Debt Rattle February 1 2021


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    Balthus Therèse dreaming 1938   • The Store of Value Generation is Kicking Your Ass (Mark Cuban) • Is Robinhood On The Brink Of Collapse? (GIH) •
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 1 2021]

    Basseterre Kitona

    Hydroxychroquine really works says Professeur of Medicine Dr Peter McCullough…

    Of course it works, many doctors have been claiming this for almost a year now. But that highlights perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the entire corona virus affair: the attack on practicing doctors.

    We hear a lot these days about attacks on experts but those are just pundits on tv offering one-size-fits-all pseudo-solutions. Meanwhile, working professionals (such as medical doctors) are undermined, either promote the tv dogma or risk losing professional license.

    Throughout history, if one became sick then they sought the advise and care of someone with experience (and hopefully success) in dealing with the matter at hand. Up close, a skilled doctor can evaluate a patient with all of the necessary nuance for creating a course of action. Instead, suddenly, we have been propelled into a world where doctor & patient no longer matter because EVERYBODY is presumed sick and/or dangerous to others…thus absurd, universally mandated policies rain down with incredible bureaucratic efficiency.

    In short, it is a massive centralization of power. The crisis is not medical at all, it is entirely political as tyranny is emerging everywhere in a blitzkrieg attack against us all.

    V. Arnold

    Balthus Therèse dreaming 1938

    Dreaming about what pray tell?
    Interesting; a rather provacative pose for the time; but I like it, regardless…

    Mr. House

    “Rania Khalek: “Too bad there’s so much hatred for bill gates over a conspiracy theory that he wants to micro chip us when actually he’s just a billionaire monster trying to cash in on vaccine profits.”

    Monster stories had to originate from somewhere 😉 People just get creative


    “Held captive by apathy, afraid of your own shadow. PCD American Psychosis – Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy.”

    Mr. House

    I mean Dracula was a noble man, lived in a castle, taking from the people made him a “blood sucker”. I’m sure somebody has written a book on this topic.


    Doctors with COVID-19 Put Early At-Home Treatment to the Test\
    david and goliath
    • The Store of Value Generation is Kicking Your Ass (Mark Cuban)
    ” Big brokerages get to have calls and put out notes to their millions of clients with price targets in hopes of moving markets, but think its wrong for Sub Reddits to do the same ? Yup. The ultimate in stock manipulations, corporate stock buy backs were illegal prior to 1982, till the SEC put a former Broker CEO in charge. Wanna guess what has happened to CEO compensation since then ?”

    What are they, (WallStreetBets), saying about silver

    As I read this I got an Apple news alert that silver is at its highest in 8 years thanks to the same people behind GameStop….
    I’m here lurking everyday snd haven’t seen shit about silver over the last week or 2.
    They can suck my d*** from the back if they think this stupid ass trap will work.

    “It’s Been Nuts”: Silver Surges Most Since Lehman Bankruptcy; Hits 7-Year High Over $30

    WallStreetBets is now setting prices?
    • Silver Prices, Miners Surge As Retail Buyers Pile In (R.)
    • Trump Announces New Lawyers To Lead Impeachment Defense Team (JTN)
    What would happen if Trump was not represented by lawyers in the senate impeachment hearing?


    Mr House –
    So true! You have me grinning.

    One of the challenges the non-elites face is how to respond in concert to this situation where so few control the wealth and power of the world and return some power to themselves. To do this, the non-elites need to be able to communicate with one another, need to be able to agree on who and what is the problem exactly. “Wealthy billionaires and their funded lackeys in government” is a viable start. “Bill Gates wants to chip you,” “Count Dracula,” and “the boogeyman” are too ephemeral for the focus required. However…remembering a conversation with a friend last week who thought of Bill Gates as “that nice guy with the foundation” — I suppose “Bill Gates wants to chip you” will help dislodge the “nice guy” viewpoint from at least a subset of the population, which helps us get to the problem of wealthy billionaires and their lackeys.

