Feb 082022

Giuseppe Arcimboldo Four elements – Fire 1566


Wake-Up Call (Jim Kunstler)
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations (Auth.)
Vaccination Data Update (Fenton)
Tracking Cryptic SARS-CoV-2 Lineages Detected In NYC Wastewater (Nature)
Embalmer Richard Hirschman Reveals Novel Clotting In 65% Of Cases (Kirsch)
Spike Protein As Oncogenic “Seed” (Chesnut)
Biden Officials Trying To Recalculate US Covid-19 Hospitalizations (Pol.)
Harm to AstraZeneca Jab’s Reputation ‘Probably Killed Thousands’ (G.)
Were Masks A Waste Of Time? (Unherd)
So You’ve Seen The Canadian Truckers, Right? (Denninger)
Rumble Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million for a 4-Year Censorship-Free Contract (TC)
US Senator Asks Biden To Release Leonard Peltier (LP)
EU Sounds Alarm Over Russian Gas Supply (RT)
NY Times, Washington Post Driving US to War with Russia Over Ukraine (MPN)
“Censored” NFTs Raising Funds To Help Julian Assange (CD)





The only people still afraid of covid are vaccinated against it.



Dangerous men





Armstrong Schwab Young leaders






“It’s rumored that the Canadian military told Mr. Trudeau in plain un-Woke Canadian English to fuck-off..”

Wake-Up Call (Jim Kunstler)

[..] Justin Trudeau — arguably the most fatuous would-be tyrant in the former “Free World” — has failed to emerge from his hidey-hole for the better part of a week, perhaps afraid of his seeing his shadow like the groundhog of legend, and it begins to look as if his days as Prime Minister grow short. It’s rumored that the Canadian military told Mr. Trudeau in plain un-Woke Canadian English to fuck-off, they will not take orders to put down the trucker’s protest, and even the Mounties are wobbling, so it’s left to the Ottawa police, who threaten to arrest anyone aiding the truckers with food, water, and fuel. Wait and see how quickly that will turn to fighting in the streets. Constitutional crisis, ay?

Meanwhile, a dozen or so other members of the Western Civ Club of Nations are ditching their Covid-19 mandates and restrictions. The reason: despite the mighty forces of deliberate organized mind-fuckery and resulting mass delusion, the Covid-19 “vaccines” are finally revealed as a criminal fraud, a danger to all who submitted to them, and an insult to the age-old accrued intelligence of the human race as used-to-be represented by science, ethics, and law. And still, America’s own putative leader, the empty suit known as “Joe Biden,” had the temerity to go on TV last week and once again tell his sore-beset people to “get vaccinated… get your kids vaccinated!” Who does he think he’s speaking to? The counter-information to Tony Fauci’s criminal bullshit is flooding the zone, despite America’s sinister Intel Community attempting to control the captured and discredited legacy news media.

Just last night CBS’s 60-Minutes told its audience that our hospitals are overwhelmed by the unvaccinated with Covid, which is an outright lie. Maybe we should start asking: who are the individual producers and network executives responsible for this arrant mendacity? Would it be interesting to see them in a court of law, having to answer whether they believe their own bullshit? Or is someone telling them to sell it? Some powerful counter-information to The Official Narrative emerged last week from the US military’s own Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) when several whistleblower doctors revealed to attorney Tom Renz heretofore suppressed statistics on the shocking increase in vaccine injuries among young, otherwise able-bodied soldiers.

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Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, Peter A McCullough

Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations (Auth.)

The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the widely perceived public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease had no precedent, but desperate times seemed to call for desperate measures. The mRNA vaccines utilize genetically modified mRNA encoding spike proteins. These alterations hide the mRNA from cellular defenses, promote a longer biological half-life for the proteins, and provoke higher overall spike protein production. However, both experimental and observational evidence reveals a very different immune response to the vaccines compared to the response to infection with SARS-CoV-2. As we will show, the genetic modifications introduced by the vaccine are likely the source of these differential responses.

In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. We explain the mechanism by which immune cells release into the circulation large quantities of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage. We show evidence from adverse event reports in the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines excludes them as positive contributors to public health, even in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Heart injury occurring in children below the age of 12

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I wrote the other day that I was seeing more reports linking the vaccines to cancer. This Twitter thread from @Parsifaler dives into that.

Spike Protein As Oncogenic “Seed” (Chesnut)

SPIKE PROTEIN AS RAS CUE BALL: THE ONCOGENIC CASCADE- SPIKE PROTEIN AS ONCOGENIC “SEED”. It is not only what it stakes claim to, but also what it removes. I can’t think of anything more carcinogenic than the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2. LOCAL RAS WORKS IN A PARACRINE FASHION. Think of the Spike Protein as a cue ball that sets off a cascade to CREATE A TUMOR MICROENVIRONMENT while SIMULTANEOUSLY inducing the EPIGENETIC MODULATIONS to COMMENCE A TUMOR. JUST LIKE A SEED, the Spike Protein (tumor) not only can “grow” itself (once it takes hold), it can also FEED ITSELF by CREATING IT’S OWN IDEAL ENVIRONMENT.

After all, is what follows not exactly what the Spike Protein does? Local RAS works synergistically and independently of systemic RAS in a paracrine fashion. Ang II mediates effects that reduce tumor perfusion and oxygenation, resulting in hypoxia and subsequent acidosis within the tumor stroma. For example, local Ang II, predominantly exists in hypoxic regions of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and breast cancer cells, where it is autocrinely produced by chymase-dependant rather than ACE dependent mechanism. In which case the action of ACEi will not be effective to inhibit tumor growth.

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“..the vaccinated – and especially the triple vaccinated are disproportionately being hospitalized with Covid.”

Vaccination Data Update (Fenton)

The letter exposes – on a small but important scale – much of what we have been saying about the misrepresentation and manipulation of data comparing vaccinated v unvaccinated.How massively exaggerated are claims about unvaccinated dominating Covid hospitalizations. The original FOI request already revealed the extent to which widespread claims that ‘the vast majority of patients with Covid are unvaccinated’ are wrong: it stated that only 14 out of the 182 patients hospitalized with Covid in Blackpool Victoria on 22 Jan 2022 were unvaccinated (i.e. over 92% were vaccinated).

How the data on the vaccinated is continually changed and manipulated. When it was pointed out that the data seemed to be suggesting that NONE of the vaccinated patients had been triple vaccinated, the hospital conceded that there had been ‘1 small error’ which just happened to be the fact that 130 of those who had been previously classified as having 2 doses, had in fact had three doses (and there was indeed there were two other genuinely small errors, namely that 162 and not 161 as previously stated had at least 2 doses, while only 13 rather than 14 were unvaccinated). So in total 93% were vaccinated and: • 7% were vaccine-free (a more accurate term than ‘unvaccinated’) • 4% had one dose •17.6% had two doses • 71.4% had 3 doses. Here is the Government’s latest data today on proportion of people vaccinated in Blackpool:

Note that this is dated 5 Feb, so the proportion of triple vaccinated on 22 Jan will have been lower that the 56.9% currently showing. Whichever way you look at it the vaccinated – and especially the triple vaccinated are disproportionately being hospitalized with Covid.

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@EthicalSkeptic: “Omicron lineages continue to show as more diverse than is possible for a recently-appeared variant.”

Tracking Cryptic SARS-CoV-2 Lineages Detected In NYC Wastewater (Nature)

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 genetic diversity is strongly indicated because diversifying selection may lead to the emergence of novel variants resistant to naturally acquired or vaccine-induced immunity. To monitor New York City (NYC) for the presence of novel variants, we deep sequence most of the receptor binding domain coding sequence of the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from the New York City wastewater. Here we report detecting increasing frequencies of novel cryptic SARS-CoV-2 lineages not recognized in GISAID’s EpiCoV database. These lineages contain mutations that had been rarely observed in clinical samples, including Q493K, Q498Y, E484A, and T572N and share many mutations with the Omicron variant of concern.

