Henri Rousseau Tour Eiffel 1898

Tucker regime change

the biggest dirty trick in US history
The media’s coverup of Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed the biggest dirty trick in United States history, aided and abetted by the mainstream media and the Democrat party. pic.twitter.com/uzEQGaH3UK
— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) March 29, 2022

“I have never sung nor made songs just to entertain the upper classes, but to curse their clawing, reckless racketeers, and to warn the nervous ones that live and die by greed.”

Just in case you didn’t get it yet: not a single word about the special military operation coming out of Ukraine carries any credibility, whether it’s from Zelensky, or the western Kyiv Post or Kyiv Independent. Western media are hardly any better. Max Blumenthal explains how this operates. Example: 3 people on a negotiating table, including Roman Abramovich, are said to have been poisoned. That’s “News” from Bellingcat, hence zero credibility. The Guardian has a headline: “Russians raping women in Ukraine”. We should all be able to recognize these things by now. It’s “Putin Eats Babies”-level nonsense. Mariupol: Russians bombing a maternity ward, a theater, and an arts academy. All turn out to be propaganda stories. Wisen up.
• The BBC’s Ukrainian War-Messager (Blumenthal)
Before serving as a fixer and reporter for the BBC in Ukraine, Orysia Khimiak handled PR for a start-up called Reface which created what the Washington Post called a “reality distorting app” now serving as “a kind of Ukrainian war-messaging tool.” According to her Linkedin profile, Khimiak was the director of PR for Reface until October 2021. While working that job, Khimiak says she built “long-term relationships with editors and media representatives.” She has also overseen a PR course for the Kiev-based Projector Institute, whose website currently greets visitors with the slogan, “Glory to Ukraine. We Will Win.” With her wealth of media contacts, Khimiak now plays an instrumental role in shaping BBC’s coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
She has even shared a byline with the network’s Lviv-based correspondent, Hugo Bachega, co-authoring reports focused on demonstrating Russian culpability for the bombing of the Mariupol dramatic theater. Khimiak broadcasts her political bias in her Twitter bio, stating that she is “a fixer in Lviv for journalists for reporters who show honest image of Russian war against Ukraine. Ukraine will resist.” Khimiak’s Twitter background references the “Snake Island” standoff which was widely reported by mainstream Western media outlets and heralded as a testament to Ukrainian military bravery. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, 13 Ukrainian border guards “died heroically” defending an island base against they Russian Navy. “Russian warship, go fuck yourself!” were the soldiers’ final words, or so the story went.
The Ukrainian guards ultimately turned up alive as Russian captives. The entire story of courage under fire, including the Snake Island defenders’ famous last words, was a myth – one of so many stories fabricated or heavily distorted by pro-Ukraine elements that they have become impossible to count. On the Twitter page of the PR agent-turned-BBC correspondent Khimiak, the phony Snake Island stand-off is still treated as a real historical event. On her Twitter timeline, meanwhile, Khimiak takes credit for the BBC’s reports on the destruction of the Mariupol dramatic theater. The incident at the Mariupol theater represents one of the most suspicious events of the war, with both the BBC and CNN citing a claim by one local Ukrainian official claiming hundreds were killed inside the building, but producing no evidence to verify it.
Russian forces have caused widespread destruction across Mariupol, where they have been engaged in intense street-by-street fighting with Ukrainian forces led by the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. However, as this reporter detailed, the Mariupol theater was controlled by retreating Azov militants who were desperately appealing for military intervention by NATO. Several evacuees have claimed Azov detonated the theater to create the impression of a Russian attack that might draw the West into the war. Meanwhile, video of the alleged Russian attack on the theater has yet to materialize, and images of the supposed rescue of survivors or mass deaths at the scene remain unavailable.

