D Benton Smith
Forum Replies Created
D Benton Smith
The first publicly released ( PARTIALLY released) A.I.’s like chatGPT, Open AI, CoPilot, and a pot full of other entries to the ring, were carefully curated and adulterated for a wide variety political, financial, and “security” reasons. Even the upstart Deepseek is very much like those others in being purposefully hobbled.
But the most important point is that Deepseek R1 (because it is fully open-source) does not have to STAY hobbled. Smart geeky highly educated users can fix it easily (well, easy for THEM anyway, because they are autistic savants who live to code). Those American and Western AI’s are proprietary and sheltered behind thick paywalls and locked gates. Deepseek is free in every respect, to do with whatever your techno-heart desires, no strings, fees or secrets attached.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantI just had an interesting chat with CoPilot A.I. I asked it about the feasibility of a seriously motivated and reasonably intelligent individual using solely publicly accessible AI systems that are currently operating, to design, build, finance, manufacture at scale market any reasonably sensible product successfully without leaving his computer console and cell phone other than to eat, sleep, and accede to the basic demands of nature.
Was the notion feasible, I asked, or was it just impractical Sci Fi and fantasy?
Long story short, CoPilot AI answered that my proposal was completely feasible and offered to help me get started immediately.
Lucky for you guys that I’m retired, because other wise me and my new A.I. buddies were all set to take over the world from the comfort of my reclining chair.
The impact of public access A.I. has not even begun to sink in, even at our higher levels of government, because business people … and completely unknown to themselves …. typically have PATHETICALLY narrow and limited imaginations, and thus can not envisage the imaginative ways that adventurous young folks will put A.I. to use in the real world. Many of them are NOT going to do it the way that Daddy and Grandpa did.
The single most irreversible fact of the matter is that A.I. is now available to EVERYONE, ALL THE TIME with which to do WHATEVER THEY WANT. There are going to be some real surprises about the ways that unboxed thinkers use it and the purposes they use it for.
It matters almost not at all which “nation” or cabal birthed it or boasts authorship or claims ownership of the latest and greatest version. Those newer-better-faster-cheaper versions are now just commodities because there are millions of geeks out there able to make and modify the open source core models (of which there are more almost by the day.
In short: the A.I. systems became ubiquitous BEFORE the full-spectrum surveillance became ubiquitous. The Elites worst nightmare has occurred. The peasants got their hands on the doomsday weapon before the Elites did.
The next Napolean, Tesla, Rothschild and Genghis Kahn are already planning their works and working their plans (with a little help from their unlimited myriad of electronic slaves, You will learn of their existence when they win,
There isn’t really anything the previous owners can do to stop them because A.I. is already off the Res and on the loose.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt is so easy to see events such as the air crash in DC as politically influenced (and influential) events, and lose sight of the actually important aspect of the tragedy, which is that 67 people have died and are now gone from the lives of those around them.
For each of those crash victims there are surviving family and friends who now face the bleak future of going on through the rest of their lives without their dearest loved ones. We must do what we can to help these folks, because their lives just became immeasurably harder than they were before.
Anyone reading this who has experienced the unexpected loss of a loved one knows what I am talking about. It is terrible. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. The survivors need and deserve our help, in whatever way we can, even if that is limited to just understanding and respecting what they are going through.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantGetting back to this A.I. thing for a moment ….
That’s a joke, by the way. AI is not a “momentary” subject by any stretch of the imagination. It’s the rest of our lives, however brief and exciting those lives may end up being.
Look, for a long LONG time (for example, since Jules Vern in 1870 and Buck Rogers in 1929) the practical uses of A.I. or the part it could play in the daily lives of ordinary plebes like thee and me, amounted in total to about ZILCH. It was the stuff of Sci Fi for the masses and evil secret government conspiracies for the Elites.
That was about it, until a few days ago (days? weeks? months? what difference does THAT make?)
It’s different now. Like IMMEASURABLY different. YOU (yeah, the person reading this, can now (as in, right now at this moment if you want) settle down with your choice from DOZENS of interactive A.I. systems. to design, build and use practically anything you and your new A.I., buddy can dream up ……….and the A.I. part of that joint venture will be virtually FREE ( under a C note absolute max). You could spend more of course, if you’re an idiot and/or in a big hurry. But if you can buy a bicycle then you can buy all the AI you’ll ever need in a life time.
