Debt Rattle July 12 2021


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle July 12 2021

  • This topic has 90 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Dr. D.
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  • #79535
    Mr. House

    Yes i know, having been fiddling with computers since i was young, i noticed that what used to come with your operating system as a feature is now something you must pay for every month years ago. I had the same thought as Karl around the time Steam came out in 2008. I had bought a hard copy of the Game Empire Total War. In the olden days ( the prior year) owning the disc meant you owned the software for personal use. This Disc required that i use the game via Steam which is a platform that hosts your video games. I went on a rant back then about how this was taking ownership out of your hands, the platform could go bust and you’d lose all the games you purchased. Everyone else called me paranoid at the time, but that seems to be the trend with everything these days. You’ll own nothing and if you make trouble you’ll just be denied access. Fits with Monsanto forcing you to buy seeds from them, or the tractor manufactures making it impossible for you to repair your own equipment. These people are leeches, and people who deny this are aiding and abetting them.

    madamski cafone

    “Michael Reid – I agree re Denninger. I also particularly like his inflammatory style. When the reality is so extreme it is not worth being too balanced or academic about it when tone is involved.”

    Me too. Also, you’ll notice most of Denninger’s critics online at TAE echo his style. IMitation is the most sincere flattery.

    madamski cafone

    “That post explains why they want everyone to have it, even the children.”

    Now you’re talking. These guys think entirely in terms of revenue streams. They have no interest in ruling the world, just in believing they’re in charge. Yes, they’ll bleed you to death if you let them, but only if you let them.

    Frickin rotating chair

    As for the 2nd Amendment: fer chrissake already: you protect it by shooting judges who vote against it. If civil unrest ensues, let’s hope the de facto militia this creates is, if not well-regulated (they rarely are) should at least die young and leave some good-looking corpses before the ones willing to and good at using guns take all the guns from the crackpots and fraidy-cats, reclaiming all the guns into a well-regulated militia run by some nifty warlord in a chainmail tux.


    Again, they’re using other antivirals and with very good results. Ivermectin isn’t a singular wonder drug. It’s just an effective treatment the West is denying its people. I mean, fer chrissake (or at least His cousin, John the Beheaded): “In October 2015, the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) announced preclinical results that remdesivir had blocked the Ebola virus in Rhesus monkeys.”…”In 2019, GS-441524 was shown to have promise for treating feline infectious peritonitis caused by a coronavirus.[”

    Not everything is about political con/sub-text. Remdesivir costs more than ivermection. ANd it’s difficut to make:

    Remdesivir requires “70 raw materials, reagents, and catalysts” to make, and approximately “25 chemical steps.”[120] Some of the ingredients are extremely dangerous to humans, especially trimethylsilyl cyanide.[120] The original end-to-end manufacturing process required 9 to 12 months to go from raw materials at contract manufacturers to finished product, but after restarting production in January, Gilead Sciences was able to find ways to reduce the production time to six months.[120]

    In January 2020, Gilead began working on restarting remdesivir production in glass-lined steel chemical reactors at its manufacturing plant in Edmonton, Alberta.[120] On 2 February 2020, the company flew its entire stock of remdesivir, 100 kilograms in powder form (leftover from Ebola research), to its filling plant in La Verne, California to start filling vials.[120] The Edmonton plant finished its first new batch of remdesivir in April 2020.[120] Around the same time, fresh raw materials began to arrive from contract manufacturers reactivated by Gilead in January.[120]

    Another challenge is getting remdesivir into patients despite the drug’s “poor predicted solubility and poor stability.”[121] In June 2020, Ligand Pharmaceuticals revealed that Gilead has been managing those issues by mixing Ligand’s proprietary excipient Captisol (based on University of Kansas research into cyclodextrin) with remdesivir at a 30:1 ratio.[121] Since that implies an enormous amount of Captisol is needed to stabilize and deliver remdesivir (on top of amounts needed for several other drugs for which the excipient is already in regular use), Ligand announced that it is trying to boost Captisol annual manufacturing capacity to as much as 500 metric tons.[121]

    On 12 May 2020, Gilead announced that it had granted non-exclusive voluntary licenses to five generic drug companies in India and Pakistan to manufacture remdesivir for distribution to 127 countries.[122][123][124] The agreements were structured so that the licensees can set their own prices and will not have to pay royalties to Gilead until the WHO declares an end to the COVID‑19 emergency or another medicine or vaccine is approved for COVID‑19, whichever comes first.[122] On 23 June 2020, India granted emergency marketing approval of generic remdesivir manufactured by two Gilead licensees, Cipla and Hetero Drugs.[125]

    It’s not like Putin doesn’t deal daily with powerful oligarchs. The Putin admin is a bespoke article, unique, ad hoc, non-reproducible, and likely to be followed by a major shitshow.

