Austerity, Economics and Religion


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    Dorothea Lange Salvation Army, San Francisco, California. Unemployed young men 1939 There are many things going on in the Greece vs Institutions+Germa
    [See the full post at: Austerity, Economics and Religion]

    Dr. Diablo

    Summed up in the phrase “Submit or Die”

    When did Canada begin to have such awful exports? Mundell and Carnie and Harper; acting ministers who don’t even reside in the country but in Arizona; refusing to oppose fascism even in name (UN A/C.3/69/L.56/Rev.1), joining with all the wrong crowd in foriegn wars, etc? What’s happened to y’all up there?

    And the unsavory thing about Mundell is not that he wants to drown European principles in the bathtub, but that the plan–now enacted by powerful men–was not to be discussed, debated, voted on, or chosen by the people. No one was to know what direction, what options they were choosing, what road they were headed down. Where the original votes in Ireland, France, and Holland didn’t go their way, the referendums were halted forever. But that’s not democracy, and that’s not consent. There’s a word for it, and you’ll find it in UN A/C.3/69/L.56/Rev.1.

    John Day

    Back in 2010, no real macroeconomic theory predicted a Greek return to growth, under the imposed conditions. The conditions were worsened by 2012 changes to the “bailout”.
    The rationale given was NEVER CREDIBLE.
    What if the purpose of the experiment was NEVER to see if it could improve Greek economy under prevailing macroeconomic conditions?
    I believe that our shadowy puppet-masters, the 0.001% and the 0.01% who directly serve them are smart. It hurts, but they are probably smarter than I am. Our interests diverge, and I’m smart enough to see that. They lie to keep the herd moving in the same direction. I’m smart enough to see that. They shoot their guns and shout to spook the herd into sudden, rapid changes of direction. When do we get that again?
    They overgraze the herd whenever possible, then massively cull the herd when overshoot leads to starvation, and that is called “war”. When do we get that again?
    The global herds of people are getting quite different treatments since 9/11/01, and particularly since September 2008.
    What if these smaller herds are being observed under experimental conditions?
    It’s inevitable that the different conditions of herds will give different patterns of movement and survival and economy to different nation-states. It’s impractical to think this valuable information is not being studied intently, at great cost.
    The Masters-of-the-Universe know no “moral” bounds, and see the limits of possibility from a very different vantage than we do.
    WW-3 is always a viable policy tool.
    What kinds of losses can be expected, under what kinds of conditions, and where, and when, and how will that affect chain of command?
    Questions that big need really big models, as big as Greece, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Ukraine, and so on.
    George Soros, coming of age as a brilliant Jewish boy in Fascist Budapest in WW-2, has insight into this sort of thing. He gave a warning recently. Who was warned? I’m not saying he’s our friend…


    They are not smarter than you, John (or Diablo), but they are far, far better connected, and started with infinitely more resources. Their network labors full time to protect those connections and that wealth. That’s what the article means when it says that the FinMins must toe their pharisaical religious line or “lose their positions”–not in their govts as much as in the gang. It’s like Hollywood: just a family thing now; talent is largely irrelevant, but those without family connections need not apply.


    I prefer economics as ideology not religion so much. Let’s look that word up.

    “Ideology, in the Althusserian sense, is “the imaginary relation to the real conditions of existence.” It can be described as a set of conscious and unconscious ideas which make up one’s goals, expectations, and motivations. An ideology is a comprehensive normative vision, meaning that it is a set of standards that are followed by people, government, and/or other groups that is considered the “norm”. [1][further explanation needed], a way of looking at things, as argued in several philosophical tendencies (see political ideologies). It can also be a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of society to all members of society (a “received consciousness” or product of socialization[further explanation needed], as suggested in some Marxist and Critical theory accounts. While the concept of “ideology” describes a set of ideas broad in its normative reach, an ideology is less encompassing than as expressed in concepts such as worldview, imaginary and ontology.
    Ideology refers to the system of abstracted meaning applied to public matters, thus making this concept central to politics. Implicitly, in societies that distinguish between public and private life, every political or economic tendency entails ideology, whether or not it is propounded as an explicit system of thought.”

    Some gobblety gook but that’s about right. Plenty if not most ideologies are centered around economics or pretend to be but I am saying economics as practiced by all Western countries via their central banks and China and Japan are playing under the current economic orthodoxy which is an ideology.

    As a nominal ‘liberal’ as defined in the US and carrying over from my past I find it absolutely impossible to explain that Paul Krugman’s economics is an ideology. The victory of the ideology that is modern economic model is so total that there is no language that I have found to tell ‘liberals’ that Krugman is not their friend. I mean if AE had .1% of the following that all Krugman fans have the zeitgeist might be lining up for change.

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