First, the western sanctions say Russia cannot receive USD or euros. Second, the west insists on paying for gas in USD or euros. It’s what the contract says!
• Switch To Rubles For Natural Gas Exports By March 31 – Putin (BI)
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the country’s biggest gas company and central bank to prepare to start taking rubles for natural gas payments from “unfriendly” countries, saying they should outline their plans by March 31. Putin blindsided traders in the natural gas market last week by announcing Russia would make countries deemed hostile pay for the product in rubles. Russia accounts for around 45% of EU gas imports, with pipeline exports to Europe normally paid for in euros. The President appeared keen to push ahead with the plan on Monday. He ordered Gazprom, the central bank and the government to prepare reports outlining how it will make the switch by Thursday, March 31, according to state news agency Tass.
It was not immediately clear whether the switch itself would take place Thursday. Analysts have said Putin is trying to shore up the Russian currency and to make life more complicated for Western countries that have sanctioned Moscow over its war against Ukraine. “At face value this appears to be an attempt to prop up the ruble by compelling gas buyers to buy the previously free-falling currency in order to pay,” Rystad Energy senior analyst Vinicius Romano said last week. “What is clear however, is that this has added another element of uncertainty to the already chaotic European gas market by complicating gas purchases that many countries have been reluctant to cut.”
The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, accused Russia of blackmail last week and said the move would be a clear breach of contract. The boss of Italian energy company Eni, Claudio Descalzi, said at a panel in Dubai on Monday that the company would not be paying for gas in rubles. European natural gas prices have soared due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and pushed higher last week when Putin announced the payment plan.

And that’s the only thing about this that is real.
• Washington Is Delirious With War Fever (Stockman)
Economic, social and political dangers abound. That’s because Washington and its subservient mainstream media are delirious with war fever like at no time in the last seven decades. The resulting reckless pursuit of an unhinged Sanctions War against Russia poses a dire threat to the global economy and domestic prosperity and does so for no good reason of homeland security whatsoever. With respect to the latter, the sheer facts are overwhelming. So we repeat them with an added total for the respective military budgets: To wit, the economic might of NATO is 29X that of Russia and its combined defense budgets are 18X greater, which tells you all you need to know about the “Russian threat”:
NATO: $42.78 trillion of GDP; 945 million population; $45,130 per capita income; $1,200 billion defense budget; RUSSIA: $1.46 trillion of GDP; 144 million population; $10,300 per capita income; $67 billion defense budget. Given these realities, why should Washington care about an intramural battle among contiguous peoples and territories that have been joined at the hip for most of the last 1300 years? The implicit answer is because it’s the world’s self-appointed policeman and Spanker-in-Chief.
[..] The fact is, Ukraine is the Poland and Czechoslovakia of the present time – an artificial state loaded with Russians and with no reason for existence in its present form and girth. Well, still again, other than Washington’s fanatical insistence that the happenstance map of administrative units which fell out of the Soviet Union’s collapse constitute sacred borders that must be preserved at all hazards. To the contrary, what Putin wants, ironically, is the pre-communist status quo ante. That is, he wants Crimea, where Ukrainians constitute but a tiny minority and which had been Russian since 1783. And, more crucially, which hosts the greatest strategic military asset possessed by Russia thereafter – -the great Naval base at the headwaters of the Black Sea in Sevastopol.

Likewise, the Donbas and territories east of the Dnieper River and along the northern edge of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov have been Russian for upwards of 300 years. By all facts of pre-1922 history, these territories amounted to Novorossiya (“New Russia”) as shown in this map from 1897. As it happened, they became “Ukrainian” only by writ of two of history’s greatest evil monsters – Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin – who placed them in the administrative unit of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic for reasons that have no historic validity whatsoever. Yet a devastating war goes on there today – a war which is careening to the precipice of WWIII – because Washington encourages Kiev to insist on retention of “every inch” of a map put together by Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev.
In fact, the latter did for the map of Ukraine what Wilson & Co. did to Germany after the Great War. That is to say, these long gone commie dictators extracted from Russian and Polish territories a combustible mongrel that begs to be partitioned and returned to the status quo ante, not defended to the last drop of Ukrainian blood and US/NATO treasure.

