Feb 092022
 February 9, 2022  Posted by at 9:34 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

René Magritte L’éternité 1935


The Pentagon’s Response To The DEMD Data Is An Even Bigger Story (Blaze)
Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning On Data (ZH)
Let The Re-Writing Of Covid History Begin? (Rossini)
Joe Rogan Shows Us The Real Purpose Of Cancel Culture (OffG)
The Blue Stack Strikes Back (Jilani)
First Canadian Provinces Scrap Covid Mandates (RT)
Towing Companies Refuse to Move Freedom Convoy Trucks (TC)
Johnson & Johnson Stops Covid-19 Vaccine Production (RT)
Americans Have ‘Lost Touch With Reality’ – Russia (RT)
Scientists Divulge Easy Way To Lose Weight (RT)
Elon Musk Gives Views On ‘Traditional’ Media (RT)
Lithium Price Rockets Nearly 500% In A Year (G.)
Jeff Bezos’ Yacht Can Count On Rotten Eggs (Engelen)








India’s ambassador





Calgary police officer



She loves school



Why the changes when you know Renz has all the files?

The Pentagon’s Response To The DEMD Data Is An Even Bigger Story (Blaze)

One thing is clear about the revelation of the 2021 military epidemiological data and the military’s response to it: There is undoubtedly a public health and national security crisis in the military, and the Pentagon’s reaction only seems to be concerned with exonerating the vaccine, not fixing its own alleged problem. It’s now certain that the military’s health surveillance system — DMED — showed a massive increase in sickness and injury diagnoses in 2021 over previous years, particularly in the neurological, cardiovascular, oncological, and reproductive health categories. The military, in a very terse and cryptic statement to PolitiFact last week, admitted as much, but claimed without any further explanation that the data in the system accessed by several military doctors working with attorney Thomas Renz was only a “fraction” of the true numbers that existed. In the words of the Pentagon spokesman, it was a “glitch in the database.”

Where those true numbers existed, why they weren’t in the system for five years, what exactly was in the system, and why the 2021 numbers were accurate according to the DOD account remain a mystery. However, one by one, the military public health officials have been adding back random numbers to the 2016 through 2020 codes. I’m told by Renz and two of the whistleblowers that throughout the past week, they have queried the same data again, and in most of the ICD categories, they have found that the numbers from 2016 through 2020 were “increased” exponentially to look as though 2021 was not an abnormal year. This has been done without any transparency, any press release, any statement of narrative, and sloppily in a way that makes the already unbelievable narrative simply impossible to believe.

In addition to believing that every epidemiological report for five years was somehow completely tainted with false data — including during the first year of the pandemic itself — we would have to believe that the minute they discovered this from Renz, they suddenly discovered the exact numbers. A five-year mistake fixed overnight! Just take a look at the following statement given to the Epoch Times, the only other public comment delivered by an authorized Pentagon spokesman: “Comparing the DMED database to the source data contained in DMSS, AFHSD discovered that the total number of medical diagnoses from 2016-2020 that were accessible in DMED represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses for those years. In contrast, the 2021 total number of medical diagnoses were up to date in DMED. Comparison of 2021 to 2016-2020 resulted in the appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the under-reported data for 2016-2020. AFHSD has taken DMED offline to identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption,” said Maj. Charlie Dietz.

That’s it! They are only concerned with downplaying any potential culpability of the vaccine, not explaining how they were flying blind, according to their official narrative, on such an important endeavor for so many years. Just consider the fact that at last week’s meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), officials revealed that they have been monitoring vaccine safety data from the DOD, among other places.

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Full immunity, but not from investors.

Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning On Data (ZH)

Two weeks ago, the FDA begged a Texas judge to delay production on the first monthly batch of 55,000 pages of Covid-19 vaccine data submitted to the agency by Pfizer. Originally, the agency was set to produce just 500 pages-per-month. Now, Pfizer – which just forecast $54 billion in Covid-related sales in 2022, appears to be anticipating some bad news, as evidenced by several redline changes in their Q4 earnings releases. As Rubicon Capital’s Kelly Brown notes on Twitter, the changes center around disclosures of unfavorable safety data. For example, in Q4 they added: “or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection.”

More from Brown, who notes that Pfizer is now highlighting “concerns about clinical data integrity…” The company also notes that Covid-19 may “diminish in severity or prevalence, or disappear entirely.”

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“Truth and Liberty go hand-in-hand; as do lies and tyranny.”

Let The Re-Writing Of Covid History Begin? (Rossini)

It took much too long, but it appears that the tide of public opinion has finally turned. The term “trust the science” has suddenly lost its luster, especially when it comes from the mouth of a politician or so-called “expert.” The meanings of the words “science” and “expert” have been blown to pieces. But such is always the case when politicians get involved in things they shouldn’t be involved in. They have an uncanny ability of destroying everything they touch. Well, they touched the words “science” and “expert” and made them completely unrecognizable. I’ve heard the phrase “You can’t tell what’s true anymore” more than enough times over the last several years. We’ve all had a front row seat in what a so-called “post-truth” world looks like — It looks like totalitarian tyranny! Truth and Liberty go hand-in-hand; as do lies and tyranny.

Miraculously, as public opinion has changed, so has the “science”! Imagine that. The “science” now says that masks, lockdowns, and mandates are bad. If only the “science” crystal ball had said such things two years ago! Imagine all the pain, suffering and death that could have been avoided. One must also wonder, if public opinion didn’t change, would the “science” have remained unchanged as well? Who knows? But as the tyranny is (reluctantly) peeled away, the predictable re-writing of history has begun. Think of the Iraq War as an analogy for what you should expect going forward. The mania of lies and smears that led up to that failed war was deafening. Now think about today… How many people actually admit to supporting the Iraq War? Roughly… You can probably count them on one hand. Very (very) few people. Only the hard-core warmongers will admit to it.