    The Microsoft company has made some beneficial contributions to mankind…but that doesn’t mean that Bill Gates (one man) should have more wealth and power and influence than the government representing the 112 million people of South Africa.

    John Day

    Now I know who Laura Ingraham is. The guy on the right of the screen in yesterday”s link (in comments) Harvey Risch MD is an epidemiologist. The statement up top today about the one-in-a-gazillion-chance-that-HCQ-doesn’t-work is medical professor Peter McCullough MD’s writing. These are a couple of the principals on the email listserv of C-19 treating physicians, that Dr McCullough added me to last month.
    It’s a good and useful and heterogenous group. I’ve gotten behind again over the long Friday at work and the weekend chores in Yoakum. Other chores back in Austin today.

    This video did not come from that august group, but is likely informed by their COVID treatment work.
    Former Military Surgeon, Lee Merritt MD (skip the first 2-3 minutes of beard-guy) lays out the argument that SARS-CoV-2 is a military weapon, and we humans are the targets, but that the actual aggressor remains hidden in this war. China is mentioned, but she specifically does not say that the CCP is the primary aggressor. Arguments are sound, even if the finish of this piece is nuevo-John-Birch-Society.
    Understanding that we are already in a war is a useful cognitive tool.
    Yes, hydroxychloroquine is effective in the early (pre-hospital) stage and also some in hospital, and ivermectin is effective at all stages, and other medicines have antiviral effects, notably vitamin-D as a baseline immune support, and zinc to reduce viral replication when ill. We are not supposed to think.
    We are supposed to take vaccines. Why?
    The answer is not apparent. Is this a long term business model on your rent to keep living, in the form of a vaccine every 6 months? That’s plausible.
    Is some vaccine (there are many) the harmless first part of a binarybiological weapon of some sort?
    What would the secondary part of the binary weapon cause? Death? Infertility?

    As to some of the comments from the days I missed. I’ve read them. Tulsi-bashing is easy. She did 2 tours in a medical unit in a war-of-empire-zone. Bash Tulsi after you walk in those shoes. She is strong in character and strong physically. She surfs like a warrior, not like a babe. “Pretty” is a cheap shot.
    Let me refer you to this link, scroll down to just above the comments:

    Debt Rattle March 3 2020

    Mr. House

    “The answer is not apparent. Is this a long term business model on your rent to keep living, in the form of a vaccine every 6 months? That’s plausible.”

    The major healthcare company i work for has said you’ll need a booster shot each year, so that sounds right. And i still believe this will be made mandatory at some point if you want to “work” for a major corporation. I think so far the response to the vaccine hasn’t been what they thought it would be, now they’re doing pro vaccine townhalls and such. People aren’t getting the jab like the TPTB thought they would.

    Dr D Rich

    Tetracyclines and macrolides and 50s or 30s ribosomal units. Yep.
    The poles, pundits and editorialists wake up to the danger, shared psychosis, of allowing Malignant Narcissists and Antisocial Personality Disordered people run the show. Yup.

    You heard it all here folks almost a year ago.


    Rob Slane- ‘The Largest Experiment on Humans Ever Seen’:

    “Which is the more reasonable approach a society might take in the outbreak of epidemic:
    To quarantine the sick, and take reasonable precautions to stop those who are identified as vulnerable from contracting the illness.

    To attempt to “control the virus” by preventing millions of healthy people from having contact with other healthy people.

    To any society prior to 2020, it would have been obvious that the first approach is not only logical and proportionate, but the one least likely to have other unintended and highly destructive consequences. However, to my continued astonishment, many in our society not only believe that the answer is the second, but they somehow believe it to be based on established science.

    Now I understand that many who support Lockdown will object to my characterisation of their position. They will say that it is deliberately misleading, since it talks about healthy people, and does not mention the sick. Such objections founder, however, on this undeniable fact: Lockdowns are, by their nature, an entirely untargeted and indiscriminate approach to a health issue, and the prohibiting by law of millions of healthy people from having contact with other healthy people is a feature, not a bug of a policy that was untried and untested before it was first implemented by the Chinese Communist Party in January last year, then copied by many Governments around the world thereafter.

