Debt Rattle January 5 2025


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  • #178575
    those darned kids

    that dude ain’t got no pupils; otherwise, he’d see that some forms are internal.

    those darned kids

    hummingbirds are allergic to water.

    Doc Robinson

    Relatively little coverage of this in mainstream media.
    Orthodox Jews Join Protest Against Gaza War in Times Square on New Year’s Day

    Protest signs included these messages –

    Authentic Rabbis always opposed Zionism and the State of Israel

    Judaism condemns the State of “Israel” and its atrocities

    Judaism demands freedom for Gaza and all Palestine & forbids any Jewish State

    Orthodox Jews Join Protest Against Gaza War in Times Square on New Year’s Day


    WES wrote:

    The Los Vegas so called terrorist bombing has FBI written all over it!

    This event was staged by the same Los Vegus FBI crew, that did the Los Vegas shooting event.

    When I saw in a brief clip the Las Vegas Pol. etc. making a statement about the Tesla-Trump-Tower ‘suicide bomber’, I was immediately reminded of the Las Vegas ‘shooting’ in 2017.

    I looked into that at the time, extensively, and for sure Stephen Paddock was a convenient / post-hoc in haste cobbled together perp / organised before with a ‘fake’ mission / somehow or other / The Patsy.

    The 2017 ‘incident’ (heh, mass murder) killed about 60 people, wounded 400 plus, and was the most horrific ‘deadly shooting’ by a ‘lone perp’ in recent history (or ever? idk) in the USA.

    At a concert, no less, a festive, together, time. Horror!

    Was it ever elucidated, properly investigated (like, who shot what gun where from what vantage point with what result, where were the bodies the next morning? – they were left on the field – what does that show? etc.) No. Lone – Gunman. Finis.

    Now, for this ‘minor’ display of fireworks, similar stage, similar uniforms, but far fewer ppl behind holding up ‘the fort’ …

    2 Jan. 24. 12 mins.

    those darned kids

    so i watch some of the video with no sound, doc r

    i see people with signs and sighs being ignored by the giant heads in the sky

    (the times new roman square ads; it reminds me of that superman movie)

    i see “carlo’s bake shop”.. cool sign

    i see that few see those who see

    those darned kids


    those darned kids

    not to make light of this, doc r

    this people are sensible and recognize evil, like all good folk do

    unfortunately, many (¿most?) are unwillingly to be convinced they’ve been had

    “You were sick, but now you are well again. And there’s work to be done.” ~ kilgore trout


    “Explain to me again why student loan debt shouldn’t be cancelled.”

    We don’t know the terms of the loan but using a mortgage calculator to find a similar situation if a 50 year $70,000 loan has an interest rate of 8% the payment would be $475 per month and the principal will still be $60,000 after 25 years. But if you pay an extra $100 a month you’ll pay of the entire loan in 21 years. I am guessing their degrees didn’t involve much math.

    Dr. D

    Looking for what makes everyone deadly sick all the time, Visceral Fat, +1h. Moderately technical.

    Quite a number of directions.

    Maxwell Quest

    “You were sick, but now you are well again. And there’s work to be done.” ~ kilgore trout

    Boy did that quote ring some bells:

    “You were asleep, but now you are awake. And there’s work to be done.”

    “You were insane, but now you are sane. And there’s work to be done.”

    “You were enslaved, but now you are free. And there’s work to be done.”

    “You were ignorant, but now you are knowing. And there’s work to be done.”

    Maxwell Quest

    A late-to-the-party H-1B comment:

    When I first began my career in microelectronics (1975), the engineering staff was all USDA home-grown with one token minority to satisfy hiring requirements from civil rights legislation. No one knew what he did whenever he showed up for work, but we all knew why he was there and kept our mouths shut.

    When I retired in 2007, I was the minority, surrounded by young Chinese and Indian engineers. If you were lucky, they spoke English to include you in the conversation, but many times not. The comradery I once felt at work was long gone, and I stuck out like an old burro at the Kentucky Derby.


    We are being lead by idiots at the top and attention span deficits tards at the bottom.

    Comradery in the work place is gone because it’s too hard to spell and it’s a four syllable word which puts it out of bounds with today’s youth.





    From despairdotcom, I revise october to “failure is the greatest teacher, and we’re learning so much…”


    Ukronazi tank cooked by a single drone hit.

    Do the math

    Average cost of a tank $4-8 million

    Average drone cost $500-1000

    So how many tanks can you afford to lose?

    nd the drones are getting better and cheaper with AI assist.

