Debt Rattle December 31 2024


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  • #178177
    John Day

    @DBS: Yeah, it seems like military drone-swarm training, mostly over military bases, but I sure don’t know.

    Doc Robinson

    New Jersey mystery drones from foreign country?
    0% chance

    Are the New Jersey mystery drones aliens?
    0% chance

    Mystery drones searching for nuclear weapons?
    0% chance

    U.S. government admits they are operating mystery drones?
    0% chance

    Thus spoke Polymarket

    Michael Reid


    Here is a feel good story/link for 2025.
    Putin’s Audacious Building Boom in Mariupol, Donbas – Why It’s Important
    Charles Bausman

    D Benton Smith

    For Europe to survive it must start doing business with Russia again, which will not only be right across the border of several thousand miles of the SIGNIFICANTLY lengthened borders that Europe will share with Russia, but which also controls most of the energy and food and minerals that Europe absolutely REQUIRES in order to feed and employ its populations.

    One of the stipulations that Russia will insist upon before returning to doing business with Europe is putting a permanent END to all of this nonsense with “sanctions”, and the belligerent, useless, expensive and impotent golem called NATO.

    I shouldn’t have to (but I will anyway) point out that NATO bullshit has long been the primary “reason for existence” and fattest cash-cow of the American Military Industrial Complex Daddy Warbucks Masters of War Industrialized Psychopathy that has kept the Uniparty fat and sassy since 1947.

    Trump is masturbating into his own hat if he thinks that he’s going to re-float that pirate ship for very long, because the tides have turned and that just ain’t gonna happen.

    Germany is months away from exiting the European Union, at which point it will be right back to the bad old days of every European nation having to look out for itself, and when they start looking what they’re going to see is that they either do business with Russia (and the rest of the BRICS) or they return to subsistence farming and cottage industry to make their livings. That. too, is bad news for Trump and his delusionary New American Empire.

    Don’t get me wrong. I like Trump. I think he’s the most civilized and humane Pirate we’ve seen in a hundred years, but you better understand that he’s still just a pirate and that even good pirates have to play by the rules of reality.

    And reality says that the best America can hope for (and should hope for ANYWAY, regardless of which pirate captains the ship) is a severe downsizing and the total abandonment of wet dreams of Empire.

    D Benton Smith

    I think Trump made a bad strategic choice in selling out to the Jewish Industrial Complex (not to be confused with the actual Jewish RELIGION which, let’s face it, is pretty small and practically powerless, not mention extremely frugal, poor and chosen).

    If Trump does what they’ve paid him to do then he’ll be a war criminal, and a loser because their ship is sinking, and if he DOESN’T do what they’ve paid him to do then they’ll kill him just like they’ve killed every other sell-out who thought he could cheat the Devil by trying to back out of the contract.

    Either way it’s a razor’s edge kinda deal. Good luck with that.

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