May 042024
 May 4, 2024  Posted by at 9:19 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , ,

John Collier Lady Godiva c1897


Trump Pays Fine For Gag Order Violations (RT)
Trump Urges Dismissal of Mar-a-Lago Case (ET)
Stormy Daniels Lawyer Says Payment Wasn’t ‘Hush Money’ (ZH)
Trump Develops Plan On Peaceful Resolution In Ukraine — Telegraph (TASS)
Kiev Has Lost Over 111,000 Troops This Year – Moscow (RT)
Ukraine Can’t Beat Russia On The Battlefield – Senior General (RT)
Freedom Of The Press Dying In West, Any Dissent Snuffed Out – MFA (TASS)
Aggression Against Crimea To Be Met With Crushing Retaliation – Russia (TASS)
This Is Not The EU That Hungary Joined – Orban (RT)
EU Leaders Talking ‘War in Europe’ Shows Their Real Intentions – Orban (Sp.)
Saudi Arabia and Indonesia Lobby EU to Halt Russian Asset Confiscation (Sp.)
The Russia–Iran–China Search For A New Global Security Order (Pepe Escobar)






Tesla China






“There is no crime. I have a crooked judge..”

Trump Pays Fine For Gag Order Violations (RT)

Former US President Donald Trump has paid a $9,000 fine for violating a gag order imposed during his hush money trial in New York, news outlets reported on Thursday, citing a court official. Judge Juan Merchant fined Trump on Tuesday for violating the gag order nine times and instructed him to take down seven “offending posts” from Truth Social and two more posts from his campaign website. Trump is being accused of falsifying business records in an effort to conceal his sexual relationship with former adult film star Stormy Daniels. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and insisted he never had an affair with Daniels. He further slammed the gag order as “unconstitutional,” and argued that the trial is a plot to derail his re-election campaign. During the 11th day of hearings on Friday, the jurors heard the testimony of Hope Hicks, Trump’s former campaign press secretary and White House communications director.

Describing her former boss’s reaction to a Wall Street Journal story about Trump’s alleged affairs with Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, she told the court that Trump was “concerned how it would be viewed by his wife and he wanted me to make sure that the newspapers weren’t delivered to their residence that morning.” Trump and President Joe Biden are neck-and-neck in most polls, with just six months left until election day. Trump continued to insist on his innocence during a rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Wednesday. “There is no crime. I have a crooked judge,” the former president told supporters. According to an NPR/PBS NewHours/Marist poll released on Wednesday, 55% of Americans say that they are not closely watching the hush money trial or not watching it at all. At the same time, 54% of Americans said they believe the investigations into Trump are fair, while 45% view them as unfair.

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“..selective and vindictive prosecution”

Trump Urges Dismissal of Mar-a-Lago Case (ET)

Former President Donald Trump docketed a brief to support his motion to dismiss the classified documents indictment against him in Florida, citing “selective and vindictive prosecution” on Thursday. The 43-page filing contends that special counsel Jack Smith’s case against the former president “has been motivated by improper political animus.” It cites “targeted leaks and public statements” by President Joe Biden, “urging others to prosecute President Trump.” This refers to a New York Times report from April 2, 2022, reporting that President Biden told his “inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted.” President Trump’s lawyers contend that the article amounted to presidential pressure on Attorney General Merrick Garland to “act … more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action.”

The motion details a series of events to support the former president’s arguments of a concerted effort by the Biden administration and federal agencies to target him. It points to statements from officials at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which is responsible for the preservation of presidential records, that the Biden administration’s “current business” was investigating the 45th president. Among other events, it cites a text message from a NARA official dated Feb. 9, 2022, stating that the classified documents have “consumed all of our discussions” with the Biden White House. “There is evidence of vindictive political animosity focused on election interference in these proceedings, which is part of the reason why the Special Counsel’s Office is wrong in the claim that President Trump ‘does not contend that the Special Counsel himself was motivated by improper considerations,’” President Trump’s lawyers argue.

In a March 7 filing, Mr. Smith argues against President Trump’s claims that the prosecution team, influenced by political bias, is selectively targeting him for prosecution. Prosecutors from the special counsel’s office argue that the former president hadn’t identified anyone in his motion who was engaging in similar conduct without being prosecuted and failed to provide evidence that his indictment was solely retaliatory. “Trump contends … that he has been subject to selective and vindictive prosecution,” the prosecution wrote. “But he has not identified anyone who has engaged in a remotely similar battery of criminal conduct and not been prosecuted as a result.

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“..he said it was a “Consideration”,..

Stormy Daniels Lawyer Says Payment Wasn’t ‘Hush Money’ (ZH)

A lawyer who was involved in negotiations between former President Donald Trump and two women denied that payments made to them constituted “hush-money,” and instead used the word “consideration.” Keith Davidson, who negotiated deals with both Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) and model Karen McDougal, disputed Manhattan prosecutor Joshua Steinglass’s language during a May 2 court appearance. “It wasn’t a ‘payout’ and it wasn’t ‘hush money.’ It was consideration in a civil settlement,” said Davidson. “Would you use the phrase hush money to describe the money that was paid to your client by Donald Trump?” Steinglass shot back. “I would never use that word,” Davidson replied. When asked what he would call it, he said it was a “Consideration,” comparing it to a contract in which one pays to have one’s lawn mowed.

Trump attorney Emil Bove pressed Mr. Davidson on his understanding of extortion law, grilling him about previous instances in which he solicited money to suppress embarrassing stories, including one involving wrestler Hulk Hogan. Mr. Bove suggested to the witness that by the time he negotiated the payments for Ms. McDougal and Ms. Clifford, he would have been “pretty well versed in coming right up to the line without committing extortion.” “I had familiarized myself with the law,” Mr. Davison replied. -Epoch Times. Davidson also told Steinglass that he worked out the “consideration” deal with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen just days before the 2016 election, but that Trump never signed it.

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“Trump will focus on a simple message that he would end the war in an attempt to win over US voters..”

Trump Develops Plan On Peaceful Resolution In Ukraine — Telegraph (TASS)

Former US President Donald Trump has developed a detailed plan on resolving the Ukrainian conflict peacefully, but will not reveal it until the election, the Daily Telegraph reported, citing an anonymous source close to the politician. “There is a plan, but he’s not going to debate it with cable news networks because then you lose all leverage,” the source said. Instead, according to the source, Trump will focus on a simple message that he would end the war in an attempt to win over US voters. At the end of April, Trump said in an interview with Time that he would not provide aid to Ukraine if elected unless Europe chips in. Russia has repeatedly voiced its position regarding the situation around Ukraine at various levels. Previously, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that Moscow has always been and remains open to a diplomatic settlement of the crisis, and it is ready to respond to truly serious proposals, while the Kiev regime interrupted and prohibited further negotiations with Russia.

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Not much fighting going on?!

Kiev Has Lost Over 111,000 Troops This Year – Moscow (RT)

Ukrainian military losses since the beginning of the year have surpassed 111,000 troops, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Friday, as he shared Moscow’s latest estimates from the conflict. Russian forces “continue to break up” Ukrainian defensive positions along the entire front line, preventing their attempts to stall advances by Moscow’s troops, the senior official reported during a ministerial meeting. Russia’s territorial gains this year have amounted to 547 sq km, he added. Shoigu accused the US and its allies of pressuring Kiev into disregarding the cost of continued fighting. As a result, Ukraine suffered 1,000 casualties daily throughout April, the minister claimed.

Kiev has ramped up its mobilization efforts due to high attrition, Shoigu added, claiming that Ukrainians unwilling to fight “are being forced to the front line” and certain death. The Russian defense chief accused the leadership in Kiev of sacrificing citizens for the sake of continued Western financial and military assistance. In addition to inflicting significant casualties, Russian forces have also destroyed some 21,000 heavy weapons operated by Ukrainian forces, Shoigu stated. In April, Shoigu estimated Ukrainian casualties as approaching 500,000 since the hostilities with Russia started in February 2022.

