Debt Rattle August 1 2024


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    Vincent van Gogh Portrait of Doctor Félix Rey, Arles. Rey disliked his portrait and gave it away 1889   • Kamala Harris: The Soros candidate? (Su
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 1 2024]


    SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has responded to Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro’s challenge to a fight over fraud accusations from Musk, saying he was ready to accept it.

    Musk hates it when he doesn’t get the attention that he needs, like a junkie. Remember the Thai cave rescue guy, Elon called him a pedo. That showed you what sort of cunt we are talking about. Then he became best buddies with genocide Netanyahu, just confirming what sort of cunt he is; your friends say a lot about you and my guess is that Elon doesn’t have any real friends, hence his adoption of Netanyahu as his latest BFF.

    Dr. D

    Yes, definitely Nutsy got permission to attack from the U.S. poodles. Joke’s on him: the U.S. won’t back him, because we can’t. We got nuttin’. we go, Israel ceases to exist.

    “US Will ‘Certainly’ Defend Israel If Attacked By Iran In Wake Of Haniyeh Killing

    Hahahaha! With what? A sternly written letter? We’ll export carpet-bombs of porn? Every warship can be at the bottom of the ocean in 20 minutes. Every base is a sitting duck – already well proven. We can collapse and “cease to exist” like Israel, but I expect we won’t. In an hour we’ll suddenly be “Just another nation” in a multi-polar world. …Thank God.

    “Zelensky Suspends Ukraine’s Foreign Debt Payments Starting Aug 1st

    Blackrock will collapse.

    “Russia Holds 3rd Phase of Tactical Nuclear Drills Same Day Ukraine Receives First F-16s

    Remember they and and possibly are, droned. That is because officially (meaning it is also a lie) there are only two pilots. So only tiny sorties at a time, and then 18 hours rest to do it again. Yeah, that’s like sending them one tank at a time.

    Here’s Epstein’s Minnesota Band camp (actually Michigan) with our ol’ Bill Barr!

    Yup then was in the law firms that cut Epstein’s deal. I’m sure that’s all totally a coincidence, I mean — I — attended summer camp with rape involved that produced several world leaders, didn’t you? Practically all Congress and every media head too came through Boy Scout Camp #56, right?

    For anyone who cares, there are more videos: And look for the daily by Martenson.

    That’s why you can’t have a Kennedy assassination with 2,000 Zapruder films. This is a film of the wounded audience, showing the sniper running around, totally upright, 9 seconds. And guess what? At EXACTLY the time one of the cops called and said he was locked out, can you leave your post and come let me in? Wow, amazing coincidence. Also seems unlikely that he was invisible to the sniper team the whole time since he had to cross from one side to the other.

    Other notes, besides that he happened to cross at the happened to minute the cops happened to leave their posts in the upper windows? He seems to have tossed his backpack up previously, climbing up and crossing the roof to reach it. Okay, so where was the gun? When he crosses, there are only 9 seconds before he appears, so I can’t see him zipping, assembling, barrel, stock, scope(s), and bear-crawling. Besides, he wasn’t. He was walking around over the ridgeline fully upright, unconcerned.

    So he knew that this closest possible building was outside Secret Service zone – although 40 cops – and without being above, also knew exactly where the Hercules Team was and their exact line of sight so he could hide behind it. AND that the cops had left their post in the upper windows. Yup! That’s how we know he was a lone shooter! Secret Service had nothin’ to do with it at all!

    Other notes: This may be normal, (Secret Service never bothered to show up to the meetings) but NEVER have open windows in a sniper zone. The other snipers consider them unsafe, so they are always all closed. It seems all the upper windows were open, including one with a spotter or gun sitting there, in the room, on a tripod, they left unguarded at the exact moment of the shooting.