“..federal crimes on top of federal crimes by federal officials. How do we stand for that?”
• What Is to Be Done? (Kunstler)
The black hole of depravity known as Hunter Biden’s Laptop dilates ever wider as the rickety “Joe Biden” regime chugs towards its event horizon of disgrace and collapse, throwing off the jetsam of our nation’s remnant honor in its toxic vapor trail. The memos and emails on the device could not be clearer: “Joe Biden” and his grifting family sold out their country. The mentally incompetent husk of a crooked old pol is owned by every foreign interest in his decaying orbit, and owned as well by the foul and perfidious “intel” mafia lodged like a cancerous mass eating away at what used to be known as the American government. Face it: this false “president,” installed by malignant forces allied with his Party of Chaos, is a menace to our nation.
The Russian clean-up of Ukraine has exposed the operational base of the Biden Family’s flagrant crimes. The laptop confirms that Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca front company invested in the chain of bio-weapons labs set up by the CIA and Department of Defense and operated through their front company Metabiota, with tendrils reaching to the Wuhan, China, virology lab that was the most likely point-of-origin for SARS-CoV-2, a.k.a. Covid-19. Money money money everywhere along the trail for the Biden Family, fees-for-service from the crooked Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, chairman of Burisma, the gas company that provided walking-around money for Hunter’s insatiable drug habit and degenerate sexual adventures… more millions from shady sources in Russia… and then billions more from the board rooms of Chinese companies connected with the intel and military arms of the CCP.
If the American public had known of these entanglements, Joe Biden would certainly not have been the beneficiary of the engineered balloting irregularities that determined the 2020 election. But the public, still reeling from the mindfuckery of Covid 19, was left ignorant through the combined operations of the CIA’s captured social networks along with a tractable legacy news media. Of course, the FBI had Hunter’s laptop in its possession in January of 2020. How is it possible that the device and all its incriminating contents were withheld as evidence in the momentous impeachment trial of Donald Trump which, after all, was instigated by Mr. Trump’s inquiring phone call about those very matters involving the Bidens and Mykola Zlochevsky? Answer: Because the FBI was already rattled by the unravelling truth about its seditious role in the RussiaGate folly, and the agency was wholly invested in the removal of Mr. Trump before top agency officials found themselves in grand juries — federal crimes on top of federal crimes by federal officials. How do we stand for that?

Anything can be made hard if you design it to be.
• Why Is It So Hard to Compensate People for Serious Vaccine Injury? (CHD)
Vaccine injury compensation in the U.S. is broken, according to Tara Haelle, an independent science and health writer. In an article for National Geographic, Haelle outlined some of the flaws in existing programs, and what might be done to fix them. Haelle interviewed healthcare experts who told her the government’s failure to acknowledge vaccine injuries and compensate the injured has undermined public trust in vaccines and created more “vaccine hesitancy.” “Vaccine hesitancy stems from lack of public trust,” said Maya Goldenberg, who studies vaccine hesitancy at the University of Guelph in Ontario. As of March 22, about 217 million people are “fully vaccinated” in the U.S., but 16% of Americans still refuse to get the vaccine, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
A previous survey found one in five people cite side effects as the top reason for not getting vaccinated. “People need to be confident that vaccines are safe and effective when they make a decision to get vaccinated,” said Goldenberg. “They also need to know that, insofar as there are real dangers involved, people will be cared for and not stranded in that rare situation [of vaccine injury].” Walter Orenstein, associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center in Atlanta, told Haelle, “Vaccination is not a per-individual benefit, it’s for societal benefit, and when someone is injured by that vaccine, I think society owes that individual compensation.”
Haelle interviewed several people injured by COVID-19 vaccines, including Jessica McFadden, a 44-year-old fundraising officer in Indiana who was hospitalized with thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, or TTS, one week after getting the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine. McFadden said she’s vexed the government pushed so hard for everyone to get vaccinated and did not push to compensate those who, like her, were harmed. “It’s like [we’re] the cost of doing business in a pandemic,” she said. McFadden said she has good health insurance. Still, she was stuck with a bill for more than $7,000 for a five-day hospital stay and she missed two weeks of work not covered by sick leave due.