    Squint or Go Blind

    madamski cafone

    As for Software as a Service: the “cloud” was/is blatantly not “yours”. But people trust it even as they fund the best AI wit-sharpener possible. But then, the concept of patents is the most virulent form of “property is theft” we’ve made so far. By its logic, the hooker who first created the hummer blowjob should have patented the trick and received royalties.


    @Michael Reid: With respect to Karl Denniger, my assessment is that he is speaking the truth and comments on how he has presented or communicated the truth are irrelevant as the truth is not changed by the way it was presented

    Sorry, Michel, but you’re missing it here. The problem with putting on a performance to attract a wider audience is that this locks him into the limitations of that chosen audience. Yes, he can show the inconsistencies and lies of the official sources but he can’t go any further than that. He can claim that Fauci should be hung from a lamp post and his audience will gobble that up but what he can’t do is point to the people who are actually running the show. Because the 99.98% of the audience he’s performing for is 100% under the spell of the programming that’s convinced them that our Elites™ are always benevolent and are working in our best interest.

    In other words Denninger can present the Truth but only a small part of it. He can show you the evidence of the crime but he can never point to the criminals!! Don’t know about you but that’s not good enough for me because the only serious problem we face today is that the sociopathic Globalists / Transhumanists are out of the closet and you & I are have just become an Endangered Species.


    A study from Argentina that finds ivermectin mostly useless. I haven’t read it, so dive in.

    Ivermectin to prevent hospitalizations in patients with COVID-19

    Ivermectin had no significant effect on preventing hospitalization of patients with COVID-19. Patients who received ivermectin required invasive MVS earlier in their treatment. No significant differences were observed in any of the other secondary outcomes.

    Polder Dweller


    I agree with all your points about Russia, Putin and not wanting to lose face, except I don’t think it can be quite the whole story. For the last eight or more months, Russia has been losing 500 to 1000 a day to Covid and the one big problem they have there is already a declining population, so why aren’t they doing all they can to stop the rot? What if – as most of us here suspect – the vaccines (even Sputnik V) reduce life expectancy considerably?



    When I next go for surgery or visit the dentist I will request they don’t wear a mask, pointless isn’t it, no science just chumps who want to look ‘good’.

    It important to not paint with too broad a stroke when we have data available.

    Masks “don’t work” for airborne/aerosolized viruses. Masks can be quite effective at catching drops of spittle for infections that only pass to others in bodily fluids. And by “masks” I’m referring to run of the mill surgical and cloth masks. N95 masks and others that are even more robust do offer a measure of protection against airborne viruses…but mask mandates do not require “effective” masks.

    As far as long term dangers of the virus…for those who are healthy the dangers are very low. Very few develop long Covid. (It’s important to look at the studies of long Covid — it is not uncommon after a cold or flu to have a lingering cough for a few weeks — in these studies the criteria for being counted as a “long Covid” case were so broad that they would catch lingering coughs or a random headache one day, and call it long Covid.). There is some indication that ivermectin helps with long Covid, although more studies need to be done to confirm this.


    Because I know that Dr D uses hyperbole and because I am unfamiliar with the particular stories of teens doing drive by shootings in NYC, I don’t know where the facts end and hyperbole begins. However, I see the problem as a sign of serious societal malaise. No, gun laws won’t help, and they do not even begin to address the problems that cause it. Throwing the perpetrators into an adult prison is not going to fix the issue either — the malaise is still there and will simply sweep more children into its grasp. I am not intimately familiar with NYC (visited for a day when I was 12), and my partner grew up there but hasn’t lived there for 25 years. I strongly suspect that the stressors on families of high rents and insufficient income despite both parents working in a city that houses huge temples erected to further and worship Big Finance probably has a lot to do with it. Extreme wealth inequality has nasty by-products. (And, no, I am not suggesting a big government redistribution scheme, nor that we have no wealth inequality at all, etc., this is a critique without suggestions for change.)