Earlier this year, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed into law a radical reform of military service, which includes harsher punishments for draft dodgers and facilitates the work of conscription officers. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has since suspended consular services for military-age men residing in foreign countries, stating that anyone avoiding mobilization does not deserve them. Kiev is also seeking assistance from Western nations in its attempts to force potential conscripts to return. The country’s border service said last month that since February 2022, some 30 Ukrainian citizens have died while trying to illegally flee to other nations.

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“Our problem is very simple: we have no weapons..”

Ukraine Can’t Beat Russia On The Battlefield – Senior General (RT)

A Ukrainian military victory over Russia is unfeasible, a senior military intelligence official in Kiev has predicted. Peace talks with Moscow are nonetheless unlikely before 2025, he claimed. Vadim Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence agency, shared his grim perception of the frontline situation in an interview with The Economist published on Thursday. He expects Russia to launch a major offensive by the end of May or the beginning of June, with Kiev’s forces badly positioned to prevent it. “Our problem is very simple: we have no weapons,” Skibitsky explained. Kiev’s armament woes will not be addressed anytime soon, even after the US approved an additional $60 billion in Ukraine-related spending, the British magazine reported, saying it will be weeks before new aid filters through to the front line.

A lack of willing draftees is also undermining Kiev’s war effort, including those recruited under draconian new rules, the report stated. Skibitsky reiterated Kiev’s claims that Moscow intends to capture the Donbass city of Chasov Yar by May 9, when Russia celebrates victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. The Ukrainian military leadership announced the purported deadline in mid-April, and has recently boasted about depriving Moscow of its supposed wish. Russia will eventually take Chasov Yar anyway, Skibitsky told The Economist. The general added that he does not see a way for Ukraine to win on the battlefield alone, describing the continuing hostilities as an attempt by both sides to gain a stronger position in future peace talks. Skibitsky believes that no meaningful negotiations will happen before 2025.

Moscow has repeatedly said that, unlike Kiev, it is willing to negotiate peace as long as “realities on the ground” are acknowledged. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky intends to promote his “peace formula” – a list of demands to Russia – to neutral nations during an international event in Switzerland in mid-June. Russia has said it will not participate in the process, which it sees as irrelevant, even if invited. The event organizers “do not intend to seek a road to peace let alone analyze the roots of the Ukraine conflict,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday. The West is seeking to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, rather than an end to the bloodshed, she claimed.

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“In Ukraine, the criminal regime of [President Vladimir] Zelensky has annihilated freedom of speech once and for all..”

Freedom Of The Press Dying In West, Any Dissent Snuffed Out – MFA (TASS)

Freedom of the press is under attack in the West, where the authorities stamp out any dissent and repress journalists, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement dedicated to World Press Freedom Day on May 3. “Unfortunately, World [Press Freedom] Day, which was conceived as a global celebration, is gradually degenerating into a meaningless date. This situation can change only if there is an honest assessment of the situation surrounding freedom of the press and journalist safety that is not distorted by Western propaganda,” the ministry pointed out. “We once again draw attention to the deplorable situation regarding freedom of expression and equal access to information in the countries of the collective West,” the ministry noted, adding that “the so-called democratic countries continue destroying every pocket of dissent in violation of all international obligations.”

“Investigative journalist Julian Assange and other prisoners of conscience continue to languish in London’s dungeons,” the report said. “So far there has been no reaction from international human rights organizations on the death of journalist Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison this January. He was rejected by both of his countries of citizenship, the United States and Chile,” it added. The Russian Foreign Ministry also pointed to the “incessant arbitrariness committed by the Western authorities against the Russian media and journalists, who have fully felt the repressive machine of the neoliberal West.” “Special attention should be paid to the appalling situation regarding freedom of the media in the Baltic republics and Moldova. Their authorities, under the pretext of combating ‘Russian propaganda,’ with the silent consent of their Western curators, have organized persecutions against representatives of Russian-language media,” the ministry explained.

“In Ukraine, the criminal regime of [President Vladimir] Zelensky has annihilated freedom of speech once and for all by banning all opposition media outlets and closing access to thousands of Internet resources,” the Russian Foreign Ministry continued. “The indulgence of Kiev by its overseas masters has also led to the continuation of brutal massacres against Russian journalists. The list of national media representatives who were killed by Ukrainian militants was recently expanded to include Semyon Yeremin, a military correspondent for Izvestia, who was murdered by neo-Nazis using a UAV while performing his professional duties,” the ministry noted. “UNESCO Director General Audrey Azule has not yet condemned the cold-blooded murder of Semyon Yeremin, as well as other Russian journalists (Daria Dugina (Platonova), Vladlen Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin), Oleg Klokov, Rostislav Zhuravlev, Boris Maksudov),” the ministry added.

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“In recent days, Maria Zakharova continued, Ukrainian forces “have been seen using several US-made ATACMS long-range missiles, which were secretly received a month ago, against Crimea”

Aggression Against Crimea To Be Met With Crushing Retaliation – Russia (TASS)

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned Washington, London and Brussels that any aggressive actions against Crimea and the Crimean Bridge are doomed to fail and will be met with crushing retaliation. “I would like again to warn Washington, London, Brussels that any aggressive actions against Crimea are not only doomed to fail, but will also be met with a blow of retaliation that will be crushing,” the diplomat said at a news conference. In recent days, Zakharova continued, Ukrainian forces “have been seen using several US-made ATACMS long-range missiles, which were secretly received a month ago, against Crimea.”

“According to the Russian Defense Ministry, all the missiles that were fired were destroyed,” she said. “After Easter, Kiev expects to receive the first F-16 aircraft, which, according to the UK plan, can also be used in the operation to destroy the Crimean bridge.” The diplomat warned that “Russian law enforcement agencies thoroughly record the crimes of Ukrainian neo-Nazis.” “Not a single atrocity of the Kiev regime remains unnoticed. Those involved are being identified and brought to justice,” she said.

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“He still believes that being part of the union is in the national interest..”

This Is Not The EU That Hungary Joined – Orban (RT)

Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban has decried the state of the European Union, claiming it is almost unrecognisable from the bloc the Budapest joined 20 years ago. Orban was a strong proponent of the move in 2003, when Hungarians overwhelmingly voted for their country to become an EU member. The country’s accession was finalized on May 1 of the following year. However, the policies of the bloc have significantly changed since then, the Hungarian leader noted during his regular Friday appearance on Kossuth Radio. He still believes that being part of the union is in the national interest, but listed several points on which he disagrees with Brussels. When Budapest joined the bloc, it did not expect to be forced to take in immigrants from other parts of the world or pressured over its constitutional protection of the family, defined as being based on a marriage between a man and a woman, Orban said.

Accession “wasn’t about the European leaders maneuvering the continent into a war instead of peace,” he added, referring to the arming of Ukraine against Russia. The prime minister urged EU citizens to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections for parties that support a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine conflict, including the Orban-led Fidesz Party in Hungary. If a significant number of pro-peace candidates become MEPs, “we can have a European Parliament that does not push European leaders towards war, but pulls Europe back from the edge of the abyss,” he argued. Earlier this week, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said Budapest would oppose a plan proposed by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to establish a €100-billion ($107 billion) five-year aid scheme for Kiev. Hungary has been a member of the US-led military bloc since 1999. In March, American Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman accused Orban’s government of undermining NATO’s commitment to Kiev and of “standing with Russia.”

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“..Europe is playing with fire at this moment, we are balancing on the edge of war and peace..”

EU Leaders Talking ‘War in Europe’ Shows Their Real Intentions – Orban (Sp.)

EU leaders talking about “a war in Europe” shows their real intentions, but they are playing with fire, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday. In an interview with the Kossuth radio broadcaster, the official recalled the recent statement by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell that the spread of war to Europe is no longer a fantasy and the words of Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski that the conflict has no diplomatic solution, and it can only be resolved by military force. “These are not communication bubbles, but the implementation of real political intentions and reflections. Europe is playing with fire at this moment, we are balancing on the edge of war and peace,” Orban said.

