Dr. D
Forum Replies Created
Dr. DParticipant
Ritter: Oh I thought he said, who runs America? Same answer. Same death rates. 30,000/year on one means of death alone. Very probably doubled by now. “A good start”.
“The Supreme Court gave us the toolkit we need to dismantle the permanent bureaucracy.”
This is the important part. They tried more a frontal assault, since the Government, executive, works for the President, he can fire them, but they merely refused to follow any directives. All of them. While others protected themselves with treason. But strangely this other path was checked and upheld by the Supreme Court, so use that, I guess.
“• US Presidential Debate Delusion: 2 Candidates For 1 Party… The War Party (SCF)
Start a nuclear war. Declare martial law. Refuse to step down, then arrest and kill everybody. I mean, this is 101, I don’t care what political sector you come from. All governments always do this. Like I keep saying, they did it under Adams, and did it in WWI, among all the others. Goebbels has a famous quote on this.
But there’s a second part: if THEY, (WEF, Europe, Derp State, Banks) can’t print another TRILLLLLLLION dollars, like next week, they will all go bankrupt and collapse. No? Go read what Draghi just said. He said “Europe is a catastrophe, but nobody can figure out why. Since 2022, it’s a Biiiiiiiiiiig mystery! Every day since the EU was formed, it’s gotten worse. Right now Europe is in crisis, a political crisis, a social crisis, a production crisis, but also a debt crisis, WHICH IS WHY WE SHOULD BORROW $1 TRILLION IN NEW EU BONDS. …Every year for maybe 10, 20 years, and therefore give the EU full taxing authority.
There’s no cure for a debt crisis except to wildly and immediately triple the debt. For war. Thank you.” — Super Mario Draghi.
Uhhhhh, me and all Europe have so many problems with that statement it would take whole books to answer it. Fix the debt with more debt? Didn’t we all try that in ‘01 and ‘08? How did that work for everyone? We printed a $30 Trillion overnight for Covid? Did that have the benefits of which you speak? Or, hmmm, maybe caused inflation as the $30T was visibly handed to the top and every billionaire went up by billions, right Jeff? And as every instance of EU being more centralized and less democratic, production rates go down, the economy falters more, corruption increases and is exposed, and Europe spirals ever further into theft and gridlock.
WHICH AYN RAND TOLD YOU. Whyyyyy???? Are you making Ayn Rand right? Stop!!
Anyway, for the “War Party” they only thing that can save them is 1) A hot war, 2) Printing money this week for that hot war, (and also spending it on the election).
See sidebar: Powell at 5% rates. That’s a 500 year historic LOW. They say it’s too high, because: SHUT OFF FREE MONEY, SHUT OFF THE THEFT AND FASCISM. And Powell is only BARELY stopping it. He’s not even making them scream, just squeezing like a boa.
In that sense, it’s not about “Profits” as I say weekly: it’s about CONTROL. They blow a $300B company like Disney, blow all $300B into the ground for their WAR and CONTROL. And Because it’s not and never about profits, as proven by their actions, it is de facto not about “Capitalism” either. Or “Some rich guy.” They have money, more than they can ever spend; they print money FROM THIN AIR; money isn’t what they want. They want CONTROL. And to use that CONTROL to murder all of you. Like they wrote in 10,000 papers, and like always before.
Hey, is that why they’re allied and backing Nazis? Who basically wouldn’t even exist without them, just like there are none here in the ‘States without the FBI?
“Donald Trump would benefit greatly from the debacle of defeat in Ukraine.”
Yes, and I think this was all carefully timed to happen week of election (including market crash), but then things kept getting ever-complicated, and dozens of new branches popped up from the confusion, allowing them to take paths they never expected. So we have old plans running which are large cables with inertia, while young new plans are trying to pull them aside like fishing lines. Anyone’s guess what happens, as I bet even their supercomputers are starting to fail in prediction trees.
“It is fair to say that if Trump were president again, the U.S. foreign policy of warmongering would merely shift to some other region of the world.”
I think not completely, but that statement should always be added here. He’s certainly no peacenik, nor is the U.S. going to stop shoving people around and being belligerent without somebody, some event, making them stop. He alone can’t make that event. He alone can’t stop that feeling. So EXACTLY like his actions in Ukraine, the foreign policy will continue and he will ultimately be the one continuing it, allowing it. And he would have to do that because Lockheed has 5 lobbyists per Congressman, and are bribing them with their own money. That has to stop before anyone can get traction, and I’m not even sure he is morally against it, against wars and leverage, besides it being less practical and “The Deal” being easier.
“claiming he is the only one capable of preventing a global war. “You’re going to end up in World War III.”
Yes but for the reasons stated above, he can’t stop it either. Only the money can stop it. The money must be shut off, and Europe must go bankrupt. We’ll go bankrupt, mostly, 48 hours later. Gee, ha ha, hearty har har, joke’s on us. “There is no way to avoid the inevitable bust…”
“Earlier this week, Trump’s running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, shed light on a possible peace proposal, suggesting it would likely involve creating a demilitarized zone around the current line of contact”
Yes, forgot to mention this. They understate it. Vance is the first person on the planet doing the OBVIOUS. The necessary: he RECOGNIZES reality. That’s it. He recognizes we can’t do s—t against Russia, it’s over. So then he what? Read that sentence again: HE’S GIVING RUSSIA EVERYTHING THEY WANT. Vance is fully surrendering in a way that the West doesn’t grasp or understand, doesn’t sound like cheese-eating surrender monkeys. But we ALWAYS lose, it’s what we’re best at, our core competency, and ALWAYS retreat in ignominy. Might as well lean into it.
What he’s saying is: Not only has Russia won the war, not only will they keep all the Donbas, no question, but ALSO that all remaining Ukraine will be Switzerland, with no army at all. (so to speak) THAT, is everything Russia said, saying “We give, Uncle” in one sentence.
Now will Russia ACCEPT it? I wouldn’t, but maybe, they’ve lost more men than we did in WWII already, and they can always come kick their -ss again later. Who would you sign with and how to enforce? If this war ends, how do you hand hypersonics to the world to blow the s–t out of every American who’s making a menace in every murdering base they can find? You know, in all the war zones Kamala says we don’t have?
““individuals affiliated”
That is, they, a Russian Media company, met a Russian once. In an interview. And are trying to “Get the message out” and “Post information” which is what media companies do for a living. See why you shouldn’t have bothered hiring every white male who was purged from NPR for his sex and skin color. They dgaf, they only PRETEND it’s about color, sex, etc, it’s about POWER and are you a Socialist. Biden arrested all the black men he could find for Lols on no cause. Not only “Blacks for Trump” but there’s a case in Florida right now, FBI showed up and said, “Do you have ANY evidence this Black group talked to Russia, at all, ever?” FBI: “Nope. We have absolutely no evidence, your honor.” That’s Biden for ya! That’s how far your skin color gets you. Like hiring, they can’t say “We are hereby confiscating all REPUBLICAN money and handing it to DEMOCRATS (Pro-war dems, ‘natch) but that’s ALL that is happening. Skin color is just the first excuse and bulls–t that came to mind and you morons bought it. If you hadn’t, they’d just keep telling lies until one worked.
“RT is one of the reasons the world has been not fully supportive of Ukraine – State Dept”
Yup! Oh, btw, same hour as “Politico” reports that everything RT was saying is actually true. Sooooo…Politco is ALSO Russian, and ALSO the reason, and ALSO needs to be shut down? The NYT reported for 10 years that Ukraine was a Nazi state. We should shut them down too?
A: Yes! Of course! That’s 1A. When everyone says exactly and only what I tell them to. “When I want your opinion, I’ll beat it out of you.”
““Trial Judge Juan Merchan has delayed sentencing until Nov. 26, but he first must rule on whether to vacate the verdict..”
• Lawfare Collapsing Amidst Harris’ Vow To Prosecute Trump (Spivak)It’s not collapsing, Trump is elected, next day judge convicts. Congress then refuses to seat a felon, No President. I guess we just have to keep Kamala on for 5-10 years while we sort this whole thing out! Shucks. Well, my work here is done…
You guys seem to be suffering under the illusion that something has to be logical and legal. Has NOTHING taught you this yet? EVERYTHING they did was illegal, always, and illegal on every level, against every law, starting with all 10 Amendments, including boarding soldiers for free in houses, and they ALWAYS knew it was illegal and against all Human Rights. Like, Murder? Hellooooooo????
What murder? What assassination? I don’t see anything. Sooo….they’ll murder everyone,but wouldn’t stretch the law. Got it.
• The West Is Ensuring Kiev’s Demise On Purpose (Amar)
That’s my guess, but also that half the people involved are working for Russia, to help Russia re-absorb Ukraine, purge it, and keep it off the table as a place to launch revolutions from in the future. Ok, whatever. We need Russia to hold up right now and if this is the price, Fatima says that’s how it goes.
“• Is the West Attempting to Destroy Kiev Demographically? (Miles)Does time exist and this is in the past?
Okay: adding something else here. As the planet tilts, the sun shuts down all electronics and therefore all modern life,(GPS tractors, harvesters, anyone?) what do you REALLY need to get? Not just to win, who cares, but to SURVIVE at all? Not end up on “The Road”? A: FOOD. That’s it. They, Europe, must have Ukraine because Europe has no food, or not enough. They also need to CONTROL the food of others. And where? The locations that are nothing now, dry, dust, rocks. Because when the Weather changes, as the last 12,000 years, previous cycle, the top food producer is LIBYA. That’s why, so long ago, they were the equal to Rome. Carthage.
Hey, just asking for a friend: have there been any rivers suddenly appearing in Libya, washing cars away and into the sea? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8_VVgoy5B8
Hey, what’s the name of that other place that was a lush green breadbasket? Sudan? Anybody drowning there as lakes suddenly refill and appear out of raw desert blowsand? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SvCzYfDxz8
Huh. That’s odd. And anywhere along the Silk Road, where China builds a city in the desert right on a spot that will be green in 10 years? HereLetMeGoogleThatForYou.com
So why do they want Ukraine again and will die for it? Why does China need to own the U.S. as a colony of iron age workers living in
hutsTiny Houses and wearing loincloths with bones in their nose? Maybe with a population of 30 million so they can’t fight and don’t eat all the food they’re exporting?““Without those resources they’re going to be in really, really big trouble.”
• Israel Exists to Help West Loot, Dominate Middle East (Miles)Uh, yeah, Israel will cease to exist. Past tense. And like France shut off in Africa, the money flows also stop. But that’s okay, the American people, maybe even the American government, weren’t getting them anyway. K-pop was, and they’re mostly in Europe.
““The abortion issue was created by a liberal US Supreme Court that declared a right that does not exist in the US Constitution..”
Kind of. There’s a lot of ways to look at this issue where it might or might not make sense. However, Roe was always illogical, unconstitutional trash that makes no sense. You can murder people because: privacy? Yeah, every murderer says that. They never address the basic issue, but which also they can’t, since it’s spiritual and not scientific: “What makes something ‘alive’”? When does the soul vest in the body? No one knows d—k about this, so just admit it, will ya? Stop lying with every disingenuine breath. For example, that we don’t treat 1 month miscarriages as infanticide, “real” deaths (although from their effects maybe we should), and also no one on the Pro-life side right now thinks anything they’re accused of. Every law written in every state has every exception anyone would ask for: rape, incest, medical, etc, all of it. But lying just FEELS. SO. GOOD!!! How else will I have moral leave to HATE??? And without HATE, is life even worth living?
PCR’s point here, like everything with Roe, Roe sucked, was always illegal, but “They just said.” They Made it Up! Handing it to Congress as merely “Legislative” (it may not be), the Democrats then refused to Legislate for 50 years in a row! Even now, the USSC ruling says, “Go ahead and legislate. Done.” It’s been years, they didn’t, didn’t even try. Yet THIS is their platform. Why bother talking? Is it really even worth ruling on something unless you can do it illegally, crookedly, and wrong? Like Gun rights: Pass a d—ned Amendment! If you want it: pass it. The. End. It won’t change your “Natural Rights” from your “Creator” but it will make it illegal under U.S. Federal law. So Pass it. NOPE! Not even worth doing unless you can do it illegally and weaselly.
PCR’s next statement is same as mine: So? So the States pass the law you want, or the Feds pass the law you want. IDGAF. It’s “the Law” either way: what are you talking about? Who cares? If the law is passed does it matter where?
Yes. And to them but only BECAUSE it’s illegal. As he states the POINT is for it to be INCREDIBLY illegal, as that give le plus mostest power to the Federales. Who NEVER HAD TO PASS A LAW. They just get up one Tuesday, and MAKE S—T UP. THAT is the true power and method they want. And also need, because if they actually had to get consent, the People would never give it. “The Law is in my mouth.” Or really, it’s in my MIND and I’m going to make you GUESS what I want, and beat you if you guess wrong.
https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90×75/images/3c72825386294e1beb6d53f2739fed548aac2957bcf3c88caa83e0f5b3b2b791_1.jpgSo, win for PCR today.
Look like a dolphin but is actually a fish: Vertical tail.
Rhino: What happens when you stop?
Dr. DParticipantHere Kultsummer, this is up your alley, with making up straw man arguments in favor of both a socialism that never was, and a capitalism that never was.
https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/our-values-killing-pensioners-to“Enjoying certain comforts in Russia is not a fortuitous accident of chance: in its constitution, Russia is explicitly defined as a social welfare state. Welfare of its citizens is the government’s core responsibility. In my book “Grand Deception,” I highlighted two well known examples of the way this works in reality. Here’s one:
During [Vladimir Putin’s] first winter as President [in 2000], entire towns and villages across the far east of the country counting as many as 400,000 inhabitants, lost heating for the lack of coal. A serious crisis emerged with mines shutting down, workers out in the streets and even hospitals ceasing to function because of the cold. But the coal for heating was available in Russia, only most of it was already allotted for export. Vladimir Putin didn’t think that Russian people should suffer freezing conditions all winter in order for that coal to be exchanged for American dollars. He decreed that export of coal be stopped immediately and that all available quantities be sent back to Siberia to fuel the boiler stations. … in Putin’s world, well-being of the people takes precedence over financial profits of the investor class. This concept may seem exotic and alien to Westerners who for a generation had been brainwashed with neoliberal economics where profits trump any and every other concern, including health and well-being of the people. “
Dr. DParticipantVan Gogh: that’s really excellent painting. But it’s “not a Van Gogh” so you see why the stylization or “voice” is better? Not better? It doesn’t stand out.
AI has two-headed geese with no wings? Yup.
“One debate doesn’t change the issues Americans are facing every day.” — James Rickards
Or every debate.
And talk about sleepwalking into war, I think this happens because they’ve been discredited and wrong on everything, yet just…don’t notice, don’t care. Don’t resign, remove themselves, nor anybody else. Anyone else in the system, stop listening to, supporting them. We’ve tried 10 levels of talking, acting, protesting, no effect. So…why bother? from our end. We have no effect, which has been established for lifetimes now. People’s will has no effect, I think that study was like 2005. And naturally life just gets harder every day out here, so we’re also busy, you know, not dying.
With 20,000 cat-eating immigrants who will clearly therefore work for $1 dollar. The law applies to me, not to the border or to Tyson who hires them.
Anyway, if that’s this end, then how much more really far, distant, deniable things like the nuclear war. What war? We stopped reporting on that last year when we lost. What President? What assassination? So this week, Britain is doing the war. Already decided. Decided when they swapped PM’s not caring if either was wanted or voted for. It was said at the time: Sunak is not a crackdown, child-jailing, nation-bombing supporter, so they dumped him. Took about an hour.
I think this is the opening sentence in Alexander, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jbXFJ9-PA4 Britain is sending the last weapons they have – which unless nuclear (and possibly even then) are useless. And they, personally, are riding them down to the ground, like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove. Britain is very proud of this, very open about it. Putin has said the very, very, very obvious: NO Ukrainian has anything to do with such weapons: they are run entirely by British/U.S. personnel, using U.S./British satellites, right from firing to the last inch before detonation.
So how could anyone, anywhere on earth, possibly feel that this would NOT be Britain declaring war on Russia? It doesn’t matter if they SAY it: they literally took their own men, their own bombs, then attacked the deep inside Russia’s 1994 borders. No one else.
This is simply not reported in the British press nor anywhere else. So no one knows. Everyone who has a clue – and that’s not many people – are like jaw-dropped. Like, nothing we’ve done so far has any effect, even standing quietly on the sidewalk in Britain is a 6-month offense, posting is 20 months, so I guess it’s going where it’s going? This minute is not the minute to jump in?
The U.S. is a little different: Blinken and Graham say they’ll do anything Ze wants, definitely doubleplus good war, then go over to Austen, warmonger extraordinaire in Rammmenschtein, and he says, “Excuse me, WTF are any of you talking about? No. ” Apparently Blinken can issue the order to use them, but when it comes on the ground, the Pentagon will merely prevent any of them from being authorized or moved to location because…”reasons”. Oops! We thought that location was unsafe, but really, honest, working on it! Any day now!
So we’re hanging back as Britain goes forward as they are already bankrupt, past tense. On August 15. They, and their only plan – apparently like EVERY country on this miserable, cursed planet, is that if THEY jump into a volcano, the U.S. will jump in after and save them. We will put the full force of the US Army that we don’t have behind ANYONE who asks. For any dumb, transparently false reason they can make up. WHY they think this I have no earthly idea, as the U.S. has betrayed every ally we’ve ever had since Adams resigned. But Britain is going to bomb them, hope to get nuked back, and thereby drag the U.S. into the war when:
1) The American people would never do this, and have a Russian Revolution 2.0 instead, shooting anyone who conscripts us. (Neither will the European people)
2) The Pentagon has already CLEARLY shown we’re not doing this, even on Presidential orders, I don’t know how many examples I’d have to give but sending tanks one by one – and in pieces, to reassemble – is a good one.
3) We literally CAN’T fight ANY wars, anywhere, at all, with anybody. We have nothing. Except for the American People, Mexico could conquer us right now.We have: all our warships decommissioned, just like England, for lack of sailors. Does England even have one sailing ship on the water right now, or are they down to zero? I know their carrier has no pilots, because they have no jets, 15 years after Bird and Fortune made fun of them on national TV over it. No merchant marine. No at-sea lading resupply. No ports with warehouses. No shipyards (mostly).
No tanks, and England has 40. Probably not working. These tanks worked about as well as a 1994 Jeep Wrangler anyway, so it’s just as well to save the effort.
No missiles. No air defense, but ALSO no Tomahawks, nor any of the others. A handful of JESSAM’s, maybe a thousand, and how far do they go? 150km? Do they go 12 time zones? Hmmmm: my guess not. They are launched from Jets that Russia can drop at will. The 50 year old F16. No shells it goes without saying, but no other vehicles either, at all, and what few we have are 5,000 miles away and not in theatre.
No men, nor are the men likely to fight. We have supply ships to cross the ocean? Uniforms for winter? Oil tankers and trucks? No, no, and no. This all runs on satellites Russia can sink in 10 minutes. ALLLLLLL of it.
Soooo….yeah, our plan is for Britain to nuke Russia and for them to nuke us back. That’s it.
And why? All because one banker went broke and doesn’t want to restructure in bankruptcy, holding a meeting and writing down his losses. That’s it. And the people know it.
So there’s your plan: Britain is going to openly declare war on Russia without declaring war, so they can confiscate all the Russian oligarch money in London. Which will float them 10 days. They HOPE to be nuked so the U.S. will be their White Knight and save their psychotic ex-girlfriend, who’s committing suicide and trying to get into fights with bouncers and policemen everywhere she goes.
The U.S. has no resolve, we can hang back, but ultimately we are seen as complicit, just allowing this behaviour, signing off on it in the hopes that “something happens.”
All because: Capitalism! Why? THEY REFUSE BANKRUPTCY. That’s it. They’re bankrupt, declare and write it off, restructure. They go to war, world war, nuclear world war, rather than have even one MINUTE of Capitalism. With bankruptcy. Price Discovery. And “Voluntary” exchange. Right, France in Africa? “Voluntary”? Not “While we bomb you at the point of a gun and also the whole world”?
Is having ONE bankruptcy really that bad? Telling the truth for ONE moment? Once?
Yup, that’s their plan alright: they have to default on their debts, and it has to be Somebody Else’s Fault.™ So bye: was nice knowing you.
https://i.imgflip.com/22y8b6.jpgTo me, it’s more: they know all these steps and carefully put them into place. The social engineers. Consolidate power, make a fortress of power, self-defending, so that the people – who have common sense – will be excluded. Then you only have to rig say, 100 people not 100,000. Then as you get closer, start making up stories that makes what you’re doing make sense. –Not that it’s psychotic and bat s–t insane, a suicidal murdering bottomless blood lust. When the stories you make up out of nothing conflict, start rumors and infighting. The infighting lets you arrest and purge anyone NOT a blood, gore, guts, veins-in-my-teeth maniac, using the FBI, etc who are ALSO not entirely captured, but captured ENOUGH that when I have Comey call on an agent, he breaks every law and Constitution unthinkingly on command. Weak men make bad times.
Then you reach this point the people – nor indeed most of the elites – never wanted to reach, as it will kill most of them and blow up their beautiful third beach house at sea level, and then they’ll be stuck in the bunker with their wives and not girlfriends. Too bad: you wanted to be “In”. The “In” crowd. “In” the bunker, because you’re a Very Important Person, and only the SECOND one we kill and throw out the airlock when the coffee runs out. Once in the Bunker, like “Kingsmen”, then Fuhrer runs the show, and we have The Button, and the Rubes are locked out. Whack’d! That button! Whack it!
It’s like a Jenga tower. All they need is a few of these blockheads to defect. But they know there’s just a time-window all the stars have to line up with. IN that window you can whack it, get all these “Leaders” killed, then walk away with the money, no one’s the wiser. Back to the Castle basement, same as the last thousand years.
Luongo followed this this week (sorry, can’t keep track), with Germany, UK, Europe, Italy, U.S. all aligned against Russia. But only for this one window. Like ships, all their directions-of-travel and different, they all just are made to converge at this time and place. But if TIME goes too long: the Eastern General, Time, then they all continue on direction of travel and diverge again. Like Germany keeps looking for any way out and if they are given long enough, will find one. The U.S. is already out barring some astonishing turn (suspend elections forever) which they’ll probably try. Etc. This was the same in Syria, and now as ships have continued travel, Turkey is for, Jordan, Saudi made up. (no reparations yet).
So Sen. Brumenthal knows, but won’t say anything? Thanks pal. What assassination? So for murder and multiple attempted murder, someone’s gonna get fired and get free health care for life? Oh noes. He fired no one, leaked nothing, no one was arrested after his meeting. That means it’s hot air, ain’t gonna do nothin’.
If you won and Kamala’s running behind, why are you holding whole stage events talking about how you didn’t lose? If you didn’t lose, there’d be no talk. Next subject. If you talk about it, you lost.
“Harris campaign raised $74M before debate” (Chyron)
Yes, and we know how. When you print free infinity money, (in Europe?) then launder it where one lady in an apartment on Social Security donated to the Democratic Party 600 times a year to a total of $20,000. Per person. (this was a real case. No one cared.) OMG news went out to some of these houses and asked. What house? What address?
Okay, what good is the money? They’re not really buying ads. Ads? We buy the PEOPLE. The vote counters, ballot harvesters, IT guys and vote stuffers. That adds up. Many were arrested for 2020, driving around the city with a car full of (illegal) ballots. No one cared. What vote rigging? Oh you mean the cases where they ware arrested and convicted? What cases? I just denied it so it doesn’t exist anymore.
“JUST IN: Former top Clinton adviser calls for an internal probe of ABC for rigging the debate against Trump. “
Everything is illegal or compulsory. WHAT LAW would they like to “Investigate” under? If it’s ABC themselves, then CLEARLY they rigged it on purpose with commands from the very top, so what investigation? That they’ll find themselves guilty and fire every CEO on down to the Moderators? No. “Somebody oughta do something” is his cry. Okay, sold: YOU do it. “This is a job…for somebody else…” The point here is like the USSS/FBI “Investigation” and Firings: nothing happens, as we all break into committee meetings and talk until everyone dies of old age. Apparently Cheney’s still around! Still talking about doing something about his genocide/mass murder! Any day now!
““..if the West allows Kiev to hit targets deep inside Russia, “this will mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries are fighting against Russia..”
