Debt Rattle January 22 2023


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle January 22 2023

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  • #126883

    Covid is officially a MENTAL disorder!



    We’re going to experiment a bit with ads right now. Don’t let it scare you too much … Or me..

    Michael Reid

    Gabriel Custodiet discusses the intellectual history of the era which spawned the true death of privacy: 1890-1930. He argues that during this time the concepts of the plasticity of man found in Darwinism and liberalism led to the birth of statism and of eugenics, as well as the belief that we have inherited today: that a scientific elite can and should try to solve all of society’s problems. Privacy as an explicit concern arises during this time as a response to growing centralization: centralization being the antithesis of privacy.

    Gabriel Custodiet: An Intellectual History of the Era that Spawned the Death of Privacy


    Gavin Newsom


    Is Actually a T-100 Terminator

    Yes, I know that hard in take in.

    I feel your pain.


    One Governor of California shooting at another Governor of California


    T-1000 correction


    Gavin Really wants to be the Top Dog

    D Benton Smith

    Fauci’s wife being the head of bioethics of the NIH reminds me of the old fox guarding the chicken coop joke, but with a new twist.

    Like this :

    A huge flock of chickens is resting contentedly in their enormous coup when they hear a noise at the door. The door opens and in comes the head of security, none other than the fox, who immediately sets in to slaughtering chickens left and right. One of the braver chickens says this to the fox just before dying, “You’re gonna pay for this, you bastard. Just wait ’til the farmer gets his hands on you! He takes care of us and loves us and feeds us and he’s got guns and everything. He is gonna tear you to shreds and rub you out !

    The fox calmly replies, “Who do you think sent me?”

    John Day

    @Ilargi: I like the tabloid clickbait ads you’ve got up now.

    John Day

    I thought Musk was a genius, though inscrutable…

    Elon Musk said he felt like he “was dying” after his second COVID-19 booster shot.

    “I had major side effects from my second booster shot,” the new Twitter boss wrote in a social media post.

    “Felt like I was dying for several days. Hopefully, no permanent damage, but I don’t know.”

    Musk didn’t provide medical records to back his claim. Neither did he say which company’s COVID booster he took.

    TAE Summary

    Scott Adam’s not having much fun
    Admitting the unvaxxed have won
    Instead of impunity
    He’s wrecked his immunity
    Each twinge, and he’ll fear he’s soon done

    Give Ukros our tanks if you will
    And tell them “Now ride forth and kill
    Make sure if there’s snow
    When you seek the foe
    The enemy’s not up a hill”

    Joe Biden is just one of us
    He goofed up; Let’s not make a fuss
    The classified junk
    They find in his trunk
    Will stop once he’s under the bus

    John Day

    🙂 TAE Summary:

    “Joe Biden is just one of us
    He goofed up; Let’s not make a fuss
    The classified junk
    They find in his trunk
    Will stop once he’s under the bus”

    Veracious Poet

    Michael Reid

    The Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 is “Delivered” to All Organs
    Induces accelerated Aging

    D Benton Smith

    I apologize for the following comment being more than a little bit esoteric, but it is nevertheless true and important, so I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it, so I’m just gonna write it anyway and hope for the best. You guys already know that I’m a bit “out there”, so just chalk it up to that if this comment on the physics part of metaphysics gives you hives. You can always just skip over it altogether, for that matter.

    In this Universe nothing ever stops, nor CAN it ever stop, because the next moment is determined by the present moment, every time all of the time. That’s why there is conservation of energy and why there is momentum and why there is inertia and so on. If anything that involves the motion of anything (both matter and the energy that comprises matter) APPEARS to have stopped it is only because that motion has been transferred in a manner that you may or may not have noticed.

    This applies to so-called “information” and thought every bit as much as it applies to the more solid manifestations of reality that we call matter and energy in the conventional sense of those terms.

    I say this because the bad guys’ games seem to be winding down to failure, and some of their ideological shenanigans (as well as their more physical crimes) appear to have been stopped or slowing down to stop in the near future. That’s well and good, but not sufficient reason to pop the Champaign corks just yet.

    Such appearances are an illusion, a failure to notice that the “motion” which was previously observed to be be transpiring is STLL ongoing (regardless of casually observed appearances) , and has merely been transferred to other things. If you don’t want those other things to bite your ass in the future then it behooves finding out where the motion (energy in some form) went and what the effects of that might be.

    Until the bad guys become enlightened it is certain that they will seek ways of turning that transferred motion to their own nefarious ends in some new way (but toward the same ends). That’s why it is never a good idea to treat victory as final. It simply never is. Ya got to stay right on top of it and continue to find and direct that elusive energy to benevolent objectives.

    And that need to stay vigilant and proactive, like everything else around here, never stops. In the now famous words of the now famous Gonzalo Lira, “Know what’s going on !”

    D Benton Smith

    If Elon Musk isn’t lying (a VERY big “if”) , and actually has had the “The Jab” plus two boosters then he obviously isn’t near as smart as he and others present him to be. Facts are facts. If he actually did such a thing then he is one (or more, or all ) of the following :

    1. A lousy scientist
    2. A gullible sucker
    3. A goner

    And that ain’t all.

    He is ALSO an inadvisable long range investment.

    Luckily for him, he’s probably just a liar.

    Veracious Poet

    All the word monkeys reduced to online blogs
    Poor taking heads confined to a 30 second slog
    The Master Class’ plans in plain view
    Converting Ukraine into West Germany anew

    D Benton Smith

    I want to personally apologize to @formerly-t-bear .

    Five days ago I wrote a comment that I thought was a rather agreeable and supportive response to something he had written. What he then wrote back was clearly a disagreeable dig and I felt insulted. In other words, he offended my egotistical image of my own rightness, and I replied in a completely inappropriate fashion. Rather than attempt to clear up the misunderstanding I lashed out in an undeserved and an intentional attempt to sarcastically shame him into embarrassment. Naturally, and deservedly, it’s myself who is now embarrassed and ashamed. My misconceived self-indulgence harmed the forum, and him. It was inexcusable, and I am sorry.

    Figmund Sreud

    “China is…creating a new type of globalisation through …Belt & Road Initiative, the Brics+ group of emerging economies & the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.”
    — Zoltan Pozsar

    Great power conflict puts the dollar’s exorbitant privilege under threat


    D Benton.
    You are forgiven of course. It never really happened
    Only the learning


    Testing ……..

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