Debt Rattle October 14 1015


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    NPC Ford Motor Co. coal truck, Washington, DC 1925 • China Producer Prices Down -5.9%, 43rd Straight Month of Declines (Reuters) • The Next China Defa
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 14 1015]

    V. Arnold

    US and EU have no idea what to say or do. Oatmeal for brains.
    • Vladimir Putin Condemns US For Refusing To Share Syria Terror Targets (AEP)
    Argh! You unduly cast aspersions on a wonderful/healthy food, oatmeal. 😉

    The U.S. hatred and prejudice towards Putin blinds them to reason. Russian forces have accomplished more in one day than one year of U.S. “intervention”. One must seriously question the U.S.’s intentions towards actual terrorism.
    Differentiating, by degree, the levels of terrorist’s intent, is a fools errand.
    Further; Assad’s removal would just be another stupid de-stabilisation in the M.E.
    But then that seems to be the intent of U.S. policy; total chaos…


    “I do not take my mandate from the European people.”
    That wonderful word “mandate”, which should always prompt a reflexive “hold your nose” response.
    Ref Carson, there are a lot of racist Obama haters out there, but it will be a long time before we see another black President, simply because Obama so grossly betrayed the hopeful constituency that elected him. His treachery unfortunately will stigmatize future black contenders for generations.


    seychelles – agree with you re another black President. There were a ton of white people who voted for him, believing in his “hope and change”. I was rooting for the guy. Talk about the biggest letdown ever! But when you stand back and think about it, who was this guy? He literally came from nowhere, skipped into the Bilderberg meeting, and voila – President. You don’t get to do that unless you’re willing to play serious ball with your handlers (something the American public does not yet see). He golfs, reads a good teleprompter, and follows through on what his handlers tell him to do. Nothing more than another puppet, this time dressed in black.

    You don’t get to be President of the United States through the voting process. You get there by being one of the boys, a sociopath. They chose him well, and he has not let them down.


    Raleigh–yes, you are correct. The owner vetting process begins early on and the only people who become candidates now are proven corruptible and willing to betray the former ideas our country was founded upon. And if they disappoint, they are disposable physically or face insurmountable hurdles with a packed bureaucracy, mass media, banking system, judiciary etc etc. That is why we all should really look forward to a major global social disruption; it seems to be the only process whereby genuinely alternative avenues will be generated powerful enough to turn the ship around.


    As I understand it, Obama’s mother and both her parents were CIA-operatives. His real Dad was not a Kenyan – the family there don’t believe that story. In sum, he is from the same place as Bush Junior and Bush Senior. I hardly need mention where the Florida brother comes form – the one who fixed the chads.

    IMHO, It is a mistake to call him a “black”


    There is no such thing as race, there is only culture. Obama was never part of US black culture. Obama has black skin and so is black but that has no meaning. He was only vaguely part of US black culture.

    The CIA thing is hilarious. That isn’t how the world works. The CIA can’t plan anything much less a president 50+ years in the future.

    Obama has a social talent for ingratiating himself to those with influence and power and a drive to do so, ie entry to Harvard, president of the Law Review. Thus equipped, along with a personal and rhetorical style that appeals to many he was plucked out of Chicago by the remnants of the old Chicago Democratic machine, mostly in the person of Rahm Emanuel, and made an Illinois State Senator. The rest is history.

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