Sep 092021
 September 9, 2021  Posted by at 8:20 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Pablo Picasso Science and Charity 1897


RFK, Jr.: ‘Complete Obliteration Of Critical Thinking’ (JTN)
The Lie Of ‘All Unvaccinated’ (Denninger)
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated (Ocla)
Arizona AG: Tuscon Vaccine Mandate Is Illegal (B911)
Biden To Lay Out New Coronavirus Strategy As Delta Variant Cases Rise (JTN)
White House Signals New COVID-19 Measures Coming For Unvaccinated (ET)
Health Authorities Confiscate Alcohol Deliveries To Sydney Tower (Sky)
Melbourne Clinic Offers Ivermectin Despite It Not Being Approved (G.)
“COVID Zero” New Zealand Is Now A Full-Blown Police State (JS)
Children Are Not Covid-19 Super Spreaders: Time To Go Back To School (BMJ)
AFP Fact Check Accidentally Makes The Case For Ivermectin (Twitchy)
The Role Of Iron In The Pathogenesis Of Covid-19 (SD)
Yellen: US On Track To Default On National Debt In October (Hill)









Kory Fauci AiDS



“Among 378,048 death certificates from 2020 listing COVID-19 as a cause of death, 5.5% listed COVID-19 without codes for any other conditions .. ”

RFK, Jr.: ‘Complete Obliteration Of Critical Thinking’ (JTN)

Political activist Robert Kennedy Jr. warned that a “society in fear” due to the COVID-19 pandemic could result in the “complete obliteration of critical thinking.” Kennedy, who spoke at the Ron Paul Institute’s conference, noted that only a small fraction of the individuals comprising the CDC’s COVID-19 death total died primarily from COVID-19. “Among 378,048 death certificates from 2020 listing COVID-19 as a cause of death, 5.5% listed COVID-19 without codes for any other conditions,” according to the CDC. “The people who died, 96% of them, had almost 400 reasons that might have killed them,” Kennedy said during a session titled the Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism. “You know, the manipulation of the death certificates. The manipulation of the PCR test.

“All of these mechanics appear to be deliberately manipulated to put our population in a state of fear — and what happens when you have a population in fear? The complete obliteration of critical thinking.” Under the program that Congress passed for reimbursement of funeral costs for COVID-19 tests, applicants were allowed to retroactively supplement their relatives’ death certificates with documentation showing COVID-19 was a contributing cause of death if it was not originally listed. “Applicants who incurred COVID-19-related funeral expenses between Jan. 20 and May 16, 2020,” FEMA explained in a June 29 release, “will be able to submit a death certificate that does not attribute the death to COVID-19 along with a signed statement from the certifying official listed on the death certificate, coroner, or medical examiner linking the death to COVID-19. The written statement must show causal pathway, or an explanation, linking the cause of death listed on the death certificate to the virus and should be submitted with the death certificate.”

Kennedy, a lawyer, said there is “no pandemic exemption” in the U.S. Constitution. He pointed out that government officials ordered churches closed across the country but allowed liquor stores to remain open as “essential businesses.” “There’s no protection of liquor stories in the United States Constitution,” he said. “There is protection of churches. They abolished religious exemptions.” Kennedy also mentioned that millions of small businesses were ordered to close during the pandemic without due process in “direct violation of the Constitution.” “They got rid of property rights,” he said.


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“Don’t throw your life away.”

The Lie Of ‘All Unvaccinated’ (Denninger)

Here’s truth folks…. Remember, you get monoclonal antibodies if infected, symptomatic and at risk of severe outcomes. When I got Covid-19 last month I did not qualify since I was not any of >65 (58 isn’t good enough), fat, diabetic, hypertensive or one of the few other listed “things” that quality you irrespective of age. I did not get vaccinated, I got Covid-19 and recovered, obviously, or I wouldn’t be writing this, and now have very strong natural immunity. At this point I thus have neither any fear of Covid-19 or any reason to be vaccinated.

Got that folks? The 23 people were all promised they would not get sick as the inducement to get vaccinated. All 23 of them were symptomatic and at high risk. Every single one of those people was also exactly as contagious to others as were the 27. 48% of Texas is vaccinated. 46% of these recipients were vaccinated. There is no statistical difference between the percentage of vaccinated people in the State of Texas and the percentage of people receiving monoclonal antibodies for symptomatic and at-risk-of-severe Covid-19 patients among this group of 50 who are vaccinated. It is statistically identical. The debate is over folks. You were conned America.

You were told to roll up your sleeve and take the risk of clotting disorders, heart damage, heart attacks, strokes and other serious, even life-threatening adverse reactions based on the lie that doing so would (1) prevent you from getting Covid, (2) prevent you from infecting others with Covid, and (3) keep you from having a symptomatic and potentially-serious outcome if exposed to Covid. All three were LIES and are being repeated to this day by Biden, Fauci, the CDC and your local and State Health Departments. Any “mandate” predicated on these lies was and is in fact a felony assault with a reasonable expectation of serious bodily harm or death to your person and should have been, and should be today, met with whatever level of force is necessary to cause the person issuing said mandate to STOP on an immediate basis. THE VACCINES DO NOT PREVENT INFECTION, TRANSMISSION OR THE RISK OF SEVERE OUTCOMES. ENOUGH!

PS: Before you do something stupid like get a “booster” answer this — why would you believe the third jab will work when you were told the other two would — and the people doing so lied? When, in addition, there is evidence that the manufacturers knew this would happen and rigged the trials to conceal it? What data do you have (none!) on whether the risk of serious adverse events rises with each successive injection, and why would you be so stupid as to believe a single thing these people say after being screwed by the very same people? I remind you: Never in the past has there been a successful vaccine for coronaviruses. All previous attempts have failed during trials, which took years to discover, either by mutational escape or worse, enhancement in those who got the injection(s). Don’t throw your life away.

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Open Letter to the Unvaccinated (Ocla)

You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated. Politicians and the media have taken a uniform view, scapegoating the unvaccinated for the troubles that have ensued after eighteen months of fearmongering and lockdowns. It’s time to set the record straight. It is entirely reasonable and legitimate to say ‘no’ to insufficiently tested vaccines for which there is no reliable science. You have a right to assert guardianship of your body and to refuse medical treatments if you see fit. You are right to say ‘no’ to a violation of your dignity, your integrity and your bodily autonomy.

It is your body, and you have the right to choose. You are right to fight for your children against their mass vaccination in school. You are right to question whether free and informed consent is at all possible under present circumstances. Long-term effects are unknown. Transgenerational effects are unknown. Vaccine-induced deregulation of natural immunity is unknown. Potential harm is unknown as the adverse event reporting is delayed, incomplete and inconsistent between jurisdictions. You are being targeted by mainstream media, government social engineering campaigns, unjust rules and policies, collaborating employers, and the social-media mob. You are being told that you are now the problem and that the world cannot get back to normal unless you get vaccinated. You are being viciously scapegoated by propaganda and pressured by others around you. Remember; there is nothing wrong with you.

