Debt Rattle December 13 2021


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle December 13 2021

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  • #95148
    Veracious Poet

    Could we PLEASE stop slanging off at each other? Surely this is not the TAE way. We might not like what deflationista says, but I find that what he/she/it posts to be quite challenging, with claims that need to be addressed. The claims may have substance, they may be exaggerations, but we should regard them and deal with them as a normal part of a “robust” debate.

    Sorry I don’t do toxic & crazy 😐

    When someone launches into ad hominem attacks that involve vulgarities + insulting anyone that disagrees with their posts, that precludes any & all “robust debate”.

    The trolls demeanor out-of-the-gate has been to attack TAE at large, that is not a rational position, do you not concur?


    even if he thinks Jay Hanson talks funny.

    Jay Hanson didn’t ‘talk funny.’ He just talked. Never listened. He thought he had all the answers. Just like Taleb. Just like Orlov. Just like Celente. Just like Kunstler. Just like Nicole.

    All such brilliant minds suffering from the same disease: Dunning Kruger.

    You don’t know what you don’t know.

    But you think you do. Don’t you?


    Bullying, by the SNOBS, is rampart on the blogs due to impunity **

    Their mother never washed out their mouth with soap.

    **( Definition of Impunity: exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.)

    **( synonym of rampant: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled, widespread, pandemic, epidemic, pervasive. out of control, out of hand, rife, spreading like wildfire.)


    Deflationista, your tempering comments, especially with data, are valuable – thank you.

    It’s SO easy to build a silo around ourselves. If shots at you start with ad hominem attacks or strawmen, please move along…(I know I do). I look forward to your comments nearly as much as I do Dr. D’s.

    I don’t subscribe to be in an echo chamber

    Veracious Poet

    pןɹoʍ ןnɟɹǝpuoʍ ɐ ʇɐɥʍ


    “BTW, there is no -0- imminent threat to humanity due to scarcity or poisoning the planet, those are illusions created as part of “The Narrative”, We have the abundant means to live in balance with ourselves & the biosphere, but not with the ravenous overlords that live so, so far beyond their means.”

    Gandhi quote (I think?):

    “We have enough for our need but not for our greed.”



    Thanks for the kind words.


    When someone launches into ad hominem attacks that involve vulgarities + insulting anyone that disagrees with their posts, that precludes any & all “robust debate”.

    But I have witnessed rather sharp attacks on deflationista on grounds that to me seemed unjustified. Two can play at this game. Our conduct must be impeccable, else we only further discredit ourselves. Further? Yes. We are already discredited because we don’t go along with The Narrative.

    And who is Jay Hanson? There’s necessarily a great deal of culturally-specific content in TAE comments, and I do not and cannot keep up with most of it. Only yesterday did I learn that Fauci gets huge media coverage and adulation; no wonder he cops a lot of stick from his opponents.


    Just one more shot, deflationista, eh? Or three? Or six?


    I’ve been reading the comments on the CBC website and it is heartening to see how many people realize what the covid gig is about – endless vaxes to feed big pharma profits. Just do uplifting to see. Of course I added my 2 cents.

    Mister Roboto

    I think one thing we can all agree on is that whatever “the answer” is, if indeed there is such a thing, isn’t going to come from our loopy gerontocracy or its decrepit two-party system. The USA has always been a business interest much more than it has been a real country, and its ultimate fate is probably to break up into smaller units that will much more closely resemble real countries. But I truly shudder to imagine what will happen between now and that point in time.

    those darned kids
    those darned kids

    i guess the problem is this:

    A) Hey, you guys might be wrong about some facts. Please look at this: [insert pseudo-science government goop]


    B) F’ncking. Dumb. Batpoop crazy. LOOK AT THIS¡¡¡: [insert pseudo-science government goop]

    “only a fool flings cowpies at goats”..



    Is tyranny is happening in plain sight?

    True or False

    Is the following a fair characterization on the topic of tyranny that transpires on this message board?

    Yes or no

    Exploiting the tragedy of Jews who were humiliated, marked with a yellow star, isolated, starved, dehumanized, and murdered in ghettos during the Holocaust in a debate about vaccination that saves human lives during pandemic is shameful.It’s a sad symptom of moral decay.

    Tension is good, but this is seems disingenuous.


    [insert pseudo-science government goop]

    Anything that falls outside of your Dunning-Kruger addled brain = [pseudo-science government goop]




    deflationista displays quite a bit of lazy minded contempt for us.

    Veracious Poet

    Gotta love people that invite unacceptable behavior into their lives 😐

    It’s always somebody else’s fault…



    absolute galore

    @ deflationista — you have been coming round for many months now, on and off, dropping your shocking mainstream narrative bombs, wrapped in that special charm of yours. But really. What is your goal, coming to a group that espouses viewpoints that you vehemently oppose? Is it to make sure we don’t miss the mainstream narrative? To save us from danger? Or are you just a meanie weenie?