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Odd couple..

Saudi Arabia and Indonesia Lobby EU to Halt Russian Asset Confiscation (Sp.)

Saudi Arabia and Indonesia are trying to persuade EU countries to abandon the confiscation of Russian assets. The countries have been lobbying EU capitals not to seize the assets, fearing for the future of their own reserves held in the West, the Financial Times reports, citing officials. While the US and Canada continue to push for the confiscation of Russian assets, the EU “remains highly cautious, resulting in a stalemate,” the outlet said. Confiscating Russian assets could trigger a wave of reparations claims stemming from long-standing disputes, such as those against Germany after the two world wars, as well as former colonies making claims against former imperialist powers, the FT noted, citing EU officials.

“Moving from freezing the assets, to confiscating them, to disposing of them [could carry the risk of] breaking the international order that you want to protect,” European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde said. While Ukraine insists on the complete seizure of Russia’s assets, G7 officials privately declare that such a step is “no longer on the table.” The Russian Foreign Ministry has called the freezing of Russian assets theft, noting that such an attempt violates international law.

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The Russia–Iran–China Search For A New Global Security Order (Pepe Escobar)

The Hegemon has no idea what awaits the Exceptionalist mindset: China has started to decisively stir the civilizational cauldron without bothering about an inevitable array of sanctions coming by early 2025 and/or a possible collapse of the international financial system. Last week, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his list of delusional US demands was welcomed in Beijing by Foreign Minister Wang Yi and President Xi Jinping as little more than an annoying gnat. Wang, on the record, stressed that Tehran was justified in defending itself against Israel’s shredding of the Vienna Convention when it attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus. At the UN Security Council, China now openly questions not only the state terror attack on the Nord Streams but also the US–Israel combo’s blocking of Palestinian statehood.

Moreover, Beijing, just like Moscow recently, hosts Palestine’s political factions together in a conference aiming to unify their positions. Next Tuesday, only two days before Moscow celebrates Victory Day, the end of the Great Patriotic War, Xi will land in Belgrade to remind the whole world about the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese embassy by the US, UK, and NATO. Russia, meanwhile, provided a platform for the UNRWA – the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees, which Israel has sought to defund – to explain to high representatives of BRICS-10 the cataclysmic humanitarian situation in Gaza, as described by UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini. In short, serious political business is already being conducted outside of the corrupted UN system, as the United Nations disintegrates into a corporate shell with the US dictating all terms as the largest shareholder.

Yet another key example of BRICS as the new UN: Russian Security Council chairman Nikolai Patrushev met in St. Petersburg with his Chinese counterpart Chen Wenqing on the sidelines of the 12th International Security Summit, congregating over 100 nations, including the security heads of BRICS-10 members Iran, India, Brazil, and South Africa, as well as Iraq. But the key crossroads these past few days was the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) defense summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. For the first time, the new Chinese Defense Minister, Dong Jun, met with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, to emphasize their comprehensive strategic partnership. Dong, significantly, stressed the “dynamic” nature of China–Russia military interaction, while Shoigu doubled down, saying it “sets a model for interstate relations” based on mutual respect and shared strategic interests.

Addressing the full SCO assembly, Shoigu emphatically refuted the massive western propaganda drive about a Russian “threat” to NATO. Everybody was at the SCO defense ministers’ meeting – including, at the same table, India, Iran, Pakistan, and Belarus as an observer. Minsk is eager to join the SCO. The interlocking Russia–Iran–China strategic partnerships were totally in sync. Apart from Dong meeting Shoigu, he also met Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani, who lavishly praised Beijing’s condemnation of the Israeli terror air strike in Damascus. What is happening now between Beijing and Tehran is a replay of what started last year between Moscow and Tehran, when a member of the Iranian delegation on a visit to Russia remarked that both parties had agreed on a mutual, high-level “anything you need” relationship.

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Rogan UFO



Seed oil











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Home Forums Debt Rattle May 4 2024

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  • #158357

    John Collier Lady Godiva c1897   • Trump Pays Fine For Gag Order Violations (RT) • Trump Urges Dismissal of Mar-a-Lago Case (ET) • Stormy Daniels
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 4 2024]


    Biden economic advisor Jared Bernstein

    These are the DEI hires that I hate, because he is so stupid that he can’t even fake it. Of course, as a Jew he will never be fired, he will never work, he will leech off the system pretending to be above it all. The USA needs to bring back merit and kick out all these Jews who have been given jobs that better people could be doing.

    Am I allowed to write this, now that the USA is worse than China in terms of controlling what you are allowed to think? China was pretty into this shit during the Cultural revolution, but not so much these days, looks like the USA has taken over the torch.


    I mean there’s been many times where I expected to lose everything, I mean, who starts a car company and a rocket company expecting them to succeed?

    When you live on government grants, there is no reason you could possibly fail unless the government decided to stop wasting tax payers’ money.


    Former US President Donald Trump has developed a detailed plan on resolving the Ukrainian conflict peacefully, but will not reveal it until the election, the Daily Telegraph reported, citing an anonymous source close to the politician.

    Ha ha ha, this is hilarious, the Trump Chump has sold out his base and is now telling us he is going to drain the swamp, or some other equally unachievable, unbelievable promise. The guy is a deep state clown. Is he saying that he only persuaded the gay speaker into treason against his country in order to keep the war going so that he could walk in in his clown shoes, red nose on his face, stupid wig etc etc and fix it for us. And what about the border that he was definitely going to fix last time he was POTUS, yet another stupid promise that the incompetent clown could not keep, a promise that has consequences occuring at this very moment. Maybe he should look at how he has let down the American people before he starts making stupid promises, remember Trump also sent money to back the Ukraine reginme before the war. Only retarded Americans would vote for this nob.


    Most people in America now for cooking use Seed Oils

    I appreciate that this is a true statement, but what is missing is a clear explanation of what is a seed oil. A seed is often a part of a fruit, so olive oil could be deemed a seed oil, except that it does not use the solid seed in the center of the fruit. I am sure they are not referring to olive oil. Soya sauce is also sometimes confusing, it is not an oil and is made from fermented soy beans.

    I think they are really referring to how this stuff is made. Canola is made with a load of mechanical and chemical – hexane – processes that is not “cooking” in the sense you or I would consider cooking – how many of us use poisonous substances in the kitchen? Well the hexane extraction of oils involves a poisonous substance, and it is unregulated in the food industry so they can do what they want.

    What we really need to know is how this shit is made. Humans are good at living on normally cooked food, but the food industry wants to sell you shit, so the government tries to persuade you to eat shit because it helps their friends …. you are not one of their friends.

    Our bodies did not evolve to digest the output from a chemical plant that uses substantial poisons. The corporates will sell you any old shite as long as it makes them money, the cheaper it is, the better for them, so using hydrocarbons like hexane is a cheap shortcut. The answer is to abandon the shite they try to sell to you. Get real food, make your own, or buy a product that you know to be created in a natural manner. Do some research and be willing to put in some effort to keep yourself healthy; your body is you most precious possession.


    “Our bodies did not evolve to digest the output from a chemical plant that uses substantial poisons. The corporates will sell you any old shite as long as it makes them money, the cheaper it is, the better for them, so using hydrocarbons like hexane is a cheap shortcut. The answer is to abandon the shite they try to sell to you. Get real food, make your own, or buy a product that you know to be created in a natural manner. Do some research and be willing to put in some effort to keep yourself healthy; your body is you most precious possession.”

    Two thumbs up!


    Aggression Against Crimea To Be Met With Crushing Retaliation – Russia

    Putin has repeatedly said that Russia has yet to “take the gloves off”.

    Well, that’s changing

    The Dnieper Bridges

    If Ukronaziland wants to make a “last stand” using the Dnieper as a natural barrier, they will try to get their forces east of the river back across to the west bank before destroying the bridges themselves to halt the Russian advance.