You are inaccurately accused of being a factory for new SARS-CoV-2 variants, when in fact, according to leading scientists, your natural immune system generates immunity to multiple components of the virus. This will promote your protection against a vast range of viral variants and abrogates further spread to anyone else. You are justified in demanding independent peer-reviewed studies, not funded by multinational pharmaceutical companies. All the peer-reviewed studies of short-term safety and short-term efficacy have been funded, organized, coordinated, and supported by these for-profit corporations; and none of the study data have been made public or available to researchers who don’t work for these companies. You are right to question the preliminary vaccine trial results. The claimed high values of relative efficacy rely on small numbers of tenuously determined “infections.”

The studies were also not blind, where people giving the injections admittedly knew or could deduce whether they were injecting the experimental vaccine or the placebo. This is not acceptable scientific methodology for vaccine trials. You are correct in your calls for a diversity of scientific opinions. Like in nature, we need a polyculture of information and its interpretations. And we don’t have that right now. Choosing not to take the vaccine is holding space for reason, transparency and accountability to emerge. You are right to ask, ‘What comes next when we give away authority over our own bodies?’ Do not be intimidated. You are showing resilience, integrity and grit. You are coming together in your communities, making plans to help one another and standing for scientific accountability and free speech, which are required for society to thrive. We are among many who stand with you.

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“COVID-19 vaccinations should be a choice, not a government mandate.”

Arizona AG: Tuscon Vaccine Mandate Is Illegal (B911)

The City of Tucson announced Tuesday that it will be putting its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for its employees on pause after the state’s attorney general declared it illegal. Attorney General Mark Brnovich says that his office determined the City of Tucson’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for public employees does violate state law for purposes of S.B. 1487, and also is in direct conflict with the Governor’s Executive Order 2021-18. Therefore, Tucson must rescind or amend the ordinance to come into compliance with state law, or lose millions of dollars in state funding. “Tucson’s vaccine mandate is illegal, and the city could be held liable for attempting to force employees to take it against their beliefs,” said Attorney General Mark Brnovich. “COVID-19 vaccinations should be a choice, not a government mandate.”

Through a “S.B. 1487” investigation, the AGO determined Tucson’s Ordinance 11869, which mandates COVID-19 vaccines for city employees, violates state law and thus the city cannot require public employees to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine. The legislature’s intent was clear when it passed S.B. 1824 earlier this year – government entities from the local to state level cannot mandate COVID-19 vaccines. This law was further supplemented by the Governor’s Executive Order 2021-18 (E.O. 2021-18) in August 2021.In the AGO’s opinion, Tucson public employees could rely in good faith on E.O. 2021-18 and state law to refuse the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Today, the AGO officially notified the City of Tucson that its COVID-19 vaccine ordinance is in violation of state law and must be rescinded or amended. As expressly provided in S.B. 1487, if the City of Tucson does not rescind its policy within the next 30 days, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer, who will withhold the city’s portion of state shared revenue until it comes into compliance. Additionally, the AGO believes the City of Tucson could subject itself to potential liability claims if it were to take adverse action against an employee who relies on E.O. 2021-18 and state law to refuse the vaccine.

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Oh wait, the vaccines DO work:

“More than 20,000 people have died in the U.S. from the virus in the past two weeks, a figure that is up nearly 70% from the two weeks prior.”

Biden To Lay Out New Coronavirus Strategy As Delta Variant Cases Rise (JTN)

President Joe Biden is expected Thursday to lay out a new, six-point strategy to confront the novel coronavirus, including the highly contagious Delta variant. Biden will meet with his COVID-19 advisers Wednesday. A recent wave of cases, owing largely to Delta, has created a new challenge for the Biden administration as the school year begins anew and hospitals in some areas become overwhelmed. Press Secretary Jen Psaki says the strategy, to be presented aboard Air Force One, will work “across the public and private sectors to help continue to get the pandemic under control.” It is unclear whether the new strategy will include any sort of new mandates.

“We need to continue to take more steps to make sure districts are prepared and make sure communities across the country are prepared,” Psaki said. Last week, the United States hit 40 million recorded COVID-19 cases. More than 20,000 people have died in the U.S. from the virus in the past two weeks, a figure that is up nearly 70% from the two weeks prior. Officials are aiming to begin distributing coronavirus vaccine booster shots the week of Sept. 20, following a Sept. 17 meeting of the Food and Drug Administrtion, during which advisers will consider a possible third Pfizer shot.

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“..the federal government lacks the authority to mandate vaccines for everyone..”

White House Signals New COVID-19 Measures Coming For Unvaccinated (ET)

Ahead of President Joe Biden’s announcement Thursday about new COVID-19 measures, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that there may be new measures that will be imposed on unvaccinated people. “There are six steps the president’s announcing, there will be new components,” Psaki told reporters on Wednesday. “Some of that will be related to access to testing, some will be related to mandates, some will be related to how we ensure kids will be protected in schools.” When asked about how the new steps would impact Americans’ lives, Psaki said that “it depends on if you’re vaccinated or not.” Psaki provided few details on what mandates could be imposed on unvaccinated Americans.

On Tuesday, she told reporters on Air Force One that the federal government lacks the authority to mandate vaccines for everyone. “There will be new components that sure, will of course impact people across the country, but we’re also all working together to get the virus under control, to return to our normal lives,” Psaki also said, without elaborating, on Wednesday. Biden, who was scheduled to meet with his COVID-19 advisers on Wednesday, delivered a speech about six months ago saying the United States has “made real progress” against the virus. Since that date, about 142 million Americans have received COVID-19 vaccines and about 950,000 people are getting vaccinated each day, according to data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Data released daily by the CDC’s COVID-19 tracker suggests that the United States’ new cases and deaths may have hit a plateau or is on the decline. The seven day-average for cases as of Tuesday was 140,000 and deaths were 1,022, respectively, while as of Sept. 1, the seven-day average for cases was 156,000 and deaths were 1,141, respectively. The president’s speech on Thursday could make reference to a recent announcement from the heads of several federal health agencies that third doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, or booster shots, would be provided around Sept. 20. However, the Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve the booster doses.

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“Residents are now allowed to receive a ration of one of the following per day: six beers or pre-mixed drinks, one bottle of wine, or one 375ml bottle of spirits..”

To wash down the horse dewormer.

