May 112024

Vincent van Gogh Daubigny’s garden 1890


Scott Ritter Predicts How Ukraine Will End (Sp.)
Biden Weaponizing FBI and DOJ Against Americans – Tara Reade (RT)
Missouri AG Accuses Biden DOJ Of Coordinating With Trump Prosecutors (ZH)
Boxing Promoter Don King Endorses Trump for President (ET)
Hillary Clinton Denounces Trump for Doing What She Did in 2016 (Turley)
Ukraine A ‘Corrupt S**Thole’ – Ex-Boris Johnson Adviser (RT)
Tucker Carlson Interviews Catherine Englebrecht About Illegal Alien Voting (CTH)
Biden Faces Impeachment Over Israel Weapons Suspension (RT)
Russia Fighting ‘Reincarnation Of Fascism’ – Medvedev (RT)
Carnival Rides (Kunstler)





tesla frens



Lambo vs Cyber



Rob Roos








“..and they can’t become directly involved because that is a suicide pill.”

Scott Ritter Predicts How Ukraine Will End (Sp.)

On Friday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Russia liberated Novokalinovo in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Kiselevka and Kotlyarovka in the Kharkov region, the latest in a string of villages to fall, this rapid deterioration of the frontline was the result of the consistent work of Russian forces to grind the Ukrainians down until they had no reserves to stabilize the front line. “As we speak, the attritional warfare model has Ukraine losing around 1,500 troops a day. This number is going up now because Russia’s expanded its operations into the Kharkov region. So, you can expect this number [to] easily top 2,000 a day,” Ritter told Sputnik’s Fault Lines on Friday.

“What the Ukrainians have had to do is pull in reserves and take forces out from other fronts, including the Kharkov front and the Odessa front, to come into the battlefield where they’ve been eliminated, or they’ve been worn down and there are no replacements…what’s going to happen is Ukraine will be compelled to withdraw reserves from the Kiev region and from Odessa, to go to Kharkov to fill that gap. While they do that, the Russians will then launch a second major attack somewhere in the Zaporozhye area, and Ukrainians are going to be put to the classic horns of a dilemma where if they go north they lose, they go south they lose, if they stay in the middle they lose – there’s no good option for them,” Ritter explained, adding that we will then see “the total collapse of the Ukrainian army” and the “rapid withdrawal beyond the Dnepr River” to set up a new defense line, something he does not think the Ukrainians will be able to accomplish.

Eventually, Ritter predicts, “Ukrainian generals faced with the inevitable slaughter of the totality of their force will sue for peace.” Noting that he was told by his sources back in January to expect “dramatic alterations” to the battlefield map in May, Ritter predicts that Russia will capture significant territory in Kharkov and the Donbass this month, with Ukraine’s eventual capitulation a few months later. “They say that the Ukrainian capacity to continue cohesive resistance will collapse this summer – that’s the Russian assessment and I agree with it,” Ritter said, noting that Russia’s operations aren’t driven by “calendars” and have already allocated the resources to continue the conflict until 2027 if necessary. The decision of what happens to Ukraine now rests solely in the hands of Russia, Ritter argued, noting that they had “very favorable terms on the table” in March and April 2022.

“Nobody has a say in this but Russia, and Russia has made that very clear… this is a decisive defeat of NATO, the European Union and the United States. It’s as decisive as you can get without them being directly involved and they can’t become directly involved because that is a suicide pill.” Ritter added that the military aid package recently signed into law by US President Joe Biden has had “zero impact” on the battlefield. “What we’ve seen, for instance, the desperately needed 155-millimeter artillery shells were brought in from Romania on a ship, offloaded in Odessa into a warehouse and struck by two Iskander missiles. Boom, there goes a couple of billion dollars right there.”

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“..the Capitol riot participants were persecuted in a similar way, with the Biden administration “using intelligence to go after Americans.”

Biden Weaponizing FBI and DOJ Against Americans – Tara Reade (RT)

The run-up to the US election is exposing President Joe Biden’s scandals to the public eye, including his family’s alleged money laundering schemes in Ukraine, RT contributor and former US Senate aide Tara Reade has said. She accused the Biden administration of weaponizing government institutions to silence Americans like her and the 2021 Capitol riot participants. In the wake of her 23-minute interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson, which aired on Thursday, Reade told RT she hopes her example will motivate others to come forward and tell their stories. “I’ve been contacted a couple of times in the past by women who wanted to come forward, but because of what happened to me, were too frightened,” she said.

Although Reade’s claim that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 did not surface until the 2020 election campaign, she said she had logged a report with the Senate right after the purported incident, and was still trying to get the report files unsealed. “The election year is just bringing it to light, because I think there’s other corruption that needs to come to light about Biden, particularly the misconduct he’s done around Ukraine, and the money laundering and the other activities that he and his family had been enriched by, in this proxy war that the US and NATO are fighting against Russia via Ukraine,” Reade explained. She added that while “people in America and other NATO countries are seeing the corruption,” the leaders of those states are “unfortunately still benefiting.”

After sharing details of the alleged assault, Reade described “weaponization of the government coming after me, that was quite frightening, and coming after my family.” She suggested that the Carlson interview shows the public is becoming more aware of this. “People are seeing the political weaponization of the DOJ (Department of Justice) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) against American citizens and other citizens,” she claimed, arguing that the Capitol riot participants were persecuted in a similar way, with the Biden administration “using intelligence to go after Americans.”