    It also appears Shot 9 was NOT Hercules team, which doesn’t make sense since we can time them on video: they definitely fired. But reportedly It was fired by local cops (sniper grade) on the ground. That’s how far above the ridge his head was. This was proto-released by Butler reports. It was also done almost while he was still firing, so if so, incredible decision and reaction time. It also basically says he was looking right at that roof when it started, which makes sense since the Butler radio must have been non-stop “He’s on the roof (yawn) He’s got a gun (So?)”. So “Secret Service” never took the shot at all? That’s what you’re telling me? They took shot 10, that disturbing one minutes after it was over?

    ““To the best of Gab’s knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter,” Torba said.”

    Chose your own adventure. He was BOTH sides, and he was/wasn’t there, was/wasn’t the shooter, and was/wasn’t coordinating with anyone. In an information-saturated world the only way to hide anything is to throw up chaff. That is, if you want to hide your identity, the only way is to make 20 identities with your name, in 20 states, so no one can identify the real one.

    This relies on LYING. That is, no one who lies is discredited and removed, because they are the ones throwing up chaff. If you remove liars when they lie – which in this case is obstructing justice, tampering with an investigation, etc. — then the air immediately clears and the truth is obvious again. I think we can see that pretty clearly in recent testimony. Put up lies. Defend the liars. No one is responsible, nothing changes., keep throwing up chaff, keep lying.

    Don’t. Stop. Just STOP HELPING. Discredit them, stop cooperating and giving anyone the benefit of the doubt in a false “Appeal to Authority.”

    Harris and Arrests. Yes, and that’s playing softball. She was Waaaaaay worse than that. Joe was for Segregation, “Superpredators” “Busing”, but Kamala literally rounded up innocent black kids, threw them in jail, and then sold their labor to sweatshops and the fire patrol, refusing a Judge’s court order to release them. That is literally slavery. She’s a slave-ship captain on the western coast. Except she didn’t buy them from the (Muslim) natives as war-prisoners, she rounded them up at gunpoint herself.

    Rogan: Finally having the discussion about body doubles. I mean, it’s been generations, so…too soon? It was headline news, like 6 months, can’t kill Saddam since he has 20 body doubles. Btw, Putin hasn’t aged a day in 25 years. Perhaps this is why they can’t kill him? There’s about 30 Putins? Would you do that if you were them? I would.

    Hey, was the guy they convicted the real Saddam anyway? How would you or I know?

    “the name Soros, a constant presence in all ‘color revolutions,’

    So let’s see: Gets a Billion dollars from the Bank of England. Ain’t nobody mad about it. Then takes that money and does political work overthrowing governments England doesn’t like. Huh. Well I do not find that curious at all. Why are we talking about this?

    Bonus question: if Soros is overthrowing government at MI6 direction, and Soros is buying up all American D.A.’s, etc, then…who is the foreign nation, adversary, and violent attacker committing treason again? I mean, thanks to those D.A.s THOUSANDS of Americans have been killed with violence. Squirrel! They wouldn’t do that; they’re our BESTEST friends.

    “• Harris Campaign Honeymoon Will Last to Chicago Convention But No Further (Sp.)

    Perhaps until they point out she’s not a natural born citizen and grew up in Canada, going to college there. (From 12) ...And still didn’t manage to learn any French. It’s just AMAZING! EVERY one of these guys floated for top positions, ALL from, around, crossing, citizens of, the British Commonwealth. Obama, Rubio, Cruz, or India, as Sunak, Ramaswamy, Harris. Well, Americans from here with American parents are all just stupid, I guess. I mean, if they were smart, wouldn’t they had the sense to been born somewhere else? That’s just logic.

    “O’Brien told the meeting that the US “wants Ukraine to win” and is providing all the materials necessary.”

    No they are not, that’s hilarious, and well-known, world-wide, for years. You MIGHT say we provided them everything when we armed and trained their 400,000-man, NATO-Nazi army to ethnically cleanse all Donbas, but since Russia wiped that out in 3 weeks, we’ve provided one tank at a time, and all those sucked. They blew right up, bogged down, and never made it anywhere because of breaking, just like every other tactic or equipment we use.

    “Ukraine has already been seen “making some progress on the battlefield.”

