Debt Rattle October 8 2021
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October 8, 2021 at 8:58 am #89475
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPablo Picasso Swimming 1908 • Why Is Pfizer Pushing An Untested Vaccine On Children? (TF) • Judge Orders Gov’t To Provide Evidence To Justify V
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 8 2021]October 8, 2021 at 9:01 am #89476Germ
ParticipantWatch “VAXXED 2” – same old, same old.
Vaxxines injure people.October 8, 2021 at 9:09 am #89477Germ
ParticipantZero flu?
Oh sure. Pull the other one.
October 8, 2021 at 9:18 am #89478Germ
ParticipantStudy the Table carefuly.
The Vaxxed are fucked.October 8, 2021 at 9:31 am #89479Germ
Participant” Doctor on COVID Vax: “We Screwed-Up. We Didn’t Realize the Spike Protein Is a Toxin” Does This Mean Everyone Vaxinated Is Manufacturing Their Own Spike Protein Toxins in Their Own Bodies? ”
Um – YES!
October 8, 2021 at 12:03 pm #89483Dr. D
ParticipantLuongo, very Luong. End of EU, gas and debt ceiling scams, Germany flips East as inevitable.
European Energy Crisis — And is That Gas You Think You’re Burning?
P.S. so far there is no energy crisis. There are morons who have voluntarily and purposefully shut off all present energy while having created no future (green) energy. Also in the news, China adds 39 nuke plants. And runs their coal plants flat out. Where’s Greta?
Note to self: this would all work great if Deagel was right and some miracle accident depopulated all these Western nations while leaving all the capacity and infrastructure unharmed. Like a house cleaned for repossession. Then all our shut-down of food, energy, would have been amazingly prescient. …Another coincidence, I guess.
However, it’s not, and they are about to hang/freeze/collapse for it.
Back in we-made-our-bed-land, note that much of the U.S. gets their energy from trucks – yes that’s right – as propane and fuel oil deliveries are driven to rural houses and put into tanks. No trucks, no drivers = no heat, even if the fuel + price is available. (Also may need 110v electric to operate, for double the trouble)
“Walking back fossil fuels for unreliable clean energy has been a disaster in Asia and Europe. These power-hungry continents are scrambling for fossil fuel supplies as stockpiles are well below seasonal trends ahead of cooler weather.
A similar story is playing out in the U.S., where increased demand for coal might not be reached by mining companies.”Thanks Obama. Killin’ everybody, just like we said. But especially the poor, which statistically means lots of black and brown people, his favorite target. Note: you cannot turn on mountains of coal like you can post widgets on the Apple store. Actual work has to happen. And you double-can’t in this environment, where no one works, and even if they showed up, they can’t order trucks, shovels, loaders, rails, and parts.
Your money means nothing to me.
Can no one understand this? Money is an abstraction, a placeholder, a fantasy we use among ourselves. Creating money is just creating MORE fiction, when it’s the REAL things we need.
“This was the beginning of an era in which editors became convinced that all earth’s problems derived from populations failing to accept reports as Talmudic law”
From a group who haven’t gotten a single story right since the last century. I don’t say “psychotic” just to be saucy. I truly believe they are deeply mentally ill and require treatment.
“Everyone would get the same news and also be instructed, mid-sentence, how to respond.”
Big Brother and the Statist cult. Of the UniParty, and the UniParty news. Pravda to shame, they never did it like us! As NYT editor said, “we need to be more like North Korea.” (And why those Deplorables no like us? Must be the sound of how awesome I am! …+ Gender, color, sex-that-doesn’t-exist, or some other checkmark of sectional victimhood for simps.)
Making this up? Matt continues, “As a student in the Soviet Union I noticed subscribers to what Russians called the sovok mindset” “[they] talked in interminable strings of pogovorki, i.e goofball proverbs or aphorisms”
“This was a learned defense mechanism, adopted by a people who’d found out the hard way that anyone caught not speaking nonstop nonsense could be suspected of harboring original thoughts. Voluble stupidity…”
“We’re similarly becoming a nation of totalitarian nitwits…smelling heresy in anyone”
Aaaaand here’s your logic: “The CNN writer who thinks it’s necessary to put a disclaimer in the lede of a story about molnupiravir, of all things, is basically claiming he or she is afraid a theoretical unvaccinated person might otherwise read the story and be encouraged to not take the vaccine.
