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ParticipantYou are definitely on a roll … showing stylish burkinies from history.
ParticipantEdit function not doing its job
ParticipantHi wholy1
I don’t remember seeing any previous post by you.
Welcome!Comment. On what you said, only those with money could downtime you said.
Therefore, it will be a fight by the rich.
Stay out of the way. Collect what you can from the battle field so that you can survive another day.jal
Participant“A very limited number of people, with all of their minions, control the entire now unstable edifice, and they’ll fight tooth and nail to keep their power.”
That sucking sound that you hear is from your savings/income to the accounts of the 10% (minions) trying to save their lifestyle.
The rich taking from the poor.
The cat get kicked by all the others that are higher on the …..
The more you have the more you could lose.
Wake up! Its not a dream. Yesterday is gone.
ParticipantCanadians get helicopter money!!!
The new Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is expected to push tens of thousands of Canadian children above the poverty line, and could help stimulate an economy that could use a jolt in the arm.
ParticipantIf we did not use the carbonates that we use, what would Mother Earth do with it?
It’s a hot and slippery question.
ParticipantWho is the best lier? The USA needs the best lier to be their president.
ParticipantThis time there are many people crying, “The sky is falling”
ParticipantThanks for unlocking me so that I can post my two cents
ParticipantWho cares about or are worried about the high price of housing in Vancouver and Toronto?
The high rollers and flippers are playing by themselves and making the bubble go higher.
A working man cannot afford to play in that kind of high stake game.If you are not in the game you are not losing or gaining.
The only sure gainers are the tax collectors, fee collectors and real estate salesmen.
The fools and the rich are playing a zero sum game among themselves.
Participant” What matters is that the human vultures we consistently pretend don’t exist – will immediately find ways to steal the stipend money; exactly as they do now. Guaranteed. No question. ”
Yes. I’ve seen it ,time and times again. (Natives, welfare, unemployment payments, immigrants, disaster relief, etc.)
Did you hear about the fellow who claimed to be an evacuee from Fort Mac and was claiming assistance? He was lying. I guess they will throw the book at him.
it would make sense to look at the formation of entirely new parties.
Regardless of how Trump and Sanders fare in their respective conventions, they could still operate a serious race for the White House.
Get used to Sanders, Clinton, Trump & Cruz. You may see all 4 of them, come November…My suggested names for the TWO new parties …
ParticipantRaleigh, let me add …
If the electricity has been destroyed,
If the water distribution system has been destroyed,
If the sewage system has been destroyed,
If the garbage is everywhere,
If there is no more employment,
If my car/truck/transport has been destroyed,
If there is no more health care,
If there is no food,
If the roads and building have been bombed,
If nobody is collecting the cadavers,I would find another place for me and my family to live.
Participant“In the late 1990s, China drastically restructured its state-owned enterprises, privatizing some and shutting down others. The result: from 1995 to 2002, over 40 million jobs in the state sector were cut, along with nearly 30 million jobs lost in the manufacturing, mining, and utilities sectors. 70 million – unproductive- jobs cut in 7 years. An average 10 million per year. A problem the country ‘solved’ by throwing tens of trillions (in US dollars) into over leveraged overproduction at exports-driven manufacturing enterprises. And by moving hundreds of millions of people into the cities that housed the enterprises.”
What will China do?
Start the largest mass migration in human history. There will be 100s of millions of people moving to Greece.
ParticipantI would like to second the motion to read the following …
(There were other social/economic system that used to operate before our CAPITALIST systems.
Hints are to be found in …)How land barons, industrialists and bankers corrupted economics
Progress and Poverty
The wealthy and influential just couldn’t let the dangerous ideas spread.
… a system that funnels power and wealth to a parasitic minority.
– Henry George, “Progress and Poverty”Whatever happens, no future economy should have the flaws we have now.
As you stated, Our social economic system can only operate on lies.jal
You must be the one wearing the lime green jacket or the one wearing the white jacket at the bottom left hand.
ParticipantI forgot the reasons for building walls.
China ….
Rome …
USA …jal
ParticipantI forgot the reasons for building walls.
China ….