Well, as Covid “history” is fabricated and branded into digital ink, you can be sure to see the same behavior from the lying class. Denial, followed by more denial: “I never supported the wearing of masks.” “I was always against lockdowns.” “Vaccine passports? What do you think I am, some kind of Nazi?” Be prepared, because just as people will not admit that they supported the Iraq War, so will they start changing their tunes about being petty dictators for a solid two years. The blame will also be offloaded onto a fictional collective. Be prepared to see the word “we” over and over: “We” should have known better. “We” made mistakes. “We” need to do a better job. The government needs more money. “We” thought that the masks, lockdowns & “vaccines” would work.

Tucker More & more people dying in the prime of life

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“Far more likely is that it was created and deployed to discredit Rogan’s COVID-questioning without having to engage with the Covid sceptic evidence or arguments.”

Joe Rogan Shows Us The Real Purpose Of Cancel Culture (OffG)

Joe Rogan has just been cancelled. Again. It’s not about covid “misinformation” this time. No, now he’s a racist. Some enterprising young mind combed through 13 years and hundreds of episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience, and cut together around twenty instances of Rogan using “the n-word”. This video was shared by award-winning musician India Arie, and used to explain her pulling her music from Spotify’s platform in protest of Rogan’s continued presence there. Rogan claims that these clips are all taken out of context in his recent apology video, and none were ever intended to be racist. This may well be true…we can’t check for ourselves, because Spotify removed all the episodes. These important bits of context were, naturally, removed from the viral video. Besides, it has since been said that context doesn’t even matter.

And you know what, they’re right. The context doesn’t matter, perhaps the intention doesn’t even matter, what matters is “Why now?” Some of these clips are over twelve years old, and yet there have never been any calls to boycott Spotify or cancel his show until just the last couple of days. Were they not racist before? Or was everyone just OK with the racism? Could there be something else behind this? …but why bother pausing the hate-fest to ask questions, right? The only message that matters is – Joe Rogan is a racist now, and streaming giant Spotify have pulled over seventy episodes of his show from their platform as a result. Of course the cyber-torches and internet-pitchforks coming for Joe Rogan is nothing new. Having preached the tenets of a healthy lifestyle, promoted alternate Covid treatments, and invited dissenting experts onto his show, Rogan has obviously been on the establishment’s hit list for a while.

[..] Rogan’s uses of “the n-word” are not new. They are all several years old and from 23 separate episodes, all multiple hours long. And there are almost 1800 episodes of the show to plough through if you decide to go searching. So making this video is at least two days’ work of simply watching the episodes – and that’s assuming you know where to start looking. And that’s before editing or trying to make it “go viral”. Was all this done on a whim by some bored pro-vaxxer? Does that sound likely? Far more likely is that it was created and deployed to discredit Rogan’s COVID-questioning without having to engage with the Covid sceptic evidence or arguments. It’s even possible the video may even have already existed before the current controversy. After all, why create this climate of stifling sensitivity if you don’t have the tools to use it?

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“It’s designed to look like they’re doing something, but they’re not doing anything. It’s more spectacle than substance.”

The Blue Stack Strikes Back (Jilani)

[..]The U.S. government, forbidden by contemporary constitutional law from simply censoring Rogan itself, dispatched Surgeon General Vivek Murthy to reinforce President Joe Biden’s message imparted last year that social media platforms are “killing people” by allowing too much freedom of speech about the pandemic, the virus, and the vaccines. “People have a right to make their own decisions, but they also have a right to accurate information to make that decision with,” Murthy told MSNBC. “This is not just about what the government can do,” he coyly noted, “this is about companies and individuals recognizing that the only way we get past misinformation is if we are careful about what we say and use the power that we have to limit the spread of misinformation.”

Murthy’s message reinforced the media outlets that had taken aim at Rogan, inspiring a wave of new reports not only focused on his discussions of COVID but also labeling him problematic in other regards. The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, whose role in this ecosystem is to disguise Democratic Party talking points as humor, criticized a segment in which Rogan and author Jordan Peterson poke fun at the absurdity of modern racial categorization, noting that nobody is actually “white” or “Black.” CNN signal boosted Noah’s criticism, as did a range of other outlets. Other activists found old clips of Rogan mentioning (but not using) racial slurs. Eventually, Spotify got the message. It announced new platform rules that include adding advisories to select content dealing with COVID.

It began deleting dozens of older Rogan episodes that contained transgressive content. Its CEO promised to devote $100 million of company money on content from “historically marginalized groups,” which in this case is likely to be defined exclusively by progressive activists (don’t expect a lot of sponsored podcasts on Asian American opposition to racial preferences in college admissions). In the span of a week, Rogan posted two separate apologies for his past content. The authors of the open letter that initiated the firestorm, however, are not satisfied. One of them told Rolling Stone that the Spotify advisories will just create a “‘false balance’ problem. It’s designed to look like they’re doing something, but they’re not doing anything. It’s more spectacle than substance.”

These activists know how to play the game. If you look back at any of the recent controversies over free speech—from QAnon to COVID to the last two presidential elections—this is how things work when a development or outcome is seen as unfavorable or undesirable by the favored political camp. First, activists create a panic about misinformation or offensive speech. Second, the social media platforms try to meet them halfway by introducing measures like warning labels. Third, the activists realize they’ve drawn blood, and continue to push for outright censorship. Finally, the social media platforms give in and remove the offending voice from their platforms altogether.

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Nothing much changed so far.

“Kenney just says he won’t bring back the vaccine passport “Unless we redefine full vaccination as having three shots”. Kenney said that “would make practical sense… make a requirement that people get a third shot.”

