Feb 012022
 February 1, 2022  Posted by at 9:33 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Pablo Picasso Woman in an armchair (Olga) 1922


The Revolt Begins (Jim Kunstler)
Now Is the Time for Mass Resignations From Within the Ruling Class (Tucker)
Mandatory Covid Rules Morph Into Global Power-grab (Mitch Feierstein)
We Are All Canadian Truckers Now! (Ron Paul)
Trudeau Reappears To Denounce ‘Freedom Convoy’ Truckers (RT)
No 10 Set For U-turn Over Mandatory Covid Jabs For NHS Staff In England (G.)
Why Joe Rogan Remains The World’s Most Popular Podcaster (Cheong)
The Left Tries to Deplatform . . . Critics of Big Pharma? (Geraghty)
Since We’re Taking Shots…. (Denninger)
COVID-19-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 Mutations (ET)
Documents via FOI from Pfizer (Delaney)
Newly Released State Memos Undercut Democrats’ Ukraine Impeachment Story (JTN)
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Oliver Stone (Curtin)
Checkmate in Ukraine (Ritter)
Trudeau Tests Positive For Fascism (BBee)





The needle and the damage done…



(“Let’s Go, Brandon!”) And Let’s go, Canadian truckers!

The Revolt Begins (Jim Kunstler)

For now, the truckers seem determined to stick around and disrupt the Canadian capital. Their estimated 50,000 rigs could surround the city and create siege conditions, where food supplies and other goods won’t get in, starving the government into surrendering on its mandates and restrictions. So far, the local Ottawa police have stood by with a very light hand, and there are rumors that they are on the same page as the truckers against federal overreach. Will Mr. Trudeau resort to using the military to break up the revolt? Good luck with that. Like virtually every other “advanced” nation, Canada depends on trucks and truckers to move everything needed for everyday life. The truckers can just say no… we don’t feel like working this month. No poutine or Cornish pasties for you, Ottawa! Then what? Throw them all in jail? How will that help move stuff from Point A to Point B?

It kind of looks like they have Mr. T over a Molson barrel. For now, it’s a stand-off, but it looks to me like the Prime Minister must resign and whoever takes charge next will have to rapidly rethink the country’s entire Covid-19 policy in a not-insane direction. The Canadian revolt appears to be inspiring similar operations in the US, where a movement has started for a massive trucker convoy from California to Washington, DC — the swampy pivot-point of Covid tyranny under the phantasm known as “Joe Biden” — as a very general way of saying we’ve had enough of being pushed around by political grifters and their bureaucratic subalterns.The Covid-19 saga gets darker every day, while the official alibis, cover-stories, and disinfo ops bend ever deeper toward an arc of criminality. The US government has lied about every plot-line in the two-year horror show. In fact, a conscientious observer would have to conclude the following:

That the government’s highest-paid employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, led surreptitiously in the creation and release of a bioweapon; that he and his cohorts, along with the pharma companies, and other interested parties such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization, enabled the release of so-called “vaccines” (genetic treatments) that were at least as deadly as the disease itself; that as a result of the shots many people of all ages will die before their natural time; that the process is already underway as documented in the all-causes death data tallied by insurance companies; that the same government officials maliciously suppressed viable, inexpensive, FDA-approved treatments for Covid-19 in order to herd the populace into receiving dangerous “vaccines”; that said officials have worked strenuously to muddle and fake the statistics that would show who is actually dying of what; and that the entire fiasco appears to have been ginned up in order to systematically control the population in ways contrary to our natural rights while killing off a substantial number of us.

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Wishful thinking?

Now Is the Time for Mass Resignations From Within the Ruling Class (Tucker)

We’ve been assured by David Hume (1711–1776) and Etienne de la Boétie (1530–1563) that government rule is untenable when it loses the consent of the governed. “Resolve to serve no more,” wrote Boétie, “and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall off his own weight and break into pieces.” That’s inspiring but what does it mean in practice? What precisely is the mechanism by which the overlords in our time are effectively overthrown? We’ve seen this in totalitarian states, in states with one-man rule, in states with unelected monarchies.

But unless I’m missing something, we’ve not seen this in a developed democracy with an administrative state that holds the real power. We have scheduled elections but those are unhelpful when 1) elected leaders are not the real source of power, and 2) when the elections are too far in the distant future to deal with a present emergency. One very easy and obvious path away from the current crisis is for the ruling class to admit error, repeal the mandates, and simply allow for common freedoms and rights for everyone. As easy as that sounds, this solution hits a hard wall when faced with ruling-class arrogance, trepidation, and the unwillingness to admit past errors for fear of what that will mean for their political legacies. For this reason, absolutely no one expects the likes of Trudeau, Ardern, or Biden to humbly apologize, admit that they were wrong, and beg the people’s forgiveness. On the contrary, everyone expects them to continue the game of pretend so long as they can get away with it.

The people on the streets today, and those willing to tell pollsters that they are fed up, are saying: no more. What does it mean for the ruling class not to get away with this nonsense anymore? Presuming that they do not resign, they do not call off the dogs of mandates and lockdowns, what is the next step? My instincts tell me that we are about to discover the answer. Electoral realignment seems inevitable but what happens before then? The obvious answer to the current instability is mass resignations within the administrative state, among the class of politicians that gives it cover, as well as heads of media organs that have propagandized for them. In the name of peace, human rights, and the renewal of prosperity and trust, this needs to happen today. Bury the pride and do what’s right. Do it now while there is still time for the revolution to be velvet.

Justin French

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“It almost feels like China has taken over the world..”

Mandatory Covid Rules Morph Into Global Power-grab (Mitch Feierstein)

Enter 2020 and the China virus aka COVID-19. Why was no one allowed to focus or ask about treatment protocols? Instead, a financially conflicted, unelected, 80-year-old bureaucrat named Anthony Fauci dictated tyrannical policies with narratives that had more holes in them than a 100 Kilo block Swiss cheese. Lord Fauci ratcheted the level of public fear up to 11 out of ten and issued the first lie, “two weeks to stop the spread”. Next, he bristled, “masks don’t work”, later demanding “mandatory masks”. Fauci’s dictates became more dictatorial and changeable than a kindergartener’s game of “Simon says”. These mandatory Covid rules morphed into several years of the most unprecedented global and tyrannical power-grab ever made by governments.

Let’s be clear; this authoritarian creep is the greatest existential threat to our western system of freedom—free speech, democracy, and liberty—in history. It almost feels like China has taken over the world. The mantra: It is mandatory you take four doses of an experimental biological agent with questionable efficacy, or we will destroy you, for which the side effects seem underreported, and the effectiveness appears overstated. The dishonest media unleashed an army of apparatchik Karen’s anyone daring non-compliance. If this pandemic was so terrible as to allow government tyranny, destruction of SMEs, and the middle class, why have we not seen a massive increase in total year-on-year global morbidity rates? Now, after using coercion: the fear of death and or the denial to earn a living to force unwilling members of society to participate in mass medical experiments, we have unprecedented numbers of deaths of working-age people ages 18-64 occurring.

A massive number of unexplained deaths have been reported by all insurance companies in Q3 and Q4 of 2021 [..] Regarding these deaths, OneAmerica’s CEO stated, “It may not have said COVID on the death certificates, but deaths in this age group are up massively”. Actuarial data is generally the most accurate data available. We know mass participation in the Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zeneca medical experiments with unknown long-term consequences; could these deaths be related? Why is the media not all over his story?

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“..now that the Berlin Wall of the tyrants has been breached, it’s just a matter of time before the shockwaves are felt far and wide.”

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now! (Ron Paul)

We all remember where we were when the Berlin Wall came down. While it may have seemed that communist rule would go on forever, when the people decided that they had enough suddenly the wall fell. Just like that. Thus it is after two years of Covid authoritarianism that in Canada the largest truck convoy in history has smashed through the Berlin Wall of tyranny. I have watched as the Canada I once respected as a haven for antiwar Americans in the 1960s turned into one of the most repressive countries on earth. I wondered how a freedom-loving people could allow themselves to be abused by these mini-Stalins without a peep. But then Canada stood up and showed the rest of the world that freedom can triumph over tyranny if the people demand it. As I say, no army can stop an idea whose time has come.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau had been basking in his ability to terrorize the population in the name of fighting a virus. He was so confident in his seemingly unlimited power that he felt he could ridicule any Canadian with different views. The prime minister said in a recent interview that unvaccinated Canadians were “extremists,” “misogynists,” and “racists.” When the Canadian truckers stood up to his tyranny and began their historic convoy to Ottawa, he thought he could continue ridiculing people. The truckers and their supporters were just a “small fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views,” he confidently claimed. For Trudeau, love of liberty is just an “unacceptable view.”

Less than a week later, as tens of thousands of trucks began entering the capital with millions of supporters behind them, the “brave” Canadian prime minister had fled the city and shuffled off to an undisclosed location. As Elon Musk Tweeted, “It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government.” The Canadian mainstream media is obviously just as obedient to the regime as ours. They ignored the Freedom Convoy for as long as possible. There was almost no reporting. Then, when it became impossible to ignore, they began to attack and ridicule instead of trying to report it accurately. It was disgusting and almost comical to see a “reporter” from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation suggest that the Canadian Freedom Convoy was cooked up by Putin and the Russians!

