Apr 142024
 April 14, 2024  Posted by at 8:45 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Edgar Degas At the Milliner’s 1905-10


Biden Tells Bibi: US Will Not Support A Counterattack Against Iran (ZH)
Washington Worried About Potential Israeli Attack – NBC (RT)
Iran Seizes Israeli-Linked Container Ship (RT)
Persian Gulf Powers Reportedly Refuse to Give US Access to Bases (Sp.)
Biden Prolongs Ukraine Crisis To Avoid Admitting Failure – Ron Johnson (RT)
Mobilization Law Is ‘Point Of No Return’ For Zelensky – Ukrainian MP (RT)
New Order Reveals Scale of Sabotage and Desertion in Ukrainian Army (Sp.)
Mobilizing for Defeat (Amar)
Ukrainian Troops Accuse Command of Treating Them ‘Like Livestock’ (Sp.)
Ukraine Asks France to Help Hold Positions in 2024 (Sp.)
Trump Thought Ukraine ‘Must Be Part Of Russia’ – Fiona Hill (RT)
‘Do The Right Thing’: Assange Supporters Urge As Biden Mulls Dropping Case (CD)
The Speech That Got Me Banned From Germany (Varoufakis)
DC National Guard Say They WERE Ready To Be Deployed On Jan 6 (DM)
Another Federal Judge Rejects All Hunter Biden Claims for Dismissal (Turley)







RFK Elon








DOJ Biden






Maher Canada













Things are not what they seem. Iran launched 100s of drones and missiles, almost no damage, and said: that’s one and done. Saved face. Everyone knows they had to respond to the Israeli attack in Damascus. And they wouldn’t even have done this if the UN had condemned that attack. And you bet they gave advance notice. An Israeli response now would threaten regionwide escalation. With surging oil prices in a US election year. No, the US does’t want a wider war. Neither does Iran.

Biden Tells Bibi: US Will Not Support A Counterattack Against Iran (ZH)

It is just after 7am Israel local time and Israel’s military is reporting the Iranian attack has stopped, several hours after Iran said its ‘limited’ operation has “concluded” – which involved an unprecedented hundreds of suicide drones as as well as ballistic missiles sent against Israel in retaliation for the April 1st Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy in Damascus. Below is the top story from English-language Times of Israel: Hebrew media reports claim that not a single drone or cruise missile managed to infiltrate Israeli airspace. According to the unsourced reports, most ballistic missiles were also knocked down outside of Israeli airspace. A report in Ynet says some 20 cruise missiles were downed short of Israel’s borders. The US, UK and Jordan helped take down many of the drones. Israel is reporting very little damage inside the country (though previously admitting “minor damage” against at least one key airbase in the south).

After the enormous Iranian drone and missile swarm a senior Israeli official has been quoted by Israel’s Channel 12 as saying “Iran’s attack was a strategic failure.” The official added in a threatening manner, “Now they can get ready and not sleep in peace.” Israel’s war cabinet appears to be readying a military response… Crucially, the Biden White House appears to be strongly signaling to the Netanyahu government that the attack is ‘done’ and that the United States will not back any follow-up counterattack operations against Iran: US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran, US media report, citing senior administration officials. Axios and CNN report that message was passed during a phone call between the pair. Axios reports that Biden told Netyanyahu the US will oppose any Israeli counterattack. CNN reports that Biden said the US will not take part in any such counteraction.

Israel has called on a United Nations Security Council meeting to condemn the Iranian aggression, which is expected to take place late Sunday. The US administration appears to be lobbying for a status quo and for Israel to not mount a strong response. Below is a portion of the Axios report on the Bibi-Biden late night phone call: Behind the scenes: Biden told Netanyahu the joint defensive efforts by Israel, the U.S. and other countries in the region led to the failure of the Iranian attack, according to the White House official. “You got a win. Take the win,” Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official. The official said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood. U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin spoke on Saturday with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant and asked that Israel notify the U.S. ahead of any response against Iran, a senior Israeli official said.

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“I don’t think they had a strategy… the Israelis don’t always make the best strategic decisions..”

Washington Worried About Potential Israeli Attack – NBC (RT)

Some officials in Washington are worried that West Jerusalem’s response to Iran’s recent airstrikes could be reckless and escalatory, NBC news wrote on Sunday, citing anonymous White House sources. Iran launched several waves of drone and missile attacks against Israel on Saturday and Sunday. This was in response to an airstrike that damaged Iran’s embassy in Damascus, Syria and killed seven military personnel – including two generals – earlier this month. While Israel has refrained from commenting on the bombing, Tehran has accused West Jerusalem of conducting an extraterritorial assassination and attacking their embassy. Some US officials privately indicated exasperation with Israel’s decision to strike the Iranian consular building in Syria, NBC claimed, citing senior Pentagon officials as calling the strike potentially “catastrophically escalatory.”

Others in the White House have expressed concerns about Israel’s future response to the Iranian attack, given both West Jerusalem’s hardline approach in its conflict with Hamas and the airstrike on the embassy in Damascus, NBC News reports. President Joe Biden has privately expressed concern that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to pull the US into a broader conflict in the Middle East, three people familiar with the comments told the news channel. Another senior administration official said that while the White House does not believe Israel is looking for a direct war with Iran, they cannot be certain of West Jerusalem’s motives. “I don’t think they had a strategy… the Israelis don’t always make the best strategic decisions,” an anonymous senior official told NBC.

Some media reports that followed the bombing of Tehran’s diplomatic compound in Damascus claimed that West Jerusalem was preparing to strike Iranian nuclear facilities in the event of a direct Iranian attack on Israel. According to a Western security official, the Israeli Air Force has been training for long range strikes into sensitive areas of Iran which may be linked to the country’s nuclear program, London-based Arabic outlet Elaph wrote on Tuesday. Israel is prepared for any scenario, “both in defense and offense,” Netanyahu stated on Saturday. “Whoever hurts us, we will hurt them,” he said.

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Asymmetric warfare.

Iran Seizes Israeli-Linked Container Ship (RT)

Iranian commandos have stormed an Israeli-operated container ship in the Persian Gulf and taken control of the vessel. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz condemned the “pirate operation” and called on the West to impose sanctions on Tehran. The MSC Aries was boarded by Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy troops as it transited the Strait of Hormuz around noon on Saturday. Once under the IRGC’s control, it was taken to Iranian territorial waters, Iranian state media reported. Video footage shared online showed IRGC commandos rappelling onto the deck of the ship from a helicopter.

The Portuguese-flagged MSC Aries is operated by Zodiac Maritime, a shipping firm owned by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer. At the time of the seizure, it was sailing past the Emirati port of Fujairah with its transponder switched off, the Associated Press reported. With Iran controlling the Strait of Hormuz and Yemen’s Houthi rebels attacking Israeli shipping interests in the Red Sea, it is standard practice for Israeli-linked vessels to disable their tracking data when sailing in the region. Since 2019, Iran has periodically seized Israeli and Western vessels in the Strait of Hormuz during times of increased tension. Tehran typically offers legal justification for these seizures, but gave no such explanation on Saturday. However, Saturday’s seizure came two weeks after an alleged Israeli airstrike on an Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus. The strike killed seven officers of the IRGC’s Quds Force, including two generals.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed to deal Israel a “slap in the face” in response, and American officials warned on Friday that Tehran could be gearing up for a massive drone and missile strike on Israeli soil over the weekend. It is unclear whether Iran plans further attacks after seizing the MSC Aries. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz condemned the seizure, accusing Khamenei’s “criminal regime” of “conducting a pirate operation in violation of international law.” “I call on the European Union and the free world to immediately declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guards corps as a terrorist organization and to sanction Iran now,” he wrote on X.

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Persian Gulf Powers Reportedly Refuse to Give US Access to Bases (Sp.)

Persian Gulf countries have reportedly told the United States not to launch any attacks against Iran from their territory or airspace amid seething regional tensions. Sources, including a senior US official told the Middle East Eye that Gulf monarchies have been “working overtime” on the diplomatic track “to shut down avenues that could link them to a US reprisal against Tehran or its proxies from bases inside their kingdoms.” The countries include regional heavyweights Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Kuwait, with their leaderships reportedly “raising questions” on the details of US basing agreements, and taking steps to prevent the use of their Iran-adjacent bases against the Islamic Republic. NATO member Turkiye has also reportedly barred the US from using its airspace for strikes against Iran, but Sputnik has not been able to independently verify this information.