Health Authorities Confiscate Alcohol Deliveries To Sydney Tower (Sky)

NSW Health has confiscated bottles of spirits and large quantities of alcohol from residents living in a locked-down apartment block in Sydney’s Inner West in an attempt to limit the number of drinks consumed every day. Mission Australia’s Common Ground Facility in Camperdown was placed into lockdown for two weeks on September 2 after four tenants tested positive. Residents are now allowed to receive a ration of one of the following per day: six beers or pre-mixed drinks, one bottle of wine, or one 375ml bottle of spirits, according to NCA NewsWire. Residents of the social housing block are frustrated care parcels sent from friends and families are being searched through. “They are searching all bags and things coming into the building… They confiscated a series of gifts,” Common Ground resident Robin Elhaj told NCA NewsWire.

“So things like bottles of spirits, we weren’t allowed to have those and we still (aren’t).” Excess alcohol is being confiscated until lockdown rules are lifted. NSW Health says the limiting the amount of alcohol consumed aims to “ensure the safety of health staff and residents”. “We know the experience of a lockdown is very challenging for everyone living and working at Common Ground. Mission Australia is fully engaged with tenants and is providing support to them within the parameters of NSW Health and Police guidelines” Mission Australia’s CEO James Toomey said in a statement. “We continue to work alongside NSW Health, NSW Police, DCJ, cleaners and other tenancy support teams and local community organisations to ensure the safety of tenants and staff, and to ensure support and supplies are provided to people living at Common Ground during the lockdown.”

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Makes you wonder what Aussies treat their horses with.

Melbourne Clinic Offers Ivermectin Despite It Not Being Approved (G.)

A medical clinic in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs has been offering patients off-label prescriptions for the anti-parasite drug ivermectin to treat Covid-19, despite a lack of evidence for its use in treating the virus. The clinic set up a dedicated online page to apply for a consultation to be prescribed the drug to treat Covid-19 on its website after receiving an “influx of ivermectin inquiries”. The clinic says there is no guarantee a prescription for ivermectin will be given, and it will depend on a risk assessment on issues such as location, work, contact with Covid-positive people and medical history. Each consultation costs $85 and does not include a Medicare rebate.

The clinic was listed as a Tier 1 exposure site on Tuesday, after a Covid-positive case attended on 2 September. A caller to ABC Melbourne on Wednesday, who identified themselves as a hospital worker, expressed concern about people taking the drug, stating some had had “negative outcomes” and had to be admitted to hospital. Ivermectin is only approved for use in Australia for medical issues such as river blindness, scabies and roundworm infections. Medical practitioners can legally prescribe the medication off-label, but the Therapeutic Goods Administration has advised against using the drug to treat Covid-19 outside of clinical trial settings.

The National Covid-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce, which examines studies of the drug around the world, said in late August that “there remains significant uncertainty whether ivermectin is more effective and safer than standard care in treating patients with Covid-19”. The clinic is one of several believed to be prescribing ivermectin off-label to treat Covid-19 in Australia, however, sympathetic GPs usually do not promote offering the service, instead their details tend to be shared among private groups on Facebook and Telegram.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners president, Dr Karen Price, said while RACGP did not consider its role to be looking over the shoulders of every GP, she advised ivermectin had not received regulatory approval in Australia for use as an anti-viral treatment. “In fact, the advice from the health experts is 100% clear – do not use ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19,” she said. “The status of other drugs, such as sotrovimab, is very different. That is an example of a new drug for the treatment of Covid-19 that has passed through the rigorous testing safety procedures of the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

Oz doctors

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Good luck.

“COVID Zero” New Zealand Is Now A Full-Blown Police State (JS)

New Zealand, the last of the dedicated “COVID Zero” nations on earth, has completed its transformation into a full-blown tyrannical regime, and shockingly, it has come with the consent of the vast majority of Kiwis. Once hailed as the media and “public health experts’” favorite COVID-19 managerial “success story,” the puff pieces have been increasingly hard to find, as Wellington has spawned a dystopian concoction of insane, despotic government edicts, claimed as an absolutely necessary part of their everlasting fight against a disease with a 99.8% recovery rate. Just observe what has happened in the Five Eyes partner nation during this week alone:

1) Virtually the entire country is once again under an indefinite lockdown, after a few COVID-19 cases were reported throughout the nation. A single case necessitates a “snap lockdown,” in which all rights of millions of citizens are immediately restricted and indefinitely subject to the containment of a seasonal respiratory disease. The current lockdown has been extended over Auckland until at least mid September, with many predicting a much lengthier sentence. According to past precedent, Kiwis will not receive their freedom back until — this is the truly insane part of Zero COVID — there is zero community spread of COVID-19. And the second another case pops up on the radar, the entire country goes back to square one of the Zero COVID protocol.

2) A man is being shamed by his countrymen for having the audacity to “escape” from a government-sanctioned COVID internment camp. The camps have been described in a more positive, but false light by the press and government officials as “quarantine hotels,” but it is most certainly an internment facility, as leaving is not allowed, and it carries a fine and lengthy prison sentence. The Hill reported: “The person was charged with failing to comply with New Zealand’s coronavirus health order. Under a new law passed last year, he could face a fine or up to six months in jail if convicted.”

3) The country’s police and military services are installing security checkpoints throughout New Zealand in an effort to make sure citizens are not traveling during the lockdown. Freely traveling during the lockdown now carries a massive fine and/or prison sentence as punishment. New Zealand is now the only country in the world left that is dedicated to COVID Zero, the pursuit of the total elimination of a virus from their nation, which has been under a government-sanctioned self-siege since the beginning of 2020. All of the other nations that attempted to pursue the pseudoscience behind COVID Zero have failed in catastrophic fashion. New Zealand has transformed from a highly-touted COVID “success story” to a full-fledged house of horrors, and sadly, there is no end in sight to the ongoing madness.

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From 2020.

Children Are Not Covid-19 Super Spreaders: Time To Go Back To School (BMJ)

[..] most public health interventions have assumed children with comorbidities such as primary or secondary immune dysfunction or respiratory/cardiac illness to be at increased risk, and in the UK this has led to advice for these children to shield completely, as for adults known to be at risk. Many paediatric specialists are concerned that a blanket assumption that immune-suppressed children of any kind are all at increased risk will cause considerable long-term educational and social harm to these children. At the current time, children do not appear to be super spreaders. Sero-surveillance data will not be available to confirm or refute these findings prior to the urgent policy decisions that need to be taken in the next few weeks such as how and when to re-open schools. Policies for non-pharmacological interventions involving children are going to have to be made on a risk–benefit basis with current evidence available.

