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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2021 #69458


    My Father’s ancestors left England in part due to the terrible coal smogs in the late 1890s.

    Big bird would have liked that flip!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2021 #69452

    So with joe, we are rejoining the dictatorship’s clubs where war is peace, or waging war peacefully, droning only means blowing out the candles on children’s birthday party cakes, or providing fireworks to celebrate family weddings, the virus and blm crisis are suddenly gone with Trump, redefining journalists as propagandists, and eliminating any jobs for real journalists, money flowing freely again in the swamp, no more reports of corruption, foxes back in charge of all government chicken coup, generals free to start new wars of peace.

    How simple our world is now with joe at the helm.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 8 2021 #69451

    Yeah the ocean’s sharks have a problem. We stole their breakfast, lunch, and supper!

    The land sharks, however, are doing great! They have more breakfasts, lunches, and suppers, to eat than ever!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 6 2021 #69391

    V. Arnold:

    Enjoyed your Russian/US/China joke.
    People forget the Russians have a sense of humor.
    They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 6 2021 #69390

    It is interesting to note the things obiden are doing like censoring/siliencing enemies, keeping troops in Washington DC, impeachment, no security briefings for ex-president, all action of an insecure administration that stole the election.

    These are not the actions of a properly elected confident administration.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69291


    Interesting read. Nice to see more traditional vaccines arriving (slowly).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69287

    Mr. House:

    I know the Finns were lucky in their 1939-40 Winter War that Stalin had purged the Red army of most of its capable officers. The Finn’s top genera, was an experienced Russian General under the czar!

    If the Winter War had not occurred, then Russia might have lost when Germany invaded a year later. As a result of the Winter War, Stalin brought back some of the experienced army officers that he hadn’t shot and reduced the power of the political commuczars.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69286

    Mr. House:

    I think today your Father would be truly amazed to see auto production being stopped due too a lack of semiconductors!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69285

    V. Arnold:

    After working in Russia for 6 months, I left Russiia no longer afraid of the big bad Russians!

    Besides the US out numbers the Russians more than 2 to 1!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69284

    Mr. House:

    Yes the elites raised taxes so high on free small Roman làndowners/farmers such that they had to seek protection under the elites or go into debt and be sold as slaves! All nicely planned by the elites to get ever richer!

    Then one day when the barbarians came knocking, the elites couldn’t raise an army to defend themselves so they fled east!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69279

    Mr. House:

    A few years ago my brother got a chance to fly in the famous yellow P51 Mustang in Idaho. A ride of a life time! The yellow mustang was owned by a famous test pilot who had to give it up because he no longer had the strength to fly the airplane anymore. Gave plane to a friend, an Idaho potato farmer!

    Wish I could remember the names.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69278

    Mr. House:

    Yes, the US generals are very much part of the swamp. They openly disobeyed President Trump.

    Half of the troops are thus suspect. So now is purge time!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69277

    V. Arnold:

    You know the hardest thing to observe in Russia in 1983 was the total lack of hope things would get better. You could see the despair in their eyes!

    I remember coming back from the mine to the town in our bus and the bus coming to a stop. In front of us was a man and his wife totally bombed out of their minds staggering down the middle of the road. The traffic on the other lane was also stopped. The amazing thing is nobody beeped their horns nor attempted to move. Everybody just sat there waiting quietly until they both staggered and fell into the ditch. Then traffic resumed. Everyone understood what was happening and why so nothing further needed to be said.

    That vodka consumption has dropped in Russia is a very good indication that Russians now have more hope things will get better. That I am glad to hear.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69269

    I see the Dems are taking the first steps to double crossing mitch the snake! They are electing to go with simple senate majorities instead of usual 60 votes!

    Now mitch the snake can’t sell repub senate votes required to reach 60 votes! A small drop in corruption.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69267

    V. Arnold:

    Some things never seem to change.

    In 1983, Russians drank vodka to drown out the reality of their worker’s paradise. And the communist didn’t dare reduce state production of vodka!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69265

    So Wall Street traders exhibit “bravery” while fleecing the sheep?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 3 2021 #69264

    Has anyone noticed the complete absence of covid cases being mentioned in the media?

    It is just the vaccine now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69236


    First the only premium for silver that has exploded is that to buy silver coins from coin dealers. Only silver coins are in short supply!