“It’s a mess,” a senior US official said, referring to the headache the Biden administration faces as it prepares for a potential Iranian retaliatory strike against its top regional ally Israel following Tel Aviv’s April 1 attack on the Iranian Embassy compound in Damascus, Syria. The Middle East Eye report follows a report by Axios on Friday citing US officials who said that Iran has privately warned the US that it will target American forces in the Middle East if Washington gets involved in a military confrontation between Iran and Israel. The US has an estimated 40,000+ military personnel at bases dotting the Middle East, including the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, which hosts at least 10,000 troops, and serves as the forward headquarters of United States Central Command – the combatant command responsible for military operations across the Middle East. Nearby Bahrain hosts up to 7,000 troops and the US Fifth Fleet – which operates in the Persian Gulf, the Red and Arabian Seas, and part of the Indian Ocean.

The US also has a 15,000-troop garrison in Kuwait, at least 5,000 troops in the UAE, and about 2,700 troops and fighter jets at the Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia. Oman hosts a few hundred US troops, and allows the US Air Force to conduct overflights and landings, and warships to make 80 port calls annually. The Gulf powers’ increasingly independent foreign policy is potentially a major setback for Washington, which for many decades after World War II (and especially after the Cold War) was able to rely on the Persian Gulf monarchies for its military operations in the oil-rich region. Regional countries led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE have taken a series of steps recently to wean themselves off of dependence on the US economically, politically and militarily, with Riyadh moving to break the petrodollar monopoly in the oil trade with China, pausing its military campaign against Yemen’s Houthi militia, restoring diplomatic ties with Iran and, together with Abu Dhabi, joining the BRICS Plus bloc.

The Palestinian-Israeli crisis has driven Gulf state leaders and their populations further from the idea of the establishing relations with Israel, and chilled ties with the US thanks to the Biden administration’s full-fledged support for Tel Aviv in the course of the Gaza War.

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“It’s just a fantasy, it’s just denying reality, to think that pumping more money, fueling the fire of that bloody stalemate, is going to break this thing open and show that Ukraine can be victorious..”

Biden Prolongs Ukraine Crisis To Avoid Admitting Failure – Ron Johnson (RT)

US President Joe Biden is dragging out an “obviously” lost cause in Ukraine because his administration will not admit to its policy failures in trying to weaken Russia, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) has claimed. “At some point in time, you have to recognize reality and you have to base your decisions on reality,” Johnson said on Thursday in an interview with podcast host Glenn Greenwald. “But the Biden administration is not willing to do that, the generals aren’t willing to do that, because they’d have to admit they’ve been wrong all along.” Johnson was the only US lawmaker to attend the inauguration of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in May 2019. He said Zelensky wanted to make peace with Russia then, realizing that Kiev had no chance of retaking Crimea, and sought to resolve the conflict shortly after Moscow launched its military offensive in February 2022.

“I would like to have been a fly on the wall in Istanbul, when they apparently were negotiating a peace agreement and the Biden administration air-dropped [then-UK Prime Minister] Boris Johnson in there to blow that thing up,” Johnson said. “This was a few weeks after the war started. It’s a tragic, tragic turn of history there.” The third-term lawmaker, who formerly chaired the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said the US government has failed to reflect on its foreign policy failures. For example, he argued, fomenting the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government in 2014 helped lead to the country’s destruction. He said Americans have been “grossly misserved” by their government’s long history of foreign entanglements and regime-change operations. “The military-industrial complex drives so much of what we’re experiencing here today, the endless wars,” Johnson said. “I can’t tell you how many governments we have, through covert action, we’ve overturned. What’s been the net result of that?”

It’s nonsensical for the US government to stand by its stated goal of helping Ukraine to defeat Russian forces, Johnson said. He added, “Part of the problem is that one of the war aims now has shifted. It’s not necessarily to liberate Ukraine but to utilize the Ukrainian people to fight a proxy war with Russia and degrade their military capability.” Johnson said the proxy-war strategy had failed: “With oil prices higher, with the sanctions not working to cripple the Russian economy, I think they’re just probably building up their military-industrial base, and if anything, they’re getting stronger and smarter militarily.”

Republican lawmakers have held up approval of Biden’s request for over $60 billion in additional Ukraine funding since last fall, but party leaders are reportedly preparing to pass an aid bill in the coming days. Biden is seeking reelection later this year. “It’s just a fantasy, it’s just denying reality, to think that pumping more money, fueling the fire of that bloody stalemate, is going to break this thing open and show that Ukraine can be victorious,” Johnson said
“That’s just not going to happen, so it’s better to recognize reality and realize the only way the bloodshed ends is if we sit down and negotiate with [Russian President] Vladimir Putin.”

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“..help Zelensky hold on to power by “forcing everyone into the army.” “That is a very bad basis for a social consensus..”

Mobilization Law Is ‘Point Of No Return’ For Zelensky – Ukrainian MP (RT)

A new conscription law will drive a wedge between officials in Kiev and ordinary Ukrainians, lawmaker Aleksandr Dubinsky has said. He described the legislation as a point of no return for President Vladimir Zelensky and his government. On Thursday, the Ukrainian parliament passed a long-debated law which simplifies procedures for the draft and forces all men aged 18 to 60 – including those residing abroad – to register with the military authorities. Earlier this month, after several weeks of deliberation, Zelensky signed a law lowering the age of conscription for men from 27 to 25. The new draft rules were approved without a demobilization clause that would have allowed troops to return home after three years on the front lines. As things currently stand, everyone who is drafted will have to serve until the end of the conflict with Russia.

Ukrainian troops feel betrayed by the new rules, Western media outlets reported earlier this week, citing soldiers who say they feel “fooled and used” and are being used as “slaves.” The mobilization law “will be the watershed, after which there will be no turning back,” Dubinsky wrote on Telegram on Thursday. He compared Kiev’s policies to ‘Oprichnina’ – a massive repression campaign launched by Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century and implemented by special troops called ‘Oprichniki’ who enjoyed the monarch’s trust and were spared his wrath. “The presidential administration and its Oprichniki, including MPs, state officials, the police and [security services] are on one side,” while “everyone else is on the other,” Dubinsky said.

According to the MP, the goal of this policy is to help Zelensky hold on to power by “forcing everyone into the army.” “That is a very bad basis for a social consensus,” the lawmaker added. In another post, he noted that MPs, police officers, some state officials, and local authorities are exempted from mobilization under the new draft rules, and “are by no means preparing to go to war.” Dubinsky is currently in custody in Ukraine. He was expelled from Zelensky’s ‘Servant of the People’ party in 2021. He faced treason charges in November 2023 after the Ukrainian domestic security service (SBU) accused him of working for Russia. Dubinsky dismissed the accusations as politically motivated and claimed that he was persecuted for criticizing Zelensky.

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“..footage appearing to show Ukrainian troops being shot at and having grenades thrown at them by their own comrades..”

New Order Reveals Scale of Sabotage and Desertion in Ukrainian Army (Sp.)

The Kiev regime’s soldiers sabotage army orders, threaten their commanders, refuse to fire their weapons, leave the battlefield, and desert. This was revealed in a new order on strengthening discipline signed by Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrsky and seen by Sputnik.The document notes that army commanders, law enforcement, and other government agencies have faced new challenges that require an immediate response. Among the military criminal offenses, the commander-in-chief listed “insubordination,” “failure to comply with an order,” “threat or violence against a superior,” “unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or place of service,” “desertion,” “evasion of military service by inflicting self-harm or in any other way,” and “unauthorized abandonment of the battlefield or refusal to use weapons.”

Syrsky’s order outlines the urgent need for the Armed Forces and representatives of law enforcement agencies to identify and put a stop to these offenses. The document presupposes that Ukrainian soldiers could be offered a chance to return to combat duty even after the abovementioned offenses. The new order comes as the Ukrainian Armed Forces are struggling to replenish their ranks, with men increasingly unwilling to die for the Kiev regime and actively avoiding mobilization or deserting. Following last year’s botched summer counteroffensive, which resulted in huge manpower losses, cases of desertion have soared. The Kiev regime’s army units are rife with cases of insubordination and desertion. Sputnik earlier obtained footage appearing to show Ukrainian troops being shot at and having grenades thrown at them by their own comrades during a Russian advance.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky recently deplored that such a case of desertion by a whole unit had resulted in Ukrainian forces being surrounded, and many soldiers being killed. He also spoke out against declaring a general amnesty for deserters in a video posted on his office’s YouTube channel. On Wednesday, Verkhovna Rada lawmaker Irina Gerashchenko reported that the Ukrainian parliament had backed in the first reading a bill to tighten liability for military offenses, including desertion. The following day, the country’s parliament adopted a bill on mobilization aimed at replenishing Ukrainian forces depleted by two years of NATO’s proxy war against Russia. Zelensky also signed new mobilization measures into law on April 2, lowering the conscription age and authorizing the creation of an electronic database of military-age men as the issue of draft dodgers continues to persist.