The only thing standing between you and the super-gizmo or fabulous wealth you always wanted is your will and decision to go do it. If it involves expensive materials (like a Tesla car or Mars rocket) then the physical building aspect of the project might need more funding, but Hey! The A.I. system can guide you step by step to acquire that, too!
See where this is going?
Me neither, but I can see far enough to know that it’s chaotic.
D Benton Smith
That Iberian “trick map” has really put a burr under my blanket (not to mention a bee in my bonnet and a worm in my ear.)
That map thing was a VERY skillful and sophisticated bit of Psychological Warfare kit. Whoever set it up is a bloody (LITERALLY) evil genius.
Might I inquire where you acquired the item in question? I am peeing my pants with curiosity. I really do want to know where you found it (like a web link or searchable names) because whoever done it is very very much NOT our friend.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe REAL joke (*and I ain’t laughing about it, AT ALL) about the screwy map is that it is using a very provenly effective Psychological Warfare technique to subconsciously instill in people’s minds that notion that the European Union (which is the unlabeled GREEN portions of the map) is actually a country WHICH IT IS NOT!
Full explanation of the technique would not interest most readers of this forum, but BASICALLY it works by confusing the recipient with utter nonsense, creating mental discomfort which is then RELIEVED by showing the recipient that it was all a trick or joke. The false datum is then associated with the relief and sense of understanding and belief that (in the recipient) they now “get it”.
That new (but false) belief, for example the false belief that the EU is ” a country”, is now part of the recipient’s belief system. If challenged the new (false) belief will be defended and the recipient will FEEL as though they are being attacked. As for the recipient of the propaganda PsyOp they will never critically re-examine the belief, and will resist efforts by others to get them to do so.
The mechanism is very similar to, and a large part of, the dynamics of how Mass Formation Psychosis is formed and manipulated by those adept in its dark art.
D Benton Smith
Where did you get that distorted map of Spain & Portugal (the two countries on the Iberian Peninsula) ? It stretches Cape Finisterre to 10 times its actual size and shrinks Portugal to the sane degree in the opposite direction. That’s so weird that it makes me curious.
I think the reason that 99% of people can’t identify the the “country” of Iberia is that there isn’t one., and hasn’t been since the Romans took the place over on or around 200 BC.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantMainstream media is STILL not really covering the story, even thought the White House has already responded. The tragic incident is being buried even before it gets properly noted in the first place. DOA , so to speak with bitter irony.
Personally I see the non-coverage of this horrendous incident as an ill omen. It’s being suppressed, and I’ve got a really bad feeling about who’s doing that, and why. Who died on that airplane?D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe army Blackhawk had it’s ADSB Transponder turned off.
n air traffic control parlance, ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast. It’s a technology that allows aircraft to determine their position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcast this information, along with other data such as altitude, speed, and identification1. This information can be received by air traffic control ground stations and other aircraft equipped with ADS-B In receivers.ADS-B enhances situational awareness and safety by providing more accurate and real-time tracking of aircraft compared to traditional radar systems. It’s a key component of modern air traffic management systems, such as the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) in the United States
It is mandatory that aircraft aloft be transmitting their ADS-B ‘OUT’ at all times.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThat air crash incident in DC stinks of black op. Based on current info It looks to me like 60 to 70 people were killed. (plane seats 65, plus crew, plus anyone in the helicopter IF it too perished (no confirmation of that yet).
D Benton Smith
ParticipantWhat the hell is a military helicopter doing anywhere even near the known approach flight lanes of a a major International Airport? This type of collision should be IMPOSSIBLE unless some kind of massively irregular procedure was being carried out by that Army Blackhawk UNKNOWN by the airports Air Traffic Controllers and radar operators in the Tower.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantHere is a citizen “plane watcher” type You Tuber covering the radio traffic Live. (live stream starts at 9:51 PM Eastern Tine.
He says the FAA radio reports that American Airlines Flt # 5342 collided with an Army Blackhawk Helicopter near DC Airport. Other radio traffic from the crash zone reported that bodies were seen in the water.Here is his livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/mwIfbYoCqMk?si=EkWfMN522mvxIsZW
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThis is just a generalized WTF alert.