    There is no shortage of silver bars. There is also no shortage of paper silver!

    Silver coins are but a tiny tiny fraction of the physical silver market!

    Most physical silver is bought in large bars like 400 ounce bars or larger. JP Morgan has 1 billion ounces of silver in its warehouses. But they won’t part with it because they know it is worth far more than $26.50!

    Raise the silver price high enough and you will be swimming in silver!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69233

    Did you know that the White House press Corp now have to submit any questions they want to ask, ahead of time?
    This is to help manage the media narrative being engineered.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69231

    Mr. House:

    Since this is a Dem on Dem thing, she probably forget she is a women. You know how Dems are about women knowing their proper place.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69230

    Trudeau has finally decided to build a new vaccine manufacturing plant in Quebec that will be ready to produce vaccines by early 2023. Late is better!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69228

    The nice thing about BLM, for the Dems, is they only burn and loot black neighborhoods!

    An earlier version of the Dems, created the KKK.

    Nice bunch of hypocrites!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69227

    After FDR died, congress passed a new law limiting future presidents to just 2 terms.

    I have to wonder if congress was motived by their desire to prevent future presidents from being able to interfere with their corruption enriching schemes!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69226

    As for dr Fusci, the only thing you can count on for sure, is if his lips are moving, he is lying!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 2 2021 #69224

    As for the Reddit/Robinhood crowd, their effect on silver ends with a whimper.
    It is as if they never existed!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 1 2021 #69182

    It is really interesting to read some of the details of why their was military coup in Burma, yesterday.

    In November 2020 Burma had an election. The ruling party won by a landslide! Yeah, just like obiden won 81 million votes! She was not very popular either. Sound familiar!

    The military complained that there were over 8 million unexplained voting irregularities.

    The military complained to the election commission, but the commission declined to look at the evidence! Sound familiar!

    Guess what! Burma uses the same voting machines as the US does!

    Yesterday the Burmese military did something about it!

    Now we know why obiden and Dems support the disposed party leader because she used their voting machines to steal the election!

    Now wouldn’t it be very embarrassing, to obiden, if the Burmese military releases a true audit of their election voting verses what their voting machines counted!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 1 2021 #69178

    Under the category of “changing the rules in the middle of the silver game”, the CME has raised silver margin requirements 18% if you want to continue to play in their rigged silver paper sandbox!

    And by-the-way, there is no shortage of paper silver (or paper gold)! That is what SLV holds! Same for GLD too!

    Today I would say silver is up about $2 after surviving a $1 sell off by people booking profits. Not bad but hardly inspiring either when compared to GameStop.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 1 2021 #69177

    Regarding buying silver coins. Don’t buy! At least not now! And beware of Chinese fake coins. Don’t buy any coins from China!

    Why? Premiums being charged by coin dealers are currently insane!

    Typically coin dealers are asking for $40 to $42 for an one ounce silver eagle. Silver is just under $29 now. That works out to at least a 25% to 30% premium, way over the typical 5% premium for coins.

    The coin dealers say there is a shortage of physical silver. Yes, and No!

    Yes, there is a shortage of minted silver coins. (The mints are having trouble sourcing large silver bars.)

    No, there is not really a shortage of physical silver bars (the only shortage of silver bars is at a low price of $29! Anybody with silver bars will not sell their large silver bars at such a low price when they know silver is worth much, much, more!).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 1 2021 #69176

    A few thoughts on Reddit/Robinhood “little guys” short squeezes.

    First, the big guys have pushed their short positions to extremes (naked shorting) in particular stocks, creating the right conditions for an organized group of little guys to exploit. The big guys never thought this would ever happen in their rigged game! They were the sole organizing group!

    The little guys are like hit and run bandits. All the little guys have to do, is “say” they are going to target a particular overshorted shorted stock to have an effect! They don’t actually have to put any money into it.

    This is a form of asymmetrical warfare that the big guys find very hard to fight. The big guys have big money on the table but the little guys don’t have much, if any, money on the table!

    So the logical thing for the big guys to do is to not short to the extremes (naked shorting) they are currently doing. This would reduce the opportunities available for the little guys to exploit, to nearly zero.