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It’s a campaign run from the White House.

Missouri AG Accuses Biden DOJ Of Coordinating With Trump Prosecutors (ZH)

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Thursday as part of a probe into whether the Biden DOJ coordinated with Trump prosecutors. “The investigations and subsequent prosecutions of former President Donald J. Trump appear to have been conducted in coordination with the United States Department of Justice,” Baily posted in a lengthy thread on X. “This is demonstrated by the move of the third-highest ranking member of the Department of Justice, Matthew Colangelo, to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in order to prosecute President Trump in December 2022,” Baily continues. What’s more, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg worked hand-in-hand with NY Attorney General Letitia James in pursuing civil litigation against Trump, which he used to campaign on.

As Fox News reports further; Bailey argues that Bragg’s decision to bring the prosecution “despite its transparent weakness has nonetheless had the effect of keeping former President Trump off the campaign trail, which President Biden has bragged about.” He cites a post on X from the official Biden-Harris campaign on April 24, which says, “While Trump is stuck in court, President Biden is keeping a very robust schedule of campaign events. He’s been to Pennsylvania to talk about the economy, Virginia to talk about clean energy, and Florida to talk about abortion.” Baily is seeking all communications, including documents, calendar appointments, meeting minutes and agendas related to Colangelo’s move to work in Bragg’s office – as well as similar communications between Bragg and NY AG Leticia James and Fulton County DA Fani Willis.

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“..the most resilient human being I’ve ever met.” “They’re trying to attack him. They’re trying to ruin him—unfazed,” the UFC president said. “He will walk through fire.”

Boxing Promoter Don King Endorses Trump for President (ET)

Iconic boxing promoter Don King has endorsed former President Donald Trump for president in the 2024 election. The 92-year-old made the remarks on May 8 on the sidelines of an event after being asked if he has a message for President Trump, who’s facing a bevy of court cases that threaten to derail his presidential campaign. “Get reelected,” Mr. King said. “And we must reelect him to save ourselves. You know, a vote for Trump is a vote for yourself. Because we’ve got to fight the system of lies and the creation of wrong being right and right being wrong. That’s got to be eliminated. He called President Trump “the only man who’s got the intestinal fortitude to be able to stand up and fight the system like it should be fought,” Mr. King said the former president “underestimated the power of this strong system of corruption and hypocrisy.”

While Mr. King didn’t elaborate on the “system of corruption and hypocrisy” that he had in mind, it could be a reference to the numerous legal battles that the former president is fighting that he and his supporters argue are thinly veiled attempts to use lawfare to derail his comeback bid. “I want to say to him, let’s [save] America, let’s save ourselves, and then we can help others to be safe,” Mr. King added. President Trump shared the video on his social media platform, Truth Social, thanking Mr. King for his endorsement and message of encouragement. Mr. King’s sympathies for the former president are well-established, with the boxing promoter being one of few celebrities who endorsed then-candidate Trump in the 2016 election.

Introducing then-candidate Trump at a church event in Ohio in 2016, Mr. King called him “courageous and brave” and said he believed the future president would fix the “corrupt” and “rigged” system and bring the country “back to inclusiveness.” In mid-2017, after President Trump had spent several months in office, Mr. King told Politico Magazine in an exclusive interview that he believed he was doing an “excellent job” while lamenting the fact that his presidency was being overshadowed by the so-called “Russian collusion” scandal, which later turned out to be a hoax. At the time, Mr. King told Politico that he believed President Trump was constantly in the crosshairs of the Washington establishment, saying that they would try to “keep him down” at almost any cost—even saying that he warned the president to be on guard for assassination attempts.

“If Trump were a boxer, who would he be?” the interviewer asked the legendary boxing promoter. “He’d be Muhammad Ali…because he’s going to win,” Mr. King replied. “He’s going to run his mouth, he’s going to talk a lot and he’s going to win.” Mr. White gave his endorsement in an appearance on the Lex Fridman podcast in April, calling President Trump “the most resilient human being I’ve ever met.” “They’re trying to attack him. They’re trying to ruin him—unfazed,” the UFC president said. “He will walk through fire.”

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“I gave up shame years ago.”

Hillary Clinton Denounces Trump for Doing What She Did in 2016 (Turley)

“I gave up shame years ago.” Those words from actor John Lithgow appear to have been taken to heart by Hillary Clinton who has severed any sense of self-awareness or shame in her public comments. Lithgow, who played Bill Clinton in Broadway production of Hillary and Clinton, appears to have inspired the subject of his play. In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton heralded the prosecution of former president Donald Trump in Manhattan as “election interference” by keeping “relevant information” from voters before an election. For those of us who criticized Clinton for the funding of the infamous Steele dossier, it was a perfectly otherworldly moment. In the interview, Clinton went after the Supreme Court for delaying a trial of Trump despite the push by Special Counsel Jack Smith for a verdict before the election. She then left many in disbelief with the following statement:

“And the one going on now currently in New York is really about election interference. It is about trying to prevent the people of our country from having relevant information that may have influenced how they could have voted in 2016 or whether they would have voted.” In the same election, it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that lied about funding the Steele dossier and then hiding the funding as a legal expense through then Clinton General Counsel Marc Elias. The Clinton campaign staff has never been known for transparency. Buried in the detailed account is a footnote stating that Elias “declined to be voluntarily interviewed by the Office.” Likewise, Durham noted that “no one at Fusion GPS … would agree to voluntarily speak with the Office” while both the DNC and Clinton campaign invoked privileges to refuse to answer certain questions.