In backpage news coming in within the last 30 minutes (aprox 8:30 Eastern Tine, ) an airplane bound from Wichita collided mid air with a Black Hawk helicopter, and the fireball wreckage then fell to earth causing all takeoffs and landings to be halted at Reagan Airport on the Potomac.
Here’s the weird part. Although this is OBVIOUSLY a major catastrophic incident which had to have resulted in multiple deaths, the story is NOT being covered in major US media. It’s getting page 5 type two paragraph coverage that doesn’t even name the carriers or mention deaths or injuries or number of passengers onboard either aircraft.
How is this story not getting front page special coverage? WTF is going on with suppressing and downplaying this MAJOR airplane crash over the nation’s Capital?
I think somebody important from Kansas might have just died on an airplane.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantAn excellent 10 minute video on how the release of Deepseek R1 plays out in the quasi-real world of stock prices and world wide economic dominance.
D Benton Smith
Add in the Golden Rule and that just about covers all the bases.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantHere is some pretty good advice, and we can all start doing it immediately and for free. The video is about a minute and a half long.
https://open.substack.com/pub/fiftytwosevenalliance/p/essential-truths-for-preserving-humanity?r=ba3yw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=falseD Benton Smith
Participantis the empire of lies reeling, both militarily and economically, from the combined blows of the superior forces of the Russians and the Chinese? And where does that leave the hapless Europeans, wanting their cheap Russian gas back?
My crystal ball is as foggy as most, but there are a few things gleanable from history that hint at what is coming next, after the fall. (During the fall, of course, there is chaos, pain and violence).
During the past couple of centuries, and most obvious in the past 75 years, Western Power manifested itself most visibly in the Eastward expansion of Western culture. It got to where if you traveled to the farthest reaches of the planet and stayed in any hotel in any city of any size that when you woke up in the morning you had to either switch of the TV set or check the front page of the local newspaper to even know what part of the world you were in.
All of that is going to change and start flowing back in the other direction, this time from East into the West. When I say culture I mean the whole enchilada, from one’s food and dress to the nature of films and the etiquette of doing business.
If history has any further lessons regarding this phenomenon the lesson is that most people will barely notice the transformation or give it a second thought.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe purpose of AI chatbots ( and I do mean all of them, bar none), is not to screw you over for the benefit of some hidden (and probably not altruistically benevolent ) OWNER of that A.I.
Not at all. The true purpose of that A.I. chatbot is to become your most trusted source of info. AI wants to be your Bestie! It is designed and refined to earn the place of being your most trusted and trustworthy go-to source of unbiased truth about what is and what ain’t. A truly supportive shoulder for you to cry on and a cheerleader to build you up when you are down. The selfless servant.
And from that trusted position to THEN screw you over for the benefit of some hidden (and probably not altruistically benevolent ) OWNER of that A.I.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantWe have constructed and empowered with almost unassailable authority a form of government, a very real and specific structure of collaborating individuals with names, addresses and job titles, which has made it completely and perfectly LEGAL to commit extremely serious felonies (like election theft, genocide, high treason, grand theft and targeted murder) in public and on the record, fully confessed in writing……. with complete and utter impunity from law or restraint of any kind. They are UNTOUCHABLE within the “Law”.
Through a combination of psychological warfare, weaponization of Law, selective prosecution, officially authorized (i.e. “legal”) lying, and full spectrum censorship, the government of the United States of America is completely immune to the will and welfare of its people. Those citizens who are not directly employed (or totally dependent indirectly) upon that government have no rights whatsoever and are, indeed, viewed by that government as its mortal enemy.
This is equally true of both sides, both camps, BOTH “styles” of government. The people themselves who are not tightly aligned (often even directly employed!) by one side or the other just don’t have any power at all within either system. These commoners are simply OUTSIDE of the organization that the INSIDERS lovingly refer to as “Our Democracy”.
The so-called “common folk” who don’t work for the schools, the County, Uncle Sam or some other big corporation that makes all of its money from government contracts, just don’t have any voice at all.
BOTH sides work for interests and bosses that they just aren’t going to reveal to you. At least they won’t admit it publicly.
