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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2023 #146786

    no upsides and only downsides in regards to U.S. interests.
    I believe the upside is a huge gas field with no body left to claim it so they can then also use 512 small nukes to make a new Suez canal allowing for power/ control is most definitely an upside.
    ‘Kill them all”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2023 #146720

    George Orwell = Sick Moustache.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2023 #146636

    Noting Dr D’s scathingly accurate analysis of modern Journalism yesterday – one gets the sense that we will be finding older and older pieces of political satire, info and analysis (such as the Israeli puppet-head)

    The new desert expands across the horizon like Europes arriving ships to the new world, leaving no trace of the lore of last of us.

    Orwell was right but not as right as Jesus/Buddha.

    The void is looking attractive…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2023 #146575

    I see we have entered the celebrity endorsement phase of the regenerative agriculture scene. Must be a pivot to Agenda 30 or Environmental Sustainable Governance (ESG) or Natural Asset Capital (NAC). The shift is about the feelz and the money and making sure the land is managed top down – beginning with a focus on the serfs (farmers who make your food ethical for you) and the Brahmins (elite bureaucrats who profess the moral fables).
    You just have to back it – pay more and do nothing but work knowing you are part of a saving and caring collective who cares.
    You will own nothing and be ethically stamped.

    Call this old Permaculturalist cynical, but why now? Allan Savory and Mollison/Holmgren been bangin’ this drum quiet and loud for 50 plus years.

    Always had a mad crush on Rosario Dawson though. mmmm

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2023 #146501

    I’m finding the true horrors of the world confronting (telegram war correspondent channels in Gaza will do it) and as one does I’m searching for peace and love.
    I’m reading this and offer it here in case it is useful to anyone else on the forum that bears witness to continual skullduggery and carnage.

    An unforgiving thought does many things. In frantic action it pursues its goal, twisting and overturning what it sees as interfering with its chosen path. Distortion is its purpose, and the means by which it would accomplish it as well. It sets about its furious attempts to smash reality, without concern for anything that would appear to pose a contradiction to its point of view.

    Forgiveness, on the other hand, is still, and quietly does nothing. It offends no aspect of reality, nor seeks to twist it to appearances it likes. It merely looks, and waits, and judges not. He who would not forgive must judge, for he must justify his failure to forgive. But he who would forgive himself must learn to welcome truth exactly as it is.

    Bear in mind this statement in no way dictates behaviour – so it is not saying don’t fight or help or whatever. It is purely for the mind – not the domain of blood and bones.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2023 #146499

    Mohammad Mosaddegh the leader of Iran who got screwed hard by the brits and americans in the coup of 1953 would probably say that blaming the West and Israel is a good start – not the whole job – tolerance is the cherry on the top of a great culture no doubt but the Arab world can blame the west plenty.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2023 #146435

    Princes of the Yen doco on Poo-tube if anyone wants to ‘chill’ for 1.5 hours.

    Citizenx, Celticbiker – I got nuthin’ really but go nuts. You do you. Feel the burn.
    I will say though that shit-slingin’ on the net was a bit of a buzz. Ta.

    Where’s Bosco? that little devlish philosopher with the sharp tongue.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2023 #146432

    Ursula von der Leyen and Putin have at least future societal structural models lined up. Turns out they agree wholeheartedly on very large issues. Issues such as how to bureaucratically manage the neo-feudal digitally controlled serfdom.
    Oh Joy. Can’t wait.
    Lucky me. Being continuously monitored like in the bosom of the Lord but with more CONTROL.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2023 #146271

    Hey Aspnaz. I wasn’t doing a ‘hit’ on you and others last night (said in non-defensive tone). I was just throwing it out there that I am a bit weary of my information/communication flows even here now. My trust horizon reaches to my kitchen sink and doesn’t make it to Larry Fink.
    You do you, but know that you have an impact and treasure it because it means something. I’ll take the good with the bad and on a personal level – I am finding the fourth turning from my place pretty brutal and tapping out of a bunch of info feeds. I am also getting the feelz that no one really cares enough to make lifestyle changes (which is the money spigot to the Oligarchs and since they are not getting kneecapped by the golden billion who keep indebting themselves to big Daddies everywhere I am turning to pictures of attractive women and food production.

