Jul 052023

René Magritte Architecture au clair de lune 1956


Russian Nuclear Giant Claims Ukrainian Attack On Power Plant Imminent (RT)
Support For Ukrainian Nazis Leaves Indelible Mark In US History – Envoy (TASS)
Ukraine Accuses Western Backers Of Failing To Uphold F-16 Pledge (RT)
Ukraine Wants More Western Jets, Not Just F-16s – Kiev (RT)
US War Industry Pulls Mainstream Media Strings on Ukraine (Sp.)
Hungary Threatens To Block All EU Military Aid To Ukraine (RT)
Biden Pushes For Von Der Leyen To Be NATO Chief (Az.)
Macron Says May Shut Down Social Media in France If Riots Worsen (Sp.)
What Caused Wagner Mutiny And What Now For Russia And Its Opponents? (Ugolny)
China Cancels Visit By EU’s Top Diplomat (RT)
SCO Emerging as Cornerstone of New Multipolar World (Sp.)
The Dystopian European Media Freedom Act is a Trojan horse (Marsden)
Blobocracy (Jim Kunstler)



One theme only today, really. The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. Will Ukraine/US/NATO bomb it? If so, hold your loves ones near and dear.





Free speech





Trump 4th of July NOTE: No Notes. None










US Pacific Fleet puts out an Independence Day tweet (since deleted), with Russian aircraft, a Russian ship, and a soldier saluting with his left hand.








JFK Election financing



Unseen Crisis






Russian Nuclear Giant Claims Ukrainian Attack On Power Plant Imminent (RT)

Ukraine is expected to launch a large-scale attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) overnight, a senior Russian atomic energy industry official warned late on Tuesday. Kiev may also strike the plant with a missile stuffed with radioactive waste, he added. The warning was voiced by Renat Karchaa, a senior aide to the head of Rosenergoatom, a subsidiary to Russia’s state-owned atomic energy giant Rosatom. The official cited intelligence data received by the industry. “On July 5, literally overnight, while it’s still dark, Ukrainian forces will attempt an attack on the Zaporozhye plant with long-range high-precision munitions, as well as suicide drones,” he told Rossiya 24 TV channel. Kiev is also expected to attempt a strike on the plant with a heavy, Soviet-made Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile, Karchaa went on.

The munition has been filled with radioactive waste collected from the South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant, the official claimed. While Karchaa did not elaborate, the apparent goal of the secondary attack is to cause an uptick in radioactivity readings in the region should the main launch fail to damage the facility enough to cause the release of hazardous materials into the air. The ZNPP was seized by Moscow from Ukraine early into the ongoing conflict, getting formally transferred under Rosatom management as the Zaporozhye region became incorporated into Russia after a referendum. Both Moscow and Kiev have repeatedly accused each other of subjecting the Russian-controlled facility to artillery fire and drone strikes. The rhetoric around the plant escalated in recent weeks, with the top Ukrainian official repeatedly claiming Moscow had been preparing a nuclear incident at the ZNPP.

President Vladimir Zelensky, for instance, said Moscow wanted to cause a “radiation leakage” at the plant, while his aide Mikhail Podoliak accused Russia of placing mines in the plant’s cooling pond. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has called the claims by Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials “yet another lie” coming from Kiev, stressing that Moscow remains in close cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The UN watchdog’s boss, Rafael Mariano Grossi, visited the facility recently and disputed Ukraine’s allegations, stating in his report that “no mines were observed at the site during the director general’s visit, including the cooling pond.” The danger to the ZNPP has also been questioned by the White House, with National Security Council spokesman John Kirby saying last week that Washington has not “seen any indication that that threat is imminent.”

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July 4th message: “The US is smirched with dishonor..”

Support For Ukrainian Nazis Leaves Indelible Mark In US History – Envoy (TASS)

The US is smirched with dishonour as it blatantly supports the Ukrainian Nazis, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said on Tuesday when commenting on the visit to the United States of representatives of the Azov nationalist battalion (terrorist organization outlawed in Russia) and their meetings at the Capitol. “One cannot look indifferently at how the heirs of Hitler and Bandera are honored in the country that contributed to the defeat of the fascist Germany. This is a betrayal of the memory of the Americans who gave their lives during World War II. The blatant support for the Ukrainian Nazis will leave an indelible mark in the American history,” he said.

The Ukrainian terrorists that have committed countless atrocities against the Russian population in Donbas, “make speeches within the walls of the once trustworthy Stanford University” now, the diplomat noted. “The question arises: what vision of the world do they want to instill into young Americans and foreign students, studying here? The duty of humanity is to oppose the glorification of Nazism with all its might. We tirelessly urge Washington to solve this problem. However, in response, we encounter absurd prohibitions even in the run-up to memorable events, such as laying wreaths at the Spirit of the Elbe memorial,” Antonov emphasized.


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Spring 2024 at the earliest. There’ll be no young Ukrainians left by then.

Ukraine Accuses Western Backers Of Failing To Uphold F-16 Pledge (RT)

Ukraine was told that its pilots would start training in F-16 fighter jets in June, but the program has not yet been launched, the Ukrainian foreign minister has claimed. “One of the countries,” which is part of the so-called “fighter jet coalition,” promised that the scheme would start last month, Dmitry Kuleba said during a TV appearance on Monday. “The training did not start in June. This means that the schedule is starting to shift… We’re now working with all the parties involved… to speed this process up as much as possible,” he said. According to the minister, the unnamed country “miscalculated” when it made its pledge to Kiev, but is continuing to make preparations for Ukrainian airmen to be trained with the American aircraft.

Kuleba said he was previously expecting to get the F-16s in the first few months of 2024, but the delay in training now means the wait will be longer. Last month, Igor Zhovkva, an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, said nine countries – the US, UK, the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Portugal and France – had formed a coalition to help Ukraine obtain the warplanes. The chairman of NATO’s military committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, told the British radio station LBC on Monday that the issue of providing F-16s to Ukraine “will not be solved in the short term for this counteroffensive.”

Kiev has intensified its attacks along the frontline with the use Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles since early June, but according to Moscow, the much-hyped counteroffensive has failed to achieve significant gains so far. Zelensky has been pressing his Western backers for fourth-generation F-16 warplanes for months, arguing that they are crucial in providing air cover for Ukraine’s troops and defending its airspace, amid a massive Russian missile campaign targeting military facilities and energy infrastructure. In late May, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley warned that “the F-16 will not act as a magic weapon” in Ukraine, but will “cost a dollar” to Kiev’s backers.

