D Benton Smith
Forum Replies Created
D Benton SmithParticipant
You guys, it’s time for a crusade (in the old style newspaper campaign sense of the word). The same old degenerate murderers are trying to do it AGAIN! It’s not just the same play, it’s the same guys doing it, using the same DNA wrecking, immune system destroying, medically useless POISON., And they intend to “full court press” the mandate using the same damned fear porn LIES they used last time. And TRUMP is actually leading the charge (that fact is particularly depressing, but hey, there it is. In your face.)
Here are a couple of guys who have twigged to the scam. Give them a listen. Raise the alarm. It’s peasants’ revolt time, because if the murderous blob manages to get this government sponsored, AI managed, surveillance backed, murder spree rolling on the scale of the Covid fake pandemic, then this time I don’t think there will be very many survivors on this side of the two oceans. There certainly won’t be any free ones.
Check out the linked this video: https://youtu.be/Vz0rZkJFfTk?si=hTeNat-UKDr5GB68D Benton SmithParticipantThe first 24 hours looked damn good
The next 24 hours were damn confusing
The most recent 24 hours are just, like, “Damn!”Did y’all grok what Trump just tried to sell us? This “great” Stargate deal?
We are supposed to fork over half a trillion Dollars and literally ALL of our little remaining personal sovereignty to 5 known psychopathic multi-billionaires who just tried to kill us off with experimental mRNA injections, so that these same psychopathic multi-billionaires can inject us with MORE untested mRNA injections, which we are meant to believe will cure us of the cancers that the PREVIOUS experimental mRNA injections are expected to give us.
I have long considered that those people (and I use the term loosely) most probably regard the rest of us as little more than disposable livestock, but not until Project Stargate did I realize that they don’t. They actually see us as insentient cordwood.
D Benton SmithParticipantIs it too soon?
Nah. It’s always time for a little more truth, especially when it’s shouting at the top of its lungs, and jumping up and down waving its arms in your face.
Trump is that rarest of all political animals, the “Honest Politician”.
So what, you might ask (and you should ask!) is a so-called “Honest Politician” and does such a mythological creature even exist?
Sure they exist, but they ARE rare! Like the old saying goes, an honest politician IS ONE WHO STAYS BOUGHT.
Trump stays bought. And he’s not shy about telling you so, out loud and in public. Donald Trump loudly and proudly brags that he just LOVES to make deals. If he agrees to the terms of the deal, and you pay in advance as agreed upon, then he will deliver what you paid for. Just ask him if that ain’t so.
The Zionist Israeli/American (dual “citizen”) oligarch, Miriam Adelson, Paid Trump 100 million Dollars for the Golan Heights and the Embassy move to Jerusalem. He delivered both and explicitly claimed credit for delivering-as-promised. Same thing with the bombs, intell services and media cover to steal Gaza by means of genocidal force. Trump got the Oval Office and the Zionists got the dead Palestinians and real estate. This for that. And neither complaint nor criticism escaped the Donald’s lips.
(by the way, he REALLY likes the beautiful seaside real estate just opening up for development in Gaza. Jared is already selling lots.)
These accusations might seem a little bit harsh in view of the wonderful Presidential Executive Orders he just signed. But the election campaign financing, dead bodies and forcibly demolished and vacated real estate are right there in plain sight, so see what’s in front of your eyes or not. Your choice.
The Zionists aren’t the only ones he has cut deals with.
He has also gone “All In” on an AI controlled Future of Everything deal to pour the full force and treasure of the United States into a full spectrum zero-privacy surveillance state, run by privately operated AI giants, mRNA vax masters, and Spy-Cops.
It’s hard to precisely identify customers in Donald’s latest projects because the view is so obfuscated, but we know for sure that the the crew includes Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Pete Thiel and a smaller fry like Sam Altman, Luckey Palmer, and Erik Prince. Nice company. Just saying their names makes me want to wash my mouth out with soap.
