25 pm #127740Maxwell Quest
ParticipantAnother good essay from CJ Hopkins: How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP
His message is especially timely. As the Covid psyop starts to unravel, we can watch how any new revelatory stories are framed so as to distract from the crucial point and neutralize blame. As TAE commentors, it is easy for us to get lost in the weeds by debating minor points, such as whether the virus was accidentally released or not. One feels more secure in discussing these ‘mouse turds’, rather than the going right for the 600 lb. gorilla – the Grand Conspiracy Theory of Covid being a WEF sponsored, deadly DOD driven global PSYOP that was sanctioned by all major institutions.
Most of us here ‘get it’, even though a few have difficulty getting their mind around it. Be brave and jump on the back of that 600 lb. gorilla and ride him into the ground. Make him buck and thrash for all to see. Don’t let up for a minute.
January 30, 2023 at 9:25 pm #127741jb-hb
ParticipantIn my awful corporate experience, psychopaths are always a net drain of resources. I’ve experienced many MANY times they messed things up, took up valuable time and energy, made people miserable, got in the way of doing the job, stopped it from being done well. Can’t think of a single time they were (purposely) remotely useful to me. (and surely, if being useful to me were brought up as a goal, they would have been insulted, disgusted, angered, scornful – precisely why, if I used Call Center Jedi Mind Tricks by playing stupid or pretending to be a lesser psycho myself, I could get them to do things they’d refuse to do for valid business reasons.)
I’ve seen many times where they destroyed stuff big and small. Drove away quality individuals, ruined entire 500-person departments, lost 100’s-1000’s of lines of revenue while ruthlessly “getting stuff done.” Various dumb supervisors, managers, and directors over the years. There’s psychopaths ruthlessly gunning for a $1000 pay raise or the right to lord over 7 people with the same evil intensity as if they were trying to take over a company or giant corporation.
No sense of proportion. No sense of their place in things, what they actually should be doing. They have problems with perceiving context. As meaning is an emergent function of context, they cannot apprehend meaning. Which makes them high IQ and retarded.
January 30, 2023 at 9:31 pm #127742Germ
ParticipantWatch “The Children of Men” (or anything else you care to!) for free.
Enjoy 🙂
January 30, 2023 at 9:43 pm #127743Dr D Rich
Participant“…quite unlike the conversations these pages.”
Very nice!
“…rational thinking unadorned, unhindered by emotional thinking.”
Maybe the problem is emotional thinking adorned and hindered by rational thinking. I submit this assertion reflects comforting words applied to what the practitioner knows is unsympathetic, inhumane behavior or as is typical, the attempt rationalize it as such.
(much like your normal medical doctor is trained to do). I missed that class in medical school, internship and residency, but the psychopath’s attraction to the medical professions, at least the rarest subtype, serial killers, has been loosely established.
“Not all psychopaths are damaged people criminally active.”
If your expecting psychopaths to present with blood dripping from their fangs, then one surely missed the distinction between mutual beneficence and the moment a person realizes they’ve been seduced to their detriment.
There’s no shame in not seeing it. Few psychiatrists or psychologists possess the “gift of recognition” and society writ large seems to have normalized this personality disorder (Antisocial) as an acceptable if desirable pattern of behavior in business, medicine, law and the military.
January 30, 2023 at 9:55 pm #127744Germ
ParticipantWant to know about the Psychopaths that are all around us?
Watch “I Am Fishead”
January 30, 2023 at 10:09 pm #127745Germ
ParticipantNever Forget and NEVER Forgive.
I will celebrate the announcement of each and every one of these cunts’ deaths.
Citizenx will, no doubt, be joining me.The Great Wall of Cunts
January 30, 2023 at 10:30 pm #127746Germ
ParticipantJanuary 30, 2023 at 10:44 pm #127747Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantDr. D Rich
Do you have a reading problem? Read what the Dr who wrote the book says about psychopaths. My words to introduce are not what the author says but are a mere short synopsis of a professional psychiatrist’s findings that are illuminating. Got to be a reading problem.