    Crusty is coming. Yes, Russia’s about to fold, Ukraine is winning. There are ton of MI6 sites that report this daily, like Times Radio. As above, every day they’re lying. Every day they’re not discredited and removed. Years and years and years and years in a row. Huh. Why? How?

    Waters: I’m sure Maduro and their government suck. Oh well, that’s their choice, their decision, and their problem. But I guess we’ll never know since us the CIA, MI6 are all screwing around in there, so there’s ever-less chance of finding out what might happen. Hey, is that illegal? Under almost any International Law? Where you’re paying to topple a government and run “Election interference?” By golly it is! Bailiff, arrest this man!

    How do they do this? You have to reform the money. Or it can’t be stopped. Bonus? Is it illegal to pay $6B to overthrow a government in a violent coup by Nazis who lock civilians in a building and light it on fire while shooting both sides in the crowd? Asking for a friend. If some country took it on themselves to stop that would they be A) the good guys or B) the bad guys?

    “The White House has created the first real threat to the dollar and its status as the global reserve currency, US Republican Senator Mike Lee has said,”

    You’re kidding, right? NIXON did this, in 1971. (actually sort of due to LBJ in Vietnam). REAGAN did this and stamped the no-return in 1981. We’re just playing out the inevitable now, and honestly, like 20 years longer than anyone expected.

    (1988 – 2018) That means they should have had crippling economic crisis and collapse starting at least 2016 in order to have the justification for launching it, but probably 2008. Huh. Funny coincidence.

    “Once upon a time America had a capitalist economy.”

    Hahahaaha! Maybe. A VERY long time ago. Oligarchs already ran it from 1890, but they suffered other business to still exist until about 1990.

    “use of the US dollar in international payments has fallen from about 90% to a bit less than 50%. With the formation and expansion of BRICS it will fall further.”

    The “Unit” (ugh, name) looks like will be 40% gold, 60% local BRIICS currencies. You can look at that several ways, but it re-injects gold into trade, which is required (you can’t have a collapse of confidence, then replace with more scams by the same people), and also it’s not 100%. It’s not a “Gold Standard”, but despite ignorant people, it never is or was. Even top-level cast-iron “Gold standards” – the middle ages, maybe, or pick your example – are just promissory notes with some gold in chests in the background. Our U.S. gold standard (which should have been silver) was Bills of Credit, 30 days to maturity, which were floated between Mine, factory, shipper, retailer, buyer, all on credit, with a tiny fraction of gold somewhere supporting it all. This is ALWAYS the case. That’s why you can have a Tulip Bubble on a gold standard: PROMISES. The U.S. collapse in 1980 (a reset to Petrodollar, etc) was the same. Gold spiraled from $40 to $880 at which point the US$ was 1:10 backed with gold. That was considered solid, and it stopped. BRIICS are 40%, not 10%.

    Dr. D

    Barsoom, Like the last one, worth reading the whole thing. Reminds me of their comment – and probably literally in “Rule for Radicals” that the Left are all for “Tolerance and diversity” UNTIL they take power. Then no tolerance. The Right can’t understand why someone would act like this. Why someone would lie.

    (Face palm)

    “The tide is turning. The leftoids, be they Democrats, globalists, Xitter cringefluencers, non-binary-trannisaries, or Home Depot sows are losing, or losing their minds.

    They’re so lost right now that even their “leader” has gone missing, removed from office by a statement he almost certainly did not write, probably posted by a social media intern that did not actually work for him. I’m not convinced he either knew that it happened when it did, or for that matter, knows where he is.
    They’re in such shambles that at times I wonder if it’s all a little too easy? But then I remember how incompetence breeds incompetence, and lies breed lies. Mix the two together and you have a powerful cocktail of fuckery that will ultimately come crashing down. And crashing down it is.

    Contrast that with the solid momentum that has been building up on the right for some time now. It’s real momentum, not fake. You can tell the difference. It’s also been compounding on itself, and the difference is night and day. One is weak and fragile, a thin veneer covering up an empty abyss. The other is strong, powerful and raw – with nothing to hide.