Elias, his former partner Michael Sussmann, and the campaign were later found involved in not just spreading the false claims from the Steele dossier but other false stories like the Alfa Bank conspiracy claim. It was Elias who managed the legal budget for the campaign. We now know that the campaign hid the funding of the Steele dossier as a legal expense. New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said that Elias denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier. When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.”

Elias was also seated next to John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, when he was asked about the role of the campaign, he denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Even assuming that Podesta was kept in the dark, the Durham Report clearly shows that Elias knew and played an active role in pushing this effort.

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“The lesson we’ve taught Putin is that we’re a bunch of total f**king jokers..”

Ukraine A ‘Corrupt S**Thole’ – Ex-Boris Johnson Adviser (RT)

The UK and its allies got tricked into backing a “corrupt mafia state” in Ukraine and getting into a war of attrition against a Moscow-Beijing partnership, Dominic Cummings has said in an interview. The longtime Tory political strategist led the Vote Leave campaign for Brexit and was one of the key aides to then-PM Boris Johnson until resigning in November 2020. “We should have never got into the whole stupid situation,” Cummings told the outlet I News in an interview published on Wednesday, commenting on London’s full-throated support for Kiev. He also described Ukraine as a “corrupt s**thole that doesn’t matter at all.” “This is not a replay of 1940 with the pumpkin [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky as the Churchillian underdog,” he added. “This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get f**ked as a consequence.”

Western sanctions have been “more of a disaster” for the EU than for Russia, driving up the cost of living while pushing Moscow and Beijing closer together, according to Cummings. All the West managed to do is get into a war of attrition with Russia, “who we pushed into an alliance with the world’s biggest manufacturing power.” Cummings also addressed the argument that Russian President Vladimir Putin needed to be “taught a lesson” about invading neighbors. “The lesson we’ve taught Putin is that we’re a bunch of total f**king jokers,” he said. “I mean, Putin already knew that before the war. But this has emphasized it and broadcast it to the entire world, what a bunch of clowns we are,” he added. Between the sanctions regime and the US trying to seize frozen Russian assets, the West is encouraging the emergence of alternative global financial systems, he explained. That’s not teaching Putin any lesson, only that we’re idiots.

Cummings slammed Johnson – with whom he is no longer on speaking terms – for using the Ukraine conflict for “acting out his Churchillian fantasies,” as well as the Parliament, which “swallowed all of his total bulls**t on Ukraine and actually took it seriously.” Johnson was the key figure in getting Kiev to reject a peace deal with Russia in April 2022, according to the top Ukrainian negotiator, as well as Ukrainian media. The former PM denied his role in scuttling the talks, calling the account “total nonsense and Russian propaganda.” However, he confirmed that he told Zelensky the UK would back him “a thousand percent” and that any deal with Moscow would be bad.

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“The illegal alien doesn’t even need to complete the ballot, they only need to exist to generate one. Once the ballot is created, it can be filled out by anyone..”

Tucker Carlson Interviews Catherine Englebrecht About Illegal Alien Voting (CTH)

Catherine Englebrecht from True The Vote (TTV) has been working diligently in the sphere of trying to clean up voter registration rolls and ensure voter integrity for decades now. Englebrecht has faced constant targeting from agencies of the federal government and politicians who benefit from voter fraud, ballot fraud and illegal voting overall.In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Catherine Englebrecht explains the federal loophole that assists in permitting illegal alien votes. If the illegal alien believes they are lawfully permitted to vote, they are not prosecuted. As with everything else, the key to understanding how illegal aliens vote is to understand the process created by democrats. The main goal in the modern era is to generate ballots. In order to generate ballots, the secretaries of state need a name and identifier for the ballot creation. Registering their existence is where illegal alien voting starts.

Getting state IDs or a Driver’s License, links the identity to the Secretary of State office. That identity then creates a potential ballot. The ballot is the vehicle for the unlawful vote. The illegal alien doesn’t even need to complete the ballot, they only need to exist to generate one. Once the ballot is created, it can be filled out by anyone. Ballot harvesters are those who collect the ballots and then fill them out. Organizations like Black Lives Matter and various leftist political activist groups are the ballot harvesters. The harvesters are paid by organizations funded by large donors and leftist corporations.

The harvesters then turn the completed ballots over to the polling counters/workers. The polling counters/workers come from the African Methodist Episcopal church, the AME church network. Election and polling location work is the primary work of the AME church system. The members of the AME church then destroy ballots that are completed by people against their interests, while simultaneously scanning the fraudulent ballots multiple times. This is how the fraudulent ballot system works to overwhelm the accurate voting system.

It is not a complicated system; we are just not allowed to talk about it and we are supposed to pretend it is not happening. Catherine Englebrecht has been exposing this system for decades. However, in the era of Trump but both wings of the political uniparty apparatus have gone too far with the fraud to stop now. The popularity of President Trump forced the central ballot fraud operators to generate such a massive amount of fraudulent ballots that a BIG LIE cover -with major assistance from media- was needed to cover for it. Decades of intentionally built legal plausible deniability also stops the truth of the scale of fraud from surfacing.

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In theory.