First Canadian Provinces Scrap Covid Mandates (RT)

Canada’s province of Saskatchewan announced on Tuesday it would stop requiring vaccine passes and masks. It comes as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau insisted on the effectiveness of Covid-19 mandates amid trucker protests gripping the capital Ottawa. The prairie province, situated between Alberta and Manitoba, said it would stop requiring vaccine passports from next week and allow the mask mandate to expire at the end of February. It is one of the first Canadian provinces to offer a roadmap to ending the virus restrictions. Praising the soon-to-be-phased-out restrictions for helping to stem the spread of the virus, Premier Scott Moe, however, noted that they had created “two classes of citizens,” arguing that “the benefits of this policy no longer outweigh the costs.”

Urging Canadians not to “judge” their neighbors over their vaccination status, Moe said people should be entitled to decide whether to get vaccinated or not. “This government is going to respect that right,” he added. Another province, Alberta, also moved to ditch the restrictions on Tuesday. From midnight on Wednesday, residents will no longer be required to provide proof of vaccination in public places, and from Monday next week children aged 12 and under would no longer be required to mask up. Compulsory masking will no longer apply to students in schools. “We’ll never be able to do a full accounting of the extent of the pain and hardship that restrictions have caused,” Premier Jason Kenney said.

[..] PM Trudeau has refused to meet with the truckers or hear their demands, referring to them as a “small, fringe minority” engaged in violence and hateful conduct. In a speech to the parliament on Monday, he accused the truckers of “trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens’ daily lives,” and demanded that their protest “has to stop” because the people of Ottawa and Canadians in general “deserve to get their lives back.” On Tuesday, the PM defended the mandates and restrictions his government put in place during the pandemic, saying they worked and will not be removed any time soon. “I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions,” he told reporters.

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“..heavy-duty tow trucks can transfer air from their system to the trucks to release their brakes. However, he added that “we have all the capabilities on our tow trucks to do it … but I don’t think anyone would want to.”

Towing Companies Refuse to Move Freedom Convoy Trucks (TC)

“I’ve contacted them all and they’re all refusing, as of today, to provide heavy tow truck work,” city manager Steve Kanellakos told reporters Monday evening, according to a report from the CBC. “Right now we’re reviewing their contracts or standing offer, and reviewing what actions we can take to deal with this unprecedented situation,” Kanellakos added. There are currently more than 400 trucks parked throughout the city in protest, which began over a week ago. The drivers have said that they will not move the trucks until the COVID vaccine mandates for drivers doing trips between the US and Canada are lifted. Kanellakos said that Mayor Jim Watson has also been reaching out to towing companies in other cities, but none are willing to help stop the protest.

“Right now, the consensus seems to be that many of them — or most of them — don’t want to do the work because … they rely on on the the heavy truck industry for their livelihood, and they don’t want to damage that part of their business,” Kanellakos said. “That’s the position they’re taking, at least.” The CBC report added that deputy police chief Steve Bell confirmed that they are having trouble finding a willing tow truck operator in “every jurisdiction that’s faced this, and it’s forcing us to come up with some creative solutions.” While Bell wouldn’t say what those creative solutions may be, he did say that they are moving “toward a position where we’re not going to let the tow truck operators … be an obstacle to ending what’s occurring.”

Also speaking to the CBC, Trucker Lloyd Crowe said that there is no way the city will be able to move the trucks without cooperation from the drivers who are protesting. “If you know anything about truck air brakes, once you pull that button, all 18 wheels are locked,” Crowe told CBC on Wednesday. “Nothing can move it, except maybe a big wrecker. And no wrecker worth his salt is going to come anywhere near this, because they’re on our side.” David Allen, president of Gary’s Towing in Thunder Bay told the news organization that while it would be hard, he does not believe that it is impossible. He explained that heavy-duty tow trucks can transfer air from their system to the trucks to release their brakes. However, he added that “we have all the capabilities on our tow trucks to do it … but I don’t think anyone would want to.”

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Johnson & Johnson Stops Covid-19 Vaccine Production (RT)

US multinational Johnson & Johnson suspended production of its Covid-19 vaccine late last year amid a massive push by the federal government and health officials to promote getting inoculated, The New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing sources familiar with the situation. The pause in production is reportedly temporary, but the one plant producing the vaccine in the Dutch city of Leiden has apparently shifted its focus to producing a potentially more profitable vaccine for an unrelated virus. It’s unclear if the production pause has affected the availability of the single-jab Covid vaccine, as the company has a stockpile of doses. However, one person familiar with the situation says the suspension could mean a reduction in output of a few hundred million doses.

The plant is expected to produce more after a few months’ break. Other facilities are awaiting regulatory approval or to actually be up and running to produce the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, according to the NYT report. Organizations that distribute the vaccine worldwide told the NYT they were unaware of the production pause, with some expressing concern about the timing. “This is not the time to be switching production lines of anything, when the lives of people across the developing world hang in the balance,” Dr. Ayoade Alakija, co-head of African Union vaccine distribution. Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, Johnson & Johnson’s offering requires only a single shot for the initial inoculation, while the others are delivered via two shots.

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Long ago.

Americans Have ‘Lost Touch With Reality’ – Russia (RT)

Washington’s rhetoric about the possibility of imposing colossal sanctions on Russia is so outrageous that Moscow sees little point in even responding, one of the country’s top diplomats has said. In an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin was asked about the possibility of Washington imposing unprecedentedly harsh measures on the Russian energy and financial sectors, including additional sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline linking the gas fields of Siberia to consumers in Germany. “It’s long been clear to everyone that American legislators have lost touch with reality and are living in a kingdom of their own phobias regarding our country, churning out obscurantist plans to deter Russia on all fronts, with any justification or without one,” Pankin replied.