Thousands of trucks have arrived in Ottawa. They demand an end to covid tyranny. They are backed by millions of citizens, who braved the Canadian winter at night to cheer the truckers on. This protest is so important because it’s not limited to Canada. The truckers are being supported worldwide, and a similar convoy is being planned from California to Washington, DC. In a US where grocery store shelves are increasingly bare, the truckers have more leverage than the powers-that-be would like to admit. If I were prime minister of totalitarian Australia or New Zealand – or most anywhere in Europe – I would be getting pretty nervous right now. Just as the Covid tyranny descended across the globe in a seemingly coordinated fashion, now that the Berlin Wall of the tyrants has been breached, it’s just a matter of time before the shockwaves are felt far and wide.

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“Nazi symbolism, racist imagery and desecration of war memorials”

Trudeau Reappears To Denounce ‘Freedom Convoy’ Truckers (RT)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reappeared in public after several days, criticizing the “Freedom Convoy” of truckers protesting his vaccine mandates in Ottawa as tainted by racist, Nazi extremists desecrating war memorials. After reports that he had been moved to an “undisclosed location” over the weekend due to security concerns, Trudeau emerged from hiding on Monday to announce that he tested positive for Covid-19 – despite having had it before, and being triple-vaccinated. He then held a virtual press conference to denounce the protest. “Canadians were shocked, and frankly disgusted by the behavior of some people protesting in our nation’s capital,” he said. “We are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless.”

He also referenced reports in the Canadian media that at least three protesters climbed onto the National War Memorial and danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and that a Nazi flag and a Confederate flag were spotted at the protest. “Nazi symbolism, racist imagery and desecration of war memorials” are not acceptable free speech but “an insult to memory and truth,” Trudeau said. “We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags, we won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans.” Trudeau also appealed to the “nearly 90% of truckers who’ve gotten vaccinated” who he said were doing the right thing by continuing to work, saying that “the behavior on display this weekend does not represent you.” “You can rely on us to continue to stand with you and allow you to do your jobs safely,” the PM added.

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80,000 is a big number…

No 10 Set For U-turn Over Mandatory Covid Jabs For NHS Staff In England (G.)

Downing Street appears likely to drop its policy of dismissing frontline NHS and care staff in England who refuse Covid vaccinations, a minister has strongly indicated, after nursing and care organisations called for this to happen. A decision would be made “in the course of the next few days”, according to Simon Clarke, the chief secretary to the Treasury. He said the lower severity of the Omicron variant of Covid did “open a space” for the policy to be reversed. The apparent imminent U-turn came as the Royal College of Nursing argued that both the change in severity from Omicron and the number of NHS vacancies meant the mandatory vaccination policy should be dropped.

The National Care Association said it would also welcome a change of policy, while warning that many unvaccinated care staff had already lost their jobs in the run-up to the 1 April deadline. Speaking in a TV clip on a visit to Essex, Boris Johnson also indicated a likely change, saying Sajid Javid, the health secretary, “is saying a bit more later on about how you might deal with different variants of coronavirus because they have different implications when it comes to transmission”. The Guardian reported this month that an internal document drawn up by the Department of Health and Social Care said the growing evidence on the Omicron variant cast doubts over the new law’s “rationality” and “proportionality”.

Asked about reports of a change to the policy, Clarke told Sky News that ministers had hoped to find “the right balance between having the maximum impact for measures that support public safety in the face of the virus, but also have the minimum impact in terms of our wider freedoms as a society”. He added: “And it’s in that context that a decision was made last autumn to make sure we went ahead with the mandatory vaccination policy, and that was because, obviously, we had the Delta variant, which was extremely dangerous, and was taking a huge toll on our society, and we had to make sure that people going into hospital, very vulnerable people, whether they had Covid or another condition which required treatment, weren’t going to be faced with an increased risk of infection on the wards.

“We continue to monitor that situation very, very closely. What we know about Omicron is that it is much, much more transmissible but less severe – any decision that is taken this week will reflect that reality.

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“..the signatories of the open letter to Spotify declared the episode a “mass-misinformation event” and used it as an example to bill Rogan as a menace to public health.”

Why Joe Rogan Remains The World’s Most Popular Podcaster (Cheong)

While ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ has enough content to drive itself, much of the public curiosity about the show has been fanned by the hatred the corporate media has for its host. Described by CNN in 2020 as “libertarian-leaning,” Rogan has voted for a wide variety of political candidates, including Libertarian Party nominees Ron Paul and Gary Johnson in 2012 and 2016, and even endorsed left-winger Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic primaries. His politics are fairly middle of the road in terms of American politics. He’s fiscally conservative, but somewhat socially progressive, drawing the line when it comes to open borders, transgenderism in children, the participation of biologically male athletes in women’s sports, and high taxes. He’s also a strong supporter of free speech and the right to bear arms, which places him at odds with the majority of Democrats.

His remarks about transgenderism in sport became a bone of contention for Sanders’ progressive supporters, who described his views as “transphobic.” The subsequent outrage in gay, trans, and other communities over the senator’s embrace of Rogan’s endorsement was one of the more intricate and multifaceted political controversies of the election. In 2021, Rogan kicked the hornet’s nest when he was infected with coronavirus. Having been unvaccinated, he opted to use the antiparasitic drug ivermectin, monoclonal antibody therapy, and a host of other controversial treatments to aid his recovery. CNN claimed he had consumed “horse dewormer” – a point he took up with CNN fixture Dr. Sanjay Gupta when the neurosurgeon was a guest on his podcast. While ivermectin is used in veterinary medicine, it’s also approved for humans, and Rogan said it had been prescribed to him by a doctor – although the US Food and Drug Administration has never approved it as a treatment for Covid-19.

Rogan’s refusal to be vaccinated, his opposition to vaccine mandates, and his willingness to give airtime to guests who have been accused of “spreading medical misinformation” have resulted in numerous calls to get him deplatformed. More recently, he became the target of 270 “experts” – not all of whom, it should be noted, are medical professionals – who objected to the podcast having featured Dr. Robert Malone, one of the co-creators of the mRNA vaccine, because of the views he had expressed in it about the pandemic. Dr. Malone has been banned from Twitter for violating the platform’s Covid-19 misinformation policies, and the signatories of the open letter to Spotify declared the episode a “mass-misinformation event” and used it as an example to bill Rogan as a menace to public health.

‘Godfather of Grunge’ Neil Young then issued the platform with an ultimatum: that he would remove his music unless it removed Rogan, and then following through with his warning. Several other musicians, including Joni Mitchell, then followed suit. In an apparent concession, Spotify’s CEO announced new policies on “combating misinformation” about Covid-19, albeit without referencing Rogan by name. The streaming service will now make sure its creators “understand accountability” for posting “dangerous” content that dismisses Covid-19 as “a hoax” and “promotes or suggests” that coronavirus vaccines “are designed to cause death,” and listeners will be directed to “trusted sources” on these issues.

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“Voices on the left are now up in arms because Rogan is showcasing the arguments of critics of Big Pharma.”

The Left Tries to Deplatform . . . Critics of Big Pharma? (Geraghty)

You may love Joe Rogan, you may hate him, or you may not have strong feelings about him. I suspect that many of people who profess to hate Joe Rogan have either never listened to him or have listened to little more than a snippet. Zaid Jilani observed, “It’s interesting seeing so many conservatives rally around Joe Rogan when he’s probably more liberal than 90 percent of Americans. Agnostic dude who loves drug legalization, Bernie Sanders, thinks the CIA is awful, etc.” He later made the accurate point that the “average episode of Rogan is about [mixed-martial arts] or drugs and these folks think it’s like a Satanic cult ritual.”

Perhaps conservatives are rallying around Joe Rogan because they don’t need a figure to agree with 100 percent of their worldview in order to conclude that he is worth defending from an angry mob that desires censorship of differing views. It’s very clear that the people who are the most determined to “deplatform” Rogan — to force Spotify to cancel his show, and likely with that, get his videos off of YouTube as well — are battling a cartoon-like caricature that they’ve drawn in their heads. If you listen to Rogan defend his choices in a recently taped video, you’ll see that he’s not a lunkhead, and seems the opposite of a wide-eyed extremist ideologue, hungry to hammer a twisted narrative into brainwashed followers:

“There’s a lot of people who have a distorted perception of what I do — maybe based on soundbites or based on headlines of articles that are disparaging. The podcast has been accused of spreading dangerous misinformation. Specifically, about two episodes — a little about some other ones, but specifically about two. One with Dr. Peter McCullough and one with Dr. Robert Malone. Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist, and he is the most published physician in his field in history. Dr. Robert Malone owns nine patents on the creation of MRNA-vaccine technology and is at least partially responsible for the creation of the technology that led to MRNA vaccines. Both these people are very highly credentialed, very intelligent, very accomplished people and they have an opinion that is different from the mainstream narrative. I wanted to hear what their opinion is. I had them on, and because of that, those episodes in particular, were labeled as being dangerous, had dangerous misinformation in them.

The problem I have with the term disinformation, especially today, is that many of the things we thought of as misinformation a short while ago are now accepted as fact. For instance, eight months ago, if you said, “If you get vaccinated, you can still catch Covid, and you can still spread Covid” — you would be removed from social media. They would ban you from certain platforms. Now, that’s accepted as fact. If you said, “I don’t think cloth masks work,” you would be banned from social media. Now, that’s openly and repeatedly stated on CNN. If you said I think it’s possible that Covid-19 came from a lab, you would be banned from many social-media platforms. Now that’s on the cover of Newsweek.* All of those theories, that at one point in time were banned, were openly discussed by those two men that I had on my podcast, that have been accused of “dangerous misinformation.” I do not know if they’re right. I don’t know, because I’m not a doctor, I’m not a scientist. I’m just a person who sits down, and talks to people, and has conversations with them. Do I get things wrong? Absolutely. I get things wrong. But I try to correct them. Whenever I get things wrong, I try to correct them. Because I’m interested in telling the truth.”