Governments worldwide should allow all children back to school regardless of comorbidities. Detailed surveillance will be needed to confirm the safety of this approach, despite recent analysis demonstrating the ineffectiveness of school closures in the recent past. The media highlight of a possible rare new Kawasaki-like vasculitis that may or may not be due to SARS-CoV2 does not change the fact that severe COVID-19 is as rare as many other serious infection syndromes in children that do not cause schools to be closed. Individualised risk assessment and decision-making by clinicians should occur for those considered at exceptional risk (such as in immediately after bone marrow transplant) or where there are other older family members at significant risk.

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“I think we’re in a situation where we can afford to give them this treatment”

AFP Fact Check Accidentally Makes The Case For Ivermectin (Twitchy)

There are claims circulating on social media that Japan approved ivermectin for use in treating COVID-19 but, as this fact check from the AFP makes clear, that’s just not true. What the fact check does say, however, is that Haruo Ozaki, chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association did, explain why a doctor might prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19: “Social media posts suggest that Japan’s government recommends using antiparasitic drug ivermectin to treat Covid-19, citing remarks by the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association. This is misleading; while he cautiously supported the treatment, the association does not represent the country’s government, which has not endorsed ivermectin for that use.” Ozaki went on to say that since we’re in a crisis, “I think we’re in a situation where we can afford to give them this treatment”:

In the video included in the tweet, Ozaki compares the number of Covid-19 cases and mortality rate in African countries that distributed ivermectin once a year for its anti-parasitic properties to those that did not. “I believe the difference is clear. Of course, one cannot conclude that ivermectin is effective on the basis of these figures, but when we have all these elements, we cannot say that ivermectin is absolutely not effective, at least not me,” he says. “We can do other studies to confirm its efficacy, but we are in a crisis situation. With regards to the use of ivermectin, it is obviously necessary to obtain the informed consent of the patients, and I think we’re in a situation where we can afford to give them this treatment,” Ozaki adds.

The fact check also noted that clinical trials of the drug are ongoing: “Clinical trials are ongoing around the world to find out its potential effects on Covid-19 patients, but a recent spike in ivermectin prescriptions prompted the US Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) to release a statement warning of the potential harmful effects of the drug if misused.” So, not a “horse dewormer,” CNN?

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Key supplements that may chelate iron from the body include:
Green Tea.
Milk Thistle (potentially)*

The Role Of Iron In The Pathogenesis Of Covid-19 (SD)

Iron overload is increasingly implicated as a contributor to the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Indeed, several of the manifestations of COVID-19, such as inflammation, hypercoagulation, hyperferritinemia, and immune dysfunction are also reminiscent of iron overload. Although iron is essential for all living cells, free unbound iron, resulting from iron dysregulation and overload, is very reactive and potentially toxic due to its role in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS react with and damage cellular lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins, with consequent activation of either acute or chronic inflammatory processes implicated in multiple clinical conditions. Moreover, iron-catalyzed lipid damage exerts a direct causative effect on the newly discovered nonapoptotic cell death known as ferroptosis.

Unlike apoptosis, ferroptosis is immunogenic and not only leads to amplified cell death but also promotes a series of reactions associated with inflammation. Iron chelators are generally safe and are proven to protect patients in clinical conditions characterized by iron overload. There is also an abundance of evidence that iron chelators possess antiviral activities. Furthermore, the naturally occurring iron chelator lactoferrin (Lf) exerts immunomodulatory as well as anti-inflammatory effects and can bind to several receptors used by coronaviruses thereby blocking their entry into host cells. Iron chelators may consequently be of high therapeutic value during the present COVID-19 pandemic.

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Autumn ritual.

Yellen: US On Track To Default On National Debt In October (Hill)

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday warned congressional leaders that the U.S. is on track to default on the national debt in October if the White House and Congress are unable to raise the debt limit. In a Wednesday letter, Yellen said that the Treasury Department would likely run out of cash and exhaust “extraordinary” measures to keep the federal government within its legal borrowing limit at some point next month. “Once all available measures and cash on hand are fully exhausted, the United States of America would be unable to meet its obligations for the first time in our history,” Yellen said.

“Given this uncertainty, the Treasury Department is not able to provide a specific estimate of how long the extraordinary measures will last. However, based on our best and most recent information, the most likely outcome is that cash and extraordinary measures will be exhausted during the month of October,” she continued. Yellen wrote the letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). The Treasury Department has taken so-called extraordinary measures to prevent the U.S. from defaulting on the national debt since the federal debt limit was reimposed on Aug. 1. If the Treasury Department runs out of ways to stave off a default without borrowing more money, the inability of the U.S. to pay its debts could send debilitating shockwaves through the financial system.

Yellen urged lawmakers for months to raise the debt limit before it was reimposed in August, warning that a delay could “cause irreparable damage to the U.S. economy and global financial markets.” She has since pleaded with Congress to give Treasury the ability to pay debts already approved by previous presidents and congressional majorities. “Waiting until the last minute to suspend or increase the debt limit can cause serious harm to business and consumer confidence, raise short-term borrowing costs for taxpayers, and negatively impact the credit rating of the United States,” Yellen wrote.

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Street art.





US before high fructose syrup



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Home Forums Debt Rattle September 9 2021

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  • #86675

    Pablo Picasso Science and Charity 1897   • RFK, Jr.: ‘Complete Obliteration Of Critical Thinking’ (JTN) • The Lie Of ‘All Unvaccinated’ (Denninge
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 9 2021]

    V. Arnold

    This interesing; but I want to know if its true…
    If it is…this is devastating for the rest of us…
    Dr. John…what do you think about the above??????????

    V. Arnold

    Pablo Picasso Science and Charity 1897

    Wonderful painting from Picasso; never fails to amaze………..





    When NZ imposed a lockdown 23 days ago in response to one case, many overseas commentators were mocking. However, to date 868 cases have been uncovered. 374 were linked to a church service attended by over 500. Obviously not all attendees were infected, but many were and it spread through household contacts.
    It was centred in Auckland and travel restrictions were imposed to stop the spread to other areas with both, as it turned out, no known cases and a lower level of lockdown. Had these measures not been implemented the spread would have been much higher. The indications were that it spread easily from minimal contact. Many supermarkets have had repeated incidents of being visited by cases, and people have been warned that they could be contacts. Of course, they may be infectious before showing symptoms.
    One can only guess the number of cases if nothing had been done. Say at this point 4000, and in a month? Small numbers compared to many places but there had been no cases for months.
    For sure there, as elsewhere, has been an assumption that a vaccine provided immunity or at least limited severity. Secondly as elsewhere there has been an official line by politicians, medics and media, effectively curtailing questioning, labelled as disinformation. Given that knowledge only emerges gradually and as with any health issue is not definitive, one can see a basis for a united voice, and that one might wish to avoid all and sundry promoting drinking bleach or the like. However this is unfortunate, or worse. Particularly the Medical Association threatening dissidents. Trust us! No.
    As a long-term strategy I can’t see this working, particularly a reliance on the vaccines currently available. That realisation will take time to work through. It was only a month or so ago that we had free travel with Australia. Not likely in the near future.