“I don’t see the point in reacting to the Capitol’s routine initiatives about this. We can only repeat once more our regret about what has happened, and confirm that there will inevitably be negative consequences from the harsh restrictions laid on us by the Western initiators of such measures,” the diplomat added. Asked whether Russia is prepared for the possibility of being cut off from the SWIFT banking system, which some American and European leaders have threatened if Moscow decides to invade Ukraine, Pankin said, “Our hope is that, as opposed to Washington’s completely unjustified movement towards the ‘sanction field’, reason will still prevail in Brussels and these measures will not happen, which would damage the stability of the international finance system itself, as well as global economic recovery and the possibility of fulfilling the [UN initiative] Sustainable Development Goals on time.”

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Scientists Divulge Easy Way To Lose Weight (RT)

Sleeping more can help people to consume less calories per day and to lose weight, if those healthy sleeping habits are maintained over a prolonged period of time, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago, Illinois. The findings were published on Monday in peer-reviewed journal JAMA Internal Medicine. The clinical research involved 80 adults aged between 21 and 40. All the participants qualified as overweight with a body mass index ranging from 25 to 29.9, while ‘normal’ body weight falls into the range between 18.5 and 24.9. All the participants also had habitual sleep of 6.5 hours per night or less. The research was conducted for a prolonged period of time, running from November 2014 to October 2020.

The participants were observed for a two-week period to establish a baseline and were then randomly separated in two groups. The control group continued with their sleeping habits without any intervention, while another group received “an individualized sleep hygiene counseling session,” aimed at prolonging their bedtime to some 8.5 hours. No further support beyond the counseling was provided to the participants, who continued to sleep in their own beds, though they wore tracking devices to register the duration of their sleeping time. “Most other studies on this topic in labs are short-lived, for a couple of days, and food intake is measured by how much participants consume from an offered diet,” lead researcher Dr Esra Tasali at the University of Chicago’s Sleep Center stated.

“In our study we only manipulated sleep and had the participants eat whatever they wanted, with no food logging or anything else to track their nutrition by themselves.” The sleep duration was increased for the sleep extension group by 1.2 hours per night on average, which led to a significant decrease in energy intake compared to the control group. The people from the sleep extension group consumed some 270 kilocalories on average less, which is quite significant given that recommended daily intake is 2,000 kilocalories for women and 2,500 for men. “No significant treatment effect in total energy expenditure was found, resulting in weight reduction in the sleep extension group vs the control group,” the study reads.

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Fear sells, not just negative news.

Elon Musk Gives Views On ‘Traditional’ Media (RT)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, known for his prolific tweeting, questioned his 73 million followers about why “traditional” media outlets operate as a “relentless hatestream” before then engaging in discussions with his followers on the topic. “Why is the “traditional” media such a relentless hatestream? Real question,” Musk tweeted on Monday. This post was quickly followed by another, clarifying the billionaire’s position. “Most news outlets attempt to answer the question: ‘What are the worst things happening on Earth today?’ It’s a big planet! Obviously, some bad things are happening somewhere at any given time, but focusing relentlessly on those does not give an accurate picture of reality,” he wrote.

Musk then engaged in debate with followers, disagreeing with one view that “negative news sells better,” pointing to some popular “citizen podcasts” which “aren’t negative.” “Maybe part of why traditional media outlets are so negative is because old habits die hard? They so rarely even try to be positive,” Musk added, sharing his frustration over the constant flow of the “news that makes one sad & angry.” The degree of Musk’s apparent disdain for traditional news media became known when he agreed with another commenter who said the target audience of most media was “the amygdala of the bottom 50% of humanity.” “Sadly true,” the carmaker’s chief executive wrote.

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When everyone’s got an EV, they’ll be useless.

Lithium Price Rockets Nearly 500% In A Year (G.)

Lithium prices have “gone ballistic” as surging electric vehicles sales worldwide create massive demand for the critical component of lithium-ion batteries. According to figures from Benchmark Mineral Intelligence (BMI), the price of the lithium-rich raw material spodumene rose 478.3% between January 2021 and January 2022. In January alone the price of spodumene jumped 45.5% to US$2,400 a tonne, up from $1,650 in December. Similar price rises were recorded for lithium carbonate and hydroxide – refined lithium at different stages of purity – over the past year. BMI is forecasting the price will continue to increase for at least the next six month off the back of massive demand for battery cells.

In January the consulting firm McKinsey predicted the market for lithium batteries would grow to at least $360bn by 2030, with growth averaging 20% a year until the end of the decade. But some analysts have sounded a note of caution as lithium pricing can be volatile – demand can grow quickly but new mines open and increase supply, dropping the price again. Tim Buckley, an energy transition analyst and director of Clean Energy Finance, says demand for lithium is likely to remain high. “It’s unsustainably high – it’s gone ballistic. It’s just brilliant to watch – the world’s transforming before our eyes,” Buckley said. “Nothing excites financial markets more than a 500% increase in prices.”

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Google translation from Dutch.

Jeff Bezos’ Yacht Can Count On Rotten Eggs (Engelen)

Not so long ago there was a ship whose fortunes could serve as the perfect symbol of the age in which we were then. And no, I’m not talking about the Titanic, that monument of hubris and stupidity, which went down on its maiden voyage and disappeared into the icy ocean with 1,522 people on board, and with that, two years before the outbreak of the First World War, announced the end of the bourgeois belle époque. Not to mention the Probo Koala, that tanker full of chemical waste on its way to the Ivory Coast to discharge its toxic cargo, which suddenly became the focus of our nascent environmental consciousness, only to then, like a hot potato, to be shifted from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, to end up in the harbor of Amsterdam where it lay rotting for months and acted as a constant reminder of the end of our ecological innocence.