January 30, 2023 at 11:28 pm #127748John Day
Participant“As Arranged” post is up. Will a Substack link load today? 30, 2023 at 11:30 pm #127749John Day
This is the organizational structure and some associated documentation. This is the US chain of command for COVID pandemic management.
US Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) COVID-19 Operational Picture Ugo Bardi explains how this shadow-governance-oligarchy problem was actually solved and demonstrated a long time ago.
In the comments section I argue that Moloch is a superior evil-deity for today’s elites than Baphomet would be.
How to Create your own Shadow Government: why Worshiping Baphomet could be a Good Idea Ukraine Air Force Commander Says Pilots Are Training to Fly F-16s in US
USG neocons—such as Senators Richard Blumenthal, Sheldon Whitehouse, and the ever-bellicose and apparently criminally insane, Lindsay Graham—are celebrating escalation.
“The combination of tanks, fighter aircraft, and ATACMS will help Ukraine confront the upcoming Russian offensive and go on offense in both the east and the south in an attempt to further erode Russia’s capability to continue fighting in Ukraine. Let’s give the Ukrainians everything they need to win—now,” the trio declared in a statement.
The Hill believes sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine will “not likely… be seen as more of an escalation.”Ukraine Air Force Commander Says Pilots Are Training to Fly F-16s in US
Moon of Alabama makes a comparison with the military preparations for Desert Storm in Iraq/Kuwait, and what NATO might be able to do in Ukraine.
Russia occupies some 87,000 square kilometer of Ukraine. The Desert Storm theater around Kuwait was five times smaller.
A hypothetical U.S. coalition of the size of Desert Storm could probably cross the Dnieper and cut of Crimea. But it could do little more than that. The Donetz and Luhansk oblasts and Crimea itself would still be in Russian hands.
But there are many reasons why no such operation will ever be planned and executed.
The U.S. no longer has a force of the size it committed to Desert Storm. Nor do its allies.
The U.S. was able to create air superiority in Iraq because it could fly from nearby Saudi airfields and from aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf. Air superiority in eastern Ukraine could only be achieved with the destruction of long range air-defenses within Russia. The next safe air fields the U.S. could use are in Poland and Romania. No U.S. aircraft carrier will dare to enter the Black Sea. U.S. fighter planes to not have the necessary reach for combat missions in eastern Ukraine.
The Ukrainian rail system is by now a mess. It is incapable of moving a large force from the west into east Ukraine.
Any attempt to move a large force through Ukraine would be subject to deep battle interdiction by Russian and Belorussian forces.
Iraqi equipment was badly maintained and Iraqi forces were barely trained. Russia has a well trained high tech army. 30, 2023 at 11:32 pm #127750John Day
ParticipantWill this be the next American/Israeli war? It always war-games badly for the US.
Why Is The Mainstream Media Being So Quiet About The Military Strikes That Are Causing Massive Explosions In Iran? White House Refuses To Say If Ukraine Will Get Toxic Depleted Uranium Ammo This can keep dripping for a really long time. Each drip is a new crime.
SECOND Hunter Biden Email from Laptop WITH CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Uncovered – Hunter Shared with Ukraine Business Colleagues – More ComingJanuary 30, 2023 at 11:37 pm #127753John Day
Participant RFK Jr. and his allies are hard at work.
A federal judge in California on Wednesday granted Children’s Health Defense-California Chapter’s request for a preliminary injunction to block a California law that would have allowed the state’s medical boards to punish doctors for spreading “COVID-19 misinformation.”Breaking: Federal Judge Blocks California Law Punishing Doctors for ‘COVID Misinformation’
“We analyzed the adverse reaction information, but our analysis must remain a secret, on principle.”
CHD Sues FDA to Obtain Documents Related to VAERS Reports on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Deaths
The lawsuit alleges the FDA violated provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by refusing to provide key analysis of reports in the vaccine safety database.
CHD submitted the FOIA request in July 2022.