Some of these mutations expand the tropism of SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviruses by allowing infection of cells expressing the human, mouse, or rat ACE2 receptor. Finally, pseudoviruses containing the spike amino acid sequence of these lineages were resistant to different classes of receptor binding domain neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. We offer several hypotheses for the anomalous presence of these lineages, including the possibility that these lineages are derived from unsampled human COVID-19 infections or that they indicate the presence of a non-human animal reservoir.

A Schematic of SARS-CoV-2 and the amplification locations. B Distribution of SARS-COV-2 variants based on patient sequences (patient data obtained from GISAID) and wastewater surveillance. Polymorphisms detected from amplicon sequencing that were used to assign sequences to lineages are shown in the legend. The variants detected from the 14 NYC WWTPs were weighted by flowrate to generate a city-wide average distribution. C Novel lineages detected from WWTPs. Schematic highlights shared sequences identified from WWTP 10, 11, and 3 are shown. The percent of the sequences from each date that contained the indicated polymorphisms is shown below each lineage. The viral copies/L corresponding to each date are shown in Supplementary Table 3. Some sequences have additional polymorphisms not listed. WNY lineage designations are shown for sequences used for tropism and antibody neutralization analysis. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

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Autopsies, embalming, that’s where you should see what is really going on.

Embalmer Richard Hirschman Reveals Novel Clotting In 65% Of Cases (Kirsch)

Richard Hirschman has been an embalmer for over 20 years. In 2021, he started noticing very odd blood clots that he had never seen before. In Jan 2022, 65% of his cases exhibited these clots. The only rational conclusion is that the clots, which are deadly, are all associated with the COVID vaccines. Nobody from the mainstream media or medical community wants to touch this story. It’s not just Richard who is seeing this; it is everyone in the industry he’s talked to about it. They are all seeing it, but Richard is the only person in the US (so far) willing to speak out about it.

[..] Hirschman’s data is explosive because it establishes a relative proportion of people affected which we can then use to establish an absolute rate of death. So let’s say the actual rate of vaccine-caused deaths is 40% of all deaths which is less than the 65% rate that Hirschman is seeing. The CDC says around 65,000 people die a week. So that would be 26,000 people a week killed by the vaccine. He started noticing these deaths in May (they could have started sooner), so let’s just say it’s only been in the last 6 months to be conservative. 26 weeks *26,000 deaths/week=676,000 vaccine-related deaths. That’s a lot of deaths. So you see why this observation is explosive.

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Are they going to correct the umbers of the past 2 years as well?

Biden Officials Trying To Recalculate US Covid-19 Hospitalizations (Pol.)

The Biden administration is working on recalculating the number of Covid-19 hospitalizations in the U.S., according to two senior officials familiar with the matter. A task force comprised of scientists and data specialists at the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are working with hospitals nationwide to improve Covid-19 reporting. The group is asking hospitals to report numbers of patients who go to the facility because they have Covid-19 and separate those from individuals who go in for other reasons and test positive after being admitted, the two officials said. The administration’s goal is to get a more accurate sense of Covid-19’s impact across the country and whether the virus is causing severe disease.

Senior Biden health officials have increasingly relied on hospitalization numbers, rather than case counts, to determine how to respond to the virus as well as the efficacy of the vaccines. Lower hospitalization rates could inform the administration’s thinking on public health measures such as masking. More accurate Covid-19 numbers also could provide a better picture of the strain on hospitals and which resources they might need during surges. Recalculating the hospitalization rate will not be easy, said Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research and former advisory board member of the Covid Tracking Project, a team that worked to collect and synthesize local Covid-19 data during the peak of the pandemic.

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Odd, but then, it’s the Guardian.

“I think bad behaviour from scientists and from politicians has probably killed hundreds of thousands of people – and that they cannot be proud of that..”

Harm to AstraZeneca Jab’s Reputation ‘Probably Killed Thousands’ (G.)

Scientists and politicians “probably killed hundreds of thousands of people” by damaging the reputation of the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to an Oxford scientist who worked on the jab. Prof John Bell said: “They have damaged the reputation of the vaccine in a way that echoes around the rest of the world.” “I think bad behaviour from scientists and from politicians has probably killed hundreds of thousands of people – and that they cannot be proud of that,” he told a BBC Two documentary When the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab was rolled out in the UK government advisers recommended under-40s should be offered an alternative due to a link to very rare blood clots. Fears over the links to blood clots also led other countries, including Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Bulgaria, Iceland and Thailand, to pause their use of the vaccine.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has also not played a significant role in the booster programme. The BBC reported it accounted for only 48,000 of the more than 37m booster doses given in the UK. The AZ vaccine was celebrated as a UK success story and billed as “Britain’s gift to the world” when it was developed. It was designed to be cheap, and developers had the ambition that it should be available at low cost. Unlike the mRNA vaccines, it could be transported at low cost and stored at fridge temperature. Nearly half of the adult population in the UK received two doses of the vaccine. The AZ vaccine’s approval in the UK coincided with Britain’s separation from the EU. “I don’t think it made relations with Europe any easier that it was promoted as the British vaccine,” Bell told the documentary, AstraZeneca: A Vaccine for the World, to be broadcast on the BBC on Tuesday at 9pm.

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“The most disastrous failing of the experts has been their lack of curiosity about the actual results of the policies they have staked their reputations on.”

Were Masks A Waste Of Time? (Unherd)

The most disastrous failing of the experts has been their lack of curiosity about the actual results of the policies they have staked their reputations on. Mask mandates have been, in Miller’s phrase, “a population-wide experiment”, but few within the US scientific and medical establishment have seemed interested in parsing the resulting data, leaving that task to outsiders like Miller. Astonishingly, there have been just two randomised controlled trials on masking published since the pandemic began. One found no significant effect at all, while the other found a small effect of 11% for surgical masks and no significant effect for cloth ones. The first was largely ignored or dismissed, while the second was optimistically glossed as proving that masks work.

Moreover, even the most bullish case for the technical efficacy of at least some higher-quality masks does not constitute a case for mask mandates, a distinction that most commentary elides. The only way to measure the efficacy of mandates is to look at their actual track record. This is what Miller has done, and the result, he argues, is clear: “mask mandates have demonstrated very little impact, if any, on case curves throughout the United States and in many other international locations.” Miller is justifiably derisive about the experts who have oversold dubious policies at every turn, but the ironic implication of his book is that much of the expert guidance from prior to 2020 has been vindicated. Before Covid appeared, scientists and officials advised time and again that masks would be ineffective at containing a pandemic respiratory virus, and the evidence Miller has compiled suggests they were correct.

It is not difficult to see why mask mandates proved irresistible to politicians. Masks are the perfect form of hygiene theatre, conveying an intuitive sense of safety regardless of demonstrable efficacy at scale. They also offload responsibility for controlling the pandemic to ordinary people. The overcrowding of ICUs can be blamed on the bad behavior of “anti-maskers”, rather than on the allocation of resources by governments and hospital CEOs. When cases and deaths spike, it is the fault of the citizenry, not the leadership.

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“..plenty of people get Covid-19 who had the jabs and the CDC itself admits that against Omicron the efficacy is statistically zero.”