    However the Duran has suggested that the Ukronazi obsession with the destruction of the Crimean Bridge will be the excuse the Russians with use to destroy the Dnieper Bridges BEFORE the Ukronazis can evacuate their forces to the west side, thus trapping them on the east side with no supplies of food, ammo, medicine, etc…

    The calculation the Russians have to make is:

    The Ukronazis are going to destroy those bridges themselves as a defense line so why wait for that and just trap the bastards on the east bank and crush them like cockroach in a corner.

    Because the real purpose of the Russian SMO is not territory but destroying the Ukronazi army and the Banderites.

    As long as Nazilensky keeps sending meat puppets across the river, by all means keep that going by keeping the bridges up. The second there are indications that the Ukronazis are pulling back to make a last stand on the Dnieper west bank,beat them to the punch and blow ALL the Dnieper bridges and spring the trap shut.

    That’s a couple hundred thousand Ukronazi troops ‘encircled’, trapped and doomed in one night of total bridge destruction.

    Pro Tip to the Empire of Lies

    Rule One when picking your Proxies:

    Hire Clowns, expect a Circus




    Dr. D

    Seems like Godiva hasn’t been eating well, for a Queen. Not enough chocolates. “Brits in Togas” period.

    “Tulsi Gabbard: Biden Can’t Compete On The Issues,”

    Carville just directly said, IDGAF: YOU GET NOTHING!!!! You Get NOTHING, kids, not now, not EVER! Now shut up your whining wah wah wah and VOTE for me!

    As Jimmy Dore said, “um no, that’s the #OPPOSITE of what politics is. You come GET my vote. You tell me what you’re going to do for me.” Maybe not as a sales thing, buying votes, but as a perspective, outlook, plan thing. Yes. Biden is saying, with Carville, “YOU’RE GOING TO GET NOTHING FROM US, EVER, BUT A BOOT IN THE FACE IF YOU DON’T SHUT UP.” True Cluster B violent narcissistic abuser stuff. Very familiar, boring in fact.

    As his attitude doesn’t “Compete” on the Issues very well, he needs to apply that boot on the fact of humanity who won’t do that voluntarily, obviously, and MAKE them. Using force, violence, lies, whatever Idgaf. “Whatever it takes”. The Ends Justify the Means, and the “End” is, I’m rich, move Camp David to Epstein Island, and you all die and leave us rich guys in peace on state-large vacant hunting lodges where we fly our jets and eat Waigu steak. Obviously. Who wouldn’t? when every last one of you is dead there’ll be plenty to go around.

    If you can’t get any votes because Killing everyone and stealing their stuff is your platform, you need another plan. The government is long since weaponized, that’s been true for ages, at least the Sedition Act of 1900, with a new purchase every year! How many? Corporations R Ppl Act? Patriot Act? Infinity Money for Free Act? And this year: “You Can’t Criticize Us Act”.

    Uh-huh. Hey, um, what happens when every action of government is in direct opposition to “Natural Law”? When every law is immoral and every moral is against the law? Good for government and stability, profits, order? Or BAD for longevity of governments and the people therein? Put another way: what’s the historic running life expectancy of a government that acts like this? Weeks? Months? Years? Tick Tock people.

    Become ungovernable. Heck, just become ungoverned. Ignore everything the Government says and do what is right, like Rhett Butler. Import whatever you like, sell it to your friends, don’t pay taxes. If the “Government” doesn’t like it, well dodge them. We dodge or strategize all kinds of obstacles from all kinds of places. “The Government” is just another jack-ss I have to work around, like all the others, because they have no legitimacy to me or my friends whatsoever. Same as other mafias, showing up for a shakedown, robbing my trucks from time to time. Pay no attention, just a cost of business. They said it? Like the Gambinis? why would I care? This is Corleone territory.

    Is it moral to push drugs? Probably not. Is it moral to sell Ivermectin a drug safer than aspirin which they outlawed for no good reason, but isn’t even illegal? (no law was passed). If being moral is outlawed, be an outlaw. I mean, you’re going going to “Just Obey” orders that are illegal, immoral, and against the Military Code, are you? No, you’re not. You already know you won’t, so get with the program and plan. There’s a lot of money to be made when morality is outlawed, a lot of friends who need your un-GMO, non-mRNA steaks.

    “• Stormy Daniels Lawyer Says Payment Wasn’t ‘Hush Money’ (ZH)

    Again, as a shakedown, look into Cohen embezzling money to sleep with Clifford. Where did the money come from if Trump didn’t sign? He’s a party to the contract without signing? (Yes, I mean the contract that isn’t illegal to begin with.)

    “• Trump Develops Plan On Peaceful Resolution In Ukraine — Telegraph (TASS)

    The plan is simple: There will be no Ukraine. What was the WORST possible outcome for Joe? To force the payouts (Well son of a b—h…) and then have Ukraine collapse immediately anyway, over the summer. “And then a miracle happened…” and this is occurring even as we speak, right on schedule. Russia is taking town after town, having exhausted the line and Ukraine got nothin’. …Because to make the timing all the GOP only had to drag their feet a little, and now can’t be blamed because they voted for! Right??? Again, no 47th Mech, no Azov, everyone refusing orders. There is nothing to fill gaps with. Russia has complete superiority in EVERY capacity, everywhere.

    This has to fall under Joe, be handed to Russia under Joe, then the markets have to collapse under Joe and the Democrats. Imagine the other way: Losing the war we have no capacity to win (not until 30 years of building our manufacturing, as Trump even tried to do) and everyone shouts Trump isn’t trying HARD enough! He hasn’t sent ENOUGH soldiers to Hillary’s war we have no business in. Hasn’t printed ENOUGH money to save Europe while they eat brioche and steal our capital flows again. He’s APPEASING Putler, I KNEW it!!! Lost the whole nation the size of France! Then the markets tank and it’s Orange Man’s Fault!

    Nope. Has to be Joe Biden’s and the Democrats’ fault, which is appropriate. 2/3 of Republicans may be sold, but the only opposition is still with them, MAGA, and not the Dems. They get the B- grade for fighting but no Gold Star, Dems get the “F”.

    But again: TIMING. There are now only 9 months for it to collapse. They may suspend the election here and probably will, but it needs to be close, like 12-15 months? War lost, Europe tanks, US tanks right after, then: Election. (or lack of). Then the People and sit and look at it. Decide.

    It Tanks = no money = no blackmail. All sorts of files come out and no more hit men for Boeing. Can’t buy off States with Fed money for WHO, Trans, Colleges, everything else. Everyone wanders around disoriented, as they’ve always obeyed the Central Planners, for a lifetime, and don’t know how to think independently and act for themselves. The entire thing needs to be restructured.

    Fine, but with no money, then the STATES act. YOU act. Crypto acts. Everything the Feds/Congress/FBI says is ignored. Not ONLY broke, but discredited.

    “Freedom of the press is under attack in the West, where the authorities stamp out any dissent and repress journalists, the Russian Foreign Ministry said”

    This is entirely true, but YOU are the Press. No one watches CNN. TAE probably has more readers. So anywhere, anytime YOU exist, there is freedom of the Press. So keep talking.

    YOU are the government. They are an occupying Vichy state. We all know it. Congress’s approval is 9%. Oh, but they win all dose elections tho: not rigging at all.

    ““He still believes that being part of the union is in the national interest..”

    Yeah, imagine if he wasn’t there and the EU was acting unopposed. They would have rolled tanks into Czechoslovakia by now.

    • EU Leaders Talking ‘War in Europe’ Shows Their Real Intentions – Orban (Sp.)

    The war is against the people. “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.” . — Apparently Sir Cockburn, not Lord Acton

    “• Saudi Arabia and Indonesia Lobby EU to Halt Russian Asset Confiscation (Sp.)