Except, if that theoretical unvaccinated person could be convinced by anything CNN said or did, they’d have already gotten the shot, because the network runs ten million stories a day directly imploring people to get vaccinated or die.”
The meta-reality of this is that THEY do and believe exactly whatever THEY are told. That’s why THEY think that all OTHER people do and believe exactly what they’re told. They’re like insects, a hive-mind, hive-animal. And are astonished and consider dangerous, deadly even, human beings who CONSIDER what they are told and value whether they believe it or not using their judgment and human intelligence. So they write they think/fear/believe their every word will be followed – yes, as the Tulmud – and yet have constant cognitive dissonance knowing they are persuading these incomprehensible, alien beings who are somehow not persuaded by their every word. …And for what possible reason is confusing to them.
Therefore: Instant Neurosis. Tim Pool comments on this sometimes, as does Taibbi. “Who is this article for?” he asks. Like, do they think talking gun rights on HuffPo is persuading…who? A: No one. It’s pogovorki, an article of religious faith, a liturgy, a heretical shibboleth distinguishing “us” and “them.” “We, we’re US, right? Amirite? I mean, WE, we’re not THEM? Are we? Brother can I get a amen up in here?” This is why they believe there is a vast, far-right “conspiracy theory” system, where a person exposed to a SINGLE disputed fact becomes zombie-infected and instantly becomes Alex Jones, biting everyone and believing all (of what, who can say, since they all disagree with each other). Because THEY actual ARE like this, so by the Golden Rule, believe others are too.
So they are talking BY each other, persuading no one. Or as Matt says, also INFORMING no one. Facts are not allowed. The only enemy is the Truth.
“The Problems with Censoring Doctors over Their COVID-19 Stances (RCS)”
I rest my case. “Science” cannot speak. Unless it’s Mr. Fauci, who is the ultimate embodiment, the sole source of our god “Science”, hallowed is his name, who speaks through thee as his prophet (“May peace be upon him”). Doctors are doctors if they say what I want, but not-doctors if they disagree. …It’s called the “True Scotsman Fallacy.” “Fallacy” meaning “false”, “wrong,” “lie”. i.e. “Too idiotic and retarded to be believed by mortal man.”
Speaking of, example right here: Schulte said, “no traitors ever came from Texas” Just as retarded when he says it. Two Bushes came form Texas (actually Connecticut, because: all lies, all the time.) I assume, because they are investigating, they are fabricating all and every evidence, for no reason whatsoever, just as Ivins, Jewell, Mueller, while letting Whitey Bulger and the Gymnastics rapist roam for years.
Oh and planting pron on your computer is boring, de rigeur. The go-to action for the completely unimaginative. When I see that, I almost don’t believe it immediately, although clearly such things must happen.
“Poland’s Top Court Rules Polish Law Takes Precedence Over The EU (ZH)”
We ought to try this some time. Maybe we could reign in the High Court of Chevron.
“Fetal tissue”. There is no religious exemption. Eat that fetal tissue you maggot, and like it. 9 out of 10 Vegetarians approve! Human fetal tissue is de-lish!
Antidote: it’s a Evangelical religion, and they are zealots. There is no discussion possible, and that’s because of their side. This is precisely what they (and other Americans) hated and thought so little of during the Evangelical 80s. “Some men you just can’t reach.” No matter how many scandals, how much money you didn’t have sent to the TV, nothing got through. Especially spirit. It’s some kind of brain technology but since I appear to be immune it’s inconveniently invisible to me.
Monbiot as with others, “Far-Right” now means, “Anybody who deviates even slightly from the for-profit Narrative™. So you can be miles to the left of Bernie, as Jimmy Dore is, and be “Far-Right.” You can be black moderate candidate, like Larry Elder and be a “White Supremacist”, and so on. Well, “Far Right” never meant much in America, since “Right” comes from the French National Assembly under the Revolution, the parties sitting on either side of the center aisle. The Left were the Progressives, but also direct-ish democracy, while the Right were the establishment, meaning for the King, or at least the present government and bureaucracy. So both were authoritarian statists, and we see how that turned out.