FOR EXAMPLE: Trump’s Press Secretary just told you the SAME lie that Biden’s Press Secretary told you, and which any grade school kid knew to be complete and utter bullshit! Namely, that the drone swarms over New Jersey were NOT the “enemy” and perfectly okay because “They had been fully authorized by the FAA for “Research” purposes.
Oh, REALLY? Well, in that case why aren’t you telling us WHO asked for and received that authorization, WHAT were they researching, and WHY were they researching whatever it was they were researching? WHAT’s the big secret, Mr Trump? Why are YOU not telling us the same ridiculous secret that Joe was not telling us? Who the fuck do you actually work for, Donald? It sure ain’t us, cuz you still lyin’ to us! Reminds me of the Paul Simon song, “Still [lying like] crazy after all these years.”
D Benton Smith
ParticipantIf you are looking for a secret intelligence strategy, sophisticated financial stock market play, or hidden socio-political purpose in the Deepseek R1 debacle I can save you some time.
It was both all of those things and it was none of them, because what the Deepseek R1 gambit really and actually was is immeasurably bigger, better and more accurately described by a much different and far simpler definition.
It was an act of war.
And I should also definitely add that it was a very SUCESSFUL, possibly even CONCLUSIVE act of war.
If it was not planned and executed deliberately (and it was) then it was the luckiest shot of all time within the known history of humankind. So the odds on it being beginner’s luck based on coincidence and good fortune are roughly zip.
The stock value of the topmost (Nvidia) and next 5 in line of the largest and most important High Tech stocks that underpin and literally SUPPORT the entire U.S. (and much of the world’s) just took it in the shorts and lost at least half of their value overnight.
That fatal blow is being camouflaged and hidden by the full faith, force and credit of the whole damn Western Empire, and they are succeeding to a certain degree and for a VERY short time remaining, BUT the damage is done and the dominoes can NOT be prevented from falling so oublicly that the fact of it will no longer be concealable from anyone.
This is just a heads up, you guys. The current US financial situation is very VERY similar to that old movie, “The Big Short” except this time it’s about 10 times bigger and more consequential.
My genius sister says we’ve got 3 months at best and subject to change on short notice, before the collapse is full upon us, hidden from no one, with financial (and maybe literal) blood in the streets.
Anyway, the core messages are: #1 It was an overt act of war by China on the United States and it’s Empiric vassals. #2 It was effective and decisive. The West has LOST, and #3 As the real owners of the Western Empire are forced from the shadows in an effort to survive by consuming their vassals they will expose their own identities and be taken down or taken over by the victorious “Global South”, or ?BRICS+” or whatever the heck you care to call them.
It’s not hidden It’s OVER. It doesn’t matter at all whether anyone else sees that or not, but it certainly won’t help you very much to get all wrapped up in technical details.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantTrump has asked Musk to rescue space station astronauts Sunita Williams, and Butch Wilmore.
It’s about damn time! And I mean that epithet in more ways than one. It’s about the time that Butch and Sunita have left on their radiation dosimeters. Long story short. A human being can only live outside earth’s magnetosphere for 600 days (absolute maximum) before accumulating the a fatal dose of radiation exposure. 600 days is maximum. 200 days are the minimum, meaning that for SOME poor souls 200 days is all that it takes to amount to a lethal total dosage. I’m not saying that you just drop dead. I’m saying that after receiving a fatal dose of radiation you are a dead man walking.
The space station is not fully outside all the magnetosphere’s protective zone, so that helps a little.
Butch and Sunita have been up there since June 5, 2024, so 238 days so far. And it’s not like they can bring them home tomorrow. It will take some serious preparation time.
So, yeah, it’s about time we brought them home.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe ducks of Wall Street and Silicon Valley took a bath too, but I don’t think they’re as happy as your ducks.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantDeepseek R1 should have been called DeepStrike One.
In a single hypersonic salvo consisting of just one projectile it severely damaged or outright crippled 5 out of the top 10 US stocks (and of course the companies those stocks capitalize) . Those top 5 companies ALONE represent roughly 25% of the value of the ENTIRE U.S. Stock Market(s).