    @ Oroboros
    Your words on transhumanism remind me of the film Equilibrium

    @ John Day
    Enjoying Behavior Modification article
    “ We cannot be defeated if we don’t agree to it. We have love. I am convinced of that. Love melts their stupid electromagnetic beams.”
    I’m reminded of the Beatles song
    “All we need is love…”

    Perhaps we need more than love, but if we start with love, the rest becomes easier to obtain.

    Re: Denninger
    I find his rants entertaining. But he is speaking to those who already agree with him — it is ineffectual to share his rants with those who believe the propaganda. His data, however, is spot on and can be shared. His framing of the data…well, it too easily sparks cognitive dissonance in those who have differing views.

    Mr. House

    Since you guys are the older type you may have missed this. This is what your children and grandchildren are dealing with:

    Doc Robinson

    Raúl Ilargi: “A study from Argentina that finds ivermectin mostly useless. I haven’t read it, so dive in.”

    I commented here about that study on July 5. My comment is reposted below.


    The results of an ivermectin trial in Argentina were published on July 2. It seems like the trial was designed to show “Ivermectin had no significant effect.”


    Ivermectin had no significant effect on preventing hospitalization of patients with COVID-19. [The ivermectin group had 14 hospitalizations, compared to 21 hospitalizations in the placebo group.] Patients who received ivermectin required invasive MVS earlier in their treatment. No significant differences were observed in any of the other secondary outcomes.

    Ivermectin to prevent hospitalizations in patients with COVID-19 (IVERCOR-COVID19) a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
    BMC Infectious Diseases
    Published: 02 July 2021

    I’m neither a medical professional nor a paid researcher, but even I see some significant problems with this study.

    Despite it being a “a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,” with 250 patients receiving ivermectin, the authors admit that the trial was “underpowered because the hospitalization rate was lower than expected when performed in the sample size calculation.”

    The doses of ivermectin were insufficient, compared to the FLCCC’s I-MASK+ Early Patient Protocol which calls for 0.20-0.40 mg/kg given daily for 5 days or until recovered. This trial gave an average dose of 0.19 mg/kg, and only for two days! In the report, the authors admit that their dosage was “below the doses proposed as probably effective.

    The ivermectin was not given particularly early to many of the patients. About half of the ivermectin group didn’t get the first dose until at least 4 days after symptom onset. Breaking this down further, approximately 25% of the ivermectin group didn’t get the first dose until somewhere in the range of 4-6 days after symptoms started, and another 25% of the group didn’t get the first dose until at least 6 days after symptom onset.
    [“In the group of symptomatic patients, the median time from symptom onset to inclusion [and dose 1] in the study was 4 days (IQR 3–6).” 481 of the 501 participants were symptomatic. Presumably about half of the symptomatic (240) were in the ivermectin group. If the median was 4 days, then about half of the ivermectin group got the first dose 4 days or more after symptom onset. Interquartile Range (IQR) of 3-6 days means that a quarter of the patients were above the range, and a quarter were below.]

    Potential participants were excluded if they had taken any ivermectin in the past 7 days (before the trial). However, this would still allow participants who were taking ivermectin prophylactically at least 8 days prior, which means that a significant number of people in the placebo group could already have been getting benefits from ivermectin (invalidating the comparisons between the two groups).

    Incredibly it was extremely hard to find patients for the trial. Why? Too many Argentinians it seems were already taking ivermectin.

    Of 15 968 people who tested positive for Covid and were excluded from taking part in the trial, 12 356 could not participate because they were already taking ivermectin.

    The above quote is from a slanted news article about the study, with a misleading headline:
    Ivermectin: Balance of evidence shows no benefit against Covid-19

    Mr. House

    “Masks “don’t work” for airborne/aerosolized viruses. Masks can be quite effective at catching drops of spittle for infections that only pass to others in bodily fluids.”

    Again i will ask, if the “virus” is in your spit, why do they need to shove a swab up your nose almost to your brain to find samples of it?

    Mister Roboto

    @Mr. House:


    I’ve determined that although I must keep abreast of the current Microsoft and Apple operating systems in order to make a living, it is crucial that I learn to use Linux. For this reason my server is Ubuntu. (Nope, not ready to give up my GUI.)