Biden Faces Impeachment Over Israel Weapons Suspension (RT)

A Republican congressman has filed articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden for withholding deliveries of weapons to Israel, making a point of using the exact same phrasing the Democrats had used to impeach President Donald Trump. Earlier this week, Biden told CNN that “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells” to Israel if it proceeded with plans to attack Rafah City in south Gaza. Republicans quickly pointed out that Democrats had accused Trump of “abuse of power” for allegedly withholding congressionally approved military aid in 2019. “Joe Biden is pressuring Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East, by pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House, if they don’t stop all operations with Hamas,” Representative Cory Mills of Florida told Fox News on Thursday, adding that it was a pretty clear case of “quid pro quo” and that he intended to impeach Biden for it.

On Friday, Mills made good on his threat, formally initiating the procedure in the US House of Representatives. “In violation of his oath to faithfully execute the office of the president and to uphold the Constitution, President Biden abused the powers of his office by soliciting a ‘quid pro quo’ with Israel while leveraging vital military aid for policy changes,” according to Mills. Democrats, who controlled the House of Representatives at the time, impeached Trump in a party-line vote after accusing him of abuse of power. They claimed Trump had threatened to delay a shipment of weapons to Ukraine unless Kiev investigated the firing of a prosecutor who was looking into a company that had hired Biden’s son Hunter. Biden had publicly boasted about getting the prosecutor fired, but as he was in the race for the Democrats’ 2020 presidential nomination, the party claimed this amounted to soliciting “election interference.”

The impeachment went nowhere because the Republican-majority Senate refused to convict Trump in February 2020. Republicans currently hold a slim majority in the House of Representatives, which has been largely ineffective at opposing the Democrats’ priorities. Even if Mills manages to get the House to impeach Biden, it is highly likely that he will be acquitted in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

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Is he wrong?

Russia Fighting ‘Reincarnation Of Fascism’ – Medvedev (RT)

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine is a step towards defeating fascism and Nazism once and for all, former president and head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has said. In an article marking the 79th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany, he wrote that fascism had been officially defeated in World War II but the West has allowed its ideological descendants to continue wreaking havoc by supporting the Kiev regime. “For many years, even the demonstration of Nazi symbols, not to mention other symbols and ideas of Hitlerism, was legally prohibited in most countries of the world,” he said. Now, however, he said Russia was being “forced to fight the reincarnation of fascism, its zombie spawn, which embodies the disgusting and cynical great-grandson of Hitlerism – the Nazi regime of Kiev.”

The US, EU and other Western states have firmly sided with Kiev in its conflict with Russia. Ukraine’s backers have spent billions on the war effort and have supplied it with ammunition and weaponry, while placing unprecedented economic sanctions on Moscow. In the article, published on the official webpage of the Russian Security Council on Thursday, Medvedev slammed the “furious efforts to turn the world upside down, split and burn it in the conflagration of World War III.”Our former World War II allies enthusiastically feed, stuff with weapons and incite new Nazis, whose goal is to erase Russia from the map. According to Medvedev, Nazism won’t disappear on its own and therefore needs to be eradicated – this is what Russia sees as its “historical mission.” He noted, however, that Russia’s military operation and “the denazification” of Ukraine is only the first step towards building a new “architecture” of international relations, which would involve creating global instruments aiming to ensure the security and stable development of all states.

Together with our colleagues and partners, we are building a new, just and multipolar world order in which there can be no place for pressure and oppression, the rise of some nations at the expense of others, humiliation and exploitation of entire peoples, neocolonial habits and criminal business schemes. Medvedev said Russia’s victory over the Kiev regime would bring justice against both its nationalist leaders and their “owners, sponsors and ideological inspirers,” who are profiting from efforts to drag out the conflict. Similar sentiments had been voiced earlier on Thursday by Russian President Vladimir Putin. In his address at the Victory Day military parade in Moscow, he accused the West of pursuing a colonial policy and inciting regional conflicts to restrain the development of non-Western nations. He vowed that Russia would do everything possible to prevent a global conflict, but warned that it would not allow anyone to threaten its own safety and sovereignty.

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“They plotted by the lights of the White House Christmas tree to go after the interloper with all they had..”

Carnival Rides (Kunstler)

The miasma of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent. The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. Everybody understands they want to “defend our democracy” by cancelling your freedom of speech, pounding you into bankruptcy, and stealing whatever remains of your stuff. Likewise, everything else, namely: that our doings in Ukraine are a “fight for freedom,” that “white supremacy” lurks just out of sight getting ready to pounce on the “marginized” (who are actually running things, and doing it very badly), that “Joe Biden” turned around the economy, that “voting rights” equals non-citizens getting to vote, that election fraud is a “big lie” (and that the J-6 riot over it was an “insurrection”), and that the Covid vaccines were “safe and effective.”

None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, and all of the persuasion machinery stands in plain sight like so many nauseating carnival rides. One by one, the rides are flying apart, scattering debris and body parts of the poor slobs who were on the rides all over the fairgrounds. And so, the fear rises in the ones running the carnival. The county sheriff stands by looking to round up the sleazeball carnies with their missing teeth and needle tracks inside their elbows. Before long, they will find themselves in the courtroom. . . .The vicious officialdom put up the carnival and all of its rides to distract the public from the crimes they committed during and after the 2016 election. Donald Trump’s idle talk about putting Hillary Clinton in jail struck nerves throughout the federal bureaucracy, the halls of Congress, and the strongholds of the Clintons and the Obamas.