    Now, like you, I’m inclined to be wary. They missed with the bullet, but who knows what else they’ve got lined up? But I also want to relish in the victories. If we don’t then not only do we miss the moments worth celebrating, but we become bitter. 

    But I’m also thinking about the future.

    Stage 1: WIN THE FIGHT

    …I’m sure that either they’ve got some other bullshit already planned, or they’re scrambling to figure out what other insanity they can try to pull off before the election….

    It’s also easy when winning to forget what they have done, and continue to do to us. I don’t say this to play the victim, but more to emphasize that we can let compassion get in the way prematurely, when what’s needed is to beat them with the rigid stick of justice and whip them with the sharp thorns of vengeance, to really teach them a lesson.

    This is going to mean that we will come off ‘mean’ – but that’s necessary. Call it vengeance, anger, tough love, or righteous fury. When you have the serpent underneath your boot, you proceed to chop its head off before you step back.

    As Vagrant of Rhodes reminds us in his recent piece Win the Fight:

    The true evil of leftism comes from what it’s using those tactics for – the values, moral proposition, and way of life that they are trying to force the world to adopt. Tactics are not at issue here: what those tactics bring about, is.

    Now is the time to take the initiative. In war – and do not forget that we are in a war for the soul of humanity here – there are winds and momentum at play. The wind is blowing in our favor right now. We have the momentum. Only an absolute idiot, amateur or saboteur would squander it over some perceived meanness – especially towards people who want to see you dead or dying. So if you’re not going to charge with us, get the f–k out of the way, or be trampled alongside the ghouls and goblins.

    There is no space for white-knighting right now. A true warrior understands that part of his job is to slay, and that means he must be cruel. Not wicked, in the sense that he is cruel for the sake of being cruel – but because it is necessary. Necessary to both win, and to make clear what happens if you work towards the destruction of humanity, decency, and beauty. It takes a man of great courage, justice, and compassion to carry the burden of being cruel, and having to live with it later – knowing he had to do it. The sadistic leftoids are not of this kind. They are sadistic on the inside and just want to see people suffer for the sake of it…

    “So what do we do? We focus on what matters. While culture is upstream of both politics and civilization, what’s upstream of culture is virtue. You can think of virtue as a blend of “principle” and “behavior”. Virtues are how you behave and act. They’re different to values, which are states you desire. For example, we value freedom, but in order to achieve it, we must act with the virtue of responsibility. Warrior classes all throughout history have established these codes of virtue and conduct, which essentially separated them from not only the other classes within their tribes, but from savages that could never build lasting civilization. The knights of Christendom established Chivalry, which was a blend of Ancient Roman, Hellenic & Christian values and principles, while the samurai of Japan established Bushido, which was a blend of Shinto and Confucian principles and values – each sharpened by the sword.

    The most interesting thing is that despite the disparate geographies and roots, these different warrior classes converged on essentially the same code.” — Aleksandar Svetski

    “Tradition is not the past, but that which does not pass.” Dominique Venner

    I know I talk too much about morality, values, all abstractions, which is my purpose. I do that because for me, they immediately necessitate ACTION, Virtue. Others are not similarly inclined, cowering to everything while hiding in theoreticals behind a fake religion or morality. Abstractions again, but Faith without works is dead:

    “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

    18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”

    Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” James 2:14

    Boy sure looks like a lot of guys couldn’t be bothered to follow their bibles much. Of course I shouldn’t say that, in general the society is so bad that even lukewarm barely-Christians out-help and out-charity the supposed Progressive mass society here. Or does your LGBTQ Bathhouse and Disco have a weekly food bank?