For a guy who’s supposed to be a dangerous megalomaniac who’s indoctrinating people into a hardline, deceitful ideology, Rogan seems awfully humble about what he knows and doesn’t know. De-platform Joe Rogan? We should give him a medal and hold him up as a role model for conducting probing, open-minded, respectful interviews. Want to know something spectacularly ironic? Drs. McCullough and Malone are opponents of Covid-19 vaccines in large part because of their skepticism and suspicion of the profit motive of big pharmaceutical companies. Voices on the left are now up in arms because Rogan is showcasing the arguments of critics of Big Pharma.

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“..an impossibility unless the vaccine was interfering with building that titer or destroyed existing antibody titers if jabbed after being infected and recovered.”

Since We’re Taking Shots…. (Denninger)

It is impossible to inject something without some of it ending up in the circulation — that is, in and around the endothelium. That begs the obvious question as to which is more-dangerous: A definite exposure of your endothelium to the spike from an injection or a possible one from infection if, and only if, you get severely hammered? Nobody knows and nobody has done the work to find out. Despite the signal in December of 2020 we went ahead anyway without first disproving that the balance of harms went the wrong way especially in healthy, low-risk individuals.

On top of this we knew very early on that there was no reduction in transmission from the jabs; a person who had a “breakthrough” was just as infectious (per Fauci and the CDC itself) and thus might be more-dangerous because by hiding symptoms you make the problem worse. If I do not know I’m sick I will not self-isolate in my home since I have no reason to suspect I’m infected. An inoculation that does not prevent infection, replication or transmission but prevents symptom expression is thus not only bad from a public health perspective its disastrous. Indeed one can reasonably make the argument that intentional blinding of symptoms is involuntary manslaughter. We have historical precedent for this, incidentally, in the fiasco surrounding the DTP vaccine in the 1970s and the twenty-fold higher case rate for pertussis today after the formula for that jab was changed to DTaP, a non-sterilizing inoculation that prevents neither infection or transmission. Do you think I can’t read history and the CDC’s own data on pertussis cases?

What’s worse is that we now know the jabs don’t work with any degree or durability at all. How do we know this? Because the CDC has proved it with their own contemporary data, that’s how. The >65 cohort is the most vaccinated in the United States. Indeed, the CDC says that 88.3% of those >65 have been fully vaccinated, and 64.3% have received boosters, that is, the third shot.

The proof they don’t work is that the CDC also reports that hospitalization among those >65 for Covid is roughly as high or higher this winter as it was last winter when there were no shots. With nearly 90% of that age cohort fully vaccinated across the entire United States if the jabs worked to prevent severe disease we would see a ratable decrease in hospitalization among that cohort. Indeed, since we know natural immunity is protective against severe disease for much longer than the jabs, at least one year, again by the CDC’s own data, if the jabs did nothing we’d expect to see a lower rate among that segment of the population simply because many of them already had the virus and survived. There are simply not enough unvaccinated and uninfected seniors remaining if the jabs work and yet there is in fact no decrease at all compared with last winter’s surge among the most-vaccinated population subgroup.

This strongly implies that what the jabs are doing is producing VEI (vaccine-enhanced infection); that is, causing actual harm and either wildly potentiating first infections or, far worse, destroying immunity from infection whether prior to or subsequent to vaccination such that people are getting the virus a second or subsequent time and not mildly either; they’re getting hammered since this is not relying on “infections”, it’s hospitalizations. We knew the latter was likely this summer, incidentally, because “N” protein seroprevalence in Britain flatlined during Delta — an impossibility unless the vaccine was interfering with building that titer or destroyed existing antibody titers if jabbed after being infected and recovered.

Never mind that there’s evidence these jabs may be back-boosting other common coronaviruses. That was known to be a risk in May of 2021. We see that in the data too; people showing up in the ER and Urgent Care with “covid-like illness” but they don’t have Covid, and a huge percentage of them are vaccinated. Are these jabs turning the common OC43 and HKU1 coronaviruses, that usually produce mild colds, into severe disease events? Maybe — and we knew they might in May of last year but didn’t bother to follow up on that either. Since OC43 is believed to have been the cause of a Covid-like pandemic in the 1890s if this proves up we will have screwed millions of Americans — or even perhaps tens of millions — instead of helping them.

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“Once again our experience reinforces previous reports that effective [anti-retroviral drugs are] the key to controlling such events.”

COVID-19-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 Mutations (ET)

A South African woman suffering from “poorly controlled” HIV who also had COVID-19 for nine months saw the CCP virus develop at least 21 mutations while in her body, a recent preprint study found. The woman, 22, was able to overcome the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus which causes COVID-19, within six to nine weeks after she started taking anti-retroviral medication that is used to treat HIV, according to researchers at Stellenbosch and the University of KwaZulu-Natal. They concluded that “increased vigilance is warranted” among HIV patients who contract COVID-19 to “prevent the emergence” of COVID-19 variants. Notably, the Omicron variant was first discovered in South Africa in November 2021, and U.S. health officials say it’s now the dominant strain across the United States.

“This case, like others before, describes a potential pathway for the emergence of novel variants,” the scientists said in the pre-print study, adding that it is still a hypothesis and much more data is needed. “Our experience reinforces previous reports that effective anti-retroviral treatment is the key to controlling such events.” South Africa has the world’s largest HIV epidemic. About 8.2 million of out its 60 million population is infected with the virus. According to the researchers, the patient observed in the study had developed around 10 mutations on the CCP virus spike protein, which allows it to bind to cells, along with 11 other mutations. Some of the mutations were similar to those seen in the Omicron and Lambda variants, whereas others were consistent with mutations that allow the virus to bypass antibodies.

“Once again our experience reinforces previous reports that effective [anti-retroviral drugs are] the key to controlling such events. Once HIV replication is brought under control and immune reconstitution commences, rapid clearance of [the CCP virus] is achieved, probably even before full immune reconstitution occurs,” they said. “This underscores the broader point that gaps in the HIV care cascade need to be closed which will benefit other conditions and public health problems, too, including COVID-19.”

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Twitter thread with 11 clips. I lifted out nrs 7 and 8, where Dr. Nagase describes the process that -potentially- allows mRNA to enter and transform your DNA.

Documents via FOI from Pfizer (Delaney)

Documents via FOI from Pfizer… from over 40000 test subjects 31% suffered death & life long complications. Information was SENT to government health authorities in APRIL 2021

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I can’t read the name Nuland without getting shivers.

Newly Released State Memos Undercut Democrats’ Ukraine Impeachment Story (JTN)

Just months before Joe Biden forced his firing, Ukraine’s chief prosecutor was told by U.S. State Department officials that they were “impressed” with his anti-corruption plan and fully supportive of his work, according to newly released memos that cast doubt on a key Democrat impeachment narrative. During former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial two years ago, House Democrats alleged that Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired in March 2016 because State officials were widely displeased with his anti-corruption efforts and not because Shokin’s office was investigating the Ukrainian gas firm that had given then-Vice President Biden’s son Hunter a lucrative job.

But the memos obtained by Just the News and the Southeastern Legal Foundation under a Freedom of Information Act request show senior State Department officials — including then-Secretary of State John Kerry — were sending the opposite message to Shokin the summer before his firing. “We have been impressed with the ambitious reform and anti-corruption agenda of your government,” then-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland personally wrote Shokin in an official letter dated June 9, 2015 that was delivered to the prosecutor two days later by then-U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt.

Nuland, now President Biden’s undersecretary of state, wrote that “Secretary Kerry asked me to reply on his behalf” to let Shokin know he enjoyed the full support of the United States as he set out to fight endemic corruption in the former Soviet republic. “The ongoing reform of your office, law enforcement, and the judiciary will enable you to investigate and prosecute corruption and other crimes in an effective, fair, and transparent manner,” Nuland added. “The United States fully supports your government’s efforts to fight corruption and other crimes in an effective, fair and transparent manner.”

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“..this Nation, for all its hopes and all its boasts, will not be fully free until all its citizens are free.”

JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Oliver Stone (Curtin)

Two of the greatest speeches ever delivered by an American president bookend this extraordinary documentary film. It opens with President John F. Kennedy giving the commencement speech at American University on June 10, 1963 and it closes with his civil rights speech to the American people the following day. It is a deft artistic touch that suggests the brevity of JFK’s heroic efforts for world peace and domestic racial equality and justice before he was assassinated in a public execution in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. In the former anti-war speech, he called for the end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union, the halt to the arms race, and the abolishment of war and its weapons, especially nuclear. He said:

“What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children – not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women – not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.” In the latter address to the American people, having just sent National Guard troops to the University of Alabama to make sure two black students were admitted despite the racist objections of Governor George Wallace, his words transcended the immediate issue at the university and called for the end to the immoral and illegal discrimination against African Americans in every area of the nation’s life. He said:

“One hundred years of delay have passed since President Lincoln freed the slaves, yet their heirs, their grandsons, are not fully free. They are not yet freed from the bonds of injustice. They are not yet freed from social and economic oppression. And this Nation, for all its hopes and all its boasts, will not be fully free until all its citizens are free.” Having framed the documentary thus, Oliver Stone and the screenwriter James DiEugenio do a masterful job of explaining what really happened in the years of Kennedy’s short presidency, why he was such a great threat to the CIA and the military-industrial complex, what really happened when they killed him, and how the Warren Commission, the CIA, and the corporate media have worked hand-in-hand to this day to cover up the truth.