Libertarians wanted the self confessed drug lord Ross Ulbricht released from prison (for some murky reason that I would like to know) so they told Trump they would switch their vote to him if he would spring their boy, and the Dread Pirate Roberts is a free man today, by Presidential Pardon on Day One.
No such luck for Julian Assange when Donny was last Prez, and still no Joy for Edward Snowden even now. I guess selling billionsin illicit drugs is more pardonable than freedom fighting.Here’s the deal: Trade this for that, and then stay bought. Now THAT’S the art of the deal.
So, do you want Trump to do good things for you? It’s simple. Just offer him a deal.
But don’t expect it to be cheap.
D Benton SmithParticipantI think we’ve hit that stage in the denouement of so-called civilization where just the friggin’ short list of crazy bullshit is too long and complicated for people to read. The task is beyond ordinary human capacity.
There is a composite of interrelated reasons why this is so.
a) Most people haven’t got the prerequisite information necessary to understand the items anyway.
b) The info that they know is probably wrong, and they know it.
c) The info that they think they know is for sure wrong, and they don’t know it.
c) They haven’t got the interest, or the time, or the stomach to even try to go there, so they don’t go.
d) The try to take it all in, but get so confused that they stop.
e) The have more pressing and immediate needs that MUST be attended to first (like eating, not getting killed, and helping loved ones do the same)Nevertheless I just gotta say a few things about the whole damned mess while it’s still steaming. I am absolutely delighted by almost everything Trump said with those Executive orders (except the two worst ones, that I’ll get to in a moment). I reckon that a lot of miscreants, bad guys and lunatics are in shock about it. I would love to see all of the orders (except the two worst ones) come to pass, but talk is cheap. I wanna see the follow up.
Now about those two worst ones.
1) Regardless of Donald’s bluster and bravado there ain’t no way he’s going to preserve Zionist Israel or prevent its genocidal, suicidal, fratricidal descent into the dustbin of history. They had their chance and they blew it like no one has ever blown it before. Israel must go, and it shall go and ain’t nobody gonna save them. The trip will very very bloody if they try. If Trump tries to keep that from happening then he’s going to go when they do, and drag down anyone evil and stupid enough to back that play. Anyone who wants to join in is welcome to go to Hell with ’em. Bon voyage mother fuckers.
Killing innocent people in pursuit of an evil purpose is nearly the dumbest and most ill advised thing that a human can do. Don’t do it.2) Trump can, indeed end the Ukraine war, BUT Trump cannot make Russia end the Ukraine war. If that were possible then the war would already be over. In fact, it would never have started in the first place. Trump had 4 YEARS (2016 thru 2020) to prevent the war, and instead of honestly negotiating he used those four years to arm Ukrainian, build up Ukrainian forces under NATO (United States) Command and Control and aimed them directly at Russia’s border.
Long story short. The Ukraine war will end when Russia achieves its strategic objectives, BECAUSE THEY ARE DEMONSTRATING, AS WE SPEAK, THAT NO ONE CAN STOP THEM.
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Trump is a sheep in wolf’s clothing, and intends that all will be well, but it sure doesn’t look that way from the cheap seats.
D Benton SmithParticipant@MichaelReid
In answer to your questions of, “Really?” my reply is, “0f course not really.”My question, “just HOW does a carte blanche pardon work in the real world of law enforcement and jurisprudence?” was a rhetorical sarcasm. In attempting to work out how it MIGHT work (in the real world of bureaucratically managed jurisprudence) one would quickly discover that it COULD NOT work. That only becomes really obvious if one takes the question seriously and tries to imagine how a so-called “preemptive pardon” would play out if it were ever seriously put to the test in a prosecutor’s office or a court room.
Clearly, attempting to do it would be equivalent to cramming 3 ft crowbar into the innards of a Swiss watch. Instant wreckage Can’t be successfully done. That was my point.
Justice, right, rejection of wrong, and the rest of what you said are things that I fiercely believe in, and none of them can co-exist with the utterly evil nonsense of preemptive carte blanche pardon.
