Debt Rattle May 8 2021


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    Charles Sprague Pearce Lamentations over the Death of the First-Born of Egypt 1877   • Halt Vaccine Passports! It’s Illegal, Medical Apartheid (D
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 8 2021]


    “Health authorities and the media primarily focus on the issue of post-vaccination cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT, blood clots in the brain), simply because CVT is such a rare condition that the post-vaccination increase cannot be explained away statistically. However, CVTs are really just ‘the tip of the iceberg’, whereas the ‘invisible’, but much larger iceberg of post-vaccination adverse events consists primarily of severe and fatal cardiac (heart inflammation, heart attack), cardiovascular (blood clots anywhere) and neurological events. Since the background rate of these conditions is much higher, vaccine-related events are easier to disregard or hide.”

    Covid Vaccines: The Tip of the Iceberg


    “Even in the likely scenario that no significant adverse events materialize, we may still pay a price for the pursuit of emergency use authorizations for covid-19 vaccines in children.”

    Covid vaccines for children should not get emergency use authorization

    Credible authors are pro-vaccine, but just not for vaccinating children.
    They seem oblivious to the litany of adverse effects currently emerging during the adult vaccine program.


    Terrific explanation of Antibody Dependent Enhancement.
    If the ADE phenomenon turns out to be valid, then we are in for a wild ride during the next seasonal resurgence of SARS-Cov-2 and its various ‘scariants’.


    A quick comment on an article from yesterday about Australia’s borders possibly being shut until late next year. Raúl asked, “How is that not a prison?”

    It is and it isn’t.

    There is more than a little unhappiness and anger here about the sudden banning of travellers returning from India, backed up with threats of fines and imprisonment. To abandon our own citizens like this is appalling, cynical, heartless treatment. Australian citizenship evidently means little to those who exercise the dominion over us.

    Our foremost citizenship law expert thinks that the measures go beyond the law and are unconstitutional. The Feds are now rapidly backtracking, saying that they will not levy fines nor imprison anybody. At the same time they excuse themselves by insisting that our protection and safety is paramount and aren’t we so kind and loving? Part of the problems arises from the fact that the Feds have had an entire year to set up adequate quarantine facilities and have failed to do so. The why is anyone’s guess. Money? Neoliberal-inspired shrinkage of government? Just plain stupidity?

    At the same time, the closed borders have had good effects. They have kept away the worst of the Plague. They have slowed down our ravenous resource extraction economy and brought to a halt the bulk importation of people needed to keep the growthist Ponzi scheme alive. We are starting to discover that our economy is based on wrong ideas and unrealistic expectations. Another possible benefit is that the Feds are starting to move away from neoliberalism: they’re actually preparing to spend big in next Tuesday’s budget, up-ending 40 years of ideology.

    It doesn’t feel like a prison — yet! Internally we can move around with increasing freedom. Theatres, cinemas and shops are re-opening. A popular criticism of the Feds is that they have botched the vaccine rollout and should be doing more. Oh dear, how long until they copy everyone else and set up our very own Vaccine Apartheid system? Then maybe life in Oz could feel like a prison, except that to leave these shores will not easily take one to a less oppressive place.

    I think we all have to settle down for the long run.

    V. Arnold

    @ Germ

    Thanks for your hard work and diligence in keeping us well informed throughout these trying times of covid-19, or 20, or 23 or…or…or…but (yes, there is a but) I for one can only deal with so much information…
    I think this well describes our present position in the world today…
    The world is not a prison-house but a kind of spiritual kindergarten where millions of bewildered infants are trying to spell God with the wrong blocks.
    — Edwin Arlington Robinson…


    Long read:

    Nicholas Wade was, for 30 years, the Science Editor at the New York Times. Before that, he was Editor of Science. When he publishes an exhaustive argument setting out the reasons for his belief that Covid 19 was developed in, and escaped from, a laboratory in Wuhan, China, it’s worth taking notice.