The Clintons had literally bought the Democratic Party apparatus under the DNC, using the money they grifted into the Clinton foundation from such operations as the Uranium One deal, the Skolkovo war-tech transfer deal, and the Haiti earthquake relief effort. They were sure that ownership of the DNC guaranteed the election for Hillary. It did guarantee that she would overcome Bernie Sanders’ primary election victories and the delegates that came with them, even after Julian Assange’s Wikileaks release informed the world just how the Clintons bought and paid for the DNC and the whole Philadelphia convention. Call this the birth of the “misinformation” cult, in which everything true was converted into a “big lie.”

The problem was, Hillary lost that election. What a surprise! Buying the convention was not enough, it turned out. Those “deplorables” did the unthinkable: cast enough of their stinky votes in just the right rust belt precincts to elect the Golden Golem of Greatness, who was as surprised as anybody, and really unprepared to cobble together an actual governing administration — in the process of which, Donald J. Trump was completely buffaloed by the outgoing Obama gang. They plotted by the lights of the White House Christmas tree to go after the interloper with all they had, starting with the surgical removal of a most dangerous appointee, National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, who knew all the secrets. . . and from there onto four years of Russia, Russia, Russia. . . .

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Bery best frens






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Home Forums Debt Rattle May 11 2024

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  • #158794

    Vincent van Gogh Daubigny’s garden 1890   • Scott Ritter Predicts How Ukraine Will End (Sp.) • Biden Weaponizing FBI and DOJ Against Americans –
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 11 2024]

    V. Arnold

    Vincent van Gogh Daubigny’s garden 1890
    Lovely; just lovely…

    Dr. D

    Does anyone know if they’re attacking Karkhiv? The reports seemed mixed at best. Ukraine is the one who reports this? Before it’s happened in size? Duran nor Military Summary say it’s a reconnaissance-in-force? Ukraine may be off-putting Russia – and if so, that’s the first time they’ve done anything militarily in years – by CLAIMING it is, making big counterattack, this upseating Russian attack elsewhere that was (or would be) real. That is, Russia discovers they have essentially a sudden unexpected offensive in a place they didn’t expect.

    We’ll see shortly but it seems against Russian policy and habit right now. They’re going to do what works and saves men, time is no issue.

    — I guess this is happening. question now is how much?

    New York Flight Attendants Accused Of Smuggling Millions In Drug Money To Dominican Republic

    But drug money all uses Crypto! Which is indelibly tracked. That’s why another bank (TD?) Just got charged for money laundering $600M this week. Because banks – who buy jumbo jets for Mexican Zeta cartels – don’t launder money using US$, but Crypto, which is publicly and irrevocably tracked, does! #GenslerLogic! Crypto is the problem, that’s why most US Dollars are overseas, and almost all of it is $100 bills.

    …If people swap to crypto, how are politicians supposed to take millions in bribes? You can read it on their ledger from your phone.

    Daily Dose: “’Putin is on the ropes’ as he faces ‘devastating’ blow on seized Russian cash | Bill Browder”

    Yes, the Bill Browder who was supposed to steal all Russia and set himself up as Tsar before Putin stopped him. I’m sure it’s an honest opinion.

    “Why Russia’s Military Strategy is Failing | Peter Zeihan”

    Yeah, I see that this morning — good timing. Alternate title: “Why destroying NATO by taking two twelve towns a day just isn’t enough.” WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO???

    Actually: keep it up, I love it. When me and a team of riflemen come into Paris, you’ll be in a bar drinking Absinthe and we’ll just come in the door and round you up without a shot. They’re not even aware a war is going on. Good. Never stop.

    “They Went Woke: Oscars Facing Liquidity Crisis, Launch $500 Million Fundraising Drive As Viewers Flee

    Actually, we have the power. This was the core lesson of the Enlightenment. Starting acting like it.

    “ICE Expected To Roll Out ID Program For Illegal Immigrants This Summer

    This is like arriving during a bank robbery and issuing IOUs. …As long as you put this government IOU in the empty vault, it’s all “Legal” again! We let the courts figure it out. This is why you can’t figure what these psychos will do: none of is can think that crooked like a weasel.

    “United Airlines Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Return To Japanese Airport After Wing Flap “Irregularity” 

    I’m sure planes return to the airport every day, but we just refuse to REPORT all the Airbus, etc that have issues with their Michelin tires. You can really learn something about media and manipulation here.

    “people think that is a government organization, but it’s not. It’s a private organization funded for 80% with private money”

    This is the replacement of Government with corporations, as they’ve written for decades. Or sort of a different, newer merger.

    “if they go north they lose, they go south they lose, if they stay in the middle they lose – there’s no good option”

    Yes, that’s what happens when you’re outnumbered 10:1, then 100:1 in tactics and tech. They said the same thing: “WHY didn’t Ukraine have a fallback line???” Um, reality? Resources on planet earth are limited? You might have noticed? Here’s a shovel and a plane ticket, Lindsay, Johnson, if you want to help.

    What’s the worst possible outcome for Biden and traitors in Congress? A: Give the money and have it collapse immediately anyway. Then also NATO falls, Europe falls, Markets fall, US$ falls. 8:1 on par with the Yuan.

    “• Missouri AG Accuses Biden DOJ Of Coordinating With Trump Prosecutors (ZH)

    Yes and now they’ll all arrest themselves. Wake me when somebody acts.

    ““I gave up shame years ago.”

    As Carville and the others show, if they lose – that is, become unpopular in Caitlyn’s “The Narrative” — they’ll all hang. As Kunstler says, “they keep adding crimes to cover crimes so now they HAVE to” …and the part is, we all know it now.