    I get really stressed when it crashes because I have to learn more about Linux in order to fix it…but that is a good thing overall, because I need to learn Linux. (It just happens to be damned inconvenient. It crashes less than once per year.)

    I am very troubled with where tech is leading us. That is why my smarttv has the microphone turned off and I refuse to use it. I disable Windows’ Cortana, and refuse to talk to my Android phone or to Siri on my iPad. Instead of buying a Ring I put a peephole in my front door. No Alexa devices or Google home products. And my robot vacuum does not connect to my smartphone. My wireless “mesh network” is business class so that I retain inside control over it. (All of the “home” wireless mesh network products are externally controlled by the manufacturer.) And yet…I am still using these devices, so what does that say? Every couple of years I check to see if there is an open source smartphone operating system that actually works well…so far doesn’t exist. Meanwhile, I continue to set up all of these devices for my clients as they request them.


    @ Mr House
    The long swab is not necessary. I’ve had 4 PCR tests. First two used the long swab. Then I found a place that used a short swab that simply went round and round just up inside the nostril, no pain or discomfort involved. (Feels a little odd, but that is it.). I found that place because I was going to need to get my kids tested multiple times and knew they would never submit to the long swab more than once.

    I do not know why the painful long swab is used.
    However, if the intent of the long swab was to implant mind control nanochips…it didn’t work on me.

    Mr. House

    “However, if the intent of the long swab was to implant mind control nanochips…it didn’t work on me.”

    That wasn’t my point. The point was the mask only makes sense if the virus is in your mouth in large quantities. Which would imply they swab your throat, kinda like strep throat. But thank you for the update on the types of testing.


    @Doc Robinson – Also FLCCC recommends that along with Ivermectin patients get Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin and Melatonin. None of these are mentioned in the study.


    USA is having muscle spasms over Haiti and Cuba.


    @phoenix: Although Dr D uses hyperbole to make a point, shootings are not just taking place in NYC. In Syracuse, near where I live, there are regular shooting and stabbing incidents, many have teens involved as both victims and perps. This is a national problem in our cities and not just the largest ones. Syracuse’s population is around 140,000. *Most* parts of the city are very poor – at one point Syracuse had one of the highest concentrations of poor minorities in the US. Not sure whether that’s the case anymore. The Syracuse city school district is in shambles – no one with even a modest level of resources will send their children there. Sad state of affairs. I think Dr D’s point is that WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR DECADES DID NOT WORK. Time to try a little less “helping”. And I can’t say as I disagree.

    Dr. D

    Because I can’t keep track of the 20 layers of lies, yeah, if it’s so sure, why can’t I breathe in a tube for a test? Then in a practical sense there is no asymptomatic transmission, so what am I stopping? And THEN there is the issue — as our great expert Fauci wrote to his own friends in Jan 2020 — that masks don’t work for viruses. So clearly it’s not about spittle, because then it would work. But I only repeat the CDC head and spokesman in his own words, so will that get me deplatformed?

    Lies upon lies upon lies.

    For a pleasant change, I think the troubles for Mr. Cuomo were NOT NYC, but every other city in his sorry state. ’cause I was pretty slack, here’s one way back:

    Riot at NY Juvenile Facility Stemmed From Coronavirus-related Move, Sources Say

    And the new one I just heard about: Oh yeah, SECOND riot of children, because there are like SIX children being held for murder in this ONE location alone.

    14 year old girl carjacks and kills driver: Because NYC, that one gets coverage. No one cares it it’s not land-of-super-special-farts in Brooklyn or Midtown. However, Andy actually kicked this off upstate,
    “shooting-related injuries are up, year-to-date, in upstate cities – 66% in Buffalo, 130% in Syracuse and 54% in Rochester.”
    Apparently that was a round of gang-related drivebys of girls on girls, AFTER a long series of carjacking murders. Don’t have the link of the predicating stories on that, just read somewhere. Probably one of those three cities.

    Here’s the flavor tho, in the photo caption: “Four people were one shot, one fatally, early this morning on Hudson Avenue in Rochester on June 28, 2021. Rochester police said several hundred people were gathered in a parking lot at 1490 Hudson Avenue around 12:50 a.m. when a fight broke. At some point during the fight over 20 gunshots were fired from several weapons.” Into the crowd.