    “Effect of ivermectin on COVID-19: A multicenter double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial”

    “A single dose of ivermectin was well-tolerated in symptomatic COVID-19 patients and improved important clinical features of COVID-19 patients including dyspnea, cough, and lymphopenia. Further studies with larger sample sizes, different drug dosages, dosing intervals and durations, especially in different stages of the disease, may help understanding ivermectin’s potential clinical benefits.”

    – “further studies … may help” – hahaha !!

    And they only used one dose.
    And this after all we now know.


    Nicholas Wade was, for 30 years, the Science Editor at the New York Times. Before that, he was Editor of Science. When he publishes an exhaustive argument setting out the reasons for his belief that Covid 19 was developed in, and escaped from, a laboratory in Wuhan, China, it’s worth taking notice.

    And we did of course, on May 6.


    Mexico City had promised to publish an observational study of the Ivermectin intervention impact.
    Here it is, and it is a giant one (n=233,849):

    Remember the extraordinary, sudden eradication of Covid severity in Mexico City following the distribution of medical kits including ivermectin to all outpatients testing positive since December 2020:

    What a graphic!


    Further studies with larger sample sizes, different drug dosages, dosing intervals and durations, especially in different stages of the disease, may help understanding ivermectin’s potential clinical benefits.”

    The main library now includes 92 studies, 52, peer reviewed. Something tells me they could find what they say they want in there, if only they looked.


    Germ keep banging your drum.

    Dave Note

    “If the ADE phenomenon turns out to be valid, then we are in for a wild ride during the next seasonal resurgence of SARS-Cov-2….”

    The more alarmist interpretations I’ve found on ADE from very conservative websites, noticeably the Health Ranger, are flat out saying that ADE will produce millions of deaths in the vaccinated population when their immune systems go into hyper drive cytokine mode.

    The tsunami of lies and misdirection spewing from the MSM-whores makes me think that a massive die off is at least a 50/50 possibility.

    That’s how cynical I’ve become about the ‘narrative’.

    And vaccinating children and babies, well, it’s almost like throwing them into the volcano to appease the Big Pharma Gods.

    madamski cafone

    Goodbye, Van Morrison

    The Good Germans Jews are goose-stepping themselves into oblivion.

    “The world is not a prison-house but a kind of spiritual kindergarten where millions of bewildered infants are trying to spell God with the wrong blocks.
    — Edwin Arlington Robinson…”

    Thank you for that, V. Arnold.

    madamski cafone

    At the bottom of the Van Morrison article is a poll bot: How do you feel about this article?

    Happy: 2
    Surprised: 6
    Sad: 8
    Angry: 29

    These being modern times, we don’t know if they’re angry at Van Morrison or the author. JUdging by the comments, most of the angry sentiment is toward the author.

    To control the people with centralized media, you have to maintain at least a modicum of narrative coherence. These guys keep tying one shoe’s laces to the other shoe.


    Aldous Huxley has been much on my mind recently since I read the WEF spiel about life in 2030. Nasal Schwab and his pals have the utmost contempt for us. Alarm bells began to ring immediately. The hypothetical citizen of the Brave New World recalled the Delta minus community group chanting I’m so happy I’m not an Alpha they have to think so much . I am happy I’m a Delta. I’m so happy etc.

    So I swotted up my Huxley on the net. Listened to his marvelously posh accent pointing out that 20 percent of us are very easily led , 60 percent fairly easily led who just want an easy life, and 20 percent are not at all suggestible. This seems about right in the present predicament in which we find ourselves.

    Mister Roboto

    WRT the article on The Fed’s socialization of the stock market is little more than an extreme continuation of the very thing that has caused the financial markets to be on a “sugar high” ever since the very end of 2016. Charles Hugh Smith and Chris Martensen are people I listen to because, among other things, they have gone into a lot of detail about the economic distortions this policy choice always creates. I would note that they do continually say that it will imminently all come crashing down, and while they probably will be right about this at some point, it’s not at all clear that this time is anywhere in the near future.