The history of ukraine, from the Big Bang to modern times.
I said yesterday: “Why try to rewrite history? It was the Vikings. No, the Romans…”
This hilarious video takes it a step or two further.

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“..F-16s would not be a game changer since they have inferior capabilities compared to many of Russia’s modern military aircraft..”

Ukraine Wants More Western Jets, Not Just F-16s – Kiev (RT)

F-16 fighter jets promised to Ukraine by its Western backers are not the only military aircraft that Kiev wants, Ukrainian Air Force Command spokesman Yury Ignat said on Tuesday. “Ukraine considers and will consider other aircraft types that could enhance combat capabilities,” Ignat told national broadcasters when asked about Kiev potentially acquiring American-made F/A-18 Hornets from Australia. However, Ukraine cannot exert too much pressure on the US and its allies as it depends on Western aid, he admitted. Ignat said the US-made F/A-18 and F-15, as well as the Eurofighter Typhoon, have a greater range and can carry more weapons. Nonetheless, he stated that Kiev would still focus on acquiring F-16s first, adding that Ukrainian pilots could learn to fly them sooner.

Ukrainian pilots have still not started their F-16 training, the spokesman said, adding that officials in Kiev are “working on the issue every day” by examining bases that are due to serve as training hubs. “The process has been launched,” he told broadcasters, but noted that it has thus far only amounted to “planning.” Kiev will not receive F-16s until the training of pilots and maintenance crews is completed and the relevant infrastructure is prepared, Ignat said, adding that “handing over [the jets] is impossible for now, it will require time.” “We cannot put pressure on our partners, because we depend on their aid,” Ignat stated. None of Ukraine’s foreign backers have spoken about supplying Kiev with Western-made fighter jets other than the F-16 so far.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has criticized Kiev’s backers for what he described as a failure to launch the F-16 training program in time. He did not name the specific nations that had promised to start the training in June, but argued that the pledge itself had been “miscalculated.” “We’re now working with all the parties involved… to speed this process up as much as possible,” Kuleba said. Russia has repeatedly warned that deliveries of increasingly more sophisticated weapons to Ukraine by the US and its allies only prolongs the conflict and could lead to a major escalation. In late May, Bloomberg reported that F-16s would not be a game changer since they have inferior capabilities compared to many of Russia’s modern military aircraft.

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“..it boosts the point of view that the US are the good guys who can end this war, who can bring peace if they only just pour enough weapons in..”

US War Industry Pulls Mainstream Media Strings on Ukraine (Sp.)

It’s no coincidence that American media is unanimously calling to send more military supplies to Kiev and fight to the last Ukrainian, since the debate has been artificially narrowed by the US defense contractors, as per the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft’s recent study. The DC-based think tank has found that of the 15 think tanks most often mentioned by the mainstream press, just one – Human Rights Watch – does not receive funding from the US war industry. Quincy’s analysis particularly demonstrated that the US media were seven times more likely to cite think tanks with ties to defense contractors than those without such affiliations. “There isn’t really an alternative voice in the media when it comes to these issues of war and peace,” Bryce Greene told Sputnik.

“The Beltway is usually on board with the drumbeat of the coverage. And this just shows how much the media relies upon these voices to shape the opinions, to shape the views of their audience. And it’s especially dangerous when you consider that most of these think tanks don’t even tell you how much they’re getting from these corporations. One finding from this study was that these think tanks (…) are not required to report where exactly they get their money from. Anything they give us is really by their goodwill. But very often they don’t tell you which companies are funding exactly how much. They might list some donors, but they don’t give exact figures. So it’s incredibly difficult to track the influence of this.”

Even though the US media is ostensibly independent they still push the government’s line by relying on and uncritically quoting those sources whose paychecks come from the US military-industrial complex, according to Greene. What’s more, the US media never gives a hint that those views come from experts funded by Lockheed Martin, or Boeing or some other defense contractor benefitting from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the journalist continued. Greene lamented the fact that it makes it very hard for a viewer to understand whether or not the information they’re getting is unbiased and untainted by special interests. “Most people know an institution functions on behalf of the people who fund it,” Greene continued. “And the think tanks are working on behalf of the military-industrial complex and therefore the media are laundering the point of view of the military industrial complex in order to present them as independent outside analysis.

The net result of this is that you have almost consistent drumbeat coverage in the US press calling for more weapons, for more intervention, and the US public is foaming at the mouth, waiting for just how many more weapons will it take to defeat Vladimir Putin. (…) We’ve been taught about this war that Vladimir Putin is a new Hitler hell-bent on conquering all of Eastern Europe. Again, this is all just propaganda on top of more propaganda. And it boosts the point of view that the US are the good guys who can end this war, who can bring peace if they only just pour enough weapons in. We only send another few billion dollars. We only send some tanks, some jets, and some high fliers. Everything will be alright in the fight against autocracy.”

Maidan – Road to War (Part 1 of 5, 52 min. Who has the time?)
I suspect the best doc on the origin of what we see today.

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“The minister blasted Ukraine over putting Hungary’s OTP bank on what he called a “list of shame”..”

Hungary Threatens To Block All EU Military Aid To Ukraine (RT)

Hungary will not agree to any further EU financing of arms shipments to Ukraine until Kiev removes the nation’s largest lender from its list of “sponsors of war,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told a press conference on Tuesday. The minister blasted Ukraine over putting Hungary’s OTP bank on what he called a “list of shame” by calling the reasons for such a move “outrageous” and “unacceptable.” “Our position is clear: until the OTP [bank] is removed from this list, Hungary will not greenlight any additional EU funding for weapon shipments to Ukraine,” the minister said. The decision will cover not just the €500 million ($546 million) tranche of arms Budapest vetoed earlier but any further military assistance as well, he added. “It will be better if they [the EU] do not come up with any proposals to finance further arms deliveries,” Szijjarto said.

Budapest is “doing everything to help the Ukrainian people,” and Hungarians “are paying the price of a war they have nothing to do with,” Szijjarto said following a meeting of the Hungarian-Jordanian joint economic committee. The official also called Kiev’s attitude toward Hungary puzzling. “We really sometimes have a feeling that they [the Ukrainians] are making fun of us,” he said. The minister also blasted the reasons, for which Ukraine put OTP on its blacklist by saying that “we would like to laugh [at them] because these are ridiculous things that are brought up.” At the same time, he called the situation around the Hungarian bank “serious,” adding that Budapest is “rather horrified” over the development. Hungary blocked the EU military aid tranche for Ukraine back in May, citing Kiev’s increasingly hostile” attitude towards the country.