    ““The lesson we’ve taught Putin is that we’re a bunch of total f**king jokers..”

    That is hilarious, I’m glad someone noticed. So if we’re corrupt, hollow, worthless has-beens, then the Pound and US$ go 8:1 on the Yuan for starts, right? Understand?

    “• Biden Faces Impeachment Over Israel Weapons Suspension (RT)

    Do it, DO IT!!!! …Point is, Trump trips on a plane, Biden trips on a plane 5x. This is exactly what they said Trump was doing not giving arms to Ukraine. …And likewise Biden HAS been giving arms. So wtf?

    Chicken wire: or more like, Camera Tricks. You can see it in person quite well.

    Love the Chinese blocks, very nice. And good the be proud of your culture and lean into what makes you great and yourself.


    $61 Billion Congressional Grift for Ukronaziland

    “…the desperately needed 155-millimeter artillery shells were brought in from Romania on a ship, offloaded in Odessa into a warehouse and struck by two Iskander missiles. Boom….

    there goes a couple of billion dollars right there.”

    Poof, all gone

    Just like the Empire of Lies economy…….$2 trillion in debt


    Greatest Depression Ever Known



    Profession Manager Class




    I have not tuned into Karkhiv yet this morning. I expect to see the Russians doing what they always do. Ignore the gain or loss of territory. Grind up Ukraine military (parts and people) at a rate optimized for their grinder. Step forward to increase the feed. Step back to reduce the feed. Grind. Its not winning or losing. Its running the grinder. With this view the news is never a surprise.


    Duh=merica the Beautiful

    God shed His Grace on thee





    a kullervo

    No victory/failure is permanent.
    No defeat/success is definitive.

    Change doesn’t happenChange Is

    Change is everywhere – yet you can’t see It, only Its doings.

    Always act as if the Sacred can see you, ’cause even if you can’t see It, It surely sees you.

    Have a nice weekend.


    Ukraine A ‘Corrupt Shithole’ – Ex-Boris Johnson Adviser

    Until Boris’ head is impaled on a spike outside the Tower of London, Johnson still gets the last laugh, he ‘deliveried’ the Limey Sheeple to his Globohomo Masters!

    Mission Accomplished!




    Short Attention Span
    – Clinton Denounces Trump for Doing What She Did in 2016
    “This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get f**ked as a consequence.”

    Western sanctions have been “more of a disaster” for the EU than for Russia, driving up the cost of living while pushing Moscow and Beijing closer together

    Between the sanctions regime and the US trying to seize frozen Russian assets, the West is encouraging the emergence of alternative global financial systems, – Dominic Cummings special adviser to the British PM Boris Johnson
    Russia’s military operation in Ukraine is a step towards defeating fascism and Nazism once and for all, – Dmitry Medvedev, former president and head of the Russian Security Council
    None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, and all of the persuasion machinery stands in plain sight
    to distract the public from the crimes they committed during and after the 2016 election.
    The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room
    – • Carnival Rides (Kunstler)
    Everything still working
    An EMP or Solar Incident Could Result in Blackout Warfare

    A coronal mass ejection (CME) is an explosive outburst of solar wind plasma from the sun. The blast of a CME typically carries roughly a billion tons of material at speeds on the order of hundreds of kilometers per second. A CME contains radiation and powerful magnetic fields.

    John Day

    The Russians Took 12 Villages In The Kharkiv Region In Just 1 Day | Military Summary For 2024.05.10

    Another Solar Storm Coming, Level 5 Event | S0 News May.11.2024


    The Russian Organ Grinder

    grind, grind, grind…….

    The last bits of the SPG “Bogdan” artillery piece

    As the last of the artillery shells dry up there will be nothing tofire them with…..





    Here‘s Title 18’s clause that Tucker is referring to. While it does not say any illegal alien can vote, it does seem to indicate so-called “dreamers” who are now 18 can.

    Go to the wiki-p page on it and see what’s covered in title 18. Could anyone read the whole thing?


    A day late and a billion dollars short…

    The has-been Wonder Weapon of the Globohomos


    The Czech Republic Handed Over the First F-16 Fighter Jet Simulator to the Ukrainian Army

    The final humiliation for Empire of Lies Military Industrial Mafia

    The F-16 we be a skeet target clay pigeon for the Russian Aerospace forces to show the World what a tiny prick Duh’merica really has

    John Day

    US Power Grid & Communication Networks Survive Extreme Geomagnetic Storm


    There’s probably a better/cheaper version in every Game Store.
    The Czech Republic Handed Over the First F-16 Fighter Jet Simulator to the Ukrainian Army


    The impunity of Israel died with the birth of smart phone.
    (exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

    Watch: The Insane Flip-Flops Over Vaccines, Masks And Ivermectin

    SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2024 – 06:00 AM
    This week AstraZeneca recalled its COVID-19 vaccine after admitting that it caused a ‘rare but serious’ clotting.

    Then we find that former CNN host Chris Cuomo has been taking Ivermectin, after mocking people for taking ‘dewoming medication,’ leading one to wonder how many dead Americans were dissuaded from taking it during the pandemic.

    And so, while there are a plethora of examples out there – and these barely scratch the surface, it’s worth watching a montage of authoritarians and their propagandists in the corporate media peddling lockdown hysteria, only to flip-flop with nary a mea culpa (Chris Cuomo blames ‘bad information’ – not his fault!).