The irony is of course, they were ALREADY fighting Russia, ALREADY embargo Russia, ALREADY attacking Russia, ALREADY in Donbas (new annexation) and Kursk (Pre 1994). With Iron Cross tanks HIMARs, and everything. Well, like the American people then Russia will have done every last thing they can think of to forestall and prevent this, God help us. Then when they act, there will be no questions.
All because: No Capitalism. No bankruptcy. As we said in 2000, 2008. The people shut down the Congressional phone lines telling Congress not to bail them out (“Jump you Fukkkers!”) and they did anyway, setting the stage of “Oh, so THAT’S how it is now” for us.
And…so what’s Russia going to do? Let’s get to that. LONDON needs them to bomb Poland, Newcastle, something. That’s their super-genus plan, like Ze when the Russian army takes 10 towns a day, like Baghdad Bob it’s all part of the master plan. Why?
WHY would he do this, that they want? Why? This is what Nazis never can figure, because they’re deeply and chronically mentally ill. Deranged. The other guy has free agency too. As narcissistic sociopaths, they think THEY make up the other person, the “other” person IS them. They TELL them what to do. They think FOR Stalin, the Slavs, Osama, they do whatever is most convenient for us and we think/wish they will do. That’s our magic, Will to Power, Power of Positive (magical) Thinking. The Occult. I Am God. The world exists for me and revolves around me.
WHY would Putin do what London wants? He already said he WOULDN’T. Duh. WHY would I step into a transparent trap you set, that you went on international TV and bragged about? Jesus F—k you guys are stupid: no. Putin already said: He’s going to arm every enemy of the U.S. and Britain, everywhere on earth, and give them an open trigger.
Yemen: endless Sunburn missiles. What Yemen? YOU said if it was a third country, we weren’t involved, right? We can’t tell our allies what to do. All Africa purged of Europe. What Russia? We’re not involved. I guess if you were nicer to them this wouldn’t have happened. Iran: what Russia? Iran is an independent state, YOU wanted to get into a war with, what do we have to do with it? They just bought our weapons, same as the F14’s from you they still own.
WHAT Taiwan? If China wants to arm Taiwan against the West, well…
Goin’ Worldwide. WHAT Mexico? If Mexico wants to buy Iskanders and they end up in the hands of drug cartels, well, what can ya do? YOU wanted this. YOU said.
Why would they bomb Poland when the entire Middle East is tired and sore, aching to be free? We have completely unguarded bases everywhere for 2,000 miles, every one of which can be overrun in a fortnight. What if there’s an accident in Georgia or Armenia, completing the transit lines from Archangel to Chabahar? We can’t be responsible for bad election counting in democratic states, right?
These guys. Have no sense. So Britain would default FASTER when their only base is erased, only carrier is sunk. By “Terrorists” from “ISIS”.
Again: they think they’re the only player in chess. No one will play with them since they’re such intolerable, weasely, cheating f—ks, so they’ve been playing chess against themselves too long, PRETENDING they’re the other side. That they are all people, thinking of all things. I Am God. But they’re not even the level of one average Billy-Bob from Cleetus, Arkansas. Russia is NOT going to do what they ask. Just because you need it. Duh.
And I have to waste my time spelling this out for you.
I say “we’ll be nuked” because it will start an escalation ladder of events, not because it’s this week, and I know that if I say “We’ll be nuked in March” then you’ll say “March? That’s AGES away, we’ll deal with it then.”
“• NATO Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine to Force Russia Into Talks – Moscow (Sp.)
They already did that. Thousands and thousands, maybe 20,000, maybe 200k with 20,000 dead already. Generals keep having “climbing accidents” weekly. All SAAB did.
“As I recently reported, about 900,000 new jobs that had been claimed over the preceding year have just disappeared”
Meh, what’s a million jobs between friends? What’s the in-workforce? 150 Million? So they’re off by 1%. OR off by 7 states, all of which have fewer than 1M ppl. Not to fear! Tomorrow they’ll be back! Ye, when we need to goose the stock market and NOT have honest price discovery, then we’ll just say they were hired! Maybe 20 million or 200 million hired, who knows? Depends on who needs to get elected. You can’t stop us. Who are you to judge? Are you a
biologist?Economist?““..the only goal of these types of “hate” laws is to create a special category of crime based entirely on the identity of the victim. Identity politics is now part of criminal law…”
Actually it’s much worse than that, and it’s exactly what we said. ANYONE can be jailed, for anything, any time and any place. All they have to do is FEEEEEEEEEEEL that there is hate, out there, somewhere in the universe. For all narcissists (and psychopaths) the crime is to not LOVE THEM ENOUGH. You have to love them more than yourself, indeed more then they love themselves. Love with body, heart, soul, your very life! (and all your sex organs). If you don’t LOVE me, I’ll KILL you. This is the cry from the gay community right through to these jokers: the crime is to not love me adequately, to the level to which I FEEL I should be loved, adored, and coddled over.
So arrest every person, every minute, every day, because they didn’t GIMME, transfer wealth and power, to me.
Now: on the ground, how does this work? You, Gay Boi, get nothin’ and you’ll like it. We’ll lock you in a tiny apartment and abuse you daily. No. This works only for PARTY MEMBERS. If you’re IN the party, the mean girlz clique, the Government, we can and will arrest you for ANYTHING, because “somebody said.” Or, in fact, NOBODY said. UK here arrested everyone with no events and no complaints. There is no victim anyone is aware of. A THEORETICAL victim, that might, somewhere sometime, maybe, might have existed, but I can’t find them.
So it’s full, unlimited power of the STATE, against…Everyone. I’d say “not the state” but the very next thing they’ll do is arrest and purge rival party members in an orgy of raw violence, Stalin or Robespierre style. Occasionally, the man on the street can claim something, and the internal logic of raw violence and mindless fascism will help him, but that’s really just the overflow of generalized violence, smearing out into space. The system and structure exist for US. Against YOU. Gay boi, don’t F– with us or it’s solitary for 6 years while the pipe bomber is on camera, escorted by police. Did the “Blacks for Trump” get off? Nope. He was targeted. Candice Owens, all online? Nope. DGAF if she’s black. You’re only protected if you’re the PARTY. The Party-whos-name-shall-not-be-spoken because it’s definitely not the Socialist Party. They’re the GOOD people.
In unrelated news: still no Epstein list! Well, I’m sure any time now. So, it weren’t no Democrats who had their daughters stolen from Band Camp to be raped. Nope, they make super-sure it’s only Republican 13-year-olds.
And here you thought “Surviving the Game” was only a movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surviving_the_Game
Boy good thing no black kids disappear in DC around Halloween time. They might get mad and stop voting for it.
Dr. DParticipantCan’t be simpler than that!
Ah for the old classics: The Party “called for the institution of profit sharing, confiscation of war profits, prosecution of usurers and profiteers, nationalization of trusts, communalization of department stores, extension of the old-age pension system, creation of a national education program of all classes, prohibition of child labour, and an end to (the dominance of investment) capital”
See? That’s totally not like Socialism at all!
Dr. DParticipantDebate highlights: no wonder I don’t listen to this stuff. Like that guitarist, I think they’re all stupid.
“Donald Trump spent 9/11 marching into a war zone of fire & ashes with an army of his own men to save Americans”
Yes but saving and helping Americans is evil and hate because America is an evil country that should be destroyed. Question answered.
Judge Judy: Whyyyyyy? Oh Why? She hasn’t been a judge since 1990? That’s TV people. Anyway, Don’t care what she says, but also “Trump running on procedure”: classic DNC run, ready-made for goldfish idiots who can’t remember an hour ago. Yes. But like how all history started in 2020 or 2022, WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE? Yes, these cases – heck, even the witnesses – were stopped, forgot, didn’t remember – that the crime happened in 1990! Or in the other cases, 8, 10, years ago? At minimum (records) 4 years ago?? Then! Suddenly remembered! My homework! It’s on the kitchen table! Well, we need to start these legal cases RIGHT AWAY, 35 years after the fact! Biggest hurry-hurry ever! 3 years late, 1 year before the election! Which is illegal!
But they put it on TV like no one will notice. Because they won’t. It’ll work perfectly and they’ll be mad if you bring it up.
Talk about the earrings instead. This story is more important and getting around. What does it say? She won’t be President, she’ll be a robot-puppet. Who’s talking in her ear? Who’s really President if she’s elected and what would this shadow person do or want?
Anyway, none of this matters, only the Shadow People if you can expose and name them, and what is actually DONE. Actions. Reality exists. Time exists.
“Conservatives argue that the Democratic Party has launched full-fledged lawfare…
during his September 10 debate with Kamala Harris, Republicans say.”See? That’s journalism. Was that so hard? “He said.” We the reporter are not necessarily trying, needing to find out the literal absolute truth, which would make me “Investigative” and take 9 months and a lot more money. Just these are the facts: these facts are what each side SAID, both sides. You need to know this because this is the argument, the contention, you, the American, are in the middle of. Relevance.
And the later facts of her popularity at each point in her career vs just 4 weeks later, are all literal facts, and facts that have meaning. Now the reporter doesn’t have to SAY that’s all a fabulous, made-up lie that’s only exists because somebody spent $100 million bribing the right people, nor that this is lying is their core business practice, the facts speak for themselves. See, that’s MY ob to be a crank like that and jump to the end.
See now I don’t do journalism like this, but this is the right class of person to hire. Thousands of them. “She SAID.”
“and a constant fear that a third World War was not far away.”
Here’s your problem: Americans and the entire rest of West are now so retarded they no longer fear nuclear war. All things are unreal to them now. “War? I’ve seen that a thousand times on this little blue screen.” Reality itself, when they get up in the morning and go to the Dollar Store, no longer exists. Nor is that a surprise as generally it’s hell on earth by active design, at literally every economic level. Why? It was all created by human-hating, #AntiLogos, beauty-despising, money-chasing mentally ill. Their idea of beauty is when everyone is dead and they’re king of the remaining rubble. So the people, being an the most cruel, destructive, scientific-genius prison ever designed by man, OBVIOUSLY are going to retreat into fantasy and irreality. Or they’d shoot themselves, and that includes everyone at VP corner offices, at Brown University, and the successful car dealership with three power boats.
However, because of this ceaseless torture and everyone’s retreat into fantasy and delusion, they no longer fear complete nuclear Armageddon and the death of everyone, everything. Death would be a welcome relief.
So bomb, bomb away I guess. Do what you have to, under our conditions and situation, you’re not going to get much more out of us at this time.
““It’s really hard to know what Biden and [National Security Advisor Jake] Sullivan, who are running things, really think,” he claimed. “Some of my best friends and analysts think they’re insane. And it’s really, really hard to predict what they’re going to do if they’re insane.”
Yes. Exactly as described above, but at a higher level: they have internalized the lies and insanity, and their insanity is to stop looking and taking in information. They are minions, un-self-aware. The Social Programmers set them up, wound their clocks 20 years ago with lies, and they’re still marching. If they weren’t we’d merely have them arrested as “Dissidents.” Cranks. If they’ll march around with funny mustaches, we fund them with
billionstrillions.Who is “We” in that sentence? Ask Kamala. Who’s speaking in your ear?
“SAVE Act – which would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote.”
This works because like M4A, the only thing they need is for you to VOTE on it. We want a head count of who thinks it’s intolerable for the law to be followed. Then go explain that to your district.
“shiny object attached to it will be dropped like a hot potato before passage.”
Sounds like every other day in Congress. Maybe he’s been there too long so he recognizes all these toys.
Does any of this matter? Not so far as I can tell: it’s background canvas. So where are real stories happening?
“• Erdogan Demands Russia Must Return Crimea To Ukraine (ZH)
A lot on the Turks this week. Ugh! The Turks! WHY do they act this way? They are like 99% their only enemy. He also said he’d go whole hog on saving Gaza, build an islamic head there…before doing nothing. …Again, like career-long in a row, after Turkey ALSO never did anything, ever, since Atta. Rinse, repeat, every hour of every day for centuries. So he says this. Tomorrow it will be the #Opposite and that’s okay with everyone. How does anything get done there? A: It doesn’t. Or not very well. On the base level, they’re in a position to rule the world, in every key area, every transit, every nexus of discussion and diplomacy, smart people, incredibly hard working, tough, with the largest army in Europe. Aaaaaaaand…nothing. They’re a garbage heap like I dunno, Columbia, for centuries.
Don’t worry, tomorrow’s paper will change all this.
“Demand Crimea and then join Russia’s club. Yeah. Being in NATO and then also join BRICS doesn’t look realistic.”
Turks, above. Will take decades when it should take months, and drag along and poke everyone along the way. Erdogon only just poked Putin in the face, because he’s intimidated by him, respect him, and feels small. So he insults him, frustrates Putin to demonstrate Erdogan’s importance. Everyone just watches in shock, not that he’ll DO it, everyone knows for 1,000 years he’ll DO it: but that Erdogan and Turkey ARE important. The only thing he needs to do is CLAIM it and stop acting. Stop acting out and BE the thing. N. O. P. E. Never, clearly.
“• 34 Countries Express Desire to Join BRICS in One Form or Another – Putin (Sp.)
It’s been pointed out that, ignore the war. Ignore the West. This is what will crush the West and win. This is the pivot. The West is irrelevant. Go around them, they’ll rot away.
“• Everything Is Going To Plan – Zelensky (RT)
The Russians are advancing everywhere, it’s all our master plan.
“Putin says long-range weapons for Ukraine means war with NATO.”
Gosh I hope so. I mean, I just have to keep my sanity here.
“Olaf Scholz Has A Sudden Moment of Clarity About Russia (Amar)
That’s because he’s dead-losing in the elections and needs to save anything. He can’t. However that may not happen fast.
“• Ukrainian Diplomat Claims Peace Was Possible In 2022 (RT)
Said. “Diplomat SAYS Peace was Possible.” See how that is different? For the love of Christ, this isn’t rocket science. If you say “Claim”, you are probably on the Op-Ed page. Your yearly chance for writing that isn’t up yet. So STFU.
Haiti: We Americans have no trouble at all imagining not being able to get food. Apparently she does if she can think of McDonald’s as a food source. And it IS happening in your community. Get out more.
Monkeys: Okay following science we all can’t prove, part of the “Energies from space” or even our sun (Birkeland currents) is over-energizing humans? Over charging our brains? Yes, but perhaps also overcharging monkey’s brains? Making us smarter, if also unhinged, but as they are more relaxed, base state merely making them smarter? We’ve seen this with some other creatures lately, some story with whales comes to mind.
This goes with the Yuga theory, impossibly long eras. As ALL people said in the past, 2,000, 5,000 years ago, they were the IRON age. Before them was the bronze, silver, and Golden age, deep in the past. IN the Golden Age everything was advanced, space-age and perfect. Knowledge and power. It had always been a straight-line DROP in everything. — This is the dead-opposite of the Religion of Progress, which says every day since the cave men we got SMARTER, and we’re, Chad and Chelsea are the Bestest, smartest, most moral people Evah! — Practically perfect in every way.
Anyway, so what if it’s cyclical but on a really long timeframe? Like 24,000 years? We were once a spacefaring people, with flying cars (Vimanas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vimana ) and lightning sticks like the Ramayana Vedas. We were cross-engineering human hybrids like half-animal people as we see…well everywhere, but let’s say Greek Myth. We’ve been getting dumber every day until, I don’t know, pick a date: 2,500 years ago when we were dumb as a post, finally mere animals, having forgotten everything, and like Idiocracy, don’t even know what a “Book” is and burned them all in a pique of chilly weather. Huh. Ever hear of “Gobekli Tepe”? Or the 50 other “Tepes” in one area alone, to say nothing of the Olmecs? All predating these specific dates? Yeah, well we still have no idea how they did anything they did, so we’re retards, clearly, and Chad is wrong.
Example: Pyramids were built before Stonehenge and there were still mammoths alive then. Give a sense of how really, really different the world was.
So here’s the catch: we’re finally on the upswing. Since like 1600, but increasing a lot now and people are both “Their Knowledge shall increase” AND it’s driving us all insane. (The love of man grows cold) We don’t have a social structure for this as it last mattered like 18,000 years ago. Nor any “books’ that make sense of it, although we haven’t bothered to look at the Vedas and keep denying everything we find. Or rather YOU do, you retards in College. The rest of us have no problem with Tepe being 12,000 years old nor humans being in the Americas 30,000 years ago. Because we’re not science deniers. Go look: the evidence is everywhere. They WROTE IT THE F—K DOWN FOR YOU. Too complicated? Too hard? They left a WHOLE CITY, intact, in the desert and Jungle. Too hard? Not big enough?
Denial is the size of the universe, I guess. A whole city can’t break them from it. Yup, they built the whole city with one shin-bone, official reality of guys like Harvard and Rutgers. Genius.
Sorry, it isn’t JUST the stupidity of saying something like that. It’s mainly the raw Cowardice. And raw cowardice because they won’t be POPULAR and sit at the cool table at the Vegas Archaeologist’s convention. O.M.G. THAT is the level we’re reduced to and are supposed to respect. And don’t get me started on physics.
Dr. DParticipantNo because nobody knows what’s going on. It’s all lies, so even the well-meaning have no information source.
Dr. DParticipant“and I told Abdul ‘Don’t do it anymore, if you do…”
Here’s the problem in America, and all countries actually. He has to say this sort of thing in order to be “Normal” and “Credible”, and we do that by threatening people in their own country. When we should do almost the opposite. However, does that get your men out well and best if you say, “I’m sorry, we were completely wrong, please don’t shoot us as we leave”? No it does not.
You seem to be winning, so “I want to move on.”
“Harris is widely considered to have won the debate,”
NPR writers at RT, who “widely considered”? Other people widely consider the opposite. Don’t they count? Here’s the second part: this sort of statement used to be possible, when we had a single overton window. That’s was 20 years ago, you might have noticed.
“President Trump calls for ABC News’ license to be revoked;”
Strangely this is legal and historic from the earliest days. Like Sec230, they have agreed behaviors they must uphold to keep a license, one is morality like sex and swearing, but another is a level of fairness that has been adjusted from time to time. RE-inventing it is incredibly complex, I’m just saying it exists and they are in violation of it.
(Why? because it’s on airwaves that are limited, and any child can tune in and hear it)
Oh and Sec230 as well, but since the late Government-Corporate complete merger, corporations can kill somebody – or a million somebodies – and not be arrested. So I’m incorporating myself shortly. It’ll make all those bank robberies much more straightforward.
“”Who do you think won? Why would that matter? The iceberg is 15 minutes away..”
• Harris and Trump Debating on Titanic – Zakharova (RT)Exactly. And neither can, nor will, avoid it. If you want anything done, do it yourself, which is the American way. We set up government, and just like we said, Every level is now taking you infinity for zero services. Why are you making Ayn Rand right? Haitans illegally crossing – a felony – by high-level international human traffickers – a felony? (Last I checked, Haiti was an island, and one with income to low to take joyride flights). Then they attack citizens, a felony, commit other local crimes, a felony, and poach, eating all the animals in desperation, a felony?
Meh. What can the police do about it? Whaddya calling us for? Um…because I witnessed the commission of a felony? Okay, suppose they take me up on the offer and arrest 20,000 people in one Ohio town. Two Words: Cloward-Piven. They would bankrupt the system and overwhelm the local/county/state/Federal. You have 20,000 free prison beds layin’ around? So back to the first felony: border crossing and international human trafficking, both federal level crimes. That’s the place this can be solved.
But people ask: is that it, the only place? For el Stupido Americanos? Errrr….no. But you won’t like the other answer. You can see the Ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddllllless patience of Americans, and our immense generosity, which is world-famous. You see anyone else donate to the Boxing Day Tsunami? Nope. Europe, other nations, DGAF: that’s YOUR country, too bad so sad, figure it out. Only Americans do. And so here. We are like orders of magnitude more tolerant, forgiving, and generous than anybody else. Must be driving the Globalists crazy! And immensely stronger, as we also don’t crack. Like Russia doesn’t, in their times either.
(This thing where we give anything away to anybody is why we’re evil, and eveyrthing is both our responsibility and our fault. That’s what we’re for! That’s why we exist: to be blamed. Yup. No other countries exist but us. Sure France can’t take responsibility, China, Britain. That’d be cray-zeeeee.)
But what would happen is, eventually, in one place, then in others, someone, somewhere, shoots the f– out of some terrible situation, they put it on national news, and they walk as 1) The police all abandoned the field and told them to, told them to arm, told them to shoot, as we already see regularly all over. 2) The Judge and jury won’t convict, regardless of what happened or how clear. 3) The Governor swoops in, attempts to rig it for his Globalist masters and gets run out of town.
So what does that mean? At that point WE are the law, WE will figure it out and put a stop to it. And it’s BECAUSE we’re so incredibly generous, tolerant, and law-abiding that we don’t, but we can, and eventually we will. But it has to be in the moment of actual extreme, not made-up extreme, and should be. Morally.
So shrug. I dunno when or where, but all systems have limits, and these guys want to find ours. Good luck. Last time someone did that we nuked them. FAFO. Do it. Pleeeeeease do it.
“• Trump-Harris ‘Kabuki Theater’ Debate Crystalized Candidates’ Position (Sp.)
Neither has any positions, they’ll just change them. Nor will there be an election.
“Biden rarely shows up for work, so she’s basically in charge already.”
You’re kidding, right? She’s not in charge now, nor would she be after the election. And if she’s in charge now, that’s treason and should be arrested. The 25th is a Process, you don’t just jump in there or appoint the Janitor to answer all the questions because he can.
So which of these two terrible lies would you like to go with? That we’re under an active coup, or that the active coup is run by the CIA and Halliburton, not Harris? I’ll wait.
“We will never reach Mars if Kamala wins,” concluded Musk,
An excellent reason to elect Harris, except she’d blow the money on killing brown people and slavs, then go blow some other things.
Okay: backtrack, planetary view. These guys believe that, every 6,000, 12,000 years, the magnetic energy from the galaxy alters. That is in the geologic record. When that happens, let’s suppose the suns poles flip, but it doesn’t matter what, there is a POINT event, not a slow one, which is in the geologic record. This then causes a mass extinction event, which is in the geologic record. How BAD that event is, hard to say, but can be a level of earth tilts sideways, tsunamis move ocean from atlantic to pacific, all life on earth is destroyed, biblical flood-level extinctions, which there is evidence for in the geologic record. On schedule. Over and over.
This happens when the sun does certain things, like sunspots, which are observed. This will coincide with the poles weakening then wandering and splitting, which is observed. Then the animals will misbehave, which is observed. Then HUMANS will be agitated mentally in two ways: they will both have more energy, AND more fear, less inhibition. Which is perhaps observed. Also noted in the Bible right before Noah. Then at some point, it may be that the sun goes dark for three days, then in a puff, blows off the 3-day accumulated aurora into space in an unprecedented (or multi-millennial) Carrington event, frying everything on earth. 1/3 of the oceans are cooked. Fish soup. After some instability, the sun then operates normally again, observed.
This sun change is running Climate Change on Venus, Mars, Neptune observed. Must be all the cars up there! It’s magnetic/energy component is altering all the planets including Saturn and Jupiter, giants, without rock forms, observed. Mars may actually be re-kick-starting its magnetic field and becoming a live planet again, arguable, but observed.
Now does any of this tell you why the Globalists want to kill off most of humanity to have food enough, build impossibly expensive underground systems, don’t care about the economy, the law, or anything, put up arctic seed islands, and also want some humans on Mars as a backup? Can you see their point of view now?
So what happens when someone arrives, junior Congressman, comes in with best intentions of getting $1 increase in wages and better tips in Brooklyn, then they read her this report, probably show her the Sesame Street movie cartoon version, and suddenly AOC’s whole outlook changes? She starts voting all completely differently? She maybe wants to have a seat in that bunker?
Okay, how about “Kingsmen”, and the Musk genius globalist just LIES and INVENTS this Noah’s Ark scare, sells it to all the inbred pinhead rich guys, who all give him trillions for a seat in his bunker….and then kills them all with their cell phones? That is, even if this story is REAL, I can still USE it, and con every dumb-ss on the planet to my will with this elaborate con. Or both. But they’re still all my b-tch. I run the bunker, I kill whoever I feel like in it. I want your daughter in my bed at 8:01.
Got it? But everything we see that’s incomprehensible, them no longer caring if we know, their shrill “Climate Change” story, the multi-trillions spent, their financial fraud, political behavior, globalism, killing all humans down to a level that can be fed with hand-tools, all that matches perfectly with this. …That is also measurable, visible, arguable from completely public science. YMMV.
THAT. Is about “Going to Mars” and why we got no money for rats in my sister’s bed, but Whitey’s on the Mars.