    For some reason, many Lockdownists seem to think that the onus is on Lockdown opponents to disprove their position. But as Dr Malcolm Kendrick points out in his excellent piece – Does Lockdown Work or Not, this is the opposite of how things are supposed to work:

    “The starting point, for any scientific hypothesis, is for the proponents to disprove the null hypothesis. Demanding that those who believe something may not work, to prove that it doesn’t, is to turn the scientific method upside down. You can never prove a negative.”..”

    The Largest Experiment on Humans Ever Seen

    ‘The Times Wants You Consumed by Fear, Isolation, and Misery’:

    “There are probably multiple reasons why coronavirus cases in the US are down nearly 50% in the US in the last month.
    Could be seasonal. Could be the vaccine. Could be herd immunity from natural infection.
    Could be the post-holiday default to endemicity. Could be a change in the cycle threshold of PCR that generates fewer positive cases. Could be data tweaks in light of political changes.
    Anyone who says he knows for sure which is dominant is pretending to know the unknowable.

    The New York Times, which obliquely reports the case decline, is still certain that you should still live in isolation, fear, and disease panic. They offer every county in America a tool in which you can discover what you should do to protect yourself from the pathogen, as if the only way to deal with a respiratory virus is to hide. Their tool is extremely manipulative..”

    The Times Wants You Consumed by Fear, Isolation, and Misery

    Jus caint figger it out.


    John Day

    The blog has a paper by Dr Merritt, and the video linked to above, but mainly it has a picture of me in the 1957 iron bathtub that now has a tile shower. You should not get sore from grouting and puttying a tile job. I’ve never done grout work before. I have a couple of sore spots. I did not do the tile work, itself.
    I would like to know what V.Arnold thinks of the photographic composition and subject matter.

    Off to plant another peach tree in the other raised-bed planter at the clinic!


    RE: “..some unexplained process is compromising the foundation of the Earth’s food web by depleting ecosystems of this critical nutrient.” One more collapse story…what isn’t failing…no where to run or hide.

    Birth. Growth. Decay. Death. All in this creation are subjected to the cycle – the Wheel of Life turns on with or without you. Can my grief for the dying salmon, Ohio fir trees, and Buckeye Mom on Hospice be converted/transformed into acceptance? Am appreciating the diligence of the hatchery scientists in seeking answers. They aren’t surrendering to the problem despite the fact that the scope/issues have expanded to include the Pacific Ocean.

    Returned HOME to fulfill my ROLE as eldest Daughter by getting Mom into a supported and cozy “nest” for her final flight. PEACE (acceptance) was found in the process.

    Mr. House

    The one thing you can count on in the Age of Fraud and as Dr. D loves to point out, no one will be held accountable


    Thank you for the post. I will go into sunset thinking why is it so hard for the anybody to get it. He’s pointing to the dictators and system of the past that has nothing to do with us, right now. But he’s making clear WHO we should be concerned about HERE and NOW and why. Ideologically fogged minds simply refuse to even contemplate such a notion, and have their eyes fixed on the past – but not beyond 1917. Monsters come in all shapes and forms throughout in history.

    Only people who may have a problem with this Balthus are the ones who think that some painting of nude should entice the same reaction as, God forbid, centerfold spread. At which point young girl, or boy, start to “dream”?
    Problem is that Epsteins and Clintons of the world think that they are the theme of that dream


    Patients get no treatment whatsoever…They literally are told to stay at home until they are sick enough to go to hospital… Dr. P. McC. at top post.

    Not only in the US and Australia, but in much of the W as well, Europe.

    It is crazy. It seems like the Docs have given up their profession and are directly or implicitly -following the movement- i.e. obeying Gvmts, “nothing to be done and avoid meeting to flatten the curve” and bowing to Big Pharma “nothing to be done until the miracle of vaccines.”

    Imho the Docs don’t see that this step they have taken or perhaps have unconsciously submitted to will do great harm to their profession. They are well on their way to becoming middlemen, a kind of servant to higher powers who deals with trouble on the ground – sick ppl.