The money blocked by Budapest was part of the so-called European Peace Facility (EPF). The fund is a €5.6 billion ($6.08 billion) purse that the bloc uses to finance foreign militaries and reimburse its own members who send arms to foreign conflicts. Before the conflict in Ukraine, the ‘Peace Facility’ had been used to supply non-lethal equipment to Georgia, Mali, Moldova, Mozambique, and Ukraine, for a total of less than $125 million. Budapest has repeatedly called for a ceasefire and peace deal in Ukraine and criticized the EU for sending arms to Kiev. Hungary also insisted that anti-Russian sanctions hurt Europe more than they hurt Russia. In June, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told the German tabloid Bild that a Ukrainian victory on the battlefield was “impossible.”

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EU, NATO, it’s all the same. No knowledge required.

Biden Pushes For Von Der Leyen To Be NATO Chief (Az.)

Joe Biden is pushing for Ursula von der Leyen to be installed as the next Nato secretary general after Ben Wallace’s candidacy was blocked, Report informs, citing The Telegraph. The president of the European Commission was said to be the United States’ preferred candidate after the White House rejected the Defence Secretary for the role. A Nato source said that the US president was attempting to convince Mrs von der Leyen, a former German defense minister, to succeed Mr Stoltenberg amid fears a suitable candidate will not emerge in the next 12 months. “We’re going to have a problem next year when it becomes clear that the field is no stronger than this year,” a second source said. Mr Biden and Mrs von der Leyen have built “a strong bond” in recent years, fostering close transatlantic ties over China, Ukraine and the climate, another source said.

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Stuck in Napoleon days.

Macron Says May Shut Down Social Media in France If Riots Worsen (Sp.)

The French authorities can shut down social networks if the situation in the country deteriorates, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday. “We need to think about the issue of social media and applicable bans. And if the situation worsens, we perhaps need to be able to regulate and turn them off,” Macron was quoted as saying by French broadcaster BFMTV. However, the president added that this discussion should not be held “rashly.”On Friday, Macron said that the French authorities would identify those who called for protests through social media in light of the ongoing unrest triggered by the killing of a teenager.

Later that day, French media reported that the government had met with representatives of social media due to unrest in the country. In particular, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin and Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition and Telecommunications Jean-Noel Barrot reportedly warned platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter of their responsibility and asked for support identifying users involved in committing offenses. France has been gripped by unrest since June 27, when a 17-year-old boy was shot dead by a police officer for failing to stop his car when ordered to do so in Nanterre, a suburb of Paris. The officer who pulled the trigger on Nahel M. has been taken into custody for voluntary manslaughter, but that has not deterred the protesters.


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“Wagner became the best-known example of Russian stormtroopers. This was largely due to its independent media resources and success..”

What Caused Wagner Mutiny And What Now For Russia And Its Opponents? (Ugolny)

The events instigated by the Wagner private military company (PMC) on June 23-24 were influenced by several military and political factors. Russia’s leadership managed to deal with the mutiny in less than 24 hours. However, the reasons behind the incident still weigh the Russian army down and need to be addressed. In fact, the future of the military campaign in Ukraine depends on how promptly Moscow learns from this experience. To better understand the conflict between Wagner PMC and the Russian Ministry of Defense, we must go back to the events of last year. At that time, the group, which had earlier been involved in combat in both Africa and in the Middle East, was hired to help capture the fortified area of Popasnaya and then Artemovsk (Bakhmut), in the Donbass. The scale of this operation was so large that Wagner essentially became an army corps – a rather autonomous unit with its own infrastructure, command, and tactical direction.

At the same time, the group was considered light infantry. Making use of small assault units like Wagner which were directly backed by artillery, the Russian command wanted to escape dead-end positional warfare. Such tactics were used not only by Wagner but by units like the 1st Donetsk Army Corps. Moreover, the unique experience of assault operations gained in the year of combat resulted in the formation of “Storm Z” assault units that operate with Wagner-like tactics and have a similar structure. However, Wagner became the best-known example of Russian stormtroopers. This was largely due to its independent media resources and success. By the time the battles for Artemovsk ended, Wagner had hopes of acquiring the status of an independent structure within the armed forces, autonomous from the Russian Ministry of Defense and subordinate directly to the President of the Russian Federation.

Internal rivalry became one of the main reasons for the clash between Wagner and the Ministry of Defense. Earlier this year, Wagner was restricted in recruiting volunteers from prisons, who were instead assigned to regular units, including Storm Z. Accordingly, in recent months, Wagner could only rely on normal recruitment offices and was forced to compete for each candidate. Considering the severe fighting in the Artemovsk area, each recruit became priceless. In order to win people over to his side, the company’s founder Yevgeny Prigozhin developed the Wagner brandand boosted his media presence. The group was presented as an ideologically like-minded community, a military caste, a corporation with its own values and code of honor.

When he exhausted regular marketing methods, Prigozhin made use of dark PR to win over recruits from his competitor, the Ministry of Defense. Prigozhin’s media outlets presented the regular units of the Russian army as incompetent, bureaucratic structures capable only of retreat. The peak of this dark PR campaign coincided with the last days of the battle for Artemovsk.

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Wait: “Beijing had not confirmed the visit..” In other words, he invited himself.

China Cancels Visit By EU’s Top Diplomat (RT)

China has cancelled a planned visit by the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, a spokesperson for the bloc announced on Tuesday. The diplomat’s trip was reportedly scheduled for next week. “Unfortunately, we were informed by the Chinese counterparts that the envisaged dates next week are no longer possible and we must now look for alternatives,” spokesperson Nabila Massrali told Reuters in a written statement. Beijing had not confirmed the visit and has provided no comment on its apparent cancellation, with Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning stating at a regular press briefing on Tuesday that she did not have any information to share on Borrell’s potential trip.

The visit was announced by the EU’s envoy to China, Jorge Toledo, on the sidelines of the 11th World Peace Forum in Beijing on Sunday. Borrell was to travel to China next Monday, Toledo said, seeking to address all outstanding issues with Beijing, including “partnership,” “competition” and “systemic rivalry.” “This will be the place to raise all these issues, especially the strategic issues that we have with China,” Toledo stated, adding that Borrell was scheduled to meet Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang. Borrell had been due to visit Beijing in April this year, shortly after EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron toured the country. However, the top diplomat tested positive for coronavirus and the trip was rescheduled.