    Apparently, this is now a weekly occurrence, shutting down whole blocks for days at other times for “Neighborhood parties” that involve drag racing, shootings, drive-bys, and other harmless hijinks of large crowds and open gunfire that would make the George Floyd autonomous zone blush. Cue searches for the mare dangerous towns of “Syracuse”.

    If it’s now outside of NYC/SF does that make it essentially “everywhere”? Nationwide? Sad commentary. And solutions? No. That takes a full societal/family change: a rejection of everything we’re doing wrong and agaisnt logic, reason, and humanity, which is “everything”. The self-defense is just so you can live long enough to accomplish part 1. If you resort to guns, it’s a sure sign you’ve failed. But IF you’ve failed, admit quick and live long enough to fix it. Not just Cuomo: us. People of NY, NJ, Louisiana, Indiana, and everywhere else that’s collapsing into tribal gun violence. Stop and reverse course to what worked.

    Dr. D


    Polder Dweller

    @phoenixvoice: “ However, if the intent of the long swab was to implant mind control nanochips…it didn’t work on me.

    Ha! That’s what you’ve been programmed to say.

    Doc Robinson

    This article from Swiss Policy Research says “So far, no variant has achieved escape from all three major antibody classes.” If/ when that happens, look out for more breakthrough cases and ADE.


    Some of the existing variants – notably the South African, Brazilian (P1), Nepalese and Peruvian variants – have managed to escape two out of three major antibody classes, reducing vaccine effectiveness; but so far, no variant has managed to escape all three antibody classes (see above).

    Such a triple-escape variant may arrive next autumn or winter and could potentially lead to increased rates of vaccine breakthroughs and re-infections, especially in regions that have not yet faced the Brazilian or South African ‘class 2’ escape variants. The actual impact will also depend on the effectiveness of cellular immunity (T cells), which may be somewhat broader.

    Furthermore, a triple-escape variant will, for the first time, raise the question of a potential antibody-dependent disease enhancement (ADE), as vaccinated people, in particular, will have very high levels of non-neutralizing antibodies, whose behavior remains somewhat uncertain. ADE has been observed with SARS-1 vaccine candidates, but not yet with SARS-2 vaccines.

    In terms of escape mutations, the coronavirus has already played many of its best ‘cards’, including the powerful 484 escape mutation found in the South African, Brazilian and New York variants and the 490 mutation in the Peruvian variant. In terms of receptor binding affinity – which may or may not increase infectiousness and virulence – there are a few more options left (see charts below).

    Existing and future coronavirus variants once again highlight the importance of effective and affordable early treatment options for high-risk people and low-income nations, as monoclonal antibody therapies are losing effectiveness and vaccines will require updated boosters.

    Coronavirus Variants: What’s Next?

    absolute galore

    Holy cow. This might not be an echo chamber but it sure is set on repeat a lot. We are going over the same exact stuff we discussed weeks and months ago. We are parsing delivery styles. We are dissecting nuances and rehashing old studies. As Charlie Brown would say, ‘Aaaarrrghhh!’ (I paraphrase.)

    Meanwhile, back at the shale play, our energy situation would seem to be poised to create some havoc. This whole push to de-invest in fossil fuels, the idea that we will soon all be driving electric cars (even thinks this!), etc., etc. complete fantasyland etc.

    One thing that struck me as odd is the report of several “activists” getting on the board of ExxonMobile IIRC. Seriously? They just slipped in? And what will they be doing, voting for the company to screw shareholders? On the other hand, when the tar sands hit the fan, they sure would be handy scapegoats.

    But this idea that Big Oil is shrugging its shoulders, along with car makers, and saying whelp, I guess the jig is up,boys. We’d better start importing Chinese solar panels, I’m not sold on that one.

    I subscribe to to Tom Whipple’s Energy Bulletin Daily and it is chaotic right now from what I can tell. It seems like half the articles he links to directly contradict the other half. This tells me something might be happening soon. But who knows anything any more.

    I’ve been exploring this website: I discovered it by way of JK’s Kunstlercast podcast, when he chatted with Dr. Tim Morgan. It’s not necessarily earth-shattering news to most TAE denizens, but the way he combines things and the new metrics he comes up with I find useful in further understanding some of the underlying mechanisms of the energy economy.

