Anything hi-tech and green will soon cost too much again because of mineral, food and water shortages and then you will be stuck with energy poverty in 25 years as your green energy system breaks down. We need big existing power plants with uncaptured opensource carbon sequestration regulation until we can figure out how to get power from thorium, which is now the radioactive waste by-product from mining green hi-tech minerals. We go to war with the infrastructure we got and stop wishing for some new thing. We change current cars to ammonia or hydrogen instead of pining for electric wonder-cars we can’t afford. We mandate change through sheer force of will and goodness. The war is for the mind. We have to stop thinking that there is enough of everything for everyone and that we can just keep substituting elements for minerals because that will only become painfully more apparent over time. The funny part is that we throw away Thorium as radioactive garbage and keep the Rare Earth Elements to take sustainable selfies.
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