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“All Ukrainian men between age 18 and 60 will have to register, including those abroad. Failure to do so will count as evading military service..”

Mobilizing for Defeat (Amar)

Ukraine’s situation is extremely precarious, if you want to put it optimistically. A more realistic term is “catastrophic.” The country faces steady, accelerating advances of Russian forces that are well-motivated and trained and superior in quantity and equipment. Even Ukraine’s commander-in-chief has admitted that “the situation on the eastern front has significantly worsened in recent days.” A massive understatement but still proof that things are even worse. We also know – from Ukrainian polls – that ever more Ukrainians are open to ending the war by making concessions. Yet the Zelensky regime is doubling down. Instead of entering serious negotiations – the kind where you adjust your aims to your losses so as to avoid even greater ones – it is seeking to throw more lives into a war that has become a meatgrinder for Ukrainian troops.

That is the main purpose of a new mobilization law that has just passed the Ukrainian parliament. (In addition, President Zelensky has already signed off on additional measures that will be integrated into the new law once he signs that as well. In essence, though, this is one integrated bundle, which many Ukrainians and outside observers refer to as one and the same law, as will be done here.) The new mobilization law is complex, consisting of a long list of measures, including, for instance, new rules on confiscating private cars for defense purposes. Its core, however, is simple: The minimum age for mobilization is lowered from 27 to 25 years of age. All Ukrainian men between age 18 and 60 will have to register, including those abroad. Failure to do so will count as evading military service. To make sure that compliance can be policed easily, all registered men must have their registration papers on them at all times.

The law, which has been under contentious consideration for months, is not being well-received in Ukrainian society. On a TV show run by Ukrainska Pravda, a very anti-Russian outlet, Maria Berlinska, a Ukrainian activist of equally sterling credentials, called it a fiasco. And she is by no means alone. It is true that some Ukrainian commentators have – once again – tried to dismiss all and any popular discontent as nothing but Russian interference. But this time, that tired old trick from the NATO-Zelensky playbook is not working well. Even Western mainstream media acknowledge the law is “unpopular.”

It is not hard to understand why many Ukrainians are angry. Perhaps the single worst disappointment is that the law does not include a hard rule for demobilization, which is what everyone expected. Think of it as a tacit deal: The government gets to hoover up more young men for cannon fodder, but, at least, it also promises to let go those exhausted soldiers who have already served (and survived) for years (36 months was under discussion). Even the New York Times has noticed that Ukraine’s current soldiers are “battered and exhausted.” Yet opening a way out for at least some of them is what did not happen. Instead, the Zelensky regime has dared come out with a law that only takes but gives nothing back.

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“..accused of sabotaging orders, threatening commanders, refusing to fire their weapons, leaving the battlefield and deserting en masse..”

Ukrainian Troops Accuse Command of Treating Them ‘Like Livestock’ (Sp.)

A leaked order regarding plans to strengthen discipline signed by Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Syrsky has detailed the increasingly difficult situation for Kiev at the front, with troops accused of sabotaging orders, threatening commanders, refusing to fire their weapons, leaving the battlefield and deserting en masse. Russia’s Defense Ministry has published footage of nine servicemen from Ukraine’s elite 25th Separate Airborne Brigade collectively surrendering to Russian forces near the village of Vodyanoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic. In interviews taken after their capture, the troopers pointed to the difficult situation at the front, complained about poor operational planning, poorly trained commanders, large losses in manpower and equipment and panic among the units, and accused command of using them as cannon fodder.

“The commanders leave us to die like waste material, while they are somewhere on the sidelines,” serviceman Valery told his Russian interviewers. “When we were being taken into captivity, our own forces started shelling us, showing that we aren’t needed anymore. I’ve been captured and thanks to that I’m alive and won’t be executed. It’s worse in the Ukrainian military than in the Russian captivity,” he said. “The 25th Brigade’s command is treating us like livestock,” another captured serviceman said. “It’s better to surrender than die in such a ***** manner for who knows for what and why,” a third added. “Our commanders don’t care about us. They didn’t want to come to the positions and evaluate the situation…So ‘thank you’ to our commanders. In your words, we should have gone to our deaths,” another soldier said. Footage shot by Russian forces showed the surrendering servicemen approaching Russian positions, stripping off their gear and being led out of the combat zone by Russian forces after being searched.

Ukraine Armed Forces C-in-C Syrsky confirmed the desperate situation at the front in an order that was issued on April 4 and leaked to Russian media on Saturday, listing issues he said require immediate attention from law enforcement including insubordination, failure to comply with orders, threats or violence against superiors, unauthorized abandonment of positions, desertion, evasion of military service by inflicting self-harm, and refusal to use weapons. In a Telegram post Saturday, Syrsky offered an unusually frank public assessment of the battlefield situation, which he said had “significantly worsened in recent days, primarily due to the significant intensification of the enemy’s offensive actions,” which he said was “facilitated by warm, dry weather, which has made most open areas accessible to tanks.” Syrsky assured that his “personal communication” with servicemen has made him well “aware of the real scale and degree of threat from the enemy.”

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“..and we will be able to resume the counteroffensive in 2025..”

Ukraine Asks France to Help Hold Positions in 2024 (Sp.)

Kiev has asked Paris to help the Ukrainian military hold the positions on the battlefield this year so that it can launch a new counteroffensive in 2025, a French official who took part in the talks with the Ukrainian authorities has told Le Figaro newspaper. “The Ukrainians are telling us: help us make it through 2024, and we will be able to resume the counteroffensive in 2025,” the official said. Ukraine is in need of the SAMP/T air defense system, the official added. However, MBDA, which manufactures the Aster 30 missiles for the platform, will not be able to provide Kiev with more missiles in the near future, as the French military also needs them, Le Figaro reported. On June 4, 2023, Ukraine attempted a counteroffensive against Russia. Kiev deployed brigades trained by NATO instructors and armed with Western equipment, including Leopard and Challenger tanks.

Three months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that Kiev’s push had failed, with Ukraine suffering heavy casualties. Several Western officials also admitted that the Ukrainian counteroffensive had not been successful. Western countries have provided hundreds of billions of dollars worth of aid to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s special military operation in February 2022. Aid shipments began in 2022 with artillery munitions and training and have escalated to include tanks, advanced air-defense systems, missiles and cluster munitions. The Kremlin has consistently warned against the West’s continued arms deliveries to Ukraine, saying that they only prolong the conflict, adding that Western military equipment will be eventually destroyed. Moscow also cautioned that NATO countries “are playing with fire” by providing Kiev with arms.

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NYT and Fiona Hill team up to make Trump look ignorant. And yes, “Hill served on Trump’s National Security Council between 2017 and 2019”. How did that ever happen?

Trump Thought Ukraine ‘Must Be Part Of Russia’ – Fiona Hill (RT)

Former US President Donald Trump could not understand “the idea that Ukraine was an independent state” and assumed that it “must be part of Russia,” his former adviser, Fiona Hill, has claimed. “Trump made it very clear that he thought, you know, that Ukraine, and certainly Crimea, must be part of Russia,” Hill told New York Times writer David Sanger in an upcoming book previewed by The Guardian on Friday. “He really could not get his head around the idea that Ukraine was an independent state.” Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation in 2014, six decades after the historically Russian peninsula was transferred to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in an administrative decision by Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev. In September 2022, four former Ukrainian regions – the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Kherson, and Zaporozhye – were also admitted to the Russian Federation after similar referendums.

It is unclear from the excerpt printed by The Guardian whether Trump was referring to Russia’s centuries of sovereignty over Crimea and interests in Ukraine, or whether he simply assumed that post-Soviet Ukraine was a part of Russia. Trump has never publicly suggested that Ukraine is not an independent state. Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee to challenge President Joe Biden in this November’s election. If elected, he has promised to end the conflict in Ukraine “within 24 hours.” “I would get [Russian President Vladimir Putin] into a room. I’d get [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky into a room. Then I’d bring them together. And I’d have a deal worked out,” he told NBC News in September. Trump did not elaborate on how he would achieve this, explaining that “if I tell you exactly, I lose all my bargaining chips.”

Despite accusing Biden of dragging the US toward “World War III” with his policy of open-ended military aid to Ukraine, Trump has said that he could keep money flowing to Kiev under some circumstances, albeit as a loan rather than a gift. An intelligence analyst and specialist on Russian and Eurasian affairs, Hill served on Trump’s National Security Council between 2017 and 2019. She emerged as a key witness during the 2019 impeachment inquiry against her former boss, during which she accused Trump of using American aid to pressure Zelensky into investigating the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine.

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“..this would be the best decision Biden ever made..”