I fully agree with your viewpoint.
D Benton SmithParticipantIncidentally, anyone who accepts the pardon thereby forfeits the right to remain silent under the 5th Amendment, because if they cannot be incriminated of an offense they then have no grounds for the plea of self-incrimination. Double edged dirk. Right between ribs and into their lying heart.
D Benton SmithParticipant.
D Benton SmithParticipantI posted this nearly identical comment in the Godspeed DJT edition of this same day, but thought that it’s actually more pertinent to this stream.
“I’m wondering how a preemptive pardon might actually work (procedurally speaking) in an actual Grand Jury, Prosecutor’s Office or Court Room.
Does the person of interest tell the Grand Jury, “I don’t have to answer any questions because I have an unconditional pardon, in advance, for anything and everything that you might ask me about.”
Does the District Attorney not even launch an investigation into missing funds and several suspiciously dead bodies because the suspected perpetrator has a “preemptive” Presidential Pardon which forgives any and all crimes at any and all times?
And can a jury find a murderer guilty of a provenly premeditated killing (injecting a known to be deadly Vaxxine, for example) when the hit was ordered by a person who has been presidentially pardoned for intentionally creating the known-to-be-deadly injection and forcing other people to use it? (Anthony Fauci springs to mind).
This is a serious question. Just HOW does a carte blanche pardon work in the real world of law enforcement and jurisprudence? Imprudently, I think, or not at all.”
D Benton SmithParticipantI’m wondering how a preemptive pardon might actually work (procedurally speaking) in an actual Grand Jury, Prosecutor’s Office or Court Room.
Does the accused tell the Grand Jury, “I don’t have to answer any questions because I have an unconditional pardon, in advance, for anything and everything that you might ask me about.”
Does the District Attorney not even launch an investigation into missing funds and several suspiciously dead bodies because the suspected perpetrator has a “preemptive” Presidential Pardon which forgives any and all crimes at any and all times?
And can a jury find a murderer guilty of a provenly premeditated killing (injecting a known to be deadly Vaxxine, for example) when the hit was ordered by a person who has been presidentially pardoned for intentionally creating the known-to-be-deadly injection and forcing other people to use it? (Anthony Fauci springs to mind).
This is a serious question. Just HOW does a carte blanche pardon work in the real world of law enforcement and jurisprudence? Imprudently, I think, or not at all.
D Benton SmithParticipantSo we’re back to the tired old conundrum of discerning between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. The letter of the law serves the spirit of the law, else there would be no reason for having the law in the first place. When the letter contradicts the intent, or serves to reverse the intended purposes (such as preservation of life by prohibiting murder) then it isn’t actually law at all. It’s crime.
D Benton SmithParticipantThe Constitution of the United States does not, however, grant to the President any power to set aside the laws of the physical universe, which dictates that causes come before events, not after them. It is not possible to pardon an event until it is know what the event is. Therefore “preemptive pardon” is logical nonsense because it simply can not actually be done.
D Benton SmithParticipantMy genius daughter pointed out that the vaxxines are still killing people all around the world by the millions even as we speak, and they will go on dying by those numbers into the foreseeable future, through immune collapse, cancers, blood clots and heart destruction. It’s not as though the event is all in the past, because it’s not. Each death, when it happens is a NEW crime being committed right now in present time.
To pardon a killing in advance is to make killings legal whenever it’s pardoned in advance.
Each of those deaths is a CAPITAL CRIME, committed with malice aforethought. This applies to all of those who have died in the past and all those who will die in the future as the direct result and consequence of a crime that has already been (and will continue to be) deliberately committed with full knowledge and intent of the lethality of the act.There are TWO points that I want to make here. Both points are rather extremely important.to our future well being.
The first point is that the concept of preemptive pardon is utterly insane because it negates the bedrock foundation of what law even is. If any and every law can be set aside without question then none of those laws actually exist as law.
The second point is every bit as important as the first one and the second point is that to place the power of preemptive pardon to one Authority (such as the authority known as the President of the United States) is to make that that singular authority into the Authoritarian Dictator over everyone.
