Nicole and I did an interview with Reverse Engineer at the Doomstead Diner a few nights ago. I haven’t listened to it yet, but he seems to think it was, let’s say, entertaining yet insightful. Cheerful in the face of collapse.
Here’s what Reverse Engineer wrote about it on the DD site:
Reverse Engineer: Recently, Nicole Foss of The Automatic Earth returned to blogging after taking something of a hiatus over the last year. I caught one of her recent pieces on the situation in China, and her writing partner Raul Ilargi Meijer has been covering the situation in Greece extensively. Besides those two ongoing clusterfucks in China & Greece, there’s quite a bit of ongoing collapse related to climate, the recent publication by James Hansen on Sea Level Rise, and of course the Encyclical by the Vicar of Christ on Earth, His Holiness Pope Francis, Chief Spokesperson for some 1.2B members of the Holy Roman Catholic Church…. clearly no shortage of Collapse Topics to discuss! 🙂
It’s been about 2 years since I first got together with Nicole to talk about Energy & Inflation & Deflation. So this seemed like a good time to do an update, and I nailed her down for another chat this week. She happens to be visiting with Raul in the Netherlands, so as a bonus in this conversation we got his input as well. Now, for those of you expecting to get the normal “Just the Facts, Ma’am” type of presentation from Nicole in this Podcast, you may be slightly disappointed.
There definitely are a lot of facts jammed into this hour of KollapsnikTM chat. However, because Nicole was chatting with both me and Ilargi, we kind of went off the rails a few times, and hilarity ensued. I decided to leave some of it in there for a little entertainment value. 🙂 The stuff I cut out is even funnier, but sadly not for public consumption. LOL.
Additionally, Nicole currently has a DVD in post production, discussing parameters of where you want to live, what kind of choices you can make moving ahead and so forth. We currently have up a Doomstead Diner SurveyTM on places your DON’T want to live, still OPEN. We’ll have a new survey up next week on places you DO want to live. Anyhow, crack open a bottle of your favorite beverage and enjoy the latest in Collapse from the Collapse CafeTM on the Doomstead Diner and the folks from The Automatic Earth.
Just that the people need to understand that this is the model that we’ve been suggesting as to what’s going to happen is not a theory, it’s actually happening exactly the way we said it would. It’s just not happening everywhere at the same time because systems that are predatory pick off the little sick ones first. They work from the periphery towards the center as you said. But where we’re seeing things move more and more to the center now.
And China has been the the global engine of liquidity for the last while, and drives demand for absolutely everything. That’s now tipping over the edge and we are going to see those same consequences manifesting in countries in the center that do not see themselves as being in any way comparable to Greece, but they are, they’re just not there yet. The same dynamic ends up operating there. But when we tell people what’s happening people, they tend to think “oh well that’s just my theory”, but it’s not a theory, it’s actually happening and will in the future a lot more places…
Yeah it’s an ongoing phenomenon it’s definitely not something that you know is projected or you know happening in the future or something like that, collapse is ongoing now, it’s happening and you can watch. You can watch it progress, you can see all the different places where it manifests itself. Greece is one of course and Puerto Rico now as well…
Civil War…That makes me think… People think the French are very good at protests right? But they haven’t seen the Chinese. The Chinese do protests like nobody else does. (RE: Yea…they get serious about it…) because it’s very bloody, very violent and I’ve been writing about this for years. I don’t see how China can not end up in that kind of thing…
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