    Apply the grinder concept to the southern end of the Dnieper River. The grinder has no feed if you are on opposite sides of the river. If the grinder crosses, it cant be serviced with the river at its back. In this case stepping back doesnt reduce the the feed. It brings it up from zero. It depends on Ukraines desperation for a win somewhere.

    John Day

    It’s still too early for this. They are not ready to devalue the $US, but this will be a critical late step to get it to $20k/oz or more.

    U.S. Representative Introduces Bill To End Federal Taxation On Gold And Silver

    Dr D Rich


    …but genuinely directed at all the Nancers, Giladerers, Drderers and DeaBee-esers out there.

    Nance Pelosi and GiladerDan1 are both Public Paper Shredders….always with these people .
    They invariably deliver textbook cases of Narcissistic Mortification.
    Invariably they never mean SAFE from physical injury.
    They invariably manifest a reaction to Public Shaming at the exposure of their flawed, inadequate self, ie, Israel’s repudiation at the UN General Assembly
    It smarts.
    It stings.
    My mere presence here shouldn’t bother you this much.

    “Narcissistic mortification is “the primitive terror of self dissolution, triggered by the sudden exposure of one’s sense of a defective self … it is death by embarrassment””

    ….and obvious sign of manipulation by a Cult leader. Let’s just call it what everyone finds uncomfortable to acknowledge, the modern embodiment of Leadership.

    The Leadership Cult.

    Notice your cringeworthy response (narcissistic mortification) the next time the term ‘leadership’ is invoked.

    Some ppl notoriously worship at the altar of Controllers’/Spellbinders’ two dominant cults, Money and Leadership.

    Deracination….there’s always vocabulary to illuminate or obscure the way


    @zerosum re: the simulator – This is gonna kinda veer off a bit.

    MS Flight Simulator is very good right now (some bugs), and the next gen looks to be also good. The base program is ~$40 on Steam, but it is a ‘robust framework’ in which 3rd-party authors are writing extremely sophisticated models of planes. There is a price split where the ‘cool’ models that are mostly for fun range from $0-$50 or so. Then the range of actual ‘training’ models begins. Single airliner model could be $150+. The realism re: flight controls and aerodynamic behavior, even air traffic interaction, passenger support systems, is really amazing.

    But I noticed a disturbing trend. The more recent airliners leave less and less for the pilot to do, and after a while I feel like a monkey pressing the right button whenever I see a glyph on a screen. An odd, analogous thing happened about 20 years ago. Shortwave radio (HAM) certification dropped some cumbersome requirements, IIRC having to do with calculating radio behaviors and some other technical things. That’s it…dropping the little technical things…that contribute to a rounder comprehension of the subject. The professionals thusly trained are probably OK if they ‘stay on the freeway’ but would be lost out in the bush.

    John Day

    World’s Largest Floating Solar Farm Wrecked By A Storm Just Before Launch


    That’s it…dropping the little technical things…that contribute to a rounder comprehension of the subject.

    This is what I have seen generally over the last 20 years in the tech industry. In the 90s, in order to use a computer on the internet one had to have basic understanding of what a modem is and does (connect to a phone line, dial a number, negotiate connection with a server, and translate telephone signals as digital data), what a web browser is and its constituent important parts (address bar, web address, back button, reload button, bookmarks, http vs. https,) and how to navigate a basic file system graphically using Windows Explorer or Apple Finder. Now, none of these are formally taught, and the software is often written to obfuscate these functions. As a result, users often perperually feel like they are floundering in a shifting sea, just going wherever the current takes them…and they believe that this is “normal” and expected. I have found myself tutoring recent college graduates of PA or nurse practitioner school on basic computer functions — people who used laptops to graduate from college.


    Canada pitches in $76 million for ‘faster’ German air-defence systems in Ukraine to be destroyed/kill people while people are dying in the back streets of the cities.
    I’ve noticed that a lot of services, (eye exam, car diagnosis), require the proper operation of computerized specialized equipment.

    Dr. D

    Russia +100sq km today.

    Oh wait: what’s that I hear?

    “’Putin is on the ropes’ as he faces ‘devastating’ blow on seized Russian cash | Bill Browder”

    “Why Russia’s Military Strategy is Failing | Peter Zeihan”


    I’ve canvassed Moon of Alabama and Southfront — the only consensus I see on Kharkov so far is an increase in explosive stuff falling on Ukrainians in the area, no confirmation found (by me) of increased Russian forces.

    Until you see new and additional units being brought into line in the Kharkov area, I think it isn’t an offensive per se, just increased ammo use and the same limited forces walking into cleared areas.

    That would still constitute increased pressure, not disparaging it.

    Came across 1 interesting rumor about Russian Marines increasing training for a nighttime water landing, more noteworthy because it’s interesting than that there’s all that much to it.

    Having read Panzer Battles, Lost Victories, Panzer Leader, etc, my mind goes to big arrow movements of Germany 1941-1942 or USSR 1943-1944. They’ll cross the Dnieper, then turn North up its west bank while an offensive from Kharkov takes a run straight to the Dnieper. They’ll join hands somewhere north of Dnipro/Dnipropetrovsk/Yekaterinoslav (that covers its names into the 1700’s, anyway) bagging Ukraine’s entire southern front.

    Yeah right. They’ll take a few dozen villages.

    Idunno, I feel like Russia is capable of biting a chunk out of the front with a big arrow encirclement, which would certainly worsen Ukraine’s manpower problem. I suspect they’re happy to just sit there defending the same regions Ukraine was attacking back in 2014.