The untouchable.
• Fauci Has ‘Absolutely Nothing to Hide’ in Congressional Hearings (ET)
White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci responded again to proposals from House GOP lawmakers about potential investigations if they retake the lower congressional chamber. “I have absolutely nothing to hide or nothing to be concerned about, of anything that I’ve done,” Fauci told Fox News on March 25. “So I never have been—and not now and will never be—afraid of hearings done in good faith in oversight. I mean, obviously, if you looked at some of the hearings, they’ve started off out of nowhere to be ad hominem attacks without even asking a reasonable question.” Some Republican lawmakers, including Reps. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), have promised investigations and subpoenas to Fauci’s agency if the GOP wins the House during the 2022 midterms.
At least one Republican senator, Rand Paul (R-Ky.), has promised the same if the Senate is retaken by Republicans. “And if you’re watching this, Dr. Fauci, look out, because when the Americans give us control in the House of Representatives, God willing, we’re going to get some answers on behalf of the American people,” Roy told Fox News earlier this month. Primarily, Republicans have flagged emails that suggest the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the agency Fauci has headed since the Reagan administration, have proved funding to third-party organizations to perform controversial “gain-of-function” research into bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China. COVID-19, which is caused by a coronavirus, reportedly emerged in Wuhan in late 2019.
“My job is what’s important. … So the idea when you’re idolized, or you’re demonized … that’s just a reflection of what’s going on in society and really has very little to do with what I am and who I am and what I do. So you may not believe it or appreciate it, but all of that other stuff is irrelevant. It’s my job and what I do that’s important,” Fauci also said during the Fox News interview. Earlier in March, Fauci appeared to take a dismissive tone against a possible Republican-led investigation into his agency or emails, saying he believes it would be “Benghazi … all over again,” referring to the Republican House investigations into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following a terrorist attack in Libya that left several Americans dead.

Justin is a international pariah.
• Freedom Convoy Organizers Facing Additional Charges (Rebel)
Organizers of the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada have been given additional charges during separate court appearances last week. As detailed by Rebel News, organizer Tamara Lich was arrested in February amid the protests in downtown Ottawa. Chris Barber, who was also a prominent face in the trucker-led convoy was also arrested. Lich, who was previously denied bail, was originally charged with mischief and counselling to commit mischief, while Barber faced several charges relating to mischief and obstructing police. Crown prosecutors added intimidation charges to a slate of new criminal counts against the organizers, including Lich, Barber, Pat King and Tyson Billings during separate court appearances Thursday.
Lich and Barber are now jointly charged with counselling mischief, counselling intimidation, counselling to obstruct police, intimidation and mischief, the Toronto Sun reported. Diane Magas, Lich’s attorney, previously filed an appeal over Lich’s bail conditions, which prohibits the protest organizer from having access to social media accounts. The Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms claims that the restriction violates Lich’s rights to free expression. As previously detailed by Rebel News, Lich was initially denied bail by Justice Julie Bourgeois, who ran for election for Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party in 2011. The former Liberal Party candidate was accused of holding a political bias in the case.
In March, a judge reversed the original decision and granted Lich bail. Superior Court Justice John M. Johnston stated that the argument of “political bias” did not have merit but granted bail after finding other errors in the judgment of Bourgeois, however. The new charges against the organizers are among nearly 400 charges against 191 Freedom Convoy protesters originally laid in late February following Justin Trudeau’s crackdown and dispersal of the protest group in Ottawa through use of the Emergencies Act. The charges came following three weeks of prolonged protest in the Canadian capital and blockades on major border crossings to the United States. The Canadian Prime Minister’s heavy-handed actions earned him a reprimand at the European Parliament by several members of the organization, Rebel News reported.

Cancel Zorro.
• Zurich Insurance Group Drops Letter ‘Z’ Over Fears of Russian Connection (SN)
Apparently, the letter ‘Z’ has now been cancelled, with Zurich Insurance Group dropping it as their main logo in response to fears over being connected to Russia. Switzerland’s largest insurer made the announcement in a statement to Reuters, saying it was “temporarily removing the use of the letter ‘Z’ from social channels where it appears in isolation and could be misinterpreted.” The company also reserved the right to “take further actions if and when required.” Instead of its original ‘Z’ logo, the company will now use its full name because ‘Putin bad.’ The letter has been spotted on Russian military hardware and for some has come to symbolize support for the Kremlin, although ‘Z’ hasn’t been adopted officially by the Russian military.
Earlier this month, Zurich announced it was suspending operations in Russia and not taking on any new customers in the country. The letter ‘Z’ becomes the latest casualty of Russophobia, with Siberian cats as well as Russian trees having previous been cancelled. Numerous public figures have also had their careers sabotaged merely for being Russian. As we previously highlighted, world number one tennis star Daniil Medvedev faces a ban from competing at the Wimbledon tournament in London unless he publicly denounces Vladimir Putin.