    Might want to think about what happens if these two countries won’t talk to you anymore. Hey, are there important military bases anywhere near there? We’re not declaring war, but how can we have a base with a nation we can’t trust?

    “stir the civilizational cauldron without bothering about an inevitable array of sanctions coming by early 2025…”

    Because they’re broke and useless, they have to come up with some reason to steal.

    “…and/or a possible collapse of the international financial system.”

    Because they’re broke and useless and stealing only goes so far, buys a little time. You have to learn how to MAKE and DO something useful or you “Run out of other people’s money.”


    I’m amazed at the mental parallax. You mean more compelling than the US Navy posting it on their web page as an official event? Oh wait, that never happened because it’s still posted there.

    “Virtually Everything You Find in a Grocery Store is at Best Unhealthy, At Worst Literal Poison”

    Yes, but slightly different than you’d think. DRUGS sell better than food. So to get sales, they turn all food into a Drug. sugar. Fat. Caffeine. Taurine. Whose fault is that? In France, can you go to market and get carrots from the nearby farmer, as part of your daily French experience? I can go get Drugs all day every day. Way easier than seeing a doctor, than getting a car repair. This was true in 1880, 1910. But I don’t eat them, I don’t take them. They can’t make, stock, sell, what I don’t buy.

    Now yes, I know in too many cases they are well-aware they are hormone-injecting plastic additives, whatever. They become broadly aware some food kills everyone and keep selling it, which is not only wrong, it’s a literal felony of 100,000 counts. But a lot of this is 1) Drugs sell better, 2) YOU the people, choose drugs as a life and not street markets under tents. The problem is THEM, but it’s You too. I bet you won’t go far until you accept responsibility and action for your end.

    “When you live on government grants, there is no reason you could possibly fail unless the government decided to stop wasting tax payers’ money.”


    Only retarded Americans would vote for this nob.”

    Trump isn’t my savior. He’s a mascot in a furry mascot suit. He isn’t the Government, WE are. HE doesn’t do the work, WE do. That’s how it’s supposed to be, and he’s illustrating this nicely.

    Example: he told everyone to get vaxxed. The entire Right refused. He supported Johnson here. The entire Right ignores him and carries on mad as if he never spoke. He supported Israel, the Right told him to piss off. That is to say NO ONE IS FOLLOWING HIM. HE is following US. When he stops following US, we chuck him and has no power. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? The media SAYS he’s our leader. They SAY we’re in a cult, we obey.

    …Yeah, well the Media is always LYING, and they are this time too. Ain’t nobody obeying Trump.

    Dr. D

    In the feed:
    “Putin’s Achilles’ heel under fire as Ukraine plans ATACMS to hit Kerch Bridge | Frontline”

    Right on schedule. That’s why we gave them the ATACMS and told Germany to plan it. This object of LITERAL NO military importance No one in Russia will care about, is your FIRST priority and objective. Appreciate it, pal.

    They hit the bridge, Russia takes out the Dniepr, traps the army, war over, Europe collapses from collateral and NATO fail.

    And “Trump Diapers”

    You can’t tell me the Lincoln Project – supposedly Republican – aren’t literally, entirely, savagely, embarrassingly pro Joe Biden. Who isn’t even a Democrat, he’s like the worst Democrat in the history of Democrats, even slave-owning Jackson who ran the Trail of Tears had redeeming qualities.

    So, where do you think they’re going with this stuff? Trump is worse than Biden? Um, doesn’t that predicate the assumption that Biden is already very, very bad? S—tting yourself as an old man is not a good look? Besides that when we see Trump on camera none of this is true anyway but Trump ASMR?

    It’s almost as if they were ordered to do this to HELP Trump and discredit themselves, like so many actions lately.

    Dr. D



    Speaking of non-mRNA steak, Sasha Latypova writing about animal mRNA vax, with a list of codes near the end of the article. Good information for vets, pet owners, and livestock raisers.

    “Genetic Veterinary Vaccines
    Updated full report with bonus for paid subscribers – downloadable highlighted USDA listing of veterinary vaccines (at the end of post, scroll past the artwork)”


    Bernstein, . The tribe that’s been fucking you since 1913. If people cannot comprehend ZOG, right now with this inyourface, over the top, non stop talmudic mindfuck…they’re gone..hopless. When these paid traitors all vote for noahide law and decapitating Christians for idolatry…will all the mongoloids finally figure it out?

    John Day

    1) “Seed Oils” means what is sold in the US as “vegetable oil”, including rapeseed (“Canola” made up marketing name), corn oil, even safflower and sunflower oils… Linoleic acid is what they have a lot of, and there are good circumstantial arguments that using them shortens your life. Trans-Fats are Way Worse, so no to Crisco, please.
    Olive oil, avocado oil and non-hydrogenated coconut oil seem to be good for health. Butter and cheese from grass fed cows have omega-3 fats, but butter and cheese from corn fed cows do not. Get “Kerrygold” butter and “Dubliner” cheese from Ireland at Costco and other stores.

    2) I pondered this divergent-world-you-won’t-notice koan on some bike rides last year. I think October 2023 was when the “final” divergence of consciousness states was going to start. No, the other site which I can’t remember the name of did not have a clear timeline either, but it did imply notable in one human life…

    What if these 2-worlds-in-1 thing is split up into DUMBs and surface-dwellers?
    That concept finally came to me. That could “work”. Do you want to be in a stocked military bunker in a mountain, or under the Denver Airport, or do you want to take your chances where the dangerous sun shines?
    Love>Freedom Fear>Hierarchical-Repression
    That part we might mostly agree upon, but it’s not physics…

    3) Lady Godiva does NOT look like Munch’s work.

    John Day

    Reality Brings Surprises

    ​ To Israel’s horror, Hamas brings ‘two-state solution’ back into focus
    Not only has Israel failed to defeat Hamas, but it is being dragged into discussions on Palestinian statehood, which its Gaza genocide has put back onto the international agenda.
    ​ After seven months of a brutal military assault on Gaza, it is abundantly clear that Israel has not succeeded in eradicating Hamas. Instead of delivering a decisive military victory, the occupation state finds itself being drawn kicking and screaming into negotiations over a two-state solution… This scenario is becoming increasingly likely despite long-standing opposition from the Israeli government. It is an extraordinary development, particularly as Tel Aviv’s strategy, as articulated by foreign policy advisor Ophir Falk, was mainly to “destroy Hamas” and its military and governance capabilities entirely.
    ​ Today, the two-state option is frantically being resuscitated in Washington, of all places, and by stalwart allies of Tel Aviv.​..
    ​..Martin Indyk, a former US ambassador to Israel… argues in Foreign Affairs magazine that far from being “dead,” the two-state solution now looks to be the only reasonable game in town:
    ​ The reason for this revival is not complicated. There are, after all, only a few possible alternatives to the two-state solution. There is Hamas’ solution, which is the destruction of Israel. There is the Israeli ultra-right’s solution, which is the Israeli annexation of the West Bank, the dismantling of the Palestinian Authority (PA), and the deportation of Palestinians to other countries. There is the ‘conflict management’ approach pursued for the last decade or so by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which aimed to maintain the status quo indefinitely – and the world has seen how that worked out. And there is the idea of a binational state in which Jews would become a minority, thus ending Israel’s status as a Jewish state. None of those alternatives would resolve the conflict – at least not without causing even greater calamities. And so if the conflict is to be resolved peacefully, the two-state solution is the only idea left standing.​..
    ..Earlier this month, in a joint press conference with his Qatari counterpart, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Turkiye’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan was explicitly supportive, also highlighting the west’s positive stance toward intensifying peace efforts based on the two-state solution.
    ​ “In our political talks with Hamas for years, they have accepted a Palestinian state to be established within the 1967 borders,” Fidan told reporters.​ “They have told me that following the establishment of the Palestinian state, Hamas would no longer need an armed wing and they would continue as a political party,” he added…
    ..Rather than defeating Hamas, Israel now finds itself on the back foot, engaging in negotiations that center around the one outcome it had least expected – that of a two-state solution.
    ​ Tel Aviv’s disturbing dilemma also showcases the political acumen of Hamas and the Palestinian resistance, who recognized the utility of hard power in achieving political ends rather than as an end in itself – in sharp contrast to Israel’s approach throughout this conflict.
    ​ The fact that, seven months after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Hamas retains its array of capabilities signifies not only the abject failure of Israel’s military and political objectives but also an unexpected humbling of Tel Aviv. Israel, today, is being forced into negotiations on Palestinian statehood that it has assiduously avoided for 30 long years.
    ​ This shift is undoubtedly energized by the unprecedented US student protest movement and other anti-colonial voices around the world, adding a global dimension to the local struggle. These developments are yet another ace in the hand for Hamas and another nail in the coffin for Israeli leverage.​