Well at least Musk is African-American.
“• Biden Mulls Stepping on Ukraine Long-Range Missile Tripwire (Sp.)
“Biden” does? Okay, two things: there is no Biden. If he’s still alive, he doesn’t exist, doesn’t know anything. Russian media has taken to calling “It” “Team Biden”, because there is no Biden and perhaps never has been, but certainly not since 2020.
Second, Odd, because we’re NOT doing this, but rumor has it, Britain is, and is already developing a way to authorize all strikes in Russia on their ticket. With Stormshadows and their JASSMs. Nutsy: has to pull in the US into a Nuclear war to win, and will. Zelensky: has to pull in the US into a Nuclear war to win, and will. England: has to pull in the US into a Nuclear war to win, and will. Or they go broke, collapse, and the King is executed in the streets. This, of course, they wouldn’t care, but so would all the ministers and bankers.
Actually, I say we, the United States won’t, although I’m not sure why I say that. But I’d give 30-70 England will. Good. Apparently won’t stop until they get nuked, so it takes what it takes.
““.. during peacetime he must call presidential elections which he will certainly lose. Trump also knows this.”
Ohhhhh, I thought they meant the United States there! Yeah, we’re definitely going to “Delay” the election, keep Harris in, and ya know, kinda sorta maybe get around to having another election when it’s not too much of a bother. Maybe the Spring. Maybe next year. Maybe ten years, who can tell? Well, we’re just following the “Beacon and Lighthouse of all Democracy” in Ukraine, and never having any elections! That’s Freedom and Democracy!!!
https://i.imgflip.com/27ds7s.jpgAnd the US People’s plan for this would be??? Yeah, we’d not want to start a Civil War that day over it, so it just rolls on forever as we figure out what to do. With Trump finally shot or in Rikers. Or maybe you WANT a Civil War? That would make Ukraine look tame? I mean, if you want to start shooting, I’ll watch and see how that works out for ya. You tell me, tough guy. Lot of tough talk going on around here. Show me.
“Do senators in the U.S. like Lyndsey Graham really hate Russians so much? Or is it that they love money so much more and profit themselves from those megadeals coming together?”
Neither, and we need to start saying it more. Lindsay DGAF about any of that. He’s BLACKMAILED. And in today’s total vacuum of morality, what could they POSSIBLY have on him that he would even care about? We’re talking about a world where the U.S. President gives free blow jobs. The bar is not high. Gee, I dunno, Epstein was kidnapping and holding against their will children for Princes to rape? Consensus fact, although not the darker, hidden stuff?
NONE of this matters. NONE of it is real. Not one word. The ONLY fact is “They have deadly blackmail on Graham, as well as 2/3rds of Congress or they wouldn’t be there.” Therefore “They do what they’re told.” It doesn’t have to have a reason. It doesn’t have to make sense, and doesn’t. I want it, I told them to do it or else, so they did. That’s it.
This is in fact the SIMPLEST story you’ve ever heard in politics: There IS no politics. Only blackmail. (and murder). Whoa!!! Everything makes sense now!!! It’s like those glasses in “They Live”!
I want Russia shot, so they shoot them for me. End of story. I want Pelosi attacked with a hammer, so that happens. Any questions, Paul, or do you want to DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD?
“• Ukraine Will Join NATO – Blinken (RT)
Every day in every way, Blinken creates war more and more. Okay then, Russia now has to take all Ukraine, a “Russian” nation, the size of France. Sort of for free, and will bankrupt and collapse Europe doing it. Okay, don’t throw me in dat bri’er patch! Oh noes!
If I were being direct and simple here, I’d propose Blinken works only for Russia and has no other masters. It’s that obvious. RussiaRussiaRussia. Carry on good sir. The planet will only be save when Europe is gone. IDGAF what happens to you. I can watch your kids fall off bikes all day. If you want to be saved, maybe you should save yourselves? That’s your business.
“If the alleged Muslim hijackers wired the buildings–an impossibility–what is the point of flying airliners into them? “
Already said that this week: Start a 30 years war, a World War, to get the oil — or not the oil we could have bought it far cheaper — but CONTROL of the oil, then squeeze China by the balls. Papa Bush’s plan since he visited China and opened it up in 1989. Give them EVERYTHING, every WTO/MFN treaty, every patent book, every NAFTA offshoring, everything, to do the same bank job on them as every other nation in history. Then say, “Hey coolie, make me a taco or your financial bubble pops, your markets are shut off, your food and oil end. You my b—tch now.”
Hey Georgie: how’s that working out for ya? Not so well? JUST LIKE WE TOLD YOU??
But joy all starts with world war abroad and fascism at home. Never Forget.
Dr. DParticipant“[CIA Director] Burns and Moore observed that “there is no question that the international world order – the balanced system that has led to relative peace and stability and delivered rising living standards, opportunities and prosperity – is under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the cold war.” By us.
When was this supposed peace and prosperity of which you speak? We’ve been in a CIA-driven foreign war every day of my life, and now, 5 wars, 10 wars, who can keep count? What prosperity? Income levels and standards of living have dropped every day of my life THANKS to your 10 concurrent ongoing illegal wars every day of my life.
And did the Iraqis and the Libyans REALLY think that their nations are far more stable thanks to you and us?
But as your team says: “A million dead kids? A good start; it was worth it.”
“Germany’s Scholz Wants ‘Faster Pace’ Of Progress Toward Peace In Ukraine
NOW they want peace. When every bomb in half the world has already gone off, some of them in Russia. AFTER Iron Cross tanks invaded. AFTER they lost, both the war, and the bonds, and elections. Now. Now Scholz will START, kinda-maybe getting a date together to talk about the date together of the negotiations. GFY.
“Only Six Countries Operate Nuclear Submarines
Talk about out-of-context, WHY would anyone ever need them? Nuclear missiles, delivered off your coast. That’s it. Other subs (diesel) is cheaper, smaller, and quieter. So this is for OFFENSIVE people to ATTACK others. Well good! Only six nations out of 200 are trying to invade and kill anyone. …What’s that? My nation owns almost all of them? Yeah, I know. Never Forget.
“Watch : Donald Trump And Kamala Harris Debate: Kamala can’t blow this one.”
Ah, the jokes write themselves, don’t they? Actually, she probably could. We’d all believe anything this election, and the Democrats would still support her. Obviously, since that how she got here.
“CNN Journalist Suggests It’s Unfair to Ask Kamala About “Policy Detail”
All the more reason for her to blow this one! What else would she do with her debate time if she can’t talk? She has her mouth full. I don’t know what to say: I didn’t do it; she did. I would tell her not to, but too late for that.
Smokey and the Commie: Well one side seems to be continuously enlivened and having harmless fun. But history shows that fun is on the wrong side of history, and censorship always wins, right?
“REPORT: 20% of mail-in ballots were fraudulent in the 2020 election according to a study conducted by the Heartland Institute.” (PA)
Actually all of them were, the PA Supreme Court ruled that all the election changes were illegal, as not done through Legislature. Arguing from lies on lies. Why? Well probably because you’re arguing against power, where you reject their lie and they don’t concede. So you move to a lie that might have more traction, then lower and lower until one sticks and erodes their power. Why that works I don’t know, but that’s not truth.
“the choice they will face this fall at the ballot box: between moving forward with Kamala Harris or going backwards with Trump,”
Great expression of The Religion of Progress. ALL places forward are good. ANYTHING in the past is bad. Like air and water, they were in the past, they’re bad. Reminds me of the old corporate slogan “Change is good! Don’t be afraid of change.” Yeah, well change is also bad if you’re doing something retarded, which you usually are. Change is bad when you’re installing a new call center system or rules that are far worse than the last one so everyone quits, which is usually the case these days, and 99% of the time if it’s a computer.
Because we all know, if you light a candle, and open a bottle of wine, both of which are from the past, you then have to get a slave and do a lynching, which are also from the past. No I am not kidding. They say, “Maybe we should move back to the wages of 1960” they say, “But then we’d have to install separate drinking fountains”. What do you do when that’s the universal level of discussion? It makes “Idiocracy” look genius-level. I say “I’d like to ride a horse now” and they say, “Well we’d have to sink all our nuclear subs and build 100 viking longboats then, and we just don’t have the time.”
Go Forward, not backward. Corollary: this is the UniParty into the UniFuture. “There can be only one™” …Future. …And that future is Fully-Automated Luxury Space Communism. (or just “Communism” for short. No: just ask them. They’ll joyfully tell you that’s the goal.) If you want an apple tree for your kids to climb on, sorry, you’re flat out of luck. No open fires. No brewing beer. No bare feet. No dirt for 10,000 light years. Definitely not birth, that’s messy. You WILL wear the leotard Onesie or be fired from Star Fleet. All uniforms, clothes, and behaviors are the same. That’s Diversity!™
Just watch their language, you know who they are. Never stop talking. And they are clearly the profoundly mentally ill.
“As of today, there is not one member of the US military who is in active duty in a combat zone,”
Huh? We’re literally in Ukraine, Syria, Sudan, etc. A NATO head was just killed in “South of south “Poland” today.
“• Melania Trump Demands ‘Truth’ About Shooting of Husband (RT)
What is this? There was an assassination? Someone was shot? And no report on it yet, to anyone? I’ll fill you in on Martensen, two police that were there, nobody knows what they were doing. De nada. Now literal months later, no one asked. They were in the upper window and went into all four rooms, opened all four windows, then left. Note the timing here: they’ve been here all day, setting up for only ONE minute: the minute Trump is on stage. That’s the whole reason they, and a week’s worth of work, exist. But according to them, the VERY minute Trump takes the stage, they all abandon their posts, and ONLY that minute, while Crooks is up Clang! Clang! Clang! Throwing his gun and backpack on the steel roof, when they could look out the window and hit him with a shoe. Scat you! You’d expect even people inside could hear that.
We KNOW they could hear everyone on the lawn shouting “He’s on the roof! He’s got a gun!” because everyone on the lawn could hear it. So if you’re in the window 10 feet above you hear it. Then say, “Meh, they got this.” and go help look for Crooks by abandoning your post, breaking all orders, and leaving the gun and windows open behind you. Yup!
Have to re-set how that works: Rule One, ALL and Every security detail, ALWAYS: NO OPEN WINDOWS. Ever. They tape them shut so you can see if they’ve been tampered at a distance. They had four, not just their own, but SPECIFICALLY went into the other rooms and opened them all, on purpose. Then the snipers said, “Huh, open windows! Well finally! After all these years! I do not find that suspicious at all.” And did nothing.
Then the minute Trump was up, they ALREADY KNEW Crooks was missing. And that ALREADY WAS a security threat since Hercules 2 abandoned their post, pivoted from the south to the north, and aimed at that building. That means something major was happening. Then Secret Service said, “All clear, please put the President on stage while our backpack suspect is missing and Hercules is wildly trying to find the target.” Yup. Official consensus reality.
Hey, do you know the OTHER reason that’s not allowed? Because the best way to do this is, Pop! Shoot you in the face, take YOUR gun, your sniper nest, and shoot back. Then you don’t need to carry anything and walk in grey man like Jason Bourne. Duh. So No open windows. No leaving the tripod IN the open window, already sighted for range.
That’s not the best part. Who are the two who broke every rule, abandoned every post, opened, every window, then left? Well one is Mr. OfficerTattoo-Sleeve. Why is that important? Because witnesses who claim there was a second shooter said that shooter had a tattoo-sleeve, shooting out of the building window.
Anyone have any questions? No, I guess? Congress is asking Beaver Police if they offered them radios. One person was fired. For multiple murders and attempted murders of a President. Golly gee! However will she cope with being FIRED after decades at six-figure incomes and full life health care? Shucks. Well, our work here is done…
Well, if anything would have happened, they would investigate, so I can only conclude, like Alexa and Google, that Trump was not shot. What assassination? If someone was shot, surely the world’s largest police state would look into it a little, right? That’s what police states are universally for, right? To protect the people?
“• Russian Security Chief Explains West’s Key ‘Mistake’ (RT)
Evil is as evil does. These guys couldn’t take the win, the Cold War ended. They had to GRIND it. They had to make all nations subservient, crawling subservient, obeisant to the United States. Backtrack: After 20 year of the CIA constantly trying to start a worldwide nuclear exchange, CONSTANTLY, for any reason (see the Reagan movie), and knowing there was like nothing left of the CIA-fighting White Hats that had constantly been shoved out then, under Nixon, the CIA’s 2nd coup, (official reality now, see “Deep Throat”) and so on, what remained of practical sense re-calibrated and tried to get just the MAJOR issue done. And put in behind only ONE guy, for ONE task, Reagan, having to screw and displace “Mr. NWO” CIA Director Bush to do it. …And good thing they did, in hindsight. Bush was both completely, universally evil, AND really, dangerously competent, unlike so many after him. It’s very likely if he would have gotten in, understated as he was, we’d be in a NWO one-government fascist state today. …I mean more than now, they’re decades behind schedule.
So Reagan got in, and can’t SAY what he’s up to. Or the CIA and WSJ would stop him. But it wasn’t entirely a secret either, as his Star Wars plan revealed. He’s throwing bones to the MICMAC, invading bulls—t nations for the CIA, anything they want to get space for this ONE thing. — A thing they can’t see because they’re mentally-ill psychopaths: Reagan was going to END the Cold War by NOT #winning it. Just ending it, and with it ending the nuclear threat the CIA was eventually going to get popped off. We can’t stop THEM, the whole KPop Derp State at this time, with our levels of power, but we can stop THIS. So telling the CIA, MICMAC that we were going to WIN, …and spend!!! Biggest spending evah!!! Banks, Euro-control all on board!!! He instead bankrupted the USSR and reformed them. Not bombing, not invading.
…But that takes time, and by the time it was running, had concluded, two Presidents and Clinton was in charge. He couldn’t entirely, fully get in, but cranks like Nuland were running it, trying to get this level they had always dreamed of, to WIN Russia, and TAKE everything, where Russia ceases to exist…a dream of 1947. Jesus, a lifetime before. Two generations before. Do these guys ever adjust their antenna? And really 1847, and the UK Crimean war, of the British Monarchy on the Russian Monarchy, their cousins. THAT is where this goes back to.
But Reagan handed them this win, and in their overreach they lost it TWICE. Because they are just THAT. INCOMPETENT. Incompetent, mouth-breathing, glue-sniffing inbred morons. Lost the peace dividend, which also would have won the U.S. voters. AND lost Russia as a colony and fiefdom. So by 1994, Harris supporter and #1 Fan, Dick Cheney, was already saying we had to preemptively nuke them. …While they were flat and had nothing, 10 year drop in life expectancy. …But while he’s a mentally-ill psychopath, he wasn’t wrong. If they didn’t do it then, Russia would get off the leash and be free, stopping their One-world fascist
dream.Nightmare.So their key mistake? TO GO TOO FAR. Russia loved the West and was all on board in 1989, 1994. They would indeed have taken any EU, they would have won the culture, then like the United States, be entirely undermined, neutered, and consumed. Gay AF. But that wasn’t ENOUGH. They had to have MOAR.
…So evil is as evil does, and they defeated themselves once again, as is forever with raw evil. So join the winning side.
“• Elon Musk May Be Summoned to UK Parliament for Questioning on X Activities (Sp.)After they just arrested Durov? Yeah, I don’t think so.
“asset for many intelligence agencies at the same time before being installed as the President”
That’s why, like Biden, “Obama” isn’t running things. He never was. So who is? People we didn’t elect and never see? Is that bad?
“Biden: What more do you need to see?”
Um, ANY research at all??? And back to the single thing they can’t understand: my not being vaccinated doesn’t risk you AT ALL. …If your vaccine works at all, right? Still over everyone’s head. Even today, 10,000 times hearing that later.
…Aaaaaaaand turned out the vax didn’t work since everyone who took it got Covid. Or everyone I know anyway.
Astra was banned in 5 countries, so it wasn’t safe either. This is consensus reality. …Still doesn’t matter. Just ask: they’ll lose their minds. Even now, after they’ve all had Covid, and lived, 6 times.
Dr. DParticipantI’ll bite, yes time has moved on. I’d still just do it the old way, with people who know what they’re doing, near machinists who know what they’re doing — you can’t buy that synergy, and also it’s critical for the OTHER thing: that is, being near the line so the production engineers can also know if it can be scaled up or would cost too much. Then all the PARTS people and SCADA, robot, CNC, are ALSO nearby. Gosh, sounds like a place where people congregate, doesn’t it? Maybe where transportation and cheap energy meet? Then a place where they might be able to have some restaurants, maybe a school?
I hereby declare this mythical nexus of people, ideas, and locations: “A City.” Catchy, I know.
But since everyone is a retard and would never do that, but rather collaborate with people you’ve never met and will never meet again, having no idea if they’re worth hiring, if they’re working at all, and if they do work, unable to work with them again, well,
…You just get a really large fax machine. That’s it.
Do your design on paper and have a really, really large scanner that ships it to the other guy with a really, really large printer. Both these things exist already, although ALSO being a monopoly, are 20x overpriced, don’t work, break, then they refuse to support them for more than 5 years so you can spend ANOTHER $10k on what’s basically…a Brother liquid-ink-runs $30 WalMart printer. Just on big paper. That’s the $9,960.00 markup.
…Or you could overnight drawings Fedex and take the delay for like $50, and still save $9,950.00.
Dr. DParticipantActually, that wasn’t “Lost”, it was “Transferred.” There are only the assets there are. People don’t lose money in the market, it is transferred.
The “Inflation” TRANSFERRED the money to the Cantillionaires. That is, to Biden, D.C., to Wall Street and to billionaire bondholders, arms manufacturers. That’s where inflation STARTED, when they printed money. You are who it was taken FROM. …And also why they always choose inflation. Hard money is almost always a push back and an increase in honesty. We can’t have that. The liars would have to go mop bathrooms at IHOP as they are qualified for.
Dr. DParticipantKunstler was shut off. Normal or an attack? He is/was a Democrat, leading the minions to …somewhere else. And that’s why everyone is on substack as well.
“• Harris Team Drafts Trump Stand-in For Debate Prep – WaPo (RT)
Hilarious, Team Harris was desperately backing out of the debate — but not the way you think. They wanted NOT Joe Biden rules, since Joe Biden rules were stupid and unfair, that’s why the DNC worked hard to make them. No, Harris wants to bail out unless the mikes are always turned ON, so Trump can interrupt and Harris can nag and scold “No, mm-mmm, I’m speaking, I’m speaking.” No. Joke. That’s what they’ve got. Okay you ALREADY had the AWFL female vote. Women are the only core group remaining in the whole DNC. So their plan is to advocate and lobby, convince the only voters the already have and can count on.
Yes. Like Hillary campaigning California instead of Michigan, week of the election.
I…go ahead and let them do whatever. With thinking like that, every situation is a win.
Reminds me of Ukraine, actually, as this non-truth, non-thinking is promoted worldwide. So they have divisions that aren’t divisions, have a fraction of their supposed men. They are dividing them up, as all soldiers sent to Kursk are tricky-tricky become the 181st(??) on arrival. Then the men don’t do what they’re asked. When called to see how things are going, they lie about it. So the command asks, “We need to know what’s going on the ground there” you know, to plan and move other men, so they lie about what’s happening, because – and rightfully so – the know if they tell the truth, the commanders will order them into a suicide box. So they say they’re already pinned down. So the commanders, who KNOW they are lying, then have to GUESS the lie, and what’s really happening, and then guess wrong, order them somewhere stupid, so the men lie and say, “We’re there.” Ad finitum. Ad Absurdo
So at every level, you won! The Truth has been entirely expunged from every level. Nirvana Achieved! …And this helps you win in what important way, against adversaries who do NOT lie? Who on the Russian side say, “There are men here in Kursk” then…surprise! There are Enemy in Kursk. Like they simply said. So they send out men to meet them…who are real men, who actually exist, don’t run away, and meet them? Then command asks, “What’s going on?” So the Russian army / Trump campaign tells them. So knowing this report, which is actually true, they then can plan and move resources to the next area?
Part of my question is why it even takes so long. Clearly there is something in the lie that make you die slower, like you’re unpredictable and really give it your all, whereas in a normal fight, you just get whacked, and surrender.
Silver, latest interactive polls:
There won’t be an election. They’ll shut off the power and blow a nuclear bomb first.
“And so there’s my one concession for the left side of the aisle: abortion.”
Not mine, I don’t concede: if they reduce it to the states, you’re fine. Lobby the states now. No issue. Should I give that to only women voters in only states that might outlaw it? Like 20 very Red states? Sure. But not the nation. Still, I expect Harris to get about 1.2 Billion votes. With an overwhelming mandate like that, who could take her to court?
““…in America law is a shield of the people, but that the Democrats have turned it into a weapon in the hands of the state..”
When was this magic time? Not under the Adams administration.
PCR, Trump Should”
I’m more backing up and looking this way: Trump had to cause them to go nuts, lash out, reveal their true selves (like any narcissist sociopaths) and now that they’re fully committed (or should be committed) takes one step back toward normalcy. Finally everyone understands what’s at stake, or everyone that’s coming. But look back: it took THIS to get here. Nothing else would do, or nothing else anyone could come up with and since 1947 we’ve tried everything.
“• Professors Rally Academics Around ‘Less Bad’ Candidate Trump (Caldwell)
They’ll all be fired. Problem solved. Since there’s no reason, and “They’ll Just Make S—t Up!” it’s really no problem at all. Tenure: Pfffffftt!!! I use the magic word “Racism” and then get anything I want. No rulz!
“Instead, Trump proposed penalty tariffs on hostile-country trade with the US.”
What was it, like 2/3rds of all poor countries are under U.S. sanctions, and the US Department that deals with that is backlogged years after a 10x increase in work? And this is succeeding how? 1) EVERYONE is under sanctions and not allowed to talk to us. 2) EVERYONE has to leave the US$.
By contrast there was ONE victory article yesterday, gloating that BRIICS was not going as well or quickly as expected. Uh-huh. And Saudi, India, etc are using XRP and mainlining it. Every day another brick falls. But I guess we’re still winning as Turkey leaves the Anglosphere.
“• The Prosecution of Elon Musk for “Undermining” the Federal Government (Turley)
Now you see why he was trying to arm-twist Twitter, get discovery, all that, but then just caved and bought it. We needed this now, in this clock and time-window. Got it? Yes, he’s only X amount better than before, but we both have “better than before,” and direction of travel. It’s sad nothing is perfect here on earth, I guess we should just blow it up then. = The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good. I’d settle for Good. Good is about 10 levels up from here. If we should ever get to “Good” we can all sit down and discuss what direction to move in.
“However, that right [Free Speech] is not unlimited. He is under some special limitations”
Elon is not a company. You contract with his COMPANIES, which YOU said are people. So go after THOSE people, who are not Elon. Right? Or is everybody who works at a company now have no free speech rights?
A: I want it. You have it. So I Make S—t Up. I use magic words for magic spells: “Racism!” “White Supremacy!” “Mean! Whaaaaaah! ”
“Starmer constantly referred to the threat posed by populism”
That is: Democracy. The People’s will. It must be stopped.
“By 2023, the New York Times was running essays headlined: “Elections Are Bad for Democracy”.
Why this works I have no idea. They just use “a word”, suddenly people are diverted and shoot themselves. Populism IS Democracy.
“• Trump Unveils Plan To Stop De-Dollarization (RT)
He can do whatever he wants. Even be honest and set it all up: It won’t matter. People won’t BELIEVE, in the future, the next guy won’t reverse it. It’s “Expectations.” That’s true of the market too, runs on Expectations, not reality. Given that, I’m not even sure he should. Like, why bother? But personally, I feel it’s right and moral, so I don’t have another alternative.
“• Boeing Offers Staff 25% Pay Hike In Bid To Avoid Strike (BBC)
Sounds insane. But depending on last agreement, THAT MAY ONLY BE INFLATION. Like, if 5+ years ago, costs have risen that much, 5%/yr compounded. Now you see the problem with everybody else? Yeah, we all LOST 25% income under Biden.
Dr. DParticipantYes, I can’t believe people put up with this and don’t do for competition, A, but B, put it on paper.
I swear you can do 9/10ths of these drawings on paper still and have no problems, more control, and less time since you fight with the software all the time. Then hour Harvard MBA manager comes in and says, Why do we have all these big ugly cabinets in the big ugly cabinet drawing room. Yeah, it’s like $2 a sq foot, it’s a rounding error to one ACAD license.
Yet they’d rather die than not use a computer: it might regain control and employ a human.