    This goes with missing — and a generation, like 100 years now — “you just need faith”.. Okay, fine, great. And if you had faith WOULD YOU NOT ACT? Your acting is an expression OF the love of God you claim you’ve contacted by being born again. You wouldn’t be able to help yourself, you’d WANT to, not make yourself grudgingly. That’s a lot of why outsiders can’t respect the very obvious hypocrisy of most named “Christians” — it’s abundantly clear they do NOT have that love inside and that IS expressed in their actions to others. Common people may act worse, but at least they don’t CLAIM to be good, enlightened, caring people. …Which is why society is getting sick of and learning to hate Woke people even MORE. They DO claim that, AND hate Christians enough to kill them on sight — very Progressive.

    But going around all this, and ignoring religion, VIRTUE is what you DO, so there’s no question of either hypocrisy or religion. You either DO it, or you don’t. Perhaps this is why the Romans also gravitated toward and focused on it, and not “the Gods” at the later date.


    In reality this died at least a decade ago; if you were a teacher in the in crowd, then you would get a good rating regardless of the kids you sent to the mines. If you were a teacher trying to do his/her best, they you would be discriminated against and eventually thrown out of school. Shit floats to the top; no different in education.


    Is it just me or did AI die very quickly? It has become a kind of joke, where people looking for stupid answers will go to AI, then we can all take the piss out of AI. Maybe that is AI’s role in the future, to be the class dunce.






    He’s still The Commander in Chief?

    Of what???

    Dr D Rich

    Snipers….the new super heroes.

    A person can tell the author’s position by appeals to expertise when none are needed and absolutely no one asked for them.

      “…was also done almost while he was still firing, so if so, incredible decision and reaction time.”

      Once again, snipers hide unless they don’t.
      Again, whatever the snipers duty,((( pathological schizoids or psychopaths incapable OF regret, remorse or PTSD))), rather whatever you think their duty is, their sole focus is the image in the scope.
      To hell with this ‘field of view’.
      These guys were slow as hell.
      You can become obsessed with an object, image within the scope’s “visual field” which then effectively narrows the visual field to the point the operator becomes blind and oblivious to the most important object or activity within their responsibility.
      Under ordinary stress, even the best operators fail to see it.

      The sexy sniper flinched, recoiled, flinched, lifted his weapon and tripod AND tellingly distrusted his monocular, telescopic gaze and traded it for a preferred binocular scan and wider view.


      26 seconds is not credible or creditable when that is the sniper’s only job.

      Beta blockers sublingual steady the hands and nerves. Golfers know it. Surgeons know it.







    What a bunch of turds in the punch bowl×900


    <img src="Hahahahahaha! What a bunch of turds in the punch bowl×900&#8243; alt=”.” />


    third time is the trick to shake the Woke curse



    Can the FBI or anyone else create/invent comments that can be attributed to you?
    Can your comment or history of comments be made to vanish?

    • FBI: Trump Shooter May Have Posted Far-Right Comments on Social Media (ZH)
    by Tyler Durden
    Wednesday, Jul 31, 2024 – 08:25 AM
    Authored by Debra Heine via American Greatness,

    “FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate told senators on Capitol Hill Tuesday that a social media account believed to be Crooks’ appears to have shared antisemitic, anti-immigrant, and “extreme in nature” posts in 2019 and 2020. Crooks would have been 14 to 15-years-old in that time frame.

    Are you being shunned/ignored? On purpose? or accidently?

    Are your Comments Not Showing up on Posts or Pages for everyone?
    Since you have an opinion that you want to share, that you think that it is important enough to share.
    Are you sure that anyone/everyone can hear/see what you are saying on the comment page?

    Web master tools
    Fixing WordPress Comments Not Showing on Posts or Pages


    The SS sniper jerks back in surprise from his scope….

    because he WAS looking at “the sniper” and shots rang out, yet no shots were fired from “The Sniper” while he was looking directly AT him – wtf, shots? I was looking right AT the guy…

    Or he makes a big dumb show of being surprised and repositioning to delay a response after SEEING him fire?

    The real shooter started firing FIRST, thus the surprise at the dummy not firing?

    They were wise to the attempt and had somebody ready to shoot – to create the sounds of shots – before the real shooter could start shooting? And they had a standing plan of what to do if shots are heard? (duck down, apply blood pack?)