No, I’m talking about that Italian cruise ship, the Costa Concordia, which, with over four thousand passengers on board, ran aground at nightfall off the coast of Italy, at the port of Giglio, and began to overturn slowly, because the sun-tanned captain of the ship, and I’m exaggerating oly a little here, let his Moldovan sweetheart give him a blowjob during the maneuver. Meanwhile, a new ship has forced itself as a symbol on our collective consciousness. I am, of course, talking about the three-masted three-masted ship owned by Amazon boss, Jeff Bezos, which is currently being built at a cost of half a billion dollars at yacht builder Oceanco in Alblasserdam and is nearing completion. It would be a sailing yacht with a length of 127 meters long and a height of 55 meters, which, according to news agency Bloomberg, sets a new standard in the wonderful world of superyachts, with many undisclosed details.

In order to be able to choose the sea in the future, however, the yacht has to cross the Nieuwe Maas through the Koningshaven in Rotterdam. As it happens, the iconic Lift Bridge blocks the passage of the yacht: up to 44 meters high, the mouth of the bridge can be opened, too low for the masts of Bezos. And so, despite previous promises to residents, the city council has pledged to dismantle the bridge one more time to allow the yacht to escape. It is again the perfect fusion of an era, in this case of the corona pandemic entering its third year in three weeks, and of the neoliberal nature of the crisis that accompanied it. The measures taken by the state to prevent the spread of the virus and to prevent healthcare overload have had major redistributive consequences. Not only have the billions in monetary easing by central banks further exacerbated wealth inequalities, as the insane house and apartment prices in major cities illustrate: good for investors, bad luck for residents.

The shutting down or throttling of social intercourse has also greatly favored some and disadvantaged others. Household consumption expenditure did not fall during the four so-called lockdowns. What has happened is that one retail channel (the middle class with its physical stores) has been closed and the other retail channel (Amazon) has remained open, with a massive shift in terms of employees, logistics, turnover and thus profits from one channel to another. [..] That is what makes this such a significant event: after two years of corona measures, we have finally arrived in the neofeudal caste society that Thomas Piketty has been warning about since 2014. In that world, ordinary citizens with their bridges are only set pieces in the lives of the super rich. Knowing that will help you understand a little better why Twitter – another such platform – is circulating the call to treat Bezos’ ship with rotten eggs as it passes. You can hardly miss him!

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Home Forums Debt Rattle February 9 2022

  • This topic has 104 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Dr. D.
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  • #100472

    René Magritte L’éternité 1935   • The Pentagon’s Response To The DEMD Data Is An Even Bigger Story (Blaze) • Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 9 2022]


    RE: Ottawa Police force being exempt from vaccine mandates

    It appears that the Ottawa Police officers have been mandated to be fully vaccinated by Jan 31, 2022.



    India’s ambassador (above): “protect the oppressed even if he is my enemy but never forgive a traitor even if he is my friend” #TrudeauResign

    V. Arnold
    Dr. D

    “”Ditch The Misinformers” – Neil Young”

    We are. You and Sanjay Gupta and Walensky. CNN, MSNBC, BBC and CBC. Besides, wtf do you know about medicine? I don’t get my medical advice from 80 year old guitar players. I mean duh.

    “Biden DHS Declares Heightened Terrorism Threat Due to “Mis-, Dis-, & Mal-Information”

    Man, I can’t even predict a day ahead anymore. Here, I said they define terrorism as = “Everything”, and here we are. All information. All things but their things.

    Cluephone, it’s for you: “Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence to achieve political aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel ).” –Wikipedia.

    That’s actually a good, unbiased definition. I didn’t think they were capable of it. What does that mean? Parking your truck and having a party is not terrorism. Being wrong about something isn’t terrorism. For the love of all things holy.

    Even foreign actors attacking invading military personnel, OBVIOUSLY also not terrorism. They are soldiers, and that is a theatre of war. Threatening to erase your pension and throw the entire nation into poverty using financial extortion? As long as you communicate that fear, is terrorism. Attack causing deaths on civilians, preceded by the FEAR. Key element. Fabricating or exaggerating a virus hardly more deadly than H1N1 or HongKong, in order to create fear that you then use to achieve military and political ends? Absolutely, clearly, indisputably terrorism. …But would leave the problem whether state actors would exclude it from terror and just be straight “Democide”. That is, totalitarian mass murder, in our case yet again by Socialists. But it would be a felony, war-crime etc either way.

    Speaking of terrorism and totalitarian control: “The U.S. is considering a radical rethinking of the dollar for today’s digital world. The U.S. is gingerly considering whether to adopt a digital version of its currency” – npr.org

    So, tippy toppest Derp State insiders telegram for you: The dollar is dying, we are causing inflation, killing it and killing you to install a Fed dollar with the same criminal thieves in charge. I somehow feel people are not in the mood, not going to trust them very much. Remember all the Fed Chairs insider-trading multi-millions? Yeah.

    But Great! Timing: we are now far enough along they are admitting it and rolling it out to the public. That is to say: practically past tense. They only tell you when it’s already over and too late. Buckle up buckaroos!

    “Trump broke federal law. There’s nothing that can be done about it.” –MSNBC

    Because Biden is President? Wouldn’t that mean he CAN, Should, and has an impeachable DUTY to prosecute? What the heck, exactly? Who’s running things around here?

    MSNBC Category: “Zero Tolerance.” Yeah, you knew they had one of those. Maybe all of them, who knows? “If we want failed coup masterminds to talk, here’s something that beats immunity” –MSNBC

    Double immunity? So Biden is letting them all go? Giving them all immunity? Who’s running things around here?

    Peter Sloly: More importantly, they are enforcing illegal orders. Like parking and walking around. Can police just steal your gas if you have some? Is that how it works now? If they have some gas left in police cars can I steal it with a hose, or is this stealing thing just for them? And without gas, how do you think the trucks are going to move and drive away?

    “discredit … without having to engage with the Covid sceptic evidence or arguments.”