So You’ve Seen The Canadian Truckers, Right? (Denninger)

It is not my place to pass judgment on another nation’s sovereign decisions. I can certainly agree or disagree, but one of the principles of national sovereignty is that short of projecting something into another nation the limit of it is whether you choose to trade with said nation and its people or not. But here, in the United States, since I’m a US Citizen, its a different story. For two years now, approximately, we’ve listened to nothing but lies. We now have two alleged “approved vaccines” for Covid-19, both of which, in the FDA’s approval letter, claims they prevent Covid-19. We know this is a lie; plenty of people get Covid-19 who had the jabs and the CDC itself admits that against Omicron the efficacy is statistically zero.

Since Omicron is the only circulating variant of statistical importance right now (again, per the CDC) these claims by the FDA are frauds since, to whatever extent they were valid, that disease no longer exists. A jab against something that doesn’t exist is stupid. But more to the point is that none of these are actually available in the US. All the arm-waving is pure performative art, that is, theater intended to convince people and businesses that an experimental drug really isn’t — when in fact, from a legal and marketing perspective it is experimental and nothing has factually changed. I have, since the first letter, challenged people to send me a photograph of a vial with the approved drug on the label, its lot number visible and that same lot and drug entered on the person’s vaccine card.

That is, not only is it available said person got that shot, per the certified actions of a health care professional which, if they lied, would constitute use of a mislabeled drug and is a criminal violation of law. I’ve yet to receive even one such piece of evidence. Perhaps that’s because it doesn’t exist. This much is utterly certain when it comes to stopping government lies, whether related to Covid-19 or anything else: Without the voluntary actions of a whole lot of people, specifically truckers, rail personnel and similar, you get nothing whatsoever.

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Spotify has deleted 135 episodes by now?

Rumble Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million for a 4-Year Censorship-Free Contract (TC)

Rogan signed a $100 million deal giving Spotify exclusive rights to “The Joe Rogan Experience” in 2020. However, Spotify is facing increasing pressure to censor the popular podcast over Rogan’s willingness to speak to guests with different perspectives about the pandemic. Though the company has said they will not pull the plug on the podcast, they have removed approximately 70 episodes from their library in recent days. Launched in 2013, Rumble runs its own infrastructure — so the company says it is “immune to cancel culture.” Rumble went public through a deal with CF Acquisition Corp. VI with an initial enterprise value of $2.1 billion in December. In a letter to Rogan tweeted by the company, CEO Chris Pavlovski urged Rogan to join Rumble.

Pavlovski wrote, “We stand with you, your guests, and your legion of fans in desire for real conversation. So we’d like to offer you 100 million reasons to make the world a better place.” “How about you bring all your shows to Rumble, both old and new, with no censorship, for 100 million bucks over four years?” Pavlovski continued. The letter concluded, “this is our chance to save the world. And yes, this is totally legit.” Though episodes are being removed, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek has defended keeping Rogan on the platform. Ek told upset employees last week that the solution is not to get rid of Rogan’s podcast, but perhaps to obtain more exclusive content from different perspectives.

“The real thing here is to try to go for an even broader set of exclusives that represent even more voices,” Ek said. “There are many things that Joe Rogan says that I strongly disagree with and find very offensive. But let me go back to what I said earlier, if you want even a shot at achieving our bold ambitions, it will mean having content on Spotify that many of us may not be proud to be associated with,” he continued. “Not anything goes, but there will be opinions, ideas, and beliefs that we disagree with strongly and even makes us angry or sad.” He pointed out that there have been episodes of the podcast that did not make it onto the platform because they violated the rules.

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“..imprisoned for 46 years for crimes he maintains he never committed..”

US Senator Asks Biden To Release Leonard Peltier (LP)

The president pro tempore of the U.S. Senate, Patrick Leahy, called for the release of Native American activist Leonard Peltier, imprisoned for 46 years for crimes he maintains he never committed. “There is no question that our criminal justice system is imperfect, and Peltier knows firsthand how imperfect it can be,” the Vermont Democratic lawmaker told President Joe Biden in his unequivocal plea for clemency. His trial was so riddled with flaws that even one of the prosecutors who tried him acknowledged that Peltier was wrongly convicted, he added in his request to the president. According to Leahy, releasing the inmate from prison on an expedited basis “is the right thing to do”. In prison since Feb. 6, 1976, Peltier is now 77 years old and ill with multiple health problems, he recalled.

“I have long believed that pardons and commutations are vital tools to provide clemency and relief, especially when our criminal justice system has been contorted to propagate injustices,” Leahy concluded. In a recent statement, Peltier, considered America’s longest-serving political prisoner, described the conditions of his confinement in a Florida federal prison as a “torture chamber.” “The loneliness and lack of care are like a torture chamber for sick and elderly people,” warned the also writer and poet. Of Anishinaabe Lakota descent, leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM), which arose in the 1960s in the heat of the struggles for Civil Rights, Peltier was accused of the murder of two FBI agents in 1975 during a shooting that took place in the Pine Ridge aboriginal reservation, in South Dakota.

At that time, massacres of natives took place and as a consequence of this harassment of the Lakota people, more than 250 people of this indigenous nation were murdered, without the crimes having been investigated until now.
Several international organizations denounced irregularities in the trial that condemned Peltier in 1977 to two consecutive life sentences and it is even said that there are more than 10,000 pages with categorical evidence that would absolve him immediately. Filmmaker Michael Moore urged Barack Obama to review the multiple documents that prove that Peltier did not have a fair trial, but the former African-American president followed the same line of his predecessors. Born on September 12, 1944, when he was imprisoned in February 1976 he was a young fighter for the rights of native peoples and had already known repression and jail, historians point out.

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“..Russia has done far more to build resilience to Western sanctions than the European Union has to improve its ability to survive disruption..”

EU Sounds Alarm Over Russian Gas Supply (RT)

Russia has done far more to build resilience to Western sanctions than the European Union has to improve its ability to survive disruptions in the gas supply chain, the EU high representative for foreign affairs said on Sunday. Writing in his weekly blog, Josep Borrell accused Moscow of using energy supplies for “political purposes” and suggested any further measures against the Kremlin have serious blowback effects for the EU, including a reduction of gas available to the bloc. His comments came ahead of a meeting of the EU-US Energy Council, due to be held on Monday, in America. “Energy prices have surged due to global supply and demand issues,” Borrell wrote. “With the severe crisis that we are currently going through with Russia, it has become not only a price issue but also a matter of security of supplies.”

According to the Eurocrat, over 40% of EU gas imports come from Russia, while the EU provides over 60% of Russia’s import revenues. “However, in recent years, Russia has enhanced its resilience against economic sanctions, by increasing its foreign currency reserves, more than we have done to enhance our capacity to face potential gas supply cuts,” he explained, calling on the bloc to begin developing EU strategic gas reserves and boost investment in renewable sources of energy. In the last three months, Moscow has been threatened by Western nations with the possibility of hard-hitting sanctions, following fears that it is planning an invasion of Ukraine. Russia stands accused of placing more than 100,000 troops on the frontier, with some believing that this is a sign of an upcoming military incursion. This claim has repeatedly been denied by the Kremlin.

However, despite serious rhetoric, the media has suggested that the EU is not unanimously in agreement over potential measures. Last month, America’s Bloomberg news agency reported on a German demand that proposed measures do not include restrictions on energy, insisting that the sector be exempted.

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Happens every year. Just a bit louder this time.

NY Times, Washington Post Driving US to War with Russia Over Ukraine (MPN)

Western media and governments have expressed alarm over a suspected buildup of Russian military forces close to its over-1200-mile border with Ukraine. There are reportedly almost 100,000 troops in that vicinity, causing President Joe Biden to warn that this is “the most consequential thing that’s happened in the world in terms of war and peace since World War II.” Yet this is far from the first media panic over a supposedly imminent Russian invasion. In fact, warning of a hot war in Europe is a near yearly occurrence at this point. In 2015, outlets such as Reuters and The New York Times claimed that Russia was massing troops and heavy firepower, including tanks, artillery and rocket launchers right on the border, while normally sleepy frontier towns were abuzz with activity.