    So, real assassination attempt therefore genuine righteous reaction and real evidence to investigate BUT, with application of virtual judo, applying just a little bit of “energy” of ones’ own to do the flip? Enemy provides almost all the energy when they take a run at you?


    While culture is upstream of both politics and civilization, what’s upstream of culture is virtue

    I’m reading The 6 Pillars of Self Esteem – the author makes a point about the Self Esteem fad that started in the 80’s. Everyone obsessed over the individual as volition-less, as totally acted upon. As a victim of unfair treatment leading to a kind of fate, unalterable, or perhaps alterable with decades of psychotherapy.

    The author points out the acts of volition are stronger and more important – to act and live with integrity is to build up – as a consequence of justifying self esteem. And to act, with volition, without or against integrity is to, unavoidably, damage ones’ own self esteem.

    The Current Thing of – I shall use the cheat codes! These fools, chained by meaningless arbitrary civility! I shall Hold Them To Their Rules while playing the game on God mode! Then we shall reach a new Year Zero and reality will be re-written in my image!

    …is to horribly, horribly attack ones’ own self esteem. And so we see a plague of Cluster-B behavior in our current age. And who would want such a reality re-written in the image of such people.

    The greater man-o-sphere – from Red Pill to Neo-Stoic – is bound by one common thread – seeking to re-discover and re-establish virtue, at least in oneself if it cannot be seen, found, established anywhere else. Scattered, atomized, the human response is to start picking up the pieces.

    Women are the unhappiest they’ve ever been. And they’ve been and are being carpet-bombed with the taking-away of virtue – virtue bad, virtue=slavery, virtue = Low Status. No wonder they are having a very hard time under the assault.

    Actual genuine self esteem is what all the unhappy individuals in our society desperately need and in turn is what our society desperately needs. Like everything, we’re beset with an oppositeworld “self esteem” that destroys self esteem, sells everything that degrades it as desirable.

    Altruism – Not-YOU. For any single person. For EVERY single person. And there’s no people without persons. Year Zero. No people! Perfect!

    D Benton Smith

    A true crisis is that name we use to describe what it feels like just before you are forced by circumstances to discover what really matters to you. When push comes to shove, that’s when you will know and the evidence of that belief will be absolutely undeniable.

    D Benton Smith

    Big Tech is an old lion that has lost most of its teeth to rot, decay, and too many sugary drinks. It threatens to overwhelm and overpower all who stand in its way, but if you look at his private checkbook you’ll find that he’s broke and being chased by creditors. He ain’t no threat to anyone but himself, and he’s dumping assets now at fire-sale prices just to stay out of debtors’ prison.

    Don’t look at the window dressing. Look in the garbage can in his overgrown and neglected trash-dump backyard. He’s on the skids man. He won’t be chasing you. You be chasing HIM!

    D Benton Smith

    I love that old trope from the movies where the good guy has just narrowly escaped death by shooting the thug who just tried to kill him. Our Good Guy rolls the fast expiring bad guy over and asks him, “Who are you working for?”

    Good question.

    Who are you working for?





    First F-16s now in Ukraine.
    Romaine trained about 50 pilots but only 3 passed!
    Rest gaining weight and lost physical fitness by drinking too much!
    The failures were the smart ones!
    The dumb ones passed!
    US creating F-16 drones as backup plan?

    Financial attrition:
    Debt moratorium declared.
    Exports down/imports up.
    Remittances to Ukraine from Ukrainians living abroad have fallen about 15%.
    Mobile communication companies are having trouble recharging their backup systems due to increased power outages.
    Ukrainian electrical grid 2 or 3 missiles away from collapse.

    Foriegn money to Ukraine is closely tracking mobilization success.
    The Ukrainian elites are paid by the amount of cannon fodder raised.
    $250 USD reward to police per new recruit.
    Foriegn money amounts to about $2500 per Ukrainian recruit – half the cost of an arty shell!
    My, how the value of Ukrainian cannon fodder has fallen!