    How about AI assisted hypersonic drones?

    Think you can stop one?


    What a Maroon…


    Ground floor investment opportunity!



    From the cover of the NYTimes Magazine “The Swarm”:
    “Outnumbered and desperate, Ukraine is pioneering a new kind of airpower: an onslaught of small, cheap suicide drones. Warfare will never be the same.”

    D Benton Smith




    Ending The Ukraine War:

    The US (bankers) started the war in the Ukraine against Russia, because they judged Russia was ripe for plucking.
    Russia is supposedly heavily sanctioned by the US/West.
    (US sanctions (cleverly mis-labelled Russian sanctions) were designed to isolate the west and keep it under US’s controll.)
    (Later the US started sanctioning Russia’s billionaires.)
    Russia had no choice in the war’s timing.
    Russia must keep it’s economy going, in order to fight a successful defensive land war.
    Economically, Russia economy is a small fraction of the West’s.

    Russian Law does not allow for the use of conscripts outside of Russian borders.
    The professional Russian army is very small and isn’t ready for war.
    The Russian Air Force and Navy are very small.
    This US proxy war was to be fought to “the last Ukrainian”.
    Russia’s population is bigger than the US’s war proxy, Ukraine.

    Russia suffered decades of CIA proxy guerilla warfare in the Ukraine after WW2.
    The West had trained the Ukrainians for gorilla warfare.
    Russia depends upon railways for logistics, not trucks.

    O.K. so now you are Chief of the Russian Army.
    What are the workable options available to you?

    All out full war?
    Not ready for war!
    Need more time! Sorry, there is no more time!
    Small army. Small airforce. Small navy.
    Logistics limited to railways.
    Can’t use conscripts outside of Russian borders.
    Got to keep Russian economy going!
    Can’t go on a war time economy.

    Jesus, WTF kind of war do you expect me to fight?
    I gotta keep making butter, and then make guns on the side?
    More vodka general?
    Yes, a double shot, please!
    Thank God, vodka makes everything perfectly clear!

    OK, then!
    There are more Russians than Ukrainians and foreign mercenaries. Check.
    Russia has more artillery. Check.
    Russia can make more artillery shells. Check.
    Russia has good battlefield air defense systems. Check.

    How do we stop a future Ukrainian guerilla war?
    Oh, yeah, we have solved that problem before!
    We set up a frontline that attacts all the fighters, that want to fight.
    Then we kill them all on the battlefield in trenches with artillery where we can see them.
    A meat grinder!
    Sure easier and quicker, than having to hunt them all down, one by one, over time. Check.

    We need to buy more time to get ready for war, with not just Ukraine but maybe Nato too.
    Our logistic are limited to railways with a few trucks. Sight!
    We don’t have very many trained infantry soldiers in our professional army.
    Most of them don’t like walking, and prefer driving tanks, because the pay is higher.
    OK, then we will just have to fight with brigades, instead of divisions, and fight without very many infantry soldiers.
    Despite the risks, we will have to move some mobile artillery with each brigade.
    For air cover, we will have to move our air defense systems right behind each brigade’s frontline.
    That means only a limited war can be waged, for now, until we enlarge the army. Check.

    Oh, my head is hurting from all this clear thinking!
    More vodka, please!
    I need to clear my head!

    To secure Crimea in the south, we are going to have to move very quickly.
    This means we will suffer high casualties moving so rapidly, without enough infantry support.
    But there are too many Ukrainian soldiers in the south, to be able to do that.
    Yes, so we will have to attack Kiev from the north first, to draw the Ukrainians north. Check.

    Sadly, we will have to delay any attacks on the eastern front to set up our static trench warfare meat grinder. Sigh!
    But we do have Wagner available, if we are willing to pour enough roubles and vodka into them!

    Oh, I know, we will call this a “limited police action”, not a war! Check.
    More vodka, general?
    Dam it!
    Just gimme the dam vodka bottle!!

    Concluding the War:

    Since Russia was forced into this attritsional type of warfare, by the US, how does Trump now stop the only way Russia can win this type of warfare?

    Russia can not afford to just stop in the middle of this type of 5 or 6 or more year war!
    Ukrainians and their elites, must be and feel utterly and totally defeated, before the fighting will stop!
    Sure, many Ukrainians are already tired of the war but their opinion doesn’t matter as they have no say.
    Only the Nazis have any control in the Ukraine.
    Unfortunately, the desire of the Ukrainian Nazis for war, must be totally exhausted!
    Or all the Nazi are killed.