In 2016 there was an even bigger meltdown, with media across the board predicting that war was around the corner. Indeed, The Guardian reported that Russia would soon have 330,000 soldiers on the border. Yet nothing came to pass and the story was quietly dropped. With the next spring came renewed warnings of conflict. The Wall Street Journal claimed that “tens of thousands” of soldiers were being deployed to the border. The New York Times upped that figure to “as many as 100,000.” A few months later, U.S. News said that thousands of tanks were joining them. In late 2018, The New York Times and other media outlets were again up in arms over a fresh Russian buildup, this time of 80,000 military units.

And in the spring of last year, it was widely reported (for instance, by Reuters and The New York Times) that Russia had amassed armies totaling well over 100,000 units on Ukraine’s border, signaling that war was imminent. Therefore, there are actually considerably fewer Russian units on Ukraine’s border than there were even 11 months ago, according to Western numbers. Furthermore, they are matched by a force of a quarter-million Ukrainian troops on the other side. Thus, many readers will be forgiven for thinking it is Groundhog Day again. Yet there is something different about this time: coverage over the conflict has been enormous and has come to dominate the news cycle for weeks now, in a way it simply did not previously. The possibility of war has scared Americans and provoked calls for a far higher military budget and a redesign of American foreign policy to counter this supposed threat.

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“The organization has independently raised around 12,569 ETH, i.e., approximately $38.8 million, to bid on the ‘Clock’ NFT..”

“Censored” NFTs Raising Funds To Help Julian Assange (CD)

The auction for the upcoming ‘Censored’ NFT collection that consists of two generative interactive blockchain artworks will start from February 7, 2 PM GMT. The first part is a single edition NFT title ‘Clock,’ which counts the total number of days that Assange has been in prison. The NFT is dynamic and generative and is programmed to keep counting the days. It is designed to blink in a rhythmic heartbeat, and the bidding for the piece will start at 1 ETH on the censored.art website. In mid-December, the US government won its appeal against a UK court ruling that prevented Assange’s extradition. Once extradited to the US, Assange will face 175 years in prison under charges of “publishing truthful information.”

On the same day, a group of ‘cypherpunk’ organized in a Telegram group and decided to set up the decentralized autonomous organization AssangeDAO to raise awareness and support for the liberation of Julian Assange from prison. The organization has independently raised around 12,569 ETH, i.e., approximately $38.8 million, to bid on the ‘Clock’ NFT and contribute to Julian Assange’s legal defense fund. The founder of Wikileaks is currently being held in a London prison and is fighting extradition to the U.S. AssangeDAO members are raising ETH in return for JUSTICE governance tokens which they will use to bid on the NFT released by Pak in collab with Assange. All auction proceeds will be deposited in the Wau Holland Foundation to support Assange’s case.

The second part of the collection, ‘Censored,’ is a 48-hour open edition. This means that it will have unlimited NFTs, and anyone can participate in it over the span of 48 hours. Participants can tokenize a message that they want to broadcast to the community by minting an NFT that will display the message. This can include a word, symbol, statement, purpose, hypothesis, idea, question, vision, belief, plan, clue, thought, feeling, or scheme. The message that will be displayed as an NFT will be struck through to represent censorship. The NFTs can be minted free of cost, but contributions of any amount are being welcomed. Pak has already minted the first NFT in the collection as a message that reads ‘Pak was here’ and contributed 100 ETH to the cause. All the proceeds from the Open Edition collection will go to organizations promoting freedom of information, education, digital privacy, health, and animal rights organizations.

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CNN sucks







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Home Forums Debt Rattle February 8 2022

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  • #100361

    Giuseppe Arcimboldo Four elements – Fire 1566   • Wake-Up Call (Jim Kunstler) • Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations (Auth.)
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 8 2022]

    Mister Roboto

    I wondered what might have been up with the deflated one’s long tirade yesterday (which I wouldn’t have bothered reading if not for TDK’s “bit-by-bit” reply to it), and perhaps this is it: The Democrats are starting to pivot on Covid because they don’t want to go the way of the Whigs this November (probably too late but whatever), and our troll felt the need to try and spin it for all it was worth:


    Deflation is Mr Potato Head!



    What the hell is wrong with people?

    Neil Young urges Spotify employees to quit

    In a letter posted to his website, musician Neil Young told Spotify employees that they should leave the company, claiming that Spotify CEO Daniel Ek only cares about money after refusing to remove Joe Rogan’s podcast from the platform.

    “To the musicians and creators in this world, I say this: You must be able to find a better place than Spotify to be the home of your art,” Young wrote. “To the workers at Spotify, I say Daniel Ek is your problem — not Joe Rogan. Ek pulls the strings. Get out of the place before it eats up your soul. The goals stated by Ek are about numbers — not art, not creativity.”


    I differ from many here on my risk assessment of covid and the support for the trucker protest. While I see the harm done by the government response to covid (I don’t agree with trying to figure out whether or not it is a grand conspiracy because we will never know that and besides even governments of arch enemy countries are responding the same way to covid) I do not see covid as the ultimate threat. I see other threats as being larger: fascism, corporate control of our governments and climate change/ecocide.
    The leadership of this demonstration is highly compromised – I have lived my whole life in constituencies near where Randy Hillier and Poilievre have been involved in politics. You cannot put lipstick on these guys and make them look good for me-sorry. There was never a progressive issue on which they took the right side.
    On policing: many here have questioned the legality of the government responses to covid but now are cheering on police refusal to stop the protest. In a properly functioning democracy the mandate for police does not include deciding when to apply the law. Again, police here have been properly condemned, on record, for inequality in the application of the law against marginalized populations. Police are the last people I would stand beside as arbiters of justice -I would question their motives as would anyone who has been on the receiving end of their unjust conduct. Here’s another anecdote from protests past: when public meetings were held after police overstep was so egregious that such meetings were called, the police sitting behind me at the meeting were laughing amongst themselves throughout the meeting as people were describing their mistreatment at the hands of police.
    What I am seeing is that folks who felt terrorized by covid vaxes are running into the arms of anyone who is throwing them a life preserver-most of these people (in my neck of the woods) have a very limited knowledge of the political operatives even in our area -way over their heads. This is a perfect opportunity for bad actors to gain a new base.

    Dr. D

    That’s always true in politics but you act like there is only one move in the game. Either and or. You accomplish this, THEN you don’t stop and expose and annihilate these fake populists you don’t like. If not, what’s your strategy? Game-scenario this and take action, don’t just sit. “There are years when nothing happens, and days when years happen.” You need to have plans ready when this Canadian day occurs.

    Dr. D

    Who? Was that that guy who sold his catalog to the single most evil company on planet earth? Whoever follows evil for money: yeah, I listen to him. Stunning and brave.

    “Technocrats Demand Meat Tax to Fight Climate Change – 56%”

    As as the Doomberg article last week, TYSON wants their LOBBYISTS to increase PROFIT margins 56%. They don’t care why, they’ll make up any story they have to. The only way to break them is competition. Government regulations were invented for the sole purpose of destroying competition and establishing monopoly. Then you dole out “exemptions” for the “exceptional” pals and friends for cash $$$. Like mask-wearing?

    Scumbags and villains. But luckily these are also massive, serial felonies that are relatively easy to prove and jail for. All you have to do is go park your truck and not leave. Ever. Elect yourself in and stay.