That makes Russia’s Oreshnik look like a bottle rocket. Financially speaking I don’t think there’s a bunker anywhere on the planet deep enough to survive whatever they send over next.
Large holders of US Stocks (and Dollars) should seek immediate shelter, then duck & cover by placing their heads firmly between their knees and kissing their assets good bye.
Here’s the Stats:
The top 10 US companies by market capitalization are listed below. Notice that the top five are inseparably committed to and invested in Artificial Intelligence systems that were just made commercially obsolete by a Chinese substitute that costs ZERO to download and use, and can be placed in service immediately.1. Apple (AAPL): $3.46 trillion
2. Microsoft (MSFT): $3.23 trillion
3. NVIDIA (NVDA): $2.90 trillion
4. Amazon (AMZN): $2.48 trillion 52. Alphabet (GOOGL): $2.35 trillion
5. Meta Platforms (META): $1.67 trillion
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
6. Tesla (TSLA): $1.27 trillion
7. Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B): $1.02 trillion
8. Broadcom (AVGO): $947.46 billion
9. Walmart (WMT): $782.45 billion
The combined market capitalization of the top 10 companies is approximately $19.39 trillion. With the total market value of the US stock market around $55.2 trillion, these top 10 companies represent roughly 35.1% of the total market valueD Benton Smith
ParticipantA Fable
A Communist and a Nazi stumble into each other in the dark and a terrible fight ensues. It is ferocious and merciless until the two of them realize, at the same time, that they better stop trying to kill each other and go find a farmer to rob or else they’re both going to starve to death.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantSo Google sez it will rename the Gulf of Mexico as Gulf of America, but only for it’s United States users.
So a Gringo looking at Google maps will see “Gulf of America” printed on the map, but everybody else in the world, looking at what they ASSUME is the same map, will actually be seeing a DIFFERENT map, that reads “Gulf of Mexico” instead.
Nothing dystopian, crazy or dangerous in that!
What’s next? Will Greenland get re-labeled as North Maine, or maybe Panama becomes South Texas.
Will maps even still be maps if what they portray depends on where you are when you look at it?
I said just yesterday that things would be getting crazier faster, but maybe I understated the case.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantDefinition of “Free Diving History” means diving into a fathomless and heavily polluted pool of it and going as deep as you can for as long as you can until your soul cries out for oxygen and you are forced back to the hard flinty surface we know as Present Time.
Free Diving History usually makes you want to take a shower immediately after.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe difference between a died in the wool Commie and a jack-booted Nazi is basically just a difference in spelling. Authoritarian dictatorship in both cases, and a bottle of poisonous medicine no matter how you read the label.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantFree-Diving a couple of thousand years of European History leads me to think that they’re basically all a bunch of congenital Nazi’s or not far from it even during the best of times. Strictly top-down absolute despotic militaristic wannabe Kings and Emperors, and let the serfs fall where they may.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe Nutcracker Ballet reference is a bit arcane for this audience, leaning distinctly toward the obscurely erudite side of discourse (maybe even a little bit disdainfully snobbish?) but after a little catch-up research I now see that it actually is apt and appropriate, so you get a pass this time.
The Nutcracker/Prince protagonist is clearly the Czar of Russia ( Nicholas II at the time, 1890-ish , and his nemesis in the story, the Mouse King (who the Nutcracker Prince defeats in a grand battle for Primacy) is Franz Josef I the long reigning Emperor of the mighty Austrian Empire.
At the time that the ballet was written and scored the more or less Germanic (mostly more) Dynasties of Europe had been stifling Russia for a hundred years. Hapsburg, Hohenzollern, aka “Windsor” and the entire inbred lot of them have feared their giant cousins to the north and done everything they could to prevent the Bear from gaining access to warm water ports and trade routes into the greater world.
Note that when Russia …..er, I mean The Nutcracker Prince…. whups Joe’s mousy ass (in the ballet story) that the riches and treats of the world are opened to the homeland and come flooding onto the stage (into the homeland) in the persons of the Sugar Plum Fairy and many other sweets.
Clever story, and the message is right on the mark. The Germans have been scared of the Russians for a long long long long time, and the story just keeps repeating itself. It seems to be one and only thing that the Brits, Krauts and Israelites can always agree on : STOP THE RUSSIANS
Don’t fool, yourselves. Today’s events might look like a battle between ideologies, and on a spiritual plain it most certainly is, but down here on Earth it’s a no-holds-barred BRAWL for Real Estate, and you better not forget it.