‘Do The Right Thing’: Assange Supporters Urge As Biden Mulls Dropping Case (CD)

President Joe Biden this week for the first time said his administration is weighing the Australian government’s requests to drop charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been deprived of his freedom since 2010 and is currently jailed in London’s notorious Belmarsh Prison while fighting extradition to the United States. Asked by reporters at the White House about requests from Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and members of the country’s Parliament for the U.S. and United Kingdom to drop the extradition effort and charges against Assange – an Australian citizen – Biden said that “we’re considering it.” Stella Assange, Julian’s wife, responded to Biden’s remarks on social media. “Do the right thing,” she wrote. “Drop the charges. #FreeAssangeNOW.”

Srecko Horvat, a Croatian philosopher and co-founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 pan-European progressive political party, said that “this would be the best decision Biden ever made.” British journalist Afshin Rattansi asked, “Why has Julian Assange been put through this ordeal in the first place?” Assange – who is 52 years old and suffers from various health problems – faces multiple U.S. charges under the Espionage Act and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act for his role in publishing classified government documents, some of them revealing war crimes and other misdeeds. Among the files published by WikiLeaks are the “Collateral Murder” video – which shows a U.S. Army helicopter crew killing a group of Iraqi civilians – the Afghan and Iraq war logs.

Three U.S. administrations have pursued charges against Assange. During the administration of former President Donald Trump – who is the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee – officials including then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo allegedly plotted to assassinate Assange to avenge WikiLeaks’ publication of the “Vault 7” documents exposing CIA electronic warfare and surveillance activities. In 2010, Trump called for Assange’s execution. The U.K. High Court ruled last month that Assange could not be immediately extradited to the U.S., where he faces up to 175 years behind bars if convicted on all counts. The tribunal gave the Biden administration until April 16 to guarantee that Assange won’t face the death penalty. Absent such assurance, Assange will be allowed to continue appealing his extradition. Last month, Assange’s legal team denied reports that a plea deal with the U.S. government may have been in the works. Assange has been imprisoned in Belmarsh since 2019. Before that, he spent nearly seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he had been granted political asylum under the government of leftist former President Rafael Correa.

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“..not just a ban from visiting Germany but also from participation in Zoom events hosted in the country..”

The Speech That Got Me Banned From Germany (Varoufakis)

Today, Yanis Varoufakis was banned not just from visiting Germany but from participating in video conferences about politics hosted in Germany. Here’s the plea for humanity and justice in Palestine that got him banned. Today, Germany’s interior ministry issued a “betätigungsverbot” against me, a ban on any political activity — not just a ban from visiting Germany but also from participation in Zoom events hosted in the country. I can’t even have a recorded video of me played at German events.The trouble started in earnest yesterday, when German police burst into a Berlin venue to disband our Palestine congress, which was hosted by the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25). Judge for yourselves what kind of society Germany is becoming if its police ban the sentiments below.

“Congratulations and heartfelt thanks for being here — despite the threats, despite the ironclad police outside this venue, despite the panoply of the German press, despite the German state, despite the German political system that demonizes you for being here. “Why a Palestinian congress, Mr Varoufakis?” a German journalist asked me recently. Because, as Hanan Ashrawi once said, “we cannot rely on the silenced to tell us about their suffering.”Today, Ashrawi’s reason has grown depressingly stronger, because we cannot rely on the silenced who are also massacred and starved to tell us about the massacres and the starvation. But there is another reason, too: because a proud, decent people, the people of Germany, are led down a perilous road to a heartless society by being made to associate themselves with another genocide carried out in their name, with their complicity.

I am neither Jewish nor Palestinian. But I am incredibly proud to be here among Jews and Palestinians — to blend my voice for peace and universal human rights with Jewish voices for peace and universal human rights, with Palestinian voices for peace and universal human rights. Being together here today is proof that coexistence is not only possible — but that it is here already. “Why not a Jewish congress, Mr Varoufakis?” the same German journalist asked me, imagining that he was being smart. I welcomed his question. For if a single Jew is threatened, anywhere, just because she or he is Jewish, I shall wear the Star of David on my lapel and offer my solidarity — whatever the cost, whatever it takes.

So let’s be clear: if Jews were under attack, anywhere in the world, I would be the first to canvass for a Jewish congress in which to register our solidarity. Similarly, when Palestinians are massacred because they are Palestinians — under a dogma that to be dead and Palestinian, they must have been Hamas — I shall wear my keffiyeh and offer my solidarity whatever the cost, whatever it takes. Universal human rights are either universal or they mean nothing.

Read more …

Time to hear Pelosi and Liz Cheney under oath?

DC National Guard Say They WERE Ready To Be Deployed On Jan 6 (DM)

Whistleblowers from the Washington D.C. National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump did want them deployed during the Capitol riot and the Army delayed telling them to mobilize in a bombshell hearing next week. DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal that at least three officers will appear Wednesday before a House subcommittee to claim their stories were also ignored by the Democrat-led January 6 committee, because it didn’t fit their narrative. The hearing will aim to further prove that Acting Defense Secretary at the time Christopher Miller did give advance approval of D.C. National Guard deployment at the direction of then-President Donald Trump. A person familiar with the review by the House Administration Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee said the whistleblowers will provide testimony that then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy delayed by at least two hours providing official notice to D.C. National Guard Commander William Walker to deploy troops to the Capitol.

Instead of getting to the bottom of the breakdown in communication and focusing on improving Military preparedness for future incidents, the witnesses feel the January 6 panel was solely focused on pinning blame for the events that day on Trump. The officers, who were with Walker the day of the Capitol riot, will detail how they were on buses in full tactical gear for hours waiting for the go-ahead from the Army. McCarthy has stated under oath that he did give a timely order for deployment of the D.C. National Guard – but Walker’s troops said they found out about mobilization during a press conference, which led to a three-hour-and-19-minute delay of forces arriving at the Capitol. Some suggest that McCarthy was vying for a spot in President Joe Biden’s incoming administration and didn’t like the optics of it looking like the Army, under his command, was trying to interfere or inhibit certification of the 2020 presidential election results.

The hearing on Wednesday is titled ‘Three Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay’ and aims to examine whether Trump was at fault for the delay in National Guard deployment. Additionally, the whistleblowers will reveal how the January 6 Committee did not want to hear their testimony because it corroborated Trump and his allies’ claims that the former president did authorize the National Guard days in advance to respond to any violence or unrest on January 6, 2021. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) is chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee, which is tasked with reviewing the January 6 Committee’s investigation into the Capitol riot.

Last month, Loudermilk released a transcript of a never-before-seen interview with Tony Ornato, the man in charge of Trump’s security detail on January 6, 2021. In the interview with the panel, Ornato confirmed that Trump did authorize the National Guard for mobilization and deployment to D.C. that day. The bombshell release of that interview reveals flaws in the January 6 committee’s argument that Trump wanted to stoke chaos that day by not allowing National Guard troops to respond to the scene at the Capitol. Loudermilk’s panel is concerned with making sure that security of the U.S. Capitol complex is nonpartisan and that readiness is not affected by partisan politics.

Read more …

“..other defendants did not write “a memoir in which they made countless statements proving their crimes and drawing further attention to their criminal conduct.”

Another Federal Judge Rejects All Hunter Biden Claims for Dismissal (Turley)

While some legal analysts continue to boost Hunter Biden’s legal claims, the reviews in actual courts are far less glowing. Recently, we discussed a federal judge rejecting all eight motions of Hunter Biden to dismiss his tax charges in a stinging opinion citing a conspicuous lack of actual evidence to support their claims. Now, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika has also rejected those claims in the gun case in Delaware, calling Hunter’s arguments “nonsensical.” Legal experts like MSNBC’s Andew Weissmann have slammed the gun charges as “an abuse.” Hunter Biden’s counsel has argued selective prosecution and a bar on charges (based on the defunct notorious plea deal) in both cases. While these arguments were given great credence on some networks, they were stomped on by actual judges applying the law to the case. Abby Lowell and Hunter’s defense team have insisted that he is the victim of selective prosecution, but Special Counsel David Weiss has eviscerated those claims.

In a recent filing, Weiss dismissed many of Hunter’s claims as “patently false” and noted that he virtually flaunted his violations and engaged in obvious efforts to evade taxes and hide his crimes. Weiss further noted that other defendants did not write “a memoir in which they made countless statements proving their crimes and drawing further attention to their criminal conduct.” It was a devastating take-down of Hunter’s claims, but it did not address the conspicuous omission of charges brought against Menendez, including FARA charges. It also does not address the fact that the Justice Department not only allowed the statute of limitations to run on major crimes, but sought to finalize an obscene plea agreement with no jail time for Hunter. It only fell apart when a judge decided to ask a couple of cursory questions of the prosecutor, who admitted that he had never seen an agreement this generous for a defendant. Weiss noted in his filing that they filed new charges only after Hunter’s legal counsel refused to change the agreement and insisted that it remained fully enforceable.