    Dang, that sounds familiar. But Rogan is more popular than CNN and the CDC combined, doesn’t that mean whatever he says is Science? And right? I thought those were the rules. Maybe the only rule is “don’t look at evidence”, “Do what you’re told.” All I want to know is, WHICH person who orders me around should I obey?

    So since we obey anyone who printed a song in the 60s I obey this one: “You can’t please everyone / So, you’ll have to please yourself.”

    “they also have a right to accurate information”

    Which I appreciate the (inaccurate) appearance of the government not controlling free speech, he Failed Constitution class: That would be a positive Right. For you to have the “Right to Accuracy”, that would infringe on the Right of people creating informations and make them your servant or slave. No-no. Like Health Care, that is a totally fake, impossible, illogical right. I mean aside from them having been dead wrong for 2 years and killing everyone, so: inaccurate information central? The responsible thing to do here is to close the Surgeon General’s Office in embarrassment and ignominy? You could use their budget to buy a nurse, much more effective.

    “ Johnson & Johnson Stops Covid-19 Vaccine Production (RT)”

    Well, they already made 2 Billion doses for the U.S. since they’re bad at math, so I guess that have enough for now? Of course none of that works since it’s outdated and for the wrong virus, but… #Winning. PMCs say you have to TAKE the vaccine, not that the vaccine has to DO anything. The goal of the vaccine is the vaccine. Clearly. Since the case numbers have risen since the day it started.

    Extras: “Nancy Pelosi Spent $500K on Private Jets while Preaching about Climate Change”

    And Obama now owns what? His fourth house at sea level?

    Safe and effective. The Science is settled. Now “do what you’re told” and “eat the bugs.”


    Canadian Trucker Sound Track

    Van Morrison – Western Man

    Western Man has no plan
    Cause he became complacent
    Stopped believing in himself
    Let others steal his rewards
    While he was dreaming

    While he was dreaming
    Others were scheming
    Doing deals behind his back
    Now Western Man is adrift, and under attack
    What happened in between?

    Now there’s no other bite of the cherry
    Unless he’s prepared to fight
    Start on a new path to freedom
    New path to freedom

    The horse has bolted from the stables
    Lunatics have taken over the farm
    Caretakers have taken over the main house
    Plan to start meetings in the forest
    Going back to the way it was
    Now just seems near impossible
    Western Man has no plan
    They stole it while, while he was dreaming

    Now there’s no other bite, bite of the cherry
    Unless he’s prepared to fight
    Start on a new path to freedom
    Horse has bolted from the stables
    Lunatics have taken over the farm
    Caretakers have taken over the main building
    The governors have gone over the wall
    Plan to start meetings in the forest
    Not going back, not going back to the way it was

    Western Man has no plan
    Since he became complacent
    Stopped believing in himself
    And let others steal his rewards
    While he was dreaming

    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    While he was dreaming
    Others were scheming
    Scheming while he was dreaming
    Others were scheming
    While he was dreaming
    Others were scheming
    While he was dreaming

    those darned kids
    those darned kids

    part 2. listen to the school board member at the end (if you can understand her through the ridiculous mask):

    those darned kids

    when you try to download the dmed data, you can only get a curated set, basically unworkable (well, that’s what my wife told me – she’s the scientist).

    here’s what jessica rose says: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/spontaneous-abortion-urf-in-department


    TDK – what a bitch. See that shit drives me crazy, a man bares his soul publicly about deeply personal feelings and impacts and is met with ‘meh, fine I’m not listening to anything but do what we are all told’.
    That sort of behaviour will start little fires in hearts and lead to effects downstream. Parents may end up starting their own schools, or bringing the current ones down.
    My son (12) first year in high school is desperate for an exemption re masks but we can’t get him one as yet. It is bothering me so much this sheep behaviour.
    The power is in the people and my people don’t want it.

    My people need love to conquer their unfounded fears but I just want to take my clothes off and poo in the centre of town.
    I am thinking very seriously of a march of the vaccine-free through the centre of town so they can stare at us. Maybe one day we’ll be thanked but I doubt it very much,


    those darned kids

    that’s been my elevator plea, raúl. the reply i usually get is; “but it’s safe and effective” or “it’s been fully approved” or “really? i’ve been fine” or “[condescending tone] where did you hear that?”

    unfortunately, i believe it will take more (prominent) vaccine injured celebrities that actually speak out before widespread recognition of just what has happened.


    Luc Montagnier died today

    those darned kids

    Here’s an interesting article, curious for Doc’s R and D to take a look…certainly not what I’ve read previously about this drug.



    Or maybe not #Luc Montagnier

    The Black

    The only legit move left for Trudeau is a Rogan Show interview

    those darned kids

    NEWSFLASH!!! Due to the budgetary effects that declining viewership has had on ad revenues, CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” will now be known as “Anderson Cooper 219”.


    This short clip might be the greatest description of everything that goes on here at TAE:

    those darned kids

    like i’m going to take advice from someone who paints their walls mauve..

    haven’t you realized that captain bligh only wants the breadfruit plants in order to feed slaves? do you really want to be part of that?


    It’s fucking nuts that half the world took 1-4 shots of drugs with no long term studies, without a full list of ingredients, no liability, made by convicted felons, when there has never been a successful vaxx for a coronavirus, for a disease with a 99.9% survival rate.

    Safe and Effective ™


    And the vaccinators don’t even bother aspirating the syringe before giving the IM injection – what a hoot!

    Mister Roboto

    Oh come on, deflationista, you know you love us! XOXO 😉


    This probably already made the rounds but just in case it hasn’t: this liberal mp is breaking rank with Trudeau but condemns the trucker protest. I totally share his perspective, although I would not vote for him because of what the Liberal Party stands for (neoliberal dismantling of our social infrastructure to further corporate interests).