    It’s another way of looking under the hood, similar to Gail Tverberg at Ourfiniteworld, but with more emphasis on the way the energy system (ie, the real economy) interacts specifically with the financial system, using the aforementioned novel formulas to try to parse out the wheat from the chaff in that complex overloaded basket of information, much of it misleading or useless.

    Re: The elites or the ruling class,TPTB, or, my least favorite, our overlords. I am not a believer in a fully functioning cabal of global elites, complete with secret handshakes. Also, using any kind of title like that does not sit well with me. The guy I work for is not my boss, he’s the son of the guy who started the company. Call them what you will, but personally I avoid any suggestion that they are somehow superior. It’s really just dumb luck, fate, and/or an unfortunate abundance of psychopath genes.

    a kullervo

    <b>The human paradox</b>: fighting upstream’s planned obsolescence<b>*</b> while promoting it downstream<b>**</b>.

    <b>Progress = Intolerance to discomfort/pain</b> (the question is: by default or by design?)

    <b>*</b> death
    <b>**</b> senseless consumerism of ever increasingly disposable goods/services; disregard for others’ life

    Mr. House

    Off topic but not:

    a kullervo

    The human paradox: fighting upstream’s planned obsolescence* while promoting it downstream**.

    Progress = Intolerance to discomfort (the question is: by default or by design?)

    * death
    ** senseless consumerism of ever increasingly disposable goods/services; disregard for others’ life


    Well done, kullervo

    a kullervo

    @absolute galore

    Nice and timely comment.

    Whatever folklore one can peg on TPTB, there seems to be some (a lot of?) signals that some sort of plan is going through the motions; as usual, one can look at it from very different POVs:
    – Are they ripping off mankind? (Or,)
    – Are they trying to extend homo sapiens sapiens shelf life by trying to decrease its numbers? (Thus assuring that some humans can more or less preserve the current standards of living with the remaining fossil fuels that can be extracted above the EROEI threshold required to sustain said standards.)

    Mr. House

    “– Are they ripping off mankind? (Or,)
    – Are they trying to extend homo sapiens sapiens shelf life by trying to decrease its numbers? (Thus assuring that some humans can more or less preserve the current standards of living with the remaining fossil fuels that can be extracted above the EROEI threshold required to sustain said standards.)”

    That depends, are they being honest with mankind? If yes then second option seems true, if not then first option.


    Option #2 is based on a hope and a prayer that we (the enablers) will be included as working passengers.


    Mr. House- KD is points out that we have been owning nothing and “liking” it for quite a while now. Klaus forgot to mention that even though we don’t own it, we sure as hell will pay a bundle for it up front.
    As I’ve said before, I find KD’s fury comforting.
    Aluminum spraying and injecting; 5G; HAARP….Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven….
    Off to check out spike proteins and iron. Covfefe!


    @ upstaterNY

    “ Time to try a little less “helping”. And I can’t say as I disagree.”

    If by “help” you are referring to the US’s full-of-holes “safety net” — as a recipient of said “safety net” for a 9 years, and on occasion before that…our safety net is like giving someone on the Titanic a bucket to bail water — and then declaring that your “help” was useless because they were not successful in preventing the Titanic from sinking.


    I agree that what we have done for decades has not worked to end poverty…but of course it didn’t. The programs were not designed in such a way to “end poverty” they were designed to
    (1) Shame those on poverty’s edges from slipping into full-fledged poverty
    (2) Cause the middle class to blame the poor for their poverty (those lazy parasites) and to resent the poor for being given services with the taxes paid by the middle class.
    (3) Provide lucrative contracts to various businesses who would be providing services to the poor. (It’s been interesting over the last decade watching the changes that have taken place in children’s behavioral health in AZ among Medicaid providers.)
    (4) Ensure that the poor are fed enough that they don’t revolt — thus SNAP, WIC, food box program, school lunch and breakfast programs, etc.

    Lightning strikes In India kill 38 people in 24 hours, including 11 selfie-seekers
    The Associated Press

    Published Monday, July 12, 2021

    More than 2,900 people were killed by lightning in India in 2019, according to the the most recent official figures available.
    Florida suspect in Haiti president killing deepens mystery
    Cuba blames unrest on U.S. ‘asphyxiation’ as Biden backs protests
    Coronavirus infects vaccinated leader at Florida condo site
    The news release late Sunday from Miami-Dade County Commission Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz said he and his chief of staff Isidoro Lopez, who also received a vaccine against COVID-19, came down with flu-like symptoms earlier in the day and later tested positive for the virus.