    Maybe I give us all too much credit, because I think we are a class act, but in the end we may be meaningless moths bashing into the light of good intel Raul and others bring and nothing more than a phenomena to the intel dorks.

    Oh and if that overeducated comment CelticBiker made was directed at me – I take it as a compliment, being raised by a single teenage mom with 3 kids in the public housing area of one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Eastern Aus. Public school no tutor just born a nerd.
    Anyways anger and frustration are covers for fear and I do plenty of that feelz myself so no biggie. Just wanted to bring awareness to ‘The Vibe Man’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2023 #146201

    aspnaz. Are you a troll? Because if there is one thing I know after 3 years of psyops by intelligence agencies like 77th Battalion and the FBI is that they have chucked tonnes of money at controlling the flow of information. One of the newer mechanisms/techniques – after the many failures and beta tests during Covid, is messing with peoples emotions and triggers in the comments section. This serves a dual function (well deployed against Brand and Assange amongst many others) of pathologising the appearance of the media outlet or individual.

    So I guess I’m Sorry not sorry. Also seek corrections as I’m not satisfied with Dr D’s ‘don’t let them run your brain line’ – He’s too kind and I kinda don’t give a fuck, well I do but I smell something fishy here.

    This has been on my mind for a bit – in that looks like a Venn diagram of where civility, free speech and psychological warfare meet, and the mutational adaptation of networks to adapt to or mitigate the negative effects of exogenous disturbance. The crazy ego bullshit rants on TAE feels exogenous to me.
    These themes are hovering around Aspnaz, Celticbiker and possibly another…
    As far as I can tell the 5G warfare we went through in Covid was sloppy 2nd round stuff, disruption for us but game change for normies or those in the algo echo chamber.

    If a ‘mis-emo-information’ campaign is running around a subject (Jews are so evily-evil) then you can tell it is poor information – and at least childish because there is nothing coherent in the telling/ranting). Why the campaign? Because it sows discord?. AND PUTS PEOPLE OFF. Also lacks critical distinctions and nuance.
    What did TAE have during Covid that protected open information sharing? -Coherence and mutual respect for information and opinion sharing.

    Government/private NGO bot? Organised armies of paid trolls. You may not be a BOT but helping the information discovery you are NOT. Are you getting paid to make an emotional adjustment to the commentariat or readership? When people like Byram Bridle, or Mike Yeadon or Robert Malone achieved too much reach it has been revealed they had PERSONAL hits on their feeds. Not blobby untargeted shit. Hell Bridle had his website copied and rebranded as a bullshit artist. It is what stopped me sharing his info as I was shown Malone’s Wiki page and NYT’s list of crazies.

    My ability to share this news aggregate is being compromised by the increasing vilification of one religious group and the very rude and unkind shit-slinging made to give extra weight to the point or points (pro-tip – doesn’t work) that increasingly make no sense and have no data or conceptual framework strong enough to hang your dunce cap on.
    Basically I would like to share the news aggregate with my half brother – for example – because he has questions around what the fuck is going on with Israel AND Ukraine but there is no way I’m gunna send the link to him when the Jew bashing is on display. His Grandfather was in the Hitler youth to his family’s shame (Polish attempt at not dying). He is however a Pokorski and potentially JEWISH. who the hell knows anything anymore but dude – It sure as shit sounds like you know alot so maybe you can tell me if my brother grandfather was a Polish JEW who fought for the Nazi’s to like NOT DIE.

    Ah deep breaths. November is my birth month out of 100 serial killers the average month gets around 9. November gets 17 so there is that.
    Jokes. Joyce. (that’s for the Aussies)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2023 #146113

    Stunner – doctors want people dead mmmm. we just went through Covid, Ivermectin, Remdesivir, uninformed consent and toxic genie therapy. Colour me not stunned.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2023 #145970

    Susmarie chooch.
    Thank you.

    Needle threading can entail the odd pin prick.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2023 #145933

    The Grandfather paradox.
    It suggests that time is an illusion but is predicated on the creation of a time machine.
    It suggests time is non-linear (i.e. you can go back and then forward – which is another mechanism for contending there is at least ‘flexi-time’) and thus controllable from ‘Outside of Time’.
    You would then be not bound by Time to be able to mess with it. Being unbound would render Time a meaningless artefact of an insane thought system.