    But Ukrainian elites are still making millions, so war won’t end anytime soon.
    Still lots of cannon fodder yet to be sold by the Ukrainian elites!
    It is still a war to the last Ukrainian.
    A war bankers love.

    John Day

    “This Is Unjust!” Female Boxer Quits Olympic Match, Melts Down In Tears After ‘Biological Male’ Brutalizes Her In 46 Seconds

    Dr. D

    ““This Is Unjust!” Female Boxer Quits Olympic Match, Melts Down In Tears After ‘Biological Male’ Brutalizes Her In 46 Seconds”

    I’d say it’s about time, but each individual woman is not ALL women. She may have been against this all along, and probably was. However, this is what it takes for women (as a collective) to collectively say no, which they’ve been refusing to do, to buck social pressure and do the obvious because it isn’t popular. I know that’s a weakness, and it’s one they have for a good reason, perhaps it’s a character trait rather than a flaw. Just as nurses being compassionate means the abuse them personally and over work conditions knowing they’ll just take it. Or say macho men, whose weakness is perhaps being TOO hard, and not talking enough — each aspect has plusses and minuses. But to me any sensible woman — and there’s a lot of them around here, or used to be — will tell you to GFY, that’s b—–t. Now GTFO before we throw you out. THAT is what a real American woman would, and should do, and the kind we respect. That they haven’t has not been very commending to them. I think I have the word right. They would also therefore allow their sons and daughters to be similarly abused for foolish reasons, and likewise their men, although they would defend themselves alone (of course, with zero support).

    It’s a truly sorry state, but if that’s what it takes, keep going until they get the message and turn.

    …Same with all this other stuff, and that’s why it seems a total set-up to me. All engineered to un-engineer the social engineers by going too far.



    Just listened to the latest live stream of The Duran

    US/EU privately admit they lost Ukraine proxy war w/Levan Gudadze (Live)

    The question arose, “Who pays Ukronaziland’s debts, who guarantees their loans?”

    They all agreed that the all the land and what’s left of the infrastructure of Eastern Ukraine is the ‘collateral’ backing the Western loans.


    Stop yur killin’ me!

    But it’s so true, Blackrock et al will essential own whatever is left of eastern Ukronaziland lock, stock and barrel AFTER the Poles, Hungarians and Romanians grab their historic claims.

    Ukronaziland will cease to exist as a country and instead just become nothing more than a wholly owned corporate subsidiary.

    Life can certainly be a bitch at times.


    The Property Apocalypse continues unabated

    The Duh’merican Dream is unraveling

    Starting in commercial real estate, then migrating to the McMansion crowd.

    Wish I had several million to play around with

    Gird Your Loins



    This is 135 W 50th St in NYC.

    In 2006, this building sold for $332 million.

    Yesterday it sold for $8.5 million at auction.



    Dr. D

    There was one — there is too much to be seen — that there are muzzle flashes in the LOWER windows.

    So we have here, in a broad guess that seems to be getting thinner, that Crooks was sent to get the Secret Service to call it of, by doing everything imaginable to raise suspicion. Like, if USSS is going to go forward AFTER THIS??? …There’s literally no helping them. Let the chips fall. As he picked VP tomorrow, they tried anyway. Somehow — and I still need to double check body cams bc the Yearick photo isn’t being supported by someone walking up the roof and showing me this not-Crooks person — there is a shooter on the roof. We can guess this is Yearick, Trump team knows it, this is the sting they are going to run on Secret Service and the Derpiest Derp State. Because if you go up there — and I don’t care if everybody is supposed to know — you’re still likely to get shot. Really, really, really likely. And he was. Roof-boy was shot the f– up, blew his hair clean behind him, as all witnesses say.

    Aaaand then something else. Just as they were setting the sting, the REAL shooter, Mr. 1-3, pops open the lower (upper?? nah) window and takes the REAL shot. Who is a REAL pro.