    Of course, as we here (Switz, CH) never tire of pointing out, Docs are a libéral profession, like lawyers, independents with xyz-qualifications, even if today a large no. of docs (CH) are salaried employees, or entirely dependent on decisions taken by insurers as to pay.

    By contrast, lawyers have an esprit de corps (leading to group organisation, defense) but Docs do not. They are too diverse, too individualistic, and in positions that are too different. Nurses, who are more similar in their training / functions / positions, and at a lower echelon, have it better on that rubric. (CH, it is an example.)

    Docs apparently also don’t see that their independence, besides the middleman aspect which is bad enough.. is threatened by algos. Nurses can’t be replaced on the whole, but Docs, who listen, gather some measurements, study signs and symptoms, order tests which go to labs, advise and prescribe, can. Tele-med is already being pushed hard in some places.

    from investopedia:

    25 Highest Paid Occupations in the U.S. — Government data show that healthcare dominates the salary ladder

    Set to change fron now on. (Not that I approve of Med. Perso. earning more than others, e.g. teachers, scientists, fire-fighters, etc.)

    —> see also Basseterre above similar pov, mentions ‘centralized power’



    Hahaha. Isn’t that the truth – or so it seems!

    The ultimate battlefield is within. You have the power to sort it out.


    Mister Roboto

    There was a lot of ballyhooing about silver over the weekend, but it would appear that for all the effort to “short squeeze” it, it went up a bit, then shrugged and said, “Is that all ya got?” Might the central banks have counter-moved against the “Reddit Army”, as it’s now being called, to prevent the short-squeeze on silver? Just a thought. 🙂


    More info
    REVIEW| VOLUME 134, ISSUE 1, P16-22, JANUARY 01, 2021
    Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection
    Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Ronan J. Kelly, MDGaetano Ruocco, MDWilliam W. O’Neill, MDMarcus Zervos, MDHarvey A. Risch, MD,PhDShow all authors
    Open Access Published: August 06, 2020

    Hence, the agents proposed are those that have appreciable clinical support and are feasible for administration in the ambulatory setting. SARS-CoV-2 as with many infections may be amenable to therapy early in its course but is probably not responsive to the same treatments very late in the hospitalized and terminal stages of illness.
    10. For the ambulatory patient with recognized early signs and symptoms of COVID-19, often with nasal real-time reverse transcription or oral antigen testing pending, the following 4 principles could be deployed in a layered and escalating manner depending on clinical manifestations of COVID-19-like illness11 and confirmed infection: 1) reduction of reinoculation, 2) combination antiviral therapy, 3) immunomodulation, and 4) antiplatelet/antithrombotic therapy. Because the results of testing could take up to a week to return, treatment can be started before the results are known. For patients with cardinal features of the syndrome (ie, fever, body aches, nasal congestion, loss of taste and smell, etc.) and suspected false-negative testing, treatment can be the same as those with confirmed COVID-19.
    11 Future randomized trials are expected to confirm, reject, refine, and expand these principles. In this article, they are set forth in emergency response to the growing pandemic as shown in Figure 1.

    Zinc Lozenges and Zinc Sulfate
    Antimalarials Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
    aspirin 81 mg daily can be administered as an initial antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory agent


    Food for thought about Covid and creeping fascism:


    Do you remember my simple example of IPO vs GRUBSTAKE?
    Well in today”s world, I learned that if the merchant that did the original grubstaking sold part of his note to someone else, then the transfer would be done with a computerized mechanism

    Between every stock trade there are 2 agents; The Registrar and the Transfer Agent. Your/my Stocks are hold by them “in street name”.
    These Are The Shadowy New York Financial Institutions That Forced Robinhood To Restrict Trading In Certain Stocks
    Have you ever heard of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation? What about Cede and Company? If those names are foreign to you, then you don’t really understand how the core of our financial system really works.


    I went to zerohedge and could not find the ink that I made. Was it deleted? can you see it?