    “Choosing not to take the vaccine is holding space for reason, transparency and accountability to emerge.”

    BRAVO!!! Hang in and hang on, everyone, as best you can.

    Thank you again, Raul, for all that you do to share information with us. Needed and appreciated.

    Dr. D

    ‘Australia Is Now Confiscating Booze Delivered to People Forced into Lockdown”

    Well, there’s your profit center. Now all you need is a plumbing truck and to pay off a few policemen. Don’t worry: they’re cheap. Lots of experience: they break the law all day already.

    Saying: don’t you understand this? EVERYTHING YOU DO as a human being is ALREADY illegal. So there IS no compliance. There is NO possibility of “following the rules.” There already ARE no rules, duh. So there’s already no option of “Doing what you’re told.” Since everything you do all day, every day is ALREADY illegal, it’s no difference whether you sell some beers to some guys in lockup, house arrest. No difference if you sneak out back to walk your dog. Harbor your cousins for a visit, like you would under Stalin. Make up new and astonishing stories to salt and bedevil every single move of oppression they attempt. “Oh, I’m sorry sir, I guess I’m really stupid and didn’t understand.” “Oh, I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t get your police car repaired on time.” “I’m sorry, I couldn’t route your cattle cars on the rail lines without without filling out a 27b/6 form. Rules are rules.”

    Couldn’t be easier. Also, you have no choice since everything you do, say, or think is ALREADY a crime. You are ALREADY a criminal. So? C’est ca. I didn’t make it, I didn’t start it, THEY did. But we’re in a wonderful position where they’ve declared they’re my avowed enemy, but are not aware that I am now preparing, acting, treating, and behaving as if they are my enemy, and I’m controlling the gates. I’m INSIDE the castle. I’m bringing them soup. Wow, are they bad at this. They have no chance of survival.

    None of the virus stuff is all that important. We have a banking/bond fire in China, a debt ceiling in the U.S., and 6 banks are warning red alert on market correction. Smith had this article on everything being 2x more extreme than any previous bubble, which is what Michael Burry of “The Big Short” said before they sent the SEC over to censor him personally.

    Fabricated, illegal eviction moratoriums are ending. We have all unemployment stopping. Monetary velocity is still dropping, millions new unemployed and no one’s showing up to work. That goes with spot supply shortages in everything, everywhere.

    As expected, no one is serious about it or anything, because they are not serious people, not-agreement-capable. They are clown people, and it is clown world, where every day Rachel Maddow and Rolling Stone newly beclown and discredit themselves.

    Point of them not being “serious” is that they are not reacting, no longer “fixing” things, harmful as that always was. And I have to wonder why. So no one’s being bribed anymore? Rly? Blackmail stopped existing? They really want and earnestly desire the collapse to land on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party? Exactly FOR allowing this, not voting Medicare-for-All, NOT meeting on Evictions as the USSC said they could/should? Really?

    Because to me it seems a lot “planned.” But in a new and different way, like they’d be happy to, but are in disarray, somebody’s half-in their blackmail files and stopping them, while the other half is in their money-flow of Asian poppy fields and cutting them off. It’s a slow strangle, a slow walk, slow wake-up. For YOU, the real Army and focus of this operation.

    In any case, what do you suppose they have planned for the big day? 9/10? The good guys AND the bad guys? When on Nixon day, F-Stan fell on command, and the next astrological day, Saudi signed with Russia and ended the Petrodollar? Oh, I’m thinking something super-interesting. But you have to look at it. You say “what happened?” What happened is the US$ and US Federal has probably ALREADY fallen, and that just hasn’t radiated out to you yet. Nor the illiterate dum-dums in media haven’t been ordered to write it and tell you yet.

    Like when we left the U.S. after Kennedy and went bank-globalist in ’71, did they tell you? Aw, heck no. They didn’t tell YOU for yeeeeaaaarrrrsss. And they didn’t “tell/let” you in until ’79 when it was over and they wanted to dump the gold they bought in ’71 on the public rubes. …No doubt just like Bitcoin, this time.

    So they already KNOW it’s done, if in fact they may not have decided it, but it was just forced on them by events on the ground. Because BlackRock and the Federal Reserve Chair need time to position – months – and to massive multi-hundred-bil insider trade, and telegraph their insider trades down the line so no one gets mad.

    So as suggested, they may indeed not raise the debt ceiling, have a shutdown, have everyone pop up their heads like meerkats and say, “whut?” What’s going on is Peter Theil and BlackRock called their wholly-owned Congressmen and told them to follow g–d–n orders. We went over the edge, it can’t pull back, so all we can do now is pick the DAY and make a trillion in insider short trading. That won’t save them, but it’s something, and it’ll screw all of YOU into poverty and desperation which makes it all worthwhile.

    So, here we go. Not too much time left. They don’t get the control, the takedown they planned and wanted. They have universal resistance to EVERYTHING. They have no credibility to sell and soon no money to buy/whack people. There will be no nuclear war as hoped, and can’t get a deadly injection as hoped, but there will be a never-ending mess and perpetual supply shortages, everywhere, in everything, for years. No one can prepare for that, so “we’re in for the duration” as they used to say. Pop a beer and look out from the porch, good, good, good looking out my back door.

    Yellen: US on Track to Default on National Debt in October (Hill)”

    Deflationista: I certainly understand the unending frustration. However, I/we CAN’T retreat, since no matter where you go, they won’t leave you alone. Can’t stop ordering, ‘helping’, finding me in the Outback or arresting me in a forest in Cumberland Gap. So they made the decision for me some time ago. But retreating also makes your life ever smaller as you say, and is a caution. There are good people.

    “GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”

    Dr. D

    NZ: who cares? Suppose it’s all sense and they stopped the spread. And that spread was actually dangerous or something and not 99.997% harmless. Great! You win!

    …What about tomorrow? So now you need to cut yourself off for the NEXT 100 years like Edo Japan. Or North Korea. And then? And then what? The whole rest of the world not only has Covid Mu-thru-Zeta but other diseases too. If you EVER open up, EVER, 10, 100, 1,000 years from now, it just comes back, but worse because of all the other immunities to planet earth you don’t have. However, you DO have an end to all human rights forever, oppression, murder, and unending poverty, just like Edo and the Tokugawa Shogunate.

    Congratulations. Government “helping” at its finest.


    That Australia graph I posted from @YonSolitary is based, according to him/her/we/it, on government reports. We have an idea what those are worth.


    Australia so far has had 68,000 “cases” and 1,066 deaths (Worldometer).