The top EU diplomat has previously given mixed signals on ties with China, calling it a “rival” but also a partner. He has pointed to two major “strategic security issues” with China – namely its growing alliance with Russia and neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict – and the issue of Taiwan, regarded by Beijing as an integral part of its territory.

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More multipolarity: SCO, BRICS, INSTC etc

SCO Emerging as Cornerstone of New Multipolar World (Sp.)

The twenty-third summit of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO was held on Tuesday in a virtual format in New Delhi. The leaders of all SCO member states – [India], China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – welcomed Iran as a new full-fledged member of the organization. India’s First Deputy Foreign Minister Vinay Kvatra announced that Belarus will be admitted to the SCO as a full member at the summit in 2024. This year, Belarus and Mongolia took part in the meeting as observer states, while Turkmenistan was invited as a guest of the chairman. “In general, today, even without the inclusion of new players in the SCO, [the organization] has already become the most important structure of the world order, of a multifaceted multipolar world,” Dr. Stanislav Pritchin told Sputnik.

“In my opinion, there is a huge potential for creating financial infrastructure, because we all see how the dependence on Western international financial organizations, infrastructure, and the exchange of banking information affects the cooperation of states even within the SCO. (…) We need to create our own infrastructure, our own reserve currencies, regional ones, and create opportunities for trade, regardless of external players. And in this regard, the potential of the SCO, of course, is huge, taking into account the economic potential of China, India, and Russia’s other partners.” Pritchin has drawn attention to the fact that initially, the SCO was formed as a regional security organization being the successor to the Shanghai Five, which was set up in the early 2000s.

Over time, however, the scope of the SCO’s agenda has expanded. Even though the organization includes geopolitical opponents such as India and Pakistan, this did not create any serious problems for the SCO’s activities due to its inclusiveness and flexibility. Pritchin placed special emphasis on an obvious difference between the SCO and NATO whose agenda is formed and dictated by the US. In contrast, the Eurasian club operates on the principles of equality and collegiality, as per the scholar. “When it comes to Iran’s accession to the SCO, the crux of the matter is that Iran has long wanted to join the organization, and only now it has happened,” continued Pritchin. “This is a direct consequence of both Russia’s special military operation [in Ukraine] and the serious deterioration of US-Chinese relations.

Now the countries of the region, the SCO member states, in principle, make decisions without regard for the position and opinion of Western countries. And this shows the subjectivity and independence of this organization. From the point of view of the SCO’s potential, the involvement of Iran is a very important development, because a major power of 80 million people is a serious player in the field of security, our partner in [the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC)], in the security system in the Caspian Sea, an important economic partner. In this vein, of course, Iran’s accession is a very important stage in the expansion and strengthening of the SCO, its military and economic potential.”

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“Codifying the most basic rights – like a free press – is a pretty good indication that someone wants to mess with them..”

The Dystopian European Media Freedom Act is a Trojan horse (Marsden)

EU officials are on the verge of approving a new “European Media Freedom Act,” promoted as a new law to protect journalists, their freedom, and press pluralism. However, any thinking person might start by asking how exactly that squares with the bloc’s top-down censorship of voices published on platforms that counter their establishment narratives, like RT for instance. They cite the Ukraine conflict as justification, but they were looking for an excuse long beforehand. Rather than leave it to individual national media regulators to do their job, and cite any specific offenses or evidence, these big fans of free press and democracy at the EU just blocked them unilaterally. So, these same folks are now in the process of fine-tuning a law designed to “promote internal safeguards on editorial independence and media ownership transparency” – which the EU has never been too interested in fostering when it comes to the NGOs and press outlets it supports.

They also plan to introduce measures that include the protection of journalists from spyware. But in even bringing spyware up, there’s now a risk of official codification of its use by governments against journalists in some instances – something which has, until now, been frowned upon. Once again, as with “anti-Russian” sanctions and cutting off its own cheap Russian energy supply, the EU has found a way to really stick it to itself and is on the verge of achieving precisely the opposite of its stated intentions. Governments like France are now reportedly requesting specific, codified exemptions to the state use of surveillance software targeting journalists in cases where they might be dealing with sources or evidence involving “national security” offenses or other heavy crimes that risk bringing down governments like… music piracy.

Right – because “national security” has never been abused as a pretext for Western authorities to protect their own interests from dissent. And we’re talking here about suspected crimes, so is a mere hunch enough to tap a journalist’s phone? The exemption request should also raise eyebrows about what these governments are already doing under the guise of national security to the point where clearly they believe they’re on the verge of losing something. Various French journalists, for example, have taken issue in the past with being spied on by French intelligence or police. And to make it even easier, a French parliamentary commission even voted recently to allow remote activation and geolocation of a target’s tech devices. Revelations about the use of Israeli Pegasus spyware by governments like Morocco to target French journalists raises other potential problems.

For example, what power would the EU even have over foreign countries if, say, an EU member state decided to outsource surveillance to a non-bloc country – let alone ever know which state gave the order to do so? Including any exemptions whatsoever to spyware use by EU member states not only defeats the whole stated purpose of the legislation, but also greatly reduces the chances that sources will talk to or trust the press. It effectively turns every journalist into an inadvertent direct pipeline of information to the authorities – which they may have been before, but now this new law confirms it, serving as a Vegas-style billboard for that fact. Who in their right mind is going to call out wrongdoing by powerful state actors when a murky pretext can theoretically be evoked by the same state to neutralize the whistleblower and their story before it can do any damage to the establishment?

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“It will shrink and desiccate into a fragile little nugget of residual malevolence that can be put down like a small, rabid animal.”

Blobocracy (Jim Kunstler)

By happenstance lately, out and about, I met up with several old friends and attempted to check-in with where they stood on these matters — how are things going in our country? The phrase our country seemed to make their heads snap back a little and their eyes goggle. Their answer, uniformly, was “Trump, Trump, Trump,” issued as a sort of barking. Trump’s criminal insults to democracy must be stopped, was the drift. My next question was: How’s “Joe Biden” doing? (They didn’t see the quote marks, and I didn’t use my fingers to signify.) “He’s doing pretty well… accomplished a lot,” they said. What’d they make of the developing bribery scandal? “Huh… the what?” Raking in all that money from foreign governments when Joe was Veep, and then after. “Oh… right-wing talking points… baseless….”