Rome …
USA …jal
ParticipantGitmo final solution:
ps. housing for Trump, Sanders and their revolutionaries
ParticipantGitmo final solution:
Release, track, executeFebruary 22, 2016 at 3:57 am in reply to: Are Asian Central Bankers Even Crazier Than Our Own? #26989jal
ParticipantIt’s too late for the bankers to save the economy.
ParticipantHi TheTrivium4TW.
Its good of you to identify the poopers in our society. 😉https://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150513-these-animals-use-public-toilets
Many animals use shared latrines, purposely weeing and pooing in the same place. The strange thing is, it’s not just to keep their homes clean.
ParticipantIf all of the mfg that was transfered to China had happened in my back yard, I would have died (with everything else), from the pollution.
Long live capitalism.
ParticipantToday, 1 us$ buy $1.41 canadian.
It used to be on par.
To a Canadian, that is deflation. The $canadian cannot circulate like before.Then again, could it mean that the us has printed too many dollars and that the us buyers can pay more and more every day for the Canadian dollar?
Does that mean that the us $ has inflated?
Or, does it mean that the Canadian $ has deflated?
Is one mans inflation another mans deflation?
Is it inflation if I must pay more for my us imported veggies?jal
Participant205 LITRE/45 GALLON STEEL DRUM/BARREL/CONTAINER FOR … Price: £ 30.99 FREE UK delivery. ( about $44.00. US )
Drum roll …….
A barrel of oii. …. Cost less than $30.00
Duh … This does not computejal
ParticipantStay legal …. Bend the rules … Change the rules
Survival of the ? the richest
Participant… oil is sitting in a tanker ready to burn,…
… trying to skim some profit off of the transaction. …
… there will be no profits to “trickle up” …
When can the oil that is in storage be sold at a profit?jal
ParticipantIs this a threat?
Is this blackmail?
Is this terrorism?
Is this the new way of overthrowing a democratic gov.?Where is the swat team?
Where is the lawyer willing to sue the remaining raggedy shirt off Kevin’s back?“I mean no disrespect when I say this, but here’s my offer: I’ll invest $1 million in Canadian energy companies if, out of grace and for the absolute good of Canada, the premier of Alberta resigns,” O’Leary told Newstalk 1010’s Live Drive radio program.”
1580 + Comments
ParticipantI don’t, personally, know anyone that has been hurt by what is happening. Therefore, all must be okay.
Hearsay stories. /sac
I met the Al-Maari family, who are making the journey as the snow falls thick and fast. They fled Syria three weeks ago, and have been on the road ever since. They are travelling with four children, the youngest is just two years old. His brother Mohammad, seven, is suffering with fever and a chest infection. “We are on a journey of death,” said Mohammad’s uncle, Iyad Al-Maari. “We can endure. But I am worried about the children – the cold, disease and hunger.” Mohammad is not thought to be seriously ill. Iyad said the family are determined to continue to Germany, where the children’s father is waiting for them.
Malak, said: “We didn’t want any of this… we just want the war to end in Syria.” The stress and anxiety can be seen clearly on Malak’s face. She is traumatised and desperate.
The $1.4 trillion lost in global mining stocks since 2011 exceeds the total market value of Apple, Exxon Mobil and Google’s parent Alphabet.
In all, U.S. stocks lost $1.36 trillion in value this past week.
The Death Of The Canadian Oil Dream, A Firsthand AccountLate last year, Brandon MacKay listed his Kawasaki dirt bike for sale on Kijiji, the online classifieds site. It was the only treat the 25-year-old had given himself in three years living in Fort McMurray. The rest he’d spent on supporting and visiting his wife and kids in Pictou County, N.S. But in crafting the ad for the bike—$4,400 or best offer—MacKay did what any sales agent would advise against: he revealed his desperation to sell. “I lost my job and am in need of money for my wife and kids for Christmas.”
Fort McMurray is like a wounded beast these days. MacKay’s neighbour got laid off this fall. “I watched the bank come and take his truck,” he recalls—it was that or not feed the kids. Home prices in November were 20 per cent below last year’s average, with even townhouses and duplexes losing $100,000 in value. According to reports, a number of people who used to regularly donate to the city’s food bank have become clients.