Judge Noreika is equally unimpressed by the arguments of the Biden team. She almost mockingly noted that “Defendant’s articulated protected class is apparently family members of politically-important persons.” She later added: “Defendant’s claim is effectively that his own father targeted him for being his son, a claim that is nonsensical under the facts here. Regardless of whether Congressional Republicans attempted to influence the Executive Branch, there is no evidence that they were successful in doing so and, in any event, the Executive Branch prosecuting Defendant was at all relevant times (and still is) headed by Defendant’s father.” The court also rejected Hunter Biden’s effort to subpoena Trump, former attorney general Bill Barr, and two other senior officials who served in the Trump Justice Department. Again, she noted that it was the Biden administration that decided to prosecute Hunter Biden on the firearms offenses.

Read more …





Aristotle time






Wolf size






Just 10 streams carry 95% of all river-borne plastic into the ocean












Baby swans





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Home Forums Debt Rattle April 14 2024

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  • #156806

    Edgar Degas At the Milliner’s 1905-10   • Biden Tells Bibi: US Will Not Support A Counterattack Against Iran (ZH) • Washington Worried About Pote
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 14 2024]

    John Day

    WES complimented my summary of Michael Hudson’s interview last night at the opening of my “Expertly Destroying Life Support Systems post https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/expertly-destroying-life-support

    Eleni sent this interview with Michael Hudson about the conduct of the war against Palestinians, which is patterned as the war against the Vietnamese people was patterned during that war, based upon the systems analysis paradigm of Physicist, Herman Kahn, who was the inspiration for “Dr. Strangelove” in that movie, and explored the theory of “winnable” nuclear war, as well as the “Strategic Hamlets” initiative in Vietnam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Kahn
    Kahn was a founding member of the Hudson Institute, and also worked as a military analyst and strategist at the similar Rand Corporation. Michael Hudson was brought into the Hudson institute after the publication of his expose book, Super Imperialism in 1972. This was adopted as an operations manual for US global currency policy, as it portrayed the $US as being supported more by the necessity of buying oil and other trade items in $US, than by the gold backing, which had just been “suspended”, as the US ran out of gold.
    Hudson, therefore attended many high level strategic meetings with Kahn over a period of several years. He describes Kahn’s analysis of the interventions necessary to destroy the system which supports people in a society. This included removing people from communities and putting them into tightly controlled compounds, “Strategic hamlets”, which Israel has done with Gaza, and also the isolation of West Bank Palestinian communities from each other.
    “Killing all of the journalists” was a lesson learned by the US during the Vietnam War, when diffusion of actual knowledge of the horrors of war ruined societal support for the war. (“Hey, hey, LBJ, How many kids did you kill today?”) This is being carried out in Gaza and the Palestinian West Bank villages. Destruction of hospitals and of food supplies is critical. The message to humanitarian organizations to “go back home” was very effectively conveyed by the killing of 7 aid workers by 3 waves of drone attacks, until they were all dead and burned. Ships turned around. The mission closed down. Aid Workers, Hospitals and Doctors are at the “top of the target list” with Journalists.
    The US promptly stopped funding for UNRWA, based on a few tortured confessions from UNRWA workers in Israeli prisons, and has blocked it until 2025, despite that background being revealed.
    All of this is to make it impossible to live in Gaza, and to enforce death by starvation, which is less dramatic than bombing, upon all the Palestinians who will not leave.
    Israel is the US/Western “aircraft carrier:” in the oil-producing Mideast, which LBJ (and others) have said “would have to be invented if it did not exist”.
    Hudson explores the threat to global oil supply and prices, if Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz, and how the US/Israel/West might be able to prevent that, such as by developing a pretext for massive attacks upon Iran, perhaps nuclear. Currently, Iran is being careful to avoid providing such a pretext for nuclear attack, after the provocation of the Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus Syria last week.
    The upshot is that this is the same coordinated policy as in Vietnam, and has been continuous in Israel/Palestine since the meetings Hudson attended during the Nixon administration in the early 1970s. The window-dressing for the American and western public is propaganda, and it is not effectively overriding the actual images people see, but it is delaying any real action to stop the genocide, while the starvation, bombing and destruction of all support-systems grinds forward.
    Hudson points out that the only currently anti-war candidate running for POTUS is the Green Party Candidate Jill Stein MD..
    He discusses the plans to convert Gaza to an Israeli luxury development, with piers for yachts, installed by Americans. These purport to carry in food, but that is not happening.
    Hudson reports Israeli deals with India for construction after the expulsion of Palestinians. He reports that the lack of money in supporting Palestinians helps drive the genocide.
    The imperial project, as he lays it out, is the successful financialization of Genocide.

    Israeli occupation forces on Friday targeted a group of journalists, in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, wounding three of them.
    Medical sources said that Israeli occupation warplanes targeted multiple journalists in Nuseirat camp, causing causalities among them.
    The sources identified the journalists as Sami Shehahdeh, whose foot was amputated due to the attack., Sami Barhoum, and Ahmed Harb.

    The Israeli occupation continued its brutal aggression against the people in Gaza on the third day of Eid al-Fitr, Friday, as its warplanes launched a series of airstrikes on various areas of the territory, resulting in horrific massacres against civilians. https://en.ypagency.net/322680


    • Mobilization Law Is ‘Point Of No Return’ For Zelensky

    • New Order Reveals Scale of Sabotage and Desertion in Ukrainian Army

    Listen to this video

    Listen to this man

    This is what a serious man sounds like.

    If you are a member of the Ukronazi Rada you should be very afraid.

    They know your names and addresses, even the foreign addresses and they will be hunting you down.

    If you want to really diminish someone’s Manhood, you tell them you are going to kill his son and the rest of his family too.

    You tell him you are going to kill his Legacy

    Ukrainian militant Veteran threatened the entire Ukrainian parliament and government for the last conscription law

    This is want the Hungarians did to their government representitive when given the brief chance to 1956 to show how they really felt about it.

    This will be Nazilensky and his family

    This will be members of the Ukronazi Rada



    John Day

    Doctorow says the wealthy Belgians at this resort town have not yet gotten the memo about bad-times:

    Is the West hopelessly overwhelmed by “Satanism” as Russian media suggest?

    Is the West hopelessly overwhelmed by “Satanism” as Russian media suggest?

    What else is a beach bordering the cold waters of the English channel good for if not staring out at the sea or at the digue strollers with a mug of beer and some chips or peanuts ready to hand? My grandfather, who came from Lithuania, often repeated that ‘there is no bad beer.’ I don’t quite know what he had in mind, but here in Knokke it remains true that the Belgian beers remain enormously diverse and of exceptional quality. And there are hundreds of people seated each afternoon at cocktail tables in concessions managed by restaurateurs who are quaffing the beers and socializing.

    In conclusion, I strongly urge RT or Russian state television to send a crew here to Knokke to see that the end of the world is not nigh in Western Europe. And also to see that Belgian society is not ‘tired of the Ukraine war,’ as the Russian ambassador recently commented to the press. Leaving aside Prime Minister De Croo and his politician buddies, Belgian society is utterly indifferent to the war and focused on its own pleasures and challenges.

    John Day

    From No Disease to Stage IV Colon Cancer in Four Months: A Case Report (Vaxx status not mentioned)

    Colorectal cancer remains one of the most common cancers in the population. Meanwhile, steroids or other immunosuppressive drugs are usually given in rheumatological diseases as a treatment for flare-ups. Herein, we present the case of a 61-year-old female diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer merely four months following the commencement of glucocorticoid therapy for a recently diagnosed rheumatologic condition, despite a clear colorectal cancer screening colonoscopy conducted four months prior. …

    ..Upon confirmation of the diagnosis of metastatic colon adenocarcinoma, the patient was referred to the oncology team for further management. A multidisciplinary approach was adopted, and the patient was initiated on FOLFOX (folinic acid, fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin) chemotherapy regimen combined with bevacizumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The patient tolerated the treatment well initially, with no significant adverse effects reported during the initial cycles of chemotherapy; however, she had a progression of disease and unfortunately passed away recently.


    • Ukrainian Troops Accuse Command of Treating Them ‘Like Livestock’

    The Ukronazi line is cracking

    The Russians fake them out by massing troops to the north, the Ukronazis try to herd their ‘live stock’ to the north to counter with their crippled delayed transport ‘system’.

    Then the Russians attack to the south.

    Rinse and repeat.

    A hundred times a day, times a week, times a month……

    Meanwhile the Russians keep upgrading their vast tank fleet..