The current two-hour version of JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass will be followed in a month or so by a more detailed four-hour version. The importance of this film is twofold: It establishes an updated historical record since the Assassination Records Review Board (AARB) was established as a result of Stone’s 1991 breakthrough film, JFK, which forced the release of previously hidden documents, and, more importantly, it emphatically shows why JFK’s assassination is crucial for understanding the United States today. For without a clear and unambiguous accounting of why he was killed and by whom (I do not mean the actual shooters), and who in the government and media has covered it up, we are doomed to repeat the past as this country has been doing ever since.

Read more …

“Russia has already declared that banning it from the Swift system for international monetary transactions will result in the immediate halt of Russian energy supplies to Europe.”

Checkmate in Ukraine (Ritter)

Despite the repeated Western warnings, Russia is highly unlikely to invade Ukraine — at least not yet. Instead, Russia appears to be entering a new phase of crisis management that seeks to exploit the weaknesses in the U.S./NATO alliance highlighted by their written responses to its demands. First, Russia will keep the diplomatic option open, but on its terms. Moscow has already engaged in so-called Normandy Format talks involving Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine over the ongoing crisis in Donbas. In the initial meeting, all parties agreed to respect the cease-fire in effect and to meet again in 10 days — the exact opposite of any imminent invasion by Russia. Note the absence of the U.S. and NATO from these talks.

Next, Russia will turn the threat of sanctions against the U.S. and Europe. Russia has already declared that banning it from the Swift system for international monetary transactions will result in the immediate halt of Russian energy supplies to Europe. Russia is expected to sign major economic agreements with China soon that will further insulate it from economic sanctions. China has made it clear it supports Russia in the current crisis, recognizing that if the West prevails against Russia, it will soon face a similar attack. Finally, Russia will exploit U.S. hypocrisy on spheres of influence and military alliances by entering military relationships with Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua and deploying a naval squadron to the Caribbean, with the potential for additional force deployments in the future.

With these three measures, Russia seeks to further isolate the U.S. from NATO and Europe. In the end, the U.S. will be confronted with one of two options, either agree to trade NATO’s open-door policy for Russian agreement not to deploy into the Western Hemisphere, or force a confrontation that will result in a Russian invasion of Ukraine that is seen by Europe as being the fault of the U.S.. The chess pieces are already being moved. While the U.S. may not see it, a Russian checkmate can be predicted sooner, rather than later.

Read more …

“..his replacement glue-on vanity eyebrows are still stuck on a delivery truck somewhere..”

Trudeau Tests Positive For Fascism (BBee)

From an undisclosed hiding place outside Canada’s capital city, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed for the world that he has tragically tested positive for fascism. “I took the fascism test this morning,” said Trudeau, beginning to sob. “And the test came back positive. I understand this may come as devastating news to freedom-loving Canadians, and I am here to assure you that everything will be ok… after I crush you underneath the jackboot of government tyranny until you learn to start obeying me.” “Together, we will achieve strength through unity, and unity through faith. In SCIENCE.”

According to sources, Trudeau will remain in his hiding place under quarantine until all the scary protesting truckers go away, after which he will emerge to grind his people into the very dust until they accept his vision for a glorious fascist future for Canada. Fortunately, his plans have been delayed as his replacement glue-on vanity eyebrows are still stuck on a delivery truck somewhere, and the fascist dictator refuses to be seen without them.

Read more …






• Merck’s COVID-19 pill encourages sexually actively men “to use a reliable method of contraception correctly and consistently during treatment and for at least 3 months after the last dose of molnupiravir. The risk beyond 3 months after the last dose of molnupiravir is unknown..“

• Paxlovid interacts with 32 classes of drugs. Not 32 drugs….32 classes.

• Both are apparently less toxic than ivermectin per the FDA.







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Home Forums Debt Rattle February 1 2022

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    Pablo Picasso Woman in an armchair (Olga) 1922   • The Revolt Begins (Jim Kunstler) • Now Is the Time for Mass Resignations From Within the Rulin
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 1 2022]

    V. Arnold

    Pablo Picasso Woman in an armchair (Olga) 1922

    I see the forshadowing of Picassos abstracts in the sharp line on the left of the woman’s nose…
    Interesting…very interesting…
    Thanks to Ilargi for this perspective of Picasso’s works…


    I shared the IVM story at U of Minn (appreciated DrD’s comment on timing), and he quickly sent this back. Apparently, a LOT of data, but I’m a carpenter and struggling to make sense – help?


    To me it seems it shows kids less likely to get infected from vaccinated parents, but aren’t kids less likely to get infected, period? And the quick ‘efficacy’ fall-off is quite something… Thanks for any assist.

    Dr. D

    In a broadcast virtually no one watched, CNN talking heads and CNN’s potato head Brian Stelter had a ‘debate’ about Joe Rogan’s podcast causing ‘big problems’ for Spotify,”

    That’s just hilarious. I need that on loop.

    We are all haunted by the spectre of this guy who is listening to Joe Rogan and internalizing this bad information”

    …Because people just believe whatever any idiot mouths on TV. I don’t know where they get this. Because they themselves do? Who are these people? Space aliens?

    “Police investigate ‘illegal’ acts at Canadian anti-vaccine mandate rallies” –MSNBC

    No sooner remember to actually report on the biggest story in 30 years – 2 weeks late – then they lie, lie, and lie again. Okay, translation: ‘illegal’ acts. Meaning, scarequotes, “Not Illegal” because if they were illegal, at any time, in any way, by the third homeless guy who’d been there all year, they wouldn’t have the quotes.

    Trying to be positive, they did name them correctly as anti-vaccine MANDATE rallies.

    “Girl Scouts’ First Asian American CEO Credits Her Diverse Girlhood” – MSNBC

    Wow, feel-good story. But if NBC printed it, you know she’s a psychopath, and the story is a lie. Compare with Jimmy Dore’s take on CNN’s “Feel Good” story, “Homeless Girl Scouts Adore Selling Cookies (For Free)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGaFXm0tmqs
    That story points out the CEO gets the homeless Girl Scouts to pay for her private jets, high-end NYC apartments, tax-free expenses and such. …Rather than working from home modestly like other charities, or headquartering in Gary, Indiana where the rents are low and the base lives. The former CEO was known as “The Cookie Monster” for getting poor children to work year round for her 5-star lunches, for free.

    So “She what wur a womyn! And has color on the Pantone scale! That means she’s morally superior when she uses homeless girls to get her a private jet and Central Park apartment!” Yay, diversity! Next stop, Condaleesa Rice! Love bombs, hugging, hugging brown children worldwide.

    Ah America, where the little match girl making money for rich CEOs is a HAPPY story. And shows pure love.

    And America, where “1984” is censored, and the new highway bill, with bridges collapsing, is going to fix roads by installing surveillance cameras. Now wait a minute, Mr. Buttigeig, won’t those be expensive? “Oh no, Herr Docktor because you see, YOU are paying for them.” They are going to auto-ticket for auto-crimes, inaccurately as most red light cameras installed in the U.S. have been removed already for CAUSING accidents and legal issues. But you can call it our Social Credit Score, a “Civilian Compliance Program” or CCP for short.

    Naturally if the son of a major politician or a third-rate judge is caught on camera, we’ll be VERY. SERIOUS. with them, not have the FBI hide it, gather and hide the illegal handgun, and not get them off at all. No. Trust us. When I get the film of Senator Happy-Hands in the car with his new boyfriend I pinky-promise not to use it.

    Speaking of, NY exonerates Cuomo with the Headline “NY prosecutor says dropping charges is not an exoneration of Cuomo.” Wait: 1) we’re “Presumed Innocent”. Yes, that is totally and completely an exoneration. 2) So…you’re dropping charges but you think he’s NOT exonerated? That is, you believe him to be guilty? 3) But you’re letting him off anyway?

    I’m getting mixed messages, because what I hear from the Prosecutor is Cuomo is guilty and we’re letting him off for political points and power.

    “a Nazi flag and a Confederate flag were spotted at the protest.”

    Ah, it’s just so easy. Hire a bunch of provocateurs, take a photo and run before the truckers find out. Classic. Almost like having AntiFa climb up and break the Capital windows HIMSELF, then get him and his CNN-paid pals on film saying “I can’t believe we got them to follow us!”Or the guy at the special phot-op in the Rotunda with Shaman-horns having a Communist tattoo. Or a guy who calls for entry, gets booed out of the crowd as a Fed, walks up to the barricade, whisper to the guy to take it down and boom, a minute later Capitol police are removing it. Ya know. Like that. Comparatively, editing a trucker’s year-old Facebook page is softball. Confederate flag. You are kidding, right?

    Okay, problem: unless they precipitate the resignation of all Ministers (hopefully in fear of their lives) and elect themselves to Parliament, what do you think the end of this story looks like? Well, they hold out, divert, accuse, (i.e. lie, lie, lie more) then “concede” and let the truckers win. Two seconds later, reverse it, attack truckers and fuel prices 10-fold, triple their insurance, let people-killing robot trucks on Canada’s highway murdering everyone, and be more crappy than ever.