ParticipantDear Dr. Diablo:
“… No one walks away …”
I expect that one day the soup line will not have enough to give even the riches person a bowl of soup.jal
Participant“China is going to have to dramatically devalue its currency.”
Will it be after Japan … After the USA … When it doesn’t mean anything
Participant“…deleverage its enormous debt burden …”
“The people on the streets, as always, will bear the brunt of the downfall. We only need to look at Greece today to get a pretty good idea of how these things play out.”
I would add,:
It also means that those that have the most will lose the most.jal
ParticipantThe shame deepens still.
• Refugees Hold Terrified, Frozen Children Above The Waves Off Lesbos (DM)
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3383031/Fighting-elements-Refugee-parents-hold-terrified-frozen-children-waves-struggle-reach-Lesbos.htmlThis is the social/economic society that we have created.
Ignorance is bliss.
ParticipantHas anyone figured the impact that will be caused by the millions of the baby boomers that must take minimum withdrawals from their pension funds?
You cannot keep retirement funds in your account indefinitely. You generally have to start taking withdrawals from your IRA, SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA, or retirement plan account, (401k), when you reach age 70½. (aprox. $5,800/$100,000/yr)
Your required minimum distribution is the minimum amount you must withdraw from your account each year.Annual Minimum Payment Schedule
The federal government requires that holders of retirement income funds withdraw a minimum amount of retirement income from their RIFs each year, according to the following schedule:
Age 72 – 5.4% of the RIF BALANCE (aprox. $5,400/$100,000/yr)
Canada Demographics Profile 2014
65 years and over: 17.3% (male 2,670,482/female 3,348,434) (2014 est.)https://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/eng/oca-bac/ar-ra/oas-psv/pages/oas12.aspx#toc-ivb
Actuarial Report prepared as at 31 December 2012, on the pension plan established under the Old Age Security Act.https://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/Eng/oca-bac/ipr-rip/Pages/ar26.aspx
review of the 26th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension PlanThe CPP assets totaled $175 billion at the end of 2012 and are projected to grow over the coming decades. The best-estimate real rate of return assumption in AR26, net of investment expenses, is 2.7% in 2013, rising slowly to an ultimate assumption of 4.0% in 2019 and later.
Merry Xmas
ParticipantThink before you post your opinions.
Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code
“Domestic terrorism” means activities with the following three characteristics:Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.jal
ParticipantCall it what you want. Deflation, or inflation.
Things are getting worst.
Interest on savings are near zero.
Cost of everything is going up faster than the interest on savings.
Canada’s central banker is talking about doing negative interest rates.
The very rich can borrow money at near zero interest but the ordinary people have got to pay interest at more than the rate of inflation.Ordinary people have got to grin, bear it and suck it up.
However, those in N. America are lucky that they are not in Greece.
ParticipantInterest rates are being kept at zero which makes it possible to service the debt even though it’s impossible to repay it.
Definition of debt service: Payment of principal and interest due on an existing debt.
At the end of the interest-only loan, the borrower has a couple of options.
1. You can renew the interest-only loan. In other words, the lender does not want/expect you to repay the principal.
2. You can sell/trade an asset to the lender or someone else, so that you do not have to repay the principal to the lender.
3. You can become an employee of the lender.At the end of the interest-only loan term, the lender has a couple of options.
1. Renew the interest-only loan
2. Seize an asset from the borrower
3. Take the loss and suck it up
4. Make the borrower work for you until you are satisfied that you have received what you believe to be fair value from the borrower in compensation for non payment of the principal.I don’t know what the future will bring but conditions will be worst than the present.
Participant“Saudi Arabia has executed at least 151 people so far this year…”
and done its part in reducing CO2 emission. /scjal
ParticipantWorld War II (1939–1945)
Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) versus Allies (U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia).NEW NAME – COALITION OF 60
62 nations (including the European Union and the Arab League) are listed as providing support to the U.S.-led coalition.
Allies providing air support, and military equipment as part of the coalition.(see the list in the article)
I think we are already in WWIII