    The National Football League instituted a new rule this year, penalizing players for taunting the opponent. As far as I can tell your only raison d’être is to draw the yellow penalty flag. It seems kind of a meager reward for all your diligent research, no? Sad, even. But perhaps it gives you some feeling of relief or worth. Oh well, different strokes for different folks. Carry on!


    pay pal says, donating to “”
    Is that correct?


    @absolutegalore: Nice description of a day in the life of you. Farmers markets are the best, good of you to support yours. How is it possible that you wanted to share Ed Sullivan with your 12-year old son? You seem too young to have experienced that show. Anyway a quick search and wow – it was on from 1948 to 1971, so maybe you caught the tail end. Both Ed Sullivan and Lawrence Welk were the regular programs seen on the family teevee growing up in Ohio in the 60’s. Loved all the great musical talent on both shows. Thanks to Ed Sullivan – the Beatles, Beach Boys, Animals, Stones, Dylan, and Byrds (just to name a few) came right into our home, it was exciting. Ahh the simple joys of being human.

    those darned kids

    incorrect! projections happen in more places than cinemas.

    that’s what you post. take a look. they’re all the same.

    for example, you’ve sided with using big bird as a propaganda weapon against children.

    “ok, kids! let’s roll up our sleeves and inject ourselves with some unproven technology that uses dangerous chemicals – the long-term effects of which are not known, but are, nonetheless, irreversible – produced by greed-motivated corporations at the behest of sociopaths!!!”

    fun times.

    absolute galore

    `@Susmarie — I got a late start, had my son when I was 50.

    Mister Roboto

    “The Lawrence Welk Show” was the epitome of squareness. But I suppose that was all part of its mawkish brand of charm.

    those darned kids

    you can’t make an america without squares.


    If you care about others and think they are on the wrong path consider carefully what approach you take in trying to correct them. If you want your kids to be good Christians, beating them into it probably won’t work.

    If you don’t care and just want to vent your spleen beatings are as good a way as any to fail at it.


    deflationista displays quite a bit of lazy minded contempt for us.

    Oh yes. Poor you. Insinuate that people will die if they take a vaccine. That in a few short months there will be mass die-off due to ADE. That the “clot shot” is responsible for the sudden cardiac events of athletes even though these events have been happening for far longer than your scary narrative. On and on the narrative unfolds, like one giant whack-a-mole game.

    The daily derision and hateful characterization of a global pandemic that has killed millions of people and society’s response to it, tends to grate on people that might not hold your Dunning-Kruger inspired view. In fact, each day, your narrative gets crazier, the conspiracy gets more convoluted, and it all gets more desperate. You no longer even see the forest for the trees. And through it all you double down on your derision and hateful characterizations. And you wonder why some punk might have some problem with you? Grow the fuck up.

    those darned kids

    wow, the ones with covid are the safe ones because they won’t have to risk cardiac arrest on the field:

    those darned kids

    Insinuate that people will die if they take a vaccine.

    well, pfizer themselves did find 1223 insinuations.


    What is your goal, coming to a group that espouses viewpoints that you vehemently oppose?

    I have been coming here for years. This shit has gone downhill and fast. The alt-right tinge makes it even more special. The disinfo wafting from these chambers is astounding- and a once critical clientele have fallen into line, rallying around tired, typical anti-vax propaganda, thinking that they are some lone wolf truth holders by falling for messages pushed by people like Stew Peters and RFK Jr. I listen to and read the schlock everyday and am amazed everyday that anyone falls for it. And I get it, you think the same thing about me. You people think I fall for some mainstream messaging? Sorry. I fall for science and study. None of which seem to be of any concern to you. Just look at the ivermectin and hydroxchloroquine advocacy. I mean, come on. Turn on your baloney detector.

    It makes more sense coming to a place to try to prove your own viewpoint wrong. Which is typically what I try to do. The real question is:

    What exactly is your goal, coming to a group that espouses viewpoints that you vehemently support?

    Veracious Poet

    Maybe the “One that shall not be named” is in a different dimension than us?

    If so, I really need to find it, because this one sucks!

    Perchance the derogatory zingers thrown in are salutatory & the norm there too? 😐

    Because in this dimension that type of behavior has a totally different character trait definition…


    pay pal says, donating to “”
    Is that correct?



    Deflatulence”s Word of the Day: Dunning-Kruger. Sponsored by Carl Jr’s!!

    Mister Roboto

    JFC, deflationista, if that damn vaccine were a person, you’d probably marry them.


    JFC, deflationista, if that damn vaccine were a person, you’d probably marry them.

    Wow. First grade jokes are fun.


    well, pfizer themselves did find 1223 insinuations.

    8.49 billion doses have been given.

    those darned kids

    in the first ninety days. the ones pfizer couldn’t ignore.

    the vaccines are, at best, worthless. and to all the millions of injured, and to be injured, well, thanks for playing, i guess.

    worthless. so many of my beloved in méxico, all vaxxerated, got covid. and do you know why they survived? early home treatment.

    “there’s no cure for the common cold”, we’ve always been told. now suddenly, with the worst cold virus ever invented ¿we have a cure?

    what a scam.


    ” now suddenly, with the worst cold virus ever invented ¿we have a cure?”

    and its called ……. Omicron


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