Debt Ratlle Apr 7 2014: A Smart Species? Us?


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  • #12180

    Detroit Photo Co Barge Office, New York 1900 And once again the markets are happily and excitedly awaiting more free zombie capital from a major centr
    [See the full post at: Debt Ratlle Apr 7 2014: A Smart Species? Us?]


    I’ve pre ordered All The President’s Bankers which will be released tomorrow. I, we, know the outlines of this story and I tell it often but nobody listens. I tell them the banks and bankers were saved because they are a vital part of the government. US power inseparable from the giant banks.

    No book ever changes anything much but this story is ripe for telling with so many people trying to connect dots. It would be difficult to imagine a story which is a bigger assault upon our elites. At the margin this is going to be a confidence destroyer.

    Of course confidence is a direct function of liquidity. Which is why I think Dargi is going to open the flood gates. In part because behind the scenes the new Chinese leadership is going after those who have been taking their money and sending it out into the world. That slowing if not reversing a bit is what ails the market now i think.I could be wrong on that of course.

    Diogenes Shrugged

    IMF Researcher Michael Kumhof at the London School of Economics:

    Part 1/2:

    Part 2/2:

    Diogenes Shrugged

    This is frustrating. I’m putting in the correct URL’s, but the wrong videos appeared. Here are the correct URL’s, but you’ll have to remove the quotation marks at both ends.
    Part 1:”
    Part 2:”

    Charles Alban

    This is from Michael Tellinger, founder of the UBUNTU party in South Africa. His goal is to shut down South Africa’s central bank. If millions of people worldwide joined the UBUNTU party we might see some real change.

    “The moment of truth is here and we have reached a truly historic landmark that I never imagined we would reach. How we deal with this situation is up to us. So I urge you to TELL EVERYONE and spread this message as widely as you can. This is the official UBUNTU Party TV commercial for the South African Elections 2014.

    Click on the link to view:

    To share this with others, please do click here.

    Only by addressing the cause of our economic and financial misery, can we solve the problems. We will not fix the financial chaos created by the Reserve Bank and private banks, by using the same tools they used to create these problem.

    We urge the people of South Africa to realise that the RESERVE BANK does not belong to the government of the people – it is a highly secretive private corporation that is controlled by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.

    Through a convoluted set of laws that protects it, the SARB allows private banks in South Africa to create money out of THIN AIR – enslaving each and everyone of us in DEBT for life.

    The UBUNTU Party is the only party that is sharing this truth with the people to allow us all to finally free ourselves from the economic slavery imposed on us by the private banks.

    Only a complete restructuring of the economic and financial systems will bring relief to the people. Anything else is merely blowing hot air and rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    All we need is 45,000 votes to get one seat in parliament and start imposing new ideas from within. This is well within our reach so let’s do it. Kindly click here to spread the news.

    In pure truth

    Michael Tellinger
    Founder UBUNTU Party

    All rights reserved – Non Assumpsit
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


    It appears that you are being drowned out from the websites that are all predicting a full out mad max collapse of society and zombies running in from all sides….shoot to kill etc……
    How do your opinions differ from say a Gail the Actuary or an Orlov? And what can one do to prepare or should we even bother….Dan

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