Debt Rattle May 27 2016


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    Jack Delano Near Shawboro, North Carolina, Florida migrants on way to Cranberry, NJ 1940 • Bill Gross Trying to Short Credit to Reverse Four Decades o
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 27 2016]

    Ken Barrows

    Bill Gross “believes a day of reckoning will come when central banks will no longer be able to prop up asset prices and investors will withdraw from markets.”

    What, pray tell, will be the catalyst for that day of reckoning? If the price of a tulip bulb skyrocketed in the 17th century, who’s to say the central banks cannot keep the game going for years? And where would “investors” go?

    Dr. Diablo

    It’s based on confidence, which is ephemeral and psychological. It can change in an instant. And it would go to real, useful things. Why? Because the only other asset class requires trust, which without confidence is broken by definition.

    But all that “wealth” was illusion anyway: more calls on wealth than actually exist.

    But without trust we have no division of labor and no exchange of goods, which would be very, very bad. I sympathize with your question of when.


    Oh, and BTW, I couldn’t log in to the Facebook account for TAE because, as it said:

    “It looks like you’re using your personal Facebook profile to represent an organization, business, brand or public figure It’s against the Facebook Terms to use your personal account to represent something other than yourself. In order to follow the Facebook Terms, you should create a Page based on your profile.”

    Now that is partly true, but only partly. I am TAE these days. I may not share pics of my pets or kids or body parts in the shower, but it is very much me. I’m not representing anything that is not me.

    So now apparently I need to create ”A Page” . And I don’t know what that will mean. FB doesn’t give me an option to react to their claims that I am ”representing something other than myself”, which therefore looks to be accepted as a given even if it’s not.

    I think what might happen is I lose all history, and hopefully keep the 2000+ friends I have there. But I don’t know. Is this gonna take hours of reading through shit to get it right? Should I leave FB like so many young people do and go for Snapchat or Instagram?

    The FB account for TAE was set up years ago by a friend, and I think Nicole had a say in the naming, but it ran well for all that time, without doing any harm. Someone ratted on the account? That would be just in style. We’ve had that shit to an extent you would not believe since we started.


    “Someone ratted on the account? That would be just in style. We’ve had that shit to an extent you would not believe since we started”

    On the contrary, Ilargi- as you know I have long contended that TAE has been especially targeted by high level professional “disruptors”. I haven’t always been right about individuals (perversity abounds) – but over all I hold to my interpretation of the evidence.

    And- you must take this as a compliment. Truly. It means some upper level vermin thinks you are EFFECTIVE – and a real threat. Who could ask for anything more?


    I agree with Greenpa. There is a concerted effort to prevent the truth from getting out. banned me for around 3 months and I could not post any comments. My repeated complaints led to them reinstating me. The claimed I put up too many messages and was “aggressive”. They could not claim that I was rude or that I was doing ad hominems.

    Last week, I put a comment in this article and all the comments disappeared including the ones before mine.

    “Russia releases Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko”

    Here was my comment:

    It may interest readers to know that Malaysia wants Russia to be part of the investigation of the MH-17 disaster. Until now, Malaysia has been successfully sidelined although it was a Malaysian aircraft.

    “Malaysia Begins Their Own Investigation Into the “Boeing” Tragedy”

    Better late than never.

    Perhaps now the FT will report what the Australian Federal Police wanted to tell the Victoria coroner – which he refused to hear.


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