Just because he’s a “nicer” authoritarian Dictator than the last one doesn’t mean that he disapproves of the idea of authoritarian dictatorship in general, because an authoritarian dictator can be any kind of dictator that he WANTS to. That’s sorta the way it works and explains why certain types of narcissistic psychopath and/or sociopath seeks the position.
In a nutshell. NO INDIVIDUAL EVER should be granted authority to override, bypass or set aside the conclusive final decision of the judicial process.
The fact that just such an abomination actually IS in the Constitution goes a long way toward explaining how we got to this pitiful state of “pardoning” career criminal murderers so that they can go on killing.
Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, commonly referred to as the Pardon Clause, states:
“The President… shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”
Ya get what ya pay for I guess.
D Benton SmithParticipant@MichaelReid
a world system of financial control in private hands
able to dominate the political system of each country and
the economy of the world as a wholeThe United States has always and only been a colony of England. A careful study of the history of the United States documents this fact incontrovertibly. Those people (and I use the term loosely) owned America then and they own it now.
They MIGHT NOT, however go on owning it for very much longer.
D Benton SmithParticipantIncidentally, Biden’s latest and last round of “preemptive pardons” is an excellent confirmation of our well founded suspicions about which of the bad guys are the most vulnerable to successful prosecution. The Attorney General should thank Joe for saving her a lot of work in deciding who to arrest and prosecute first.
D Benton SmithParticipantYou don’t have to look to the Supreme Court or any other arbitrarily appointed judicial body to decide for yourself the starkly obvious logical conclusion that anything even remotely like a so-called “preemptive pardon” is identical to the complete and total abnegation of law itself.
Please allow me to restate that in a shorter simpler way. If “preemptive pardon” exists, then law does not exist.
In other words, and more to the point that affects our daily lives. If Fauci and Milley (both of whom are self aware intentional mass murderers) are allowed to be preemptively pardoned, then there is no law in America whatsoever. There will only be RULES which will be either enforced or not enforced, purely on the whim of an authority which claims and believes itself to have the uncheckable power over whatever it chooses.
So those absurd attempted pardons are a very visible and good litmus test of the New Trumpian Paradigm of Pragmatic Paradise. If the perps get the slammer then he’s legit. And if they walk then we know for certain that he’s just another junior grade Mafia capo protecting his hit men.
D Benton SmithParticipantIn his final hours, Biden offered immunity to the worst of the worst of the innocents.
That’s like the Devil giving free ‘Get Out of Heaven’ cards.
D Benton SmithParticipantBut if you have Zionist friend that likes to start the calendar at whatever point looks bad for Palestine. Ask them how many terrorist attacks were there prior to London’s Mandate For Palestine in 1920.
James Kunstler’s cherry picking start dates that support his repellant opinion doesn’t come as much of a surprise. He probably includes some false or misleading purported facts into his argument as well, not to mention a few true facts that get routinely omitted. That’s the expected behavior of people when they’re wrong. They hide it any way they can. If they stand stand to lose something by admitting the truth, they lie about it. That’s humans for ya. The only solution with any chance of success is to just keep calling them out and keep rubbing their noses in the facts. Think of it as a war of attrition against bullshit.
D Benton SmithParticipantYou nailed it (twice in a row).
D Benton SmithParticipantWell, Celtie, if “that’s all you know” then I suppose that I’ll just have to accept that you’re pretty damn ignorant, but that doesn’t excuse you for trying to harm innocent people just because they go by the same religious label as do some very guilty people.. That’s called “collective punishment”, and it’s a war crime. You’re well on your way there, and I advise you to come to your senses and stop.