    Don’t want to pop the bubble, but this is a real old story. You need to take the Parliament, and elect yourselves in. Hopefully not to reverse this, which was never legal in the first place, but arrest Justin for bribery and fraud and possibly mass murder, then roll back the previous 30 years as well.

    Otherwise, you’re losing. Slower, but still losing.

    “signatories of the open letter to Spotify”

    You mean the 300 signed doctors that mostly weren’t Doctors? THAT kind of disinformation? So CNN got a permanent ban for reporting the opinion of doctors that weren’t doctors, right? The Supreme Court reprimanded them for openly, transparently false reporting and they were banned forever? No because “Some Animals are more equal than others” and “My side right or wrong.”

    ““understand accountability” for posting “dangerous” content”

    This is exactly the false concessions and compromise that cause the “Fabian Socialists” that is, the SLOW Socialists, whose icon is a turtle, to win so long as they move slowly, generationally. Let’s say we’re at the 50 yard line, and not to be a jerk and keep the game friendly, we concede a 10-yard penalty that probably didn’t happen. 40 yard line. Then we gain 6 yards and they call another penalty that probably isn’t real. 34 yard line. Get the picture? All you have to do to lose is compromise. If they won’t equally compromise. And I really, really, really hate that. Because I want to compromise. I’m happy, relieved to do it, to bring everyone together, settle things down. Except religious zealots won’t, and can’t. The minute they get a compromise, they attack for the next compromise. This makes them bad faith actors, or “Not Agreement Capable” and although the field is very large you see how you will lose if you cooperate with this. Eventually, like Russia, they’re at the door and you can’t retreat.

    Now we have that-which-shall-be-infringed legally controlled everywhere, with everybody, but this week especially stopping guns for the poor. We have no free speech as Congress calls Facebook on the phone and directs their publishing. We have no ability to protest as we cannot get accounting for our own money on who is an FBI informant/involvement, who is directing counterintelpro, and all that. No accounting for FBI derp state as to who’s collecting and holding Congressional and Judicial blackmail files in budget season. No 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th Amendments. Because we, the friendly people, have been compromising with evil. With Psychopaths and Narcissistic Sociopaths, bent on evil, murder, theft for themselves wherever found.

    It does not please me, but you can’t compromise with that. Not really. And you need to be so fierce as to roll it back, reverse it. To what date, I don’t know, because it’s not a “Date”, we don’t go back to 1954, we go FORWARD in rights, not backward. Forward in time, not backward. Nevertheless, we need to restore rule of law.

    “Voices on the left are now up in arms because Rogan is showcasing the arguments of critics of Big Pharma.”

    But NOT because he is showcasing the arguments of the Establishment as well? No points for that? No. They will murder him in his bed if they could. You have to not be “Like” me, you have to BECOME me, be so identical to my ego you obey it BEFORE I EVEN ASK. With LOVE and JOY inside you for obedience to me.

    And anyway, how can it be misinformation when they are quoting medical studies? That is just INFORMATION, you oppressive morons. Science says this, and Science says that. Discuss? They are DOCTORS. So Doctors say this, and Doctors say that. Discuss? And how are they “AntiVax” when they’re vaccinated like 20x over the years and also vaccinated with the mRNA? Twice?

    A: Who cares? “We just make s—t up!” Every minute, every day. And you compromise with it so I get free stuff! Like kicking you!

    A: Facts don’t matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Only #Winning. Grinding, grinding you, boot on the face of humanity…forever. And I for one am going to resist my face being like that. Big surprise, you morons. Like other people, I do not believe and obey whatever dumb s–t I am told.

    The United States fully supports your government’s efforts to fight corruption”

    …As long as you fight ‘corruption’ of the other guy, and overlook the equal corruption of ourselves.

    “having just sent National Guard troops to the University of Alabama to make sure two black students were admitted despite the racist objections of Governor George Wallace…”

    Speaking of, we need to do this again, or in this case, Impeach. For what? Well, declaring you will promote a Judge based solely on color and gender and refuse to even consider any others is illegal in the highest under the American Civil Rights law. In the self-same Supreme Court. So you’re packing the Supreme Court with people who have, as their very first action, oppose the decisions of the Supreme Court and the (Amended) Constitution.

    Uh, yeah, that’s completely illegal. And against all Civil Rights ever writ. But we’d expect no less from the proud supporter of the 1994 Crime Bill and co-bomber of every black and brown nation for eight years that they could find. “I have a dream that my children will be judged by the content of their character (and competency) and not the color of their skin.” Biden is wholly against that dream. And against the law.

    Russia has already declared that banning it from the Swift system for international monetary transactions will result in the immediate halt of Russian energy supplies to Europe.”

    They’re only kinda-sorta making this up. Look, gas imports are REALLY BIG. I can’t fly a suitcase of Euros to Moscow pay for them. We’re talking Obama, ‘whole C-130 pallets of cash to Iran’, big. Every month. So if the WEST shuts off SWIFT, – WHICH THEY OWN – how the heck do you THINK Russia is going to receive your hundred-billions in money? A: They’re not. So they HAVE to shut you off, or else just give you all the gas for free. That’s the biggest self-goal in world history.

    But here’s the thing: Europe and the crime cartel are broke. The day they can’t pay, they’ll fabricate a reason for not paying. Like a “War”, even if they lose it in ignominy. Here it is.

    Speaking of, arcana, hard to put in 10 words, BUT, anyone know the history of East Berlin? How it came to be Soviet? Works like this: after war, system is a wreck, and as soldiers met, they were already told not to fraternize with their core allies, the Russians, because we’re attacking them next. Great… So in Berlin, the West immediately set up a central bank, money state. Okay, that’s sensible. BUT…set the money rates far, far too high. So this caused “wealth” (relatively) in Berlin, where Berlin and the West would suck all the manufactured goods out of Russia, collapsing it in revolt. Russia, obviously, warned the West to knock it off. The West Anglos, of course, lied, lied, then lied some more, claiming innocence and victimhood. Why dose big bad Ruskies! Whatever did Goldman Sachs and Beyer, Bosch AG do wrong to the Slavs? (Besides attempt to murder 100% of them for 4 years, with the express backing of Chamberlain, Ford and IBM?)

    So maybe a bad idea, but being a shattered wreck, Russia closed the border with Berlin to stop the collapse of goods and the collapse of the Ruble and the rest is history. It was probably meant to be temporary, but you know what Napoleon says about the ‘temporary’. Later, Germany did the same thing, booted the crap out of the Allies Anglos, and set up a functional Deutchmark over their express objections, when the only alternative was to lose Germany back to the USSR. They were p—–d about that, as it stopped Germany from being an abject slave-state to the Anglos, but what could they do? Germany, which had been languishing post-war, instantly recovered. In months.

    Okay, why do I bring this up? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO WITH UKRAINE. You have “Free Trade” in Ukraine, set up de-facto non-treaties, EU>Ukraine>Russia, then overvalue, pump fake cash into Kiev and suck out/disrupt Russia and collapse the Ruble, which is strong or untouchable, as they have no debt. The Ruble, with a joint attack on oil price, gold, and wheat, was how they wrecked the USSR in 1990. Without this prybar, the idiotic pinprick of shutting of YOUR OWN GAS, IN THE WINTER, won’t work and won’t destroy the lives of millions of Russians Slavs. And we racist Anglo pigs can’t have that.

    So get a better idea of what’s really going on over there? It’s like two wrestlers, grabbing hands, making forays, but no real contact yet. So the West, being impatient, is going to fabricate and “We make our own reality” as usual. Lying. 100% of the time.

    I’d just wait for the West Anglos to destroy themselves with their own lies, against their own people. You know, when Evergrande doesn’t pay…anyone. Outside of China…ever. And Globalization of Pappa Bush and Clinton, all stops. Oops.


    Good Rant today Doc.
    Starting a youtube channel for my music coz the world is wearing thin and I’m taking a step into being in enjoyable preoccupation.
    My country Australia is the heart of blind obedience.

    Dr. D


    Irony #2. Workers of the world ARE uniting. In Canada and worldwide. And boy are all the Socialists mad. Stop! Stop Uniting!


    The obvious is becoming visible to many. There is no government without the consent of the governed. There is no economy without the delivery of goods. The state has failed when it no longer protects or serves its citizens. But this isn’t seen by Western Administrators. They believe the corporate/state propaganda and have been around way too long. Due to this blindness, many more future failures are guaranteed; for example, 1) the next fifth Omicron BA.2 surge collapses the privatized US healthcare system or 2) a world war with Russia is triggered in Ukraine as a diversion to the coming economic crash.

    The only unknown is how many more people will die or be maimed for life. Only the restoration of democracy and good government will prevent western oligarchs from looting the ruins.

    those darned kids

    “My country Australia is the heart of blind obedience.”

    and canadada, “my” country, is the appendix.


    As part of a bold new marketing strategy to promote inclusivity and appeal to less than 1% of the population, Mars, Incorporated has introduced a new M&M character who identifies as a Skittle.

    Woketards and Wokedumb unite!