This is what my old friends think. Quite a few of them are aware that I write this blog. They don’t actually read it; they seem to just hear about it. The old community of Boomer friends thinks I’ve “gone off the deep end.” One thing these encounters taught me is how successful the censorship and propaganda campaign of the Blob has been. These were people, you understand, who came of age believing in free speech, freedom of the press, respecting civil rights, decrying political persecutions, and, most of all, being against hegemonic wars — which, back in the sixties, was called imperialism. These days they’re all for a righteous defense against misinformation that threatens our democracy, meaning: censorship. They wouldn’t call it that, exactly. They consider it a battle against right-wing extremism, white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, the usual bugbears. It never occurs to them that the Blob lies to them continually, remorselessly, promiscuously about everything.

They apparently believe what comes out of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, et cetera. They were told to go get vaxxed. They went and got vaxxed. Some are not looking too good. They don’t seem to know that the vast machinery of public health in our country has been marshalled to do them harm, that the people running that machinery were well-aware that their vaccines did not get properly tested, and the little testing that was done did not turn out very well. Those agencies lied about it and worked strenuously to prevent the duped and vaxxed-up public from learning what had been done to them. What we’ve got, then, this Fourth of July holiday, 2023, is basically the pro-Blob Americans against the anti-Blob Americans. It’s a vicious conflict with no sign of resolution. No amount of factual disclosure — no Durham report, no fruitless Mueller report, not any number of whistleblowers, no alt news — can persuade the pro-Blobbers that their beloved Blob lies and deceives.

And no degree of coercion or punishment will convince the anti-Blobbers to fall into line and just do what they’re told. I think my old friends are insane, and they think the same about me. Everybody knows that the tension building is unendurable, that eventually things will break, and we all worry what kind of country we will have when the breaking ends. I’ll tell you what it will be: it will be a country without a Blob. The Blob thrives on money, and one of the first things to break will be our money and all the operations that generate, multiply, and move it. For years, we anti-Blobbers have been on the receiving end of punishments doled out so liberally by the Blob and its followers. Soon, all the lying, including the lying about our money, will bring on events that’ll deprive the Blob of its nourishment. It will shrink and desiccate into a fragile little nugget of residual malevolence that can be put down like a small, rabid animal.

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Sound of Freedom






Elephant rhino



Tiny octopus





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Home Forums Debt Rattle July 5 2023

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    René Magritte Architecture au clair de lune 1956   • Russian Nuclear Giant Claims Ukrainian Attack On Power Plant Imminent (RT) • Support For Ukr
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 5 2023]

    V. Arnold

    René Magritte Architecture au clair de lune 1956

    Outstanding Magritte today; thank you…


    Mixed metaphors

    Greta Biden – How Dare You!

    Dr. D

    Today’s math: Russia continues 10:1 kill ratio in Ukraine. Russia is 10x the size of Ukraine. So on a equal-harm basis, Russia is 1:100th the relative losses of Ukraine. Sorry. I didn’t create it, I just report it.

    I forget where I was. With Baltimore, 28 of 31 mass shootings are Leftists? I’m sorry but also looks like a trans person? I didn’t research.

    From the Internet: “About the French riots, Aurelien has a number of comments in today’s link-fest at NakedCapitalism that I found quite illuminating. He lives there.”

    “Israel Conducts Largest Military Incursion Of West Bank Since 2002″

    So they’re planning on attacking Iran. Got it. What will their new ally Saudi say? They always close their local front to get them out of ammunition before attacking, so as to forestall the counter under control. Also haven’t heard if the Palestinians (there are many subgroups there) are cleaning the clock of Israel like last time.

    “CIA Director Calls Ukraine War Major ‘Opportunity’ For Recruiting Spies”

    Calls Russia to assure there are no spies or agitators in the ranks. Step 2: Publicly recruit spies and agitators.

    “Plan To Pour Radioactive Waste From Fukushima Nuclear Plant Into Pacific Ocean Is Safe: IAEA”

    10,000 year Radioactivity is safe as water. Trust us: we’re experts. Science!™ Now on to trusting us on Global Warming.

    “A federal judge has issued an order instructing the FBI, DHS, and other government agencies to cease their collaboration with social media companies in censoring First Amendment”

    They found a single Judge. He shouldn’t last long, then.

    “soldier saluting with his left hand.”

    Interesting, but I don’t understand it. Saluting Russian allies against our common enemy? They also mis-capitalized “Of”, which is bad form. Capitalizing “small” words in titles is complicated but wrong. Like blacksmiths, we no longer have Copy Editors who know that and can drop a typewriter on your head. The Internet (like BBee) use a macro to capitalize Titles which doesn’t understand any context.

    “Support For Ukrainian Nazis Leaves Indelible Mark In US History – Envoy (TASS)

    We’ve done lots of low things in a long, tangled history – most nations have – but I agree we’ve never been lower.

    “F-16 fighter jets in June, but the program has not yet been launched, the Ukrainian foreign minister”

    Slavs trusted the Anglos? Hahahahahahahaaha! Are they illiterate and never read history?

    “Joe Biden is pushing for Ursula von der Leyen to be installed as the next Nato secretary general after Ben Wallace’s candidacy was blocked”

    You have to follow this per Luongo. Like all Anglos, Wallace was going to back-door everyone (learned to ‘back-door’ at Eton in good English fashion), by 1) creating a complex treaty with Poland like WWI and WWII where if anything happened, Ukraine > Poland > All NATO > WWIII, automatically. 2) Was on a tour to get chaired by saying we needed a full-on WWIII and nuke Russia this month. Now, Biden REFUSED him, who was front runner. Why? Something about bricks of coke in the White House? Biden seems quite obviously PRO murder of everyone (but especially black people) going way back so it seems somebody else is wrangling to stop WWIII from our British handlers. For whom causing WWIII right this minute is the only way to keep their Bank in power. Von der Lyin’ is clearly the worst candidate on the planet, who will also open her yap and admit what these evil blokes want to do (to black people, but also to you). So, revealing choice. Knocking out Ben is a good sign the war is averted for now. However, that leaves Armstrong’s computer in mid 2024.

    That rap must be correct: America must be descended from Ukraine Khazars and Kiev is our Capital. I see it in the papers every day. We worship them and must do anything for them.

    “US War Industry Pulls Mainstream Media Strings on Ukraine (Sp.)

    Reminds me of yesterday, Medvedev says “the War lobby”. I would say the War Lobby is more or less synonymous with “The Derp State”, our common enemy worldwide, which allows no voice, no democracy, no representation or change to happen, anywhere on the (central bank) planet, and allows no support of the people, in Flint, in Mississippi, but only more weapons, more (non-working) arms every day. Where is their end? Nuclear war, of course! They’ve been trying to cause a nuclear war since nukes were invented, first against the USSR in 1949, but certainly tried to get one off every day of the 50s and in 1962. They actually fired the ICBMs off Hawaii, but the sub sank.