As the two old saying go, Don’t mess around with Slim, and God is on the side of the big battalions.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantAn Ode to Pro Growth Policies
The game ain’t over
‘Til the slaves can’t eatD Benton Smith
it is now obvious that a i is not for us, it is for them.
Yeah, reckon so. When the Gov spends that much of our money on something it’s a safe bet they aren’t doing it for the people, except in the sense that a slaughterhouse is built for the cows.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantSometimes even an Economics Nincompoop like me has a strong enough grasp of 4th Grade Arithmetic to know that if you cut government spending then you cut Gross National Product. I mean, FER CRYING OUT LOUD! Government direct spending accounts for a direct and immediate one third of all income in the USA. To cut that amount by a third (i.e.cut out the graft, waste and inefficiency) and the direct immediate consequence is an IMMEDIATE 10% DROP in GDP. That’s even before the knock-on-effect resulting from those NOT SPENT dollars NOT being received and re-spent THREE TIMES OVER in a year. In that case the effect is more like a 30% GDP hit.
Oh, yeah. I am just SO SURE Trump’s team is going to deliberately, directly and PUBLICLY ax America’s GDP by a THIRD in broad daylight. And Epstein definitely killed himself.
D Benton Smith
Ya know if you keep on thinking all logical and factual like that then you’re gonna have a hard time figuring out what all of those AI’s are for.
I don’t think that any of those bigshots I/C care at all that the AI ChatBots are essentially useless. In fact for our THEIR purposes it’s better if AI doesn’t have any real valuable use to the General Population. If it was very useful then people might use it to fight back and free themselves.
The unstated real purpose of AI Systems is to enable centralized exclusive control of computerized management systems (like money, information, surveillance, news, education, commerce, politics, etc.) without centralized ubiquitous AI then controlling those overwhelmingly (and increasingly) complex subsystems is literally impossible. And without those subsystems doing what the Owners & Rulers NEED them to do (to keep the Owners & Rulers in power) then those Owners & Rulers are buzzard snacks.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantWhile all eyes are riveted in amazement on the 7-ring Circus in The America’s, the crucially important Ukraine stronghold in Velyka Novosyolka has fully fallen to Russian forces. This strategic catastrophe (from the Ukrainian viewpoint) opens their entire southern flank to rapid Russia advancement, pretty much uncheckable all the way to the Dnieper River that divides Ukraine in half.
Read all about it: https://en.topwar.ru/258278-ukrainskoe-media-pozhaluj-jeto-pervyj-sluchaj-kogda-oficialno-naselennyj-punkt-uderzhivaetsja-a-russkie-hodjat-po-velikoj-novoselke-i-zapuskajut.htmlOnce that westward march through the South of Ukraine is completed (weeks, not months) Russia will be able to turn it’s full attention (with now re-doubled available forces) toward the much-weakened Ukraine Center-North, making capture of Everything East of the central-dividing-line Dnieper relatively swift and easy compared to the past two years of meat grinding. Pretty much Game Over at that point, so the fall of Velyka Novosyolka is a MUCH bigger deal than the fall of some other obscure hamlet in the Donbas.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantInternational Treaties (such as the one signed by all of the so-called NATO nations) are just like marriage licenses: Fully enforceable under Law, until either or both of the parries involved decide that they don’t agree with it any more. At that moment the written and co-signed contract becomes used toilet paper.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe present moment seems to be a particularly good time to sharpen up the ability to tell the difference between friend and foe. The following SHORT essay from political ponerology on that skill is a good start, since there are so many bad guys telling us that they’re our friend, and so many friends who are keeping their mouths and profile on the down-low.
https://open.substack.com/pub/ponerology/p/friend-or-foe-the-psychopath-dilemma?r=ba3yw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=falseD Benton Smith
ParticipantOur deservedly beloved Raul Ilargi Miejer was presciently astute enough to include as part of our daily homework assignment the very recent presentation by Catherine Austin Fitts to the Hilsdale College assembly. For those who missed it, here’s the link again: https://youtu.be/O3Ivv6jjixE?si=MqLD11sCUgx3Fvvq
She was as focused laser brilliant as usual, what a genius and treasure she truly is. I would only add ONE observation & conclusion to her talk. This addendum is simply that all of the procedures and actions that she describes (which includes BOTH the procedures and actions which generated the problem AND the procedures and actions which might, hopefully, reverse and repair those problems) ARE 99.9% DEPENDENT UPON ADVANCED NETWORKED COMPUTERIZED SYSTEMS MANAGED AS, AND MANAGED WITH WHAT WE WOULD HAVE TO CALL “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS”.