    M&Ms Introduce First Trans Character Who Identifies As A Skittle

    John Day

    Finally another construction photo at https://www.johndayblog.com/2022/02/analysis-is-forbidden.html

    Societies are coordinated in their works, efforts and aspirations by shared narratives of meaning and purpose. Those typically degrade over time, as they are gradually corrupted for selfish gain. What remains is a worm eaten corpse, which must not be closely examined at all, or the delicate societal glue will dissolve.
    I think we’re there again, like in the Great Depression. China was there in the Cultural Revolution. Russia went there in the 1990s. These Social Contracts and civilizational narratives take a whole lot of sustained work, with frustrations, fears and disappointments at betrayals, by the entire society, to be renegotiated and reworked, so that society can again function. This takes something like 10 years to bottom out and turn around. How far are we? I have to ask, so I don’t think we are anywhere near a bottom, a “capitulation”.
    The Western Empire is still pretending it can rule the world. The globalist “owners” don’t seem to have an alternative, except finding ways to reduce the useless-eaters and motivate the useful eaters to excellence-in-service.
    I was recently a useful-eater, but I bucked the narrative and refused COVID vaccination, on principle first, and on scientific evidence also.
    Now I am a problem, because I examine the corpse of the governing societal narrative.
    It stinks. It’s dead. It cannot be resuscitated rationally, because it is completely irrational and counterproductive for everybody except the globalist owners, and it breaks for them next…
    The oligarchy consists of global finance, backed by global military-industrial complex, which forces countries to accept American dollars at interest, through a new BIS-controlled central bank, which is promptly installed. International investors buy resources, assets and human labor at a discount, extract extra at interest, and periodically crash the economy to buyat an even deeper discount. Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Venezuela. It’s the same game plan, but it doesn’t always work the same. It also hollows out the economic core of the centers of empire, like the US. That’s been done.
    If the rest of the world abandons the $US as global reserve currency, and uses something else for international trade, (gold would serve) then the price of everything in the US would double, and valuable things would be bought by foreigners with their dollars, and exported to them. Printing dollars would no longer be an option to fund the government. This began in the decade after Nixon had to default on the gold standard, when America ran out of gold, funding the Vietnam War.
    The petrodollar was arranged by getting Saudi Arabia to only accept $US for oil, and coercing other il producers to do the same. those $US could be recycled into US Federal debt, holding the system intact. The American/NATO global military (the biggest users of oil on our planet) would enforce the regime.
    This worked well for a long time, but all of its foundations are now rotten, all of them.
    The interests of global finance and the military industrial complex are well aligned, and Big Pharma is an eager ally. Big media, the corporate-state-propaganda-apparatus (Free News!) is completely on board, as is the information-search-monopoly, Google, as is the computer software duopoly of Microsoft and Apple.
    What is not holding is a narrative that this is good for society, because that is obviously false. Scapegoats have been created, like Russia’s President Putin, America’s recent President Trump, middle aged white Americans with political opinions (aka “white supremacists”), productively-employed American farmers, truckers, craftsmen and factory workers (“deplorables”), and other “homegrown-terrorists-spreading-disinformation”.
    That’s a pretty big tent excluded by the narrative, but it is sustained by the increasingly stressed Professional Managerial Class and all of those “compliance officers”. Political Correctness helps put boots-on-the-ground.
    Supporters of transgender rights ignore that the great majority of transgendered people just want to be invisibly accepted and left alone. They don’t want to be standard-bearers for the social alliance that supports the status-quo at such a low actual cost to the owners.
    Most black people I talk to have seen this movie before, would like the check, please, but don’t want to be pawns in street riots. They are some of the most suspicious about the COVID narrative (killed a lot of black people) and the mandatory vaccination “solution”. All of the black patients I served were very receptive to getting their families on vitamin-D to help their immune systems work better, all of them, for two years…
    It is too late for this corpse, and I’ll keep pointing that out. I’m going to do some more internal finishing work on the homestead-addition today. The bathroom is going in, too.

    Michael Lesher has a thoughtful article. Here are some excerpts.
    …The COVID coup is fundamentally not about medicine or science. It is not about inflated “case” rates or jiggered statistics or fake news or the pseudo-studies circulated by propaganda outfits like the World Health Organization or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ​ ​
    ​ ​Yes, all those things have figured in the derangement of constitutional democracy that has characterized the COVID coup. But at bottom it’s not about any of them.
    The real nature of the campaign is at once simpler and far more dangerous. What we’re experiencing is an attack on the very foundation of ordered liberty, an assault that is already in the process of submerging democracies beneath what the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called a “permanent ‘state of exception.’”
    ​ ​To put it bluntly: our ruling classes, in one country after another, have effectively switched off their nations’ constitutions and the whole set of civil liberties that are supposed to accompany them – not by formally abolishing them, mind you, but by adopting the extra-legal mechanisms of a “state of emergency” in place of normal constitutional procedures, with the result that the ordinary rules of democracy and the rights of individuals have, for most practical purposes, been indefinitely suspended.
    ​ ​That’s why the COVID coup began, in my own country, with declarations of an “emergency” in four-fifths of the states – and why, with very rare exceptions, those “states of emergency” remain in effect to this day, nearly two years later.
    ​ ​Again, this cannot be explained away as a response to a respiratory virus. When an “emergency” involves suspending constitutional government for two years, it should be obvious that the “emergency” has ceased to be a real emergency (if it ever was one) and has become an extralegal norm – and this is even more emphatically true when virtually no one in the political opposition, the civil rights bar or the mainstream media so much as mentions this fundamental fact…
    ​ ​And that allows them to skirt the real issue. COVID fascism is not a comedy of scientific errors. For all intents and purposes, it is a coup d’état. And it must resisted accordingly.​..
    ​ ​What we’re engaged in is a spiritual struggle. It’s a battle for the survival of the human soul, and in that battle our main weapons are likely to be spiritual ones: courage, hope, self-sacrifice, faith.
    ​ ​Remember, the enemies of humanity have a weak point: they do not believe in human beings, and consequently they do not understand the power contained in each soul that refuses to be duped.

    Truth or Covid? (or, “why we know everything they’re telling us is a lie”)

    John Day

    Glenn Greenwald: The Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals the Religion of Liberals: Censorship
    ​ ​Constitutional illiteracy to the side, the “hate speech” framework for justifying censorship is now insufficient because liberals are eager to silence a much broader range of voices than those they can credibly accuse of being hateful. That is why the newest, and now most popular, censorship framework is to claim that their targets are guilty of spreading “misinformation” or “disinformation.” These terms, by design, have no clear or concise meaning. Like the term “terrorism,” it is their elasticity that makes them so useful.
    ​ ​When liberals’ favorite media outlets, from CNN and NBC to The New York Times and The Atlantic, spend four years disseminating one fabricated Russia story after the next — from the Kremlin hacking into Vermont’s heating system and Putin’s sexual blackmail over Trump to bounties on the heads of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, the Biden email archive being “Russian disinformation,” and a magical mystery weapon that injures American brains with cricket noises — none of that is “disinformation” that requires banishment. Nor are false claims that COVID’s origin has proven to be zoonotic rather than a lab leak, the vastly overstated claim that vaccines prevent transmission of COVID, or that Julian Assange stole classified documents and caused people to die. Corporate outlets beloved by liberals are free to spout serious falsehoods without being deemed guilty of disinformation, and, because of that, do so routinely.
    ​ ​This “disinformation” term is reserved for those who question liberal pieties, not for those devoted to affirming them. That is the real functional definition of “disinformation” and of its little cousin, “misinformation.” It is not possible to disagree with liberals or see the world differently than they see it. The only two choices are unthinking submission to their dogma or acting as an agent of “disinformation.” Dissent does not exist to them; any deviation from their worldview is inherently dangerous — to the point that it cannot be heard.

    ​This was my conclusion when “the unvaccinated” first became an underclass.
    I stand unemployed with the underclass.​
    Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist​
    ​In a speech delivered Sunday in Brussels, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav described the striking parallels between what she witnessed as a child in Nazi-controlled Romania, and COVID policies being enacted today by governments around the globe.

    Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist

    ​Five People died in the January 6, 2021 Protests in Washington DC. Four were killed by police, and the death of the police officer from a stroke, the last death investigated here, could have been avoided, if the medic at the protest had been heeded by the man’s fellow officers, when he said that the officer was showing signs of a stroke and needed immediate medical attention. The officer had not been hit or harmed, not shot dead, while trying to restrain an agent provocateur, not killed by concussion grenades, and not killed by being beaten to death with a billy-club. That was those other folks, and they all got unfairly dissed after they were murdered.

    John Day

    Jim Kunstler: The Revolt Begins
    ​ ​Canada under the Trudeau government has been more restrictive on Covid-19 than the Big Gorilla to its south, with the population compliantly following all the insane, economy-wrecking rules, until a recent mandate to vaxx-up every last trucker in the land finally sparked-off a revolt. Mr. Trudeau’s Liberal Party failed to win a parliamentary majority in last September’s federal election, and he heads a flimsy coalition potentially facing a no-confidence vote that would drive the PM out of office.
    ​ ​For now, the truckers seem determined to stick around and disrupt the Canadian capital. Their estimated 50,000 rigs could surround the city and create siege conditions, where food supplies and other goods won’t get in, starving the government into surrendering on its mandates and restrictions. So far, the local Ottawa police have stood by with a very light hand, and there are rumors that they are on the same page as the truckers against federal overreach.
    ​ ​Will Mr. Trudeau resort to using the military to break up the revolt?​ …
    ​ How will that help move stuff from Point A to Point B? It kind of looks like they have Mr. T over a Molson barrel. For now, it’s a stand-off, but it looks to me like the Prime Minister must resign and whoever takes charge next will have to rapidly rethink the country’s entire Covid-19 policy in a not-insane direction.​..
    ​Let the trucks roll from Fresno to DC if they still want to play rough. Think the “Joe Biden” gang will try to divert attention by starting a war in Ukraine? They don’t dare. Think the financial markets will tank? Well, of course they will, no matter what, because the markets and the money are detached from reality. Face it: what America needs most of all is to reconnect with reality, and you can be sure that the process will be uncomfortable, having sojourned so far from it for so long. (“Let’s Go, Brandon!”) And Let’s go, Canadian truckers!

