Debt Rattle August 23 2023


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle August 23 2023

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  • #141842
    John Day

    Improvement of Main Cognitive Functions in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease after Treatment with Coconut Oil Enriched Mediterranean Diet:
    A Pilot Study
    Objective: The aim of this study is to detect changes in the main cognitive functions of patients with AD after following a coconut oil enriched Mediterranean diet, and to determine whether there are differences in function of stage or sex.
    Methods: A prospective, longitudinal, qualitative, analytic, experimental study was carried out in 44 patients with AD, who were randomly divided into two homogenous groups of 22 patients each: an experimental group of patients who followed a coconut oil enriched Mediterranean diet for 21 days and a control group. In order to determine the cognitive changes after the intervention, we carried out the 7 Minute Screen, which analyses temporal orientation, visuospatial and visuoconstructive abilities, and semantic and episodic memory.
    Results: After intervention with coconut oil, improvements in episodic, temporal orientation, and semantic memory were observed, and it seems that the positive effect is more evident in women with mild-moderate state, although other improvements in males and severe state were also shown.
    Conclusions: The isocaloric coconut oil enriched Mediterranean diet seems to improve cognitive functions in patients with AD, with differences according to patient sex and degree of severity of the disease, although more studies in this line are needed.

    John Day

    Oprah’s roof is not really blue like that. I looked up pictures.
    It was photo-shopped, likely to discredit this blue-umbrella buzz.

    D Benton Smith

    We have now entered the “Twilight Zone” in which news consumers who are unwilling to think about conspiracy theories won’t be able to think about anything at all, because nothing is left in the news cycle except one kind of conspiracy or another. Not even the food section, science page and obituaries are exempt.

    That might be funny, if it weren’t for the sobering fact that it’s simply true.

    John Day

    Geert Vanden Bossche has a new paper out about how COVID vaccines reduce reaction against COVID and increase inflammation against the tissues of the body, causing autoimmune disease and cancer.


    Tucker and Trump interview. (good counter punching by Tucker.)


    John Day
    D Benton Smith


    Adequate levels and balance of the cholesterols are, after all, necessary to proper brain function. So when people call me a fat head I should take it as a compliment ?

    John Day

    @D Benton Smith: Humor is a higher defense mechanism, Sir. BRAVO!

    Also, I can’t find a link to that Vanden Bossche PDF that will propagate.


    β€œWhat is the spam window?” I cant reproduce your experiences, that makes it hard.

    I got the spam blocker pop up a few weeks back when the site was doing lots of redirecting to weird random shit. The spam blocker popped up immediately after I hit ‘submit’ –

    If I recall, it asked me to verify my email and there may have been a “click on these pics” window to verify I’m not a bot. Anyhoo I bailed immediately, did not give my email. My spidey senses alerted to an alphabet soup agency nonsense from the censures cult.

    No doubt the alphabet soup cowardly scum have been on to this site for some time. We’re all on “a list”- and they can go fuck themselves with donuts.

    South Front website IP was taken down by the propaganda faggots- Neo Cons, Neo Liberals hate truth.

    Here’s SF’s new site – https://southfront (dot) press/

    Just for kicks here’s Press TV’s FIB closure notice-

    https ://

    Fuck the Empire of Lies and Hate !

    John Day

    I got the spam window, “prove you are a human 3 times in this recent little flurry of posting. It wants me to add 2 numbers and enter the value, and my email, and I always do, so it just pops upagain with the same request; differnt number(s).

    John Day

    Trying for the umpteenth time to show you a cut-&-paste of it:

    Enter the SUM of these two numbers: 7

    Access Denied
    This site is protected by the Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin.
    Allow Request
    You have been blocked from entering information on this site. In order to prevent this from happening in the future, complete the request below to have the admin add your IP to a list that allows you full access.

    Please enter your email address and a short note requesting access here.

    Email Address (required):

    If you were submitting a contact form, use this field to enter the message.
    Please prove you are not a robot

    John Day

    A federal judge has blocked the University of Wyoming (UW) from censoring a Christian activist who openly called a female-identifying transgender student “male.”

    In a preliminary injunction issued on Aug. 18, the U.S. District Court in Wyoming sided with Todd Schmidt, an elder at Laramie Faith Community Church, ordering the university to not ban him from tabling on campus while the case proceeds.

    On Dec. 2 2022, Mr. Schmidt set up a table in the UW student union with a sign that read, “God created male and female and Artemis Langford is a male.” Mr. Langford is a transgender student who joined the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority earlier that year, prompting members to sue the national Greek organization for admitting a biological male into the all-female group.

    John Day

    Watch: Trump Warns Tucker, “There’s A Level Of Passion… And Hatred I’ve Never Seen” And That’s “Probably A Bad Combination”


    Every single website wants to run Google java scripts. Even RT is running Google java scripts. I know everybody is surviving on advertising, but this looks like a monopoly run by the DOJ/FBI mafia.


    Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the β€˜C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,’ which has an β€˜ambitious target’ by the year 2030 of β€˜0 kg [of] meat consumption,’ β€˜0 kg [of] dairy consumption,’ β€˜3 new clothing items per person per year,’ β€˜0 private vehicles’ owned, and β€˜1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.’

    2030 is tomorrow. Hey big brain planners. You are going to show us how it’s done as a test run starting right now, yes? You’ve already been living this way yourself for years because of what a great plan it is? No?

    Aside from a promised single plane flight in 3 years, it sounds like a concentration camp.

    3 new clothing items per year.

    These people don’t even know how they themselves live let alone normal people. Reminds me of watching Gwyneth Paltrow trying to live off a poor person’s grocery budget for a month and spending all of it on one visit to the store, no idea nor imagination of how to do it.

    Comes off as thinly veiled “we want to abuse people.” The pathetic creepy stepfather that keeps you trapped in the basement forced to eat bugs and stuff, just way more grandiose.


    As I recall, blue LEDs were the last to be invented, because they have the highest EV drop across the junction, making them vulnerable to impurities. Does this mean that DEWs were developed using blue light for efficiency considerations, and that blue items are a natural reflector?


    ASKING FOR A FRIEND (that always gets people to read)
    I know cell towers went down, but by default the remaining towers will pick up the traffic if in range (read: line of sight). There is a strange silence here about last messages between loved ones and the fire victims that I can’t explain, even before the towers went off line. Ok, a news blackout, but that would not affect social media, I hope. Even messages the before the fire threatened are significant, especially to the family survivers. [Mom, they let me out of skool. πŸ™‚ ]
    And the other thought I have, who is picking up the geo-location data? A parent with a missing child would certainly surrender their child’s phone number if they’re presumed dead, just in the hope of closure. Was their last know location in an expected place, like home?
    And on the fringe, can someone with an account check out MarineTraffic to see if any large craft pulled into Lahaina (or nearby), and then went temporarily dark that afternoon? Where did they show up next? Off shore of Zuck’s place in Kauai?


    More evidence. A rare survivor, fortuitously clad in BLUE. In need of temporary quarters.


    Hard to believe that Hawaii’s Gov Green fell into the “Build it Back Better” mantra trap, but there it is. Not withstanding the incredible insults handed to Hawaii during an “elder abusive” Biden visit, Hawaiians will re-elect him, should he make it that far.


    The Covid Fairy. Apologies if this has been posted previously. But given what’s coming down the pike, worth having it queued up for, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice,…”.

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