    Let them exhaust themselves without Russia ever invading or attacking – from a particular perspective, that is. Diplomatic warnings > recognition of independent regions > moving to defend them > incorporation – sets up a combination of DTP (duty to protect) and self defense. What is Russia doing? Defending Russians, they can say. But these crazy bastards keep throwing themselves at us to get at the people we are protecting. List of obvious attacks on civilians since 2014, etc.

    Dr D Rich

    Here’s the background:

    “Where Shredderers equal Spellbinders”

    Nancy Pelosi shredding

    Israeli and Jewish-faith-based individual Dan Gilader sp? shredding


    Ford explains it will have to stop selling petrol cars to poor people so it can meet government EV rules

    Tesla will receive grants for every car sold, Ford will receive fines for every ICE car sold over a certain number. No wonder Musk’s companies are such a success, he is the Israel of the corporate world, demanding gifts from poor tax payers and giving nothing back in return. That is how Musk’s companies are so successful, he is a big part of the machine driving the owners’ agenda. You think X is a bastion of free speech, don’t rely on it, it is owned by the people who own Musk and they are not on your side.


    In fact, don’t rely on any company to provide you with free speech and definitely not provacy. I cannot vet for this assessment of ProtonMail, but why would you not believe it …


    The job of the media and the politician, both jewowned, obviously, is to guide the sheep down the chute into the abattoir. They seem convinced they will prosper in the chaos they are creating. Wrong. Who is more delusional, the paid and blackmailed puppets bringing the chaos or the retards staring at TV…willfull participants in the escalading madness?


    The War on Gaza – 1.26.24

    Genocidal self-defense


    Framing Palestine

    … liberal Zionists have allegedly “sobered up.” They no longer believe in co-existence with Palestinians, and, in this respect, on the Palestinian question, they are closer to the Israeli far right than ever.

    Indeed, all their talk of being liberals is gone, they were all frauds, they were Zionists first and liberals second, they are captured. They are and always have been US citizens and nationalists for Zion. No wonder their skin crawls when they hear Trump say “Make America Great Again”, his fake US nationalism, which really hides his Zion nationalism, puts their own internal conflict in their faces.

    How the west has fucked itself in the head, it has no red lines, no principles, its citizens are frauds, they do not even support their own country first. At one time the dual-citizens were blamed for the Israel problem, but now we discover that so-called liberals were in on it, everybody was secretly a Zion nationalist, yet they also fly the US flag, so which nation comes first, the USA or Israel? Oh dear, someone drown that deformed puppy.

    Nationalism is supposedly a movement of the frustrated to improve their own country, not improve someone else’s country …. wow, Eric Hoffer would have a field day with this, he will have to rewrite his “True Believer” (yes, I know he is dead, maybe AI can do it for him), even the USA’s great philosopher did not realise how his fellow citizens were so fucked in the head.


    abattoir. abattoir. abattoir. Say it 3 times and it is so.


    The Israel-US game plan for Gaza is staring us in the face

    Some Americans can work it out when it happens in Ukraine, but when it happens in Zion, then they are blind.


    No reply from any of my congresspersons (sorry persons, for insulting you all by putting you next to congress) to my 2nd letter requesting no more free shit for Israel. They replied to the first one.

    Was it because I said “I don’t need this kind of shit from an ungrateful backstabbing money hole that never did me any good”? (Regarding HR 6090- the We Hate You For Your Freedoms bill)

    Dr D Rich

    Hey Dr D,
    Maybe you can solicit consultations from Scott Ritter and Danny Haiphong on this, another example of ongoing U.S. Navy dumbfuckery ’cause I hear you think they’re skilled video-makers-posters.

      Nothing new here folk.
      Let’s move along.
      The location: Naval Hospital Bremerton
      Commanding officer: nurse corps Catherine Wilson
      Command Master chief: some Lesbian
      NHB’s enlisted security personnel act under The Nurse Corps Commanding Officer’s authority.
      NHB’s enlisted security personnel operate under ombudsman care of the lesbian command master chief.
      NHB’s enlisted security personnel conducted surreptitious video recording of Active duty daughters and wives using dozens of dozens security cameras positioned on and about NHBs buildings and grounds.
      The leabian master chief hosted, showed and or attended the showing of the video to NHBs “goat locker” on NHB premises. A member of the goat Locker, a senior chief, was in attendance and possessed no reason to expect he would be viewing a recording of his wife and daughter.

      Yes you read that correctly. This senior Chief hospital corpsman was an unsuspecting participant in an ongoing, unprosecuted crime against his daughter and wife.
      And a nominal human being with nominal rank and authority over the senior Chief was HOSTESS to the festivities.
      Armed with this knowledge, senior chief Cowitz made the following fateful decision.
      Brad didn’t contact his boss the Director of Surgical Services nor the lesbian command master Chief nor Skipper C. Wilson nor NCIS nor Kitsap Sheriffs office nor Sy Hersh nor Danny fucking Haiphong.
      Bradley informed a Navy Captain not name Bruce Meneley AND informed him of his, Brad’s intent to “kill” the perpetrators.
      Contact the Master Chief.
      Put him on record.
      Find out whether it’s true Catherine Wilson “waived” the rights of His daughter and wife.

    Dr. D

    Sir, I am not your booking agent. It’s not hard to get on if you just ask. Everyone needs content and loves salacious stories, especially if it trashes the United States.

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