    Right now Russia has control of the war!
    Stopping the war now, means guerilla warfare forever, for Russia!
    Russia loses, and the US wins the war!

    If you were a Russian, what choice would you make?
    Would you hand back control of the war to the US, again?
    Do you trust the US?

    Naturally, stopping this war now, is exactly the exit plan the US wants, since their conventional war is failing very badly.

    What choice would you make?


    That matches what i think I have seen


    Central to that is demilitarize. If you fall behind you lose. If you jump ahead. Oreshnik etc. The conflict might stop before the military is ground up. The intent is to grind them all up. Not to win. However long it takes. All of them. All of it. Not eliminated. Not lost. Dead. I stop here before I get in trouble.

    Michael Reid


    Comments on the US’s Ukrainian Proxy War Plans:

    First the US had planned this Ukrainian proxy war, for a very long time.
    They built very strong in depth defenses all along the eastern front, where geography favored the defense.
    They also trained the Ukrainians extensively in gorilla warfare.
    Their plan called for goading Russia into making a massive frontal assault against the eastern defensive wall.
    Russia was also supposed to attack using massive armored columns per WW2 manuover warfare.thinking.
    This would allow western air power to wipe the Russian armor columns out very quickly.

    Well the US generals were slightly out of date in their military thinking (like France 1940.) and very poorly informed about current Russian political realities.
    Certainly the US’s war models all programmed only victory!

    1. The first big miscalculation, was that the Russian military was too small to attack in the required massive numbers, as programmed by the US’s war game models.
    2. The second even bigger miscalculation, the US made, was failing to realize that Russian conscripts, that make up the bulk of the Russian arm forces, can not be sent to fight outside of Russia’s borders! Russia’s army is mainly defensive in nature.
    3. The third big miscalculation, by the US, was not taking into account, that as a lawyer, Putin would abide by Russia’s laws.
    4. The fourth big miscalculation, the US made, was Russia wasn’t suppose to place any value on the lives of their soldiers. Russian hoards were deemed to be completely expendable!
    5. The fifth big miscalculation, by the US, was under estimating the capabilities of the Russian air defense missile systems. They proved to be much, much, better than anything the US had. This allowed Russia to quickly establish total air superiority directly over the frontlines, negating the use of western air power!
    6. The sixth big miscalculation, the US made, was Russia is not waging war against civilians like the US and Nato do!

    Clearly US generals live in an imaginary world where laws don’t apply to them!
    They live in a lawless world where there are no such things as war crimes!

    So Russia did not attack fast and hard, per the west’s typical Russian stereotype, as required and planned for by the US military’s war gaming models.

    Instead, Russia attacked slowly and cautiously!
    They primarily let their artillery do the talking!
    They kept their air force well behind their frontline missile air defense systems.
    They stayed statically in their trenches, letting the Ukrainians do all the attacking.
    Russia established their meat grinder, for both soldiers and Nato’s military equipment.
    Russia kept Ukraine’s railways and bridges intact to suck in more and more of Nato’s military equipment.
    Once the US and Nato, started sending more military aid to the Ukraine, they simply couldn’t just stop or they would lose face!
    The US and Nato have spent hundreds of billions on aid to the Ukraine.
    US and Nato logistic costs must be in the tens of billions and hidden too!

    One thing that the US and Nato have not acknowledged. is the true costs of the military equipment being sent to the Ukraine.
    This equipment was mostly already paid for in past military budgets.
    So sending a pre-owned and paid for tank, to Ukraine is deemed to be zero cost.
    So not taking this cost into consideration, hides the true costs of this Ukrainian proxy war of being in the multi trillionsof dollars.

    And nobody is talking about the future costs in the west, to replace the military equipment donated to the Ukraine from existing stockpiles.
    I will bet the future costs will be in the tens of trillions, not the mere hundreds of billions, like we are currently being told.
    Hopefully we in the west will be too broke and won’t be able to afford to buy much new military equipment anyway.
    It would surely serve our MIC right, hile unexpectedly downsizing them!
    I bet our MIC hasn’t planned for this to happen to them!



    Thanks. I value your opinion because you have been in the military where I have not!

    Like Mike Tyson said. Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face!

    I sense that new military suppliers are currently rising and will soon put many of the old MIC suppliers, like Boeing, out of business.
    No more fancy expensive 100% profit margin tanks, airplanes, aircraft carriers, contracts, etc!
    Fewer all expenses paid military lobbyists, forking over millions in bribes to congress?

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