So in America the “Far-Right” is for…ever expansive government, interference and engineering of the private social lives? Uh, no. No, no, and a thousand times no. The “Right” in America has some elements of this, as pro-police pro-military, but is largely not-”Right” but Libertarian, being as Ronny Raygun “A government so small you can drown it in a bathtub” where the government is too small to cause you any trouble at all, much less harass, arrest, and have firefights in the streets of London, while sucking $6 Trillion a year out of a $15T economy. How do you Nazi with no Staasi? And free gun rights for Blacks, gays, and Jews?
Point being, anytime you hear the words “Far-Right” or even “right” you can be assured it’s just a lie, used to slander for no logical end by a bunch of people who are so dangerously ignorant of history and politics that words have no meaning to them aside from “Words mean what I say they mean: I use them to decide who is to be master of all.” Meaning, Master of YOU, my personal slave and object.
In this case for Manbibot, the “WE” they see themselves as part of, merged with, “Society” and have no personal identity of their own, therefore anything The Narrative™ says, the “State”, composed entirely of rule-dodging oligarchs, says is correct. Because the “State” (=Oligarchs) is “US”. Anyone who is “not us” is therefore the direct enemy, a mortal threat, and all evil, violence, lies, and behavior is appropriate, even laudable to be piled on THEM, especially to their deaths, Catholic Reformation style.
His quote? “Bodily sovereignty is an illusion.” But the State, which no one can see, taste, touch, feel, or define, is not. This even more-abstract, less-real aggregation of Hobbes “Leviathan”, is more real than your own body, mind, and self.
I was thinking Mr. Day, that perhaps the push is to give you more time to make a riot online, and reach more people. …And with your story. So their edge-out backfires spectacularly. You should not piss off, or otherwise motivate smart, dynamic people and give them lots and lots of time to fill.
Reminds me of that guy “I ruined your campaign as a part-time stay at home dad. Are you sure you want me to go full-time?”
October 8, 2021 at 12:45 pm #89484zerosum
Someone wants a new social/economic lalaland (science fiction)• Why Is Pfizer Pushing An Untested Vaccine On Children? (TF)
assimilate · amalgamate, · blend, · combine, · commingle, · fuse, · intermingle, · merge, · mingle.
Resistance is Futile
The Borg wish to assimilate humans in order to get closer to perfection.
With their popular Catchphrase “Resistance is Futile” – the Borg Collective travel the Star Trek universe assimilating different species.
While your attention is being diverted by discussions on jabbing your kids,
The pill cocktail is coming.
• Molnupiravir Was Made Possible By Government-funded Innovation (STAT)
Even better …… There is a cheap ivermectin cocktail with an effectiveness of +80%
(However, this path will not lead to the new lalaland.
An ivermectin cocktail has a negative side effect of prolonging life expectancy of the seniors)
Despite what you may have been falsely led to believe by the media fantasy projection machine, press statements have exactly zero legal authority.
What is happening behind the curtain1. Depopulation of the poor, the black and brown people, and the seniors.
2. Prevent birth control\abortions of the white in an attempt to keep them from becoming a minority in the new lalaland
3. Create/control supply line shortages and delays
4. Create/control energy shortfall
5. Ignore what is happening outside of the “control area”
——–October 8, 2021 at 1:53 pm #89486Clueless Honky
Participant@ Germ:
“Study the Table carefully”Agreed. But it is also worthwhile to go to the source document and study it carefully in its entirety: 2 from that doc is the table cited in the Expose article. It shows Cases.
Table 3 shows Hospitalizations.
Table 4a & 4b show Deaths.Looking at all of the tables together clearly shows a pattern. That those double jabbed are more likely to be infected, but that they still experiencing some benefit in regards to hospitalization and death.
I believe this is the summary that should be stressed because:
1) it is an accurate portrayal of the data, and 2) it allows a potential crossing of the cultural divisiveness on the Mandates & Passports.I believe it is of the utmost importance for those of us who question the mainstream narrative to acknowledge the parts of the mainstream narrative that make sense.
In England, over the last 3 weeks:
Those un-jabbed in their 70s had roughly the same death rate as those double jabbed over 80.
Those un-jabbed in their 50s had roughly the same death rate as those double jabbed in their 70s.
This is from quality data from a country with over 56 million people.I think it is beneficial to acknowledge those facts. I can see how someone can look at that data and make a personal decision to take the jab. I can also see how someone can look at that data and make a personal decision to not take the jab – to see that small benefit as not outweighing the personal and societal risks.
