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MemberIn the civilized world, 90%+ of the people don’t already own enough land to feed themselves. Do you think these masses are going to become slave sharecroppers?
Even if the governments confiscated all the land and divided it up equally, almost the same 90% of the population would rather get a hand out or steal, rather than work the land. After all, they have college degrees, or they are just stubborn, or their entire family tree has been on welfare since the 1930’s.
There will always be 90% that aren’t going do the work necessary because it is beneath their dignity.
Yes, the community building thing is good, but I fear you’ll become the provider for your neighborhood, you’ll do all the work while they mooch (just like in society today, but it is not P.C. to ever mention it.) Don’t overlook that 90% of the population that will be looting zombies. You will never reach these people, no matter how many times you click your heels, they will refuse to break a sweat, unless it is for popping out another entitlement baby, or shopping with their EBT cards.
I’m only being realistic here. If the industrialization of the planet is cut 50%, so must too the population. Since the collapse will occur, and the population will still be over 6.9 billion, one must make equal prep in farming, self reliance and DEFENSIVE MEASURES. Charity gets old after the 2nd day of feeding your neighborhood.
MemberGreece exits, then King Obama makes a deal.
King Obama sends $25,000,000,000 in humanitarian aid into Greece each year from now on, in exchange Greece leases two Air Force bases and two Navy piers.
King Obama uses the crisis as a campaign photo ops and is crowned Most Highest Holiness Above the Pope the week before the election.
July 12, 2012 at 9:00 am in reply to: From Each According to His Inability, To Each According to His Greed #4591Boris
MemberWait one cotton pickin’ minute here. A week or so ago, Newspeak stated that Americans just loaded up the highest amount of credit card debt during the quarter since 2007. CNBC spun it saying the the American consumer is back spending and is confident, and we had a rally that day.
MemberEROEI is always overlooked by the Solid Earth Oil Corers.
MemberWe have two very highly contrasting stories. Four days ago CNBC ran a story proclaiming the natural gas sector is to save the U.S. economy…. … it touts how Lower Prices Spur Growth, no shortages, and more projects going online.
I generally agree with TheAutomaticEarth about 90% of what they give. I don’t accept the community building, as when TSHTF, you are going to be surrounded by millions of wolves, you can’t play nice with them. SHTF They will blow your house down and remove everything they can eat or use.
I generally believe nothing that comes from the government, the NWO and the media.