D Benton SmithParticipantAll of the things that list are still incomplete sequences of investigation, earlier than which continues the unbroken sequence of those lines of investigation way WAY further back in time than even the earliest Hebrews. Judaism began with Abraham, for whom we know an exact birth date, 1948 BC. The evil bastards who infiltrated and took over PART of Judaism as their “cover story and patsy” were highly organized and fucking up the world from at least 5000 BC to roughly 3800 BC at which time it moved to the Mesopotamian valley and eventually became the Babylonian Empire around 2000 BC. It was from there, and not much later that Abraham appears on the scene (1948 BC, as I mentioned). You can just read your Bible for much of the story after that, but be careful because scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees were not the most honest of people in all case.
Look, Celtic, these bastards criminal M.O. is always the same. They latch on to whatever is most successful in their vicinity, and infiltrate it by pretending to BE that successful operation but for the actual purpose of usurping its power while milking it dry. When the victimized population goes collapses (and it always does) and the heat gets turned up on finding hanging the perpetrators then the REAL perps aim the vengeful mobs at the patsies and move on to the next victim, to infiltrate and take it over same way as they did the last one, but under a new name.
The Pharisees, the Sagguses, the Talmudic Jews, the Zionists are just BEADS on a much longer string, so when you try to convince people that it’s JUST the so-called “Jews” you are actually HELPING those worse-than-baby-killers to get away with it again. Please don’t do that. It’s time for YOU to “wake the fuck up.”
D Benton SmithParticipant@CelticBiker
I’m genuinely curious. Why do look as far as the Jews and then stop and look no further? Why do you stop there? Did you look deeper and find no one behind the Jews? Or have you not looked?I think you should look. Nothing that you find there lets any guilty Jew off the hook. In fact quite the contrary. And if you did dare to look then you could not help but find that there is much more to see see.
D Benton SmithParticipantMost of you have seen this data, in one form another, by now. It very much looks like the fires are being ignited and maintained by mean of microwave direct energy weapons, will using the natural fire storm effects to obscure the fact. Here’s Greg Reese interviewing an expert arborist about the unnatural aspects of how the fires burned.
https://open.substack.com/pub/gregreese/p/directed-energy-weapons-burning-homes?r=ba3yw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web×tamp=313.0&showWelcomeOnShare=falseD Benton SmithParticipantIt’s a deal. I am retreating to my neutral corner.
D Benton SmithParticipantNice side step, but you’re not fooling anyone. Luckily for you nobody really cares about it. Most of it is so referentially obscure that it’s indecipherable anyway. I don’t care that much either, but I must confess that I DO enjoy needling bullies who diss my friends.
D Benton SmithParticipant@DrDRich
There it is, an expression of:
Bateson’s Double Bind Theory of Psychosis “Yeah, and to think that two entire generations (in America at least) have been raised under the incredible pathogenic stressor of being told one thing (by parents) and being SHOWN the exact opposite in the behavior of those same parents. Indoctrinate the kid to be fair and truthful, then punish them severely for being either one. If that won’t drive the kids crazy then nothing will.
D Benton SmithParticipant@MyParentsSaidKnow
Yeah, no way to book match the blade curvature, regardless of orientation the “direction” of the curve is baked into the spiral. Such a boat reminds of a childhood friend who bought a half-trained barrel racing pony that could only turn left.
D Benton SmithParticipantPresumptuous? Really? Why, for me to be presumptuous towards you means that you have already presumptively arrogated to yourself some undefined superiority to me in some way. I’ll leave to others to figure out what kind of superiority that might be. Maybe just the ordinary empty-snob kind of superiority affected by so many empty snobs.
Ah, well. That’s the thanks I get for trying to help you not make an ass of yourself. I could have saved myself the effort because you’re doing a great job of making an ass of yourself all BY yourself.
D Benton SmithParticipantTariffs, of course just cause the retail price to jump by AT LEAST the amount necessary to cover the tariff fee, and usually quite a bit more to cover the administrative costs of enforcements, bribes, kick-backs and straight up embezzlement.
“The buyer pays for all”, and guess who that is?