    T-72B(X) series with upgraded engine is pushing 72km/h

    You can move a lot of amour from here to there at that speed.

    The Ukronazis only have donkey carts without their trains having no electricity.


    This morning.
    Amazing numbers.

    Israe received over 300 guided missile, and suicide drones from Iran and their proxy.
    Interception was 99% and only one 10 year old child was wounded.

    USA will not participate in offensive actions.

    “You got a win. Take the win,” Biden told Netanyahu.
    Let’s get copilots take on the Iranian attack.

    how far is it for drones to go from Iran to Israel
    the web

    Iran launched more than 300 drones and ballistic missiles towards Israel in the early hours of Sunday night, marking the first time Iran has directly targeted Israeli territory. Let’s delve into the details:

    The two countries’ borders are more than 1,000 miles apart.
    The slower-moving drones were expected to take around nine hours to arrive in Israel.
    Iran’s cruise missiles should take around two hours to reach Israeli territory, while high-speed ballistic missiles would take approximately 12 to 15 minutes12.
    The majority of the drones and missiles were shot down by Israeli, American, and other allied forces before they reached Israeli territory1.
    Attack Details:
    Iran launched over 200 drones and dozens of cruise missiles as part of what it called “Operation True Promise.”
    The first wave reached Israel at around 2 a.m. local time, with sirens blaring across the country and visible explosions in the sky.
    Commercial capital Tel Aviv, the disputed city of Jerusalem, and Dimona (home to Israel’s nuclear plant) appeared to have been targeted.
    Most of the missiles launched by Iran were intercepted outside Israel’s borders, with only a limited number falling inside the country’s territory.
    The attack caused minor damage to an Israeli base3.
    International Involvement:
    The US and UK reportedly helped Israel shoot down Iranian drones over Jordan, Iraq, and Syria to prevent an uncontrollable escalation.
    Royal Air Force fighter jets and refueling aircraft were also involved, taking off from bases in Cyprus.
    Their role was to fill in for the US air force in sorties against the Islamic State and intercept Iranian drones if they entered the UK area of operations3.
    Israel’s Response:
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel was ready to strike back.
    The US, France, and Britain expressed support for Israel’s self-defense.
    Israel’s government ordered schools closed, and citizens were urged to heed alerts and seek shelter.
    President Joe Biden emphasized the US commitment to defending Israel and warned Iran not to escalate further3.
    In summary
    Iran’s unprecedented attack involved a significant number of drones and missiles, but Israel’s defenses intercepted most of them before they reached their target. The situation remains tense, and international efforts are focused on preventing further escalation312.


    And just putting on my engineering hat, the Russians have finally acted on taking out the Ukronazi electrical generators, leaving their cities with no power or water treatment or water pumps.

    By the by, the Ukronazi electricity is not coming back in the Fall or next Winter

    Let that sink in a moment.

    Hard to run a “country” with NO ELECTRICITY

    Even harder to run military logistics with NO ELECTRICITY

    Ukronazi attempts at attacking Russian oil refineries and energy facilities gave The Putin the Perfect Excuse to permanently destroy Nazilensky’s electrical grid.

    This will make Ukronazi cities unlivable


    Smooth move from the Empire of Lies Military Mafia ‘strategic planners’ and NATO/ZATO clowns.




    ‘Serious escalation’: World reacts to Iran’s drone, missile …

    Al Jazeera
    Here is how the world reacted to Iran’s retaliatory …

    2 hours ago — The latest: Iran warns of further attacks if Israel retaliates. Netanyahu vows to achieve victory. Israel reports modest damage.

    2 hours ago — Israel’s three-man war cabinet is weighing the country’s response to an unprecedented overnight barrage of drone and missile strikes from …

    Al Jazeera

    2 hours ago — Israel says more than 300 drones and missiles launched at it from Iran, Iraq and Yemen, adding that the vast majority of them have been …

    Iran strike live updates: Israel says over 300 drones …

    NBC News

    1 hour ago — Follow NBC News’ live coverage as Israel says it shot down most drones and missiles in Iran’s retaliatory attack, and President Joe Biden …
    Iran warns Israel against retaliation, global powers urge …


    40 minutes ago — Israel’s Channel 12 TV cited an unnamed Israeli official overnight as saying there would be a “significant response” to the attack. Iranian …

    Dr. D


    What are we when we can now do fun cartoons about this?. Ishida is criticism, but still…

    “U.S. is ‘considering’ australian request to drop case against Julian Assange”

    Yes but like Joe Biden, we just “Consider” to prosecute him or not until he dies of old age. …And yes, that’s extortion. If you’re GOOD, we keep “Considering”, if you’re BAD, and aren’t a “Pal”, we prosecute. Before you commit any crimes if necessary, it saves time.

    “U.S. is ‘considering’ Australian request to drop case against Julian Assange”

    They drive with them both pushed all the way down. As I’ve said the only way to be cured of this is to stop being their codependent. Take your foot off the brake and let the passengers choose.

    “Cuck Chair” I think somebody’s been watching too much pron. I see a endless meme of stepbro too. Like, whatttssaaa? Both halves: Whyyyy? And Whyyyy memes? I just assume they’ve been paid to destroy all society, and they’re doing their job admirably.

    “I don’t think they had a strategy… the Israelis don’t always make the best strategic decisions..”

    Or usually, I guess? For years they’ve taken the short candy while their position erodes. That’s okay because somebody else is paying. …Until it isn’t.

    “• Biden Prolongs Ukraine Crisis To Avoid Admitting Failure – Ron Johnson (RT)

    “Biden kills half a million men and wipes a culture from the earth to avoid admitting failure” Fixed it.

    “citing soldiers who say they feel “fooled and used” and are being used as “slaves.”

    I’m a little lost why most soldiers don’t feel that way. But I don’t trust the civilian politicians.

    Like conscripting the U.S. or France, it’s way easier to shoot YOU than the enemy. You’re right in front of me. And you’re yelling at me. The Russians haven’t annoyed me yet, why would I shoot them? I haven’t even met them.

    ““All Ukrainian men between age 18 and 60 will have to register, including those abroad. Failure to do so will count as evading military service..”

    “It’s Over” as the clickbait says. “I’m done.” “This one weird trick for losing a war and having your culture erased.”

    ““It’s better to surrender than die in such a ***** manner for who knows for what and why,” a third added. “Our commanders don’t care about us.”

    True from the beginning, and true since 1990 when you were born.

    “..and we will be able to resume the counteroffensive in 2025..”

    …Because we just finished that time machine and are aging 5 year olds to age 25 in just 12 months…

    Mention of France, where the entire French military (they can deploy) is like one month, and this is while Russia is taking it easy on them.

    “He really could not get his head around the idea that Ukraine was an independent state.”

    Yeah, me either. That’s because he’s a pragmatist.

    “It is unclear from the excerpt printed by The Guardian”

    If it’s unclear, it’s a lie. He may also be putting you on. I would. I’d say it to make them present a short case as to what justifies our, and their, actions there. Not that I don’t know the legal reality. But he might not.. I just don’t care. YOU killed 600,000-1 Million people. HE killed zero with his question and in fact might have been saving them. So…check yourself. If he was an idiot, like “Being There” I’d rather he were President than someone who’s all in for killing 1M Ukraine + Gaza and start 5 new wars because it’s “The Norms”. That it never occurs to you is how I know you’re a violent psychopath who should be committed.

    “I can’t even have a recorded video of me played at German events.”

    That’s not Nazi behavior at all! Totally normal free “European Values”.

    “So let’s be clear: if Jews were under attack, anywhere in the world, I would be the first to canvass for a Jewish congress in which to register our solidarity. Similarly, when Palestinians are massacred because they are Palestinians I shall wear my keffiyeh and offer my solidarity whatever the cost,”

    Don’t kill people. Don’t be “Killin’ some folks”. My God told me that’s bad. Too hard? Too soon?

    Aristotle: so wouldn’t the Present be infinite thick? If there’s no Past = 0 no Future = 0, then the only object in existence is the Present. So that must be the Sum total, 100% thick. Or because of comparison to zero, Infinity thick. Just saying, I don’t think it works like that.

    We did find Zeno’s paradox, that a turtle walking somewhere must go half that distance, and half that, and half that. Such that he either travels infinity distance or none at all. Therefore: motion is impossible, QED. Let’s go get a Pita. It’s an excellent expression, but it is means or requires that there is a quantum level. Things JUMP from one location to another and appear there without having traveled the distance. This is std quantum physics. We now use the better metaphor of Film Frames and frame rate. Our frame rate may be trillions per “Second” but there is one. Thus Zeno is solved, but helps explain why Newton only works in our general area and not Big, Small, Hot, Cold, or Fast.