    ​ Russia reaffirms its readiness to help achieve Palestinian unity together with China
    The Russian diplomats also said that during the conversation, al-Ahmed informed about his participation in the meeting of Fatah and Hamas delegations organized in Beijing​ Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on May 1 that Russia and China will help unite the Palestinian ranks.​

    ​ There’s ‘Widespread’ Belief Among US Officials That Israel Can’t Beat Hamas
    The US continues to back Israel’s slaughter in Gaza even though it doesn’t believe Netanyahu’s goals are realistic​

    Israel issues ICC ultimatum –​ The Jewish state has reportedly said it will punish Palestine if the court pursues its leaders​

    John Day

    ​ Gaza Al-Shifa doctor tortured to death by Israeli forces​
    Martyr Al-Bursh, a resident of Jabalia, was arrested by the Israeli army in January 2024 while carrying out his duties at Al-Awda Hospital with his staff.​
    ​ The Higher Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Club announced the martyrdom of Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh, 50 years old, a consultant and head of the orthopedic department at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, and Ismail Khudair, aged 33.​ Both were martyred as a result of torture in Israeli jails.​

    ​ Russia Calls for Independent International Investigation of Mass Graves in Gaza – Russian Envoy
    ​ “We received chilling reports about mass graves that were discovered in the Gaza Strip. We need an independent international investigation to ensure that the perpetrators are held to account,” Nebenzia told the UN General Assembly.
    ​ Palestinian officials reported that more than 300 bodies – including of women, children, elderly and injured persons – were found in mass graves on the grounds of Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza’s second-largest city and al-Shifa medical compound in Gaza City.​—russian-envoy-1118218464.html

    ​ UN: Scale of Destruction in Gaza Not Seen Since WWII, Will Take 16 Years To Rebuild
    The Israeli bombing campaign has damaged or destroyed 72% of all homes in the Gaza Strip​

    ​ Israeli Military Announces Preparation for Offensive Targeting Hezbollah
    ​ Israeli Chief of the General Staff Herzi Halevi has assessed the security situation in the defense forces’ northern command and announced preparation for an offensive on the northern front amid ongoing shelling by Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah..
    ..Hezbollah has been exchanging airstrikes with Israel since October 2023, as the situation in the region deteriorated dramatically after Israel announced a military operation against Palestinian movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Lebanese Foreign Ministry has said some 100,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in southern Lebanon because of Israel’s shelling. Israel has also said that about 80,000 residents of northern Israel have found themselves in a similar situation.​

    Israeli troops killed by ‘friendly fire’ in Gaza – IDF​ , A tank fired into a building where military personnel were taking cover, an internal report has found​

    John Day

    ​ Caitlin Johnstone, The Bizarre Gymnastics Of The Gaza Aid Pier [So tell me; what’s it really for?]​
    So let me get this straight. The US wound up building its “floating pier” a few miles off the coast of Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid, but nobody will be able to ship the aid directly to the pier to get it to Gaza. Instead, the aid will be delivered to Cyprus via air or sea, and then from Cyprus the aid will be shipped 200 miles to the pier. From there the pallets of aid will be loaded onto smaller US army boats, which will then carry the aid from the pier to a long causeway on Gaza’s actual coast. Those pallets will then be carried from the boats to the shore via the causeway — possibly by British troops or possibly by Israeli troops depending on what source you’re reading — and taken into Gaza by IDF troops after careful examination and approval of their contents. All to deliver some 90 to 150 truckloads worth of aid per day, which is far short of the 500 truckloads the UN says Gaza needs.​ And this is all being done because Israel isn’t simply letting people drive an adequate amount of aid through the custom-built gates directly into Gaza.

    ​ NATO state rejects €100 billion Ukraine war chest ‘madness’
    Hungary has vowed to oppose a five-year funding strategy for Ukraine just floated by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg​

    ​ Whose interests will this serve? How? Threat of sending Western troops to Ukraine necessary – Macron
    Moscow should be kept guessing about a possible intervention, the French president has argued​

    ​ Russian Troops Enter Air Base Hosting US Soldiers In Post-Coup Niger
    ​ Among the first orders of the junta was to tell US troops in the country to pack up their stuff and get out. The US is commonly estimated to have had 1,100 troops in the country. At the same time the junta is displaying its warmer relations with Russia and its forces, declaring an alliance with ‘anti-imperialist’ nations. French troops have already exited the country.
    ​ On Friday there are widespread reports that Russian troops have actually entered American military bases, with US troops in the process exiting, but some still present. This is said to already be happening at Air Base 101 in Niamey, the capital city..​.
    ​..A senior U.S. defense official told Reuters that the Russian forces are not mingling with the American troops at the base, but were instead using a separate hangar.
    ​ The official described the situation as being “not great” but “manageable” in the short-term. Sources similarly told CNN that the Russians and Americans are not operating in the same part of the base, but one said “it is not that big of an area.”​

    John Day

    ​ Second Boeing whistleblower dies suddenly​ , A quality auditor, who flagged defects in the 737 MAX, passed away after a sudden illness
    ​ Joshua Dean, a former Spirit AeroSystems employee who raised the alarm over lax standards in the production of Boeing’s 737 MAX jet, has died following a sudden and severe illness. In March, another Boeing whistleblower was found dead in a hotel parking lot in what authorities tentatively described as a suicide.
    ​ The 737 MAX airliner has had a history of accidents, including two leading to multiple deaths. In October 2018, one of the aircraft went down in Indonesia, claiming the lives of all 189 people on board. Five months later, another Boeing 737 MAX – operated by Ethiopian Airlines – crashed soon after takeoff, killing all 157 passengers and crew. The two tragedies prompted a 20-month grounding of the airliner.
    ​ In January, a Boeing 737 MAX-9 operated by Alaska Airlines saw one of its doors and part of the fuselage break away in midair, soon after takeoff. An audit by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of Boeing and one of its key suppliers, Spirit AeroSystems, subsequently “identified non-compliance issues in Boeing’s manufacturing process control, parts handling and storage, and product control.”​

    ​ “This Conversation Didn’t Happen”: Matt Gaetz Demands Investigation After CIA Program Manager Gets Loose Lips About Trump
    ​ US intelligence agencies withheld intelligence from President Donald Trump before and during his presidency, claiming “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” which include former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” who “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.”
    ​ They may still be using FISA authorities to spy on Trump today, and that “we also have people that monitor his ex-wife.”
    The CIA is “very reluctant” to share information with the “careless” NSA​.
    ​ Gaetz suggests that given the House Weaponization Committee’s “broad jurisdiction to investigate the role of executive branch agencies investigating American citizens,” that any “unconstitutional, illegal, or unethical activities committed by said agencies” should fall under congressional scrutiny.​

    ​Meryl Nass MD, All 49 Republican Senators have said NO to the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments in a public letter to the President
    And why we would have to be crazy to allow the WHO’s criminal and incompetent leaders to govern anything, especially our health​

    Arizona GOP issues resolution declaring COVID-19 jabs “biological weapons” and calling for a ban​