Dr. DParticipantWell Bernie and his wife are very good students! They took their honeymoon in the USSR and learned how Party Members can get 3 palatial Dachas on the lake while the poor whites in Vermont can’t afford shoes.
Some Party Members are more equal than others.
Dr. DParticipant“Democrat-led U.S. election interference laundered through allegations against Russia.”
Yes, we’re at the point of the Sane vs the Insane. Those who can remember a month into the past, and those who can’t. So yes, sad to quote like, Crowder, etc. Why would I normally? Well because CNN, etc are all literally inane people. Like demonstrably having turret’s lunar “tics” (couldn’t resist) and drooling while shouting at things other people can’t see, like the moon and Russians in their underpants.
“Missouri had a total of 78,421 register to vote in just ONE WEEK”
So 100k per week, per State. But there’s no election interference, it’s Russia calling up and trying to register Vladimir and Sasha at 5M names per WEEK. (100k x 50 states) Yup, totally plausible. Just like you remember how Russia made us bomb Afghanistan and stopped us from getting national health care! Damn them!
The Sane and the Insane.
“Their deception reveals that they have nothing but contempt for the Declaration and Constitution and, thus, the American people.”
You’d think an exaggeration, but not. NYT prints “the major threat to Americans is the Constitution”. Not only prints it, but publishes it TO the American people. To voice an idea like that clearly shows contempt. This is a few years after they stated that they wished the U.S. was like North Korea. You know, free, prosperous, and equitable.
Every. Day. And some apparently don’t notice: The Save vs the Insane.
“• Election Guru In US Claims Harris Will Beat Trump (RT)
Lichtman says the economy is wonderful, everybody knows it. Harris having no support nor discovery in a nomination process makes her strong. And because of this, the people like her far more. Right.
“Nate Silver, claimed on Wednesday that Trump’s chances of beating Harris were higher than at any point since the vice president entered the race”
Nate is a far-left liberal bias, but I read him as actually believing what he says, and actually putting forth a process he thinks is real. Bellweather for the standard Left.
$10 Million isn’t the roads budget for a small, rural town.
“It is not a ‘hidden crime’, but an activity indistinguishable from lawful behavior. More to the point, the subjects being discussed, whether influenced by the alleged money or not, were matters already in the public domain, expressing views and sharing information which is already readily available everywhere, and which were commonplace beliefs among an already significant part of the American population. We are not talking state or corporate secrets, calls for violence or other seditious activity, which rise to the level of a national security risk.”
Read this again and what do you have? Americans haven’t drilled down into the points of the law, that is, they’re ignorant. (Why should they be? Do we all have to train as lawyers now? Let them do their day jobs) So what is the charge and telling the American People? A: Appeal to Authority. That’s it. Word soup = Trust us. When have we ever lied?
“Reporting Irving’s findings does not make Irving or me or anyone an anti-semite or holocaust denier. Irving simply reported what he found, and I merely reported what Irving found.”
“Opinions are Treason.” I’ll just say that if normal free German farmers were eating shoes by the end of the war, what do you think German prisoners were eating? A: Obviously in the pecking order, German prisoners eat first. It would be cruel and unfair any other way. Hitler and the high council eat last, after them.
It’s of course logical to never discuss ideas to find out if they’re true or not, or whether better ones can be found.
The Sane vs the Insane.
• PAC Runs Ads In Muslim-Heavy Michigan Lauding Harris For Israel Support (ZH)
That’s all they need for any issue: run Kamala’s own words on literally any subject.
““Harris belittled us and used her event as a platform to say, ‘You are stuck with me and there is nothing we will do”
Jimmy Dore covered Ice Cube, who AGAIN said, “They have to GIVE you something.” That’s what voting is about. They just take all votes for granted, they OWN all these black and brown people, who must do what they’re told and get nothing. No. If they WANT your vote, tell me why I should do that. And also not “You should go out and vote” … for nothing… that’s no good unless you can WITHHOLD your vote for them until they shape up. NOT voting can be patriotic, and active, if you’re doing it to a plan.
““Musk has co-founded six companies [..] Tesla, which has a market capitalization of $669.28 billion, is expected to hit the trillion dollar mark next year..”
• Musk Set To Become World’s First Trillionaire (RT)I would say that’s clearly a bad thing. Especially as his companies produce things (good) but are run as straight-up scams (bad). So they’re 10x overvalued? 50x?
And what has Elon provided in services in the market to get there? Not much. He robbed the government in a fascist merger of Corporation and State. Pass. I’m glad he’s not raw evil, but that’s not much consolation and he’d never exist under any moral system.
“SpaceX will launch its first crewed flights to Mars in four years if its unmanned landings go well,”
To do what? They said they’d be trapped underground in caves on Mars to avoid deadly radiation that is universal. Yay. “Rats in my sister’s bed and Whitey’s on the Moon.” Word.
“• CIA, MI6 Chiefs Warn Of Threats To ‘World Order’ (RT)
It’s All in “Winter Soldier” https://youtu.be/griXa6KUWHE?t=295 (From all scenes, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=griXa6KUWHE)
This character is written a whole level above anything Marvel ever did. And it’s dead accurate to everything the CIA and other ops believe. Hail Hydra. We will create Perfect ORDER out of Chaos. …By creating the chaos, HELPING it, then Build Back Better. No? Literally that’s the Socialist line here, and they admit it regularly: people aren’t ready to overthrow the government in the Glorious Revolution, so we need to destroy their live to MAKE them ready.
WHENEVER they say “Order” they mean “Hydra.” ALWAYS. Why? Because humans are messy and disorderly, like a beehive. The only way to establish “order” is to kill everyone who disagrees. All the time. All day, all night, forever. Sounds crazy but…and they DO. Country after country, decade after decade.
So what’s this list? Democracy, that is, Mob Rule. Run and directed by mass media. Or ORDER: Hydra’s rule of an unelected Soviet, an oligarchic council who will TELL you what to do or shoot you.
Yeah? How about neither. Does neither work for you?
“but the ideal was never realized and has been in ruins since the so-called “War on Terror” was launched in 2001.”
Yes, the 30 Year’s War, with Bush NOT being elected into office, with his father the CIA director installing him through a crooked and compromised Supreme Court. Then they had the Reichstag coming out party in 2001, and immediately launched an expansive, preemptive world war on everyone. …As One does, if you’re a Nazi, run the Drug cartels, and whose family ALREADY ran a few coups, against FDR for instance. No, preempting them by 20 years was a good idea. Attacking when no one dreamed and there was no reason is good and really does take everyone by surprise, so they had every advantage possible.
This was to get Russia, control oil, and have China by the balls, our new coolies. We already had the food. Well, because “George Bush” it was a fail, fail, fail, and fail. But that’s okay, Cheney’s taking another bite at the apple supporting Harris! Who doesn’t want Moar?
No, China having direct energy lines to Russia means it’s over. The End. 30 Year’s War, or McCain’s promising us a 100 year’s war (yay!!! My heart goes pitter pat) is lost. Because you guys suck Just. That. Much. And everyone on earth hates your guts. I know I do.
Russia’s off and survived, and now China’s off and survived. They tipped the scales in Africa, who is off and survived. And America is still resisting everywhere.
Anyway, back to their gambit, the “War on Terror” was always the Reichstag world war of Nazis. On everyone, the “Jungle People”. Which we all said at the time, not hard: Nazi is as Nazi does. The only hard part was getting anyone to believe the obvious. (and it still is. For the love of God, why?)
“• Erdogan Wants Greater Islamic Alliance To Combat Israeli ‘Expansionism’ (ZH)
This is one of the biggest things, however, he probably can’t live long enough to get it, as for some reason Turkey moves in Byzantine fashion I’ve never understood. However, this is deadly for Greece, etc in the region. They really will create the Ottoman Empire again, and I don’t know how to stop them if they don’t stop themselves (somewhat likely). ALL the Stans are Turkic. Intelligible languages and outlook. He doesn’t have to technically eat them if the Silk Road flows from 3,000 miles of now-rich Turkic peoples now flow to Ankara and Istanbul. That’s way out in the future, but still.
You think RUSSIA is hard to control? You ain’t seen nothing. And they’ve literally said they have every intention of taking all the way up to Austria, like before.
“• Iran’s New President Wants To Move Capital Out Of Tehran (RT)
Huh. Lot going on here. Strikes me that the main problem is government and centralization. They FORCE all money, all motion, all permission to run through Tehran so they can control it and dictate it all. That’s POWER, and that’s the same as Paris, London, etc… Now back up and imagine France 1750. Paris has always been key, overwhelmingly powerful – so it makes a good example – but you could set up government in any of all cities and centers, because power is distributed, to the people, the countryside, so you can choose most anywhere. How much more Germany in 1750 in comparison?
So to do this you really need to push POWER and MONEY back to the people, and it will work. If not, it fails. Do you see Tehran giving up all their money flows and pushing power back to the people? Yeah, that’s why when nations move capitals they end up with two white elephants instead of one: no rich guy is going to give up his fiefdom and money flows. Not one. (Or he already wouldn’t be rich, he’d be modest) It’s the RIGHT thing to do, it’s the STRONG thing to do, but they will never do it.
“• China Bans Foreigners From Adopting Its Children (RT)
It’s the only way to stop them from being raped, sterilized and amputated. By law. In MN and CA.
“When Google first started, it was
a high-quality search engine,the CIA.” Fixed it. It has ALWAYS been Secret state, was never anything else, in any department, ever. Yahoo and Jeeves was the private engine. But who can complete with infinity money printed and handed out for nothing? That’s Capitalism.“The result is that it acquired a monopoly across the entire industry”
Yup, that’s Capitalism. A government-run entity, which is also a government-approved or even enforced monopoly.
“The same [monopoly] template repeated over the next ten to fifteen years.”
That’s odd: I thought the Sherman Anti-Trut law existed. And that’s been how many Presidents and Congresses since then?
TikTik: certainly staged like they all are. But it’s representing a real thing.
In honor of Kentucky: “FBI Assures Public The Next Ten Mass Shooters Are Also On Their Radar “ -Bbee My first thought now. Sad! P.S. No one saw him or which side of the highway he was, but they’re sure he’s a white guy?
‘Stop Foreigners Meddling In Our Elections!’ Says Party Inviting Foreigners In To Meddle In Elections” –Bbee
“Kamala Revealed To Be A Stack Of Three Hyenas In A Pant Suit “ — Babylon Bee.
I knew it! It’s these guys!
https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/73/38/1811940677-Hyena_Trio_by_NeoCypo.jpgDr. DParticipant““But it WON’T BE REPORTED that way.”
Like every other day. Like 2020 probably. Like the slave markets they opened in Libya. But they’re happy joy markets.
“It’s not something that I want to do, I have a really good life,…”
There are no White Hats, just regular guys, plus guys in the system, plus a bunch of rich guys who risk prison daily in order to defend these principles, methods, and way of life against what is apparently raw evil. Is this the Evil = Good, White Hats = Black Hats argument? All things are their #Opposites are the same? Buying Twitter and allowing more free speech to push in the right direction is the same as shutting down free speech and bulldozing a genocide?
Nice how that attitude liberates you from having to do anything. Savoir-faire, sophistocates.
Ireland: I guess Prime Minister Connor McGregor is in their future?
Jeff Sachs: And again, they know who this guy is, they ask him on all these interviews and let him speak. Why? Because they’re not in the sort of control it appears they are. And I think somebody is puppeting them. And for Sachs, it’s a shame they didn’t give him time to cover only 1/20th of the places the U.S. has been. Setting up more happy joy markets worldwide.
“President Trump responds to Crowder Undercover Bombshell”
That everybody knows and has always known the dice are loaded, Mr. Cohen, is the story that they’re such nit-wits they just tell everybody on camera all the time?
https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=mnfoUJxI2dM
“Without playing off Russia, Iran and China, the US wouldn’t know its own identity. It would be lost.”
This is true. As the NY Times says, “The Constitution is the major threat to America, and is evil and terrifying. Should we bomb it?” Basically I kid you not.
“Well, that won’t stop them. They go seamlessly from “directly interfering” to “indirectly interfering” in 2 seconds flat.”
Sure, the alternative is “NOT lying” then all getting arrested and hung. Hmmm…my money is on them lying. I mean they have to breath out their air-holes anyway, might as well make sounds while they’re doing it.
“Trump should simply be himself. And be wary of trickery.”
That’s odd. Why wouldn’t he be shot by Jill Biden personally, live on camera, and go “What assassination?” Worked so far. Right, the people will say, “I’m not a biologist” “I’m not a trauma surgeon, who can really know what happened here?”
“energized their base,”
So energized that when you walk the streets of Blue cities, like Don Lemon did, they go “Kamala who?”
What else is their avowed, affirmed facts? It’s a super-close race. Don is tired and old. He should totally attack a
“black”“Asian”CanadianWomanObject on TV because that’ll work super-well. Don has no message. Kamala is sharp and beautiful, stunning and brave, and her campaign is working well and perfectly.“Harris should employ two techniques that could throw Trump off stride. One is humor. Neither Hillary Clinton nor Joe Biden effectively used wit against”
I mean, “used wit, ever” because they have no sense of humor and can’t meme to begin with. Because humor is moderately associated and allied with truth and must be banned. Also humans would be happy, can’t have that either. Core principles.
“As of right now, Democrat pollster Nate Silver has Trump winning PA at 60%. The Kamala Collapse is official.”
Plane crash it is then.
“No better endorsement than having Cheney endorse your opponent.
• Dick Cheney Endorses Kamala Over ‘Depraved’ Trump (ZH)Just what I was thinking, and all I needed to hear. Just run with this in all your ads. Election over.
““He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him,” old man Dick continued.”
Wait: when did this happen?
““If we lost the dollar as the world currency, I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war, that would make us a third world country.”
Why? We have lots of oil, food, mines, manufacturing, a great electric grid, high-tech ops, R&D, space ships… But the only thing that can save America is colonial extraction fake-printing the reserve currency and not honest hard work?
“Wide-reaching sanctions on Russia will remain in place no matter who wins the US presidential election in November,”
Yes, but you know what won’t? The end of the US$. Like bombs, if we have them, the NeoCons and Team K-pop will find a way to use them. Surprise! We have no bomb factories, and no bombs. Your war is over, you lost. So when they are on the BRIICS Unit at 40% gold, the U.S. has to make and do things like a normal country. Yeah, we know. We know that’s the End of the Empire and what that means, that’s why we’re doing it as America First.
On that side, Canadain Prepper who is always wrong and hyperventilating, was running on WWIII and such. And he’s not Wrong, in principle on this. What is their plan? To preemptively nuke Russia. Always has been. THAT, is why they don’t need bomb factories, shell factories, or tanks. That was never the plan. There was never supposed to be a conventional war in Europe, because Europe will utterly lose. It was SUPPOSED to go nuclear, so they still need and are doing everything they can think of to make it so. –I mean K-Pop to drop a nuke, and Russia to keep it conventional.
Like? Like all those so many things – the seen and the unseen – the thing they’ve shut up about with Finland running stealth nuclear F35’s on all Finland’s highways, avoiding the risk of airstrips. Shutting down their radar in Crimea and getting missiles in place from the South. THEY think if you just take out like Moscow, all Russia collapses, they get advantage enough to win. The other cities will regionalize, won’t matter.
This is why they can’t tell you their plan, You’d be horrified and fight them all. They just say, “No, no, c’mon Satan, don’t be a p-ssy!” https://youtu.be/i6prKZkSQUc?t=43
They say, “Oh gosh, oh total shucks, we’re losing. Darn it, you got us.” Whack! Right on the big red button. “Oh it was Russia!! Russia launched and we launched right after!!” (Prove me wrong you f—ks, sitting in ashes on “the Road” with no food).
…But PCR says Russia’s like sooper dumb n’ stuff not to attack all Ukraine, get to the border, and make his point by bombing Poland n’ stuff. Totally normal!! I mean, it’s safe, right? Do these guys LOOK like they would have 75 child-experimenting biolabs on their own allies, then release a worldwide pandemic just to steal money and an election? C’mon.
But again, I don’t like Scott Ritter, therefore there are no nuclear-capable F35s training in Finland. Go back to sleep.
Will all that happen? No, I don’t think so. Russia still needs to whack us, but WE need to have control of The Button so John Bolton or AOC doesn’t hit it. I think we do, but it’s important to know what was planned, happening, and what the stakes were. If WE don’t see it, if WE don’t feel the risk, K-Pop will just do it all over again next year. WE need to stop them, not one guy hidden in chain-of-command somewhere.
“• Sanctions Against Russian Media Aimed at Discrediting Trump Victory (Sp.)
Thankfully, there won’t be an election so we won’t have to worry about it. Or would a bunch of guys with 75 child-torturing biolabs planning first-strike nuclear war not be willing to shut off the power in a few states on election night? Yeah, that’s crazy, that’s totally a bridge far too far for them. Yup! All good here!
“acting on behalf of Kremlin-supported media organizations.”
Since their legal standard is clear, the Kremlin should buy ads and “support” CNN and MSNBC. Then they would have to be shut down too. And they’re sanctioning somebody, somewhere, for something. But can’t tell us who that guy is. Trust me!! But that doesn’t interfere with journalism when you drive a bulldozer into the loading docks and lithograph machine, noooo. It’s only the REPORTERS who are sacrosanct. …Unless they are normal citizens, barely getting paid for freelance stories, then we sic the FBI on them, in airports or on camera. So ONLY Walter Cronkite is protected, all other reporters, staff, employees, management, bank accounts, advertisers, and trucks are all free game. That’s supporting 1A!
“• Britain ‘Thinking Head of Western Hydra That Helps Zelensky Regime’ (Sp.)
It’s safe to say that London is directly involved in hostilities against Moscow, military journalist, Alexey Borzenko, told Sputnik.For example, when things went badly, where did the ACTUAL general and competent of Ukraine go? London, as ambassador.
As Luongo says all the time, when you’re a fourth or sixth-rate power, what’s your only chance? In game theory? Well, get the 1, 2, 3, and 4 player all in a useless world war and bring them down to your level. Over and over, every 70 years for no earthly reason. Usually with “Some d–mned thing in the Balkans” – Churchill. How do we know? ‘Coz we MADE it happen, stupid! I paid a lot of money to make sure.
Aaaaaaaaaand so today, with the 3rd Crimean War. That LONDON needs to destroy Germany (done) France (done) United States for (half done). Yup! When Russia pays reparations where is the money flow with the only industry England has left? That’s right, flows through London banks. Trillllllllions. And if not? …If not, they all die, and England as we know it collapses. (To become something different than last 200 years)
“@Naval Ravikant says the Democrat Party’s lawfare against President Trump is “disgusting”
Yes,but he’s brown, so the Democratic Party won’t listen to him, tell him to know his place and get to the back of the bus. Like the entire African Press corps for example.
“The president’s son spent his adult life with his father, his family, political allies, and reporters enabling every corrupt deal and human debauchery.”
Hunter is the victim here, merely born to a mafia family. Why don’t you go after the crime head abusing, extorting, and blackmailing him? We always pick up a guy for a bag of weed, and let the Cartel Bosses go. Ask Kamala! The Drug Lords work for the CIA, so we have to let them go! What are we going to do, arrest ourselves?
“Only five allies in 32-member NATO spend more than 3% on their military needs: Poland, Estonia, the United States, Latvia, and Greece.”
Wait, a $15 Trillion economy spends +3% on war and doesn’t have a single box of shells? Explain?
“Will we still be able to drive ourselves? If you get into an accident with an FSD vehicle, who gets the blame? Man or machine?”
That was in the Waymo clip, got confused, did oncoming in a work zone, then ran a red light and the policeman let him go. Didn’t even consider impounding for a second. I need to get a steering wheel on the passenger, side, drive anyway I want, if I get pulled over, point to my laptop in the driver’s seat and take another slug of whiskey. Answer: NEITHER is responsible. NO ONE is responsible, ever, anymore. We split it into parts, like a middle management committee meeting, now there’s no such thing as crime!
…And that only makes sense since criminal never have talked to each other and never will, and there’s no such thing as a Conspiracy.
““I know Bill Gates because I’ve wrote a book about him – what he calls ‘Philanthrocapitalism’”
That word means, “Love – Man – Moneyism.” I think he’s totally right! It’s a cookbook: “To Serve Man.”
Anal-Emma. Just like you see in “Cast Away” and you can stake it out with sticks, or rocks, on the ground.
Another sad day where I didn’t get any smarter about Eastern Europe. Is there no one who can help me?
Sort of, odd statement, but I understand it. But since becoming Socialist is not like a light switch, not Matter and Antimatter, and since Socialism always takes over an existing (capitalist) system and runs it into the ground until nothing moves, the thought that we’re somewhere between the two end points, driving my F350, is obvious and not very insightful. The relevant part would be the location between the two points and the direction of travel.
In 1960, before we locked on a level of Socialism like 1/3 of the economy, called “The Great Society”, poverty was low in America and you could afford both a Ford pickup AND for your wife not to work, stay home with the kids AND to buy a house. Every year since then, we’ve moved in one direction of travel, and exactly as predicted, every day got noticeably worse, which we all said, every day of every year, until an F350 now costs $100,000, and a house costs $1,000,000, while wages remain at $60,000, and two incomes only mean you have to go $100,000 and 40 years in debt that can never be repaid, to NOT own a house, since the first hiccup like medical, you’ll go bankrupt. (also a socialist system, government-directed) Unemployment is like 5x 1960, half not-in-workforce, And Social Services, for the poors, find the poors about 4x more numerous than what they were in 1960, and even if they have cable, almost unfathomably more violent and miserable, dying by the 100,000s from suicide, drug overdoses, and health of lifestyle choices.
Just like we said in 1947, 1950, 1960, and every year since.
So exactly as predicted, every year we slowly added “Socialism”, the nation collapsed and got worse including or ESPECIALLY the poor, working class, and proletariat, and every year we stand up and say “We would prefer not to do that” especially because it doesn’t work and kills everyone but especially destroys poor and minority, “vulnerable” people.
So not sure what point you’re making. They added the suck. So it sucked more. Surprise! We now work like 3-6x harder than ever. The country has a lot of resources. So if you’re willing to do that and take 40 years debt you can still drive a car and own a house. Yes. And when they add that last 10% of Socialism, that will be removed from us too, by actual literal definition. And is happening now, in the news, daily, by people literally calling themselves socialists, and saying it is a socialist platform. Green Deal, no cars, pricing them out of market for no legal reason, Blackrock buying houses, distributing them to illegal immigrants. Literal government nationalization and redistrubution, $15k at a time. Openly and proudly, on National TV and the campaign trail.
Our argument, I think, is that “This worse” location than 1960, so we should reverse what has been installed and head more towards 1960 that as a minimum. There might be a better place than even that, but at a minimum you should go back to the last place you realized you were off the path. And we call that system of better property rights, more opportunity, and less interference, “Capitalism”. Or, I don’t, but other people do and I have to use it so they know what I’m talking about.
Yes, it is weird in a semi-Socialist system to complain about a Socialist system, but that’s because you can be more or less deep in the bayou, with greater and lesser alligators. I prefer less sinking and less gators. Surprise.
Dr. DParticipant“Jean Carroll makes no sense” Yes, but nobody cares when Hate feels JUST. SO. GOOOOD! Ask if Always Hate™ is right for you.
Speaking of, again, if they said, “We want you to fire every Republican, hire every Democrat, and transfer all their money to our party,” you’d obviously say no. But when you say “It’s DEI” muh racism, everyone transfers the national bank account to the Democrats, in every office and town without a thought. “Shut up and Take my Money!!!” Literally that’s all this is. “I just lied.” Just lied. And then you did everything I want, when air came out my lie-hole! Hahahahaa!
Ahem: so listening to WhatAltifthis which is depressing as hell, he’s 22, and it’s just common, established, visible fact that NO white man will ever get hired. Ever. That’s just the baseline for Zoomers, it goes down from there. Aaaaand then what? And then they decide F- this, have to get out, find a solution, be a businessman, not an employee, and be battered 10x harder than anyone around them when it’s Dickensian, like 1911 America out there to begin with, even for Liberal Women with their third graduate degree pulling coffee.
…So all work, all character, all inventions, all talent…is now going to be in White Men. Thanks to you. Yeah you’re going to have high suicides and murder a huge slice of them, but like any war, anyone who survives will be hard-core, hard-body, and not f—ing around. Since the ENTIRE rest of the society is made of lazy, shiftless, entitled, immoral f—k ups, that means WHO will you hire when you want America fixed? Or anything done?
