“We just go about our days knowing that jobs reports are nonsense, that price discovery has been put six feet under, and that if we’re really smart, we can still make money off of other people’s misery. And isn’t that what Darwin said the purpose of life is? Or was that Ayn Rand? I’m sorry, Charlie threw me off a bit.”
Threw you off a lot, I’d say. And what calumny! Darwin never said any such thing, nor did Ayn Rand. As it happens, I would know, having read nearly everything Rand and Dawkins ever published. (Richard Dawkins is a preeminent evolutionary biologist who has written at great length about everything Darwin.)
And what, exactly, is the link between a few killings in Paris and stock market prices?
If stock markets “ethically” dived every time there was a murder, then prices would remain permanently at $zero for all equities. Or are you saying that some murders are more important to stock prices than others?
That said, I’m having trouble figuring out how increasing interest rates will make bankers rich from loans that can’t be repaid. Unless, of course, all those loans to emerging economies are backstopped by the American taxpayer. And even then …
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