    But also 516 vaccine deaths, and 57,161 adverse reactions in just the past 6 months. Population is 26 million.

    If their reporting is as “good” as VAERS, i.e. 1-10%, that’s pretty wild.


    Pushing for a drug that’s not working, unblinded trials, Fauci … it all happened before with devastating effects

    AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’

    Doc Robinson

    Excess mortality data was updated today, and Israel is showing a major spike for the 65+ age group (as of few weeks ago, while the data is incomplete for the more recent weeks). This spike in all-cause mortality, for Week 32 of 2021, approaches the peak levels reached earlier during the pandemic.

    Mister Roboto

    Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

    Doc Robinson

    Meanwhile, “91% of Israelis over 50 are vaccinated against coronavirus.”


    I am not sure the adverse events are that bad having looked at the site
    2.7 adverse events per 1000 injections looks alright to me. I’m not getting jabbed till it becomes impossible to get by, but I’m getting less scared of the virus and the jabs and more terrified of the mass psychosis and totalitarianism as each day passes.
    But fear is the mind killer so I watched some funny shit and now I have a better emotional stance.
    Dr D is right – the slow grind of shit running out is beginning.

    Mr. House

    “mass psychosis and totalitarianism”

    Is what has worried me from the beginning and it didn’t start with covid. But hey you can always OPT OUT of the mass psychosis and totalitarianism! 😉


    The piece on up above on:
    The Role Of Iron In The Pathogenesis Of Covid-19

    Still no official list of ingredients on the emergency Clot Shot even though it’s “approved

    We do know The Kill Shot has graphene oxide in it but maybe it also has iron oxide.

    Multifunctional graphene oxide/iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic targeted drug delivery


    oxy, the only problem with tracking adverse vaccine events to date and determining they aren’t that bad is … the mid- to long-term consequences. There is no way to know what those are/could be until … years in the future.

    Mister Roboto

    NZ: who cares? Suppose it’s all sense and they stopped the spread. And that spread was actually dangerous or something and not 99.997% harmless. Great! You win!

    And also, when a “case” is determined by a PCR test run at 40-45 cycles, perhaps that can give one a shadow of an idea of the prevalence of the virus in society, but I am…increasingly dubious that this represents a true picture of how many people are actually infected at the time of the test, be it symptomatically, presymptomatically, or asymptomatically. If more people understood the nature of exponential functions, then they would probably understand how shady such tests really are.

    Mr. House

    Wonder what amazing wisdom sloppy joe will grace us with today?


    Where are we (TAE)
    • RFK, Jr.: ‘Complete Obliteration Of Critical Thinking’ (JTN)
    The silent majority is an unspecified large group of people in a country or group who do not express their opinions publicly.
    Going postal is an American English slang phrase referring to becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry,
    In Internet culture, the 1% rule is a rule of thumb pertaining to participation in an internet community, stating that only 1% of the users of a website add content, while the other 99% of the participants only lurk.
    Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society toward a perceived greater good. Forms of activism range from mandate building in the community (including writing letters to newspapers), petitioning elected officials, running or contributing to a political campaign, preferential patronage (or boycott) of businesses, and demonstrative forms of activism like rallies, street marches, strikes, sit-ins, or hunger strikes.

    Activism may be performed on a day-to-day basis in a wide variety of ways, including through the creation of art (artivism), computer hacking (hacktivism), or simply in how one chooses to spend their money (economic activism). For example, the refusal to buy clothes or other merchandise from a company as a protest against the exploitation of workers by that company could be considered an expression of activism. However, the most highly visible and impactful activism often comes in the form of collective action, in which numerous individuals coordinate an act of protest together in order to make a bigger impact.[1] Collective action that is purposeful, organized, and sustained over a period of time becomes known as a social movement.[2]
    Historically, activists have used literature, including pamphlets, tracts, and books to disseminate or propagate their messages and attempt to persuade their readers of the justice of their cause. Research has now begun to explore how contemporary activist groups use social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action combining politics with technology.[3][4]
    The power of Internet activism came into a global lens with the Arab Spring protests starting in late 2010. People living in the Middle East and North African countries that were experiencing revolutions used social networking to communicate information about protests, including videos recorded on smart phones, which put the issues in front of an international audience.[22] This was the one of the first occasions in which social networking technology was used by citizen-activists to circumvent state-controlled media and communicate directly with the rest of the world. These types of practices of Internet activism were later picked up and used by other activists in subsequent mass mobilizations, such as the 15-M Movement in Spain in 2011, Occupy Gezi in Turkey in 2013, and more.[23]
    I’m sorry
    Its not my fault
    Be happy

    D Benton Smith

    Making everyone wear a mask is just one more way for the Power Elites ( who , by definition, head-up the top layers of virtually ALL of society’s insitutionalized power structures ) to tell everyonbe else to just shut up.

    Censorship is another way.

    But the be-all end-all is mass murder.

    To disagree with what THEY say is the one and only right way is a capital offense. Their motto is “My Way or No Way .”

    When a human mind reaches that stage of “selfishness” it is officially insane . . . and extremely dangerous . . . because it sees others as having no value or validity whatsoever.


    The matrix
    The dream is over, you are awake
    Things are not what it used to be.
    Be happy

    (Is the Matrix real?
    “The Matrix” universe centers around the philosophical concept that our reality may not be real. The films’ protagonist discovers that his world is a vast simulation run by hyper-intelligent AI. Since “The Matrix” first came out, many scientists and philosophers have discussed the validity of the movie’s claims.)

    D Benton Smith

    Power is very much like a Ponzi Scheme. It exists ONLY because the many give to a few . . . and for worthless bullshit reasons which only look good in the first place because the suckers want the same thing.

    Power and Ponzi schemes always end the same way , too . They end when they run out of suckers. They end when the suckers wake up and realize that they got NOTHING (no power, no wealth, no nada) back to theirgreedy selves in exchange for all of the power and money they paid “upwards” in their vain and stupid delusion that they could ultimately get more out of something than they personally put into it.

    The old “something for nothing” scam. . . writ large. Well, not in THIS Universe, boyo !

    Mr. House
    absolute galore

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I think the speculation about the number of vaccine-related deaths here on TAE is at least as bad as the official Covid death toll. In my personal sphere, I have a colleague on the other side of the country whose healthy mid-30s daughter suffered an unexplained paralysis shortly after being vaxxed. Doctor assured her not related. Other than that, no friends, family, friends of friends, etc. etc. 6 degrees etc. has had any serious adverse reactions. That obviously does not include mid to long term, and I have no intention of submitting to a vaccine, no matter how difficult “Joe Biden” tries to make life for the unvaxxed.