    Van the Man is being pilloried for being a conspiracy theorist. The tinfoil milliner. Haha. I wear two tinfoil hats one on top of the other to keep out the MSM deathrays. Best wishes from Catalonia.

    Dave Note

    He’s a Coincidence Therorist

    Brand new term to replacement the old CIA manufactured one

    madamski cafone

    @ Django

    Interesting. Just last night I ran across this cartoon-illustrated video of Huxley’s 1958 interview with Mike Wallace. He’s absolutely right… except that at 3:00 he blows his case apart, insomuch as he acknowledges that we’re running out of the energy abundance on which a technodictatorship depends. About the time the Iron Boot is coming down to pin our necks, the robot wearing said boot will creak to a halt from lack of electricity, which is the lifeblood of technodictorship, not to mention our entire civilization.

    Instead, we’ll have chaos, deprivation, and anomie.

    As for this: “So I swotted up my Huxley on the net. Listened to his marvelously posh accent pointing out that 20 percent of us are very easily led , 60 percent fairly easily led who just want an easy life, and 20 percent are not at all suggestible. This seems about right in the present predicament in which we find ourselves.”… the 80/20 rule comes to mind.

    20% unhypnotizable versus 20% hypnotized, with 60% following whichever way the wind blows.

    Should be interesting.

    3 songs. Same fella:

    Abraham, Martin & John

    Written on the Subway Walls

    Here in America

    madamski cafone

    Regarding digital passports:


    Dave Note

    What the PTB want you to think Covid is and humanity’s valiant response to it is turning out to be.

    Honking Big Jellyfish

    Mister Roboto

    The NPR story about the CDC really said it all, better than I ever could have. In that vein, if you have an half-hour to spend just watching videos, this is a pretty stunning video indicting the way President Donald Trump’s irresponsibility exacerbated the pandemic in the USA. And yes, the “Now This” organization may well be a Democratic Party front-group of one kind or another, because the final part of the video exhorts the listener, IIRC, to keep what the video details in mind when voting in the November 2020 USA election.

    Mister Roboto

    I just though maybe I should relate this: Last night in the few hours I was able to sleep, my subconscious mind parodied the early response to the pandemic as a very cheesy and melodramatic disaster-movie ala The Andromeda Strain. I think that part of my mind was trying to say, “Don’t you feel silly now about the way you let yourself get swept up in the mindset that was being generated back then?” If even my prone-to-overreaction subconscious mind is clearly saying, “This is really turning into a bunch of ridiculous BS”, I think the jig in this particular regard may soon be up for TPTB.

    Dave Note

    I never knew jellyfish could get so disturbingly large.

    Hard to imagine bumping into that baby in the Wine Dark Sea

    Dave Note

    The scuba diver in the photo is carrying a bag of Ivermectin


    I ran into an ideological wall this past week talking to my parents about all things covid. It struck me that these belief-systems we’ve built up in the last 15 months are religions of sorts – each with a unique canon, authorities, and hierarchy (or lack of). I started writing the below as a serious effort to recognize overlaps in the belief systems and where they diverge, so that I can interact with the different groups. My writing rapidly devolved into snark (apologies) but still I see this as a useful mental model for navigating the coming months.

    The Faucists – Generally considered the strictest and most doctrinaire of the covid faiths. Followers are identified by layers of cloth worn about the face, especially in absurd places like driving alone in your car or outside on a sunny day. Their canon is an inflexible belief system; the mentioning of new data or questioning core beliefs is interpreted as a personal attack punishable by death or a sanctimonious tweet. Followers are formally confirmed in a public ceremony known as Getting the Jab. The group proselytizes aggressively. The teachings of its living prophet, known for his capricious and often self-inconsistent decrees, are handed down daily through US media outlets. Faucists are sometimes confused with other related sects with overlapping beliefs, among them Covidians, Maskholes and Karens, who look upon each other (and everybody else) with mutual hatred.