Hey, I didn’t make this: YOU did. I was totally down with black college grads building rocket ships and still am, but you decided to cut all competency tests and hire not on merit, so some huge % of them are not fully up to par. Anybody would, if they had a “easy” button to push, would push it not instead of studying, but instead of breaking yourself open into new ground of competency you didn’t know you had in you. So who wins here, the one with the easy button who says, “Sergent, I’m feeling kinda’ tired and would like a ride back to the barracks”, or one who has to finish the hump on his feet?
YOU did this, not me. I was fine with how things were. And I’m not going to forget the 20% of men you murdered either.
And for WhatAltifthis, he’s saying he doesn’t have religion. Well, there’s your problem! You’re not going to get out of this desperate straits without it. Looking at exactly the sort of man his generation is, compared to Oliver Anthony, same thing: dead America, hollowed out economy, minimum wage overtime leading to owning nearly nothing, 1 acre at the top of a rock with not even a house trailer on it and a truck that barely runs. And that leads to the experience that made his music function, and to get off non-stop pot, drugs, and drinking and try to DO something for God. Or this road ends. You can see that not in him, who doesn’t matter and is just a man, but the 30,000 YT comments saying “We never had a voice before, you give us all hope and direction.”
“I will Make America Healthy Again.”
Certainly first time that’s been used as a campaign ever. Even the “People are dead-starving in 1911 with rickets and goiters in Carolina” has a different feel. 2nd time I heard that anecdote too: traveled to Italy, ate nothing but wine and pasta 3x a day for 4 weeks, didn’t gain a pound. Come back to America and…? Yeah, we’re being poisoned, on purpose, a blind man can see. When it reaches this level, even the dumbest guy can figure it out.
“170 million children are trapped in child labor worldwide, including in the U.S.”
The Party of Slavery and Human Trafficking and always have been. Also the party of public mob lynchings and always have been. So. Proud.
“• Hunter Biden Loses Game of Chicken With Himself (Turley)
Hunter becomes the Hunted. Ask yourself, how does this look if you assume Biden is being puppeted by the other side? And Hunter is part of and part of the leverage? And they have to get it in the news and make an example of it all?
Would that look something like this?
“The Washington Post dove in for a closer look at what it described as a pro-Trump “supergroup” allegedly bankrolled by Russia.”
They do this all the time and did it in 2016: “Russia” is not “Every person in Russia”. When they say “Russia” they mean/imply STATE operatives, not some soda company buying ads. Not some oligarch pulling favors. No one even asks. And although I’m totally down with it being a pass-through front for the GSU, you have to at least ASK and show me something. I never see a thing, which means it doesn’t exist or it would be their A1 Evidence.
So every time the BBC hires a reporter, that makes that cabbie in Syria a MI6 Agent? HTF does that work? Yup. Because we’re so corrupted an incapable of thought, we can’t even ASK. “We Make S—t Up!” “I wanted it to be true, therefore it was.” If I just had a “Will to Power” and wanted it ENOUGH – a Nazi special.
What are the odds all these cases fail and are tossed out? 90%. So why are we playing with them?
“The Biden plan was to take political credit for ending the two-decade-long war on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the American invasion of Afghanistan”
I just realized yesterday: this is the 30 Year’s War. Now, officially, we’re closing in on it.
“The Thirty Years’ War,[j] from 1618 to 1648, was one of the most destructive conflicts in European history. Fought primarily in Central Europe, an estimated 4.5 to 8 million soldiers” – Wiki“The war can be seen as a continuation of the religious conflict initiated by the 16th-century Reformation”
And that is, of Progressives and Conservatives. Idealists and Traditionalists. And like that war, what have we gotten for it? “War, what’s it good for?”
“• YouTube Bans Alleged Russia-linked Right-wing Channels (RT)
Same as last time: they just make an allegation, then as a “Public-private partnership” (Fascsim), enforce it. Can they go to court? Sort of. And 3 years later when that winds through, it’s all proven false. Just like last time. So they only need … ANYONE… to make an accusation they can follow up on officially. The punishment happens BEFORE the trial in good #OppositeLand fashion. Then a year later, do it all over again. Hunter laptop is proven real (we all knew in 10 hours), Wikipedia is updated, “We always knew it was true” history re-written, we wake up and do it all again.
…With no Punishment. No consequences. Or rather I’M getting punished all the time. The INNOCENT are constantly punished, with the guilty rewarded. Otherwise, what’s even the point of having #Power? You don’t need any power to let things happen naturally, you need power to stop them.
So again, they’re going to suspend the BBC right? They all supported MI6 Steele’s dossier and stuff that was transparently false election tampering.
Waterwheel: Great and well made, totally approve but it’s not the wheel. It’s the wheel at COST, and what happens when the whole basin floods 3m higher? Does it tear it completely apart? If it’s well made enough to stand that, it costs too much per watt. If not, it makes power then disappears and is destroyed in a complete loss.
It seems like this one will work, but adding all those parts makes marginal power per $. Part of the reason is undershot wheels are anemic to begin with, which is why we took the huge HUGE cost of building dams and races. We spent 500 years since the middle ages developing this and it’s not new, that’s why everything was the way it was by like 1910.
I’d say maybe we should add a sluice or habit to fish-ladder and flood out all the silt periodically, every 15 years? But other than that, we’re mostly done. Also people can behave themselves better like this, and the high magnets can micro-power other tiny areas that weren’t quite good enough before. But you’re not going to add much, although of course we should. If you’re not transmitting power, you save like 20% upfront on local distribution.
As far as I see, all small, gorgeous mill sites are unused, not for 100 years. All the power, and therefore the economic arb of someone setting a 30-person shop on them, making a community, all wasted. …And that’s all by law, by the way. It’s illegal. Illegal to have that business and successful, community, you bastard. Don’t you know we need to make that power with a multi-billion centralized power corporation, and lose 40% in transmission to ship that electricity to the poors? So they can watch cable instead of running my small triphammer? Where are your priorities, man? Always thinking of yourself! “I have to go to work. I have to feed my kids,” Blah, blah, blah.
Can’t hear you over the sound of how morally superior and schmartz I am.
Dr. DParticipantYou see? That’s why we bug you, so you’ll tell us.
All I’ve heard so far is, “No it isn’t.”
That’s it. Not even “Socialism is the bestest!” or at least “Meh, it was moderate, pretty good, stable, sociable, with good priories, even if it was at a lower level, I prefer it.”
Or: “I hate the environment of Eastern Europe SO! MUCH! it was a joy to watch the Soviets destroy it all.” You know: something.
KS: “You all are retarded and know nothing about Socialism.” Hmmmm, I wonder why that is, my friend. However could that have come to pass?
(Will even this get a single word to pass your lips? Time will tell.)
Dr. DParticipantDr. I guess I perceive that time as people fishing for data. You were on the data, but strictly, which is your Role as a Medical doctor. I started with it being bioweapon almost before it was declared – and was prepared to overreact, and did – but as the data came in I jumped directly to the conclusion it was a scam, so probably look out for WHY it was a scam (the vax) before the data. Now that is MY role, as a 30,000 ft view thinker, and not a medical doctor with a license to protect. I can knee jerk, accuse, theorize, and jump to conclusions.
Doing what I did is able to set the ground and make it safe for people to discuss facts instead of react and hide them, and then start to take that ground back I’ve run ahead on, if the data then supports. That’s my role as a nobody to go ahead without looking and look like a Fool. As in the Tarot card:
https://www.buildingbeautifulsouls.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/The-Fool-Tarot-Card-Meanings-Rider-Waite-Tarot-Deck-1280×960-1200×900.jpgBecause as was said here, the faster we can talk logically and openly about the data, the fewer people will be killed. …Aaaaaaaand we still haven’t gotten there, not perhaps ever will at this point. They’re dead, murdered, their own parents don’t care. Working on a theory about that but it’s complicated.
Why? Don’t care about ego. Call me an idiot. I don’t care. Been an idiot and wrong before, won’t be the last time. I get shot, oh well.
Dr. DParticipantThis Krainer was different than the others. Someone posted it, but I only got around to looking closely. https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/the-coming-collapse-of-britain
And a new interview with him is out, but this is a permitted short Clip from Luongo’s paid stuff. https://odysee.com/@cryptorich:e/TLMR20240828:2
“Macron Names Michel Barnier As New French Prime Minister
After a two-month deadlock following a snap general election, a united government in France will now be formed under the EU’s former Brexit negotiator.”Alexander was right on this, If the Left caved to lock out LePen, it would cave like sissies and f—k the people on the PM-ship. So Macron, WEF, and the Nazis all in charge, and it’s the Left helping them. You know and for a minute there, I thought they had any principles.
“NY’s Chinese Consul General No Longer In Position After Former Hochul Aide Charged As Spy
Hochel said expel him and send a “Strong Message”. Wow. Well thank God our border is entirely open and the FBI is busy rounding up Catholics! And also that nothing will happen to Hochel over this because
she’s a Democratthat’s only fair!It’s really odd and a major coincidence that every Congressman has
5 lobbyists,their own Chinese Agent in the room.“Germany’s AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe Into Suspicious Software Error: The AfD raises questions about the election process”
How dare they? Don’t they know the German FBI is busy investigating
migrantsvoter integrity, AfD instead? For what the refused to warn them about? That is, letting agents in their midst for years?“Meta Oversight Board Says ‘River To The Sea’ Not Inherently Hate Speech
That’s true: Both sides are using it. …However it’s hate speech both times. …I just know that legally “hate speech is protected speech.” This is also against Sec230, pull their license, they’re f—king Congress in the eye and we shouldn’t allow that.
“[She is a politician, therefore] This is RACKETEERING and organized crime” Fixed it.
But we have an answer to that: Moar Government! And more fact checkers, now with free home delivery! …They knock on your door, arrest you, and take you away. (In England)
“The price (paid by the government) for new electricity from offshore wind has risen to £82-£84/MWh in current prices, a significant 58% increase”
Uhhhh, worse than that. NOT ONLY do they never make power in the first place. NOT ONLY do they break. NOT ONLY do they destroy the economy, NOT ONLY can they not be dismantled and taken down….but wind patterns have changed and the amount of wind…and wind power…continues to go DOWN. That is, more windmills each month, less power each month. Huh?
Yeah, these are the guys who said “Climate Change 4 evah!!!!” …and then promptly used 100 year wind records to sell and hawk their scam. When I can go out my door, lick my finger and say, “Yup, there’s like 50% less wind every day than when I was a child. Might not want to use that logbook.”
Did they ASK? Nope. Asking would have interfered with their PROFIT. Because Left hates profit! Damn Profit, you’re keeping me from stealing your stuff!! Getting that new power boat, which they will have on blocks when the whole economy collapses as it has, and their house is foreclosed on. That’s not Capitalism, because it’s fraud and I can prosecute it. …If only they weren’t in a complete merger with government and spending tax dollars against the will of the people in the first place.
“Bret Weinstein says there is a “cheat margin” in elections,”
Yes but only since always, and only as everybody knew a second ago in the Kennedy-Nixon election. Then that same generation: “WHAT fraud? That never happened! There’s never been ANY modern election fraud!” …Oh wait, did I say that? I meant to say “The Supreme Court entirely illegally seated the PROVABLY WRONG President in 2000, and then did nothing to unseat him and nullify all his laws ILLEGALLY signed.” Those are only two cases, how many more do you want?
But I don’t need to make this case! The Democrats SAID the elections are fraudulent and stolen. No they didn’t / yes they did / no they didn’t….at the SAME TIME. Right now this is the safest election ever WHILE it is being stolen by Trump,…by a guy who openly supports Harris and her cheerful, infectious laugh.
Soooo….wanna tell me what you’re going to do when everyone is this irrational and reality doesn’t exist? Even in the same SENTENCE? ‘Coz I’m fresh out. How about re-establish Cause and Effect? Natural Consequences?
“• Trump Pulling Ahead Of Harris – Nate Silver (RT)
Even on their own polls? What’s happening here? What happened to “We just lie”?
“• Scott Ritter Says Ending Cooperation With RT, Sputnik Due to US Sanctions (Sp.)
Shutting up critics and whistleblowers, anyone who is antiwar. But we here always cheer when war is promoted and allies are shot. Also since the FBI is up his -ss he must be an FBI plant. They send out an agent and informant, then order him if he talks, they’ll arrest him. That’s just common sense. But the only way to make totally certain is if they murder him like Lira. Then he’s definitely an employee.
“• ‘A Unique Kind of Fascism’: US Continues Clampdown on Alt Media (Miles)
I dunno, looks like ordinary textbook fascism to me. Just stop the denials for a second and look. I’m sure Germany gave all these same denials too. Germany is the home of perfectly sane people like Nietzsche. Can’t happen here.
“Insanity and death (1889–1900)
On 3 January 1889, Nietzsche suffered a mental breakdown.[71] Two policemen approached him after he caused a public disturbance in the streets” –Wiki Yup! A total hero and genius to intellectuals! That’s Schmartz! Well with excellent judgment like that, I’ll do anything else they say.I guess the better question is, “Are we ahead of the fascists or are they ahead of us?” Fascists will ALWAYS get everybody killed with their ethos, exactly as they have gotten everyone in Ukraine and shortly, Britain killed. Why? It is the “Will to POWER.” Magic!!! You can have anything you want if you just WANT it enough – Physics, reality, army divisions – don’t exist. Only YOU. Your EGO. And your magical power that God himself snaps to attention for. So any time anything happens, they just go out and MAKE it. …And politically, that means FORCE, and force means the ARMY, with guns. And of course they shoot and murder the f—k out of their own people, but those OTHER guys won’t obey everything I think and say either, so I have to shoot them TOO! Why are you making me do this?? …Until like 230M people are then fighting a larger opponent of a BILLION people by 1941, and STILL trying to escalate. …Yup, that’s Nazis for you. Ask London, they know all about it.
“$10 million would barely influence a US Senate race. The amount is hardly a drop in the bucket for a presidential race.”
Let me guess: they bought ads again. “Jesus on masturbation: Take my Hand, and we can Beat It Together” — literal 2016 “Russian Interference” ad.
“$1.4 billion, if I’m not mistaken. But whatever it is, it is absolutely enough that they should have the best equipment, the best agents and the best operations. And I think it’s just proof that, generally speaking, you can throw as much money as you want at a government agency to address a problem if there’s institutional incompetence and institutional issues and just the fact that the government operates the way it does without accountability,”
Hahahahahaha! Chalk one up for Herr Docktor, that’s A-MAZE-ing! Why not a Trillion? Then they can have an assassination daily. Again, 10 Jimmy Bobs, who just woke up in Alabama with a moonshine hangover would be better agents, and shoot Crooks about 3 hours faster. …But this is a murder case, and we don’t investigate that.
“one of the ministers in the German government who’s a member of the Green Party saying — I’m sure you remember this — ‘I don’t care about German voters, I’ll do whatever it takes to support Ukraine.’”
That is, on the “Left” and they are also (different one) who said “Just because you win the German election doesn’t mean you just take power.” Okay, so again, I was greatly heartened at the Old Left appearing and slapping tiny, tiny Jupiter and defending the real Left principles on behalf of the people. You go man! …Well that didn’t last long. They unzipped his pants in like two weeks, thanks. Some “Left”.
“The AfD, which, as an “extremist” group, falls under the official surveillance of the German domestic intelligence agency, “
The same GDI that put foreign agents in their midst and refused to tell them? Then released it as if AfD was the threat and the failure?
“they are perfectly happy with Russian gas being delivered through the Ukrainian and Turkish pipelines.”
Yes, Europe’s purchase from Russia has now reached former highs, I hear. …Just at 3x the price, with a ton of that going to their allies India, China, Turkey.
Dr. DParticipantAsk your Doctor if “Making S–t Up” is right for you!!!
One question though: If you’re just going to “Make S–t Up” why not make up GOOD sh-t, positive s–t, everybody loves me s–t once in a while? You know, just to spice things up?
…However, I believe you see this in dementia patients and schizophrenics — there are very few good, love-is-everywhere schizophrenics. And why not? It would be logical, so there must be a reason.
Dr. DParticipantI Missed this. Krainer.
So today in the news I was told not to pat myself on the back too hard for being an idiot, Was told I support Israel when every day I write I don’t and why, and why I love and support Covid and the Vaccine when I was the only one here for months slowly dragging the dial on it.
Yup, must be Thursday.
Dr. DParticipantDr. Rich, but I ain’t playing. It’s not an act.
Dr. DParticipant“A Trump Victory Means”
Well that’s odd because he didn’t do any of that stuff last time. Time exists. Explain?
Again, TRUMP isn’t going to fix anything. He’s a jackass. WE are.
Leah Hoopes. “Closed investigations without talking to anyone. Then started a case against all the people who presented allegations.”
Yup, sounds about right. Every day of every year. See the problem? EVERY DA, every prosecution, every Judge, at every level, Town, County, State, Federal, ALL act like this, in collection with each other. Sooo….your plan is to fire literally everyone and have no government at all? Or no “competent” one, that knows what it’s doing, but you know what I mean. They are technically minimum competent but corrupt and evil as hell. If you know any honest lawyers ask them. Ask them about the other lawyers and state of law in their county, the odds of getting a fair trial, which aren’t zero but are 10:1 against? If the Governor calls it’s 1,000:1 against?
Yeah, for decades, lifetimes. You tell me how to un-f—k this. Maybe with morality at OUR level, not theirs?
“most of the agents at the Trump rally the day of the assassination attempt were Homeland Security”
What Assassination? Yes, they were air-dropped in that day only, all the guys who used to shoot with Crookes on the range. But I am a coincidence theorist and that is not suspicious at all.
Always glad to have amazing speakers like Vivek around, even if I don’t trust him. Just heard this with nuclear war: they said, “Oh yeah, we don’t make those decisions about updated China nuclear policy, etc, the executive council (sorry I forget) does.” What? WTF are they? They’re like the 7th floor Trump cleared out. They’re the overseers salted into the process who mostly do nothing but can ruin and overrule everyone… soooooooo….they’re Communist Party members, you know like the Soviet Union, where a representative from “The Party” was on every ship and in every base. Yes. Like that. But I am a coincidence theorist and that is not suspicious at all, it means nothing, and the similarities are all completly accidental.
THOSE GUYS, this tiny club, who used other club members to appoint and install themselves, are running things. Soooo…a Secret Cabal, then, by actual definition? Yes. And an Evil Secret Cabal, accountable to no one, by their actions. Right.
No! What? But if that were true then when Trump gave direct orders to end the war they would just ignore him! IF that were true, when Trump got into office, they would just counter, undermine, and remove him! Then use their own internal Party members of the Secret Club to defend each other and in fact pay their members inconveniences, $2 Million dollars in Federal money! Yes. They did, they did, and they did. And they’re still there, their enemies are gone. Sleep Tight!
Nordstream: Trump’s been campaigning too long now (8 years) and where he has to imply things while dumbing them down. This leads to seat-of-the-pants thinking that ends up here, so off the mark we say “WTF are you talking about?” I know I do. This is different from his former dumbed down statements, “Sad. Very sad.” I wouldn’t worry about it but it shows Trump isn’t going to save us. We are. Or else it won’t happen.
If not, why would you even deserve to be saved?
“Will they try to lock him up for a year, 6 weeks before the election?
• Tyranny Is Closer Than You Realize (Paul Craig Roberts)This is very interesting as I don’t know and neither does my attention move to it at all, I don’t care/it no longer matters. WHY it no longer matters, I don’t know. Because what “He” set in motion is far larger and moving behind him? You can never have a war where it depends on one man. That’s not a war and you’d lose. It always has to be a movement where no matter who you shoot, it just carries on.
But here we are talking about the election again. And not WWIII of NATO’s land invasion of Russia to blow up their nuclear power plant. And the subsequent LOSING there, and Lavrov specifically saying “You will pay for this.”
But today’s argument is, “I don’t like Scott Ritter. Therefore Nuclear war is impossible.” That’s it boys! We’re all saved!
Carry on with this Punch and Judy Puppet show where neither candidate will be around at voting
dayyear.Voting year? Yeah someone popped up with this: Voting is public record, they make sure, so as the day goes on, any names not voted in the book, you go get an empty ballot, walk in, pretend you’re them with no ID, and vote on their behalf to make sure they’re “Doin’ it right.” Yup! Most perfect election ever!
“Tenet Media, received nearly $10 million from employees of Russian state-backed media company, Russia Today (RT), [to] create and distribute content to U.S. audiences
Um, yeah that’s what “Media Companies” do? Red Scare! McCarthy! RussiaRussiaRussia!! What did Mueller find out the last time they tried this, where one private company bought some ads? Oh yeah, he didn’t show up in court and abandoned the case in shame and infamy. Nope! Never happened! That’s the Past so it doesn’t exist yet.
Meanwhile ACTUAL CHINESE SPIES are in Swawell’s office for years, and Feintein’s, and Hunter plays golf with the Chinese CIA head, and nothing. Riiiight. Okay which case seems more like the person involved knew about it?
“• Biden To Take ‘Law Enforcement Action’ Against RT – CNN (RT)
They’re going to take law enforcement action, but haven’t actually discovered the crime yet. Because they didn’t name it, which means they don’t know. Riiiiight. Doesn’t law enforcement usually start with a Crime, and not a person-we-don’t-like? Not any more! That’s the old tired, white male neanderthal way. We’re Progressing to the Stahrs.
“Democrats like Biden have accused Russia of interfering in the last two presidential elections. During the 2016 and 2020 campaigns,”
In that case, we need to remove the President elected in 2020 to be sure, and have a re-election with Photo IDs. Right?
Actually the real crime is being a news agency of any other country. We can’t tolerate any alternative views, nor suffer that “Other nations” actually think they are independent and exist. RT gets the press, but it was no different from the Biden administration telling all the African reporters to get to the back of the bus. For years. Stay classy!
“Harris-Walz: The Ticket Of COVID Tyranny (Rich)
Again, this is America. Can’t we talk about a country that actually matters? That anyone gives a s–t about?
Germany got monkey-hammered in the elections, and more convoluted French-style lockouts (That Macron my be impeached for) are the only sliver holding back the AfD. More, because of peculiar German setup – possibly invented that way, but certainly discovered and capitalized on for decades – the Green Party which was a sliver minority was RUNNING THE GOVERNMENT in effect out of this same area. Okay, so? So 1) Note that the WEF/CIA or whoever was running them as agent proxies – ‘cause they sure weren’t Green!!! — is now out of power, they don’t have that tool of useful idiots to ring-nose Germany. 2) the Obvious, the minute AfD collects themselves, they will do to Germany what the Greens did, and run it, and they’re not even an minority.
So…AfD turns the EU effectively “Republican” in translation, because they SURE aren’t “Far-Right” (they would probably be Democrats and Center-Left here, their platform is not “far” anything) the the Whole EU is then “Far Right” and their Soviet Socialist plan, of running the entire continent as an unaccountable Socialist (oligarchic) bureaucracy fails. …And their Bonds fail?
Tell me why a nation with no economy, on a Continent with no economy infinity debt, and a world war, has rates at 1% again? Where a zillion-billion dollars leant to Ukraine was just written down to 13c on the dollar? A: ‘Coz “no free markets”. We just make s—t up.
Since that’s all hinging over there, they keep the attention OFF the most important things, anyone noticing this entire continent has imploded, and literally nothing there makes sense. But Walz is a cad. News at 11. NOT that $20 TRILLION dollar is worthless and a 500 year old colonial culture has been cut off, ended, and collapsed.
How can it be? These prices and sale for their bonds, are listed right here! On this London Stock Exchange! They wouldn’t lie to me!
The scale is so large it’s like the rise of Islam, like multi-century scale in their collapse, almost I can’t pull back far enough to see it. They make the United States seem like placid, earnest accounting, and our culture seem like a Church picnic. Thus: no camera. “Never mind that man behind the curtain over there…!”
Btw, Macron cut a deal to lock out the ACTUAL most powerful Party. LePen won all, so therefore she gets no seats! Just like England! Literally in Germany they were making news stories that “Just because Sahra won the election doesn’t mean she just gets power.” Ohhhhh! Right! In a democracy it’s whoever LOSES gets power. I just made that up just now! Backsies! Anyway, Macron, AFTER shutting out the popular vote THEN double crosses the antidemocratic double-crossers and REFUSES TO SEAT THEIR LEADER. Stopping the government. Which is why they’re moving to Impeach him, and have to. Yup. Sounds like a Democracy to me! When you win, we just cancel all “Peaceful transition of power” to anyone. For any reason. It’s the new “Zelensky Plan” and there’s no greater democracy than that.