    My big concern is my son, who is eleven. I have no say, and I do have concerns about the long-term harm this will have on children. Even if there is not direct damage from the vaccine itself, they will be hooked into a big pharma solution. The current variants do not harm any but the most compromised children, and they should be building a lifetime of natural immunity. What happens when society no longer has the ways and means to manufacture and distribute these highly technical and fragile vaccines? You have a generation with zero natural protection ready to be mowed down.

    As others have said, my greatest alarm is reserved for the way the governments are responding, and the widespread complacency and or complicity of the populace. Given the known facts–not a very deadly illness for most, vaccines never claimed by manufacturers to stop spread, obvious proof that they are not working well in the near short term–the response of mandates, passports, shunning, etc. is beyond illogical. This alone would be enough to convince me Ivermectin is worth a shot (ha ha).

    I also feel that the constant reminders of the insanity are probably not doing me much good spiritually. But on the other hand, a support group during this madness is very helpful. But with the mass buy-in and the human dislike of cutting our losses, and the amount of illogical nonsense already swallowed and ingested, I don’t see bright prospects of anything turning this around. I see it as a nice marinade before we are thrown directly into the frying pan by some other disaster, most likely emanating from the financial sector. One thing I do not see, for sure, is any of our leaders around the world instituting anything remotely resembling a logical plan to deal with things going forward. Not. Even. Close. Will. Not. Be. Happening. But hey, cheer up!:

    (You are a fluke of the universe.
    You have no right to be here.
    Deteriorata, Deteriorata)

    Go placidly amidst the noise and waste, and remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof. Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep. Rotate your tires. Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself; and heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys. Know what to kiss – and when. Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do. Wherever possible, put people on hold. Be comforted, that in the face of all irridity and disillusionment, and despite the changing fortunes of time, there is always a big future in computer maintenance.

    (You are a fluke of the universe.
    You have no right to be here.
    Whether you can hear it or not,
    The universe is laughing behind your back.)

    Remember the Pueblo. Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate. Know yourself. If you need help, call the FBI. Exercise caution in your daily affairs, especially with those persons closest to you… That lemon on your left, for instance. Be assured that a walk through the seas of most souls would scarcely get your feet wet. Fall not in love, therefore, it will stick to your face. Gracefully surrender the things of youth: the birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan – and let not the sands of time get in your lunch. Hire people with hooks. For a good time, call 606-4311, ask for Ken. Take heart in the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese. And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could only be worse in Milwaukee.

    (You are a fluke of the universe.
    You have no right to be here.
    Whether you can hear it or not,
    The universe is laughing behind your back.)

    Therefore, make peace with your god, whatever you perceive him to be: hairy thunderer or cosmic muffin. With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal, the world continues to deteriorate. GIVE UP!

    (You are a fluke of the universe.
    You have no right to be here.
    Whether you can hear it or not,
    The universe is laughing behind your back.)

    Mister Roboto

    And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could only be worse in Milwaukee.

    Hey, now! 😀 Seriously though, as someone who lives in the Milwaukee area, I thank my lucky stars that I don’t live in Chicago or the Twin Cities (Flyover Country’s honorary coastal cities).


    I think I’d take enormous hope if I saw just a single glimmer of doubt within the MSM/PMC/”expert” axis. If I heard a single public “health” figure talk about VAERS and confess that well [cough cough] yes, the vaccines do have side effects, even if rare, and here’s the risk profile… If I heard a single “expert” from the PMC mention the cautionary tale of Israel’s ongoing experiment in mass vaccination with a leaky vaccine. Or mention that the smug and overconfident double-jabbed can be spreaders. Alas, I’ve never experienced such a fever-pitch of unified propaganda since the Iraq invasion. In 2003 it was hard to be a peacenik and hold your head high. In 2021 it’s hard to hold the tattered bits of the scientific method – that hard-won secular achievement of humankind – and not grieve.

    I hope that the Archdruid and Martenson are right, that in a few short months we’ll be able to talk about these things. Right now, just seems hopeless to prevail against unified and ceaseless propaganda from the MSM and every layer of politics. No way out of this but through it. No shortage of useful idiots, low-information Dunning-Kruger know-it-alls who act as the verbal and physical footsoldiers to TPTB. Everything I believe is dismissed as misinformation by those useful idiots. To what end? Cui bono? I think what started off as a money grab then a power-grab has morphed into a doubling-down and tripling down since there’s no way out. Anybody who’s paying attention to Israel (and I’m quite sure TPTB get briefed on this) with its near-perfect vaccination rate has got to be horrified that there’s no way down from this altitude. If a CNN talking head – to use an example – expressed a single doubt in the narrative they’ve been Goebbeling since last year they’d be curb-stomped in the figurative sense. And not by just one group in particular – the useful idiots and true believers are a capricious lot, NPR and PBS fanatics would join (there’s a Life of Brian reference there I can’t quite recall.)

    Thoughts and prayers out to Dr. John Day. His predicament w/his work has weighed on me a lot of late. Thank you again for your analysis and support and your many contributions here. (Also I’d be remiss not to thank Doc Robinson for analysis and contributions as well.) I’ve been thinking about what you said about your Buddhist group last week – and Caleb Wallace’s death. Schadenfreude is an emotion corrosive to the soul. It’s painful and disconcerting to observe when otherwise good-hearted people indulge in it. Responding with positive energy and love is the proper response to that, though it is a test of will of its own. I’m trying to catch up on my own meditation practice, my mind rarely rests easy these days.


    Dr. D, I love your commentary but am skeptical of, and agnostic regarding your predictions – I’ll wait and see. However, having said that, it is very interesting to note that, at the same time that China is about to unleash a Lehman-style contagion event on the Western financial system by letting Evergrande default and go bankrupt for the sake of China’s new “common prosperity” initiative, the Treasury is not going to be in a position to effect a bailout or provide additional unemployment or small business support because of the debt ceiling. Of course, this leaves the Federal Reserve’s liquidity firehose for banks and Blackrock asset purchases , so we’ll see.


    I am not a praying man but I pray for the Australians in the front line of fascism. I see they took the quarentene people’s drink off them and rationed it back to them. That is out of order. I hope they didnt find their weed.


    Oxy et al, I think we may be overlooking something.This is not about Australia, though its data could be a bit warped given the low case- and death rate.

    I am not sure the adverse events are that bad..

    What that graph says is that 4x as many people have died from the vaccine as have “with” Covid from Feb 22-Sep 5.

    In 20 months, 1000 deaths “with” Covid. In 6 months, 500 deaths from the vaccine.

    Now you project that onto any country of your choice, like the one you live in.