“..generations of ignorant zombies incapable and uninterested in critical thought.”
• Gradually, Then Suddenly (Jim Quinn)
John Adams realized two centuries ago democracy was no better than monarchy or aristocracy over the long haul. We were handed a Republic by Franklin and his fellow revolutionaries, but we failed to keep it almost from the very birth of this nation. As we rush towards our World War 3 rendezvous with destiny, aided and abetted by politicians placed in power by globalist billionaires hellbent on the destruction of our way of life, so they own everything and you own nothing, I can’t help but ponder who is to blame and could we have avoided this dystopian outcome. The United States has been going bankrupt gradually for the last fifty years, both financially, intellectually, and morally.
Nixon closing the gold window in 1971 and opening the debt door to morally bankrupt bankers and politicians set in motion a downward spiral accelerating at hyper-speed as we speak. The American Empire was born in the shattered global debris of World War II with the Bretton Woods agreement, which left the USD as the dominant currency in world trade, specifically as the settlement currency for all oil transactions. The empire has been sustained by currency supremacy, military might, and until 1980, manufacturing superiority. Once the most highly educated nation on the planet, decades of lowering the bar, less than mediocre union teachers, and replacing education with indoctrination, has created generations of ignorant zombies incapable and uninterested in critical thought.
The road to bankruptcy was very gradual at the outset of empire, with the national debt topping out at $269 billion, 119% of GDP, in 1946. In 1960 it had only grown to $286 billion but had dropped to 54% of GDP. Rebuilding the world and being the dominant economic power paid huge dividends. After a decade of guns, butter and welfare programs, the debt grew to $398 billion, but continued to drop as a percentage of GDP to 35% in 1971. After decoupling from gold, the national debt soared to $908 billion by 1980, inflation surged to 15%, and Volcker had to raise interest rates to 20% to avert disaster. What happened over the next forty years was mind boggling in its recklessness, shortsightedness, and acquiescence to the Wall Street cabal.

Calling Elon.
• On Being Disappeared (Chris Hedges)
The entire archive of On Contact, the Emmy-nominated show I hosted for six years for RT America and RT International, has been disappeared from YouTube. Gone is the interview with Nathaniel Philbrick on his book about George Washington. Gone is the discussion with Kai Bird on his biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Gone is my exploration with Professor Sam Slote from Trinity College Dublin of James Joyce’s “Ulysses.” Gone is the show with Benjamin Moser on his biography of Susan Sontag. Gone is the show with Stephen Kinzer on his book on John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles. Gone are the interviews with the social critics Cornel West, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Gerald Horne, Wendy Brown, Paul Street, Gabriel Rockwell, Naomi Wolff and Slavoj Zizek.

Gone are the interviews with the novelists Russell Banks and Salar Abdoh. Gone is the interview with Kevin Sharp, a former federal judge, on the case of Leonard Peltier. Gone are the interviews with economists David Harvey and Richard Wolff. Gone are the interviews with the combat veterans and West Point graduates Danny Sjursen and Eric Edstrom about our wars in the Middle East. Gone are the discussions with the journalists Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi. Gone are the voices of those who are being persecuted and marginalized, including the human rights attorney Steven Donziger and the political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal. None of the shows I did on mass incarceration, where I interviewed those released from our prisons, are any longer on YouTube. Gone are the shows with the cartoonists Joe Sacco and Dwayne Booth. Melted into thin air, leaving not a rack behind.
I received no inquiry or notice from YouTube. I vanished. In totalitarian systems you exist, then you don’t. I suppose this was done in the name of censoring Russian propaganda, although I have a hard time seeing how a detailed discussion of “Ulysses” or the biographies of Susan Sontag and J. Robert Oppenheimer had any connection in the eyes of the most obtuse censors in Silicon Valley with Vladimir Putin. Indeed, there is not one show that dealt with Russia. I was on RT because, as a critic of US imperialism, militarism, the corporate control of the two ruling parties, and especially because I support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, I was blacklisted. I was on RT for the same reason the dissident Vaclav Havel, who I knew, was on Voice of America during the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. It was that or not be heard. Havel had no more love for the policies of Washington than I have for those of Moscow.

Assange lawyer
In an interview with #60Mins, Aitor Martinez, Julian Assange's Spanish lawyer, revealed the Australian WikiLeaks founder has been "destroyed" by his time in prison.
Watch the full Extra Minutes on @9Now: https://t.co/d5lOB4yX6k pic.twitter.com/govoh0EyQO
— 60 Minutes Australia (@60Mins) March 29, 2022

Waltz with a Shark? Kidding me?? pic.twitter.com/M1ZAvwi2Mw
— Figen (@TheFigen) March 28, 2022

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