    Their meaning and purpose in life, their religion to their god, is world-wide mass death. They are religious zealots and have made the U.S. a theocracy of murder and death.

    “the US media were seven times more likely to cite think tanks with ties to defense contractors “

    “triggered by the killing of a teenager. career criminal.” Am I wrong here?

    “• What Caused Wagner Mutiny And What Now For Russia And Its Opponents? (Ugolny)

    Still listening, 30,000ft view is: Wagner existed to get around the law and train Donbas. Their contract ended, and although they fought admirably in Bakhmut, they are still but one group in a 1,000mi line. They seemed to want to finish the job there, and also get paid another billion, which is a lot of money in Russia. To cut them down, the DoD was beginning to limit their ammunition, not as a cruelty but because they were done, the contract was over, they ware going home, what did they need ammunition for? The ammunition not needed 1 July would be needed by the Russian Infantry. Why give it to Wagner to give it back tomorrow?

    30,000 foot view is that they were needed to fight extra-legally in a (at that time) Ukrainian Donbas with the Donbas army, (it was not the Russian army: always, always misreported) but once all four are Russian oblasts, the Army regulars are in control. They let them run out their contract and get paid, but it’s always dangerous to have raw mercenaries be your army. Ask Machiavelli. And you should do something to address that at the earliest point, such as rolling them into the general army, and/or paying them a lot less bc we ain’t made of money.

    NOT ONLY did they do all that, but flushed out a lot of Western operatives at the same time, THEN moved Wagner in to train Belarus. Detail: they are not in tiny Belarus to FIGHT Poland or Ukraine, unless that suddenly happens and have to – it’s too dangerous, esp for a force that mutinied only yesterday. However, they are clearly fabulous TRAINERS, with blood-experience, and have been constituted there in that manner, getting Belarus to become a premier fighting force like Crimea and Donbas have become. It’s extremely similar to them being there to “Fight Kiev” or whatever, but details matter, and it’s different. They are not structured, chain-of-command to be isolated, but integrated, dispersed. Note NATO freaked out more about this than the other, what they’re reporting publicly. …Because the news is always, ALWAYS a lie. If they told the truth ever they’d probably be made to commit hari-kari.

    Mercs who signed on to trouble were shipped to Africa, where they can be extremely useful, very well paid, but not topple Moscow. So that’s like 5/5 wins for Putin, which is too many for an organic uprising, it’s planned, it’s a show, although obviously certain parts are real (CIA paying the army ranks and the deaths).

    “China has cancelled a planned visit by the EU’s foreign policy chief “Jungle Joe” Borrell,”

    Hilarious. Will they ever stop inviting themselves? Was it Von der Lyin’ who showed up, had to stamp her tourist passport in line with the filthy plebs, then take a puke-smelling taxi to the palace? She didn’t get the message, I guess.

    EUROPE IS A NOBODY. NOBODY WANTS TO TALK TO YOU. Nobody trusts you. You’re worthless has beens and are running nothing. Get a clue.

    “Once again, as with “anti-Russian” sanctions and cutting off its own cheap Russian energy supply, the EU has found a way to really stick it to itself and is on the verge of achieving precisely the opposite of its stated intentions.”

    They’re becoming North Korea and are ring-fencing themselves. The U.S. is internal wrangle, but is creating its own USDX Iron Curtain of trade if we The People can’t stop them. We can’t. It will only be half-done, and we’ll be sunk, rebuilding for years. That’s okay. We deserve it and it’s good for us.

    “The exemption request should also raise eyebrows about what these governments are already doing under the guise of national security”

    “If we don’t look out, something bad might happen.” No. WE ALREADY KNOW. We just saw the “Rare side effects” of the “Safe and Effective” FISA court in the U.S. 100,000+ warrants, with statistical zero denied. Warrants on 100,000 ppl at once, all of D.C. for example? “Shut up and take my warrant! You had me at “wiretap everyone.” The 4th would demand no less! May the 4th be with you.

    This is all PAST TENSE. Years, decades. They put it in 9-12 because they were ALREADY DOING IT and wanted to make it legal. Get up to speed because it’s important.

    ““It will shrink and desiccate into a fragile little nugget of residual malevolence that can be put down like a small, rabid animal.”

    Yes, we can “Drown it in a bathtub”, it’s the Republican (Conservative) rallying cry for decades. This is also the Randian initiative, but she realized that’s impossible to happen organically (if they control the money power) and must be made to grow without restraint like a cancer so people can see who and what they are first, then have consent withdrawn. I think that’s a terrible idea, however nothing else has worked in practice and here we are. Randian nightmare. WHY DO YOU MAKE AYN RAND RIGHT??? It’s embarrassing and intolerable.


    The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant

    The general public in Duh’merica is so brainwashed it would believe the Moon was made of green cheese if the MSMediawhores told them.

    Arf,arf, just like a circus seal clapping it’s flippers.

    The Ukronazi High (as a kite) Kommand cannot bomb that much at the Zaporozhye nuke plant because the reactors have been turned off and the containment vessel is very strong. The cooling ponds might be up for grabs but the Empire of Lies and Nazilensky will simply release radiation from the Ukronazi side to make it look like it came from Zaporozhye nuke plant.

    Do you get it?

    As the Collective West is under near total media propaganda the public will just see a cloud of radiation drifting out of Ukronaziland and assume it is from the Zap plant.

    Kind of like a fake ‘dirty bomb’ using the actual nuke plant as cover, not aimed at Russia but at Eurotardistan.

    Watch for a weather pattern where the wind blows from east to west, back at Eurotardistan

    The Empire of Lies is packed with nothing but cowards, not a single voice of sanity.

    The Collective West is dumber than a sack of hammers

    “No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the record for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.”

    ― H.L. Mencken


    This woman describes what we had been through the last couple of years on 2011


    He does include references to peer reviewed papers. So is it settled?


    Censorship/Control/Ban/regulate/turn off/neutralize the whistleblower/the social medias.
    Where are all the Truth Tellers and Peace makers?
    Where are all the Real Journalists?

    1. Ret. Col. Douglas Macgregor: “Where are these Russian and Chinese armies mobilizing to invade us? Where are these vast air forces ready to attack us and bomb us? Where are these vast fleets assembling off our shore to invade us and destroy us? This is just nonsensical. It’s crazy.”