By acknowledging this aspect of the PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report, we can then more forcefully stress that the same report shows conclusively that the jabbed are more likely to be INFECTED.
We already knew that the jabbed are more likely to have their symptoms suppressed.
So therefore we have a very good case to make that the jabbed are more likely to transmit Covid.
And therefore that the Mandates & Passports are actually counter-productive on a societal level.We’re never going to stop the jabs.
We must stop the Mandates and Passports.I think the way to do that is to keep trying to converse with those Pro-Mandate.
Feeding those folks false conclusions (that “the vaccines have a negative effectiveness” – which the Expose article itself recognizes is as false as the Manufacturer’s original claims of effectiveness) is, in my opinion, not a means to successfully converse with the opposing viewpoint. One of the primary things we need to stress is the areas where they are correct.
It is then that the conversation can open, and maybe we can point out that – “hey, this data clearly suggests that the jabbed are more likely to be infected. We already knew they are less likely to know they are sick. Therefore the jabbed are more likely to transmit. So can we lay off the rush to Mandate the jabs on everyone? Can we see that the countries that have the highest jab rates don’t necessarily have the lowest case rates? The Mandates clearly make no sense. Maybe we’d be better off following the example of Uttar Pradesh which went from skyrocketing cases to being mostly Covid-free in less than six months. They have half the jab-rate that the US does. ”
Thank you TAE and commenters. You are such a valuable life-line.
October 8, 2021 at 2:03 pm #89487upstateNYer
Participant@clueless: “I believe it is of the utmost importance for those of us who question the mainstream narrative to acknowledge the parts of the mainstream narrative that make sense.”
Will do – just as soon as believers of the mainstream narrative “acknowledge the parts that make sense” to those of us questioning … wait for it!! … injecting a synthetic biologic into our bodies that instructs our cells to produce a toxic protein.
Seeing as the CDC and FDA can’t even be bothered to look into what’s killing thousands of people immediately following the jab … I’ll stick with not believing any numbers anyone publishes about anything.
Particularly since they keep playing with the definition of unvaccinated to suit their narrative.
October 8, 2021 at 2:08 pm #89488Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterWe’re never going to stop the jabs.
Yes we are. We have no choice.
October 8, 2021 at 2:20 pm #89489Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterI appreciate the subtleties you voice, but I don’t think this is a time for subtleties. 6x as many infections among fully vaxxed points to a scary trend, and that’s bigger than a moment in time.
October 8, 2021 at 2:36 pm #89491absolute galore
Participant@clueless: “I believe it is of the utmost importance for those of us who question the mainstream narrative to acknowledge the parts of the mainstream narrative that make sense.”
UpstateNYer: Will do – just as soon as believers of the mainstream narrative “acknowledge the parts that make sense” to those of us questioning … wait for it!! … injecting a synthetic biologic into our bodies that instructs our cells to produce a toxic protein.
But that’s a problem when you are in the minority–ask any minority. You need to be very careful, avoid hyperbole, avoid the farthest-out theories. Is that fair? Who said life was fair. Yeah, it’s frustrating as hell, but the stakes are high enough that we need to be as smart as possible. Even when there is some evidence out there of “mass formation” that is impervious to logic.
The psychiatrist (?) from IIRC The Netherlands discussing this on a video posted here a while back advises nevertheless to keep plugging with the indisputable facts, keeping them primed for when they can finally break through,as Kunstler predicts in his Friday essay. Unless you are prepared to go down in a hail of bullets, it becomes necessary to remain calm as we try to talk the majority down off the ledge. A guy like Denninger, no matter how much of what he says may prove to be correct, is just ranting and raving and writing screeds to the choir when he calls people idiots, etc, just as people on the other “side” do:
Dr. D/Tiabbi: “Who is this article for?” he asks. Like, do they think talking gun rights on HuffPo is persuading…who? A: No one. It’s pogovorki, an article of religious faith, a liturgy, a heretical shibboleth distinguishing “us” and “them.” “We, we’re US, right? Amirite? I mean, WE, we’re not THEM? Are we? Brother can I get a amen up in here?”
October 8, 2021 at 2:40 pm #89492expatkiwi
ParticipantAlex Berenson: All you need to know about vaccine failure – not in Israel, in the US – in one incredible chart: 8, 2021 at 2:40 pm #89493upstateNYer
ParticipantRaul is absolutely spot on with his last two comments. We tried subtle, didn’t work, did it?