    “Breakthrough” infections – fully vaccinated individuals who contract the coronavirus – do happen, although they are very rare. An Associated Press analysis of government data in May showed only about 1% of such cases resulted in hospitalization or death.

    Doc Robinson

    Some recent peer-reviewed research about the Sputnik V vaccine shows that “there is no evident benefit of using a second dose in previously infected individuals.”


    First dose of Sputnik V results in 94% seroconversion rate in naïve individuals

    A second dose greatly increases antibody titers and neutralizing capacity

    One dose in seropositive individuals elicits higher titers than two doses in naïve

    There is no evident benefit of using a second dose in previously infected individuals

    Sputnik V Vaccine Elicits Seroconversion and Neutralizing Capacity to SARS CoV-2 after a Single Dose

    madamski cafone

    “Again, they’re using other antivirals and with very good results. Ivermectin isn’t a singular wonder drug. ”

    This refers to Russia. Is there an emoji for brain fart?

    madamski cafone

    “Holy cow. This might not be an echo chamber but it sure is set on repeat a lot. We are going over the same exact stuff we discussed weeks and months ago. We are parsing delivery styles. We are dissecting nuances and rehashing old studies. As Charlie Brown would say, ‘Aaaarrrghhh!’ (I paraphrase.)”

    Aye, and much of it cr4iticizing the likes of Denninger for doing the same thing.

    This is, I believe, an inescapable effect of open online fraternizing for a sane definable purpose. Don’t know why, just observe the pattern.

    Covid is over for now, I say. Just inertia. But if Bossche is halfway right, we’ll hsave plenty to say about it come winter… if we still have an internet, that is.


    “The human paradox: fighting upstream’s planned obsolescence* while promoting it downstream**.

    Progress = Intolerance to discomfort (the question is: by default or by design?)

    * death
    ** senseless consumerism of ever increasingly disposable goods/services; disregard for others’ life”

    Wow. When you’re good, kullervo, you’re absolutely magnificient. If there were a basic schemat5ic for what the mythical Apple did to Adam and Eve by way of giving them a brainlift, this describes it in raw basic function: we live longer, kill more, destroy more, enjoy life way less while distracting ourselves from this anguishing emotional poverty by watching TV and engaging other robotic abstract media.

    As for the discomfort factor: except for a very few people, I don’t know anyone who’s missed a day without food anytime in their life except maybe some whacko military survival training. It’s all dark dark dangerous woods to us anymore, to be enjoyed within a metal mobile fortress called a recreational vehicle.

    madamski cafone

    “Are they ripping off mankind? (Or,) – Are they trying to extend homo s”

    Who is this “they” beside a convenient verbal holder for people we’ve never met and couldn’t identify even by name, most of them?

    We think in words for the most part. Saying “they” tells ourselves that there is a coherent concrete “they” just because we believe so. I can’t distinguish this from unrestrained magical thinking.

    It gets old. Oh, it’s convenient and valid for certain conjectural purposes… if only we’d keep it conjectural. If we worked more with “this” and “that ” rather than “they” and “them”, we’d be less confused and more reliably informed of what we’re dealing with.

    But then, we’ve been raised in Personnality Cult culture since infancy. We know who rock star x is but not who our neighbor is. We feel more accurateoly informed about what TPTP are doing, what their aiams are, then what our neighbor, who is highly accessible and available for questioning, is about.

    Interesting, she said, feeding a tv piece by piece to a hungry trash compactor.

    Happy hammering, y’all!

    madamski cafone


    I suppose the EMP killed the pics but CBS knows better than to waste a sensational headline.

    The concepts of ‘trusted news’ was bankrupt from the moment it expanded beyond tribal info-sharing, and even that had to be carefully filtered for devious falsehood. But not nearly as mucyh, cuz liars get caught, and when it’s in person, get their ass pounded hard.

    madamski cafone

    “Nearly 2,900 people were killed by lightning in India in 2019, according to the National Crime Records Bureau — the most recent figures available.”

    Whaat Stalin said about death and statistics.

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