    2. Kunstler –
    “I think my old friends are insane, and they think the same about me.”

    3. TAE – Depopulation Tool – the Zap plant


    I was in Virginia yesterday, so I tried pulling up Yorkville with Apple Maps. There is either no such place, or he is referring to some sort of government facility that is not a town.


    Navigate to the area above the Black Sea on this


    Pay attention to the wind direction in Eastern Europe’ a Dope

    Today, it’s headed to Poland



    Dr D
    “triggered by the killing of a teenager. career criminal.” Am I wrong here?

    A teen usually gets involved with such elements because of aspects of upbringing over which the teen had no control. A “career criminal” implies that one has chosen and practiced crime as a means of making a living for an extended period of time (~ 10 years +?) during adulthood.

    Case in point: Malcolm X. As a teen, he was heavily involved in crime; in prison he reformed, and he afterwards he no longer committed crimes. (One may or may not agree with the positions he advocated after his reform — although, quite frankly, his positions continued to refine and change for the rest of his life through his assassination — however, he no longer committed crime after his incarceration.)


    “soldier saluting with his left hand.”
    The soldier is in silhouette.
    To know which hand is saluting, we have to know which direction the soldier is facing — which we cannot know from the silhouette.
    People see what they want to see.
    Pattern recognition, our minds giving meaning.


    To know which hand is saluting, we have to know which direction the soldier is facing — which we cannot know from the silhouette.

    You beat me to it.


    The image is a left hand salute. Easy to flip.. Any questions?


    @rototillerman yorkville is shown in openstreetmaps in Chesapeake bay, north east of poquoson, along the poquoson river.

    The Neo Cons, by their own admission.

    Good luck everybody. I don’t like goodbyes, especially glow in the dark ones


    Professionals/experts should know better than to listen to them and push the red button.
    Today, tomorrow, Nobody will glow in the dark


    Someone was scammed from seeing the truth

    Prigozhin returned a premium pistol from Defense Minister Shoigu
    5 july 2023, 10:13

    The arsenal, found during a search in the house of Yevgeny Prigozhin, was returned to the owner. The ex-rebel was also given a Glock. And this is a matter of special pride. “Fontanka” knows what.

    On July 4, at the beginning of the fifth, a BMW of the 7th series and an accompanying Land Cruiser with security drove up to the building of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region on Liteiny Prospekt. According to Fontanka, the motorcade parked near the house 25 on Shpalernaya Street. The back door of the BMW opened, Yevgeny Prigogine came out and, after walking just a few meters, he himself opened the state-owned massive door, to the right of which the sign “Reception” historically hangs.
    A few hours earlier, Prigozhin was officially invited to return to him the weapons found during the well-known searches on June 24 and seized in his country residence in the elite cottage village “Northern Versailles” (Lakhta-Olgino district, Primorsky district of St. Petersburg).

    Fontanka reported that on Sunday, July 2, Prigozhin has already returned 10 billion rubles. The money was found in the “Gazelle” in the courtyard of the hotel “Trezzini Palace” and in a minivan in the underground parking lot of the hotel “River House” (both hotels on Vasilievsky Island). But Prigozhin’s driver received them by proxy.

    According to Fontanka, on July 4, Prigozhin was returned two Saiga carbines, a rifled Austrian Steyr Mannlicher carbine, an ARka semi-automatic rifle and several other guns and pistols. After all, during the search, everything was taken away, even what was officially registered on it. The most high-profile item in this collection is the Glock pistol. It is nominal. Prigozhin was awarded by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. True, even before there was a misunderstanding between the most famous businessman in Russia and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu about the conduct of the NWO.

    The official procedure at Liteiny did not last long. Soon Yevgeny Prigozhin got out, and the persons accompanying him took out their rifles and put them in the car. The motorcade departed.



    Ukrainians seemed to have changed their offensive tactics lately. They are still sending plenty of cannon fodder forward but minus tanks, APC, and IFV armored vehicles. The Russians are complaining they are no longer collecting bounties anymore.

    Veracious Poet

    Typical conspira-addict hoax malarkey, meant to create panic, fear, hysteria & confusion within the “truther” community, which is either another Weapon Of Mass Distraction or some narcissistic troll’s idea of “entertainment”, which often is sadly is more celebrated/regurgitated than *HARD TRUTH* underlying the PROBLEM, or any attempts to support a *UNIFYING SOLUTION*):

    It’s bad enough when some unhinged poster regurgitates such utter shite, but when the central creator(s) of a blog devolve into the aforementioned *shock* tactic(s) to grab eyeballs, or worse, it is analogous that said blog has lost any & all credibility, has past the point of it’s denouement stage 🙄

    It’s been an interesting & revealing time on TAE, during this time of great ribulation(s), but alas I have better, more serious *things* to do then participate in the delirious & fragmentary meanderings of yet another spiritually distressed online “community” 😐

    Vale et bona fortuna.


    Great to contemplate just about anything.


    Joe Biden is pushing for Ursula von der Leyen to be installed as the next Nato secretary general after Ben Wallace’s candidacy was blocked

    Of course he does, Von Hitler has proven her loyalty to the USA and their Big Pharma companies, she has obeyed all of Biden’s neocon instructions while ensuring that Germany descends down the toilet. She has also provided them with more blackmail material by taking bribes from Pfizer. What better stooge could the USA ask for?


    Looks like zerohedge.com has blown a gasket. The only reason for going there, the comments, are being censored with only a few being displayed. Interestingly the comment counts in the pages remains as you would predict, but open the comments and you get a few low-ranking comments. The comments are so much more knowledgeable and interesting than the articles, this will not be good for ZH.


    The French authorities can shut down social networks if the situation in the country deteriorates, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday.

    Macron is going to shut off social media in order to get those last few teenagers that are at home out on the streets. What else can they do without social media? RIOT like a real-time video game. Macron is now waiting for instructions from his owners, they are telling him “sit, sit” but he is too agitated to get a treat.


    I don’t think it is that crazy to repost stuff about the nuclear plant

    Both US and European politicians have, for quite a while now – years as well as recently – been building up an “attack” by Russia on their own plant as a cause for NATO entering the conflict.

    Perhaps the prediction OF the plant being struck by Ukraine as a tool for escalation could be, if spread around far enough, a deterrent? May as well put it out there to help.


    about Zerohedge comments – commenters have noticed the changes.

    I saw a discussion in which it was asserted that there are two different addresses using two different servers. Some commenters claimed that they see either partial or all comments based on which they go to.

    IIRC, it was zerohedge.com vs http://www.zerohedge.com


    China has cancelled a planned visit by the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, a spokesperson for the bloc announced on Tuesday.