The FDA claimed the records sought are fully exempt from disclosure under FOIA because they are part of internal and intra-agency memoranda that include opinions and discussions protected by law, and because the records include discussions of legal and policy matters protected by attorney-client privilege.CHD Sues FDA to Obtain Documents Related to VAERS Reports on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Deaths
YouTube disappeared the Project Veritas video of Jordan Trishton Walker MD, the Pfizer executive, bragging to his date about secretive guided-evolution project on COVID, which would be good for business, by allowing “vaccines” to be made ahead of a new variant wave. Project Veritas has it here: 30, 2023 at 11:39 pm #127754John Day
ParticipantIt seems to be rejecting Substack links again, and just now, so gaps go between dot and com.
Thai Royal Princess is in a coma in the hospital after a Pfizer “vaccine”. A prominent Thai doctor has presented the case that it is a vaccine injury. Thai government considers declaring its contract with Pfizer null and void. Thnks Luc in Oz.
Will Thailand take Pfizer to court for Fraud and NoVax Djokovic gets sweet revenge in Australia
https://nakedemperor.substack. com/p/will-thailand-take-pfizer-to-court The FAA cannot look at this, because of how it already looks. Political narrative-control is far more important than reality.
FAA Press Office responds: There will be no investigations into pilot death/disability caused by the COVID vaccines
https://stevekirsch.substack. com/p/faa-press-office-responds-there-will mRNA COVID “vaccine” products are not only associated with neurological injuries of many kinds, but also acute psychosis.
How badly would you have to be tormented to try to kill yourself by stabbing yourself in the abdomen?
Acute Psychosis after COVID-19 Vaccination, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
https://petermcculloughmd.substack. com/p/acute-psychosis-after-covid-19-vaccinationJanuary 30, 2023 at 11:47 pm #127755aspnaz
ParticipantThe Pfizer killing spree was all about money (my current evaluation), but as India, China and most of Africa did not get the Pfizer jab, they will be unaffected while the white man – including the Jews of apartheid Israel – will be hit hard, assuming all groups received equally deadly shots. Don’t know about South America. I do not buy into the population reduction theory as yet, not enough evidence, but if that was the goal then it appears to be population reduction among white people. This, of course, is a goal of the progressive left who will not stop trying to kill cultures and promote interracial mariage until everybody has the skin colour of diarrhoea after a drink of water from the Ganges. Exactly why they do this is not easily understandable as they claim something about equality, as if skin colour and culture is a measure of equality, basically they are racists gone beserk.
January 31, 2023 at 12:37 am #127756Veracious Poet
ParticipantIn my awful corporate experience, psychopaths are always a net drain of resources. I’ve experienced many MANY times they messed things up, took up valuable time and energy, made people miserable, got in the way of doing the job, stopped it from being done well.
I’ve seen many times where they destroyed stuff big and small. Drove away quality individuals, ruined entire 500-person departments, lost 100’s-1000’s of lines of revenue while ruthlessly “getting stuff done.”
No sense of proportion. No sense of their place in things, what they actually should be doing. They have problems with perceiving context. As meaning is an emergent function of context, they cannot apprehend meaning. Which makes them high IQ and retarded.
If your expecting psychopaths to present with blood dripping from their fangs, then one surely missed the distinction between mutual beneficence and the moment a person realizes they’ve been seduced to their detriment.
There’s no shame in not seeing it. Few psychiatrists or psychologists possess the “gift of recognition” and society writ large seems to have normalized this personality disorder (Antisocial) as an acceptable if desirable pattern of behavior in business, medicine, law and the military.
Psychopath’s Creed: Add Nothing, Take Everything!
So, the “experts” claim that Pyschos make up about 1-3% of gen pop?
Give me a f@#king break! 😐
During my life, from my earliest memories starting @3 years, I was acutely aware of Psychopaths, NPD Sociopaths & other whack-a-doodles, that were so numerous I felt like i was born on the wrong planet…
It was vexing to my soul, more so since my own family was mental, but as I traveled into circles of academia, “health care”, corporations, .GOV, .MIL, journalism, law et al. it became obvious that “normal”, innocent humanity was under siege, no question about it!