    D Benton Smith

    Napolean is said to have said , “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

    What I see is a pan-global power structure that is absolutely adament about masking, vaxxing, medically abandoning, and firing THE MAJORITY OF COMPLIANT AGREEABLE PEOPLE WHO CONSTITUTE THE BASE AND SOURCE OF THE POWER STRUCTURE’S POWER. They are literally killing the geese who lay those golden eggs. They’re cutting off the tree branch that they’re sitting on. (add as many metaphors as you wish. There are plenty)

    Since these genius elites go purple faced apoplectic if you even SAY that you might interrupt their ongoing suicide , then I say “FINE ! Finish what you started. It’s going to be a lot safer and quieter around here when you’re done. Too bad so many gullible slaves are going with you. We’ll save as many of them as we can. . . but they are AWFULLY gullible.

    Dr. D

    Or is this government helping at its finest?

    Killin’ some folks, killin’ some folks, so hard to tell.


    In 20 months, 1000 deaths “with” Covid. In 6 months, 500 deaths from the vaccine.

    Now you project that onto any country of your choice, like the one you live in.
    One jab, not good enough. Two jabs, still not good enough. Three jabs will clean out the undesirable.
    Ask yourself if Israel will report the truth.

    Survivors will be those with immunity.


    Texans can take a med vacation to Mexico.

    The ruling came less than a week after one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the United States went into effect in Texas. That law prohibits abortions done without an attempt to detect a fetal heartbeat, and bars abortions outside of medical emergencies if a heartbeat is detected.

    The Mexico ruling drew praise from groups that support abortion, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation and GIRE, which called it a “historic ruling.”

    Mr. House

    The PCR test is a scam, and the critical component of the Scamdemic getting off the ground.

    It’s not a Pandemic, it’s a scam-demic.

    Without a real test or one that’s isn’t cranked up to 45 cycles and useless, the whole ‘virus’ thing is a Big Lie.

    How can anyone ‘detect’ a ‘virus’ that has no actual accurate test in real life. The current PCR is a sick joke.

    And yet the Sheeple Masses believe it’s real like a Jim Jones Koolaid Kult.

    Posters here at TAE keep reciting breathless ‘stats’ about cases?

    Based on what?

    What cases, the fake ones generated by a bogus test?

    Those are not cases.

    People with actual symptoms are *still* not ‘Covid-19 ‘cases’.

    They could have a bad common cold, they could have the seasonal flu, they could be dehydrated enough to need an IV and showing all kinds of symptoms, etc.

    So even being ‘symptomatic’, of *something*, proves nothing without a real accurate test, which is *not* in wide spread use 2 years running.

    Has everyone completely lost their marbles?

    In case you have wax in your ears, there is *NO* Covid-19 test in broad general use that positively identifies Covid-19.

    There are plenty of people showing symptoms of poisoning with the proven toxic Spike Proteins.

    Spike Proteins are being manufactured by the mRNA vaxxed because their bodies have been hijacked into becoming Spike Proteins factories and *shedding* the toxic Spike Proteins everywhere they go.

    The Vaxxed are Typhoid Marys shedding the toxic component of Covid-19.

    So where is the SHEDDING TEST?

    They don’t have one.


    Because under FDA guidelines, an mRNA therapy *has to have had* a study done on it for possible dangerous SHEDDING. But that requirement was nullified when Fauci said the mRNA therapies were ‘vaccines’ and *not* mRNA therapies!

    Problem of testing and tracking SHEDDING in mRNA ‘vaxxed’ people is solved!

    So from now on how about prefacing any breathless reports by saying:

    “there has been an increase in positive test results using fake tests showing a rise in, not cases of actual illness, but
    just positive test results from fake tests”

    There, that makes for more sense.

    John Day

    A garden picture this time,.. “Difficult Navigation”

    I’ve been expressly forbidden to prescribe ivermectin for COVID, using the address and phone number of my clinic.
    This lies within the context of my seeking to care for my established patients and those who present ill with COVID through October.
    The assumption is that I will not work after the end of October, due to being fired for refusal to accept SARS-CoV-2 mandatory vaccination..

    I don’t have a workable alternative to provide this specific service. I can advise the OTC supplements I posted 2 days ago in “OTC COVID Rxs”.
    I can prescribe doxycycline or azithromycin as part of a balanced treatment approach, with vitamin-D, Quercetin (& lecithin) and zinc.
    I can prescribe azelastin nasal spray, which is OTC-approved, but not OTC-available yet.
    Aspirin and inhaled steroids can be added for some higher risk patients with inflammatory conditions like diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
    Monoclonal antibody infusions are available locally, and may well be of benefit in the first 5 days of symptoms. (They are approved to 10 days.)

    There is a fundamental objection that I am presenting to patients that these things have been shown to help on-average, with COVID.
    I have seen that to be the case for over a year with the ivermectin-based treatment protocol, having only one patient progress to need hospitalization on treatment, the day after he started, last weekend, early in his second week of illness. To another, that experience is “anecdotal”, but while following patients closely over time for a year, it is confirmatory of the hypothesis that this treatment is beneficial.
    Studies, many studies support that hypothesis, as does the experience of nations which have employed this treatment as a public health measure. Peruvian and African experiences of benefit are dramatic in graphic form.

    Peruvian national data with, without, with, then again without ivermectin treatment policy after 2020 presidential election:

    Why COVID-19 is not so spread in Africa: How does Ivermectin affect it? ​ This is the source of the graphic posted yesterday, showing peaks of total deaths per 100,000, corresponding to waves of COVID infections, in African countries that do not routinely use ivermectin to suppress parasitic worms, but no death peaks in countries that do use ivermectin as a routine public health measure. There is also more obesity in the countries not using ivermectin. A risk for worse outcomes.

    I don’t have more to say or present. I seek to help my patients in their transition to care with other doctors, nurse practitioners and Physician Assistants, while standing morally with Vaccine Conscientious Objectors, and treating patients who have COVID to the best of my remaining ability.


    I think I can safely say that we have TEOTWAWKI.

    I’m not sure how fine I feel.


    Greenwald: ‘The ACLU, Prior to COVID, Denounced Mandates and Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics’ In a New York Times op-ed this week, the group completely reversed its views, arguing vaccine mandates help civil liberties and bodily autonomy “is not absolute.”

    Our friends at the ACLU: “Do vaccine mandates violate civil liberties? Some who have refused vaccination claim as much. We disagree.
    At the A.C.L.U., we are not shy about defending civil liberties, even when they are very unpopular. But we see no civil liberties problem with requiring Covid-19 vaccines in most circumstances..”

    They really, really really want us to see images of people getting the clot shot, don’t they?
    They’re just everywhere. Bernays was right-

    Adding: it’s remarkable what they’ve been able to “normalize” in just nineteen months; will euthanasia for heretics be their next aim?



    Sorry about that NYT image; I didn’t know that “jab” image would show up. As I said above..

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