    “Peter Thiel to Leave Facebook Board to Help “Advance the Trump Agenda”: Report”

    People are leaving Team A to join Team B. Wait: Isn’t Peter Thiel gay (enormous spat about this, cost $1B or something), wasn’t Trump going to round up all the gays and put them in camps? Huh. Instead, the nation’s top gay-killer rounded up ALL of us and put us in self-camps. DNC’s own Tiny Robot Doctor Fauci. Goooo Team A! It’s almost like everything every said is a lie. …But that’s unfair: they said BOTH the lie, AND the truth, all along simultaneously.

    Talk of Trump, narcissism, blah blah. Look: my reading is, THERE IS NO Trump. There is no “Team Trump”. There is Team B which has been around for 30 years and folded in Trump, but he’s not even a spokesman and representative for them: he’s a tool. A smashing tool to make all the big people hit themselves in the head with a hammer chasing a housefly, like in Mickey and the Giant. But in their case, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Which is the most hilarious and fun ever, I could watch themselves hit themselves in the face all day. Trump just tweets for two minutes and plays golf then they run around pulling out their hair all day. What’s not to like? “Bombshell” “Walls are closing in” “RussiaRussiaRussia” “War coup” by being promoting free will, relinquishing power and being elected.

    I just don’t get it.

    Anyway, he gets them chasing their -sses around like 10 year old beagles drooling on the floor AS A DISTRACTION, if you hadn’t noticed. Like is 6 years of running the same playbook not enough here? Over and over and over and over and over and over?

    A Distraction? Okay Docktor, then what’s the real? At the end of the 49-year (7×7 +1) year cycle – either natural or pre-planned – they are at their weakest. This is what Kondratieff told Stalin in 1930, same thing. Capitalism boom-busts, the Tulip mania endings are their weak point. You can’t attack them after 1949, as Kennedy found out. You can’t double-cross them as Nixon found out. You’ll be assassinated if you even annoy them as Reagan found out. They’re too strong, at their height of power back then. Since it’s been dropping since Reagan (part II: swap to all debt, no gold) the insiders have to find another ship to attack and pirate and take over: China. Poppa Bush dutifully visited and set that up right then. China happily ALSO double-crossed them, as if they’d let white guys in. Hahahaha! Not the 2nd or 3rd most racist country in the world they won’t. Han rulz, palefaces. Remember the Opium wars where you killed our whole population with drugs and silver? We do.

    Anyway, so being decades before the end, Team B had a LOT of time to plan, and wrote it all down. It’s in Fed papers and books if you want to read it. Knowing there was a end date, a risk-crisis, and a “Master Plan”, all they had to do was F’ up the master plan, good and hard, but just once. Didn’t matter what they f’d it up with or who. There was a dozen candidates who would suffice. Since they murdered quite a bunch and delayed long enough a few were now too old, The Donald was the one pulled out of the bag as most handy.

    And? He f’d up their plans sooper good and hard. As Michael Moore warned, “The biggest F You in American history.” But they were too busy smelling their own farts to listen. Since they are minions of zero imagination, they simply kept trying to execute the SAME plan, and with 5 years of time lost, doubled down, attempting it twice as fast and twice as hard. Like the losing un-self-aware morons they are.

    And here we are. #Winning. We don’t need Trump. We never did. He’s irrelevant then and now. I can’t fathom why people are so golly hypnotized by him, for, but far more especially against. He doesn’t exist. Stop looking at the puppet, look in the blackscreen for the puppeteer. Jesus, why do I have to say these things?

    Anyway, the support of all racists and sudden fabrication of white supremacists is about as real here as it is with Sikhs, immigrants, and blacks being suddenly all racists and terrorists in Canada. Yup, and they believe that too. Not 100% of the people there were innocent, only 99%. I guess we’d better not help out. Since like Mary Poppins, I am practically perfect in every way and wouldn’t want to sully myself with commons who maybe once made a mistake. …Unlike myself, of course. If Jesus Christ and Gandhi had a love child, he wouldn’t be good enough to vote for, to me.

    …Unlike black-face, cross-dressing, beta-cuck, culture appropriating, Nuremberg-violating Turdeau. Who has possibly murdered more people than anyone in Canadian history. If not with vaccine, with the economy and failed lockdown. Better just leave him in there and not try, I guess. I mean, really?

    Lebanon seems to have failed. Turkey is about to fail. U.K. is raising rates. U.S. will raise rates. Some Cryptos have risen 50% today. BTC is official currency in el Salvador, and possibly Panama, Cuba, Malta, or even Ukraine. Russia suggested today they might follow.

    Housing and gas have doubled, taxes with them, no one is working, Inflation is 15%, Sachs says “There’s a shortage of everything”. “If it’s a molecule, it’s in shortage.” That’s not items rising. That’s the currency FAILING. It’s currency disruption, and misallocation of all resources due to rigging the markets, esp price of money/time. Time, .e. “human life.” THAT’S why you get paid for it. THAT is what they are stealing. There is plenty of oil (Iran), plenty of gas (Russia) plenty of closed mines worldwide, closed car plants worldwide, closed power plants worldwide, closed chip factories, closed fields, closed fertilizer and plastic plants. Plenty of everything, including workers, and all of it closed. Just like the Great Depression, and for the same reasons.

    But that’s the currency FAILING. We need mines, but can’t open them? Due to what exactly, dear? Only the money. All prices rising at the same time? That’s the currency failing. Paper markets and promised failing? That’s the currency failing, or confidence thereof.

    That’s the real story, and the real timing. Don’t be distracted. They needed to smash, hammer, discredit, and F up “The MASTER PLAN”, aka, “The Great Reset”, enter villain de jour “Klaus Schwab” bwahahahaha and his sidekick, Emperor Soros. And boy did they ever, and several ways. Since centralization requires this coordination and planning, owning, controlling everything, while being HUMAN is just natural chaos like a beehive, all you have to do to win and act human, be human again, is smash the plan.

    Plan smashed. Failers failed. Mission Accomplished. Or almost. We need to play it out. We’re still in the lying, murdering, showboating stage. We haven’t got to currency fail (and therefore universal goods shortage and REAL disruption) yet. That may be harder, but harder “when we’re all in it together” for the first time in our lives is a different thing. Like when it’s -20 and you throw a 2 week rave with free food. Racism and misogyny at it’s finest.

    “ US Senator Asks Biden To Release Leonard Peltier (LP)” “…imprisoned for 46 years for crimes he maintains he never committed..”

    This is the FBI, and in 1976. The FBI admitted they haven’t the faintest idea who killed those agents, it could have been Leonard, but most likely not. Admitted, on camera. The DoJ happily prosecuted for years, then decades of appeals, knowing all this. Later, they made up a fake prison break so they could shoot him dead, but he/they didn’t take the bait.

    This is the same governments saying all Sikh truckers are racist, and white supremacists went from like 5k of 330 million to apparently like 150 million in six weeks (when Obama lost because he backed wall street, evicted black families, attacked 7 brown nations and record was so bad it started BLM protests under him) Get a clue. If they say it, it’s a lie. If the FBI says it, it’s DEFINITELY a lie. Hey, remember that anthrax that guy made in scuba gear at the bottom of a pond? Does that story seem plausible now, or not-so-plausible? That’s your FBI.

    “our criminal justice system is imperfect,”

    Don’t really have words for this. That’s like saying “A nuclear blast CAN ruffle office papers under the right conditions” Imperfect? Like Armstrong’s SDNY court judge said he would never rule against Wall Street ever once in his 40-year career. Then didn’t. He had open dementia later, and everyone approved.