Case in point:
I know I detailed the nightmare that my mother’s third husband inflicted upon our life, but I’ll encapsulate it posterity…
Dr. Monster possessed severely high *IQ*, but had a complete lack of empathy for “lessor” beings, to the point that he relished toying with the mental/emotional state of “lessor” beings to the point of despair and/or destruction (not an exaggeration) 😐
Since he had a PhD in higher education, he ran several institutions of “education”, leading to “owning” several community colleges, as well as becoming a “regent”. That is until he screwed over one too many “lessor” beings & he was ejected from his first college supremacy, which led to a psychic break where he became so violent I had to travel 2400 miles back to my family’s aid & safely remove them from his presence…
You see, he was in cahoots with state politik & LEOs (+ deputized Sheriff’s posse member), so we had no authorities to call for help (that we could trust), quite the opposite ~ I had to covertly remove my mother, brothers & sister from the state ~ Oh, at one crucial moment I had to disarm him too 😕
Part of his MO was the need for minions (power over others), which led to drug distribution (his family’s criminal influence) & numerous “women-on-the-side”, among other illicit propensities…
He was perplexed by my IQ level, that I wouldn’t bend to his “greatness”, always trying to find a way to *twist* me into submission ~ I saw him for who he was, treading lightly until the moment I had to put the fear of “God” into him.
One thing I always hated, from earliest memories, was bullies!
By the time I was 17, I gave them little to no quarter & physically not many would push me to the edge…
Anyways, he was also an alcoholic & became a coke addict, which resulted in his heart exploding @ 45 years old, at which time he was the *director* of the largest community college system in America 😕
Oh, did I mention he was a card carrying proglodyte liberal, related to the former (D) speaker of the house, that thought genocide was a useful tool to deal with those pesky “lessor” beings?!?
Confirmation of the genetic psychopath link confirmed what I assumed for at least two decades, although I know that *most* cases of mental dysfunction can be curtailed with spiritual awareness of the *true* self within:
January 31, 2023 at 1:48 am #127757Oroboros
ParticipantLife is about taking chances
Life is not about bubble wrap
January 31, 2023 at 1:52 am #127758Afewknowthetruth
Participant/His [GWBush] mind is like a 13 yo boy psychopath.’
I hope you realise that is one step up from the level of the psychopaths and charlatans who run Airstrip Two. 🙁
It was once known as Godzone.
Now Satanzone seems the best descriptor. (Apologies to Saturn, which is very prominent in the night sky at the moment, if I am not mistaken.)
January 31, 2023 at 2:35 am #127759oxymoron
ParticipantSomeone here on the forum early on was showing us the 77th brigade were involved in shit-fuckery. John Campbell just found out now and is not happy it was a military psy-ops on the UK.
January 31, 2023 at 2:41 am #127760WES
Thanks for the link to “I Am Fishead”.
I watched the video and realized several things.As social animals, we develop complex networks through the many people we meet.
It only takes about 6 or 7 percent of the people to figure out something, before everybody then knows.Now I much better understand, when the virus hit, why the authorities behaved the way they did.
It was all 100% scripted exactly like a Hollywood movie.First, the authorities had to isolate and silence the 6 or 7 percent of the people who could figure things out.
They did this by having the media identify and then censor and cancel the troublesome 6 or 7 percent.
They actively discredited ll those who were spreading mis-information.It was critically important to also destroy the existing networks that exists between people.
This was done through isolating people from seeing each other by imposing lockdowns on them.
Masking and social distancing was another method to isolate people and prevent them from interacting.
(Masking, the nose and mouth, totally dehumanizies people as the Arabs discovered 2000 years ago.)
They imposed limits on the number of people that could be together in a home or in public.
They limited how far you could be from your home.Once people’s social networks were destroyed, they were isolated, and dehumanizied, then getting everyone to drink the Kool Aid was a piece of cake.