    However, the shorting function in the stock market is critical to make stocks go up (bull market) through periodically forced bouts of short covering.

    If the big guys become more conservative in their short positions, then bull market rallies will become weaker. However, in bear markets, bear market rallies will also become weaker too!

    In the long run the little guys will force the insane behavior of the big guys to be just a little bit less insane!

    No, honesty will still not return! The markets will still remained rigged against the little guy!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 31 2021 #69137


    Be very wary of buying any coins online!

    Many are Chinese websites selling fake gold and silver coins! They have unlimited supplies of coins!

    Real coin dealers don’t have any stocks of coins and haven’t had any for months!

    I would say right now it is already too late to buy silver coins!

    So if someone says they have silver coins available they are likely fakes!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 31 2021 #69135

    V. Arnold:

    That is why I enjoy spending my summers at the family’s river island cottage. No internet!

    So I can watch the world go down the drain (without them telling me about it!).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 31 2021 #69133

    V. Arnold:

    Yes, our political and financial world is rigged. Not to mention totally corrupt!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 31 2021 #69132

    I have probably written this before but I come from a mining family. My Father was a mining engineer. I have worked in many mines all over the world. My brother has also worked in the mines. None do so now.

    So naturally mining commodities have always interested me. It is in my blood!

    And yes, I have been inside of a bullion bank’s gold and silver vault! Probably 100s of millions of dollars (today billions)! And no armed guards either! I was so disappointed! No fort knot! I was left to wander among the steel trollies loaded with tons and tons of bars!

    My Father’s warning about not getting my fingers pinched beneath the gold and silver bars still rings in my ears! I still had a few close calls! Those small looking bars weighing close to 100 pounds!

    I remember remarking to my Father, after we had left, that they really didn’t need any armed guards as the bars were too heavy to be easily moved!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 31 2021 #69130


    Regarding silver’s role in the fiat financial system, your arrow hit the bullseye! Robinhood would be proud!

    The silver market is small compared to gold, so central banks, with their printing presses, find it very easy to manipulate the price of silver lower.

    The earth’s natural ratio of silver to gold is about 15:1. Currently the ratio is about 70:1. A short time ago it was over 100:1!

    So yeah, the proof of manipulation of silver prices downward is there for everyone to see, if they open their eyes and decide to actually look!

    As for breaking the JP Morgan Bank, it isn’t going to happen! JP Morgan ain’t as stupid as the other 8 banks still short silver and gold. They knew this day would come and have prepared by building up the largest physical holdings of silver 1 billion ounces and gold maybe 200 million ounces in the world over the last 12 years or so. Right now JP Morgan couldn’t care less which way silver and gold prices go. They are covered whether things go long or short! They will make billions either way!

    Right now the remaining 8 bullion banks still short of gold and silver, have been forced lately to “borrow” these metals from JP Morgan! So this is JP Morgan’s short position to complement their long position!
    Yeah, that’s right! No honor amoung thieves! Naturally JP Morgan extracts their pound of flesh from these 8 bullion banks still short on gold and silver!

    As of 7 pm Sunday evening silver is up $1.50 from $27 to $28.50. Let the games begin! I have been waiting decades for this moment!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 30 2021 #69095

    I see Bill Gates is upset about what folks are saying about him!

    Poor guy! People are beginning to notice the differences between what he says and his actions!

    In this case actions speak louder than words!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 30 2021 #69089

    Yes, to be part of the uniparty, one must prove you have no morals!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 30 2021 #69088

    Yes, Mao and Staliin were very successful dictators. They died of old age.

    Mao had a very nice collection of young girls to satisfy his needs 24/7. That is truly part of Leftist ideology!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 30 2021 #69084

    Don’t kid yourself, Tulsa is 100% part of the uniparty. 100%. She plays the role of foil.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 30 2021 #69083

    GameStop is just another method of shearing the sheep before turning them into lamb chops!

    When gambling if you don’t know who the mark is, it is you!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 29 2021 #69036

    What the governing elite are really afraid of is if the steeple were to consider only silver and gold as real money.

    Yes, the elite’s leveled up unstable “house of fiat” is deathly afraid of real money.

    The Robinhood folks are simply attacking the levered up “house of fiat” using the same leverage!

    They merely have to find the “straw” that breaks the “house of fiat’s” back!

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