    The Ceedeeceeists – Perhaps the most secular of the modern covid faiths, is favored by CEOs, governors, local officials, and health ministries. It is a half-assed faith, partly drawn from the same canonical teachings as the Faucists, but without any real conviction and mostly followed in order to CYA. Rote memorization and passing along diktats from above without much thought is an expectation for the faithful. Depressingly hierarchical, most of its canon is merely baggage and inertia carried forward from previous bad decisions. The proclamations of its high-caste priests are often harsh on the populace but generally ineffective at stopping or treating covid.

    The WHOists – This faith shares its lineage with the Ceedeeceeists, but on an international scale. Its leadership is considered by many to be an ossified bureaucracy; its procedures and the need to diplomatically “go along to get along” render it slow to react to new findings. Fun fact: uttering their forbidden word – pronounced “woo-hahn” – can trigger the faithful and could result in death or (even worse!) cancelling your grant funding.

    The Greatbarringtons – an amorphous faith encompassing a wide subset of belief systems; there is no strict hierarchy or belief requirement; self-education, personal study and questioning are valued in this Lattitudinarian and pantheistic faith. Perhaps the most scientific-minded of any of the modern covid faiths, followers’ beliefs, though wide-ranging, clash in almost every aspect with the Faucists. In stark contrast to many of the other faiths, its core tenets are non-canonical; they are ever-changing as new data becomes available and scientists do their fucking jobs. As an example, they believe that lockdowns might have been justified at first but have harsh downsides and deserve a societal discussion of pros and cons, rather than slavish acceptance. They also accept the use of medical treatments considered heretical particularly by Faucists; favoring cheap off-patent substances in their ceremonies. While Greatbarringtons appear to be one of the smaller faiths, its numbers are growing and they are getting pretty pissed.

    The Dgafs – (pronounced de-GAFFs) as their name suggests, do not think covid is a huge threat. Followers often see societal reactions to covid as overreaching, even fascistic. Some began their faith-journey as DGAFs, others left stricter Faucism or Maskholeism after harsh reality caused a personal crisis of faith. Many of its followers are wage-earners, small business owners, restaurateurs and other groups. Many were praised as “essential workers” but never got a raise in return for their heightened risk, and never got bailed out by big-guvmint check or had the luxury of that “work from home” bullshit. Many of its followers came down with covid, had to suffer through it, and get on with life because they have bills to pay and lives to lead. Note that young, attractive “party people inna house” make up another large but unrelated constituency of followers.


    Thanks for that. To tell you the truth it didn’t occur to me that the song was anti-Semitic. ‘They’ being Mammonites rather than Israelites. Looks like he’s being smeared in a similar way to Dr.Yeadon being accused of being Islamophobic. They aren’t accusing their enemies of kiddy fiddling these days. I wonder why not…


    More myths
    essential workers
    intellectual property rules
    The disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street
    employment numbers
    the economy is still on a recovery footing
    adverse effects
    economy is based on wrong ideas and unrealistic expectations
    tsunami of lies and misdirection
    narrative coherence
    easily led
    all come crashing down
    conspiracy theorist

    The European Space Agency has predicted a “risk zone” that encompasses “any portion of Earth’s surface between about 41.5N and 41.5S latitude” — which includes virtually all of the Americas south of New York, all of Africa and Australia, parts of Asia south of Japan and Europe’s Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece.

    madamski cafone

    @ Mister Roboto

    Yes, Trump’s inability to keep his shoelaces on their respective shoes did him in politically, even with/without election-tampering, and exacerbated das kovidian nightmare. I cannot conceive of Trump NOT selling out selling out is his entire M.O.