Clearly this was all carefully gamed out and planned before hand.
Yes, we have been had.
January 31, 2023 at 2:58 am #127761WES
ParticipantNow we know why we had a paid military troll deflationist dedicated to sowing dis-information on TAE.
I noticed deflationist stopped attacking me, when I said my brother was looking for a new gig and he was much better qualified to be a troll than deflationist was. I don’t think he liked that very much! I think I hit a nerve!
January 31, 2023 at 3:41 am #127762WES
ParticipantAfter a week of trying, the Russians finally managed to find one Ukrainian tank!
The tank was in hiding but for some unknown reason was driven out into the open for a few minutes.
The Russian MoD actually mentioned that one tank in a footnote.January 31, 2023 at 3:51 am #127763John Day
Participant@WES: I don’t miss “nueva deflationista”, but the original Deflationista was quite reasonable.
@jb-hb: Maybe RFK Jr’s Children’s Health Defense needs decent folks manning some phones.
I think about you. Don’t go bad like “nueva deflationista” in all of it’s manifestations (several humans and a chatbot, I think).January 31, 2023 at 4:12 am #127764Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantTrying to do too much. That was meant to be:
I hope you realise that is one step up from the level of the psychopaths and charlatans who run Airstrip Five.
Not that there is much difference between the various Airstrips. All are controlled by Big Brother, and all have criminal actor-clowns as ‘leaders’ and criminal bureaucracies.
January 31, 2023 at 4:18 am #127765Dora
How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP.
How to Memory-Hole a PSYOPJanuary 31, 2023 at 4:32 am #127766Figmund Sreud
ParticipantAlastair CROOKE:
“The axis of states “at war with Russia” stand at the edge of an economic precipice. Living standards are collapsing at the fastest rate since WW2. Anger, slow to ignite, is now burgeoning. The British and EU political classes have no answers to this crisis. The Ruling Class try to sit tight, and trust that the people will accept all ‘things’: Spiralling prices, jobs priced out by higher energy costs, empty spaces on shop shelves, the energy spikes – and the pockets of system dysfunctionality (i.e., at airports and on transport systems) that confound the smooth running of society. It’s the same for Americans.
The flunkies charged with the management and the running of ‘the system’ are confused. Their (high) self-esteem until now has rested on their articulation of ‘correct views’ and espousing the ‘prescribed causes’ – more than manifesting any particular competence in their work. Now they do not know what to say, or which cause is ‘correct’. Narratives are falling apart; the Twitter revelations have disrupted the former ‘equilibrium’.
January 31, 2023 at 4:38 am #127767oxymoron
ParticipantMaxwell Quest
I endorse your sentiments exactly
CJ nails it.January 31, 2023 at 5:34 am #127768Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantWROL (Without Rule Of Law) versus EROL (Excessive Rule Of Law).
January 31, 2023 at 6:50 am #127769aspnaz
ParticipantFor thoss interested in New Zealand, a friend in Bay of Islands sent me a message to let me know that he just found out that a local commercial fisherman, whose family have built the business over two generations and recently invested in a brand new $12 million fishing boat, are now using it to do fishing charters as the government have made the regulations so restrictive that he can no longer fish commercially in a viable manner. For example if he goes more than 200 miles offshore he needs to take a fishing inspector with him and if she is female he needs to provide separate accommodation. Vegetable farmers there are saying regulations are shutting them down. Add to this a ban on caged eggs and cow fart tax, both of which are aimed at destroying the food industry, both set in place by Ardern, so maybe her resignation was to escape the consequences and to move somewhere where food will be available.
Looks like the WEF are trying to close down food production then they will provide a “rescue package” which is the shite they are going to force us to buy, the fake food that makes the billionaires money every time you take a mouthful. “Beyond Eggs” anyone? We guessed this would be the case some time ago but it looks like it is really happening, the conspiracy is now fact.
Sadly we are losing this battle and it looks like NZ will become a barren land in short order.
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