    Yeah, wolves in movies, not an exaggeration for show. And the speed of longer legs. Dogs are fast? How about dog x 30%?

    “Just 10 streams carry 95% of all river-borne plastic into the ocean”

    None of them are in America or Europe. Although I would prefer we return to long-term reusable Coke bottles in wood crates – and so does everyone else, they have a strong, wonderful reaction to them – you need a society not made of psychos who can behave themselves. We can keep plastics for key uses, like medical.

    ““Expertly Destroying Life Support Systems”

    They are. They are shutting down all food production, the farms, the cows, the rail that delivers it, and the electric that stores and sells it. On purpose. Could not POSSIBLY more on purpose if you tried. Then the Ring-cities are uninhabitable and they come out and rove and destroy the farms while the rich engineers that set it up hide in castles with private security. …They think.

    Um: you might notice your addresses and maps are on Google now? I wrote them all down by my gun safe in case the power goes out. Sleep tight, sunshine.

    He’s discussing Gaza and rightly so, but I’m not traveling there so I’ll have to defend here against the identical plan and behavior.

    Driving out the poor to steal their land and put up condos? Exactly the same as here. And in Holland with those yummy 500-year-old seaside farms. How dare you have cows in Holland? And the same method: cut off money, introduce drugs, halt the police, prevent all justice, attack any plan that works, like local businesses or development. Just kill them. NYC 1977. That’s how all the “Right” (black) real estate all happened to get burned in the Summer of Love, 2020. Wot a coincidence!

    So I’m busy with my own genocide right now. Sorry Gaza, but I’m sure you understand. They didn’t fly out to help Haiti, and I’m not flying out to help Raffah. I will be happy to stop funding Tel Aviv though. In fact, I demand it.

    Hungary: so sad that ultimately we can punish them so little. Oh well. We will do this and think of them no more. Fine living is the best revenge.


    On ‘Biden tells Bibi US will not support a counter-attack on Iran.’

    1st link at top post.

    The BidAdmin / those in charge at present / do not want war with Iran, do not want a widening of the present conflict, because serious war in the ME Region will lead to devastation and defeat of the USA. See, the Elites power, comfort, etc. Plus, the destruction of Israel, in the sense of the loss of that landing strip..

    Of course, other forces itch for confrontation, never mind the outcome.

    From Europe. When Macron announced he aimed to, wanted to, was proposing to (what formulation? as there were many!) send French troops to UKR to defend the Valiant Ukro-Nazis and fight Ugly Blood-Thirsty Russkies – the expressions used are ‘defense of democracy’ etc. – both Germany and the US shut him down immediately.

    The ‘main’ NATO powers (actually there is only one, the US, but D is second; **btw about 1/3 of arms send to Isr. come from D**) would never support France in this folly, he was on his own, etc.

    D = Deutchland

    Dr. D

    Cartoon: Have a Coke and a smile. I’m lovin’ it.


    The most significant result of last night might be the number of antimissiles that got used up.

    “Jordan” shooting down all those missiles would be the US shooting off a billion dollars worth of missiles from Patriot batteries or something, for instance.

    And certainly Israel has used up a lot.

    Probably the value of the antimissiles far exceeded the value of the drones. So precious finished goods WERE destroyed, probably in the billions

    I always thought in WW2, a better plan for B-17’s would be to double the guns and upgun to 20mm-40mm or quad or sextuple 0.50’s. Leave the bombs behind – the most valuable thing you could destroy would be the sophisticated finished goods flying around (fighters) and their irreplaceable pilots.

    There are now a LOT less antimissiles out there for Ukraine.


    What about tomorrow?

    Israel blows off 100s of air defense(AD) missiles costing 25-100 times more than the drones sent by Iran and can’t resupply. Soon Israel will be like Ukraine air defense, just a few random systems.

    Oh, they used F35 to shoot down drones they claim? But a sortie costs same or more than an AD missile and soon the delicate complex f35 and f16 planes just won’t fly any more. No more parts or techs to fix ’em. No more AD and no more air force. Soon the US navy and air bases will also use up all AD and air forces in the Levant. Logistics will be sketchy. Then the US will do an afghanistan style occupation collapse in Iraq, Syria, etc.

    Just drone the air ports and sea ports so the IDF divert f35, f16 to other US air bases? Then they cannot fix the planes, they can’t fly. The US logistics, techs can handle only a few planes. A month and the occupier / imperialist air forces are down to a few trainer aircraft.

    Meanwhile the Israelis are migrating from Palestine.

    Posted by: John Law
    Price of oil will go up.
    Inflation will go up.

    While some crow about Israel/USA/Jordan downing all the drones and cruise missiles, that is exactly the whole point. Waste millions of dollars a pop to down relatively inexpensive drones that Iran can manufacture at scale to show Western interceptor “prowess” while burning up expensive missile stocks that are probably in short supply anyway. This is no doubt asymmetric and each missile that is used up on a drone is a missile that now cannot be used in Ukraine/Taiwan/SK/NK,etc. This demonstration was no doubt coordinated with Russia/China and perhaps even NK.

    This was just a demonstration that was telegraphed and communicated days/weeks in advance but the West still had no option but to burn up their AD missiles, it was powerless to stop Iran from doing said demonstration. This is a big moment without active commitment of the USA in the ME, Israel is done in its present form.

    Pay attention to the statements coming out of DC from Biden and company they don’t want to take on Iran, they have accepted Iran cannot be taken on without massive losses to military power and prestige. We have now transitioned to the kinetic stage, don’t be surprised if NK/Russia/Yemen/China call the next US bluff.

    Posted by: silverdog
    Explainer: How did Iran’s retaliatory military action against Zionist entity unfold?
    Sunday, 14 April 2024
    Will the American bases be used by Israel to attack Iran?

    Dr. D

    I’m quite sure they painted up the Isr Air Defense systems to examine them and run them out on $$ and attrition. That allows the PR win for the West they are so hyperactive about. I hope someone real in the West understands this. — Or not. I guess I don’t care since they shouldn’t be there or doing it anyway.

    What I mean by “White Hats”, if I were one of them, I’d nod my head and say “Yes boss” “you so smart, we beat ’em” knowing what’s happened. Let them lose money, empty AD and collapse. Only way they’ll learn I guess I can go back home to Ft. Dix, where Americans ought to be. Fighting the Enemies foreign AND domestic.

    They’ll need a couple cycles of this, while note they are also boa constrictor on supply ships, now doubling Red and opening Hormuz as a front. All they need to do is knock it off, and I told them, so fine I’m done telling them.

    Just like Ukr grid, so many reasons, none of which they’ll admit. One is NOT to take out civilians in the winter. They also will cause a nuclear meltdown by hitting the grid bc power goes out AND IN to Nuke plants. You can’t drop the grid around a nuke plant safely. So they hit and explored and used Ukr AD up, attrition, until they understood the grid enough to reduce it so THEY took down the nuke plants. Safely. (Quotes). Now city is empty, they are amassed, all missiles stocked up, no air force or air defense anywhere worldwide.

    Did that work out badly? Mr. PCR? Was that the wrong way? Seems about equally fast by a month or two but far safer. These guys refuse to arm, make Air Defense, or respond to anyone else’s tactics (bc they’re psychotic delusionals). So? Let them. If they ever address your first act, move on and make annother. Not til then when you’re winning. Same with Trump. ONE play for 3 1/2 years. Only one. And? You fell for it, did he NEED more? Now he has 2 1/2 plays and you fall for them. Does he need more?

    Mister Roboto

    All I have to say is, I expect James Howard Kunstler to be a special kind of unhinged tomorrow morning.

    John Day

    Israeli sources have confirmed that Iran has hit Nevatim Air Base in the south of occupied Palestine with 15 missiles early on Sunday.

    Sources reported that following this attack, this base was severely damaged and is now inoperable.

    Nevatim air base is located in the south of the occupied territories in the Negev desert region and near the city of Be’er Sheva which is the main base of the F-35 fighters of the regime.

    The IRGC Air Force had practiced a missile attack on a simulated example of this air base last year. This base is about 1100 km away from the western borders of Iran.


    Kind of tells you who is paying Jimmies bills.

    Dr D Rich

    Courtesy Eric Striker “source of jewish power”:

      When independent actors decide to play the money game according to the stealth rules of the winners — trickery, speculative conspiracies, pump-and-dumps — suddenly Jeremy Bentham’s “Nightwatchman state,” unable to restrict or fight the power of rapacious oligarchy, nevertheless remains strong enough to crush its opponents.

      One recent anecdote where this was exhibited was the 2021 Gamestop stock ordeal.

      The incident began when a Jewish financier, Gabe Plotkin of Melvin Capital, invested $6 billion dollars to collapse the stock of a struggling company, Gamestop, and consume its carcass.