    The Revolt Begins

    ​ ​Hundreds of protestors have gathered in front of Australia’s Parliament House in solidarity with the massive Convoy to Ottawa that converged on the Canadian capital around the weekend of Jan. 29.
    ​ ​Calls for a similar movement have been echoing Down Under for days, and on Jan. 31, a crowd organised under a “Convoy to Canberra” campaign gathered in front of the national legislature, according to videos circulating on social media.​..​
    ​ ​Social media has been awash with footage of drivers making their way to the Australian capital. The grassroots movement has begun gathering steam as a four-day-old GoFundMe campaign already garnered AU$167,539 in donations, as of Jan. 31.
    ​ ​According to the ABC, the funds have been frozen by the website until details are provided regarding how the organiser will disperse them.


    Gary (from last night) Thanks! I’ll watch it tonight.

    Raul- A particularly fine debt rattle. The Picasso has the weight and presence of a Giotto or Piero della Francesca.

    O Canada- I love you guys!
    The sweetest tears come to my eyes.
    You’ve touched the world; we’re with you, riding:
    The maggot pies are scared and hiding!

    The winds are blowing strong today.
    With luck, they’ll blow the crimes away
    And bring the perps to justice.

    The days are growing longer now
    And truthful folks can take a bow:
    Damn those who said “just trust us!”

    Feet of clay:
    He stands there, perspiring, with grim resolution, slinging the mud of his own dissolution.

    John Day

    If you get a vaccine to only Wuhan-COVID-spike-protein, then your body will only make antibodies to that small part (20%) of that particular virus.
    Your body will make those same antibodies to that historical spike protein when it meets a current strain, which may have an unrecognizable spike-protein (Omicron has a very different spike protein). Those vaccine-antibodies will not work well.
    If natural infection had produced the antibody response, then other parts of the virus would also be targeted by antibodies.
    The N-​protein (nucleocapsid protein) is a really good target for antibodies, but for those who got one of those vaccines, the body, which has been trained to make the antibodies against that outdated spike protein, will do that same trick, and will not modify the trick much, will not readily learn to make better antibodies to the new virus.
    Steve Kirsch, The story of N-antibodies and why they are so important
    ​ ​In its Week 42 “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report” (published 21 October 2021), the UK Department of Health admits on page 23 that “recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination.”
    ​ ​What does this mean? It means that the vaccine interferes with the body’s ability to make antibodies after infection against other parts of the virus.
    ​ ​In particular, vaccinated people do not appear to form antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is an important part of the response in unvaccinated people. The observation may explain why the vaccines actually produce negative efficacy as was shown in the Denmark study, for example.

    Shown effective in Bangladesh in July 2020, and many times since then. I have prescribed ivermectin based treatment to good effect, since August 2020.
    ​ ​A Japanese pharmaceutical company, Kowa Co, said on Monday that the drug ivermectin has an “antiviral effect” against Omicron and other Covid-19 variants.
    The finding was made with Tokyo’s Kitasato University on a joint non-clinical research project, which has been testing the drug as a potential treatment for the disease, according to Reuters. Kowa says that ivermectin showed the “same antiviral effect” on all “mutant strains,” including Alpha, Delta and Omicron. The company also noted that ivermectin suppresses invasion of the virus and inhibits its replication. “[Ivermectin] is expected to be applied as a therapeutic drug (tablet) for all new coronavirus infectious diseases,” reads the report.​
    ​ ​Of note, Reuters changed their original headline from “effective” against Omicron to having an “antiviral effect,” and corrected a statement that the finding occurred during “Phase III clinical trials.”

    John Day

    ​ Charles Hugh Smith observes the financial rock and hard place that the $US Empire is in. When inflation eroded the dollar in the late 1970s and early 1980s, global finance moved away from the $US as global reserve currency, which greatly threatened global wealth extraction through the global dollar and imperial military combination.​
    The empire must maintain this wealth extraction mechanism until it has something as good or better in place. Nothing yet… Stocks must fall without loose money.
    No wonder the market is skittish:
    ​ ​ Every time the Federal Reserve began to taper quantitative easing / open spigot of liquidity over the past decade, reduce its balance sheet or raise rates from near-zero, the market plummeted (“taper tantrum”) and the Fed stopped tightening and returned to easy-money expansion.
    Now the Fed is boxed in by inflation–it can’t continue the bubblicious easy-money policies, nor does it have any room left to lower rates due to its pinning interest rates to near-zero for years.

    (WARNING: Potentially Russian disinformation!)
    We really need the “right” war before the financial system collapses. We really need to blame Putin…
    ​ ​Despite weeks of escalating tensions and claims that Russian troops and tanks could begin streaming over the border into Ukraine at a moment’s notice, Moscow doesn’t actually appear to be masterminding an invasion of its neighbor, a top NATO official has reportedly admitted.
    ​ ​The senior figure, who represents an EU member state in the bloc’s Brussels HQ has told pan-European news outlet Euractiv that they believe Russia is not on the verge of starting a military incursion into Ukraine.
    ​ ​“To invade such a large country with such military forces [like Ukraine], you need military capabilities other than those that have been currently deployed,” the source said.

    ​Brandon Smith sees it: ​The Globalist Reset Agenda Has Failed – Is Ukraine Plan B? (I don’t agree, however, with everything he sees…)
    ..The funny thing about planning ten steps ahead though is that if anything goes wrong with steps 1-9 then getting to step number 10 will be impossible and you just wasted a whole lot of energy on an elaborate plan that ended up going nowhere. The globalists are NOT the smartest people around; not even close. They aren’t even all that effective when their plans actually function and there are no surprises. Their ideas fail constantly.
    There is only one reason that centralizing criminals have not been brought down, and that is because no one has ever targeted them directly. Every time there is a governmental shake up or rebellion or mass movement for change people target “the system”; they blame the system for all our problems (or they blame a handful of political puppets) and they seek to add a fresh coat of paint or change some of its basic functions, but the men behind the curtain always end up back behind the curtain. The problem is never “the system”, it’s the people running and influencing the system while enjoying the comfort of the shadows.​..
    ​ ​Every once in a while it becomes obvious when they have invested an immense amount of time and planning into a single unique scheme, a fulcrum point that many of their other plans will rely on in the future. There is no doubt that the response to the covid outbreak was meant to bulldoze over numerous social and legal conventions and achieve full bore centralization before the vast majority of people even knew what hit them.​..
    More recently, the covid agenda and by extension the globalist “Reset” has fallen apart in the US and this has led to problems for them in other parts of the world.
    ​ American resistance to the vax mandates and lockdowns was key to everything, more so than I think many people realize. Even if the globalists could implement medical tyranny through much of the rest of the world, with conservative red states blocking the agenda at every turn this created a focal point for resistance. Meaning, all the people in the world can still see that there is another way to do things that does not involve authoritarianism. Life in the red states goes on as if covid barely existed.​..
    ​ For whatever reason, the globalists invested an intense amount of energy into the covid virus and it let them down, and now they are stuck trying to create mass panic over a nothing-burger…
    ​ ​It makes sense that they will need a distraction as a means to redirect momentum, and the globalists will do what they always do, which is create war tensions. This does not mean that large scale war is the intended outcome, but limited regional wars that could grow into something more are always on the table. It is not a mistake that the US could potentially be caught up in not one but two major regional conflicts at this time, including a Chinese invasion of Taiwan as well as a Russian invasion of Ukraine.


    Turdeau Pinches a Loaf

    PM squeezes off a Truth Bomb about Truckers

    Northman El Duce Turdeau drops a load like a giant toad on Oh Canada!


    John Day

    The Monday UN SecurityCouncil hearing on Russian troops in Russia, near Ukraine​, called by the US, was a chance for the US to blame Russia, for Russia and China to say, “No, NATO is the provocateur” and for other countries to choose sides in public. Who won? (I don’t think Russia wants that rotten bait.)
    US Charged With Trying To Provoke Russian Military Action At UN: “You Want It To Happen”

    ​”Sitting ducks”; there for show. An attack on Russia would see them sunk by hypersonic missiles in a few minutes, right?​ Then what?
    US Naval Presence in Black Sea More Than Doubled in 2021 Compared to 2020
    US warships spent about 182 days in the Black Sea in 2021, compared with about 82 in 2020

    US Naval Presence in Black Sea More Than Doubled in 2021 Compared to 2020

    ​The nuclear submarines are very important.​
    ​ ​Russia’s Northern Fleet conduc​t​ed anti-submarine drills in the Norwegian Sea, not far from NATO member Norway, at a moment of broader and rival naval movements in places like the Black Sea
    ​ ​Russia’s military described the northern drills as involving ships “hunting down a notional enemy’s submarine using sonars and data from military pilots,”

    ​Mish Shedlock, The Battle for European Integration Has Failed and Russia Provides Proof​
    ​ ​Eurointelligence founder Wolfgang Münchau is a strong pro-Europe advocate…
    ​ ​Earlier this month he commented:
    “The battle for European integration has failed. It is time to recognise defeat, and to think through the consequences.​…
    ​”When you fight for a cause that does not materialise, at what point do you recognise, and admit, defeat? There are some causes you may want to keep fighting for no matter what, like human rights or climate change. Is European integration in that category? For me, it is not. My biggest area of disagreement with my fellow European federalists is not in what we think is desirable. What we disagree on is where the dividing line between realpolitik and wishful thinking lies.
    ​ ​A good example occurred this weekend. The fool whose committed the crime of saying what everybody in the SPD is thinking was Kay-Achim Schönbach. He was forced to resign as head of the German Navy for revealing to the world that Germany’s natural ally is Russia.