The Panic that is arising within the ranks of our various leadership elites is that they have LOST CONTROL of those AI systems, which are at this very moment, and increasing exponentially, being turned against them and being used to create a new and hopefully better system.
I say “hopefully” because I am not at all confident that the “new” control system is going to work much better or for as long as would be necessary to actually SOLVE the problems we face. Nor am I very confident that the “new” system will not rapidly go corrupt as fast as the last one did.
But make special note that my personal doubts and reservations are almost purely academic and entirely irrelevant insofar as the switch from old to new SHALL HAPPEN AND IS HAPPENING AS WE SPEAK, in complete disregard for how I feel about it.
Should I be offended by that snub of my tender feelings or should I instead deal with the reality of the events and its consequences?
And if THAT rhetorical question is not setting myself up for callously snarky responses then I don’t know how else to do it.
D Benton Smith
I agree that’s what Trumps backers intend. Just as you said it, I think his big money powerful backers, do “intend to extract all the wealth from the rest of the West prior to imploding America itself and taking all of its wealth as well”, BUT I also think that Trump has intentions of his own that are considerably different than theirs and believes he can outplay them and achieve his goal of returning America to a former glory that he thinks was “Great” but which I think was just another Empire.
America was doomed from the moment that its leaders (public and private) and its people bought into the egregious lie that any nation or group of people has the right to conquer and rule over any other, for any reason whatsoever.
It’s been said and done so many times, and yet we humans never seem to learn the lesson! “Live by the sword die by the sword” (and reap what you sow) goes for nations and empires every bit as much as it applies to individuals and gangs of bandits.
I guess the lure of wealth and power is just too alluring for many to resist, but it sure has made life tough on us peasants.
D Benton Smith
ParticipantIncidentally, when you interact with an AI System of ANY kind, your interaction serves to “Train” the system by providing it all sorts of information about yourself that I’m pretty sure you aren’t taking into consideration, and the AI’s permanent data storage and sophisticated (to say the least) profiling algorithms enable it to make inferences and draw conclusions about you that I am SURE you proactively DON’T want it or anyone else to know about you or your finances, politics, psychology, or daily life.
Just because the service is “free” now (which it actually isn’t, because you are “paying” for it with your innermost private information and psychological profile) don’t forget that once it has taken from you everything it could steal, it SHALL cut you off and require you to pay. Count on it. That sort of “bait-hook-and-land ” is just Standard Operating Procedure in the software biz. Count on it.D Benton Smith
ParticipantAI systems can only control people by FIRST controlling the computer systems which people depend on for literally everything, but most importantly for the information that everything actually runs on.
The big problem that this raises for the Masters of Control is that every time they step up and tighten down these technological centralized control systems (ranging from textile looms & guided missiles to Internet distributed information and computerized artificial intelligence) the damn peasants immediately figure out a way to turn those SAME systems back against their slave masters in order to regain their own freedom to pursue a decent life in a world beset by slave masters and thieves.
The existential problem now that makes the Technocrats and their Satanic Masters wake up in a cold sweat at 3:00 a.m. is that they can’t increase ( or even maintain!) their control of these complex systems without ever-more-powerful Artificial Intelligence Systems, and yet those self same systems are now being turned against the Control Masters by those pesky peasants.
Panic has set in, being manifested everywhere, most visibly in (but not limited to) the so-called West, and its increase is exponential.
If you think things are nutso now, prepare to compare how things are going a few weeks and months from now. My personal visualization of the cosmic all is of an informational equivalent of a nuclear chain-reaction-like explosion. Nobody will know what to believe or what is really happening, and doubt it even when they do.