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The Archdruid Report has an excellent article on the intersection of religion and collapse. The comments are good too.

I found the article interesting given the great debate between Ash and RE on God’s and religions’ participation in TEOWAWKI, revolutionary reprise, inquisitional truth and justice committee, etc.

In the west, the age of oil (merely +-100 years long) has allowed us to develop out of an under educated mass that knows the meaning of physical labour, has a basic understanding of where food comes from (and how to grow, hunt, scrape together a meal out of wild food) into an bunch of over-educated urban specialists that think food comes from the super market and work is something you delegate to others or get computers to do.

There is no doubt we have gotten a lot out of the age of oil. Thank you dinosaurs! But any advancements we’ve achieved, have basically been bought using our energy inheritance. And most of that energy has gone to satiate our carnal desires for stuff. And now we’re going into a time of energy depletion. Add to this the fact that we’ve been told over and over again that ‘we’re all individuals’. So people think that indeed they are an island. And now we’ll all be having to work together. I can’t wait to see all the people clamoring for the management positions when there are none. LOL

As Consciousness/social development moves up and out it is holonic in nature. It requires a solid base beneath to maintain it. If that goes then the upper levels are that much harder to maintain.

The Buddha managed to do it through incredible self discipline. Jesus through turning the scape goating nature of humans on himself. ‘I absorb all your sins and your enemy’s sins, now forgive and get on with feeding your kids!’

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