    Being born into Time insists one is a product of Time and thus an effect. Being born posits you are a non-causative agent or object in time. Powerless.

    The paradox suggests a cause is eliminated by its own effect.

    This is the secret wish of the ego or individual, living the seeming dream of separation that it has eliminated Cause or God. It then hides in objects, projection of causation outside itself and becomes ‘innocent’ as victim of the world (new cause).
    This is the mechanism by which we bullshit ourselves that anything is happening in the phenomenal world and that we exist as individual consciousness.
    The alternative is to empty the mind, allow awareness of Timeless/Ceaseless Cause (GOD) to occur.

    Fear blocks the willingness toward silence of mind and true emptiness where we become filled vessels of Love’s presence.
    The mechanism to reduce fear is to look at the choice of alternatives.
    I choose distractions and suffer. The humility helps.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2023 #145845

    Jikkyleaks is done

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2023 #145799

    Bioling frog. Does that imply migrants, legal or otherwise, are moving from the periphery (third world) to the centre (US/EU) to be resources. Slaves, soldiers – the new manufacturing class for Russia and China?

    I see it all over Aus.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2023 #145798

    Tulsi G smoking crack. What the actual F. She obviously thinks Seth Rogan is Hamas then. I mean come on, there are many Jews around the world who want ALL killing to stop which INCLUDES the killing of little kids in Gaza.
    US Politics is the arena of the brain dead or EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS A BLACKMAIL FILE THAT IS SERIOUSLY BAD,. Other wise why the chorus. It doesn’t reflect the other nations who have at the very least MIXED emotions around the war. America speaks with one voice from the political class. Which says, whether they wanted it that way or not – they got closer to the power source and it owns them now like cracked eggs in a cake mix.

    Also did she say “we currently have violent mobs attacking Jewish people literally all around the world”
    I have not seen that so maybe TAE has a pro muslim bias.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2023 #145790

    Trump. Yeah no one cares now. You blew it dickhead. You’ll find out.

    The dogbus video. Raul – bro – I needed that. I don’t wanna sound mentally weak but, well, there it is. I’m mentally weak – the Palestinian crisis got to me this week, which is shit as my emotions were not triggered by Ukranian deaths. Maybe because I didn’t see them, maybe because they were mostly soldiers. I dunno.

    I do know that the ego is another name for death cult.

    Oh and I’m a synth nut but never going there. I feel like it was designed by Tim and Eric

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2023 #145717

    Blinken smiling with his kids. It must be a dream.
    These characters populating my awareness/perception surely can’t be real people. Certainly not ‘true’. I can’t believe a person can smile at their kids enjoying a moment but also be in the engine room of dead, disfigured, ear drums – blown out, arm ripped off kids and ‘semitic’ kids no less.

    I am sad about it and frequently not capable of ‘putting it somewhere’. Genocide was more of a word or a concept before I watched in live streamed.
    I seek detachment/compassion but wanna smoke pot, drink beer, rant to an open ear.

    It is not understandable.
    The empty mind is the only hope I have of some reconciliation. Words are turds right now.

    in reply to: Why Do You Let It Happen? #145619

    Raul, I’m really glad you brought up Ben Gvir. He has dominated my off-line discussions and is a potential Black Swan event. I think he is more than a useful idiot but an incredibly dangerous loon who is just the type of personality that build the case for the re-joining of Shiite and Sunni allignment.
    There are so many moves on the chessboard that even bankers look nervous now.
    Thanks for this valuable insight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 30 2023 #145580

    Trump – “And then a sin happenned”…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 29 2023 #145508

    Did Deagle come at the figure of 2 bill?