    ​Same threat as “I’ll shoot myself in the stomach and die horribly on your doorstep”..
    EU threatens to halt Nord Stream 2 & cut Russia off from SWIFT
    ​ ​According to von der Leyen, any EU sanctions against Russia would have a devastating effect. Brussels is Moscow’s largest trading partner, and 75% of direct foreign investment in Russia comes from the EU, she explained, suggesting that economic measures would be painful.
    ​ ​Earlier in January, German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that the EU and the US had refused to consider disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT international bank payment system. It noted that it could destabilize financial markets and help create an alternative payment infrastructure that would no longer be dominated by Western nations.​..

    John Day

    ​It turns out that societies undergo upheaval when bad weather for a few years destroys their food supply. Big volcanoes can do that, even if you live across the planed and are clueless about them​. I wonder if it’s the food-production system breaking down that does this. Seems logical, right? Thanks Charles.
    Climate Clues from the Past Prompt a New Look at History
    As scientists rapidly improve their ability to decipher past climate upheaval through ice cores and other “proxies,” historians are re-examining previous political and social turmoil and linking it to volcanic eruptions, prolonged droughts, and other disturbances in the natural world.

    Pregnant Reporter Forced To Stay In Kabul After Home Country Of New Zealand Denies Her Entry Due To COVID Protocols​
    ​She had been covering “the difficult conditions mothers and babies face” in the country, and has now herself been forced to take up shelter in Kabul, according to AP. She is 25 weeks pregnant and has been vaccinated three times.


    As regards the Stock Market and the FED interst rate racket, Max Keiser for the past 10 years or so has said simply you can’t taper a Ponzi. Period.

    Nothing else needs to be understood.

    You can’t taper a Ponzi

    But what about the FED flogging an incres………..You can’t taper a Ponzi

    But what about stock buy back………….You can’t taper a Ponzi

    But what about controlling run away inflatio………..You can’t taper a Ponzi

    The Rock and the Hard place in a nutshell:

    You can’t taper a Ponzi

    Mitch Feierstein – Inflation Nation


    Second part of Planet Ponzi interview


    Mitch Feierstein uses the term Wokewash to describe the media diversions deployed to paper over staggering wealth inequality

    Check it out



    @ Dr D

    Thanks buddy for the ‘paying money to visit Marx’ tidbit

    I almost spit out my Matcha Latte all over the Formica© counter top.




    The needle and the damage done…piece up top is Heart-breaking. The pairing of Neil’s ballad and those images/story make a powerful statement – hard to watch without tears. Sharing it is the best response I can think of.

    @ Dr D – Always on. LOVE you.

    Day and VP Gary: Living your VALUES is where it’s at…Bringing your values into tangibility through good works, large and small, locally. Good to see you arrive TOGETHER – in your own Ways. Life is worth living. Many here hold this VISION in thought, word, and deed:

    “I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children – not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women – not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”

    You were invited. Take your picks. Here’s mine:

    Thou unmuzzled, elf-skinned Hugger-mugger.

    Bumper stickers over the years (not on at the same time): To know me is to LOVE me. End-less Wars. Bless us All. Om.


    Today’s Picasso : “I am not having fun because I am stuck indoors wearing this fur-lined blue dress”

    Yesterday’s Picasso: “Hell YES, we’re on to SOMETHING exciting here…gonna keep running until all our clothes fall off!

    Doc Robinson

    Yesterday, the FDA approved (licensed) Moderna’s “SPIKEVAX” but the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine still has only an EUA.

    SPIKEVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) is licensed for individuals 18 years of age and older. There remains, however, a significant amount of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine that was manufactured and labeled in accordance with this emergency use authorization. This [EUA] authorization remains in place for Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine for this population.

    Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Letter of Authorization (page 15)

    John Day

    Thanks Susmarie 108: My truck just got puled out of the mud here in Yoakum, a problem caused by recent construction trenching therough the driveway, heavy rains, and clay soil.
    Fix needs implementation before proceeding with construction inside.
    Life is full of complications caused by doing something else…


    Gay Skittles. Well.


    Scott Ritter (30 Jan, top post) on Ukr. – US is good with the facts but surprisingly seems off, or simplistic, naive, on a part of the story.

    Headline: Seen in retrospect, Russia’s demand for a written response was a trap, one neither the U.S. nor NATO yet recognizes.


    By rejecting Russian demands for security guarantees, the U.S. and NATO have married themselves to a posture defined by the “open-door” policy on NATO membership.

    Hmm…no… shakes head..

    Russia requested a written a response to its two written ‘proposals’ for agreeing on *treaties* (or whatever other diplo. status one wants to ascribe to these texts.)

    Russia did this because past verbal assurances, pledges, promises were not adhered to, and foreign-force threats on their borders have been creeping up for decades, since the Fall of the Wall.

    Written docs. are less ambiguous and can, do, serve as a kind of stable engagement (e.g. a sweet whisper “I love you” vs. a marriage contract with a pre-nup.) This move was also very important internally: the public is informed, these are our proposals, read it, now the ball is in the others, US and Euro-trash, court, we will see. (Signed treaties, agreements can be broken, but then at least one knows what went down.)

    The US – NATO understood perfectly well what was being proposed, they are not idiots and can read. They did not fall into any kind of trap.

    They decided, willfully and in harmony, to skirt the demands, the main points, or the ‘esprit’ (security guarantees to Russia) to concentrate on points that looks reasonable but are in fact tangential, such as the “right for countries to decide what alliance they want to join” which may sound legit in principle (it reminds me of the “Right To Protect” discourse) but is far removed from reality.

    E.g. to join NATO all other NATO countries have to agree, and as far as Ukr. is concerned, everyone admits that it won’t happen.. including Biden and the EU.

    So what the West did was in essence to signal to Russia, EFF YU. We will not discuss any of your proposals in a serious manner, Take that Buster. They threw the ball back at Russia. (Russia knew that would happen.)

    So now we can … wait and see. Interesting times. 🙂


    TAE comment are #1

    I had a dream… Omicron Central Command Center
    Dealing with Supply Line challenges

    1. With disposal of dead cells, broken/useless particles. surplus inputs

    2. New births/clones, input shortages,

    3. Assignment/prioritizing activities/function


    @ deflat

    Not only does Ivermectin work, it’s even more effective than Paxlovid against Omicron.

    “However, Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity and may be the most effective drug candidate against the Omicron variant. ”


    See Table 5.

    Remind me again, what’s the price of a course of Paxlovid?
    And IVM?


    @ Doc R.

    Don’t fall for that trick again.



    “…..They threw the ball back at Russia. (Russia knew that would happen)……”

    How about cutting off ALLL energy deliveries in the dead of winter.

    Even the brain dead EU public might put down the beer and wine and do that impression of a dog going…


    The EU body politic in visual form


    Herd immunity
    You already go it or you will get it after getting Omicron.

    TAE Summary

    The Blind Men and the Epidemic

    It was six post-doc PhD’s
    Credentials still were scant
    Who heard about the pandemic
    And hoped to get a grant
    Though none of them knew medicine
    But all were sycophant

    The First one said of early measures
    “Why this cannot be!
    Such measure will not cure a soul
    It’s very plain to see
    A measure cannot claim success
    Without an RCT!”

    The Second hoped to cure us all
    He struggled with the task
    But then he learned it spread by air
    “There’s just one thing to ask
    We’ll cure this virus right away
    If we all wear a mask!”

    The Third approached the dread disease
    And tried to find it’s source
    He thought it likely from a lab;
    They threatened him with force
    He then announced “It’s plain to see
    It’s from a bat, of course!”

    The Fourth long pondered the disease
    Infecting some in town
    He figured out a policy
    Announcing with a frown
    “This virus is unstoppable
    Unless we’re all locked down!”

    The Fifth, was not sure what to do
    And not sure where to start
    It seems he wasn’t all the bright
    And not so very smart
    But he had an epiphany
    “Just stand six feet apart!”

    The Sixth considered the disease
    “I know what this all means
    We’re suffering from infected cells
    We need to change our genes
    We’ll fix this issue if all get
    mRNA vaccines”

    And so those post-doc PHD’s
    All published papers long,
    And each received a research grant
    Their CV’s now were strong,
    Though none of them were in the right,
    Yes, all were in the wrong

    So oft in epidemic times,
    Proposals that get tweeted,
    Suggest in utter ignorance
    From “experts” quite conceited,
    Who try to cure contagion
    Not one of them has treated.

    D Benton Smith

    Latest public statement from Vladimir Putin:

    We have decided not to invade Ukraine because the only things there worth having we’ve already got.. If someone else launches a war in Ukrain in the hopes that we will show up at the party we have decided to win it by not selling you any more gas.


    Interesting photographs taken by New Zealand scientist using a dark field microscope.
    Anyone curious about the science behind the vaccines could be interested in this link:


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