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If you follow the science, we would all be outside enjoying our lives. Here’s why.
1. No SARS-COV2 virus has been isolated and shown to cause the symptoms of covid-19. Instead they took genetic scans of 37 base pairs out of 30,000 and then fed them into computer and let the computer fill in the rest! See this article.
2. When the CDC took high concentration of samples from covid-19 patients they were unable to infect other human tissue. They were only able to infect mildly animal tissue AFTER it was poisoned.
2. PCR tests were never meant to be a diagnostic tool and are useless for diagnosing covid-19. The samples are never purified, there is no golden copy of the virus to compare to (see 1.), they use so many amplification cycles that it further increases the number of false positives to well above 97%. This is has been confirmed by the WHO, CDC, Public Health England, Portuguese Appeals Court in Acores and Australian Health Authorities.
3. Cases (i.e. positive PCR tests) as used by the media are not the same as a case in medical terms (i.e. someone manifesting symptoms of a particular disease. At least 97% of those are false positives not asymptomatic.
4. A number of studies including in China and Boston, MA have clearly been demonstrated that asymptomatic cases are not main transmitters of covid-19. This was even stated by Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead on covid-19 who was a day later forced to withdraw her statement. The overwhelming majority of those are people with symptoms of covid-19.
5. Deaths statistics for covid-19 are wildly inflated by changes in how deaths are being encoded (So a person with stage 4 cancer who has a positive PCR test is classified as a covid-19 death, etc) and $15k incentives to hospitals and clinics to declare patients or death as related to covid-19. Overall deaths are the same as last year. As per a recent John Hopkins study that was pulled due to political pressure, the drop in deaths in other categories correlate well with the increase in so called covid-19 deaths.
6. Profile of people dying from covid-19 correspond with the profile of people who die from seasonal influenza (i.e. 70% or more above 65 years of age) compared to an actual epidemic where deaths are spread out across the population. This comes from the Centre of Evidence Based Medicine in Oxford.
7. A recent Danish large randomised study confirmed that masks have no impact on the spread of covid-19. As with any study that is done honestly and doesn’t reach a conclusion consistent with the narrative, the media and many medical journals are refusing to report it. This is logical since it is already known that in each of the elements (air, ground and water) there are at least 10 to the 30th of viruses in each element! You are completely surrounded by viruses the majority far smaller than the orifices in your mask. So how is the mask going to prevent you from being exposed.
8. As for the vaccines, given that no research lab has actually isolated a SARS-COV2 virus, the question that begs an answer is how are they designing a vaccine? They have used their photographs of what they are calling SARS-COV2 but which look exactly the same as exosomes (see Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s work) and have decided that they way to stop covid-19 is to attack ALL spike proteins because this is what passes for science in the western world. This includes a homologous spike protein, syncytin-1 that plays a very important role in male and female reproductive organs! Don’t be surprised if there is a sudden problem for couples to have children in the not to distant future.I would suggest that you look at Sweden, Japan, Vietnam and Switzerland to see what happens to a society that doesn’t follow the narrative of lockdowns and see how they are doing. Of course in places like Switzerland, politicians have no power so they cannot do dumb shit like in the rest of Western Countries. But they are all doing absolutely fine. What the science and data point to is a bad flu (since coronavirus is associated with flu in medical journal). If you want more data on this, look up an excellent study done on the history of epidemics by Dr. Edgar Hope-Simpson, The Transmission of Epidemic Influenza. You will see that the seasonality of deaths and hospitalizations for different countries in the northern and western hemisphere corresponds very well for covid-19 with previous influenza epidemics. We are being lied to on a massive scale to take away our liberties.
Participant@SteveB I don’t totally agree. For me the goal is the free market (i.e. where 1. people and groups freely exchange goods and services for the mutual self benefit; 2. People and groups assume responsibility for the goods and services they sell on the market instead of it being “insured” by the public) and direct democracy (where each individual has the ability to decide how their money is used through either the election of officials or via binding referendums as in Switzerland). Economic policies that promote this benefit everyone.
ParticipantWith all due respect, if you look at the history of economics austerity was defined as a policy where the government cut spending and lowered taxes so that people would have more disposable income to spend. What you are calling austerity is purely and simply wealth transfer from the plebs to the banks. Similarly when government work together with corporations for their mutual self benefit, it’s not capitalism or crony capitalism, it’s fascism. Things would be helped immensely if you writers would call a spade a spade!