    ​ Meryl Nass MD, A very brief summary of the new WHO proposal on PABS and One Health
    ​ The WHO International Negotiating Body (INB) for the Pandemic Agreement is unable to move forward with an acceptable version (presumably this means acceptable to the globalists) of the:
    a) “One Health” approach and
    b) the Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing (PABS) system.
    ​ Remember that if a vote is taken, passage of the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty will require a 2/3 vote of the 194 member nations, or what you might think is 130 nations in agreement. However, the rules say that the WHO needs a 2/3 vote of members present in the room and voting. So one strategy of the globalists will be to try and turn NO votes into either abstentions or to convince potential NO votes to not show up for the vote. Watch for this strategy.​

    John Day

    Sasha Latypova, When “pandemics are declared” – what does this mean in practice?​
    Historically, epidemics could only be recognized AFTER the fact: after a substantial number of people became ill, died and after a significant economic impact.
    ​ In 2022 Attorneys General of 15 states sued HHS trying to repeal the HHS’ definitions of “public health emergency”… HHS refused to amend its definitions of a pandemic and insisted that they can claim absolutely anything is a pandemic. HHS ultimately prevailed, the case was re-filed by OK and TX, the judge dismissed it and it was not appealed. In the refusal to amend its definition of a pandemic, HHS stated that “any communicable disease event” – this means a single case of anything they claim “communicable” anywhere in the world (for example, a single cow that “tested positive” for “avian flu”), once announced by the WHO, can qualify for forced testing, tracing, detention and injections of humans or animals in any town or village in any state of the US!​

    ​ Splanchnic Venous Thrombi after COVID-19 Vaccination​ , Serious and Potentially Deadly Abdominal Blood Clots Reported​ , Peter McCullough MD
    ​ The mother of a close friend died last month after suffering blood clots in the veins that drain the intestines. She was in her seventies and vaccinated for COVID-19 and sadly she died after emergency abdominal surgery. The daughter wondered if the death was vaccine-related.​..
    ​..Compared to a larger group of cases over many years before COVID, the vaccine blood clots were far more serious and deadly. The main teaching point from this paper is among the vaccinated to take abdominal pain seriously and have a low threshold to get imaging to diagnose splanchnic blood clots before they become fatal.​

    ​ Jessica Rose Ph.D. Clot-related adverse events in VAERS 60 days out from last shot
    The modified mRNA injectable COVID-19 products appear to induce clotting months after a ‘last’ shot, according to VAERS reports. It is notable that of these post-60-day reports, 69% were filed by medical professionals, so it was the opinion of these medical professionals that it was worth filing these clot-related reports months after their patient’s last COVID shot and therefore, they likely suspected a causal relationship.

    A Midwestern Doctor, A New Documentary Exposes the COVID-19 Response​ , Epidemic of Fraud concisely breaks down the scam that was pulled upon the world
    Numerous polls have shown that:
    •Half of Americans believe the COVID vaccines are not safe.
    •Half believe the vaccines are causing a significant number of “unexplained” deaths.
    •A quarter believe someone they knew personally died from the vaccine.
    •34% do not believe the vaccines are effective.
    •Around 7% experienced a severe side effect from the vaccine, and 34% experienced a minor side effect.
    Note: one of the most important thing about this polling was while that both Democrat and Republicans had different perceptions of the safety and efficacy of the vaccines (since the the issue was politicized), they had almost identical rates of recognizing vaccine injuries in themselves and in those around them…
    ​..Once COVID-19 started and I realized the scale of what we were up against (as trillions were on the line to make sure the disease was never cured), I accepted that it would likely be impossible to stop the immense human tragedy we were watching unfold. Nonetheless, I was also hopeful.
    ​ This is because I felt what was being done during the pandemic was so over the top and so beyond what most of America had experienced before that it would likely lead to widespread public outcry, and eventually a complete loss of trust in the people who pushed this upon us. While this is terrible, the alternative was what we had already been watching, a continual and sustained increase in corruption of all our institutions (which amongst other things is what allowed COVID-19 to happen) …
    ​..Consider for instance that in his final broadcast before he was fired from Fox News, Tucker Carlson pointed out that the rest of the Mass Media sold out America by taking money to relentlessly promote the vaccines even once it was already known they were unsafe and ineffective. Like many, I suspect a key reason why the media has refused to report on the wave of vaccine related deaths we are now seeing is because it would require them to admit their culpability and they are hence doubling down on their lies.
    ​ While many things can be taken from Tucker’s story, I believe the most important one was that once he was fired, rather than lose his platform, Tucker became much more popular and now regularly produces news segments which get more viewership than the rest of the media combined. This in turn illustrates the situation all of the establishment is in—they’ve lied so much that when people speak the truth, many are now willing to listen.​

    ​ Steve Kirsch, Survey indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by vaccination
    We are basically causing these effects. 80% of the deviations from traditional norms can be ascribed to vaccination.​

    John Day

    This is murder, chemical abortion and infanticide. I angered the OB-GYNs at the clinic where I worked until October 2021 by telling all the pregnant women to avoid these experimental vaccine products.

    ​ American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Still Pushing COVID Shots for Pregnant Women — Could Millions in Government Funding Explain Why?
    The president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists blocked an email from CHD’s Reform Pharma initiative rather than explaining why the organization keeps pushing the COVID-19 shots for pregnant women.​


    I chose Peace/people power
    I refuse YOUR call to war/hate/conflict/lies


    Mother Earth will win the conflict in Ukraine and send the mosquitoes and black flies to occupy all the land.


    Lost of control.
    Student demonstration for peace and cease fire.

    Fox news is terrified.

    50 + campuses have set up tents


    @John Day re: alternate oils

    Kerrygold is da best! Dubliner is on the mild side. They have aged cheddars that go great with scrambled eggs and avocado and such. For sandwich cheese and ice cream, Tillamook. They’re central Oregon, so no ocean voyage.

    re: avocado – Long time ago we switched to avocado oil mayonnaise. It’s a better flavor, better texture, keeps longer, and can be produced locally – SoCal has forests of avo, right next to the orange forests.


    Biden economic advisor Jared Bernstein
    I don’t think that the problem is stupidity. It is more like perfidy. I think that the man fundamentally understands how ridiculous the reality of the Fed is, how the US money begins as debt, rather than with sovereign money printing. He truly believes that current reality is a fundamentally flawed situation, but his job depends upon him defending the status quo.


    I think they are really referring to how this stuff is made.

    I think that you must be right. Spouse purchased an oil extractor. So far we’ve tried it on walnuts, and I may try it on the sunflower seeds once the flowers are spent — it would seem odd that home-extracted sunflower oil would be problematic.


    I don’t get how automatic shotguns have not become a big part of the Ukraine war yet (as anti drone defense) – rather than people running under trees, swinging branches at drones, trying to hit them with rifles etc

    for full view pop-out




    Two Russian soldiers, on a motorcycle, charge Ukronazi lines, one guy jumps off and casually shrugs off 3 FPV strikes, then runs up to the Ukronazi emplacement, drops a grenade into an enemy dugout to clear it, before jumping in, just in time to be missed by a mortar shell.

    Some guys are just built different.

    The old expression describing the Russian warrior spirit, slow to saddle fast to ride


    @JohnDay said

    Butter and cheese from grass fed cows have omega-3 fats, but butter and cheese from corn fed cows do not. Get “Kerrygold” butter and “Dubliner” cheese from Ireland at Costco and other stores.

    Thanks for that morsel of knowledge, I was not aware of that. I assume it would also be safe to eat New Zealand dairy as their cows are also all fed on grass, or so I have been led to believe.


    The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming

    John Day

    @Phoenixvoice: It is largely what fatty acids are in the oil that is the issue: I get oils at Costco.

    I use olive oil primarily, and coconut oil for Thai curries and such, and have avocado oil to use, and it is supposedly great in brownies. It is fine, but has a little different flavor, and olive oil is also fine.
    There is controversy over coconut oil, back and forth, dogmatic, but I think it is good, and it has the highest smoke point, but it tastes like coconut oil.