    “Peltier is now 77 years old and ill with multiple health problems,”

    Oh! So they don’t want to pay his health care! Nevermind, I understand now.

    massacres of natives took place and as a consequence of this harassment of the Lakota people, more than 250 people of this indigenous nation were murdered, without the crimes having been investigated until now.”

    Passive tense. “Investigated”? Passively, by some unnamed entity who’s not really at fault? THIS IS THE FBI. THEY are the “investigators” of these MASS-murders. Reservation jurisdiction. But you see, it was something going on like they wanted an FBI/Federal compliant Native government illegally installed with election fraud, Sandinista/South American style. People THINK, they wanted to erase the whole reservation and turn it into an open Uranium mine that would blow radioactive dust to Milwaukee, so they needed that government to undermine and sell it to them out from the people.

    BUT. Like other installed, color revolution states, they just used open oppression, murder, mass-rape, Indian-hunt, rape-safaris, and hospital “accidents” with 90% sterilizations should you end up in one, to control the people. But it still didn’t work because the Lakota cannot be controlled and are not control-type people. And after 3 Mile Island, uranium went out of fashion, with too much visibility, stalling the project. But that’s where Wounded Knee ‘76 came from and for example, Russell Means and AIM. Yes, the actor from “Last Mohican” The FBI was after arresting him for something for decades.

    They try these things on THEM before they do the mass roll-out on YOU. Fake charges, fake courtrooms, for protested daring resist child abduction, mass-rape, and mass-murder? Check. Forced sterilizations to kill all humans? Check. Step 3: Profit? Check. STOP IT WITH THEM so you don’t have it come to a suburban neighborhood where you live, arresting guys who visited a school board meeting once, or didn’t even hold a placard. Now have solitary confinement without trial.

    …Like Peltier. D—–t I try to tell people these basic things. Decades. If it’s not them in the noose, they just don’t care.

    I’ve got a better idea than letting Leonard out to pay for his own health care: put all the FBI agents and DoJ prosecutors IN. They’ve got a few years left, maybe. Then we’ll move on to the fake FBI lab in CT, and the FBI guys running Whitey Bulger for Derp State blackmail and hits.

    Is there anything that can make you stop believing in daddy government? Does it have to be a 100% fake, unjust trial rate? Because we’re pretty close to that right now. Does it have to be your kids? Too late.

    NY Times, Washington Post Driving US to War with Russia over Ukraine (MPN)”

    We know this is all real because they just disabled 1/3 of the troops, and sold the strategic oil reserves to drop gas prices 50c. That’s always what you do when you’re going to war. …That you are trying to win.

    Keep your eye on the markets, they will signal. I hear about the 20th this month.

    John Day

    D Benton Smith said (late last night) “There is a mental, spiritual (and therefore COGNITIVE) tipping point in many peoples’ minds based on a single core concept or belief : are you a materialist or a spiritualist ?” …

    “What IS reality, anyway? Well, we are mid-process in finding that out in a very ungentle fashion and it is breaking the minds of those who have too much invested in an entrenched hardcore materialist position, because they’ve been rather wrong and Reality is rubbing their noses in it. Be kind to these injured whenever you can do so safely and the mercy is not actually destructive or harmful. There, but for the grace of God, go you.”

    Cat Stevens said “There’s so much left to know and I’m on the road to find out” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocu7XObxRZ8


    Spotify is small enough to fail. The too big to fail are in the controlled demolition phase. Swedes don’t do quite enough of what they are told with that Viking blood.

    John Day

    Dr. D just said:
    “Anyway, so being decades before the end, Team B had a LOT of time to plan, and wrote it all down. It’s in Fed papers and books if you want to read it. Knowing there was a end date, a risk-crisis, and a “Master Plan”, all they had to do was F’ up the master plan, good and hard, but just once. Didn’t matter what they f’d it up with or who. There was a dozen candidates who would suffice. Since they murdered quite a bunch and delayed long enough a few were now too old, The Donald was the one pulled out of the bag as most handy.

    And? He f’d up their plans sooper good and hard. As Michael Moore warned, “The biggest F You in American history.” But they were too busy smelling their own farts to listen. Since they are minions of zero imagination, they simply kept trying to execute the SAME plan, and with 5 years of time lost, doubled down, attempting it twice as fast and twice as hard. Like the losing un-self-aware morons they are.

    And here we are. #Winning. We don’t need Trump. We never did. He’s irrelevant then and now. I can’t fathom why people are so golly hypnotized by him, for, but far more especially against. He doesn’t exist. Stop looking at the puppet, look in the blackscreen for the puppeteer. Jesus, why do I have to say these things?”

    I’m on Team-C : Grow vegetables. Ride a bike. Be a neighbor and friend.

    Dr. D


    Pancake on Head, I have no idea what you’re doing.

    Your “Data” is “I have an expert (appeal to authority) who disagrees with your expert (appeal to authority). Aha! Therefore your separate-but-equal expert is wrong!”

    Do you not know what an “expert” is, what “Data” is, or what a “Logical Fallacy” is? Or in this case, two? One is “Appeal to Authority”, and the second is that if you espouse experts, then logically all PhDs, MDs must be of equal “Authority”.

    And where’s the data, FS? Is is simply impossible to crack the book, read the study, and address the DATA? Like, ever?

    Okay, logical fallacy level three: YOUR argument is that we should obey authority because “all the experts agree”, “the science is settled” that is, that anybody who dissents from Pfizer is an unscientific crank. Right? Good. BUT, when you bring up the same argument the last few weeks, “MY expert disagrees with YOUR expert (and mine is more popular on CNN/Facebook, i.e. non-scientific locations)” then YOU’RE PROVING OUR ARGUMENT. I mean, thanks, I guess. The argument is: The Science is not settled. It is being discussed, debated, disputed, WITH EVIDENCE. Therefore none of your “Experts” can opine yet, as “Science” is still discussing it and it’s not settled yet.

    I mean, do you not know “Experts disagree” and “It’s not settled yet” (so let’s wait) is our whole argument? That you are supporting for us and agreeing with us? Do you really not know this? If it’s not settled then we all MUST allow them, and us, to openly discuss it.

    You’re now arguing “experts disagree” but we must not ALLOW them to discuss so they CAN agree and come to consensus. Uh, whut?

    And ALSO “My expert is more popular than your expert” (among my my friends) so therefore QED. No data. So we vote on Facebook to create scientific consensus now?

    I dunno, man. I mean, I appreciate you proving my argument for me, but it seems a little embarrassing. Your not realizing it, I mean. So after watching for a week or two, I’m letting you in on it.

    Experts disagree? And should therefore talk? That’s OUR argument. So? Go ahead and let them talk. With data. And we’ll all read it together.

    So: Data. Read the U.S. military sudden illness report? Comments? Under Biden, is the entire US Armed Forces system running some great conspiracy theory too, in conjunction with the entire US Insurance Complex? That gives you a heart attack when you fluff a bedsheet? Thoughts?

    Remember, just this once, ADDRESS THE DATA. What do YOU think is happening, aside from the popularity of somebody you’ve never met?


    Dr. D a lot has been happening for a long time. Corporatism has been creeping into our world for decades – maybe it’s too late to stop it now.
    To repeat another issue that causes me to question the motives of the leadership of the trucker protest: why the myopic focus on Trudeau (who is liberal) when most of the vax mandates are not within federal jurisdiction (and there are many conservative premiers at the provincial level). If the trucker protest leaders are against all vax mandates for everyone, they should save some vitriol for the premiers, unless this runs against their political interests…

    John Day

    WES, Look, Hew York Times and Washington Post say “send the troops!” ; Wall street Journal, too.
    I guess it’s unanimous.