    But Trump selling out is not like most politicians selling out. Trump simply cannot remain loyal to anything except his massively paranoiac persecution complex. So, when I say that he sold out, I mean: manipulated. How? Imagine a room full of mirrors as a maze to gardually rein him in via his myriad reflections and lead him to the exit. It took TPTB a few years but by the time Trump was halfway through his term, the signs of, um, ‘directional fatigue’ were evident in Trump, who became something like an old bull charging at every red flag that his handlers/detractors waved at him. By handlers, I do not mean persons he took orders from. I mean persons who’d gotten a handle on how to lure his wanton willfulness into a corner.

    In a sense, banning Trump from media is a bad desperate arrogant move by TPTB, for now they don’t have him to blame nor do they have his erratic nonsense to use as deceptive camouflage. They’re so stupid, TPTB. But the 80% apparently do not believe they can be manipulated, and so are easily led even by mutant morons (like, for example, Trump or even Biden).

    One has to admit one is a fool in order to overcome one’s folly. This self-acknowledgement is too painful for the overhwleming majority of the people.

    Trump is the man who recently bragged about initiating the (disastrous) vakzine program we are currently resisting… after spending a year telling people that covid was a fluff job.

    madamski cafone

    @ Herr Werner

    I’m pretty sure you win today’s internet. Bravo, sir. Well done.

    madamski cafone

    Dgaf means Don’t Give A Fuck?

    madamski cafone

    “SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has genes composed of RNA, and Jaenisch, Young, and co-authors contend that on rare occasions an enzyme in human cells may copy the viral sequences into DNA and slip them into our chromosomes. The enzyme, reverse transcriptase, is encoded by LINE-1 elements, sequences that litter 17% of the human genome and represent artifacts of ancient infections by retroviruses.”

    Remove the fussy details from this and you have something that even a medical ignormaus like me has known for weeks via a simple google. It is NOT hypothetical that “reverse transcriptase” can jump tracks. It is axiomatic in the definition, yea, even the very name of “reverse transcriptase”.

    The very concept is canonical in mainstream evolution theory wherein accidental mutations are what have created the diversity of life forms on dear old Terra. It is canonical in the name “messwenger RNA” if one factors that in with information entropy (most commonly known through Shannon’s work).

    Information Theory

    “Information theory is the scientific study of the quantification, storage, and communication of digital information.”

    DNA is digital.

    “A key measure in information theory is entropy. Entropy quantifies the amount of uncertainty involved in the value of a random variable or the outcome of a random process. For example, identifying the outcome of a fair coin flip (with two equally likely outcomes) provides less information (lower entropy) than specifying the outcome from a roll of a die (with six equally likely outcomes). Some other important measures in information theory are mutual information, channel capacity, error exponents, and relative entropy. Important sub-fields of information theory include source coding, algorithmic complexity theory, algorithmic information theory, and information-theoretic security.”

    It’s a glorified version of Murphy’s Law. Things CAN go wrong with “safe” RNA artifacts, and therefore will. Again, it’s axiomatic.

    madamski cafone

    ‘It is canonical in the name “messwenger RNA” ‘

    in which a typo demonstrates my point: typos happen.


    More myths

    Top 10 Absurdities of the COVID Pandemic

    #10 – One-way traffic rules in supermarket aisles
    #9 – COVID is Trump’s fault
    #8 – Teachers can’t go back to work, but everyone else can
    #7 – It was xenophobic for Trump to halt travel from China
    #6 – Fifteen days to slow the spread
    #5 – President Joe Biden: “Help is on the way”
    #4 – The response by The World Health Organization
    #3 – Blue states did it better
    #2 – Get the vaccine, but keep doing all of the other stuff
    #1 – Wear two masks
    the word vaccine.
    gullible and duped


    In a public comment to the CDC, molecular biologist and toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., called to immediately halt Covid vaccine production and distribution. Citing fertility, blood-clotting concerns (coagulopathy), and immune escape, Dr. Lindsay explained to the committee the scientific evidence showing that the coronavirus vaccines are not safe.

    On April 23, 2021, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices held a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The focus of this ACIP meeting was blood clotting disorders following Covid vaccines. Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay spoke to the CDC during the time set aside for public comment.

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