D Benton SmithParticipantImagine being in Trump’s position for the upcoming inauguration. Having just survived TWO extremely blatant and serious assassination attempts he must stand still in full view of thousands people for many long minutes WITH HIS SECURITY DEPENDENT ON PEOPLE WHO WERE INVOLVED WITH (or possibly ordered) THE FIRST TWO ASSINATION ATTEMPTS.
The job of providing REAL security must be an F-ing nightmare, bordering on impossible.
D Benton SmithParticipantThat catamaran would be one big boat, and probably pretty strong, too.
D Benton SmithParticipantI am not “piling on” in correcting you, but as neutrally as possible I want to point out that you are not understanding the message that Oroboros’ is conveying with his meme postings such as the “Naughty Cat”. That particular photo/text meme is both a social commentary on the state of public moral standards, and also on the moral state of persons who are both so stupid and so immoral (at once) that the vendor (who is in much the same condition but not QUITE as stupid as his customer base) that he actually had to put up a friggin’ hand written SIGN by the door to prevent strip club patrons from walking into his café to lasciviously oogle the waitresses and freak out the customers.
It’s hilarious and it is both pertinent and relevant to what we’ve been discussing recently on TAE.
D Benton SmithParticipantregarding the afore-posted photo meme of the windmill blade graveyard. Can you imagine what the future archeologists will think when they excavate the site a few thousand years from now? Given that none of it makes any sense whatsoever now, in the present, then what kind of wild theories will they come up with in trying to explain the artifacts, in situ, when the those archeologists of the future have no other information about why the objects were ritually interred in the first place.
It’s going to drive them CRAZY (not that an academic archeologist isn’t more than a little bit nuts already).
D Benton SmithParticipanti thought that’s why we had elections..
Oh, man. That’s a classic. Thanks for the first real belly laugh of the week.
D Benton SmithParticipantRegarding the photo in the Facebook fact checker meme. The only upside to permitting that kind of behavior in broad daylight public is that it encourages the insane to come out of the woodwork and then we can see who they are and where they were hiding.
D Benton SmithParticipantI’ve personally built several houses over the years, like nailed them together with my arm and a hammer, no nail guns.
I just KNEW there was something special about you that I liked even more than your TAE contributions (which I also like a lot). You’re a black thumb builder! Me too!
Except at 77 the hammer has been mostly retired in favor of a DeWalt battery op framing nailer. One must must adapt to survive, ya know?
D Benton SmithParticipantfor ex. Israel, reigning it back in, to preserve it.
What an elegantly concise bit of eloquence. I wish I had said it, because if I had then I would be tempted to brag. You just wrote an astute 10 page political analysis of Trump’s Israel policy in just 10 words. Wow.
D Benton SmithParticipant@DrD
regarding your comment #179561 from the close of yesterdayNow what are you doing to DO about it?
Good situation analysis. Great questions. A bit shy in the answers department.
I think most of the answers, however, are going to come from our ostensible adversaries, both individually (Russia, China, India) and en masse in the form of BRICS+.
As for what we Americans do about it, both individually and en masse as a nation (and I use the term loosely) is practically mysterious. I guess we’re about to discover that answer the way we always have … the hard way.
D Benton SmithParticipantnothing
Well that’s sure a relief because I was getting sick and tired of the nothing that we’ve all had for so long. Any change of it would have to be an improvement.
D Benton SmithParticipantIt never ceases to amaze me when managers of the Blobosphere hire bastards like Carney to wreak merciless havoc upon humanity, and that Pieces O’ Shite like Carney aspire to that employment.
And then I recover my senses by remembering that, well yeah, they ARE, after all, the avowed Enemies of Humanity.
D Benton SmithParticipantThe reason that it all looks like a show is that very few people are interested enough to look at all the stage work that went into it. The shenanigan’s were there all along to see (or discover) but no one wants to invest the effort until it is presented to them like a three ring circus with spot lights. They like the hot dogs, but don’t want to see how they’re made, or personally know that the happy clowns are reall grumpy old men who drink to drown their sorrows, and earn the money for the booze by acting like fools for the ignorant crowds in the gallery.