Mar 092023
 March 9, 2023  Posted by at 2:30 pm Finance Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Fred Stein Le gaz 1935

Andrew Korybko:

The former Soviet Republic of Georgia experienced a serious Color Revolution attempt Tuesday night after radical pro-Western rioters tried to storm parliament in response to its passing of a bill requiring all organizations with at least 20% foreign funding to register with the authorities. The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) artificially manufactured the false narrative in the run-up to events alleging that the law is based on Russia’s related system even though it’s explicitly inspired by the US’.

This well-intended attempt to protect Georgia’s fledging and admittedly imperfect democracy from foreign meddling per its sovereign right was subsequently exploited as the pretext for organizing a violent regime change against Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili. The West wants to punish him for his pragmatic refusal to open up a “second front” in the US’ proxy war on Russia after he publicly exposed this plot in early December while also pledging never to arm Kiev either.

President Salome Zurabishvili, who was visiting the UN in New York during the unsuccessful regime change against Garibashvili on Tuesday night, threw her full support behind the riots in a video that peddled the West’s false information warfare narrative alleging that the bill is backed by Russia. Readers should be aware that she served most of her career as a French diplomat after having been born there and was previously that country’s Ambassador to Georgia up until 2004.

She only received Georgian citizenship at that time due to a deal between those two governments proposed by Mikhail Saakashvili following his successful Color Revolution the year prior in order for her to become his Foreign Minister. For all intents and purposes, Zurabishvili has since functioned as one the Golden Billion’s top “agents of influence” in Georgia. Despite the Prime Minister nowadays holding more power due to prior reforms, the Presidency still provides her with some sway over society.

It was within this context that Tuesday night’s violent seizure of power against Garibashvili was attempted, though Russia was already prepared for this scenario after Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned in early February that something foul was indeed afoot in that former Soviet Republic. He told a popular TV anchor at the time that “The fact that they would like to turn Georgia into another irritant, to roll the situation back into the aggressive condition of the Saakashvili era is beyond doubt.”

It also deserves mentioning that the West’s latest Color Revolution attempt in the region took place amidst continued Russian gains around Artyomovsk/“Bakhmut”, which prompted Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to warn that Russia could roll through the rest of Donbass if it captures that city. Earlier that same day and just hours before the attempted storming of parliament in Tbilisi, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu confirmed that a victory there would smash Kiev’s regional defenses.

To summarize the strategic dynamics on the eve of Tuesday night’s unsuccessful regime change in Georgia, the MSM had already manufactured the false narrative ahead of parliament voting on that country’s US-inspired foreign agents bill alleging that it symbolizes the country’s tilt towards Russia. This information warfare campaign is waged against its premier for his refusal in early December to open up a “second front” against that Eurasian Great Power to relieve pressure upon the US’ Ukrainian proxies.

The Georgian President, who’s arguably always functioned as one of the Golden Billion’s top “agents of influence”, happened to be in New York when everything unfolded and threw her full support behind those regime change riots. Earlier that same day, both Defense Minister Shoigu and Zelensky informed everyone that Russia could roll through the rest of Donbass if it captures Artyomovsk/“Bakhmut”. The stage was therefore set for attempting to violently overthrow Zurabishvili on Tuesday night.

It would be premature to declare that he’s secure in his position despite the security services successfully defending parliament from the rioters since a lot could still happen to advance the US’ regime change agenda. Georgia is a deeply divided country that’s been under immense Western influence for the past two decades, during which time the Golden Billion managed to manipulate a sizeable proportion of the population into doing its geopolitical bidding.

There’s no dearth of “useful idiots” who can easily be misled into destabilizing their country to the detriment of its objective national interests due to their liberalglobalist ideology. This means that Georgia is therefore expected to become the latest front in the New Cold War seeing as how it’s unlikely that its latest crisis will be resolved anytime soon. The situation is extremely serious and the outcome of the US’ undeclared Hybrid War on Georgia could directly affect developments in Donbass.

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Home Forums Georgia Is Targeted For Regime Change

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  • #130848

    Fred Stein Le gaz 1935 Andrew Korybko: The former Soviet Republic of Georgia experienced a serious Color Revolution attempt Tuesday night after radica
    [See the full post at: Georgia Is Targeted For Regime Change]


    The fact that the bill was withdrawn today shows that the current regime in Georgia is weak enough to continue to be pressured. Therefore, it is not surprising that the opposition immediately announced that it would continue to protest even after the withdrawal of the bill. All according to the scenario of the Euromaidan and yanukovych’s line of behavior.


    Dr. D

    “she served most of her career as a French diplomat after having been born there and was previously [France’s] Ambassador to Georgia”

    That. Is insane. French. By birth. By upbringing. By passport. By occupation.

    Sounds like our oligarchs! Never spend no time here! Too busy jet setting in yachts with young pop stars like Elon!

    Anyway, she is THE EPITOME of a “Foreign Agent” having nothing whatsoever to do with Georgia, and no interest in the people of Georgia. Wasn’t the head of Ukraine one too? Or was it the head of Georgia is also the head of Ukraine? The revolving door moves like a blur I can’t keep up.

    Luckily the West has no brains, no skill, and no imagination or we’d be in trouble.

    There’s no dearth of “useful idiots” who can easily be misled into destabilizing their country to the detriment of its objective national interests”

    Like Elon? Oh wait, he’s African American. Like Pelosi and Biden and McConnell?

    “announced that it would continue to protest even after the withdrawal of the bill.”

    That’s actually a great idea! Since they keep protesting (the loss of their paychecks) that only demonstrates the bill has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s the fastest excuse to “overthrow Democracy” in a “Violent, White Coup” as the DNC would say. I mean, all the protesters are White, amirite?

    That means they are by definition racist, and by definition, violent oppressors.

    So I agree with the DNC completely! The government just MUST shoot these “White nationalists” on sight.

    Am I wrong? Why’s that the correct thing here but not there?

    Anyway, they are failing failures who fail and have failed again, just like Khazakstan.

    Formerly T-Bear

    The midnight Moscow RT news mentioned the demonstrations will continue until the government resigns. Does that make it the Rose II colour revolution? Tonight’s demonstration lacked the violence of the prior two nights but crowds looked about the same in number from the video shown. Beware of Victoria Newlands peddling cookies, they’re hazardous for your sovereignty and peace.

    John Day

    Thank You, Andrew Korybko, and TAE comentariat.

    Dr. D

    It was widely advertised that Nuland’s cookies had amphetamines in them. …Never doubt the CIA to cook up a drug cocktail that gets people moving and comin’ back. That’s why they love showing the videos and find it so funny and uplifting to have you watch. Sure superiority.

    Drugs did the whole thing, and you watched it on camera and still were totally fooled! Hahahaha! Are you stupid or what?” …Well drugs and $6 Billion dollars, which the people ALSO heard and forgot. “Ukrainian Democracy!” Brought to you by $6B, an open admitted coup, and outlawing all discussion and jailing all other parties. I could show them handing out cookies all day.

    Formerly T-Bear

    Dr. D,

    Did you forget the bonfire at Odessa cooking about 50 some plus numerous other casualties, or do such things count if you are not told about them?
    Must be inflation creeping in, but do recall Victoria Neuland did claim she had 5 billion in her purse for purpose at the time; if factual, thanks for the update.

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