      An individual spotted Plotkin’s big move and took to social media to call on small time traders using the RobinHood app to take a counter-position.

      Soon enough, the internet driven Gamestop pump began, wiping out 50% of Melvin Capital’s money and redistributing it to the workers, college students and unemployed taking part in the financial campaign.

      Rather than accept the new players in the market casino, the Securities and Exchange Commission launched a direct intervention. Jewish SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, who worked at Goldman Sachs prior to joining the federal government, stepped in on behalf of the Jews of Melvin Capital to threaten the app for allowing minnows to come together to fight back against the whales and had the stocks hurting the investment bankers delisted. The SEC then passed new rules to prevent the new broader access to the market provided by apps and chatrooms from allowing this type of challenge to Jewish finance from ever materializing again.

    Another common objection to anarchism is that private defense and court firms would tend to represent the interests of those who pay them enough

    Don’t you think the immediate aforementioned statement is The Status Quo in These United States?

    The essence in Bentham’s premise is “the State providing citizens with the military, the police, and courts, thereby protecting them from aggression, theft, breach of contract, fraud, and enforcing property laws.

    So the apparent situation IS anarchy with a twist. Historically the military and police were “occupied” by the Irish and the Catholics. And the courts, well, Dr D and deebs knows who occupies that venue.

    None dare call it a conspiracy.
    None dare call it treason.
    None dare name names.
    None dare say corporations, courts, and a certain monied class enjoy exclusive right to protection from aggression, theft, breach of contract, fraud, and enforcing property laws

    Doc Robinson

    Aristotle’s thoughts on time were of course updated by Einstein’s theories, whereby the passage of time is affected by velocity (time dilation).

    Zeno’s paradox, IMHO, is a misdirection based on how it’s framed. If you constrain time to smaller and smaller increments, approaching a stoppage of time, then of course the motion will approach a standstill. If time is allowed to proceed unconstrained, then of course the runner will reach the tortoise, etc.



    Netanyahu called off retaliatory strike on Iran after call with Biden – New York Times
    Today, 3:43 pm

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls US President Joe Biden from IDF’s Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv on April 14, 2024. (GPO)
    US President Joe Biden dissuaded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from greenlighting an immediate retaliatory strike against Iran after it launched around 300 attack drones and missiles at Israel last night, the New York Times reports.

    According to the report, several members of Israel’s war cabinet had been in favor of launching a response attack, but the lack of serious damage caused by Iran, in addition to Netanyahu’s conversation with Biden, led to it being called off.


    Just 10 streams carry 95% of all river-borne plastic into the ocean

    As long as we know where the blame lies. Of course, you could argue that the people who invented plastic are to blame, or the people who buy the plastic then ship the plastic waste to Asia for “recycling”, but that would point to the west, so that would be no good.


    This is looking deliberate on the part of the wests handlers. 15 minute cities, no travel, no farms, no cash, social credit score? The rise of China not just allowed but assisted by whom? Starting when? Putin as a WEF young leader but now disavowed? Maybe? Europe neutered? NATO? Long game?!

    Attrition? Expensive?
    France’s Aquitaine-class FREMM frigate Alsace has turned tail from the Red Sea after running out of missiles and munitions repelling attacks from the Yemeni armed forces, according to its commander, Jerome Henry.

    “We didn’t necessarily expect this level of threat. There was an uninhibited violence that was quite surprising and very significant. [The Yemenis] do not hesitate to use drones that fly at water level, to explode them on commercial ships, and to fire ballistic missiles,” Henry told French news outlet Le Figaro in an exclusive interview published on 11 April.

    “We had to carry out at least half a dozen assistances following [Yemeni] strikes,” he added. The commander of the Alsace also revealed that, after a 71-day deployment, all combat equipment was depleted.

    “From the Aster missile to the 7.62 machine gun of the helicopter, including the 12.7mm, 20mm, or 76mm cannon, we dealt with three ballistic missiles and half a dozen drones,” Henry adds.

    According to the French commander, the Franco–Italian Aster missile – each carrying a price tag of up to $2 million – “was pushed to its limits” by the Yemeni armed forces, as the Alsace had to use it “on targets that we did not necessarily imagine at the start.”



    As I stated yesterday, I could not see why Iran would want to actually attack Israel. Now today it looks like Iran slapped Israel’s hand while satisfying the Iranian people that something was done. It will also have been a very informative exercise; a trial run that informs Iran of the capabilities of the Israel defences – I am sure they knew this already, but more data is always useful – and the political will of Jordan to fight with the Israelis.

    It is a smart move, in that it calms doen the situation, puts Iran into the position of “adult in the room”, ties Israel’s hands when it comes to retaliation in that any retaliation will now be seen as unacceptable by most normal people. The Iranians are much better off waiting for the economies of the west to continue to self implode rather than providing the west with an excuse to start a war. The west must be getting very pissed off at the moment as all its efforts to start WW3 seem to be failing, nobody is taking the bait. Maybe the next target will be Taiwan, the west will try to goad China into fighting them.

    I am also interested to see where capturing Jew owned ships will take the Iranians, it seems like a much more profitable strategy.


    Dr D said

    I would prefer we return to long-term reusable Coke bottles in wood crates – and so does everyone else, they have a strong, wonderful reaction to them – you need a society not made of psychos who can behave themselves.

    The difference between glass and plastic bottles is that the glass bottles require a majority of up-front cost to manufacture with a minority of post-use cost to destroy. The plastic bottle takes a minimum of up-front cost to manufacture and a majority of post-use cost to destroy. In addition, governments have taken it upon themselves to pay the post-use costs, so the company uses plastics and saves money. When the company was using bottles, it made sense to collect the old ones because the company was paying the costs, but once government got involved, the whole system fell apart and now we, as tax payers, pay for the disposal of Coke bottles.

    Of course, there are other aspects to this; the shipping from the local bottling plant will be cheaper for plastic bottles as they are lighter. Of course Coke is not shipped around the world, it is made and bottled locally. It is an easy problem to solve, if there was a will, but the only will the government has is to make more profits for Coke, so we pay for the recycling collection centers, we pay to ship the old bottles to the fake recycling centers that actually just burn 99% of PET bottles rather than actually do recycling.

    Good old government, fucking it up for everyone, unequally.

    Michael Reid

    Government & Media Pretending Massive Health Crisis Not Going On – Ed Dowd

    Government & Media Pretending Massive Health Crisis Not Going On – Ed Dowd


    Video Evidence Shows Several Iranian Cruise Missiles Scored Direct Hits

    SUNDAY, APR 14, 2024 – 11:35 AM
    Both Israel and the US have declared a ‘victory’ in defending against the overnight massive Iranian drone and missile attack

    The videos purport to show several missiles scoring direct hits on two key Israeli military bases in the south of the country: Nevatim Airbase and Ramon Airbase (locations on map above).

    First, the Nevatim Air Base, which is one of Israel’s largest. The below footage appears to show clusters of munitions raining down above the base – possibly decoy bomblets, before several ballistic missiles make impact on the ground.

    Video of ballistic missiles slamming into the Nevatim Air Base in the south after passing through a swarm of anti-air interceptors:



    Zerosum said

    The videos purport to show several missiles scoring direct hits on two key Israeli military bases in the south of the country

    If Hezbollah can hit Tel Aviv, then Iran can hit anywhere in Israel. Israel cannot help but lie about it. I particularly liked the “10 year old boy” story, I thought that was a nice touch, but who is dumb enough to believe it? Israel trying to make out that it is the victim and not the bloodthirsty tantrum child.


    Building from azpnaz comment, How is it that the poorest on the planet wash the most plastic into the sea. I am sorry, they just cant. I think they are living on top of a land fill for the rich.

    Michael Reid

    Iran has demonstrated that if you attack them the cost will be extraordinarily high, says Scott Ritter.
    In the case of Israel it could be terminally high

    D Benton Smith


    I think you will greatly appreciate how well Scott Ritter articulates what you’re trying to say, and he pulls no punches on what he thinks of the Zionists and their Bible thumping cheer leading for genocide:

    (but also note that he doesn’t exactly throw ALL Jews under the race bus either. Evil is as evil does. Use your higher rationality..

    Michael Reid

    For freedom, peace and common sense.

    But there is fascism in the west



    This video provides a list of all types of Iranian ballistic and cruise missiles capable of reaching Israel:

    – Sajil: 2000-2500 km.
    – Khorramshahr-4: 2000 km.
    – Emad: 2000 km.
    – Shahab-3: 2000 km.
    – Gadr: 1950 km.
    – Pave: 1650 km.
    – Fattah: 1400 km.
    – Khaybar Shekan: 1450 km.
    – Hajj Qassem: 1400 km

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