    MintPress Study: NY Times, Washington Post Driving US to War with Russia Over Ukraine


    Remember, just this once, ADDRESS THE DATA. That’s what this in the end game. Data. Data to follow you, watch you, assign you your monthly credits to spend however wherever. Opps you were sick three days this month and spent credits down at the race track, you will have three days worth of credits removed from next months allotment. Should have spent those credits at the pharmacy. Gotcha! Several European countries have stated that the vax-pass won’t be enforced but they want to keep the QR code for one year. One year? Sure thing. Then what? Just abolish it after spending all that effort and resources to get up and running? Explain please. Data! We don’t need no stinking data. The talking points of the globalists do their level best to keep the damning parts buried. However their narcissism lets enough talking points out every time they open their mouths that the direction of travel is quite apparent. Ultimate control. Step out of line and its ostracize. A little different in these times compared to medieval times. No other kingdom to flee toward. Things are moving faster than expected. I may have heard that phrase somewhere else. The truck issue is a good example of TPTB missing a critical data point in their “models” of how this should play out.They need trucking as well and maybe more so in order to keep their side of the narrative afloat. Models don’t work well as a map but as a general direction assuming you have most of the inputs in it. The best laid plans of mice and men. I think I heard that before as well. Altruism is fine at the individual level and can be maintained with due diligence in small gatherings. In a medium to large crowd it would seem not. Individualism being what it is. Can’t get all those data points in this damn model.

    those darned kids

    re martin armstrong: that’s taken from here: https://rumble.com/vtz9mw-episode-253-canceling-covid.html

    it’s well over an hour and well worth the time. starts at the hour mark. “enjoy”


    Ten minutes some inside footage and context to the police seizure of fuel.





    Some interesting legal $h!t.

    Your Rights


    No data on why but this document is currently offline, so we have to speculate Dr. D. Maybe they just have to update the wording to better reflect the changing times.



    Matt Gurney arrived in Ottawa the other day and is providing “man on the street” insights and observations.

    This crowd is mostly friendly. But anyone telling you there’s no dark edge here is either blind, or lying to you.



    Only in Canada you don’t say. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/immunization-vaccine-priorities/national-immunization-strategy/vaccination-coverage-goals-vaccine-preventable-diseases-reduction-targets-2025.html#det21

    Vaccination Coverage Goals by 2025
    Infants and Children
    Achieve 95% vaccination for the first three doses of the pertussis vaccine for infants
    Achieve 95% vaccination coverage by two years of age for the following childhood vaccines
    Achieve 95% vaccination coverage by seven years of age for the following childhood vaccines
    Achieve 90% vaccination coverage by 17 years of age for the following adolescent vaccines
    Increase vaccination coverage for the following adult vaccines
    Achieve 80% vaccination coverage (one dose) of a pneumococcal vaccine among adults 65 years of age and older
    Achieve 90% coverage (one dose) of hepatitis B vaccine among healthcare professionals
    Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage Goals
    Increase vaccination coverage for the seasonal influenza vaccine for the following groups
    Achieve 80% vaccination coverage among adults aged 65 years and older
    Achieve 80% vaccination coverage among adults aged 18-64 years with chronic medical conditions
    Achieve 80% vaccination coverage among health care professionals



    A fine and up standing model citizen.

    How the Corporate Media Smears Canada’s Freedom Convoy. Trudeau Accuses Them of “Racism, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia”

    Yes, that’s right, New Normal Canada has been invaded and now is under siege by hordes of transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers, racist homophobes, anti-Semitic Islamaphobes, and other members of the working classes!

    According to the corporate media, these racist, Russia-backed, working-class berserkers are running amok through the streets of Ottawa,

    waving giant “swastika flags, (Guardian)

    ”defecating on war memorials,

    sacking multi-million-dollar “soup kitchens,”

    and eating the food right out of homeless people’s mouths.

    Rumor has it, a kill-squad of truckers has been prowling the postnatal wards of hospitals, looking for Kuwaiti babies to yank out of their incubators.


    Sparkle socks to mirror in the morning
    Mirror mirror on the wall
    Who is the most fascist of all?
    Mirror replies
    Not yet Trudy but your getting closer.

    John Day

    Another picture of smiling couple in house-in-process, and a personal story begins…

    Sunday afternoon when we got back to Austin from working on the Yoakum homestead there was an envelope from the American Board of Family Medicine.
    I have been certified by this board for 31 years. I have a recertification test coming up in April, and have met all of the extensive and costly requirements to maintain certification, which include paying for and doing many weeks of their own costly medical education in the past decades, as well as extensive self study.
    Half of that continuing-education credit is provided by medical services that I pay for and half is self study.
    Last summer, having extensively studied and documented COVID since late 2019, I sent the board a blog link to point out how much research on COVID I had continuously done, which was unsurprisingly was not accepted as proof of self study. Subsequent to that I laboriously entered citations for 150 COVID-19 treatment studies, claiming one hour of credit each, which was accepted.
    The “Letter of Concern” states that the Board did look at my blog, and I stand accused of “denigrating vaccination for COVID-19, discouraging the public from being vaccinated, and spreading other misinformation about the virus publicly, including that the vaccine itself contributes to causing COVID-19 infections and death”.
    Well, except for the word “misinformation”, which should have the first 3 letters removed, I don’t dispute that statement.
    In my reply I pointed out the deaths and serious adverse reactions caused by the genetic therapy “vaccines” available in the US and Europe, and also pointed out that the “negative efficacy” well documented since last summer in UK data, reflects “ADE”, antibody dependent enhancement of viral pathogenicity, caused by the antibodies formed to the original January 2020 spike protein. I also pointed out that in children and young adults the dangers of these treatments clearly outweigh even short term protective benefits, so these people should not be subjected to these treatments in any case.
    At the end of my (fairly neatly handwritten) letter, I requested that if the Board decides to decertify me, that I be refunded my full testing fee, which I paid last September. My first guess is that they will find a way to keep the fee and also to add me to their list of sanctioned and decertified non-compliant doctors.
    We’ll know by mid April, I guess. I’ll post updates.


    I’m not capable enough to understand all the data.
    I rely on specialized snobs to decipher the truth.
    I expect solutions
    I reserve the right to change my mind.

    John Day

    Oroboros sent the link to this Michael Hudson article about the US financial relationship with European “allies” (aka “tributary countries”). The $US global financial system needs industrial countries to stay bought-in to $US and buying US federal debt, or else the dollar will become an ordinary currency in the world, be dumped, and the rest of the world will send $US to the US for whatever is on sale that week. The extensive global military occupation forces will be defunded. European countries have absorbed a lot of hurt over the years, but what is now being arranged is the suicidal loss of Russian gas in winter, which will hurt them far more than it will bother Russia.
    America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia

    America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia

    French President Macron had a marathon meeting yesterday with Russian President Putin
    Just before flying to Moscow Macron had pointed out in a weekend interview with Le Journal du Dimanche that “The geopolitical objective of Russia today is clearly not Ukraine, but to clarify the rules of cohabitation with NATO and the EU.”
    Macron looked very tense and anxious to me, over performing and grasping the arms of his chair rigidly. Putin was relaxed and gracious , as usual. Macron stated his intent as damage-control, prevention of worsening the current situation (aka “avoid war this month”) and said that he could not act unilaterally. (He CAN keep France out of a war with Russia in Ukraine, though). France gets about 25% of natural gas from Russia, is short on reserves and can’t do without it in winter.
    France sees the good deal on gas that Hungary just got extended to 2035. Macron faces increasingly stiff competition for the April elections he faces. Macron and Putin spoke positively of the meeting as a “good beginning” kind of thing. Macron needs good press and some kind of a good deal on natural gas.