“Former US President Donald Trump will enter a not guilty plea to criminal charges in a revised indictment accusing him of attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.”
Four years later. For filing paperwork. Uh-huh. Anyway, Who? From what country? Why do I care?
“• Zelensky Vows To ‘Hold’ Occupied Russian Territory (RT)
Who is this guy? Shouldn’t we be talking to the President of Ukraine or something? I don’t care what random citizens say or think. How can this guy think he’s President? He doesn’t even have a Cabinet or nothin’.
“Moscow will eventually “deal with the Ukrainian bandits”
They’ve killed 6,000, and all the armor, as unlike the men in the Forests of Maine, Russian aerial can see them. I would love to know what’s going on on the ground with a salient, though. Yes, they’re racing up roads and planting flags for the cameras, but is that really all? If not, wtf could it possibly be? They’re dropping in fresh men from Mars using a Stargate? I got nothing, and even the facts are shifty.
Adding to that, even at 5:1, 10:1 kill ratio, RUSSIA HAS LOST 200,000 MEN. …That’s more than the U.S. lost in WWII, on a nation about the same size. You know, that we whine and cry and heroize about how we saved the whole planet? (I was the star Quarterback in High School! 1956!) …But I’m sure Russia ain’t mad or nothin’.
“• ‘Looming Threat’ From Russia Sparks ‘Major Rethink’ Of EU Defense Policy
I mean yes, but I was thinking more of their Defense CAPACITY. They have none, and still haven’t TRIED to open new factories, anywhere, 3 years in. Can ANY one tell me why? They say they’re attacking and invading Russia proper in 2030 or something, with a mandatory conscription everywhere. AND NO FACTORIES? What?
I mean, I know your plan is to kill every white person on the continent, Greta’s been clear on that, but isn’t the OTHER part of the plan to WIN something?
“Not even one value of Western civilization remains.” — PCR.
Yes they do. They live in me. And all of us. Stop thinking “THEY” are going to save you. There is no “they”. There is YOU. YOU are going to save you. So get off your butt and stop whining like Eeyore. “We already lost. Why bother??” YOU…have not even been SHOT at yet. STFU and pull that plow.
“How is protecting free speech “flying above the law?” What law is above the First Amendment?”
“We Make S—t Up!” Well, there are Laws I like, and Laws I don’t like! So obviously we do the laws I personally like. That’s it. That’s the whole Leftist way. “I Am God.” …And yes, that’s what happens when there is nothing but laws in the first place, and we selectively enforce them since 1910. WHY would anyone even think there was a theory of law? That laws are made to be followed and not broken? “Law” is the mean girls’ table in school. That’s the best example they’ve gotten this far in life…because “Adults” like PCR made it that way in the Boomer Years. So now for four generations. And you expect him to know better why?
Dr. DParticipant* Government. Of course I meant to say you could have a capitalist government. Not all governments HAVE to act in Socialist ways…as Madison said, in quotes.
However, almost all immediately do.
Beat me to it, I was just about to forward Althist on The Incel Uprising. But it’s more because he’s young and wrong about all kinds of stuff (a “Darwin” religion, really?) but he is young and new and puts the pieces together differently. If we all put the pieces together the same, we get the same picture. Then nobody’s thinking. It least when it’s new I have something to play off against.
My thought on all this, and some others, was “YES! That’s the PLAN.” THat is, he can’t for the life of him figure out why they’re dicking dangours young men all day for no reason. Like DUH, because they WANT an uprising, they NEED an uprising, the are doing everything they can possibly think of to MAKE an uprising where the Incels become the Brownshirt Hilter Youth. …And utterly failing, because we HATE THEIR GUTS so bad.
But the POINT is to attack, ruin, destroy, and make them all desperate and IDGAF WHICH side they take up arms with. ALL sides is good for me! THat’s his point of the Communist vs the Fascists in Weimar. The Center was inept and unable to solve problems. …ON PURPOSE. Because they were MAKING an explosion, a war, the are engineering and INSURING one. Duh.
But you would love the quote of the Left/Commies being an unending Death Suicide Cult. Therefore ALL actions they take — poking the right, taking the vax, lowering the energy, ending the birth rate, EVERY. THING. Is non-stop expression of Emo Gurl Suicide cutting. It’s actually true. They neither make sense, NOR EVEN CARE that they don’t make sense. Like any suicide. They’re looking for help and relief and HOPE you notice, because their expression isn’t sense, it’s murder. Suicide. And take you all with them, as misery loves company.
Was Science shut by an 8th Grade Mean Gurls? Duh yes! And yes since then of course! but really since Einstein. All his stuff turned out to be wrong and the Etherists are right. It’s jsut when the tooling and information got so good, to keep us from ANY and ALL scientific progress they had to run it into overdrive. So well, well, well, tuned by the time they took on faking all climate with all scientists at once, stopping all data, then hiding it, destroying it, and saying “What data?” Did we have a satellite in space that had weather data? No we didn’t.
This is why THEY, the elites, don’t respect us. They’ve been let in on such secrets since birth and figure we MUST be cave men moron vermin not to notice and totally deserve everything that happens. …And are they right? I mean, honestly, aren’t they right? When they say every ear CO2 AGW will cause hurricanes and 25 years in a row, they’re lower than ever, then next year they say it again anyway? And they all believe it?
Sorry, what I can I say? Probably I didn’t catch a WHOLE BUNCH of these things, ’cause all I am is a guy who can read stuff (and do other stuff good too). But at least I can see a cloud when somebody points and don’t deny it.
Speaking of, Nope, still have no idea what you’re saying at all. Can anyone else translate? Every day if necessary?
Dr. DParticipantOroboros. Exactly. I’m probably far too generous in thinking some sort of deal happened where FDR sort of had leverage on them. It’s the same the other way around. In any case, it all got locked away and there was an understanding from then on, they were allies.
I always ally with people who tried to have a Marine kill me. That’s just common sense.
JB, yes, there are a bunch of primary factors down there as to how much govt is Socialist, if at all. You could have a Christian, charitable, all-Capitalist society. We may have got 90% there a few times. But there are no pure systems on earth among men, and you could draw the same objections with “The wasn’t real Socialism which has never been tried.” And they do.
It’s enough to say Peru has oil or something, it’s 40% of revenue, and they want Exxon to pay 5% or 15% instead of 2%. …Which goes to the GOVERNMENT, but let’s actually pretend ANY amount would reach the people. Which it would. A little. At first.
Exxon set up the project on profitability of 2%. It LITERALLY may need to close at 5%, and DEFINITELY at 15%. They think because they have oil, that it grows on trees, falls out of the sky into boats, and any price is fair. …Because they never worked a day in their life. You got stuff, I want it, why are we still talking?
AND THEN, Exxon probably COULD figure out a way to pay them 5% and still get oil and everybody profits. …But is it fair to just change the terms all AFTER? AFTER they did all the work? Took all the risk? And then change it in 6 years when the next guy gets in again? So they just call the CIA and have them shoot everyone instead. For free, that goes on the taxpayer bill, so it’s corporate welfare. The CIA now fights a $100M “war” over 10 years that Exxon gets but doesn’t pay for. Direct air-drop of money to the RICHEST, straight from the POOREST taxpayers.
Hey, not like I need to make the case for you so you can argue against Capitalism, but I guess I do ’cause you won’t: how does that work? That’s evil as f–k. And are you, is anyone, holding the so-called “Capitalist” system to account when it tries this always? No they are not. They handwave and wink so it always happens.
— Enter Blank Space here, for certain posters to make their case for the ACTUAL well-deserved evils of Capitalism —
And last, is that Fascism? Yes, because Socialism and Fascism are basically identical. Just one TECHNICALLY the company is owned by the person, and in one TECHNICALLY is owned by the state, although they operate as an indistinguishable merger. And TECHNICALLY one is World-Revolution Socialism and the other is NATIONAL Socialism. Technically, although they behave identically. So technically our system of ever-creeping Socialism is Fascism. Which I say four times a week. But since they somehow hypnotized people to think they’re #Opposites, yes that makes it difficult to talk about.
Dr. DParticipant““If no named storms form across the Atlantic waters by Monday, this would mark the first time in 27 years that not a single named tropical storm has developed in the basin from Aug. 21-Sept. 2.”
NAILED IT! Months out when they predicted worst season evah!!! I said “Meh,
probably not.On what basis?They’re always wrong.” Always. They said it, it’s false.Okay, this has knock-on effects. Read a lot of comments this month, and the key takeaway is “Nobody has any facts”. That is, there are no longer consensus facts. China is an expansionary country that like an empire will collapse if stopped. …Expand to who? Where? When? They haven’t expanded an inch. Like that.
Now you COULD say, and I often do: this guy is a moron and has no idea what they’re talking about, but it’s not. They are well measured and thoughtful. They’re seeing SOMETHING. And that something is already a hazy 3rd-iteration idea we are only testing out to see if it holds. Sure, no shade. But the problem is, there are no longer even CONSENSUS facts to work off of. We … lets’ say play I dunno, Dead Milkmen or Zappa rock off a well-known body of “Normal” rock. With no Establishment, there are no rebels, see? The hierarchy is now flat. I guess with no rebels there is no Hierarchy either: this present set wants to populate the entire establishment with non-rule-following individuals, etc, then wonders why their power-structure is unable to express power and control others (it’s designated purpose). Seat of the pants, reactionary flippsters are the same as pocket-protector engineers now, e.g.
Now this makes sense as everyone has been increasingly lying all my life, or certainly since before ‘63, or maybe as far back as 1920. At some point their ceaseless lies aren’t just an “edge” in social climbing, spin, sales, but systemic and endemic, dispensing with any traffic in the Truth whatsoever. The institutions, worn as a trophy skin-suit, hold up for a long time — decades longer than they rationally should – but eventually are revealed and break, leaving no Appeal to Authority – itself a lying, antiscientific falsehood.
So WE … all grab a body of facts, a consensus reality that WE … can talk to each other and play with. Like we start the discussion HERE, not anywhere, because we can assume THEY will also accept that is a known, agreed place, and we hash out that moment’s discussion FROM that place. (Overton Window or associated) But what we have now is none, or rather in contrast, 100 Overton Windows. Paradigms.
They said when they built the Internet, they expected 5 chat rooms with 1 Million people apiece. Instead they got 5 million chat rooms with 10 people apiece.
Now in some ways this is encouraged: not covered nearly enough is YES, the Left and Derp State is censoring and erasing Conservatives or other voices (anything antiwar) but more deadly, is automatically offering different interpretations of the world, and now spread right down to actual news and FACTS which all contradict the channel and feed of the guy next to you. Nor is it simple: vax vs antivax, binary, but that a spectrum of interpretations with a score of stops in between. Many of which are non-sequitors not really part of a simple spectrum. Like Vax, vax, vax, Aliens, Vax.
I’m not sure if this has been done before, I can’t think of any corollary. I think it just leap-frogs back into quite early culture, like +100 years ago, where you’d have Poles and Italians and Indians in their subgroups, all distinct and distinct WHY? Different beliefs or emphasis that radiate down into action and location. Then you might have the Catholic Germans and the non-Catholic Germans and the Atheist Germans all as subs of that set. So now more like a Catholic German, but not a Catholic Pole. Crossover but Not crossover. While there are still isolated Indians in islands and isolated cowboys on the ranch. From Sweden.
How does the Hyper-centralization core think it’s going to deal with a “Post-truth” or non-centralized, authority=truth world?
This is really going to be the question of our world, maybe next 30 years, because it’s deep as a glacier and alters the whole field. Subtly. Like I had awareness of it, but not up to the surface of having to address it.
Okay, you leave your door: what medicine do you buy? By visiting who? What do you buy at a the grocery? See? Not only exists, in theory, it is an IMMEDIATE, daily action item, based on your differing, competing Science and Trust.
“RONALD REAGAN: “The Constitution is a document in which we the people TELL THE GOVERNMENT what it is allowed to do.”
Well that’s pleasant. Although not revolutionary, this is why people liked Reagan. He at least said, “We’re America, this is it.” There were principles. They could and did name them. Then when it had to be acted out with Tip O’Neal in Congress, they just said, “Well, this is all we can get do, this is what we can agree and compromise on.” Done. Like that’s how The Process was supposed to work, 200 years,and it could all be understood. Now it’s like, “I disagree there IS a process, and we disagree so break every rule” AS WELL AS also lying about what they’re doing, double-crossing campaign promises and selling out to Corporations. Reagan’s GOP only did the first. We’ve now added the second.
“51 days ago. This will forever be one of the most badass things a president has ever done.”
Nope, Teddy was shot THROUGH THE LUNG and finished his speech on stage, barely mentioning it. However, “What Assassination?” Surely if that had happened, there’d be even ONE report and people would be talking about it. I mean, we’d want to know where the money came from to buy America’s most expensive lawyer, right?
“Corporations are gouging families” :
Sure, except their profit margins are lower than ever and they’re going bankrupt. That seems to be the …#Opposite… of Gouging? They post numbers on this, “They made $10M and now they make $15M…” Yeah, and that’s the same profit margin PERCENTAGE, adjusted for inflation. If they made I dunno, $100k and now make $150k salary, that’s because Inflation has doubled costs. Oh wait, they only got a 50% raise on a 100% rise in expenses, that’s going BACKWARDS. …Now of course it’s offensive because the guy down on the line got a $1.50/hr raise, like 3% not 50% but all these maths are the same.
…But it works perfectly because Liberals are entirely illiterate and incapable of maths. They see, “Scary Number, Aaaaiiiii!!!” Panic!!!, and no wheels engage.
“”People are bored by Trump. They’re bored with all of the drama, they’re tired of the insults, they’re tired of the lies”
Like the empty suit cartoon above, reading comments, I see this repeated instantly. Trump is “tired”, his people are “Bored.” Huh? They don’t look it, I didn’t see that. (picks up paper to double-check) A: Some campaign wonk made this up at the top, and like the “Harris 4 Prez” signs it appears 12 hours after her installation to candidacy. 13 hours later, every Democrat is saying this is true. Why?
A: Appeal to Authority. An “Authority” said it (e.g. MSNBC) and I trust them, so it’s reflexively true. Not that that isn’t used on the Right either, of course it is, but their personality type is more rebellious and reflexively opposes, saying “Are you lying to me?” so it doesn’t travel as far.
Point is, DNC Team Kamala said this like Monday, now I read it everywhere in real-life people’s comments a day later. Buuuuuuut…. It’s not real if no one was slowly noticing over the last few months, is it? You don’t get tired one day at 12:01am on Monday, and boom, 0-100% in an hour. Time exists. (No it doesn’t! I just said!)
Anyway, why are we talking about this? Oh yeah because worldwide nuclear war has never happened before, which means it’s a scam and it can’t happen now. We can’t have a War to End All Wars now, because we’re “Modern” and interconnected and Germany is too advanced in brotherly love for that to happen ‘cause “Science”.
Carry on! NATO did NOT have a Land-Invasion in Asia. The Donbas line is not collapsing 3 towns a day, whereupon Ukraine will fall, taking all collateral with it, right on schedule. …On schedule for the Election, which was well-planned. And then the market crack a day before we vote, all well-planned.
“The Dow is 10,000 and we’re in World War Three!!! Vote Democrat!” ….And they will. Clearly.
I predicted this back years ago. So. Bored.
““There is a lot of waste and needless regulation in government that needs to go..”
They already settled this: The President has zero power, he’s not allowed to fire ANYBODY, for any reason, even for an illegal coup or direct, treasonous insubordination. Change my mind.
The third rail for the government – which is half our economy now – is that the Federales will circle the wagons against EVERY American to keep each other from getting fired. For incompetence. Even jacking off on a work computer and not cleaning the screen, SEC. Carry on, sir! We don’t mind at all out here.
Speaking of, from yesterday, yes, the “Socialist” governments of South America barely are, and taken as % of economy run by government vs corporation, they just want slightly more. Usually just a small additional % on the oil or mining resources extracted by foreigners. That’s fine, we agree that’s “Socialism” on that sliding scale. Then America goes in, interferes, shoots people, blockades, funds uprisings, embargos, cripples their economies. Dicks them over for no earthly reason, more expensive than Exxon just paying the additional 2%. And the Americans that do that should be rounded up and shot, in my opinion. What authority do they do that under? I certain they have one, dozens, in Congress (“Clear and Present Danger”, clip often forwarded here) but to me those things are an ACT OF WAR and there’s no declaration of war, nor should there be, so in the clink you go!
Oh, one other thing, besides arresting and hanging them all: That’s Not Capitalism. And if they, the Government, are interfering on behalf of United Fruit (Smedley Butler) or Exxon (Bush) then they are a FASCIST system. Also illegal and Not Capitalism. If Exxon extracts, they keep it, but if there are Country costs associated, like keeping order, the U.S. GOVERNMENT pays them as a pass-through to Exxon? Yeah, That’s not Capitalism. That’s fascism. I know.
Then we’d know if they rise or fall on their own merits. But we already know. It has a scaling problem. You can succeed with a limited, (and still only mixed) Socialism only in countries under a certain size, like Iceland, Denmark, etc. And that number is Waaaaaaay down there, like 2 Million people. Above that, it cripples and collapses. Those nations also don’t do their own defense, etc. They’re helpless to their larger structure, same as a Hippie Commune. Which also usually fail. I’m not stopping anyone from making one, go ahead! Show me how it works.
But all that is their business to fail or succeed on. Best of luck to them, none of my business. Is this not what you expected? This is standard “Conservativeism”, straight-definition. This is standard, definition, Capitalism. You ALLOW competition, from countries as well as corporations.
“• Robert Reich Calls for Arrest of Elon Musk for Resisting Censorship (Turley)
Backing up one level: Humans EXPRESS. That’s it. We are driven to expression by some internal impulse and natural order. You could say by our Creator. What Reich and 100% of everybody is doing is AGAINST the natural order. It’s like rubbing water so it won’t be wet. THAT is really what the Enlightenment – now some 300 years past, dear God – was saying. Sure, any King CAN do these Tyrannies, but DO THEY WORK? Machiavelli. This is the same as the “Mandate of Heaven” in the East. No, it doesn’t work. So ALIGN YOUR GOVERNMENT WITH WHAT WORKS, that is to say, with Physics. Or in this case, social physics. You can’t shut people up and you’ll exhaust yourself trying. So don’t. Make other plans.
But Reich here is too much of a moron and mentally ill to concede that water is wet, and his power has limits, somewhere. Good luck! We’re still talking, and you’re gibbering in a corner flapping your hands dying of old age. Physics won over denial again.
“• Brazilians to be Fined $9000 a Day for Receiving News from X (Turley)
Wow. Maybe they should use Spacelink.
“Because he thinks Trump will win.
• Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now to Confess? (Tucker)Zuck was waiting on the assassination. (What assassination?) He conceded right after.
“• Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris in 70 Days? (Victor Davis Hanson)
They reinvent her every day, so 70 more times, I would think. It’s easy when you pay no attention whatsoever to what she said yesterday, nor to any underlying principles. Why not?
“• Durov ‘Too Free’ For The West – Lavrov (RT)
Or the east, you bastard. Russia did this before France, thats why he left.
“• Mongolia Explains Why It Didn’t Arrest Putin (RT)
Because the ICC is now a completely discredited, political organization, a stooge for anyone who asks, like SWIFT. Good. Appeal to Authority was running the whole thing.
“Israel is in civil war…”
Contrary to most arguments here, the Jews are now killing the Jews. Like a dozen tmes before. Explain? Their foremost victim is…themselves?
“• Epstein Client List ‘Will Be’ Made Public – Trump (RT)
Suuuuuuure it will. ANY truth would have been our greatest win, but you declassified then released nearly nothing. GFY.
“If somebody thinks they’re a hedgehog, presumably you just give ’em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves.” –The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Dr. DParticipantPrechystivka has fallen. No one can keep up with the number of towns, even the Russian DoD is way behind reporting.
Times Radio: “We’re winning any day now! Putin’s on the ropes!”
Dr. DParticipant“Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’
Riiiiiiiiiiight. And what is this “United States” without a Constitution? It sure ain’t a border!
1,000 Days of lying and war 1963. Yes, and the whole CIA was lying to the President with every meeting…in an attempt to CAUSE a nuclear war…at a time that he/we didn’t fully realize that every Federal agency always did that.
Fast forward to 2018: Lying to Trump with every Agency meeting, generals refusing to leave the 3 NEW wars, in direct insubordination and/or Treason. (These wars are not declared) Except in our time everyone expects it and no one is surprised. …Just what to DO about it.
““How can Kamala possibly take the oath of office and promise to uphold the Constitution?”
Keep making it more obvious, people keep not getting it. So then they have to make it more obvious. At some point they say, “Heyyyyyyy!” That day is not today.
But Kamala just believes what everyone believes, including the People: the Constitution is a deal and law of the PEOPLE. Nooooooo, it’s a contract and a limit on Government. The Constitution did not create anything nor can it erase it. Your Rights exist BEFORE the constitution from “Your Creator” and this paper just indicates that Government recognizes and respects that.
BTW, the Contract is also an “Or else what?” Contract. Or Else What if the government breaks it? You and whose army? OR ELSE WE GO UP, SHOOT THE GOVERNMENT, AND REPLACE IT BY FORCE. Also clearly delineated, but not in that one, in its co-document, the Declaration of Independence. OBVIOUSLY no one wants that. So don’t make us, this is very easy to understand.
So several problems, the root twist is the one most people believe: the Bill of Rights is a Law on YOU. It can be suspended, changed, etc. Yes, that is a problem. This is like the Bible where the people were free under a more tribal deal and said, “All the other kids have a King, we want a King tooooooo!!! Daddy can we have one??” And God then said, “If you have a king, they’ll tax you, bankrupt you,
F#$%steal your daughters, and kill you all in war.” and the People said, “Shut up and take my money!” Sold. Aaaaaaaand that was the end of that story until about 33A.D.“the dean of the law school at the University of California, Berkeley, called for a new constitution, claiming that failing to make changes would cause the U.S. to “drift toward authoritarianism.”
If we don’t erase all Human Rights (1-10A) we’ll end up harming all human rights! But this whole paragraph is worth reading again.
“the United States is the Constitution. Chemerinsky’s call for a new constitution is a call for the overthrow of the United States. Will he be arrested”?
Actually that’s true. And acting on that is arguably a crime. It’s become so common as to no longer merit attention, soooo, is that dangerous? Where people start shooting each other? Well that’s The Plan anyway. Russian Rev 2.0.
““In 2020, the election came down to about 40,000 votes across the battleground states”
That’s odd because there were some 2 MIIIIIILLLLLLION more votes than voters. That’s not 40k nor razor-thin. “We Make S—t Up!” “Every day in every way, we lie more and more…”
Meanwhile, back in the real world, a place that’s actually important and relevant, Vuledahr has probably fallen, Karlivka, Selydove, Ukraine is being mopped up in Kursk as the Army calls home on Twitter for escape — their desperate pleas posted online — and Russia closes in on the key transit hub for Donestsk. Wars of attrition are also like this. Because “In a Land War in Asia” you don’t fight for territory, at some point the men are gone, the line collapses and the whole place is yours.
That time is now. Russia now has to figure out what THEY want to do, giving NO concession or curiosity about the West. THEY now decide what could or should happen all the way to the Polish border. This is quite surprising to them (and me too) but there it is. It’s impossible to be otherwise, as there it no one to negotiate with IN or OUT of Kiev. They can’t negotiate a treaty even if they wanted to. And it’s not like there aren’t serious, intractable problems over on Lviv side, of eternal Russian hatred. But the West has no hand, no interest, and no ability over there, so whatever Russia wants, happens.
So they are deciding, is it time to call referendums in the next few oblasts? Have the last ones been digested yet? Is that even the way to do it? And what to do with the upcoming government-in-exile, in Toronto, hotbed of world violence? The West will never let it go until the West falls, so they will pump petty money in there til the sun burns out.
Turkey seems to have pivoted toward a nation that is relevant and matters, unlike us, and is applying for BRIICS, and therefore taking an actual action toward giving up on Europe entirely. And thus the United States. I guess Europe shouldn’t have screwed them raw for 30 years and laughed, eh. The darkies are never worthy of any attention, says Borrell, their purpose in life is to work as unpaid slaves for the “Garden People.” Bye bye Turkey. And that is the most pivotal place in Europe, which Turkey says all the time but no one realizes.