One of the people I know of who got cancer after the jab is already dead. Two months – diagnosis to dead. These things are TRASHING the immune system, on top of causing the body to generate toxic spike proteins throughout the body (quit kidding yourself on the deltoid muscle schtick we keep hearing – the body is a SYSTEM and no single muscle area is roped off from the system just because they say so).
And another thing … this idea that the heart issues following the jab can be viewed in the same manner as other causes of heart issues is very [very] short sighted. The CAUSE is entirely different with a jab. The OUTCOMES will likely be entirely different as well. Time will tell just how different.
October 8, 2021 at 2:41 pm #89494upstateNYer
Participant@absolute: “But that’s a problem when you are in the minority–ask any minority. You need to be very careful …”
Let me repeat: NO. I. DON’T.
And who says it’s a minority? Mainstream?
October 8, 2021 at 2:45 pm #89495Germ
ParticipantGreat report on Moderna.
What an outfit!October 8, 2021 at 2:53 pm #89496Germ
Participant@ Clueless Honky
Why are the double vaxxed so much more likely to get infected?
What has happened to their immune systems that resulted in this?
What are the implications re. defense against other infections?I know of many friends who tell me that they are experienceing “the worst cold I’ve ever had”.
Yes – it’s a thing over here: – “worse than Covid” !I put it to you that these ‘clot shots’ (as teens here call them) seriously interfere with your immune system in more ways than we can begin to imagine.
Vaxxed folks are fucked.October 8, 2021 at 3:05 pm #89498DarkMatter
ParticipantI think it is beneficial to acknowledge those facts. I can see how someone can look at that data and make a personal decision to take the jab. I can also see how someone can look at that data and make a personal decision to not take the jab – to see that small benefit as not outweighing the personal and societal risks.
I agree with this but the what is never included in the data are columns for how people who have taken prophylactic measures are faring in terms of hospitalization and death, those other measures being Vitamin C, D, zinc, etc. People are not being told about these in the MSM and I gather from my limited contact with people that they just don’t know about them. I think a table that showed how people are doing with those (including IVM.HCQ) would be a game changer but expect that this data isn’t being gathered and wouldn’t be published even if it was. We are being fed a false dichotomy.
October 8, 2021 at 3:20 pm #89499Henry
“Particularly since they keep playing with the definition of unvaccinated to suit their narrative.”Nice point! I think the motto is: “If you first don’t succeed, try and try again?”
October 8, 2021 at 3:27 pm #89500Henry
Participant@germ, interesting graph:
When this all first started, I wondered what would happen to Influenza. Because it can be spread by droplets spread in the air, face masks would have a large impact on it. It would also be interesting to know how many flu cases got “moved” to the COVID-19 cases.
October 8, 2021 at 3:35 pm #89502upstateNYer
Participant@Henry: the question about how many flu cases got “moved” to covid is fairly easy to see. Even I can do it. 😉 I checked in my county (460,000 people), which has a flu tracker website where you can compare years, etc. Luckily they no longer need to maintain the flu tracker website because flu all but disappeared when covid hit the scene.
October 8, 2021 at 3:38 pm #89503upstateNYer
ParticipantAnd, no, I don’t think flu disappeared because we wore masks. Just to clarify.
October 8, 2021 at 4:25 pm #89504Clueless Honky
Participant@ Dark Matter
“We are being fed a false dichotomy.”I couldn’t agree more.
However, the best way to get that through to some one is when there is an open door.
Acknowledging that there is still a benefit (although waning) for getting the jab in regards to hospitalizations and death is a way to open the door.
We can open the door further by then saying “I too want us to reduce Covid harm. Uttar Pradesh has probably done the best job at reducing Covid harm. They didn’t succeed thru the jabs……..”October 8, 2021 at 4:30 pm #89506Michael Reid
ParticipantChina Amassing “Tens-of-Thousands” of Troops in Canada
October 8, 2021 at 4:43 pm #89508Clueless Honky
ParticipantI get it.
I personally believe that we will continue to see more and more problems stemming from the jabs over time.However, real people are still working in hospitals, and in most places, those real people are still experiencing the % of hospitalization and death being higher in the un-jabbed than the corresponding % within each age bracket. They still see some benefit.. In England over the last 3 months, that benefit has waned considerably. But that particular benefit is still there.