    When those shots go off, Roof-boy goes, “Oh s–t!” And starts firing wildly. What did Mr. 4-9 hit? It really seems like we have all three bullets on the first volley, with the first sound signature, the one with the close echoes. They hit Trump (maybe, probably) the guy in the UPPER stands, the railing, the hydraulic hose, the Competore, and the third victim. At least two of those are in different locations. And the 5 middle shots? Hmmmm….I don’t see them. Where are they? You can fire into a packed crowd with ARR15 and hit no one else? Huh.

    SOMEBODY shoots the real shooter? Don’t know yet. He may have stopped because Yearick was shooting. Time to escape, you get one go, you know how it is. Cheeto is already surrounded. F it, we’ll shoot him again next week.

    So fitting the story here, Sniper Hercules is supposed to “LIHOP” but as said, goes, “WT – A – F???” and starts looking for shooter 2. Snaps back, takes the shot. There’s a way, way late shot too. Is that somebody — water tower boy? — knocking out the real shooter?

    A lot of pieces, and the pieces make sense, every piece point at Secret Service Shot Trump. Every one. Not on accident, on purpose. Didn’t let it happen, arranged, planned, and paid for it to definitely happen. That’s a certainty, I have no evidence that indicates otherwise. It’s just some silly details to clean up about exact locations.

    Somebody have an uncensored Roof video that shows who he is? They know that “for our protection” they pixel out all the details. This is known all beforehand. Also know that the distances for a clear cell-phone vid. Easy to find. A blurry photo of some guy with hair are all the same.

    Like 912, or what it taught me from that: I DON’T NEED TO KNOW. I can tell what happened by the fact your story doesn’t gel. Sure, I’d love to get all the details, it’s fun and a puzzle, but it doesn’t matter and I can act like a General (more a Colonel or Major) and give competent orders without knowing the middle names of everyone who’s my enemy, where every man is stationed, and what they’re wearing. It’s enough to know “They’re over there” and “they are doing this.” Go shoot them in the face, with abandon. You have my full blessing. No quarter: turn over every rock, blow up every bunker, and tell me what you find.





    Dr. D

    …And they’re both corporate clowns!

    Dr. D

    135 W 50th St = South of Central Park, between MOMA and Time’s Square. That is, should be very good rent district.


    The Woketurds are pissing on women, in public, as Ritual Humiliation

    And they are turning their collective cheeks and virtually asking for another bitch slap but……

    Tina: Please Ick, I’d like another but this time can you put a little more Stank on it!

    The vast majority of women not only don’t support females athletes, they don’t even watch women’s sports, like single numbers.

    There are world class awesome females athletes in hockey, basketball, soccar, baseball etc…

    Women in general and “feminists’ in particular could care less.

    So now when trans men are kicking the snot out of female athletes: Crickets

    We need to fight for more DEI hires

    Screw the women who actually deserve the best for actually being the best


    GTV Live now
    Nasarallah. English


    No bombs need to fly.
    War by other means…..
    Iran can retaliate by shutting down the straight of Hormuz
    Turkey can shut the oil to Israel pipeline.
    Apply Gaza example.
    Every US base can be under siege. (nothing in, nothing out)
    No shots need be fired.
    Their economies will grind to a halt and inflation will spiral out of control.
    “Yankie go home.”


    Advances training courses for politicians

    How to take credit from your workers
    How to pass the blame to someone else


    They’re gonna send your kids, or grandkids to go kill Iranians. Will that wake you the fuck up? No different than Ukranian kids, Palestinian kids, dead ,gone, or fucked up beyond comprehension. What will it take for shitforbrain intellectuals to see the jew monster? The money, the media, the puppet show Potemtkin village of constant bullshit and lies, yall get so engrossed in? How many dead will it take to see 2+2=4?


    Massachusetts will soon replace “mother” with “person who gave birth” and “father” with “other parent” on birth certificates

    Culture is “Up Stream” from politics

    In Duh’merica©, Satan is “Up Stream” from Culture

    Surprise Mofos!


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