Hey, um, Russia completely free to transit to the ocean? EVERY. ONE. Of your expensive pipelines from UAE and ISRAEL that you leveled all Syria over? Yeah, forget Syria, that’s not even a choke point. TURKEY is the real choke point. Bye Bye all POSSIBLE gas for ALL Europe. Have a nice winter!
Oh and Turkey – having the EU’s largest army – can flip the tables and lock out ROMANIA and all Europe in shipping the way NATO wanted Turkey to do to Russia. So hey, Romania? Who cares? All the rivers that run east to the Black sea are all the production of Eastern Europe. Yeah, that starts in SWITZERLAND, Germany, over Italy, and takes up 20 countries? Yeah, locked out, bye. All the banking on those flows, shut off, bye.
But Kamala said sumthin’.
““California is one of 15 states that doesn’t ask for photo ID at the ballot box..”
At what point does this become election interference?”Supreme court already heard from competing states who claimed their rights were overturned because other states are illegal Federal Elections. They said they didn’t care. Hey, um, just reaching back into 6th grade here: isn’t the Constitution supposed to ONLY deal with inter-state issues such as this, since generally the states are independent and sovereign? So ruling on stuff like this is almost the ONLY purpose of government outside the Post Office? Yeaaaahhhh.
““..all we guarantee is that eventually there will be a warfighting scenario where the U.S. will end up using nuclear weapons. And then we all die.”
That isn’t exactly true, but he should still say it. Because like ZERO people are rating any danger at all. Danger 100% = 0%. That’s what happens when words have no meaning and everything and it’s #Opposite are the same.
It’s entirely possible to either tactical nuke an area and not go global, or have that happen, then proceed for years, then increase slowly THEN have it go global. Or of course go global overnight. But that’s #Reality and Americans – Westerners – don’t have any of that, not an ounce, in their heads. They are strictly and measurably delusional, insane.
Well, I say the obvious thing to do here is attack Scott Ritter and have that nuclear war. That’s only logical. (Passes the speaking feather to the good Doctor…)
Who is Mersheimer talking to? Who is the Spectator? This guy looks like he has no idea what he’s talking about and have never heard of “Russia” “Weapons” or the “Cold War” before.
“ The Spectator was first published in July 1828,[2] making it the oldest surviving magazine in the world.[3] The Spectator is politically conservative, and its principal subject areas are politics and culture.”
Did they skin-suit this place like they did “The Atlantic”? (Melville and Emerson) Probably. It exists, so Europe prints money (Euro-dollars) from thin air and buys them and ruins it.
“• 50 Countries United Against Russia Under ‘Nazi Banners’ – Lavrov (RT)
But that ain’t a World War or nothin’. And in the modern time, a world war don’t risk nuclear death or nothin’. …No one’s going to reach London and NY! Don’t you know they have to get in their longboats and row over here? That’ll take months! What’s that? They can level NY and London in 30 minutes? Well shoot, when did THAT happen? Oh 80 years ago? Now Why didn’t anyone tell me???
“ In fear of her torment, they will stand at a distance and cry out: “Woe, woe to the great city, the mighty city of Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.” 11 And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, because there is no one left to buy their cargo—and human beings sold as slaves.
…They will say, ‘The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your luxury and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.’ When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, ‘Was there ever a city like this great city?’
They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: “’Woe! Woe to you, great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’Then the kings of the earth who committed sexual immorality and lived in luxury with her will weep and wail at the sight of the smoke rising from the fire that consumes her.”
In a single hour, that city of trade ceases to exist. …And the rest of the planet cheers and says, “Praise to
AllahGod” No? ““Rejoice over her, you heavens! Rejoice, you people of God! Rejoice, apostles and prophets! For God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you.” Rev 18:20“ Nor will any craftsmen of any trade be found in you again, nor the sound of a millstone be heard in you again.
23The light of a lamp will never shine in you again, For your merchants were the great ones of the earth,
because all the nations were deceived by yoursorceryPharmakeia.” That is, world-wide drug pushing, CIA cartels.“attacks within Russia, beginning with Kursk, will be designated as the “main offensive line” from the perspective of Ukraine and the West.”
Yup, what I said, they are delusional and literally definitionally insane. I mean, that ITSELF is insane, but we could even understand it IF THEY HAD AN ARMY. But they don’t, not one of them. Even if they fielded all men in all Europe – an impossibility – they STILL would have enough bombs for one week. And then use sticks and stones?
They. Are. Insane. And I feel like I’m insane that no one can see that.
“HRW, which has received over $100 million from Soros’ Open Society Foundations, issued a statement on its website warning Mongolia against allowing Putin to enter the country.”
Couldn’t be better. Never stop talking, we want to see who you are, and also who has the power.
“Seizing the foreign head of state’s plane is unheard-of for criminal matters.”
Everyone can know who you are and if they want to do business with you. Let’s see….if I trade two paperclips with NY, they’ll steal my plane….but if I trade $100 million in paperclips with China, no problem! Hmmm, decisions, decisions…
For in a single hour your judgment has come.”And speaking of, after 100 years of rigging the same s—t, until once-glorious Argentina was a complete hole…on purpose, like they did to the Riviera on the Mediterranean, Lebanon… Lo! A miracle Happened! And Argentina suddenly goes Ayn Rand! Overnight!
…And a month later all Argentina’s gold is in London, never to be seen again. Hey, this didn’t have nothin’ to do with you Limeys going totally bankrupt a week later, Aug 1, did it? Naaaaaaaaaaahhh… Bye bye gold. Never trust Wall Street.
“• RFK Jr: “A Reckoning” For “Immoral, Homicidal” COVID Criminality Needed (MN)
Agreed. Fauci (Winner of the “I got Covid 20 times” Award) SAID TO CONGRESS that there was literally no reason for the 6 foot rule, he didn’t know who made it up, and also didn’t care. It was totally Not-Science, so he supported it entirely.
“he is suing Media Matters, the left-wing outlet founded by David Brock, whom Time described as “one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party.”
Isn’t that the Brock that is a well known and convicted pedophile? Might want to open with that. Coincidence, I’m sure.
Dr. DParticipantDidn’t see a Washington. Did see a Vesica Pisces though, a magical (occult) symbol.
Dr. DParticipant“The dangerous rise of men who won’t date woke women.” –Refinery29
Woke women won’t even date Woke women. Refinery29 was NYC, sold to Vice, and went bankrupt with them, with now Australia branch closing for lack of readership. (Or watch Woke movies. Or woke sports.)
Hudson, that is a wonderful article, and a wonderful line of study, and even redeems Harvard no less. We also have a debt jubilee. It’s called “Bankruptcy” and you or anyone can take it any time. …Unless Hillary Clinton gets involved, the I guess the US Constitution is suspended (it’s in there).
So there are many ways to do it, as he shows, and doing it year-round may be equivalent to doing it every 49 years.
He then follows “Socialists” where Harvard was what? No pay? Well…those early institutions had all kinds of arrangements, yes quite often a consortium from back home. A “Scholarship” was merely charity of some person or organization, which they called “Socialism” which is mean to be “Communitarianism” that is, the Community coming together for itself in infinite forms. What does that mean? Well, generally Harvard Scholarship fund doesn’t use the endowment to hire all of Blackwater and kill all competitors, take their money, and set up an extortion racket. …But government does. There is a difference in being “Socialist” even for John Astor and JP Morgan compared to Abraham Lincoln, who can order 1/10th the population shot.
If they want to be community minded, well of course they should. That’s VOLUNTARY. And he’s so right, the past is very, very different, but it seems sensible to me, so I take it for granted that’s obvious, but in fact, there are SO MANY small items that are only slightly different, I couldn’t tell you how I keep track of them all, or how anyone could. It just seems obvious as all the ingredients in a cake, or all the names at a wedding. I don’t even have any way to communicate them all to you, which is why a thousand people write 400 page books each.
“admitted the FDA’s war against ivermectin was an abuse of governmental authority”
Oh good, that’s a Civil Rights Violation at $1M per instance.
Dr. DParticipant(H2 x 10E) + P25 = V
Hitler squared x 10 Evangelicals + Project 25 = Vance.
They’d say Vance-Hitler but they’ve run out of Hitlers, and don’t want to use Uncle Stalin, as he’s their goal, not their enemy.
Dr. DParticipantI guess what I’m saying about Russia is, I don’t like that we’re headed for a nuclear war but somebody I can’t see is preventing it using actions and powers I can’t see. It’s like the sword of Damocles, but I can’t see what hand is stopping it? No, obviously no one likes that.
And on the other hand, Armstrong says these guys are probably going to church and lighting candles, praying to God for war.
RFK on the circuit, it’s good. He’s a much better speaker, he sounds like a human, says obvious, Statesmanlike things. I think this is, planned or not, a synergy. Trump HAS to talk at a 6th grade level, although quite clearly he’s capable of NY Lawyer speak. That’s the electorate, or the part he chose to take. Everyone says that, as in “America will one day meet her heart’s desire and elect a complete moron.” H L Menchin, like 100 years ago. Clearly the Democrats speak as if to complete gibbering morons on the Left, why is this any different? But he can’t then just start talking like a Fag n’ stuff from Idiocracy. He’d lose the base if he does one, yet is capped to who he can reach with the other.
Enter RFK who can talk that next level up, which-ain’t-exactly-genius-level-either, Sunshine! But that reaches the tiny minority of rational people who traffic in ideas and facts and solutions. In an American, calm, practical way. Then as it’s RFK, and neither Trump nor Vance, they don’t HAVE to then do it all, as a campaign promise. Yet it’s said.
That will matter as although sure they may WANT to get all American ended from being deathly ill and poisoned, they may not be able to take that on overnight, and need to pick the battles one by one, in order, to remove them, just as they were added one by one over decades. Each decision, like Dobbs, then has secondary consequences that can be capitalized on for evil. They can’t just jump in and break everything, or the White Hats become just more revolutionaries, burning it down.
Tulsi is grabbing a different level and a different circuit. I don’t know what Demo, and maybe she’s still creating one, but it’s a different, third audience. Vance probably has a 4th, the “Forgotten America” group, CLEARLY from what I’m reading, the minions have been STRONGLY informed that Vance is Hitler squared, times 10 evangelicals, although he’s a Yale guy who isn’t religious and has a Left Coast, Indian Wife. …Just like Orange Hitler has a Jewish family and immigrant wife, black cabinet, and no one notices.
So who cares what’s real when you have a Vance to hate? “Hate: It. Feels. So. GOOD!!!”™ Try Hate today and see if it’s right for you.™
Kamala: “I’m Speaking”.
Interesting. Shows the origin of her action. Any normal person would just, SAY SOMETHING, because they actually ARE speaking. The THING is what’s important, the word, idea, etc. Look at how much time doing this wastes, for her and for us. You can’t get anything done like this because you’re in meetings all day and if 15% of them are spend doing this, 15% less gets done. Most of the time she’s doing this, Pence is doing nothing, perfectly quiet. She can speak all she wants, sure HE wasn’t stopping her, so who was?
So what IS she doing, if neither trafficking in words, ideas, nor solutions? A: Ego. That’s it. Her EGO was mildly annoyed, so EVERYTHING has to stop, with EVERY body, EVERY time. All day long. To boost it and chase it or something I dunno. F—k off! Ain’t nobody got time for that, even if they wanted, which we don’t, and even if it worked, which it doesn’t. And then she has to work with OTHER egos, like Pence, another politician, who ALSO are badly behaved. So then we know for a fact she can’t work with anyone else, NOR get anything done, NOR does she care at all.
Look at her record: Oh yeah! I’m totally right! She can’t get anything done, and everyone hates her guts, even her own party and staff. Now normally that might be good as it prevents the government from doing literally anything, but just at the moment the country is collapsing and for a change I actually NEED someone doing something. And knowing what that “something” is.
“Macron has been using Telegram extensively with his teams for a long time, and that he feared ‘leaks’…
Ah, now THAT makes sense. Finally. Tiny, tiny Jupiter invites Durov for dinner, picks him up. Because MACRON is on for IMPEACHMENT, then Prison. And WHERE are the texts that will put him there, be hung in the streets, with all France cheering forever? In Telegram. Like a moron.
WHO is the only person that can erase them? Well, he’s sitting right there in France now, isn’t he? Going into the evidence locker, burning the evidence.
Okay, WHO is Macron sh——g his pants over? Well not normal politics, nah. Not the Roths, he’s dey boi! He does gay sex for them all the time bc he doesn’t even have to get on his knees! Very convenient. So … somebody else?
“..Paris could use the same grounds to arrest the CEOs of Renault or Citroën, as terrorists use cars.”
And I expect they will if they haven’t already. They literally did that here to every gun company, years ago back before things even got spicy at all.
Owning this will also give tiny, tiny Jupiter leverage and allies. But I expect like almost everything he touches, it’ll fail and laughably. No completely mind you, he’s still leader, but with national embarrassment at how dismal a player he is.
Telegram: not talked about: They can and are making a Telegram encrypted on blockchain. That is, NO ONE runs it. It starts and runs itself. As blockchain, cannot either be blocked as there are no servers, it’s distributed. Waiting.
“West Brands All Inconvenient Facts As ‘Kremlin Propaganda’ – Putin (RT)
Yeah, boy Russia sure is busy! They are doing ALL things, in ALL nations, and ALL elections, worldwide, and boy are my arms tired! They have no time to even run Russia itself! And now the place is falling apart! All you see on Russian TV is “What is the West doing?” “Which election should we topple next?” blah blah blah.
Oh wait: the OPPOSITE of that. Russia doesn’t even mention the West, not even the war.
But narcissistic sociopaths like us can not understand or believe that. We are obviously the center of the universe and everyone has to and must be thinking of us always too. There’s no other explanation.
“• Walzin Out a Fake War Hero (Spears)
More election. Democrats who declared martial law, locked up everybody at the point of a gun, had forced medical experiments done on them WHILE letting the whole state burn might be bad? Who knew? But he said some things n’ stuff. That’s Bad M’kay.
A politician! He lied! Right there!!! (points while crowd keeps walking.)
““We wanted a leader. That explains why you and Joe didn’t get a call.” Ouch.
“I have had the privilege of visiting Arlington National Cemetery several times,” said Harris. “It is not a place for politics.”
…Which is why I’m making politics out of it. Like her EGO, above, there’s a way to do this cleverly, to bring-it-up-but-not-bring-it up, aw shucks, why you the press making me comment on this…? This is just being political. End. While saying it’s not political, end, which is ALSO LYING. Right to my face. End.
Why are they doing this army, rah-rah thing? For that matter, if they are running Biden, then own the Harris campaign staffers to right from their thousands of pedo-nights off Epstein’s server trove Trump had access to, then why’d they choose Walz to smash – an easy target – and not PA Shapiro to smash instead?
A: They need the loyalty of the Army well-locked, as we collapse 48 hours after Britain and Europe does. This is doing that wonderfully, thanks, Cackles.
“everything the Democrats have done leading up to this election has been inauthentic, phony, and panic-stricken”
Reading agreement on this from all over. No one can figure out what they’re doing or why they suck so bad. Like Zero normal, political ideas coming through. If I’m right and they’re being run hands-off by the White Hats, then this makes sense. It’s not that there aren’t party faithful, but before a level or two run into someone they have compriomat on, and boom, stops.
Now WHYYYYY, is that? Because What If the White Hats just said, “We got this. We’re cleaning this up and fixing it, don’t shoot.”? YOU’D ALL SIT ON THE COUCH AND JERK OFF. Both sides. And not as a criticism, but like, LITERALLY why would you? If you do anything, you could get arrested for EXISTING in 10 miles of D.C. or Chicago on a certain day, while the FBI plants pipe bombs openly on camera. F- no, I’m not getting involved!
…Aaaaaaaand then? And then the U.S. remains a nation of shiftless simps who won’t lift a finger, have no discernment, no activity, no initiative, no defense. No passion fro their rights, Daddy will save me. A minute later, the capture flips, the U.S. is rolled again because we’re a nation of passive weaklings.
YOU need to think and believe YOU did it. YOU took action, got involved. YOU won your country back. With hard work and sacrifice. “We won! We Won!” — Hamilton, Yorktown. That We the PEOPLE fought this battle and WE THE PEOPLE own this country and we’re not just handing it back to you a minute from now. And that’s so important, if a handful take a few years in prison, or someone gets shot, oh well! Still the cheapest, lowest-death war ever. (Actually this was true of the 1st American Revolution as well. Masons and others set up a back-end winning, financing of it, running interference so Britain couldn’t focus on them. …And then the Founding Fathers double crossed them and got off the leash. But the leash then was slightly different bc no one had run this “Color Revolution” scam before. The goal was to win AT ALL, and not to win to hand it to Masons, Bankers, or families. Yet. Revolution Beta 0.50)
That’s my take on it, and why Mr. 17 was put on 7 years ago, to essentially hint and say so to the base who WOULD shoot: “Give us a minute here. Don’t shoot unless you have to. We, someone up top, DOES know what’s going on. We have a Plan.”
Or can you explain the sudden, inexplicable loss of talent and order, EVEN WHILE they own EVERY institution top-to-bottom, every media, every police, every D.A., and … this? C’mon. Rly? These are the SAME PEOPLE who had a real TALENT for oppression, murder, and fascism, complete control just a year or two ago. But now these SAME PEOPLE can’t get Joe Biden ice cream without breaking? Uh, no.
Ask yourself why. That’s not rhetorical.
…That doesn’t mean there won’t be a Civil War, or we’ll get out of this. But you can see, they abused and mentally engineered the population for THIS WINDOW, this Cult, this ONE TIME. If you can’t use that window, it starts to come apart and fly away like herding cats. Millennials are no longer one abused, raped block, easy to steer. Some are pissed about work, some about school, some about trying to homestead tiny houses. That’s your death squad, your cultural revolution, and they’re all retired, clocking out one by one. The tiny few K-Pop engineers with the keys to this magic trick can’t just make another generation of death-murder. Murder Hornets! They’ve never TRIED to back up one Mao cultural purging with another generation right behind it and there’s no talent on the fly to get this done because they’re inbred drooling morons. Gen Z is clearly NOT going to take up the Woke Cultural Revolution, Burn-it-All mantle for black rights when all their friends are half-black. And they are too. WTF would they be burning FOR or AGAINST when it’s just US, who are white and black both? Should I burn my right hand or my left hand?
So now that’s gone over the hill – literally – they can’t HAVE a 2nd American revolution of Hamilton shooting red policemen in the face. Doesn’t matter WHAT you do, it won’t be that. So OUR Social Engineers, with far less power, outsmarted and outplayed them. Their process requires A WINDOW, and all you need to do to win in f—k up their TIME. Like EASTERN fighting, what Russia and China just monkey-hammered Europe on for the exact same thing. Duuuuuuh. Which is why they were so apoplectic about Trump. At that TIME, already a few years on the late side, Cheeto just SAT on the Revolution 2.0, Letting NO Revolution happen, until the window just…closed.
Too bad, so sad!
DEI and Twitter:
Kamala sounds completely sensible here. That’s far worse because it’s overwhelmingly evil as f—k, and is installing the Dolores Umbrige of the Potamic. Boy I’d sure love her as my Mom and my boss, calling all the time, stomping on my face, forever!
“• Protests Sweep Israel After Hostage Deaths (RT)
the hostages were “deliberately” killed by the IDF.Yes, these are the people that Israel set up and targeted, knowing Hamas was attacking and they were ordered to stand down so Nutsy could avoid jail…ironically only by committing more murders each hour. So they can’t come home 1) they would talk and 2) the war would end and Nutsy would be hung. That’s all you need to know.
….That, and that Nutsy will kill us all too, for his ego. But they all would. No secret there.
Dr. DParticipantI’m sorry, I read every word you say very carefully, and I still have no idea what you’re saying. Almost never.
Lira was picked up in Ukraine, but as a journalist and American citizen, it would make an international incident with the country paying their bills. They didn’t want to bite that without permission. He also wasn’t just hangin’ out, rebranding himself, he was f’ing trapped there, in national house arrest, since he was there to see his wife, who escaped, but they were holding his court case in limbo. I suspect he thought 1) he was bored, can’t work, and 2) if he made a mild pest of himself they’d say GTFO. That did not work.
In contrast, Ritter is an American, a veteran, arrested (or not) in America. America is not Ukraine, much as I make fun that it is. It still remains that just as the don’t’ summarily execute American journalists in Ukraine, the also don’t execute them here either, especially ones who are on the circuit with Judge Napalatano who can make trouble for them from many fronts. Besides, this is a warning, like Lira, and he is on notice, like Lira, so when he is executed, like Lira, by the same people, like Lira, will you be surprised?
I can only guess you are against all people who are against war.
Dr. DParticipantFine, but Hudson is right in the trap there. Clearly he’s never been a landlord. At the bottom level, there’s hardly a job that sucks more. No one can DEFINE earned and unearned income. Propellerhead wonks who never worked a day and are consumed with jealousy just make it up.
Okay, Bitcoin: ultimate ponzi, ultimate in not working. Anyone in that market? 90% drops. Goes nowhere 3 years at a pop. Just as it rises and you’re ready to profit, it drops instead. So if you were in it – or rather made any attempt to actively follow it – you’d go gray, lose all your hair, then have a stroke. Oh but that’s the EASY money! Money you lock up capital for 3-5 years for while you eat ramen. ‘Cause “easy” money is just walkin’ around on the hoof, falling out of trees. Well, let me air-drop you into the Ford or Walton family, YOU can run the business, and tell me if it take up any of your time, attention, and stress much. A nice powerboat is barely a compensation for it ’cause you can’t use it when you’re working in crisis all the time.
Meanwhile the UAW worker, he owns a 401k he can’t touch. Has no idea what’s in it, mostly index funds. At retirement, having done NO WORK AT ALL, he retires with 6-figures. Damn rentiers! How dare they? Don’t they know they could feed the poors? Why doesn’t this Proletariat Worker Unite? Lupins come to mind.
And the actual rent of actual landlords? You ever try to price a roof of a 10-unit townhouse? After prices quadruple in four years and no one will show up to work? When the State will close the place (but still collect taxes) if so much as one drop of water falls in the attic? And then you’ll lose $10,000 a month in rent? So this landlord then socks up $5M in “cash” and is “rich” knowing it’ll be $1.2M per roof, and he might have five of them. Ah!!!! But you’re not there on THAT day — on THAT day you’re nowhere to be found. You just count MY money all the days before and after that day, calling me rich, and deciding how much to steal.
Now you know I’m against the rentier class, I pick on them nearly every day. But you’re not going to have a theory – and certainly not one that runs the world and requires hard action, daily, like tax policy – unless you can define SOMETHING, and something, really, really clearly.
“Don’t do it man. Make that b—ch chill!”
ALL ownership is work, it’s jsut a matter of “how much”? And how much, who knows? Enron was supposed to be a utility and Russian bonds were sovereign — risk and work-free. So What you really have is the compensation is not quite accurate. And how do you make that “Accurate” again, propellerhead? Some third party official in the Soviet economist office knows exactly what every hairdresser, and bottle washer should make per hour in all 5 times zones, to the penny. Right? That’s the same as “Price vs Value”. Prove it. Define it. Cisco was a great value and was not only going up but having massive sales income and throwing off dividends. …Until one week later, it wasn’t. Soooo….where’s your “Value”? Price we know, it’s listed. (mostly) But its actual “value”? No one knows. Marvel was bankrupt, the rights split three ways, unable to function, took a failed, doomed actor and a character from a former flop — not even able to re-cast the actor — and made a low budget (modest budget) movie. A year later they were worth a billion dollars and sold to Disney. Tesla was bankrupt, that’s why Musk bought it. He bought it, changes nothing, none of the inventions or designs are his, only capitalizations. Sooooo…if there’s a known, root “value” that propellerheads can objectively point at, say are real, and arrest people for (Trump, NY) then how come not only their “Value” but their price can change overnight? This isn’t even like “A drug patent was in the pipeline, everybody knew, but had to clear.” This is literally “I invented something, I said something, I changed something.” Bust to boom, in days, weeks, a year.
Conclusion: No one has the faintest idea what “Unearned income” is, and no one has the slightest idea what “fair market value” is. That’s not saying the market PRICE is accurate – I pick on that all the time, and the open, illegal price rigging – but I’m saying, in theory, there is no theory, no one has any idea.
So toss all your fancy theories in the lake. They suck and never work. When you install them, everybody dies. Don’t make me use force to stop you.