    James Corbet bursts a few bubbles that those cool Russians are the voice of civilisation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2023 #145459

    Also – If we are all gunna be total data obsessed modern crazy people who measure everything then fine –
    Nineteen thousand four hundred and eighty six Palestinian children dead compared to Nineteen thousand four hundred and eighty five Israeli children means the Palestinian plight wins.
    More victimy equals more winning right? NO? Then why the incessant preoccupation with narrative.
    I’m so sorry for the Ukrainian and Russian and Israeli and Palestinian peoples who get caught in the crossfire of mad beliefs and insane psychopaths.
    Peace is what we need

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 28 2023 #145458

    Dr D re the Kunstler stuff – Brett Weinstein just fell the same fall and scuffed an knee but didn’t bleed out taking their kid to a hospital or press member like so many Palestinian moms have been. Jewish Israelis are hurting nearly as bad and we for some reason can’t once look UP. No don’t look up! Never ever look up. It’s always our fellow country men and never rich men north of Richmond and their ilk. With Weinstein the emotion and complete lack of clarity when interviewed by Neil Oliver was stunning.
    I have one answer to why it happens.
    Identity. The small s self. Then the emotion kicks in and we become blind.
    We all did it here (nearly all) first 2 months of 2020. We got emotional because we injected the self into the facts and got a bad case of the feelz. It clouds your judgement and from the outside you look like a dick. Kunstler looks like a massive dick but he is just doing what most of us do.
    EGO blinds and warps and the calm inner voice of truth sees like a sharp razor cutting through Unicorn rainbows and double happiness.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2023 #145311

    That Lowkey interview stopped my breath. I cannot quite believe the MSM is actually beginning to have losses in Narrative control.
    It bothers me. Covid was total. No counter narrative ANYWHERE.
    What is happening? Are they keen on war and multiple angles. Are we far enough dug in that between dominant narrative holders (New Normals) that no matter how much truth telling or actual info (from both sides – I’m not anti Israeli or anti-vaccinated here – hell my dear wife is Vaccinated) gets out there that warring factions are the only outcome?
    Is there just too much momentum with dissident voices in media, real life, the military etc…?
    Great read Raul and I didn’t get a laugh from my missus about the bird meme. 🙁

    I got in trouble.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2023 #145264

    Thinking… corrections welcomed
    All systems build up over time surplus dead or wasted material. Then a state change occurs and shit just changes. We are in that transition now. A grassland transitions to sparse woodland and then forest until the dominant climax trees take almost all the water, sunlight and stuff. This is what CJ Hopkins is seeing.
    What he doesn’t see is that we are not in a rainforest with multiple niches for the mutual benefit of the whole and endless reliable rain. We are in a dry forest (resource lean) and the big trees are the central banks and the shit building up all over the ground is dead leaves, shrubs, branches and detritus (little people, debt and bureaucrats).

    The conditions are becoming approximate for a huge forest fire to clear the debts leaving the big trees to survive, smaller ones to be scarred and die and the seeds under rocks and in moist (resilient) systems like riparian waterways (rural towns and gang controlled ghettos) thrive with the new ash of old victims (see Gen Z hopeless bastards, Karens or Bankman Freud).
    Make arrangements, and pivot where necessary – or if you are in Australia – an island, no where near Europe or the Middle East, the stoop to conquer.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2023 #145261

    Nazi-adjacent is the new left I’m afraid.

    Thanks for the RT interview with the Heritage party leader from yesterday Michael Reid.
    I agree about the Holmgren video Dr John.
    Lots of good content Dora.

    in reply to: But They Have Nukes #145227

    They’d be better off selling us oil and gas and gadgets.,
    They will weigh that up against finally having endless western aggressions, replete with economic hitmen and think to themselves that peoples have dug themselves out of austerity with hard work, resources and trade – all three of which they have.
    Belt and road and off to West Asia we go!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2023 #145226

    Thanks for the link my parents. So much top down lying it is hard for trusting types to comprehend.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2023 #145186

    Oh and for those who have time and are thus inclined you can click the link and locate how to watch a new movie (premiered in my home town last week) about David Holmgren’s reading landscapes. Pretty nice time to spend with a man and others who are deep in country and landscape connection.


    My ex business partner and close friend Dan Palmer – who sadly died a year ago, was behind the movie that was finished posthumously.