    🙂 Olive oil: 83.26% C18:1 (oleic acid)

    XCanola oil: 57.53% C18:1 (oleic acid) and 15.12% C18:3 (linolenic acid)

    XSoybean oil: 25.90% C18:1 (oleic acid) and 62.72% C18:2 (linoleic acid)

    Sunflower oil: 35.49% C18:1 (oleic acid) and 1.41% C18:3 (linolenic acid)

    XCorn oil: 50.28 g/100 g linoleic acid, 31.32 g/100 g oleic acid, 12.65 g/100 g palmitic acid, and 2.24 g/100 g stearic acid

    XRapeseed (“Canola”) oils: 68.20 g/100 g oleic acid, 15.38 g/100 g linoleic acid, 7.70 g/100 g linolenic acid, and 5.69 g/100 g palmitic acid

    🙂 Dubois et al. (2007) [62] compared 80 varieties of vegetable oils, including avocado oil, indicating that it was composed of more than 60% of monounsaturated fatty acids, a characteristic shared with olive oil, hazelnut, and macadamia nut profiles. In comparison with olive oil, avocado oil possessed a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids (16.4%), with a predominance of palmitic acid (15.7%), a lower proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (67.8%), with a predominance of oleic acid 60.3% and a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (15.2%), the most important of which was linoleic acid at 13.7%.

    🙂 Coconut oil is made up of 99% fat, with 82% of that being saturated fat. The main saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are lauric (C12), myristic (C14), and palmitic (C15), which together make up 72.2% of the total saturated fatty acids in coconut.


    @JohnDay said

    After seven months of a brutal military assault on Gaza, it is abundantly clear that Israel has not succeeded in eradicating Hamas. Instead of delivering a decisive military victory, the occupation state finds itself being drawn kicking and screaming into negotiations over a two-state solution…

    The USA friends of Tel Aviv are aware that without a negotiated solution the intolerant child Israel will be no more. Having tried to get their own way and failed, they are now being forced by the rich Jews to look at a solution that has been around for decades but which they always blamed the Palestinians for not being a realistic option.

    How safe will the region be with a two state solution? It will be like India and Pakistan, they only don’t murder each other because they both have nukes and alot of itchy fingers eager to press the button. If the two state solution is to work, both will have to be armed with nuclear weapons and someone will have to slap down Israel when it cannot contain its paranoid mental illness and bombs Syria and other neighbours. Not going to happen, who wants that job?

    Let Israel die, call it a failed project, let the ancient inhabitants of Palestine reposses their land and let the world move on from yet another blot on its history.


    What they add to the oil as they process it matters quite a bit as well. My understanding is that rapeseed/canola gets things added to it to aid processing/packaging, so that organic is significantly better. solvents possibly

    Similarly, honey can get things added to it to aid in processing/packaging. Honey that doesn’t crystalize probably has stuff in it to stop it.


    Oroboros said

    Some guys are just built different.

    Amazing balls of steel. Soldiers like that only exist in the movies in the USA.


    Empire of Lies pees in pants at low flying drones

    Yes, it’s True!

    Duh’merican Service members deployed overseas are increasingly facing threats from these uncrewed systems.

    The three American soldiers targeted in an attack in Jordan this January lost their lives to a small Iranian UAS.

    These systems have become a significant security problem, for which the U.S. military has minimal countermeasures.

    Iran’s attack on Israel this month only underscored the threat. In classified briefings and open settings, our committee has examined the threat posed by high-altitude craft and low-altitude drones.

    We discovered a series of underlying issues complicating an effective response to them.

    The first problem is that our nation lacks adequate drone detection capability.

    We still rely on the early warning radars that served us so well during the Cold War.

    Today, though, they are unable to detect, identify and track small aircraft at both high and low altitudes.

    Inside the United States, we can hardly track anything other than commercial aircraft.

    Almost none of our domestic military bases have the sensors to identify small drones.


    Remember the Boy Scout Motto:

    Be Prepared



    Firstly, it doesn’t matter who they are, the protests are pushing for something I consider very important, so of course I support them. That isn’t really complicated. If you can be convinced to deny your own interests because someone you ostensibly don’t like supports them, you’re simply dumb.

    Sure, the protesters may have weird beliefs, like transgenderism, Marxism, and some may even identify as pets or some other weirdness, but they were taught that shite by their teachers. Each generation is responsible for creating the next generation, so complaining about the next generation is the same as moaning about your own incompetence.

    The Chinese are definitely not stupid, but they do like money, so you have to wonder how far the Jews have infiltrated China. Whatever it is, the Chinese will not let the Jews run the country, simply could not happen, the shame associated with such an event would be too much to bear for any Chinese person.

    How Americans deceive themselves about this is something I wonder about, but that said, i believe the UK is also Jew led, but the British won’t do anything, after all, they won the war single handedly, so they are already heroes and entitled to slob out.



    Canada has trillions of black flies (need running water to breed) and mosquitos (need stagnant water to breed) that we could export !
    So many of both, that we wouldn’t even miss any of them!
    But first of course we need to create a market for them.
    The Covid vaccines method would make us both instant billionaires!

    Yeah, that woman pilot is all business!


    You are so lucky you only have one deep state candidate to vote for!
    Everybody else in the west has to choose between 2 deep state candidates to vote for, bad and worst !

    Those 2 Russian soldiers really have balls to do that. Unbelievable luck too!
    But they must have known where the Ukrainian dugout was before hand?

    As for the Biden economic advisor, he has to “pretend not to know the truth”.
    Paying interest on borrowing, out of thin air, money makes the bankers rich.
    Printing money out of thin air is what Lincoln did to get himself killed by the bankers!

    The key to our debt monetary system is all money created out of thin air, must always be borrowed interest bearing money!
    Interest free money would instantly collapse the debt monetary system and kill all the bankers !
    Can’t have that !


    WES said

    You are so lucky you only have one deep state candidate to vote for!
    Everybody else in the west has to choose between 2 deep state candidates to vote for, bad and worst !

    In the west the vote means a lot, in China there is no vote, so the term vote is meaningless. This changes the perspectives of the ruling elite in that they want to secure their own power, but they also want to make the country successful. Political fighting happens, but it is internal to the CCP and it is not over trivial policies to please the people, such as immigration, abortion and other nonsense – that stuff is all left to the individual to decide – it is about factions in the CCP who have different loyalties and slightly different policies.

    To put this in term a US citizen can understand, the political factions are like drug gangs, they all basically do the same thing but they all want the biggest slice of the cake, and that means getting their leadership into power.

    Of course they are not really like drug gangs, they are political factions, but drug gangs is realistic when talking to an American in that these people will kill each other; Xi has had loads of his opponents executed. But, that said, the CCP leadership is the most sophisticated and best educated group in the country, they do their fighting within the CCP and they know that the people of China are their security and they have totally loyalty to their country. Of course, the CCP is huge, over 100 million people, so they are not all sophisticated and well educated, but the leaders certainly are.

    Are the Chinese any less free than US citizens; probably not, they are not allowed to criticise their owners but neither are US or UK citizens, so much the same. At least they get free healthcare and housing and do not have to put up with a constant barrage of politics everyday, all day.


    Feeding Raccoons:

    Raccoons are not very cute.

    They wear a mask for a very dam good reason!
    Because they are unremorseful ungrateful bandits!

    Anyone with any experience with them critters, hates them trouble makers!
    Raccoons are very destructive critters.
    They will totally destroy your garden in one night.
    They destroy every building, boat, car, truck, farm equipment, etc they enter.
    They destroy ceilings, walls, and floors.
    Even concrete!
    They shit everywhere and on everything too.

    The only good raccoon is a dead one!
    The same for black flies and mosquitos too.
    We should export all of our Raccoons to the Ukraine.
    When the Raccoons are finished, Ukraine will truly be a wasteland!

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