Dr. DParticipantPic: What was that about how Ritter is a CIA plant, up to no good because the FBI wasn’t up his -ss yet? And also Gonzalo Lira, clearly a plant and an agent. Killing him while he was issuing all this corporate disinformation was just them being ultra-tricky. “Ha! Bet you didn’t think we’d kill our own agent and stop all the use and flows of…oh shoot!!”
Sometimes a spade is just a spade and not an ultra-clever 3D chess plant. We’ll next know Tulsi is a CIA agent when the CIA shoots her.
What else does that pic say? A: the West is against all Human Rights. Even as far as New Zealand.
“This will probably be the last election in the United States, for we will most likely split into three regional governments. We will deal with that at the upcoming WEC.” — Armstrong https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/can-the-dollar-survive-a-civil-war/
Question is, how? As I say, the States are legally preeminent. Or if not top, they are supposed to be the major actors and can ally with each other on common interests. That could cause regionalism. But of course if done another way, it would indeed be a straight breakup. If I know anything about America, it will be in the middle, unclear and messy and go on a long time.
That is to say, we won’t even know if we’re in a Civil War or Breakup for years, until hindsight. Will the upcoming attacks by migrants (foreign agents salted into migrants) unite us? It’s a low-cost low-death way to do it, even if there are some deaths. Is allowing some deaths to save the whole country a fair trade?
“So why go to war? Start a forever war. While betting that Russia won’t nuke the US.”
I mean, yes, that’s what is the forward path, but WHY is really they are bankrupt and need to default. That has been known, they made several plans and dates for it, but didn’t happen. Because the domino set-up didn’t allow a grab of “The Great Taking.” (Followed by a boot stamping on the face of mankind forever). So bankruptcy isn’t just “out there” like death, some random day. It moves mathematically, with actual certainty. And that day was August 1st. (Just as it was in August 2019? Before “Then a miracle happened” and
PowellYellen printed $23 Trillion?)Once you know the driver is financial, bankruptcy, mere bonds, you can address it easily. Bankruptcy exists. We know how to do it. We’ve done it before. THEY may not think so, but WE do. Europe is NOT worse off in a general restructuring bankruptcy than a nuclear war. Only the leaders would be. So that’s just a whole other reason that it’s entirely good! Win-Win!
“Ukraine has already “lost the war,” he adds, and nothing that Kiev might do to try and “tip the scales” in its favor is going to change that.”
And if so that means UK is already bankrupt and their kingdom will collapse, taking the King with it. Thus you see the royal family all over, scattered, hidden. Pure coincidence.
“• Lavrov Warns
Russia-UkraineBritish Talks Will Get Harder With Time (Sp.)“Both Ukraine and Israel are trying to spark major regional wars to solve their own problems at the expense of others, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.”
Exactly. And what doe that mean? The problems aren’t “Real”. They’re all made up, perfectly solvable.
Again, interview this week with a Scot and and an Australian, (Alisdair MacCleod) “The Election” means, the US election. “Interest Rates” means AMERICAN interest rates. I guess no one else exists now? And they wonder how the U.S. remains an empire? YOU cause that. With your unwavering loyalty of focus on us, a 3rd rate nation. Anyway, they laughed a storm at Trump (who, not living here, know all about, ‘natch) and how it is ludicrous our problems could be solved. https://youtu.be/3urrSiIARN0?t=526
“Trump says there will be economic growth, but where is the money going to come from??? Hahahaha!” Right. Spoken like Keynesian Socialists all three of them, and all three gold guys. This is what JB is saying about going to war with them, with not using their Marxist vocabulary, and then all the conclusions that come after are both false, and kill everyone. Their premise– though not openly stated – is that all money and wealth come from the GOVERNMENT. With printing. WHERE does the “Money” come from? WEALTH IS NOT MONEY, dum-dums. Trump said he would create an ECONOMY, not money. ECONOMIES come from WORK. Trump is saying he’s going to stop shelling American corporations with every government agency, take his foot off the brake, and let Americans WORK. WE do the work, idiots, WE are the money. No one does that FOR us.
“Where does the money come from?” This is exactly the root problem, they think economies appear and disappear, rise and fall on Money and not on getting up in the morning and DOING things, like mining gold. With trucks. And pots of coffee.
So what would happen that they laugh at for about 5 minutes here? What Trump is saying is what they both dismiss out of hand: he will slash government spending like no one has ever seen – but he needs a crisis and and mandate from US to do that. They’re creating that now, with Biden. What Trump is NOT saying is that the US$ has to fall 30% to equalize our cost-of-labor and world competitiveness. We know he MEANS that, because that’s what “Tariffs” are, and the tax form you use under that system. We know it works since Harding – which he specifically referred to – did it at America’s peak. The Tariffs “only raise prices”. No dum-dums, ONLY IF YOU’RE IMPORTING. So it’s unthinkable to them that not only OUR nation – still a manufacturing powerhouse – can produce things, but that ANY nation can produce things. Back to “Where will we get the money?” We MAKE IT UP. All economies, always have, always. You want to re-start a copper mine in moth balls. You PROMISE to pay the suppliers. That’s it. That PROMISE is your “Money”. They send you truck parts on that PROMISE. No Fed, no Congress, no Treasury involved. If they take your PROMISE because they also believe that this copper will be used, then they extend you net 90. (days) Or whatever.
When the same principle is used at higher levels, this is called “The American System”, as per Hamilton. But Greenbacks were the same. They CUT OUT BANKING. That’s why they work well and Presidents are shot over it every 60 years. 2024, okay, one year off, sue me.
Breathtaking the level of I don’t know, brainwashing, a-cult-uration here. These guys WORK IN MINING and gold. No idea what “Work” is, or money.
From that, Krainer who just won the internet of the year award with his story on UK Bankruptcy in Ukraine, Nobel Prize, ticker tape parade as far as I’m concerned, then in an interview also bashing Mises Conservatives as illiterate morons. It goes like this:
“Well these Mises types are completely uneducated and don’t have a leg to stand on. Everyone knows that when you’re in a pure, classic capitalist system, with a central bank, the government is going to print up money to infinity. Therefore, the only question is, will they give it to Corporations, or will they give it to the People, like the Socialists do. I would think even the most hard-nosed Capitalists would want the government to print money and hand it to the People, so that they can go out to restaurants and movies and stuff. It only shows how cruel, greedy, and illiterate they are that they they claim otherwise.”
Oh my GOD, and these are the SMART people? For the love of God, you get on TV and claim you’ve read all the Mises hard-money capitalists and heard all their arguments, when clearly you’ve never read or heard even ONE?
THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING MONEY FOR THE PEOPLE IS SOCIALISM, they would say.That’s exactly the POINT. That THE MINUTE, the second, you add either of these, Capitalism stops and perhaps is even doomed, since the very next second it will need MOAR, until you have a 100% system (as JB says). They say this about every paragraph in every chapter of every book every one of them writes.
Read all the books = Read zero of the books. Then goes on radio and isn’t corrected.
Well, this is what I say about taking allies for what they’re good for, but Luongo should probably interject somewhere and get the ball started with him. More, KRAINER IS A TRADER, a Capitalist, a parasite class, and HE thinks this. Don’t let me go dig up the interview but it was within 5 days.
Back to today’s news:
“They want to take your country away. How many democrat voters want that?”
All of them, I think. Or all still remaining. They think the U.S. is fundamentally evil and racist from birth. It should be killed in the cradle or as soon as possible. …And replaced with Socialism, what never dun no harm.
“Nancy Pelosi 2008: We certainly don’t want anymore coming in.
Nancy Pelosi 2024: Let’s get those undocumented people some taxpayer funded homes and some documents.”He misses the next: Kamala promises to build a wall. Thing / Not-Thing / Thing / Not-Thing all the same. All things and their #Opposites are the same if Great Leader says so. How many fingers am I holding up?
“Why can you not sign ze papiers, old man?” “You have broken both my hands…” –Cheech and Chong.
““It is an open secret that… Amherd wants to destroy Swiss neutrality and throw herself into the arms of NATO and the EU..”
Meh, what’s the worst that could happen? Carry on good sir! Joining the EU entirely at the moment of the Ukraine collapse. No problem! ‘Tis but a scratch!
“• US Not Sending Contractors To Service Ukrainian F-16s – WSJ (RT)
Just thousands already, past-tense for all the other jobs. Including shelling Russia proper.
“The Forward Observation Group, the private U.S. paramilitary company that posted photos of its fighters involved in the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ offensive against the Kursk region, refused to comment on its involvement.”
That’s because as a company, they are the F.O.G. of war. Of course they did. And of course WE did. The only story here is the one we already know, Of Course the media is covering it up and denying it. Like Joe Biden’s health.
Everybody knows, but they don’t know, but they do know, but they don’t. Like the border.
Back to the contractors: so if I hire a hit man from FOG to kill my wife, I’m innocent? Had nothing to do with it? Wow, that’s great! I’ll get right on that. Save me a ton in lawyer’s fees. Everyone says so! All the female reporters at NYT should watch out for the new normal. …Oh wait, they’re all cat ladies who don’t believe in marriage. …Or gender.
““Ritter’s case is a clear example that there is no democracy on American soil, as Washington is very close to revealing an open fascist face”
Yeah, if we don’t look out, something might happen. …Since 2001, a generation ago. A small plane might go down or a journalist killed. Should that ever happen, I’m sure we’ll be alarmed.
“the Western public began to understand that Russians, unlike the American and European authorities, do not use their media to unilaterally express opinions previously authorized by the state.”
Uhhhh, let’s not go crazy here. That Russia is 20% better but still also oppressive is nothing to crow about. WE read them because the specific subjects are ones that Russia is right about and can tell the truth without harm. But they have plenty of subjects that are lies and repressed. This is more like the U.S. in the 50s.
“Despite this, the Supreme Court has ordered the AppStore to remove X within 5 days.”
Apple doesn’t have to do that. Just sayin’. Then they need to fight TWO companies larger than Brazils’ GDP. Also this is why side-loading apps is so important. Un jail-break them and click two additional buttons, boom, done. In fact, Elon’s a programmer, that’s probably possible with a download, and install program, given the user interactively clicks yes.
“• Kamala Is Going To Drive Gold To $10,000 (Hickman)
Ex Jim Sinclair already had this at $30,000 years ago, and we’re adding a $1 Trillion every 100 days. Second problem: sure, and that’s nice, but if it still only has $2500 purchasing power, you’re going nowhere.
“• “France Unbowed” Party Moves to Impeach Macron (Sp.)
Huh. Well that’s different. Can they do it?
Again, how do the dogs know that’s happening? Before it’s happening? We take it for granted because we use abstract thought and language but from the face-level, dogs just appear in this cave, then go away from the cave for some reason. Could be good, could be bad, they don’t get phone calls and letters from former occupants. Yet they DO know. So…explain? More going on here than appears.
This goes with the guy sitting with dogs, maybe too long to add to your animal roster videos, but you see when he TALKS to them, in English, says they’re not named “Killer” anymore, say they’re a good dog, not a bad dog, they immediately know and respond. Not JUST English, but highly abstract concepts of English.
Watch her Reaction When I tell Her It Wasn’t Her Fault
Fault? Guilt? What is “It”? The sum of the infinite past?
Dr. DParticipantEscher reminds me of the new hologram fans.
Should be useful for movies, cheaper than CG.
And don’t waste that broken bottle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5don30DaaKY
(Cutting for bot-links)
Dr. DParticipantThe look on Bil Maher’s face:
Like…maaaaaaaybe I’ve been backing the wrong horse? How do I back out of this now?
Dr. DParticipantJust a joke, of course, but oil was discovered in Pennsylvania in 1859 and a year later we were in a war fought muchly in Pennsylvania. Coincidence? I think not.
Dr. DParticipantThat song didn’t come off like I expected. I love it, and it runs on the baseline, at least in that cut.
Can’t believe you have enough fans to sing along like that, what a treasure.
Dr. DParticipantFrom the internets: (Greer)
“At this point the range of confounding variables is even more extreme. An election in which one party tries to throw the other party’s candidate in prison, replaces its nominee with a person for whom not one person cast a vote in the primaries, and may have colluded in an assassination attempt is not a normal election year, and the gods themselves know what will happen between now and January 20, when the next president is to be sworn in.”
Ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Luongo was talking with Krainer on the UK imminent Default and like me said the same thing: this is EXACTLY “V for Vendetta”. Like the UK comic, not the Movie, although the movie is very close. https://tomluongo.me/2024/08/29/podcast-episode-190-alex-krainer-and-how-all-financial-fuses-lead-to-london/
This was odd, in that the interview does have a lot, lot more detail, and the detail is important, but it somehow obscures the very narrow, very concentrated facts published here two days ago: Ukraine default – literally, they suspended payments – UK over their heads – they not only did this, they ALSO co-signed all the WorldBank loans – and then immediately panicked knowing they now have to have a completely collapsed, police state that puts “Fascism” to shame. I realized arrested for “Praying” (how can they prove that?), T-Shirts, and 2 years for “Naughty posts” now put Stalin to shame, and relatively fast. I mean it’s not like they weren’t a Stalinist State slowly for years, even as far back as before Thatcher, but this is falling off a cliff they’d been sliding down in essentially one day.
“Biden was fine, that he was strong. Nobody believes that.
JENNINGS: “Then why isn’t he running?”Breathtaking, isn’t it? This is where “It is-but-it ain’t All things are their #Opposites at the same time” leads you. Still not widely recognized though.
“if it was “appropriate” for President Trump to visit Arlington National Cemetery”
WAYFKM? It’s a cemetery. EVERYONE can go. How would it possibly be appropriate to have him NOT go?
“HOW ITALY STOLE THE US 2020 ELECTIONS FOR THE CIA & JOE BIDEN. Sworn testimony from Maria Zack.”
And no action. From Republicans. Nobody cares. Sworn testimony is as water now.
“Will they do it again?”
Is the Pope a pedophile?
All the political ads: BLAH. BLAH. BLAH.
How about this for news:
“Coning this Gilbert Doctorow report down to one point, a decapitating nuclear first-strike by US/NATO: For Russia, recovering Kursk is no walk in the rose garden
In short, the Zelensky gambit that is being enabled fully by the United States is not a PR stunt but a full-blown invasion intended to be the vanguard of what will be an air assault on Russia’s strategic assets far in the rear using JASSM, Storm Shadow and other long-range missiles launched from F16s.
Klintsevich has further intimated that the two U.S. aircraft carriers and their escorts now in the Eastern Mediterranean may be there not to contain Iran but for an all-out attack on Russia using their jets to deliver nuclear strikes. I add to his analysis that this may explain the knock-out of Russia’s early warning radar stations in the south of the country by Ukrainian drones acting on orders from Washington.
WE ARE NUKING RUSSIA. And doing it to prevent our real master, ENGLAND, from going bankrupt.
Got your attention now? No?
What can I do? I tried. If you want to focus on clowns and fictional sitcoms and movie shows.
“We already know who you are. Don’t do it! Zuckerbucks, be careful..”
Do it! Do it!!!
…Actually, wouldn’t matter. I’d arrest him after the election anyway for all his OTHER crimes.
“Trump is expected to enter arms control talks with Russia if he returns to the White House”
Why would I believe that? Oh yeah, because of North Korea, leaving F-Stan, trying and ordering them to leave Syria, and the Abraham Accords. That.
““..the deadline for removing Biden from the ballot has already long since passed in Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada.”
I haven’t commented on this since it’s reasonable there would be a date you can’t back out from. What any jerk can sign up, drop, and make them print $100M in new ballots every year? Screw that.
“3 Key Battlegrounds May Still Omit Kamala (HUSA) “
Also hilarious. Don’t care.
When we nuke Russia and they nuke us back and there’s no power for the rigged voting machines, will there be an election? A: Without the electric voting machines, the Democrats will lose, so: no.
“the choice for the American people is a choice with Donald Trump, [or] Vice President Kamala Harris, whose record shows an increasingly tyrannical government undermining our freedoms. We are embroiled in multiple wars and the world is closer to the brink of nuclear war than ever before, with increasing economic hardship for Americans throughout the 3+ years she served…”
Yes but those are words and they mean nothing. They’ve done their job well. “Nuclear War! I’ve seen it a thousand times already!” (On the little blue screen) Nothing happened!”
““..In the days to come, we will publish all of Judge de Moraes’ illegal demands and all related court filings..”
This was astonishing even by modern standards. Like Starmer, all these guys are putting Stalin in the dust and making him seem like a favorite uncle.
“You can’t hold the shareholders of one company responsible for what happens at another.”
Yes, but that would be a in country with a rule of law. None of these countries are under a rule of Law. Now you know what that means. What it means when words have no meaning, there are no boundaries, and Logos is forbidden. Madness, and Hell, the absence of reason, order, and God.
Newsflash: “Capitalism” doesn’t work in those conditions. Only violence and war. The minute this happens, put down your shovels and pick up your gun. Robbing the neighbors and raping their womenfolk is then the only way.
“• US To Give Zelensky ‘Free Hand’ On Deep Strikes Into Russia – Moscow (RT)
If you missed the last 20 articles, the Point of Kursk …well let me back up: Ukraine DEFAULTED. Wait, let me back up:
FIRST, Ze goes to UK and gets a tongue bath as Churchill only eclipsed by Nutsy. They all shake hands on Ukraine – UK merger, overjoyed!
Second, a DAY LATER, Fitch downgrades all Ukraine debt to “C” “Certain default: Past Tense.” Huh? SIX MONTHS EARLIER THAN THEY SHOULD. Whut?????? Yes, they upped the date of the review for no reason, never happens. They CLUBBED THAT SEAL right in front of its mother.
Wait: “They” who? WTF runs the rating agencies? They never, ever, ever, ever, ever move without orders, as seen in ‘08 and the TOTAL collapse of Greece, where they said, “No they didn’t. Not Default.” Everyone said “La de da, okay” and kept paying them.
Who runs the agencies? Who can make a phone call to either refuse all re-rating or call and make one happen overnight? NY, Wall Street, and the Fed.
That means Ukraine was defaulting in DAYS. Hours. They were already in default and only on 15 day grace period.
“…And then a miracle happened…” Ukraine invaded Kursk in a move so retarded it’s going to be in history books for centuries. …AND THEN THE EU GAVE THEM EMERGENCY $50B. BECAUSE of the invasion. WHILE they were rated “Certain, 100% default,” officially, by Fitch. Default averted, that ONE payment was made. Gee, Europe, Der Lyin’, WHO can officially and legally give $50B to a nation ALREADY IN RATINGS DEFAULT?
Starmer then calls for the biggest lockdown since the Warsaw Ghettos. On no events, with no riots.
But back to the point here, UKRAINE INVADED RUSSIA. In a Land War in Asia. For why?
To get JESSAM, etc, missiles deep enough in the country to strike targets in protected Russia. Because otherwise, Ukraine goes bankrupt > UK goes bankrupt in 24 hours > Europe goes bankrupt in 48 hours > U.S. goes bankrupt in 96 hours, but we can already deal with that and recover quickly. We have oil.
What’s a JESSAM, Propeller-head? Translation. IT’S A NUCLEAR MISSILE, on an F16. So: drive a hundred mile hole in Kursk, sit on the nuclear plant, and fire away with LONG RANGE ATACMs and nuclear weapons. At Moscow.
At the same time, shut down long-range, over-the-horizon ICBM radar Crimea. In the south. Put your warships there. NUKE RUSSIA FROM THE SOUTH as well.
Will that stop a Ukrainian>English>European>Western default? Maybe. But it sure the f—k will distract everyone and cover it up!!! You can default 20 times after that and not turn the dial. That’s the whole POINT of war, to default, then kill every young man who would rise up, toss you out, and make trouble. While you sit in the castle and laugh with two of Epstein’s 12-year-olds.
Kamala got a funny laugh, and she Can’t Read Good and Wanna Do Other Stuff Good Too. Cat memes!
“We should welcome nuclear war.
• Ukraine Says Its Biggest Problem Is Western Concern for Escalation (Antiwar)Yes, Ukraine, of course says they should get everything, be cleared to attack anything with anything, no restrictions. But CONGRESS is advocating the same thing. And newsflash: than can happen in 60 seconds with one phone call. Gen Austen calls Kiev, with or without authorization, and says, “Fire away boys.” An hour later, the missiles are loaded, U.S. operators are firing them.
Escalation much?
Okay, let’s rephrase this: This is the FIRST WORLD WAR OF COLLATERAL. Without COLLATERAL, UK collapses, as does all Europe immediately, hours after. RUSSIA is the only collateral large enough for their $30 Trillion debts and maybe now $10 QUADRILLION derivatives leverage, which may and probably has legal priority and seniority. $10,000 Trillion, $10,000,000,000,000,000.00
Get Russia’s COLLATERAL or everyone dies. No joke. There are no alternatives. Nuke Russia? Or else what?
OR ELSE ALL EUROPE DIES. As if Europe is nuked.
So I nuke you before you nuke me? Yes. Well nuke them then! That’s not even a decision, what are we waiting for?
See what I mean, removing the lies and put that way? Do you all want to die, right now, this week, or do you want to defend yourself and kill the other guy? Boom, done. There’s no one that won’t take that math and slap that big Red Like Button.
“• Ukraine Says Its Biggest Problem Is Western Concern for Escalation (Antiwar)
We must escalate or die.
…Now I, personally, disagree. I don’t think any of that is true because all that “Collateral” is fantasy. All those Promises won’t be paid, whether we beat and eat Russia or not. We can transition. Or at least the U.S. can, Europe’s in a far, far worse situation, one with like, NO FOOD. …Thanks to Rutte’s brother buying stealing all the seaside farms and paving them for condos.
Thanks to Blair, May, Starmer, importing 20 million new mouths to feed who aren’t British. They WANT a collapse, but they need to own the COLLATERAL after.
They MUST escalate, and they MUST Nuke Russia.
…But they still haven’t. Who’s stopping them?
Aw shucks, but the entire government, every institution, every media, every person, every employee, every rich guy are one identical monolith and there are no White Hats. They haven’t because no one’s stopping them, there’s no resistance anywhere, and they’re just tricky-tricky that way. Like Russia shelling their own bases and nuclear plants. Tricky.
Anyway, this is why nothing mattered and the only answer to all events was escalation. At some point, maybe by 2000 or 2008, Europe would have collapsed anyway if they stopped. So they have two choices: Collapse today, this very minute. Or…not.
Doubling down really doesn’t matter then, does it? You already can’t stand up from the table and walk away. Vinny from the casino will take you out back and shoot you if you do. What’s the Dif? Double down.
“Ukraine is fighting for Donbass because of the region’s vast natural resources,”
Collateral. And more, they need no PEOPLE there claiming it, so they must all be murdered. So they did, past tense. Blackrock alone now owns more of Ukraine than Russia does, and that’s STILL not enough COLLATERAL. Ukraine isn’t BIG ENOUGH, I want to emphasize that. A nation the size of France is barely adequate to keep off bankruptcy this week.
What was that about Einstein and the exponential function of compounding interest?
They’re trying not to die TODAY, but if they took Russia that would only hold off the same problem of compounding exponents a few more years. 10, 20.
Hezbollah: Same thing there. Same bankruptcy, same collateral, same end that they all die and prison if they don’t commit genocide and start WWIII. What’s the option? Why are we still discussing? Didn’t I already tell you to hit that button? What’s to decide?
“Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson,” ...Wants to get rid of all Human Bill of Rights.
“Vrba’s efforts in early 1944 to warn other Jews of their coming fate in the Nazi death camps were betrayed by European leaders of the Zionist movement, who silenced him.
That movement was prepared to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Jews in return for the Nazis escorting the Zionist elite out of danger in Europe to Palestine. There the Zionist movement was already well-advanced in its preparations to expel the native Palestinians and build a self-declared Jewish state on the ruins of their homeland.”Ding Ding Ding! Yes, I remember when I first heard of the traveling salesmen hawking Israel to Eastern Europe back in 1919. What? Huh? And zero interest (I guess for reasons that are now happening but are quite obvious in theory). “And then a miracle happened” and – whoever – got themselves a reason to got themselves a country! Wot a coincidence! Guess it was all ordained in the Bible n’ stuff. Uh-huh.
How about this: CERTAIN guys, rich psychopathic satanists who have Kings at command, said “What on this earth do I not already own? I know: my own COUNTRY!” and then set about getting one of their own. Killing millions of Jews? But a trifle. Would have killed twice as many if that’s what it takes. …And so we see in Vrba.
You see, Vrba didn’t realize they WANTED all the Jews in Auschwitz, to set the conditions for buying a country. The people he was “Warning” to, were the people who PLANNED and demanded it.
Yeah, History’s weird that way.