To point out all of the potential problems of the jabs to folks in those positions, or who know folks in those positions – without acknowledging the real tragedy that they are facing each and every day – undermines the ability of anything we might otherwise say to get through to them.
I know it’s not fair. We are not the ones trying to FORCE others to NOT get the jab. They are the ones successfully coercing people TO get the jab. But as @Absolute Galore pointed to above, none of us here are under the illusion that life is fair.
October 8, 2021 at 5:05 pm #89511Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymaster..real people are still working in hospitals, and in most places, those real people are still experiencing the % of hospitalization and death being higher in the un-jabbed than the corresponding % within each age bracket.
The stats in my article today say that, while vaccinated outnumber non-vaxxed (60-40%?!), infections among the former outnumber those in the latter by factor of 6!. Pandemic of the unvaccinated?! So no, that is simply not true. The only age bracket where it is true is the youngest, who are not jabbed.,
As for all these numbers, we need to realize that deaths and hospitalizations lag infections. About which, therefore, we can say very little at this point. Alex Berenson’s graph, referenced here today, makes very clear why that is. These developments move at lighting speed.
October 8, 2021 at 5:05 pm #89512DarkMatter
Someone in the comment section of the Berenson piece pointed out that they loosened the definition of vaccine to:vaccine: a preparation that is administered to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease
I take Vitamin D to specifically fight Covid 19 every day. I’m vaccinated and have daily boosters!
October 8, 2021 at 5:26 pm #89514Michael Reid
ParticipantFauci, HHS Officials Discuss Using New Virus From China To Enforce Universal Vaccines In Footage From Oct. 2019
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:21 AM PT – Friday, October 8, 2021October 8, 2021 at 6:13 pm #89515phoenixvoice
Participant“Acknowledging that there is still a benefit (although waning) for getting the jab in regards to hospitalizations and death is a way to open the door.”
Agreed. My friend knows I don’t want the vaccine. She is triple jabbed. She is backing out of a theatre excursion because she is scared about getting Covid there. She asked me to understand her concern about getting covid despite her vaccination based on her understanding that I don’t want the clot shot. I agreed that her concerns were valid.October 8, 2021 at 6:16 pm #89516phoenixvoice
ParticipantRagarding UK PHE data, it’s got to be that by now the rate of covid in the unvaccinated is going to be affected by natural immunity. The rub is that natural immunity should be affecting the vaxxed as well. It’s hard to measure without something like the US study on antibodies in blood donated….
October 8, 2021 at 6:20 pm #89517ctbarnum
ParticipantDenninger asks some very relevant questions today about vaccine mandates:
“Yes, you might get people who are over-levered (their fault) and unable to erect the middle finger to “comply.”
But in doing so you permanently destroyed their willingness to put 100% into their job. Now they are all pissed off, working only to the minimum required to not get fired, they hate their boss, they hate the company, they hate every screaming Karen who wagged their finger at them, they hate Biden and they’d like to see all of them bankrupt, gone, even dead. In today’s tight labor market you can’t replace them either; who are you going to hire? The bong-smoker you paid for a year to sit around and get stoned? How joyous and hopeful is such a person? Are they inclined to spend on luxuries? Take on more leverage and build businesses, families and prosperity? When you threaten to force them to do whatever you demand again — and again — and again — even at the cost of their own health, money and life?
The economic damage from this is permanent. So is firing those who won’t comply. Oh, they’ll go find something else to do — but odds are those independent thinkers are the top 5 or 10% of any organization.”
So, the Biden and Karen dolts are willing to lose their best employees over a virus with 99.8% survival? We are in true idiocracy territory with those employers.
October 8, 2021 at 6:42 pm #89520upstateNYer
ParticipantBased on some of the comments around here lately I can see why we don’t hear so much from Deflationista anymore. She isn’t needed. Job done.
October 8, 2021 at 7:03 pm #89523citizenx
ParticipantDr D and Germ !
Thank you
October 8, 2021 at 8:03 pm #89526DarkMatter
ParticipantAcknowledging that there is still a benefit (although waning) for getting the jab in regards to hospitalizations and death is a way to open the door.