    Oh and hello lurkers – I know you guys are out there reading ( I met Beck at the screening who asked if I was Oxy ffs). I salute the lurkers and the quiet participants and apologise for being an over sharer but hey, I is what I is.
    Laters Homies

    PS reminds me to give a winkety wink to bosco should you still be out there the wolf you are….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2023 #145184

    whenever I see some crazy dangerous snake like that Iranian beast I stop and marvel that my humble 10 acres in which I live is crawling with the world’s second most venomous and by far most dangerous snake.
    We saw 6 at home last year – 2 choked themselves by trying to crawl through bird netting.
    Eastern brown snakes are very fast-moving; Australian naturalist David Fleay reported that the snake could outpace a person running at full speed.
    Although Australians die in far smaller numbers than peoples of India and Africa from snake bite – the reason is much smaller population and far far less people living on the land, but I live on the land so I don’t mess with those guys. We got a hospital close so I think the 15 minutes averge time before real problems arise chills me out abit. Still I hear grass move and my whole body goes still and very present. Yes it is snake season now and I must wait till May till they do there 120 days of rest before I can not think about them.
    I don’t have grissly bears though.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2023 #145178

    I give Zelensky 24 months left to live. He has the fingerprints of far too many handlers on his little comedic crime scene of a body. We will see. He may be of further use but he may have wrung up a hell of an IOU account too.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2023 #145126

    Dr D. That was hugely entertaining, informative and engaging. Thank you for your analysis and insight.
    I could get huge on substack just plagiarising you. I can’t be bothered though.

    Do you write/publish anywhere else? I’m getting addicted now.
    Feel free to not respond I wont take offence.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2023 #145123

    I understand the central banks need to transition to cbdc’s it’s a new slavery system but like many here have alluded to it drastically reduces incentive and thus productivity so not great for business or the business of accumulation. Is anyone here concerned that the inflationary boom is in the early phase of popping that will lead to MASSIVE deflation and reduction in circulating money supply?
    I can’t see clearly right now aside from trying to buy around 250 – 1000 litres of diesel to buffer transport/tractor costs.
    The system dynamics are fucking crazy right now – excuse my language.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2023 #145051

    Bill Maher – pro Israel and pro zoonotic escape theorist. What gain of function?!
    Who knew? Mouthpiece must have had a little talking to after the chitty chatty with Russel. Also ‘worst attacks since the holocaust’ frames it as -the only attacks were on Jews and the bombing of women and children in a hospital did not happen.
    Concerning framing…
    “professors with radical beliefs are drug addicts or stoners or not to be taken seriously etc. – more pathology of dissent given beliefs that are outside the dominant thinking are radical.
    That monologue reeked of a limited hangout. It was – ‘lets get everyone to agree we hate the power mongers so that don’t see we just advertised on national television a pro-war stance.
    Fuck Maher. Schill. Dishonest, righteous. Colour me not impressed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2023 #145049

    One comment – if I may – to Tucker. America is still the best country in the world FOR AMERICANS. They can have it. It is their home, but the concept of countries in a hierarchy is in a sense globalist. I do not need the well travelled to rate what they cannot possibly quantify. It reeks of exceptionalism – an emotion and concept that has made Americans savage and dangerous and it would be well to become diminished.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2023 #144958

    So if everyone is looking at the US AND Russia AND Iran AND Israel AND Hamas AND Syria, who are they NOT looking at.


    Nobody look at China. Innocent as babes they are. I think they have some moves up their sleeves (see Wuhan and the WHO)
    I am cautious of the powerful ones that are NOT involved in a fight. Sun Tzu and stuff.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2023 #144848

    the war involving Israel and its enemies can be averted without giving Hamas a pass on consequences for its recent murder spree
    I think Kunstler is no longer reading TAE. His viewpoint appears very lopsided – Israel just being ‘involved’ in a war but Hamas going on a ‘murder spree’
    Framing is everything I guess.
    Dr. D and Covid have trained me to watch for bullshit or angles like a hawk. and watch, I do.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2023 #144847

    Ione Belarra has got some serious ovaries going after the Khazarian mafia. I guess he’s somewhat expendable like all attention seekers but hey – he is still a psycho.
    The truth-seekers are becoming more emboldened by the day. This fourth turning is a real front row seat affair and the fourth wall gets broken more each minute.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2023 #144770

    This may interest people. Opinions expressed are not my own. Israel and the US
    Love his voice though.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 14 2023 #144744

    Polemos – yes I agree. Gigged last night and felt slow. Too late now, just throwing em out here and there while preppin’,
    Jb-Hb – you are a genius. Loved that list although the Japanese beetle gets substitution with slaters here where I am.
    Dr John. Maybe my voice just isn’t that good…? I’ll give it a burl though.

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