    I have been involved in activism related to political, economic and environmental issues in Canada, mostly locally focussed. I have an overall political philosophy that is mostly left-leaning. I know many of the actors here: seen some at community meetings (Randy Hillier who, as an aside, was a speaker at the trucker protest). I have seen Poilievre’s lack of respect for environmental concerns in my local environmental advocacy work. I have heard Ezra Levant’s political perspective over time and have found it not in keeping with mine. Been to talks by Denis Rancourt who pops up from time to time in Mercola’s notes – I find Rancourt’s perspective incompatible with mine also.
    My point? I don’t do single-issue politics. I’m not vaxed, but even if any of these folks were to take a stand with mine on the vax issue, I would not support them because I do not agree with their overall political philosophy. To do otherwise is dangerous and potentially leads one to dance with a devil. Giving in on one issue is a very old political trick to bring people into a fold. Don’t be fooled.

    Here’s a challenge question: I will virtue signal here and say that I have on numerous occasions protested against non-democratic global institutions (IMF, World Bank) that have in no small way enabled corporate control of governments which has absolutely had a massive role in this hyper focus on money-making vaccination of the world. Were any others here involved in these protests?

    absolute galore

    “This short clip might be the greatest description of everything that goes on here at TAE:”

    This from a commenter whose only contributions consists of links to tweets on twitter that they somehow found compelling. I guess we could call that Twit Research.

    The most recent tweet’s message, summed up in one sentence: Only trust CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, CDC. All the rest is false narrative.

    Cute, but no thanks.


    “Pfizer still holds the record for receiving the largest criminal fine in history.”


    What could possibly go wrong!?


    Considering I just made the same point last week, I wonder how long it will take you dummies to start saying that I am James Surowiecki?

    Here is the whole thread:

    This story is a great example of how easily misinformation spreads don’t actually care what’s true or not. Organizers of the truck convoy make up a number – claiming that close to 50,000 trucks are headed to Ontario. That number was self-evidently absurd – a convoy with that many trucks (or even half as many) would have been literally hundreds of miles long. No clips of the truckers heading cross-country showed convoys of anything close to that length.No matter. The # makes the rounds on social media. Former NHL player Theo Fleury repeats it on Fox. Rogan cites it. And it becomes conventional wisdom on the right that tens of thousands of trucks have gone to Ottawa – even though there’s literally no evidence of it. And when called on the fact that he used the 50,000 number, Theo Fleury makes a comment that says it all, “Ever heard of a little thing called marketing? It worked.” Why does the number of trucks matter? Because the trucker convoy is being portrayed as a massive, widespread popular uprising. If instead we’re talking about a relatively small, niche movement, it’s a different conversation.


    This from a commenter whose only contributions consists of links to tweets on twitter that they somehow found compelling. I guess we could call that Twit Research.

    The most recent tweet’s message, summed up in one sentence: Only trust CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, CDC. All the rest is false narrative.

    Cute, but no thanks.

    Oh dear. absolute gabore looked into the reflecting pool and didn’t like what they saw.


    I had a realization last night as I was falling asleep.

    Fair warning — it involves an idea from economic philosopher Karl Marx. I know there are some here who have been trained to believe that Karl Marx = socialism = The Communist Party (a la Russia and China) = Stalin and Mao and their tactics = tyranny. However, socialism predated Karl Marx, and Marx was a philosopher in the 1800s who was trying to figure out why capitalism hadn’t delivered the “liberte, fraternite, egalite “ that was the call-phrase of the French Revolution. Yes, in the 20th century some very evil folks did a lot of evil in the name of Karl Marx (ahem, Stalin, Mao, etc.). And during the Crusades and Inquisition innocent people were murdered in the name of Jesus Christ. Neither man had any control over what was done in his name after his death.

    So please hear me out before the knee-jerk reaction kicks in to denigrate anything related to Karl Marx.

    Marx said that to avoid the problem in capitalism where the employer holds considerable power over the employee, creating a system whereby the employee may be (and often is) oppressed, that the workers should “own the means of production.”

    Truckers, by and large, own their rigs. Without the acquiescence of the truckers, the goods don’t get moved — because there are not enough “big rigs” in Canada to perform the task if the truckers refuse. The truckers “own the means of production” — INDIVIDUALLY, not collectively. They are sovereign individuals who can choose to act as a group. And when they voluntarily act collectively, they have the power to bring the system to its knees.

    As I read TAE this morning I encounter yet another group that tends to “own the means of production”: tow truck owners. They are being asked to tow the rigs of the protesting truckers. Asked — because they cannot be commanded, as they also own their own tow trucks. And, according to the article, most of the tow truck owners are declining to tow the protester’s vehicles.

    Wow. Marx was correct. Give each worker — individually — ownership and full control of the tools required to do the labor that they input into the economy and then the tyrants cannot effectively exert their coercion.

    The way to protect against tyrants is to empower individuals. Yes, that means 2nd amendment and guns. But it means so much more than that. It means that employees are always under the threat of becoming little more than “wage-slaves” as we have seen over the past year with vaccine mandates centering around place of employment.

    absolute galore

    sumac.carol — so you think you would only join a protest in which all the other participants shared all of your other ideological positions? That seems..extreme. If not virtually impossible.

    sumac.carol wrote: THere’s a challenge question: I will virtue signal here and say that I have on numerous occasions protested against non-democratic global institutions (IMF, World Bank) that have in no small way enabled corporate control of governments which has absolutely had a massive role in this hyper focus on money-making vaccination of the world. Were any others here involved in these protests?

    I guess it was 8 or 9 years ago now that I took a bus down to Washington, DC and got arrested protesting the XL Pipeline. I was a fan of Bill McKibben and Heinberg and that crowd, and I thought it was the right thing to do at that time. But I was already digging deeper into the energy issues, and not long after I came back, my position started to change. I realized that their “solutions” were completely untenable, and that their actions were unavoidably hypocritical.