    A trip into the jungle? Borrell is better off staying in the garden with his glass of champagne, watching the brown people fight Macron on the bonfire.


    They blew the world trade towers, why would they give a fuck about dead Christian goyim in Ukraine? Palestine, Ohio, larger scale. You can buy stuff cheap after you poison everything and kill everybody.. Oy veh, what a deal.


    @jb-hb Thanks for the ZH link, it works for me.


    aspnaz- hit the comments number on the bottom right of the story panel instead of the headline. Hit “show comments” at the bottom of the page. To the right is a “viewing options” click.
    Top story for me right now is the WH coke story with 1.4k comments. Mine always first offers “most popular”.
    My problem with ZH lately is that “this page is using too much memory” and it reloads or stalls. Turning of Javascript denies me links access and nested comments.
    BTW, I’m fairly convinced that many of the commenter have “turned pro” and write the comedic banter that is so funny. I’m ok with that. The internet exists to entertain. Informing is a side benefit.
    Which I find here. (Oroboros provides some wonderfully humorous stuff.)
    On a side note- I have realized I prefer the political faction that has the best sense of humor.


    For the record, Australia doesn’t have Voter ID. Yet.


    @my parents said know Thanks for the tips. I heavily limit the java script on ZH, mainly because it causes my computer to work too hard and it gets hot. My rules are that I am willing to see advertising as long as it is not annoying. As soon as it becomes annoying, I kill the java script: I do not like my computer being abused, running endless java script because the site I visit thinks that they have permission to do what they like on my machine. For example, anything that uses my machine to play videos gets the chop: too annoying. ZH works very quietly for me when limited. I see a few ads, which is fine, but they are not in your face. ZH comments feed the Google internet data collection machine, sort of like using gmail “for free”, they also apply Google political censorship in return for cash.

    Michael Reid

    @ VP

    I suspect you need some bliss to improve your attitude

    All we can do is our best

    Sweet Kenny

    Like Veracious Poet, I don’t give much credence to the 4Chan post warning but unlike Veracious Poet I’m not a miserable prick who has to demean TAE for posting it. Get over yourself, at the very least it’s interestingly to see what is said out there even if you don’t agree with it. Veracious Poet must be a childless middle aged spinster, angry at life.


    VP said

    It’s bad enough when some unhinged poster regurgitates such utter shite

    Writes VP having just regurgitated the object of his contempt: you unhinged, regurgitating poster.


    Michael Reid said

    @ VP

    I suspect you need some bliss to improve your attitude

    All we can do is our best

    Consider VP as the TAE pet, he will annoy until he gets what he wants: VP’s ego needs some petting. Do not encourage him or he will lie on his back and want his tummy rubbed, then he will be wanting a shower with Biden … just don’t encourage him.


    It is rumored that General Surovikin is still missing, and has now missed his wife’s birthday. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu is reportedly personally overseeing the investigation into Surovikin.

    Prigozhin’s house raided.

    In the raid of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s house, a closet full of wigs and disguises was found. Russian authorities also found pictures from the Wagner boss personal album, which shows him in various disguises. He can be seen with fake beard & hair in countries like Libya and Syria.
    by u/theRealNihilist911 in N_N_N


    chooch said

    It is rumored that General Surovikin is still missing, and has now missed his wife’s birthday.

    Sorry chooch, you have no credibility left.


    It’s been an interesting & revealing time on TAE, during this time of great ribulation(s), but alas I have better, more serious *things* to do then participate in the delirious & fragmentary meanderings of yet another spiritually distressed online “community”

    Good God Great Ribulation(s)?
    Is that your GooRoo Tolles new dildo ? Anyway- are you leaving for the 20th final time that you said you were leaving 25 times ago? Just stfu and go away rather than being such a f’n drama Queen.

    Distressed online ‘community’? Hahahahhaa – project much ya tolle ego meme tard?

    Chhoo Chhhooo !
    Where’s your boyfriend Pinkdick or Redneck? Or whatever the f her name was/ is?

    Have you ever thought about commenting on King Biden or King Zelensky? Got your tongue too deep up both of then huh? You’re a pathetic little bitch as always. What color wig do you wear?

    Dr. D

    “4Chan / Zaporozhia.”

    Disagree. The only reason Ukraine didn’t do it was world-wide publicity about how dumb it was. (Russia nukes themselves: News at 11” We don’t’ know who this was, and why not DOES work inside government/Army and DOES hear all this, and DID get time to prepare for the war as they say. That only means it was planned as an option. Then he DOES tell us. And also embellishes the story to make it salacious enough people pay attention to it and/or (as Americans) has already embellished it in his own mind, for himself, because they all have a habit of being careless with truth.

    Should TAE not have posted it? The post, the rumor EXISTED. This is something news editors deal with all the time. (Or used to. Like the NYT they now have “all op-ed, all the time” and print nothing BUT rumor) The rumor of Watergate WAS Watergate. Yet we can’t print EVERY rumor, and of course most rumors are wrong. Did he SAY this was going to happen as point of fact? No, he said – implied by forwarding – that there is loose chatter on the Internets. Downside? 1/10th of one second of your time reading it. Upside? We prevented a massive escalation and worldwide nuclear exchange.

    Um, no? I’ll take it? I think I can speak for most others that they don’t mind the alarm preventing a worldwide nuclear exchange too.

    VP, this is EXACTLY what happened with the US Patriot Act. I and others raised the ALARM, but everyone said, “How dare you?” “That’s ridiculous and alarmist” and “I don’t want to know.” And so because no widespread spotlight, it was passed.

    And I agree, you seem to be picking up old habits — which is no surprise — and now making spirit/enlightenment the same ego contest and superiority as your young life, chasing success used to be. So be careful. It’s an idol as much as any other, and more deceptive and perhaps harder to put down.

    Dr. D

    And the rest of you are often worse. What’s the point of adding vitriol to your mild disagreements?

    Yeah, somebody misbehaved/was wrong/disagrees with you. Make your point, no need to go personal and stuff. What help is all that in finding the truth or getting them to find it? I presume we’re mostly guys, have a high tolerance, and find it fun, but to me it adds nothing and is a distraction.

    Personal Theory: there is more overall energy everywhere and it’s overcharging people past their factory specs. It doesn’t make you different, but if you redline the engine, all the crack and flaws suddenly become apparent. And reading the news all day is of course no method to enhance internal calm and balance. Don’t worry, I see it in myself too, but that’s part of the point: I see it. In myself. Even knowing, I take the bait and overexpress beyond the man I want to be.

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