    MONDAY, FEB 01, 2021 – 12:22


    A few thoughts on Reddit/Robinhood “little guys” short squeezes.

    First, the big guys have pushed their short positions to extremes (naked shorting) in particular stocks, creating the right conditions for an organized group of little guys to exploit. The big guys never thought this would ever happen in their rigged game! They were the sole organizing group!

    The little guys are like hit and run bandits. All the little guys have to do, is “say” they are going to target a particular overshorted shorted stock to have an effect! They don’t actually have to put any money into it.

    This is a form of asymmetrical warfare that the big guys find very hard to fight. The big guys have big money on the table but the little guys don’t have much, if any, money on the table!

    So the logical thing for the big guys to do is to not short to the extremes (naked shorting) they are currently doing. This would reduce the opportunities available for the little guys to exploit, to nearly zero.

    However, the shorting function in the stock market is critical to make stocks go up (bull market) through periodically forced bouts of short covering.

    If the big guys become more conservative in their short positions, then bull market rallies will become weaker. However, in bear markets, bear market rallies will also become weaker too!

    In the long run the little guys will force the insane behavior of the big guys to be just a little bit less insane!

    No, honesty will still not return! The markets will still remained rigged against the little guy!


    Regarding buying silver coins. Don’t buy! At least not now! And beware of Chinese fake coins. Don’t buy any coins from China!

    Why? Premiums being charged by coin dealers are currently insane!

    Typically coin dealers are asking for $40 to $42 for an one ounce silver eagle. Silver is just under $29 now. That works out to at least a 25% to 30% premium, way over the typical 5% premium for coins.

    The coin dealers say there is a shortage of physical silver. Yes, and No!

    Yes, there is a shortage of minted silver coins. (The mints are having trouble sourcing large silver bars.)

    No, there is not really a shortage of physical silver bars (the only shortage of silver bars is at a low price of $29! Anybody with silver bars will not sell their large silver bars at such a low price when they know silver is worth much, much, more!).


    Under the category of “changing the rules in the middle of the silver game”, the CME has raised silver margin requirements 18% if you want to continue to play in their rigged silver paper sandbox!

    And by-the-way, there is no shortage of paper silver (or paper gold)! That is what SLV holds! Same for GLD too!

    Today I would say silver is up about $2 after surviving a $1 sell off by people booking profits. Not bad but hardly inspiring either when compared to GameStop.

    V. Arnold

    Beware the new Ism; transgenderism
    I have no problem with transgender per se, but the ism is troubling…
    Biden has, in effect, damaged women’s sports; possibly permanently…we’ll see…
    What’s being done to children regarding trans is a crime, IMO…

    V. Arnold

    John Day
    I would like to know what V.Arnold thinks of the photographic composition and subject matter.

    Methinks you are too kind in your regards to critique…
    Compositionally the subject is you; contrasted against your newly tiled shower… 😉

    John Day

    @Germ: Thanks for the short , searingly truthful Chris Hedges video.

    : Yu are doing the work. I think it’s best to do the work the first time it is presented to you, not to put it off… You’re an ok human being… You and Mom know that.


    It is really interesting to read some of the details of why their was military coup in Burma, yesterday.

    In November 2020 Burma had an election. The ruling party won by a landslide! Yeah, just like obiden won 81 million votes! She was not very popular either. Sound familiar!

    The military complained that there were over 8 million unexplained voting irregularities.

    The military complained to the election commission, but the commission declined to look at the evidence! Sound familiar!

    Guess what! Burma uses the same voting machines as the US does!

    Yesterday the Burmese military did something about it!

    Now we know why obiden and Dems support the disposed party leader because she used their voting machines to steal the election!

    Now wouldn’t it be very embarrassing, to obiden, if the Burmese military releases a true audit of their election voting verses what their voting machines counted!


    From ‘Masked and Anonymous’ (2005):

    As with ‘Brazil’, ‘Blade Runner’, and this good piece- they tell us what they have planned.

    Mickey Rourke is perfect here; Goodman is real good, too. Dylan et at 10:40 or so in the real thing™..

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