There maybe was a time when we could easily change our minds but that time is past. We have chosen which narrative to believe and are sticking with it. Call it confirmation bias or cognitive dissonance but more information is not going to convince many. The question now is how we will treat people on the other side. Most people I know are tolerant and willing to make accommodations even if they feel like the have to avoid some people and situations. But some people are not tolerant and openly wish harm on those that haven’t chosen like they have. Unfortunately it appears those in power are mostly pro-vaxx and in this second group. It doesn’t seem like it can end well.
October 8, 2021 at 8:17 pm #89527Michael Reid
ParticipantA video of adverse events
October 8, 2021 at 9:07 pm #89533ctbarnum
ParticipantAnyone else besides me noticed since we have a president who is a dementia patient that now the entire government and its policies resemble those drawn up by a dementia patient?
October 8, 2021 at 9:13 pm #89534Bill7
Participant> Anyone else besides me noticed since we have a president who is a dementia patient that now the entire government and its policies resemble those drawn up by a dementia patient? <
To me that seems quite intentional, since the odd SC Democrat Party primary results of early last year, or so.
Funny old world.
October 8, 2021 at 10:00 pm #89540ctbarnum
ParticipantMeans we’re now in the “Get Off My Lawn” stage of collapse, which seems to have been the D party motto since 2016.
October 8, 2021 at 10:02 pm #89541upstateNYer
Participant@darkmatter: “We have chosen which narrative to believe and are sticking with it.”
I’m not sticking with a narrative, I’m sticking with *real* science. Real science that has proven for at least two decades that we cannot develop a successful vaccine against coronaviruses, and that mRNA vaccines could not safely be brought to market. That’s not a narrative, that’s proven through previous [failed] studies. Yes, peer reviewed studies.
I also am sticking with “my body, my choice” and basic human rights that, here in the US, are afforded to us by the Constitution. That is not a narrative, that’s what this country was founded on.
Call it having “chosen a narrative” if you wish, but that’s not really what this is.
We need to stop playing around with language. We didn’t “choose a narrative.”
We also don’t TAKE a vaccine. That terminology started with covid vaccines. We always GOT a vaccine. How many times in the past did someone say to you, “Hey, did you take the flu vaccine this year?” Not once. They asked if you got the flu vaccine. You don’t TAKE something that is injected into your body. You TAKE an aspirin. There’s a difference.
Stop playing with language. Playing with language is playing the parasites’ game. Call things what they are.
October 8, 2021 at 10:03 pm #89542Clueless Honky
I definitely get your point that you made in your recent post about the change in terminology, and the moving of the goal posts over time. Overall, it is incredibly frustrating.
However, in regards to separating out Infections, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, I’d have to say that it does make sense to a large degree to separate them out, because it is the hospitalization and deaths that overwhelm hospital systems. That overwhelm is what contributes to the stress of the front-line workers and to the tragedies that they regularly see.
Table 2 which is included in @Germs Comment from the Expose is only about Case Rates. The Right-most column with the Yellow Header from that article is not included in the PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report. The Expose added that column. Which is fair, because, as they state, they use the same calculation that Pfizer used to determine effectiveness in their marketing.
However, Table 3 shows Hospitalization Rates, and 4a & 4b show Death Rates in the same PHE Surveillance Report. These tables do still clearly show some vaccine effectiveness. The right two columns in each table state the corresponding rates per 100,000 people. One column is for those double jabbed. The last column is for un-jabbed. The effectiveness has been noticeably waning over the last 3 months.
That’s data from England, which was a little ahead of many places in rolling out the jabs. I have a friend who is an ER doctor in a hospital in Kentucky. He has not yet seen the trend that England is seeing.
My best guess is that he certainly will begin to see it in the next few months. But right now, he is not. So for me to claim to him that Covid is already a “pandemic of the vaccinated” has been a sure fire way to ensure that he won’t listen to anything I tell him. It contradicts his own very intense and very tragic lived experience. It can lead him to think I don’t care about the greater good, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
What I’m saying is that I don’t recommend that approach to others. It’s not likely to go well. And as we who write, read and comment on TAE all well know, there is a lot at stake here.
Here is the most recent PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report again: again, many thanks for all of your efforts Raul.
FYI, I was unable to open the link to the source paper for the “Weekly Breakthrough Cases Chart” (the red and purple chart) in your recent post.
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