    This is a very strong joint statement of unity against the Western Empire on all fronts, very strong, and does not even mention Iran…
    A trilateral statement might be made in the nearish future..
    Unpacking the Russian-Chinese joint statement

    Unpacking the Russian-Chinese joint statement

    ​This is the kind of breaking-off-pieces that would facilitate unseating of the $US based global military-financial regime.
    Russia, China and Iran can already trade without $US.
    ​Trapped in IMF debt, Argentina turns to Russia and joins China’s Belt & Road
    Argentina is trapped in $44 billion of IMF odious debt taken on by corrupt right-wing regimes. Seeking alternatives to US hegemony, President Alberto Fernández traveled to Russia and China, forming an alliance with the Eurasian powers, joining the Belt and Road Initiative.

    Trapped in IMF debt, Argentina turns to Russia and joins China’s Belt & Road

    blues surfer

    The deflator just cherry picks tiny bits of misinformation to try to sway an argument against a proven Nobel prize winning treatment.

    Below is a link to WHO’s list of adverse events from treatments over multi-decade use, including the covid vaxes with multiples of ADRs over 1 year, Ivermectin places 4th least in a list of a couple dozen.


    Besides the few dozen of peer reviewed studies proving the efficacy of said traeatment.


    Remember, just this once, ADDRESS THE DATA.


    John Day

    Will this really happen today? Will the police in Ottawa really arrest people on foot carrying gasoline cans and picnic baskets?
    Some think not…
    Ottawa police threaten arrests for sharing fuel with Freedom Convoy​ ​​ ​Authorities want to deprive protesters of ‘material support’

    This is almost 3 toxic-jabs per year per Canadian.
    Federal contracts poised to deliver 100 million vaccine doses annually for years

    ​Another scholarly paper showing that these gene-therapy vaccines” suppress the natural competence of the human immune system:
    Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations

    John Day

    From Nature: Genetic analysis of Omicron variants in New York sewage shows an extremely broad arary of mutations (which would take years to develop, not months) including mutations that facilitate binding to receptors in mice and rats, such as would arise if the strain had been developed in a lab using “humanized” mice and rats. These are all resistant to vaccine-induced antibodies.
    ​ ​To monitor New York City (NYC) for the presence of novel variants, we deep sequence most of the receptor binding domain coding sequence of the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from the New York City wastewater. Here we report detecting increasing frequencies of novel cryptic SARS-CoV-2 lineages not recognized in GISAID’s EpiCoV database. These lineages contain mutations that had been rarely observed in clinical samples, including Q493K, Q498Y, E484A, and T572N and share many mutations with the Omicron variant of concern. Some of these mutations expand the tropism of SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviruses by allowing infection of cells expressing the human, mouse, or rat ACE2 receptor. Finally, pseudoviruses containing the spike amino acid sequence of these lineages were resistant to different classes of receptor binding domain neutralizing monoclonal antibodies.

    How Empires Die, Charles Hugh Smith
    When the state / empire loses the ability to recognize and solve core problems of security and fairness, it will be replaced by another arrangement that is more adaptable and adept at solving problems.


    Outstanding compendium, second that.

    “judiciously seeded with barbed commentary”

    Said hurtfully but with good judgement. Interesting

    After reading the Nature article on water water, I will no longer use public restrooms unless fully masked (N100) may even start taking IVM prophylactically.

    John Day

    Attn: “Deflationista” Duplicate post.

    Mister Roboto

    Why might Democrats and other establishment politicians be trying to “pivot away” from Covid, even though the situation remains the same? Perhaps this is because the way they have been dealing with the pandemic has only made it worse.

    D Benton Smith


    The evidence of the efficacy of Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid19 for the prevention of serious illness, hospitalization and death is so OVERWHELMING (especially as a key component of multi featured early treatment) that for all practical and clinical purposes it should be considered to be simple proved fact.

    Anyone interested in wasting their precious time re-re-re-viewing the multiple studies can go here : https://c19early.com/

    AS FOR @deflationista PERSONALLY : he/she/it has crossed the line, from being a simple creep to being willfully accessory to special circumstances first degree murder . That’s a capital offense, boyo. Save some hangman the rope and drop dead.

    Michael Reid

    When core beliefs get shaken to their foundation by inescapably obvious events (i.e. reality) it can break minds.

    I have experienced the collapse of my worldview while commenting here. It is very ungrounding. The past cannot be changed. Each new day is an opportunity to forge a more suitable life and worldview.

    John Day

    I remember some dark field microscopy picturesof human blood on slides after mRNA “vaccination” posted here recently. I wonder if this is directly related:


    I think we are backing into a new phase of the Plandemic




    Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree open up a Can of Whoop-ass in the Hunger Blame Games that are gearing up as we speak.

    This might turn into a blood sport quickly.

    It’s time for Pin the Tail on the Donkey. (PTD)

    Remember that old party game?

    Someone gets blindfolded holding a pin with a paper donkey’s tail dangling from it. They are spin around enough times to make them somewhat dizzy then guided in the general direction of a large tailless paper donkey taped to the wall. Closest pin job wins a prize.

    Is Nuremberg 2.0 going to be Pin the Tail on the Donkey, or is it going to be data, evidence based tail pinning?

    Inquiring minds would love to know.

    Xavier Becerra is the head of HHS in the US. Ever heard of this chucklehead?

    So a headline from the MSMwhores:

    Whitehouse Frustration Grows Over Health Chief Becerra’s Handling of Pandemic


    Really, all by himself, awesome work Xavier.

    Anyone ever heard of Xavier the last two years?

    Well Xavier, ‘they’ are lining you up for a painful Tail Job.

    Anonymous Whitehouse sources in the article say they can’t openly criticize old ‘Xavier Becerra’ because of ‘political considerations’.


    Cause making a latino the fall guy for the entire Plandemic would look racist and UnWoke?


    Xiden Biden’s ‘Whitehouse’ doesn’t just look like a clown car, it looks like a clown car on fire!


    Watch the link for a laugh

    Doc Robinson

    An interesting and fairly comprehensive article:

    A review of the use of persuasion and coercion to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
    Mitchell B. Liester
    University of Colorado School of Medicine


    When persuasion is ineffective or insufficient, governments may turn to coercion as a means to improve vaccination compliance. Coercive policies to increase vaccination have a long history that predates the COVID19 pandemic [132]. A large body of literature exists regarding the justification for the use of coercion in public health and infectious disease. Generally, such justification is based upon Millian grounds whereby the risk of an unvaccinated individual harming others is viewed as adequate to justify the use of coercion [133].

    McCoy found that coercion has historically been utilized by the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia at various times and to varying degrees to improve vaccination rates. However, the use of coercion has met with resistance, resulting in changes to vaccine policies in each of these countries [134]. The primary method of coercion involves compulsory vaccines via mandates, with consequences for non-compliance that include financial penalties/fines, loss of jobs, and restriction of freedoms [135].

    The fallacy of bifurcation

    Another argument levied against compulsory vaccination is the focus on vaccines as the only solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an example of the fallacy of limited options or more specifically, the fallacy of bifurcation. This fallacy is a false dilemma which results from the erroneous limitation of options to only two alternatives. If presented only with the option of getting COVID-19, with the inherent risks and sequelae of this disease, or with the option of getting the vaccine, assuming it is relatively effective and safe, most people would likely get the vaccine. However, a third option exists – using one of the numerous potential treatments that exist for COVID-19 (see Table 4).


    (I haven’t heard of that journal before, but it’s not on Beall’s List of Potential Predatory Journals and Publishers, so it seems legit.)

    those darned kids
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