    Since that time, the co-opting of “Climate Change” has been completed by the techo-industrial complex to serve its purposes. Electric cars for all? Please. Check out today’s link above regarding Lithium. Then look into how it is mined. Then look into Cobalt and Nickel, and the fact that it still takes as much energy and raw material to make the car, etc. etc. etc. Same for Chinese solar panels, carbon taxes, the idea of net zero carbon–all a complete and colossal sham to keep corporate profits rolling a bit longer as fossil fuels become less plentiful and more expensive to extract.

    Right now the clear and present danger is censorship, passports for conducting our daily lives, and mandated drugs. You can argue that we long ago gave up our freedoms, in the sense that 99% of us are completely reliant for physical survival on the very system trying to impose this final round on us. Maybe. It’s complicated.

    The people pulling out their hair (and those pretending to) over Climate Change have zero interest in the only kinds of solutions that have (now probably had) a chance to work, namely heading toward subsistence and a much “lower” standard of living, a la E.F. Schumacher and Small is Beautiful. and similar approaches. None of that, oh no. Please pass the electric car and the plane trips to my eco vacations and my Amazon Prime membership. The only thing that will stop the Technosphere is a lack of enough energy to keep its grip.

    Figmund Sreud

    Couple of docs on the speaking tour in the news today:

    2 B.C. doctors went on a COVID-19 speaking tour. Colleagues say their misinformation put public at risk


    Doc Robinson

    boilingfrog: why-remdesivir-a-highly-effective-treatment-is-a-last-resort-for-providers

    That study, done before the Delta variant was prominent, was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Some quotes, either from the study report, or from a NEJM article about the study:

    “Funded by Gilead Sciences [maker of Remdesivir]”

    “This trial was also conducted [from September 18, 2020, through April 8, 2021] before the emergence of the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant of SARS-CoV-2 as the dominant circulating strain.”

    “the trial was stopped for administrative reasons [?], and less than half of the planned enrollment was achieved.”

    “Notably, no deaths had occurred in either group by day 28. However, the change in viral load, determined with the use of nasopharyngeal swabs, from baseline to day 7 in the remdesivir group was similar to that in the placebo group.”

    “SARS-CoV-2 viral burden (as determined by means of quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction assay of specimens from both the upper and lower respiratory tracts) did not differ between patients in the remdesivir group and those in the control group.7 So the question arises of whether remdesivir would in fact reduce transmissibility in infected persons (an important consideration in outpatient therapeutics) as compared with monoclonal antibodies or new oral antiviral agents, which are both associated with a more rapid decline in viral burden than placebo.”

    “Finally, the primary challenge for implementing outpatient remdesivir treatment is the pragmatic difficulty of administrating a 3-day course of an intravenous agent. Access to and uptake of single-dose monoclonal antibodies have been challenging, a fact that does not bode well for a 3-day course of outpatient intravenous remdesivir.9 Although remdesivir administration requires less monitoring than monoclonal antibody administration, the majority of patients in this trial received remdesivir outside of their home or nursing facility, necessitating multiple health care interactions during the time the patients were acutely infected. Agents that could be administrated orally would be vastly easier to implement in the outpatient setting.

    The findings of this trial reinforce the need for timely access to outpatient therapeutics… Rapid emergence of variants with adaptive mutations in the spike protein can result in escape from vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, whereas antiviral agents, given the absence of variation in their viral target, are likely to maintain activity, reinforcing the value of antivirals such as remdesivir in curtailing the pandemic.10 If Covid-19 is here to stay, our focus on prevention through vaccines remains a priority, but therapeutic options to keep vulnerable patients out of the hospital are an important tool in the armamentarium.”


    Doc Robinson

    Information from NIH.GOV about the toxicity of Remdesivir:

    “Drug vehicle is SBECD, which has been associated with renal and liver toxicity. SBECD accumulation may occur in patients with moderate or severe renal impairment.”

    I wonder if it’s just coincidence that “in the trial population…chronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease.. were underrepresented” in Gilead’s study.

    Figmund Sreud

    John Helmer on the talks the other day in Moscow between President Vladimir Putin and President Emmanuel Macron:


    … fwiw,


    Doc Robinson

    “Coronavirus drug remdesivir to cost $3,120 per patient with private insurance, irking critics” (abc news)


    Musk: << “Maybe part of why traditional media outlets are so negative is because old habits die hard? They so rarely even try to be positive,” Musk added, sharing his frustration over the constant flow of the “news that makes one sad & angry.” >>

    I think that it is simple: when beset with negative emotions most of us humans don’t rely primarily on logic for our actions — we rely on older, more instinctive thought processes. The older, more instinctive though processes are more easily manipulated by outside actors. We are beset by negative media because it makes us easier to control.

    absolute galore

    Coincidentally, Bill M. makes a few of my points–well not exactly, but I will call it Exhibit B:

    <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/RYSLyvbR_1w&#8221; title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

    absolute galore

    Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong in terms of trying to embed a video? I cut and paste the Youtube code directly. It looks exactly the same as other video embed code in the comments section. But I must be missing something?

    Doc Robinson

    More about Remdesivir:

    US hospitals that give Remdesivir to covid-test-positive Medicare patients typically get an extra $19,500 “add-on” payment from the government as an incentive to give it.

    …the total Medicare reimbursement would be $75,500—the typical outlier payment of $56,000, plus the add-on payment of $19,500… “You would only get $56,00 normally, but because of the add-on payment, you get $75,500,” he said.


    Why would the US government be pushing Remdesivir? Could it have anything to do with the US government buying “most of the world’s Remdesivir” in 2020?



    No mention yet of Luc’s death on Google or Duck Duck Go search front pages. Plenty of fact checkers though.

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